deuyopewng denf y increase in group to disbanduw … · to resume activities oct. 11 ivognra far...

•> - ' •'' Bir SSir AMB a ;J3ri.T»,-.*s. w ~- e^oBJeV*'*> antBEtt * ItDCTtAV A. A.< BwjBBjBeBsj *eEPB w i«Jnaathlsown.tnun as it wai drffltetr to tne yards at the B. * O . Junction, nyeaieetaV^ml seUe Park, • r«Sb*w*«r far Railroad of Hew>,lersey,-w* ane Central Jeaeyrwasmte&ym- itoMocatisstFrt- * - d l . »pr.NtUOaetaldo,wbo « suiieiifmert by Orantord ponce. . Aceordta* to **• Omta crew, a switch had been iuivwii.teiMi tne locomotive was belnt shifted from one, track to another. wusnjnnim,.j^parenUyJ»rj- gettul ot th*oSurse tbe tram was to take, started eroaunr the tracks with his back to the locomotive. Ctrl Bosnia, fmttsmtn, of 7QWBMV field tjienue, east, RoseUe, bad hopped on tha front of tbe engine alter throw- ing the switch, and, teems the conduc- tor In toe path of the tram, yelled to him and endeavored to signal to Engi- neer Adam Schneider, i l years old,, of XI sycamore straeV Bemsrville, to atop; tne left fmnt wheels of tha pony truck ran overhlsback neat tbe shoulders.. fireman.on the engine was Thomas Lowden of ttOmnd avenue, Newark. SOUIHSDEdVtC GROUP TO DISBAND l«ttie i Iq thf G toaethe for tb* pwt tea ; Wt. to dWkand «aa pna^ slid, beeaaat tha- ahkd hraoaDtthei potted set that tbe nrwCMei Hold K prior to fbtal OctokcrSL was flanerty eamed ogt bytbe I Side mop. _ ^ 'XH QHwBQtDIICa' iBC*•flaHOadattflflD' to 1 deed to the Olio; mission a plot of land at the end Kkta ( M o or other noVl mUt prod- •Bti, ccfttflcd to by a, ddly otsanbed • U b copanfaaKp a<e oempt a pnvMons of tbe ordlnanoe, tbeAOkst ot wUeh appean ehewtev bi ^ l wbtefa tbe imottotkm 1 med by thy pnfc COB leteloyment of a new | Tbe balance of ftmde it was decided, wm be land wm be muaaon'to ibe asygrownd. to tbe treasury LEGION OFFERS PRAYER FOB PEAff p >«u ecu- ducted ta SB|t..I«wnDc« Bonnell,a»- tleted t y Mtttknmi WUMam Oaaman bteaW A native of High Bridge, Mr. omen .'had bean -with the railroad for thirty- eight yean Be started as a brakeman. He purcbased a home In RoseUe Park on|« tast December " there fromBayonne, where be bad sided te twentjMhree jean. Bt wae a member of the 1 roadISMSBMB. 9X1; and &rd»r of Hal^ way Ooodnetoca, OtrWon IK 9JKCTI ^ W , Bkaer OUlen; one eon, Thoma* OOfes of BoeeOe Patkt t o n s dingtUera, Leonard Dolaa of Qmnftartl and tbt MMee Dortha and OUkn of BoetDe Pa* three frandehlldren. and two sletna, Mra. Xdtar Baney of'Kaoeh Obmfc, Pa, and iCn. Fred 6eal» of UONS TO STUDY WORLD EVETfTS Acommtttot,ooinprl»edofO.K.%ar- ner, Jodfe Maloolm R Waraock. Henry J. Shabeen, Dr. A d A. Donfee, S, C. McVabon and Ames Carey, was ap- pointed by President Ibonae J. Me- LaathUn at tost Friday nlghVl meeUm ot the lions Clnb to tbe Chimney Odr- .UmiaHlw Pay i«libjat||i»i and abo rltaal. ctnandRoaf,Dc aiitt«n>Bnd»,Dinfclj. riflaVtioiBa Bntart & eptertabaaal; John L Ondy: JUaat- •rle Anderson.- yoath actMtles, q DBBW: Bey i BtwardJ. f letmU Uobt C. Omen; ways aad i Appointment of the committee fot- k lowed detest of • motion by Mr. Sha- heen ;that .the dub write President Hooeevejt that It Is opposed to Interven- tion or partidpetion by the .United States In. any European war or dls- torbsnee. Tne committee, after study, n(a submit a' proposal to tbe -club, should action be considered feasible. The dub' Indorsed the current pro- posal that a united campaign for funds, Instead of separate drives for the sup- port of .the Boy Scouts,. OM Scouts, Visiting "Nurse .Association, Orantord Boys'Camp Association, be carried out In Cranford tins year. A stanuar pro- posal was made by the club three years ago, but did notmaterianxe. Condition of tbe streets around the high school was discussed and the ertio comadttst.wBS teftraeted to study tbe - sltustico sad to ccnfetwitb the Board of Bdacstionto eee wnetber b>not eou- dittons e m be improved.. , ; Mr, Warner, chairman of the blind tbe board of jdbecton of tbe Cran- ford Republican Cmb wm meet next Wcdneaaay.eienmg. to townaMp room, to map, plans for tne October meettoc 4 b bdd Tbuoday. Octo- licaUonhoma'forihebltod"ot tTmbn Coonty and of be arranged to raise fund* for that purpose.. Judge Henry B.' Waldman of tbe Bh- lon County Juvenile Court wffl be guest speaker tomorrow, night. It was an- nouneed. Dartd Brown was Carey. - • • gneet of Mr. LOCAL P.-T. A. COUNCIL "•• ELECTS OFFICERS Mrs. H. ft Lohman was elected presi- dent of the.Cranford P.-7- A. Council si ajneettng Monday at'the home at OM H. Wsntoskl te Normandle i • Other new officer* are: Vlee- Presluent, Mri O. B, Skinner; secretory, Mrs. Gardner- WDson; end treasurer, Mrs. Oaston Crosby. J U- . Mrs. j . VBannon. cnalrman of the Union Oountr'p.T.": «ue«t at the meeting." _ was made that the first fan meeting of the Union County Council win be held ' ot Cnrjford Sigh.School on Wednes- day, October 18, starting at 10 a. nC uw ni]iffi p™- Pabbebear- wm be held cany pmaitVs of not leu than.41 or p tban 1100, fn to which •aon tban 1100, fn I to which the Bond of Health may revoke the 11- e o a o f th««1(iator. Paipoat ot toe ordinanee. It It uld, to to ptevent any throat hiAcUom or that may be carried by ID other elites has been that they have not hao>ny sauk-borne diseases after reojujtag all mflk to be pasteurised. Health Officer Wmam 3. wmeey said. loCad'CxinliiiiBtiB lkw been en* by tbe Cranford Physicians ; '- : ' ' . < ' ' / The ordteance. wUcb was discussed te the spring, had been tabled tmtO ^ Members ot the board sett ttjattbey would not be Justified te longer the added health pro- & J M M . W years old, son>sisMBIrkmlriot«n DEUYOPEWNG OFvMCSCBOOL ous tatty stW^aWh lets-Met Wed- escaped i Mdaetf on Oak at the 1 near Rre Island. ottbe o waste the eot- beUeied that the level was a mist and eould not beBefe tfcat the water bad About T:M p. to Nov. 7. tne BaaeuttTs Onmmmas at tbe Aifaut Kdoeatian Oounctl. at a special meetlnf Monday ««entogt dsdded to th dlt hl Td m, he saw i , and swaw»;w» tbe boat and tivasncrtjd to santy; The water te tbe back of tbe Btrtaatre cottage had risen __!_* UH*t- OCtObeB V . , m^lWIBI^ipi W1U'-«V dwa? fcekl «" l nw™<>W « w n » t . October a, d was ^ M iue»4V ««nnifOetober Is e g to a depth of tea fsst at that time. -Ibe front porob at theeottage was ripped off when a was struck b j other cowssjt Bnatmg W - l.Winiam*.Jbrqlhsr, H«to!4«,.*^,jj, years old, Jotoed his brother tnuraoay morning and -'nttanied until Sunday tiding m leeeat and rthabffltatlon work. Mrs; Bbtonbe took food and clothing this week to mldenu of tbe were dtsUoyd by V ««nnif. Oetober Is, from 1:» to • : » 9. nt Registration may be made by mall, addressed to the Board of sMowtton once, to care ot Frank Bmmerman, ragMnr./tn all registrations ihoiild bt acootn- by. the fee of txa6 for each the 'hurricane* DRAHA1K CUJB COHTTTEES NAMED Tha Bsecutlw Committee also passed an applications for poatUctu as ta- structon, schedules and coureei for the nUl term ot^ the adult education iohool,. AutintthiawsUtly thirty, oounwi win be oOend. . .•;•• -. ; :.- .. - . • Hamblen-was appointed butl- manager of the school and Mr. LOCAL HEALTH UNIT Commtttees of t a t Cnmford Dramatic ChO) for 18»«-» were announeed this O5MPLETES _ 'a mi illugHf the club* board directors tast-week at his home. FJans and poBdea of the dob for the Camawd. Tbe troop fhess tbres'^ftsnuiuuttles, was bi openv Hon. it was reported yesterday by w n , wm bltb d dt . p y Daw* J. wmssy. bealtb ncsar^tneant h fi y and dt- Oon to.Mr. 3. T. the first year tbe unit was m f bk s •peeaOan. • t o t a l of MS s of cbkk- nadyHesten. en poB were reported from the three Low.'Mrs. F. 8. Franklto. Mrs. L. A Bfca. Mrs. J. Bcnry lion. BJebant H. Lackey. Jr, M. Armstrong Damon. J. Royal Walsh, tL W, Fisher 4ejto- ibe area senad by the^ tfinVMr; WU1- aeyatated. Others en thtjtaff art Tiprn : Play reading Rich- ardH. Uckey, Mrs. John Low. Mrs. Carl H. Mason, H. X. Beach and J. Branch Darby: properties—Mrs. Hsxry B. a Folk, Mrs. H. Z. Homer; Mrs. B. a btotrfch; Mrs. P. If. Crispin. Mrs. K A. Damon, U i J. B. BUI and Mrs. W. imi; pubUdty-Mrs. J. H Leon; John flues. Mrs. Harry Mies Peggy Orulk- aar.i ITILKtXT RepobUcan State, County and kxml n invited to speak at tbe Ottober HOffbRARYP.&A. TO DINE NOV. 3 Tne cotertamment committee of the Bnuorary Branch of Crantord Local, S , P. B. A, meeting but ntjfatui town- sbto rooms, set Tinirsdarnlstit, Noron- ber X as tbe date ot its fourth annual dtamer. It was announced by K J. Me- wnuams. ebeirman of the cummlUee. Tbe place ot tbe banquet and the guest wffl be ermwmnfd later. snank, Mbs Helen Stanley, Miss Harriet PnnkUn, Miss Either Keene, .Mr*, aeorge Spsulamg. end Mrs. Carl H. Wednesday Morning ChA R Aii y g To Resume Activities Oct. 11 IVognra far Tbe which Mrs. ChA of C. H. Bterrett I* wffl namne actMtles wttn meetlns; on Tueeday.^etober 11, In tbe Ubrary. Tbe. mttJal meettae wal be held Tuesday because of oaumbus Day coming on Wednesday, the etavs reg- ular meeting day. Mrs. R - a Miner wm give a report on Adult Bteeatkn at tbe meeting. The dub has chosen -Moring Forces In a Modern World- as Its study i U Ject tor tse year. Considered wffl be Ject t -The American Seene," -Xsto Amer- ica.",' and -Contemporary Banner On October 1> the cmb wm base < lr , « w i of IWefal projects. Mrs. James C. MeOrayiie wm report£". « j C Camps, Mrs. C. B Bundy on " * » eral Tbeatre. Mnu W gw o Music, and Mrs. Acel on Feo- ^ c m b wm b«e tt* ** throple tea of tbe season Oc mTrmnyps Waldo Steph- ens wffl be guest speaker. OOcers of tbe dub for Ittt-M, to ad- dition to Mrs. Bterrett, are: Vlce-presi- dents. Mrs. O. C VanRuyf.and Mrs. t. federation secretary, Mrx. B. K. land: treasurer. Mrs. K A. Dunfeei and aodttor. Mrs. Homer J. Dickens, airmen "of standtng conui Entertainment, Mrs. B. A, Clem- ent; finance, Mrs. Oarrett; facepnallty, Mrs. Louis Sayer: -—g*«*~ Mrs. H E. AtMter;/mcmbetshlR Mrs. Van Buys;' prognnvMn. F. W. Myers; and pub- Betty. Mrs. Bobteson, ^ Cbsirmen ot special cnmmitteHi are: Art, Mrs. Dickens; cMca. Mm T.' E. Carpenter: dame, Mrs. John Fast; edu- eatkm. Mrs. H. B. Best; International relations, Mrs.'O. M. CsnrJgbt; legisla- tion, Mrs. Carl B. .Shaffer; .literature, Mrs. Li B. Bearddee; music, Mrs. R; A. A. B. C Bbrts; and telephone, .Mrs. George Roefcwen; publle welfare, Mrs, E. Cndkshsnk: buuamg fund,'Mn. J. Gannon; motor, corps. Mrs. J.' R. The Wednesday Morning Club was organised te UBl and was admitted to tbe General Federation of Women' dubs te IBM. It became a. charter member of the New Jersey BUte Fed- eration in UM. The date of the public forum address by Dr. Badky OantrU of Princeton ha* been changed to November 7. This change was neceesary owing to the fact that Dr. OtntrtV tuKTbeen booked up until that time. ' • A catalogue wmtarning a fuU descrip- tion of courses, schedules and names of instructors wtn be on the pras next : and win be ready for dMiibuUoo by October 10. ."••••, . ;. i , r - . ', The schedule of ten sessions for the fan tern beginning on October M, win Include November 0, IS, » , December U and January 11, It and tt. ROTARY HOST TODAY TO DISTRICT GOVERNOR are: Fb»t mmm and treasurer, T. Ken- Dtrectera at» Mrs John U Rotary dUtrtct governor, will pay his official-visU to the Cranford dub at noon today at the dub's meettng la the Methodist Church chapeL He win eon- Emery, Casting-Barry S. O Pott, Mrs. John n. Low* Miss Esther Keene, Mrs. C. H. Muswruj. Miss Peggy Cnnksbank, Carl a. Mason, John,F. Fast and B. A. Da- mon; costomes—Miss EmOle Sandersoti, Mnv Oeurge I> OitowouV Mba . Mae Cbarller and Miss DeH4 YanSlcUe; r , ifn, p< if membersmp-BMllL. Orusjdn, Mas Peggy Onukihank, Mrs. E. if. Sinsom and Mrs. J. W. Skerratt: hospitality — Mrs. B. A. Damon, Mrs. Robert Bauer, Mrs. Hatry VanldenUne, Jr. Mies Isabeue franke. Mbs June Peterson, Mrs. J. Howard Houston, Mrs. am, Mrs. aV Ekntr, Edward M. paging and llghtan Bail Ladta^aaiWskJ'V fTsUnltaVntt f a f f Fay.BBcuBo- CBO88I FOB1 and the 0 lowing; have c serious condittomi tesoutbeastern "New York and tbe New England etatee, particularly the shore Snes ofConnectlciit, abode Island and tXaawchnsettsi Tbe American Red Crass estimates that more than 10,- 000 families are homeless and thew ^rimmedlate need for 1 ,donations to iMi'i*t'»K»«« ff|«nnu« :«Vwi |n tbe meantime, to feed and clothe them. • Tbe Oranford Chapter will n - cetTe dohatloos to ald-the sufferers and a quick response from the citt- «ens of Cnmford win be greaOyap- ondated. We ask you to aid our fellow sufferers in New York and New Bnghmd." 7 Tbe checks and money may be sent to tbe treasurer, Henry, W. Whtpple, or left in either/local banking. lnrtltutJoo,. the/Union County Trust company, /Cranford Branch, or fbe Crawford Trust Oompany. A * i the adult school on Tuesday wffl t*e- ffl 'U New Rsm«blk*ui Chief DENY INCREASE IN LIQUOR LICENSES Omimiltoe Rejecto toPe.mitFn^rVkmr. Goodo Store, . Township Committee Tuesday, night voted unanimously to reject an ordl- nanoe Increasing from four to fire tbe number of retail distribution licenses In J».township. .The action was taken oUowirjg tniNle bearing at which there JOPN W. DOBAN J. W. DORAN HEADS C ft hCOMMITTEE Succeeds Chute* Ehmliitg u tJoiin W. Pom,) cwnnttttiwiitii from the seventh district and president.of tbe Cranford senwhllcan Club, we* mwnlmonaly elected chairman of the i at tbe rung Mondar night in He succeeds Charles 3; I government eommtaslo the Casino., a, who has ntld U» office for the past two yean and was not a oaiyihlaUi for ll rt fl th i fer with President Charles K Dooley and Secretary Or. Gordon L. fitters prior to.the meeting, will be guest speaker: at the luncheon, and wuTmeet with the dub.senmbly following the of the All mtmbsrs oB the nittee wen present tt the reorganisa- tion meettef. Mabel B. LoveO: cWTaspniifllng seere- tary, Maloolm WaUaor; recording tee- retory, Hbwen PenMon; treasurer. Mrs. Julia LHasaard: and auditor, Mrs. Jes- aw Janatn. Mr. Ehmnng was elected as Cranford's rvpneemative on the On ion County Republican Executive Cow ndttee, • • • . " . .r • ••".' . . ' OUrence A. Victor was reappoihted ipubllcan campaign committee ehslr- Wlnobester Britton, b idt , dub and president of the Craqford OlYio and Business at bat week's Pittsburgh convention of tbst National Small Business Men's Assodation. which he attended Tne eliUVs board of directors bdd then- September meeting t u t Thursday night at tbe home ot Walton 8. Bobra- son in Westfleld. ^ DENIES APPLICATIONJ Following a public bearing Monday night In township rooms, the Bqard of Adjusbntet recommended to the Town- ahlp committee that the application of 8. A. Bhaheeh for a change of snoe tram..Residence "A" to Buslneu for woptxty en nied A peUUon; tvrcsoo bo. U twenty- to tbe granting of the application, and tut persons made verbaUabieottans. rpuusatloi ee _ resolation, vigorously opposing the proposed ordtesnoe, n i received from official board ot the Orantord Methodist Church. Verbal protects ware offered by Harry R. Stason, a resident Ortnford for thirty y*an, who potet- ed.out that the township hut grown tam » small community to tu present sits without Uquor stores, and could see no need now for tecreulng the number from four to five. Similar protests were, offered by Former Township Commltr teemen N. B. Foster and O. K. Warner, latter representing the Methodist Ihureh. , With' the ordinance rejected, the committee automaUosUy turned down applications of Mary E. DiFsblo and t Sussman for plenary'retail dis- tribution licenses for premises on Oen- lal avenue. A letter of protest against the granting of a lloense to Mrs. DIPablo was received from Ourrte Me- morial, W. O, T. O. Committee approved the application, of English Village, Inc., for a permit to- erect a tYKAOO four unit. English VU» hge-type apaiiment building on the- Beardslw Ertate at Claremont Place, Prospect and Casino avenues. The way was paved for the;gr«nUng of the per- mit by adoption on final reading of an 'amendment to the building oode pro- ' if that the stein te buildings be not tees then three feet from "wall to wall or band nil to hand nil. There was no opposition to the ordinance at publlo hearing. .,. ....-,.,..„,.. , *«t4rbe»fc there was no oppoaltlon, the committee adopted on final reading an ordinance appropriating an addlttonal |s00 far construction of a sanitary sewer te south Ninth street: The project U » U It i lor bis fttur ooosecuUre year, and plans were formulated for the opening rr r '** "** •—-^ cant storeroom at the corner ot Alden (tawtt and Norm avenue on October X), Other nemberS of t^e campaign com* ralttee are: MayorOeorgek Osterneldt, Joe Cos, the Her. Benjamin Allen, Mal- colm WaDaoe, Harold I. Raskins, H. J. Luairdl, Fred W. Lange, Charies Ehm- Ung, Paul Button, Oeerge D. Rankln, Mrs. Sarah Weteparu, Mrs. JulU I. Mrs. Msbel B. LoveU. Mrs. Mattie nVarbrougb. Miss Jessie Croft end Frank Young. • ' -' :'. - Oecrge D. RanUn was nsmed chair man of the flnanee eommlttee, 'other of which are Mrs. Hassard, WetopahL Mr. young. Mayor Orter- heMt. A. W. Barley, Mr. Ehmllng and Theodore Rauch. ; ' j-".''-" Bcadirttsiteiscuuuultteewlll again be under direction of Mrs. Jensen, assisted by Mrs. A. T. Orf, Mrs,.W«lnpahl, Mr. YCosfspaaa* on IsK sews; Communism Near In U. S., Cranford Man Decktres ylllCllBIMr MMWUAJOp WmOVtm •Tfom SUMBI ButiiMM MMT VOnvWIIIOIIf Smjw Does Not RMKM Setktw- p there being only M» detegaUs present, Mr. Britton said\tbat It ww a, most enthurisstUi contention. Hepraaedthe dttermln*- Uon wtttt wMcb tbe delegates went about then- task of bytes; to find a so m The United States k newer to Oom- munbm thui the ipenoinal- UM, Winchester Britton, S T . president of ibe Cranford Olrie and Bminess As- sodslionrdedared last week foOowlng bis return from Pittsburgb where he attended the first conrentton of the Na- tional Small Busmees Menis Asaxuv- tlon. / ' Facts brought out.sjt the convention; many, of which did not get into the press,' indicate that Communism has made marked Inroads Into this nation in the past few years, and unless the people of tbe country awaken to the seriousness of the situation, we shall hare Communion here before we realise It. Mr. BrittonT who was the only New Jersey, member, of the advisory com* mlttee of the weodation during It* first year of operaUonVserTedss a member of the resolutions committee/ at the Pittsburgh convention. This commit- tee draltedithe astodaUon's Declara- tion of Principles* i I Although convention attendance-wat ttendance at the eonMntion to tne fact that anan business has been bard bit by tbe restrictions put upon It by a iimrveslon -of tews curUWng profite and wteteg out surplus. Many telegrams read from the pbUfocBLjie said, attested to the, fact that smell business did not have the money to send a urge number of Its repreaenta- Umee to Pittsburgh. However, tiinty-two of the forty states in wtdeb *T*1 association unite have been formed were represented. Judge Ksymond TUbny, convention chairman, remarked at one of tbe ses- sions of Congress when debates were being held en some of the most impor- tant law* now on the'statute books.. Among notable features of tbe-eorP vention and Ite delegates waaltiw total absence 00 toy signs of drinking, the dose attention ps3d to tile notable speakers who addressed the aseemblsgt and the Uck ot any entertainment tea* tores. Ttodelegmtes came to work, and mioMtvVi y ooiU p Referred to the committee of ttw' wtiole was a petition from resident* of south Sixth street requesting that tht of than street be changed to Oak Inasmuch as a similar petition was received »t the. last meeting.from residents of south'Ninth street, request- Inc the name ofi that street be changes to Lobust Drive, and other pttitione are expected ftam ruldenU of the neigh- boring streets, tbe changes will all be effected atone time. 'Committee approved the rceommen— dation of the Board ot Adjustment that th> application of the Builders' Oeneral Supply Oompany for change of tone from ReridenoelA to Buttness for prop- > erty on north Lehigh. avenue be' denied, Adopted ws« a. resolution autborttlnf an emergency appropriation of W^Ott for relief purposes. . ' v * Referred to the road committee with .._ _ 1, power was a communication from Mrs. Mrs. Seartrough, Mrs. LoveU, Mrs, Eude J, U Tetiey ot 1 Hawthorne street requesting the removal of tha earth which Is damming the Rahway Riv- er below Hswthorne street, causing the river to oveiftow on lawns and into cellars te times of excessive rates. Tbe , artificial dam, caused by the eoUeeUon if or silt and other debris at that point, also has created a swimming hole which has become a nuisance to residents of the vicinity, the communication stated. The committee voted to protest the extension by the PJateneld-Unlon Wa- ter Company of Its'mains on Manor feet north oV Dunham ave- nue, tasamueh as the additional facul- ties a n not needed tor fire protection. Mayor Oeorge B. Osterheldt expressed an departments'and to. townspeople for their cooperation dur- ing the hurricane oT last week and for township quickly of atl debris. 3, Arnold of North avenue, west, employed by Public Service, com- , mended Onnford's shade tree anil road epartmenti V, as well as police and firemen for. their splendid work durlnr tbe storm- Mr. Arnold said that,his ' work took rilm into several communities . and Orsnford was tbe only one wber» ha found the police and fixe chiefs ae' wen as tbe polloe, road and fire con* misnoners on doty-during and after the; storm wWi then* men* - , Road, Commissioner Frank McCBU" lough tnhmlrtefl a report ofrttonn flamti/ age te the township, prepared by Su-i' perrUng Engineer T. t. V" T *"gti"n/ tothe report, Mr.McUushUVmMca mended tbe puRbase of reserve equip t f t i ti f y V" T t*"gti"n/ meat for us* in times of emergency, also advised ttw purchase of one or . row boaur far use te times of floods. /LettAVce^rVeck&an* b»d to bestritltoShel Company and tbe New Jersey Ben* phone Oompany for the excellent a lee given to the towntUp during wcekk storm. 'i -i _», t *" "J-

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Page 1: DEUYOPEWNG DENf Y INCREASE IN GROUP TO DISBANDuw … · To Resume Activities Oct. 11 IVognra far Tbe which Mrs. ChA of C. H. Bterrett I* wffl namn actMtles wttn meetlns; o n Tueeday.^etober

•> -

' •''




;J3ri.T»,-.*s. w ~-

e^oBJeV *'*>

antBEtt *


A. A.< BwjBBjBeBsj *eEPB w

i«Jnaathlsown.tnunas it wai drffltetr to tne yards at theB. * O . Junction,n y e a i e e t a V ^ m lseUe Park, • r«Sb*w*«r farRailroad of Hew>,lersey,-w*

ane CentralJeaeyrwasmte&ym-

itoMocatisstFrt-* - d l .

»pr.NtUOaetaldo,wbo« suiieiifmert by Orantord ponce. .

Aceordta* to **• Omta crew, a switchhad been iuivwii.teiMi tne locomotivewas belnt shifted from one, track toanother. wusnjnnim,.j^parenUyJ»rj-gettul ot th*oSurse tbe tram was totake, started eroaunr the tracks withhis back to the locomotive.

Ctrl Bosnia, fmttsmtn, of 7Q WBMVfield tjienue, east, RoseUe, bad hoppedon tha front of tbe engine alter throw-ing the switch, and, teems the conduc-tor In toe path of the tram, yelled tohim and endeavored to signal to Engi-neer Adam Schneider, i l years old,, ofXI sycamore straeV Bemsrville, to atop;

tne left fmnt wheels of tha pony truckran overhlsback neat tbe shoulders..

fireman.on the engine was ThomasLowden of ttOmnd avenue, Newark.



Iq thf G

toaethe for tb* pwt tea ;Wt. to dWkand «aa pna^slid, beeaaat tha- ahkdhraoaDtthei

potted set that tbe nrwCMei


K prior to fbtalOctokcrSL

was flanerty eamed ogt bytbe ISide mop. _ ^

'XH QHwBQtDIICa' iBC *• flaHOadattflflD 'to1 deed to the Olio;mission a plot of land at the endKkta

( M o or other noVl mUt prod-•Bti, ccfttflcd to by a, ddly otsanbed

•Ub copanfaaKp a<e oempta pnvMons of tbe ordlnanoe,

tbeAOkst ot wUeh appean ehewtevbi ^ l

wbtefa tbe imottotkm 1

med by thy pnfc COBleteloyment of a new |Tbe balance of ftmde

it was decided, wm be

• land wm bemuaaon'to tbe treasury


p >«u ecu-ducted ta SB|t..I«wnDc« Bonnell,a»-tleted ty Mtttknmi WUMam Oaaman

bteaWA native of High Bridge, Mr. omen

.'had bean -with the railroad for thirty-eight yean Be started as a brakeman.He purcbased a home In RoseUe Parkon|« tast December "there fromBayonne, where be badsided te twentjMhree jean.

Bt wae a member of the 1

road ISMSBMB. 9X1; and &rd»r of Hal^way Ooodnetoca, OtrWon IK

9JKCTI ^ W ,Bkaer OUlen; one eon, Thoma* OOfesof BoeeOe Patkt tons dingtUera,Leonard Dolaa of Qmnftartl and tbtMMee Dortha and OUkn of BoetDeP a * three frandehlldren. and twosletna, Mra. Xdtar Baney of'KaoehObmfc, Pa, and iCn. Fred 6eal» of


Acommtttot,ooinprl»edofO.K.%ar-ner, Jodfe Maloolm R Waraock. HenryJ. Shabeen, Dr. A d A. Donfee, S, C.McVabon and Ames Carey, was ap-pointed by President Ibonae J. Me-LaathUn at tost Friday nlghVl meeUmot the lions Clnb to tbe Chimney Odr-

.UmiaHlw Pay i«libjat||i»i and abo


aiitt«n>Bnd»,Dinfclj.riflaVtioiBa Bntart &

eptertabaaal; John L Ondy: JUaat-

•rle Anderson.- yoath actMtles,

qDBBW: Bey iBtwardJ. fletmU Uobt C. Omen; ways aad i

Appointment of the committee fot-k lowed detest of • motion by Mr. Sha-

heen ;that .the dub write PresidentHooeevejt that It Is opposed to Interven-tion or partidpetion by the .UnitedStates In. any European war or dls-torbsnee. Tne committee, after study,n(a submit a' proposal to tbe -club,should action be considered feasible.

The dub' Indorsed the current pro-posal that a united campaign for funds,Instead of separate drives for the sup-port of .the Boy Scouts,. OM Scouts,Visiting "Nurse .Association, OrantordBoys'Camp Association, be carried outIn Cranford tins year. A stanuar pro-posal was made by the club three yearsago, but did notmaterianxe.

Condition of tbe streets around thehigh school was discussed and the ertiocomadttst.wBS teftraeted to study tbe

- sltustico sad to ccnfetwitb the Boardof Bdacstionto eee wnetber b>not eou-dittons e m be improved.. ,; Mr, Warner, chairman of the blind

tbe board of jdbecton of tbe Cran-ford Republican Cmb wm meet nextWcdneaaay.eienmg. to townaMp room,to map, plans for tne October meettoc

4 b bdd Tbuoday. Octo-

licaUonhoma'forihebltod"ot tTmbnCoonty and of be arrangedto raise fund* for that purpose..

Judge Henry B.' Waldman of tbe Bh-lon County Juvenile Court wffl be guestspeaker tomorrow, night. It was an-nouneed.

Dartd Brown wasCarey. - • •

gneet of Mr.


Mrs. H. ft Lohman was elected presi-dent of the.Cranford P.-7- A. Councilsi ajneettng Monday at'the home at

OM H. Wsntoskl te Normandlei • Other new officer* are: Vlee-

Presluent, Mri O. B, Skinner; secretory,Mrs. Gardner- WDson; end treasurer,Mrs. Oaston Crosby. J U-

. Mrs. j . VBannon. cnalrman of theUnion Oountr'p.T.":«ue«t at the meeting." _was made that the first fan meeting ofthe Union County Council win be held

' ot Cnrjford Sigh.School on Wednes-day, October 18, starting at 10 a. nC

uw ni]iffi


Pabbebear-wm be held

cany pmaitVs of not leu than.41 orptban 1100, fn to which•aon tban 1100, fn I to which

the Bond of Health may revoke the 11-eoaof th««1(iator.Paipoat ot toe ordinanee. It It uld,

to to ptevent any throat hiAcUom orthat may be carried by

ID other eliteshas been that they have not hao>nysauk-borne diseases after reojujtag allmflk to be pasteurised. Health OfficerWmam 3. wmeey said.

loCad'CxinliiiiBtiB lkw been en*by tbe Cranford Physicians

• ; ' - : • ' ' • . < • ' ' /

The ordteance. wUcb was discussedte the spring, had been tabled tmtO

^ Members ot the boardsett ttjattbey would not be Justified te

longer the added health pro-

• & J M M . W years old,>sisMBIrkmlriot«n


ous tatty stW^aWh lets-Met Wed-escaped iMdaetf

on Oakat the 1

near Rre Island.


o waste the eot-beUeied that the

level was a mist andeould not beBefe tfcat the water bad

About T:M p.

to Nov. 7.

tne BaaeuttTs Onmmmas at tbeAifaut Kdoeatian Oounctl. at a specialmeetlnf Monday ««entogt dsdded to

th d l t h l T d

m, he saw i, and swaw»;w» tbe boat and

tivasncrtjd to santy; The water te tbeback of tbe Btrtaatre cottage had risen

__!_* UH*t- OCtObeB V . , m^lWIBI^ipi W1U'-«Vdwa? fcekl «" lnw™<>W «wn»t. October a,d was ^ M iue»4V ««nnifOetober Is

e gto a depth of tea fsst at that time.

-Ibe front porob at theeottage wasripped off when a was struck b jother cowssjt Bnatmg W -l.Winiam*.Jbrqlhsr, H«to!4«,.*^,jj,years old, Jotoed his brother tnuraoaymorning and -'nttanied until Sundaytiding m leeeat and rthabffltatlonwork. Mrs; Bbtonbe took food andclothing this week to mldenu of tbe

were dtsUoyd by

V ««nnif. Oetober Is,from 1:» to • : » 9. nt Registrationmay be made by mall, addressed to theBoard of sMowtton once, to care otFrank Bmmerman, ragMnr./tn all

registrations ihoiild bt acootn-by. the fee of txa6 for each

the 'hurricane*


Tha Bsecutlw Committee also passedan applications for poatUctu as ta-

structon, schedules and coureei for thenUl term ot^ the adult educationiohool,. AutintthiawsUtly thirty, oounwiw i n b e o O e n d . . .•;•• -.;:.- .. - . •

Hamblen-was appointed butl-manager of the school and Mr.


Commtttees of ta t Cnmford DramaticChO) f or 18»«-» were announeed this

O5MPLETES_ 'a mi illugHf the club* board

directors tast-week at his home.FJans and poBdea of the dob for the

Camawd. Tbe troop

fhess tbres' ftsnuiuuttles, was bi openvHon. it was reported yesterday by wn,

wm b l t b d dt. p y

Daw* J. wmssy. bealtbncsar^tneant

h fi

yand dt-

Oon to.Mr.3.


the first year tbe unit was mf bk

s•peeaOan. •total of MS

s of cbkk-nadyHesten.

en poB were reported from the threeLow.'Mrs. F. 8. Franklto. Mrs. L. ABfca. Mrs. J. Bcnry lion.BJebant H. Lackey. Jr, M. ArmstrongDamon. J. Royal Walsh, tL W, Fisher

4ejto- ibe area senad by the tfinVMr; WU1-aeyatated. Others en thtjtaff art

T i p r n : Play reading Rich-ardH. Uckey, Mrs. John Low. Mrs.Carl H. Mason, H. X. Beach and J.Branch Darby: properties—Mrs. HsxryB. a Folk, Mrs. H. Z. Homer; Mrs. B.a btotrfch; Mrs. P. If. Crispin. Mrs. KA. Damon, U i J. B. BUI and Mrs. W.i m i ; pubUdty-Mrs. J. H Leon;

John flues. Mrs. HarryMies Peggy Orulk-

aar.i ITILKtXT

RepobUcanState, County and kxml

n invited to speak at tbe Ottober


Tne cotertamment committee of theBnuorary Branch of Crantord Local,S , P. B. A, meeting but ntjfatui town-sbto rooms, set Tinirsdarnlstit, Noron-ber X as tbe date ot its fourth annualdtamer. It was announced by K J. Me-wnuams. ebeirman of the cummlUee.Tbe place ot tbe banquet and the guest

wffl be ermwmnfd later.

snank, Mbs Helen Stanley, Miss HarrietPnnkUn, Miss Either Keene, .Mr*,aeorge Spsulamg. end Mrs. Carl H.

Wednesday Morning ChAR A i iy g

To Resume Activities Oct. 11IVognra far

Tbewhich Mrs.

ChA ofC. H. Bterrett I*

wffl namne actMtles wttnmeetlns; on Tueeday.^etober 11, In tbeUbrary. Tbe. mttJal meettae wal beheld Tuesday because of oaumbus Daycoming on Wednesday, the etavs reg-ular meeting day. Mrs. R - a Miner wmgive a report on Adult Bteeatkn at tbemeeting.

The dub has chosen -Moring ForcesIn a Modern World- as Its study i

UJect tor tse year. Considered wffl beJect t-The American Seene," -Xsto Amer-ica.",' and -Contemporary Banner

On October 1> the cmb wm base <l r , « w i of IWefal projects. Mrs.

James C. MeOrayiie wm report£". « jCCamps, Mrs. C. B Bundy on " * »eral Tbeatre. Mnu W g w oMusic, and Mrs. Acel on Feo-

^ c m b wm b « e tt* **throple tea of tbe season Oc

mTrmnyps Waldo Steph-ens wffl be guest speaker.

OOcers of tbe dub for Ittt-M, to ad-dition to Mrs. Bterrett, are: Vlce-presi-dents. Mrs. O. C VanRuyf .and Mrs. t.

federation secretary, Mrx. B. treasurer. Mrs. K A. Dunfeei andaodttor. Mrs. Homer J. Dickens,

airmen "of standtng conuiEntertainment, Mrs. B. A, Clem-

ent; finance, Mrs. Oarrett; facepnallty,Mrs. Louis Sayer: -—g*«*~ Mrs. H E.AtMter;/mcmbetshlR Mrs. Van Buys;'prognnvMn. F. W. Myers; and pub-Betty. Mrs. Bobteson, ^

Cbsirmen ot special cnmmitteHi are:Art, Mrs. Dickens; cMca. Mm T.' E.Carpenter: dame, Mrs. John Fast; edu-eatkm. Mrs. H. B. Best; Internationalrelations, Mrs.'O. M. CsnrJgbt; legisla-tion, Mrs. Carl B. .Shaffer; .literature,Mrs. Li B. Bearddee; music, Mrs. R; A.


Bbrts; and telephone, .Mrs. George

Roefcwen; publle welfare, Mrs, E.Cndkshsnk: buuamg fund,'Mn. J.Gannon; motor, corps. Mrs. J.' R.

The Wednesday Morning Club wasorganised te UBl and was admitted totbe General Federation of Women'dubs te IBM. It became a. chartermember of the New Jersey BUte Fed-eration in UM.

The date of the public forum addressby Dr. Badky OantrU of Princeton ha*been changed to November 7. Thischange was neceesary owing to the factthat Dr. OtntrtV tuKTbeen booked upuntil that time. ' •

A catalogue wmtarning a fuU descrip-tion of courses, schedules and names ofinstructors wtn be on the pras next

: and win be ready for dMiibuUoob y October 10. ."••••, . ;. i , r - . ',

The schedule of ten sessions for thefan tern beginning on October M, winInclude November 0, IS, » , December

U and January 11, It and tt.


are: Fb»tmmm

and treasurer, T. Ken-Dtrectera at» Mrs John


Rotary dUtrtct governor, will pay hisofficial-visU to the Cranford dub atnoon today at the dub's meettng la theMethodist Church chapeL He win eon-


Casting-Barry S. O Pott, Mrs. Johnn. Low* Miss Esther Keene, Mrs. C. H.Muswruj. Miss Peggy Cnnksbank, Carla. Mason, John,F. Fast and B. A. Da-mon; costomes—Miss EmOle Sandersoti,Mnv Oeurge I> OitowouV Mba . MaeCbarller and Miss DeH4 YanSlcUe;

r, i fn , p< ifmembersmp-BMllL.Orusjdn, Mas Peggy Onukihank, Mrs.E. if. Sinsom and Mrs. J. W. Skerratt:hospitality — Mrs. B. A. Damon, Mrs.Robert Bauer, Mrs. Hatry VanldenUne,Jr. Mies Isabeue franke. Mbs JunePeterson, Mrs. J. Howard Houston, Mrs.

am, Mrs. aVEkntr, Edward M.

paging and llghtan BailLadta^aaiWskJ'V fTsUnltaVntt f a f fFay.BBcuBo-


and the 0lowing; have cserious condittomi tesoutbeastern"New York and tbe New Englandetatee, particularly the shore SnesofConnectlciit, abode Island andtXaawchnsettsi Tbe American RedCrass estimates that more than 10,-000 families are homeless and thew

^rimmedlate need for1,donations toiMi' i*t '»K»«« ff|«nnu« :«Vwi |n

tbe meantime, to feed and clothethem. •

Tbe Oranford Chapter will n -cetTe dohatloos to ald-the sufferersand a quick response from the citt-«ens of Cnmford win be greaOyap-ondated. We ask you to aid ourfellow sufferers in New York andNew Bnghmd." — 7

• Tbe checks and money may besent to tbe treasurer, Henry, W.Whtpple, or left in either/localbanking. lnrtltutJoo,. the/UnionCounty Trust company, /CranfordBranch, or fbe Crawford TrustOompany. A *

i the adult school on Tuesdaywffl

t*e-ffl 'U


Omimiltoe RejectotoPe.mitFn^rVkmr.

• Goodo Store, .

Township Committee Tuesday, nightvoted unanimously to reject an ordl-nanoe Increasing from four to fire tbenumber of retail distribution licenses InJ».township. .The action was takenoUowirjg tniNle bearing at which there



Succeeds Chute* Ehmliitg u

tJoiin W. Pom,) cwnnttttiwiitii fromthe seventh district and president.oftbe Cranford senwhllcan Club, we*mwnlmonaly elected chairman of the

i at tberung Mondar night in

He succeeds Charles 3;I government eommtaslo

the Casino.,

a, who has ntld U» office for the pasttwo yean and was not a oaiyihlaUi for

ll rt fl th i

fer with President Charles K Dooleyand Secretary Or. Gordon L. fittersprior to.the meeting, will be guestspeaker: at the luncheon, and wuTmeetwith the dub.senmbly following the

of the

All mtmbsrs oB thenittee wen present tt the reorganisa-tion meettef.

Mabel B. LoveO: cWTaspniifllng seere-tary, Maloolm WaUaor; recording tee-retory, Hbwen PenMon; treasurer. Mrs.Julia LHasaard: and auditor, Mrs. Jes-aw Janatn. Mr. Ehmnng was electedas Cranford's rvpneemative on the Onion County Republican Executive Cown d t t e e , • • • . " . . r • ••".' . . '

OUrence A. Victor was reappoihtedipubllcan campaign committee ehslr-

Wlnobester Britton,b i d t ,

dub and president of the CraqfordOlYio and Businessat bat week'sPittsburgh convention of tbst NationalSmall Business Men's Assodation. whichhe attended

Tne eliUVs board of directors bddthen- September meeting tut Thursdaynight at tbe home ot Walton 8. Bobra-son in Westfleld.


Following a public bearing Mondaynight In township rooms, the Bqard ofAdjusbntet recommended to the Town-ahlp committee that the application of8. A. Bhaheeh for a change of snoetram..Residence "A" to Buslneu forwoptxty en •

nied A peUUon;tvrcsoo bo.U twenty-

to tbe granting of the application, andtut persons made verbaUabieottans.

rpuusatloi ee

_ resolation, vigorously opposing theproposed ordtesnoe, n i received from

official board ot the OrantordMethodist Church. Verbal protects wareoffered by Harry R. Stason, a resident

Ortnford for thirty y*an, who potet-ed.out that the township hut growntam » small community to tu presentsits without Uquor stores, and could seeno need now for tecreulng the numberfrom four to five. Similar protests were,offered by Former Township Commltrteemen N. B. Foster and O. K. Warner,

latter representing the MethodistIhureh.

, With' the ordinance rejected, thecommittee automaUosUy turned downapplications of Mary E. DiFsblo and

t Sussman for plenary'retail dis-tribution licenses for premises on Oen-

lal avenue. A letter of protestagainst the granting of a lloense to Mrs.DIPablo was received from Ourrte Me-morial, W. O, T. O.

Committee approved the application,of English Village, Inc., for a permit to-erect a tYKAOO four unit. English VU»hge-type apaiiment building on the-Beardslw Ertate at Claremont Place,Prospect and Casino avenues. The waywas paved for the;gr«nUng of the per-mit by adoption on final reading of an'amendment to the building oode pro-

' if that the stein te buildings benot tees then three feet from "wall towall or band n i l to hand nil. Therewas no opposition to the ordinance atpubllo hearing.

.,. ....-,.,..„,.. , *«t4rbe»fcthere was no oppoaltlon, the committeeadopted on final reading an ordinanceappropriating an addlttonal |s00 farconstruction of a sanitary sewer tesouth Ninth street: The project U »

U I t

i lor bis fttur ooosecuUre year, andplans were formulated for the opening

r r r '** "** •—-cant storeroom at the corner ot Alden(tawtt and Norm avenue on October X),

Other nemberS of t^e campaign com*ralttee are: MayorOeorgek Osterneldt,Joe Cos, the Her. Benjamin Allen, Mal-colm WaDaoe, Harold I. Raskins, H. J.Luairdl, Fred W. Lange, Charies Ehm-Ung, Paul Button, Oeerge D. Rankln,Mrs. Sarah Weteparu, Mrs. JulU Mrs. Msbel B. LoveU. Mrs.Mattie nVarbrougb. Miss Jessie Croftend Frank Young. • ' -' :'. -

Oecrge D. RanUn was nsmed chairman of the flnanee eommlttee, 'other

of which are Mrs. Hassard,

WetopahL Mr. young. Mayor Orter-heMt. A. W. Barley, Mr. Ehmllng andTheodore Rauch. ; ' j - " . ' ' - "

Bcadirttsiteiscuuuultteewlll again beunder direction of Mrs. Jensen, assistedby Mrs. A. T. Orf, Mrs,.W«lnpahl, Mr.

YCosfspaaa* on IsK sews;

Communism Near In U. S.,Cranford Man Decktres

y l l l C l l B I M r MMWUAJOp WmOVtm


Does Not RMKM Setktw-

p there beingonly M» detegaUs present, Mr. Brittonsaid\tbat It ww a, most enthurisstUicontention. Hepraaedthe dttermln*-Uon wtttt wMcb tbe delegates wentabout then- task of bytes; to find a so

mThe United States k newer to Oom-

munbm thui the i p e n o i n a l -UM, Winchester Britton, S T . presidentof ibe Cranford Olrie and Bminess As-sodslionrdedared last week foOowlngbis return from Pittsburgb where heattended the first conrentton of the Na-tional Small Busmees Menis Asaxuv-tlon. / '

Facts brought out.sjt the convention;many, of which did not get into thepress,' indicate that Communism hasmade marked Inroads Into this nationin the past few years, and unless thepeople of tbe country awaken to theseriousness of the situation, we shallhare Communion here before we realiseIt.

Mr. BrittonT who was the only NewJersey, member, of the advisory com*mlttee of the weodation during It* firstyear of operaUonVserTedss a memberof the resolutions committee/ at thePittsburgh convention. This commit-tee draltedithe astodaUon's Declara-tion of Principles* i I

Although convention attendance-wat

ttendance at the eonMntion totne fact that anan business has beenbard bit by tbe restrictions put uponIt by a iimrveslon -of tews curUWngprofite and wteteg out surplus. Manytelegrams read from the pbUfocBLjiesaid, attested to the, fact that smellbusiness did not have the money tosend a urge number of Its repreaenta-Umee to Pittsburgh.

However, tiinty-two of the fortystates in wtdeb *T*1 association unitehave been formed were represented.Judge Ksymond TUbny, conventionchairman, remarked at one of tbe ses-sions of Congress when debates werebeing held en some of the most impor-tant law* now on the'statute books..

Among notable features of tbe-eorPvention and Ite delegates waaltiw totalabsence 00 toy signs of drinking, thedose attention ps3d to tile notablespeakers who addressed the aseemblsgtand the Uck ot any entertainment tea*tores. Ttodelegmtes came to work, and

mioMtvVi y

ooiU pReferred to the committee of ttw'

wtiole was a petition from resident* ofsouth Sixth street requesting that tht

of than street be changed to OakInasmuch as a similar petition

was received »t the. last meeting.fromresidents of south'Ninth street, request-Inc the name ofi that street be changesto Lobust Drive, and other pttitione areexpected ftam ruldenU of the neigh-boring streets, tbe changes will all beeffected atone time.

'Committee approved the rceommen—dation of the Board ot Adjustment thatth> application of the Builders' OeneralSupply Oompany for change of tonefrom ReridenoelA to Buttness for prop- >erty on north Lehigh. avenue be' denied,

Adopted ws« a. resolution autborttlnfan emergency appropriation of W Ottfor relief purposes. . ' v

* Referred to the road committee with.._ _ — 1, power was a communication from Mrs.

Mrs. Seartrough, Mrs. LoveU, Mrs, Eude J, U Tetiey ot 1 Hawthorne streetrequesting the removal of tha earthwhich Is damming the Rahway Riv-er below Hswthorne street, causing theriver to oveiftow on lawns and intocellars te times of excessive rates. Tbe ,artificial dam, caused by the eoUeeUon ifor silt and other debris at that point,also has created a swimming hole whichhas become a nuisance to residents ofthe vicinity, the communication stated.

The committee voted to protest theextension by the PJateneld-Unlon Wa-ter Company of Its'mains on Manor

feet north oV Dunham ave-nue, tasamueh as the additional facul-ties a n not needed tor fire protection.

Mayor Oeorge B. Osterheldt an departments'and to.townspeople for their cooperation dur-ing the hurricane oT last week and for

township quickly of atl debris.3, Arnold of North avenue,

west, employed by Public Service, com- ,mended Onnford's shade tree anil road

epartmenti V, as well as police andfiremen for. their splendid work durlnrtbe storm- Mr. Arnold said that,his 'work took rilm into several communities .and Orsnf ord was tbe only one wber»ha found the police and fixe chiefs ae'wen as tbe polloe, road and fire con*misnoners on doty-during and after the;storm wWi then* men* - ,

Road, Commissioner Frank McCBU"lough tnhmlrtefl a report ofrttonn flamti/age te the township, prepared by Su-i'perrUng Engineer T. t. V"T*"gti"n/tothe report, Mr.McUushUVmMcamended tbe puRbase of reserve equip

t f t i ti f


meat for us* in times of emergency,also advised ttw purchase of one or .row boaur far use te times of floods./LettAVce^rVeck&an*

b»d to bestritltoShelCompany and tbe New Jersey Ben*phone Oompany for the excellent alee given to the towntUp duringwcekk storm.

'i -i _»,

t *" "J-

Page 2: DEUYOPEWNG DENf Y INCREASE IN GROUP TO DISBANDuw … · To Resume Activities Oct. 11 IVognra far Tbe which Mrs. ChA of C. H. Bterrett I* wffl namn actMtles wttn meetlns; o n Tueeday.^etober

J ' '' » ' J * » * ; '• ' • • '


~ 5 S , '

•: k

^ ^ r n m i i ^ i ^ ^Tas pusnon Cmsaw. nmifMsf

Ootabmed to l t nito*


Entered at the Pokofflet a* Cranford. W. *M BeeonJ qt»M Hatter:

•* Oimaford. Mew1 S d * IPublished '

SSwsSSfS o^ordToJwolS^ltenTworth.Botscriptton' Bates *U0 a Tear to Advaaoa;

I Alden Street. Phone CHanford S40DS.


which swept up the Eastern seaboard hat-week.*- ' t > r* r '' '**"

Although the Cranford Chapter/has not re-ceived a quota, ws are confident jthat towns-people wiU respond nadir/with contributi

I. A IfanMpal Bufldlnoj fa Cranfefd.

f. Boost Cranfard end to ManyS. Municipal SpomonhipofHoUdorCd

4. Pablldse Public Expenditures.5. BsdlsMctCranlord.

^ Adult EducationUnder auspices of the Cranford Adult

Education Council, comprised of representa-tives of nearly all civic, social and politicalgroups in the community; adult educationclasses will be opened late next month inCranford High School.

/ The adult education movement hasswept the country during the past few years,particularly since the trend toward the shorterwork week. The classes will offer a fine op-portunity for both men and women to makeexcellent use of their leisure, time for educa-tional advancement at very little cost.

Approximately thirty courses will be of-fered, covering a varietyvof subjects. Nearlyevery resident of the township, regardless o lhis previous education, will be able to findsome course Jthat should appeal t i him andbenefit him mentally or physically.'

nit education classes also will be


WWkC«6ford residents have respond-ed generously t*> "appeals in the past, this isperhs»s the ctosest that disaster eywhas come

friends and relatives made homeless, andeven drowned, by die heavy rains and hnrii-

to aid the homeless in our neighboring states.

Few resign from paying jobs.

No man is free unless he knows thetruth.

•. Where is the guy who said he wantedsome hot weather? ' ' ,

Suggested motto for spenders: Buy it inCranford. _ y / ,

Czechoslovakia isJike the man with hishead in the lion's mouth.

Give the people' enough money and ev-erybody would buy many things. <

Every author thinks, in his heart, that hehas .written a great volume.

. The further a man gets from his associ-ates .the. more posjrive he becomes.

Isn't it funny how the "important issuesof other years are ignored today? ' 4

The expression of personality is not syn-onymous with oddity or insanity.

- • If it wasn't for the details almost everybusiness man would'be a wizard.

life is.impeded by people who want the


. r -

, mid.


tttass «oC «BS«tV tbs^sai of so many toward

LETTERS TOTHE EDITOR lfttbodlit Church

Wttof •

y fw ths

> theImyeandld-

itortbe recent

attending the supper will receive a/gUtTickets wars placed on sale ibis week!and may be obtained from any member

Bator, CUlssri and Chronicle,

: It's about time tbsrelation of the

t-Ukke some effort to Set

Dear Btr: *Don* you/


An donmtte* retJdtasand worUnt tothe towniSp Haw been taotintd bjr insCranfiort Board « BMKa.i» «MaUicanh for their, annaal BMdtostlntUoii, It'-mm aiinOMiwrt fwHrt? byBealth omoer-VmUam J. Wfflssr. 1 M bi*iT *^ i b WatttaeSgardotaMiih.oaes to thstMUfOeM- «nmtristtwiHM»jbs

""v"a"ri asset" to the .-community. -many Cranford residents have attendedclasses in Roselle, Maplewood or other nearbycommunities. These residents will now beable to "go to school" right here at home, andthe Cranford classes no doubt will attract'some members from other towns.

The committee in (charge of the adulteducation classes is deserving of thanks fromall townspeople for the excellent work theyalready have done in drawing up the courses,planning forums and engaging instructors.We are confident the enrolment in the classeswill more than justify the time and effortspent by the committee.

1 Our Schools Serve DemocracyWith the opening of the schools of Cran-

ford, it might be well for parents and teach-ers to do a little thinking about the pupils thatpresent a problem to both of them. •

Children going to a school system shouldnot be regarded as raw. material to be sub-jected to certain definite processes in the ex-pectation that the finished product can be cer-tain or standardized, factors f inheritance

raiid environment combine to make each child*a~ special subject requiring, more or less, indi-

' '-tWualized treatment''.%, .Parents who- expect a school .and' its' 'teachers to take aTitiugh specimen of un-,,trained humanity, an3 develop'it into a pol-

ished human being are'looking for a .good•' -deal. They must not expect the school to take•s (the place of the Home and the church. The

'guidance that a teacher can give to a pupil isValuable and ncessary but it should notT re-

Job-hunting is not altogether unknownamong those who hold high, places.

Every once in a while life presents a iprise; some good and some not so good.

The dream that was walking is ootycompared to the night-pare that was <

Never" worry about the coursejust be sure you are right andfaith. \

Advice: -When youwoman who is thoroughlyiuue,.pass on.

It's better to sell something for less thanits worth than to keepuse for it Try our da


|f*&otball game.. It otr-i to me that what dJfflBUl-

> existed can be forgotten about

•o llttto spirit shownnot bars a game

' dayT Isto-ofboth

want to,endorse

that rour taper (tart tbe

B . a M u o k r r .

on any

/when you have no~ lads.

"*• , People who 1ly have to" explaining some things.

(their mouths shut rare-t .they meant by say-


Teachers, on the other hand, facing amass of; little J human beings int their

'^classrooms, should not overlook the5jf fiance of. identifying each pupil as a »%; land distinct human entity. The good*| - £ s hot a mass-Worker. There inustbe|r ognition of the peculiar,difficulties tl/ front each student, together with an/intelli-f'/'gent tolerance for the child,,if the greatest im-'?, provernent in* the individual is to ,be securetL"?;*,' - Naturally, we are -verjr 'prpud of; they school system in this ranunutiirwf Along* with"^millions;of other.Ameneahs,^'thoroughly^endorse the common schooU-#hkh;6ifer\edur

1*. opportunity toilly equal terms.'

r opinion, is the burwivwhich should be,

Hospitality/is something that you ex-tend to others^without expecting to receive a

favor. - •*- .

i have reached a state of Miss*, Jt will do you good to go to

i Sunday.,.

A man, earning $20 a, worrying.about how the United States

Oranford, N. J.(M»or\i N o t e p p % rt

elntaand e w tba P^T. A.'i of the two

long ago, Mr. MaoOair, but tar datethen has been no nsultc Tt infiiiii tnurttat Irt now up to tin Boank of•docatlon of WetoJeM and Onofonttad tbe ooaehlng sta&a of the .twocwmniinltlea to get-together ana'tionout whatever dlfferenoea (teal or imaff-lnatr> that exist.

ATTENDS UUNIOMJoseph P. Beuer of 33 Stratford Ter-

race attended the first reunion of tbemembers of tbe famous Lost BattalionSunday to Central Park Man, New York.Forty-eight membtar attended the- re-union/widen was followed by a lunch'-'eon at <he T7th (Division clubhouse.Monday marked toe twentieth annlver-«ary of tbe start ol the Argonne Drive,when Mo members of the now famous"Lgat Battalion" adranced to a pointbeyond their own lines and became cur-RNtndM by the-German tones. Onehundred ntoetjr-ste of the • » men sur-tlTtd at th» end of the five-day stage.

nts YoufPresentGlass Coffee Makw

There is Uttle profit to be obtained by be-ing so busy as to be unable to'enjoy reason-able recreation in nfe. . , -

The nation worries about balabudget and the tax-payer worries

account* ,'•

of.the pedestrians, who are, killed. highways die because "they violate theof the automobiles. l -

This "truthnn^dvertising" &mpaignwfiTbe' effective when summer resorts tell dietruth about, their climate, - ' -

'" ft i^Jhe energy devoted to bridgephy."' * 'to church work, tbe world

TO SPONSOE 8 0 I * l »Ladles' AM Society of the Oranford

s pan-»snd aHBSt* sapper f r m « to 7:19

m. TvOv. OOOUMT is, b\tb0:cbspd,«M»MEM»<I t m wtOc byMw.r .

•now xo oounn ~ .lorrstoaaaflbeyofn» Orchard street sad *0*

of. 11 Mantfaa Terrace .xslWhite Platov'H. T, thJswa* to re-sume.then; studies a* the College,ofOur lady of Good Ooqhstl:**^ r i

I f u . jaSgavnaM^ MSjajsasM *

ofOranfordi>»entered tbe ColoradoSebsolof k n ^ ,


^VOffitsfOMS SOsaflOlu -The first faU meeting cf the trosteat

of the Cranford Historical Bodety.scheduled to be bdd tomorrow night.has been postponed to Tuesday tventog.Octobtr. 11. at tte homo, cr Barrr'J.h l * * - -> - i / / t . - vV, -^

-r? / T// / / / / ,

31-ttrlCrt' U'qUjy iMcnUna

proUon was whereto place it,'Todsr tae^ano has evolved

yBecsiustt the piano

l ' * ' ybasatttsl and most

r a easage fat strle bat nsnlted in a(tbe'exedleMdeeis^c^ated^Ameaea's

TJw.beat pba is to select Ton piano ati genuine and

AUowanee on .your old piano.

TheSTEINVAY.lna uxxUrtgnate* Piano^ _, g T E ( j KV




a^tl>*Mr^organlatd m tbAAardCfbmeniwin sponsor s.'^ata chowder teOD radar, October T, to thebuement, t h e ehnreh'toumvMt-at s- jv m. Wednesday/chunfr x , - * ' /

A eonumntan service win be )11«. nvBnadaj! - /

By tae Ksw.*e»«y-*a»i Usg.

Por c«pradma^)r « year ttvHlghw»yi)epaitinent,has stoodto enter into an agreement wlooonty lor,»JM0 dhrtslon of t

•Wte and eountr »/WMstdsotihedsps

, Mercer. Hot

^0? the*oooomy tnadei«, —» plan. Huntarton, Sus>Warren" have indicated aa totes

' tattoos'and other details remslmsisJUil-M

m back of the retuotance tothe proposWon awdMerencea,

of th>'ttats« offer, to tsfc*«wthr cost at BW» and county rotecsMHons. xnvotvM is tbs tonof the BmmdpsHtlw that Ughcounty wqtee Is a proper ehargstba eonntles, xatherthan local imgDodka. and opo»,b?41nane<dlsttoct saving to «fi» tasjayejs

mHXNoenLTfte apparent fear of-county

refusing to cooperate in cost-sgmmenta i s that uaa ot,thetfor lighting would bring a other roads where Interwttsi State routes are not involvugdmeot seems to narrow dowilunrUtocnesa to transfer the ltenumlttpd to coantf budgets. 1that in many eases 80 per cent tsaved tn» taxpayer* who flnaibulk of both budgets, is Ignore.

Municipal'officials argue thaiof fraehoidetB should allocate itheir state foods for Ughttng Ithan la now being done. This «come* to the counties from mthide ncdpts. Tb» oountks tlotted »5 B1,4T7 from thts.sousear: Only ttm» was used feIng county roads, according tonual report of tbe State High,psztment detalltog allocationAmis,

In addition to the 50 per oenoffered by acceptance of the SUa further reduction of costs *possible, It; Is pointed out by toauthorities, through rate rensuKsng from tbe grouping of

>._ ; A municipality Trounty roads might be penalisebenefit Of J h e oomnumtty wltttmileage, but these Instances lwould not be many.

•mnun to enfiufewM l a » B b » b e t h l o w l a n d , dav

Mr. «od Mrs. K. K t o

lo^ffiw&^sheSi^•ados- elasti Wss Loveland.majoring to seeretarisJ sdeibeen elected president of Jbe' - * « " f <* tbe coming yholds membersmp to TrtarrClub, and the Creatltd stag.

* ^ cmjnta tnrc MHCTThe meetta* Sunday evento

Young,People's Society on tlPresbyterian Church was eondShirley IJetahart Alan Wattbe'apesKer and Introduced amonthly talks concerning tbehighland people of America.flugha WM.the pianist.

, . , .



Page 3: DEUYOPEWNG DENf Y INCREASE IN GROUP TO DISBANDuw … · To Resume Activities Oct. 11 IVognra far Tbe which Mrs. ChA of C. H. Bterrett I* wffl namn actMtles wttn meetlns; o n Tueeday.^etober



win spbnaor»'£aja-oo Trtday, October T, to thebasement, • t h » ehorch 'Council winneet-at t> * m. Wednttdtr/I» the

A communion service win be held at

tkt Kew,*e»ey_*at. Leagte efq ^WitWif laT••irSI PW •«»• a*' • > « » « • • " • •

For avpnvtaatelr *• 7-* « t SUteHighway feepartment,has stood readyto enter into an agreement with anyeounQr ior, a M-M OMsleo of the coatof HgJ*ttng'<K*te and county toad m-

- -/tmtttBottha departmentt o t the-twenty-one coun-

!d the offer.Oamden, Cape


J r • , 7 . ( f r ? - ' i f :



wffl b* Mn.

tMafHiitritlontnNewTork.Bertoplewffl be Twenty-four Boure-a Child's

After tht buttnett matting Mrs. if.A, Orig wftt gtfe a short talk aboutthe AdoH notation Frogram toon tostart bLOttsJard. All nemben andMends art urged to attend.

Tht Mtawtng hat* consented to actat data mothers for t u t y«ar: Ktadsr-garten 'Mra. HaU,' teacher, and Mrs.

OaSney; grade 1-Mtt Hoak.-. Mrs. WnUtm Austin md Mr>

Leigh Fairy; grade I — MM Mulvey.teacher, Mrs, Arthur Roller and Mn.Johnattur; grade »-Mrt.Mnler. teach-er, Mra. Archie Mrd and Mrs. Barry

(rade- .3 —Mrs. Tracy,Met, Stanley liseOltry and

-Ottrenea Pitta; grade I —. Xewtwanter. teacher, Mia.

Bey' Hnehraer and' Mra. JosephOvettaugh; grade 1 — Miss Stanley,teacher. Mn Joseph Schacht and MM.

"oaTST*iy>^ and MrEdward Hnnn; grade t - t t n . UsowtU.teacher, and Mrs. O. D, Bntolph andMrs. Oeorge Leavitt; grate 6 — IDs.Dtshew, teacher, l f n . Uehland Mae-Lean and Mrs- Frank Johnson; gradee - W s t Bodtoe, teacher, Mrs. HaroldHelton and l fn . Lester Pulley;.andg r a d e r — l fn . Blake, teacher. Mrs.Oydt-GNek and MnvBarry Schtnner.


Btate K(hway Oomntaatoner S. Oon-aldSternerreaterdtrannved theal-lotment to the IJntat, County rmhold-e n of IUJDOO, or 90 per emt,'(0r maln-tenance work on.townihtp and boron(b

_ , (oonntlea taking, ad-» Of the economy toad* possible

„ , - w plan. Hnnterdon, Sussex andWarren" baTt Indicated an Jntentlon to

,&> to, bu{ passage of tot necessary itto-/hraona and other details remain to be

ulturtiUl-M - ii n bade of the xelaotanoa to aooept

the propottton aredMereooes ot long.bttwemtheeomtrletandmu-

ot t h t Kate* tafea«Nr half• t h r < ^ i t mate end county rote m-

tentcttcnt. tovorrtd la the tortanaenof tbe nmrrtctpaltttas that Ugtattng ofcotmty npttp It a proper ebaig* againstthe counties, ntherthan local govem-tngDodlta.ando^,b*41nsue«a a t adistinct sating to 1 6 B the

atnett toctaded In the program are-:In Granted — Orchard atzeM fromNorth aitaoe to BrooksldsPlaoe: Un-ectn.annne from Denman road toSouth atenne: and Orange arame fromRlTerdde Drhre to Kennworth BorougBUttB

Deullworth — Tventletb tiract fromKufilmmb Boolevwd to Monroe ATB-

**"--j> A * -

HWMJWmial. "Tt» apparent fear of county boards

refoshw to cooperate in eost-ihartngsgreements ia that use c* thetr fundsfor llghUng would bring a'demand forUtJitlnr other roads where Intersectionswtm State rootea sure not lnwlved. Ttotsrgoment teems to narrow down tot*uawDUngnett to transfer the Item frommtmlotptl to ooonty budgets. The factthat In many eases SO per cent could besaved the taspayen. who flnanoe thetalk of both budgets, is Ignored. '

*tunldpali officials argue that boardsot fiwjimliiiilt should allocate more ottheir state fund* for lighting purposesthan la now beta* done. This state aidcome* to the counties from motor ve-hicle noetilts. The counties were al-lotted «8J»U«T from thto.source lastsear: Only I7.MB3S was used for light-ing county roads, according to the an-nual report of the State Highway DOTpartment detailing allocation of the

In addition to the » per cent savingoffered by acceptance of the SUte Ban,a further reduction rf costs would oepossible, It; Is pointed out by municipalauthorities,' through rate reductions

.resuWw tram the grouping of currentIZTTUt- A municipality with few

Mks Deborah Cannon, daughter atht Rer. and Mrs. D. V. Cannon of(3 tooth union avenue, list recently ac-cepted thspotttion ot principal of theLsbratary"and Oommumty" School forTrahdna RurtiTtachers of TuskegeeInstitute, luskegee xntUttrte, Alt, MissCannon Is a graduate of tht Oranford MJUBUBB mmifrng^*Hlgh8cbooJrclaato«l»M; New Jersey sny time^urmg the season,- i ^ . »wifc_ M k . »t Jersey City.and-neetvad her masters degree fromColumbia Ttavcrstty this year. She hashad firpt»i'>"~ In religious, sodal terr-let and ednotlnrial work In eonnecttonwith -the Christian MJsslon.Fellowship,at LUe, N. T» and aa dncotor of SodalCenter for Migrants In Maryland, aawell aa'betng president of the DistrictBaptist Toung People's Association. Shewas also a member of the sneakers bur-eau for theCouncil of Women for HomeMtd Uke Her sister Miss Mary

tsv^UUirwvWM e » t.i a atass«—•.»••• • * ~

mty roads might be penalised to theheaAt e< the oonfenunlty with greatermnS»"but thett instances probably,would not be many.

B R U I N S I © Ct»As»CBIWTMltaKUsabethloveland, daughter of

Mr. and IBB.-«. K- " " ^ i J"Bprlngneld-*Temie. * » » « « ' * * * "

_u«»w». like her sister, Miss MaryCannon, who teaches, in Bouth^Jersey,and, David Cannon, of Vir-ginia State OoBege, Petersburg, the wasinitiated this year as a member of theKappa Delta Pi. National HonoraryEducational Fraternity.

WINS PHOTOGRAPHIC AWARDA picture of the Empire State BuDdV

ipg. taken by Harold X. Bteele, wonthird prise In the illustration divisionof the annual Photographic Exhibitionot the- New. Jersey State Fair, Trenton,which Is hi progress this week. ThePhotographic oontett is sponsored bythe Trenton Camera. Club. Mr. Steelewas awarded a first prise and a secondprise in two previous contests-

,~. MARKS BXRTBDATA turpriae party was given Carmen

tuca on hit eighteenth birthday by hisparents at U Woodlawn avenue onFriday night. Quest* attended fromOrantord, Plalnfleld, OarwoOd, jniWde.North Flalnneld. Linden and ScotchPlsins. Decorations were In blue andwhite Music wit furnished by the

SOPHOMORE AT CEDAR CRESTlOss Julia Seflng, daugbter ot Mr.

and Mrs, Frederick Seflng, X4 BtlmlereParkway; has resumed her studies atCedar Crest College, AUentown, Pfk,where she Is a prominent member ofthe aopbomora data. Miss Seflng. whola majoring in toctology, it a member ofthe -Trt-Kpsiloo, International; MusicClubs, and It the sophomore- represen-tative to the Y. W. O. A. Cabinet.

sado> data; Miss Loveland. who itmajoring m secretarial science, hasbeen elected president of the AthleticAssociation tat the coming yet- ""'holds membership In Tabard,Club, and the Creatlad stag. •

: *" CHURCH t u f f W X BThe meeting Sunday evening oftoe

Young,People's Society on the FirstPresbyterian Church was conducted byShirley Beinhart Alan Waten wasthe'speaker and Introduced % series or.monthly talks concerning the sOuthemhighland people of America. RichardflughetwM.the. pianist. • .


ft* mi* anal inftly • *

Portontl U M W ,raatatfewUh

I M an M M to aal aat Mb-wnr

UNION COUNTY TRUST COMPANY100 South Ave^ tL, Cnnrfot^N. J.


Miss Marguertt*- Heat ot X* TuxedoPlace, hat enrolled In the Day SchoolDivision ot Pace'Institute, New York,for tht fan term which started Tues-oay.


atRt^OradeA .8ugar floxtn


i«w»— ^S»« - 5 c

' •tttfb or V^am i 1 M aDEL.MONTE i " ^ u

l i y /Calif. Ytltow Cling - ~ # No. 2'/,

dox»n*" •—' ' * * «» •


OTEN8 TOCAL 8TCDIOMm. Dorothr French wUI haw a*u«o at m Baulerard, WMHeld, toroatnetlon In rolce productkm, fcrelfn

In procram bulldlDt,nd ooaohlng In repertotre, A rarled•ebjnwnd of tralnlnt.and parfonn-We has made Mra. Funch oomwaantrlth many types of itaflnf. o » to anduate'of ObroeB OWTtnlty, whenhe stodled musical theory and hWoryind forden ianuagea, and oarUotpaMa>arlou* types of i*"—"*1* auighige ga>arlou* types of ggn Phllddphl* the studied wloY Henriioott, bate baritone, foimerir with theMetropolitan Opera Oompanor. Ibere,oo, ant m a * her operatlo debut underhe faatop of Alexander BmaUentwt'

Op«of thePliUa-

In De>iolt, Mr*, n m e l i worked with Charles

noted ooach and New York the ha* studied roloe pro-iuctton with the

operatic, repertoire with Bwrstno Ho-nunL" Mrs. French bat sung in churchQuartets, given redtala aod dub pro-grama, and appeared both In grand op-era and light opera m several states.Beginners and those with previousroiee training wIB be accepted for tri-ttruouon ttartlsv^eptember at or at




lUllas riacripUmis U Uw Mm taportutput of Our Bialoae. "

I N umoN AVMUC e«»«rotp. n.

Morey LaRue'sSanltone Dry aeanlng

pate new Ute'ta ctethei

Tear fan aaaw, tatlt aatinmm win leak Ik* atwafter a ttartaga gaarttat

laetVsgetsaat .

aaa M. r«r!a M M attrae-tin yttiMtl iHMnMMpe*a«<year (all eMktt tt kt


ftta Dty «teaatt» •gavaavseel ty Qttd Hease-aiettat as aliwlhsg thtn-

m PBomscgmcs-' VAU. "wx-utr

kS> emtw t» «* * •U W. tasey at; BkaMk, J». J

CutorShowatTsngBBBlt, String Bw«in»4^25ct^-73< M

JwlSwy (Cr

Vt aMSynif>.

•raaJ CMfak «** 5c*-„ *»c || rnnitU Att't Mlftt. » * J Ifc•^ I9e II Haaay Macaraan Uvar Caha ~*l9c

SUPREME BREAD K-" tr,OSCO Pancalia Flour 2 > * " •*«• 13c II OvalUna **o> •"" 33c iM « t Matan Jan * » 6 9 c Black ttmt H " " " ^ *CMar Vtwaaar < B r t - T ° " ° " *"> **t5c || TiirrVo Dotj FeaJ 3 >B>



Quality MEATS You Will Welcome to Yolpr Table

Itader, C O I B . M . . « M avaltty



(Exclusive But Not Expentive)


El BROAD ST.(Next to Blalto Iheatre)



... , v

FryinqChiclcens -, ^^-^•BBS* ^ | , ^ f BBS BJ" VSBRBjawi . _ _ BRBwam ^awsjaa «Ajg> •

>teak sar 13^Sliea* Smokad Ham » 37c I Pur* Perk Sa i l . * * * 27«

• Frai l Florida Lorg« Shrimp n 15c H


Frisk FRUITS and VEGETABLES From Hatm** Garden*


—i . J

- 4 _


F&^e?S*C!^."*t!±y?!<'t^rMreri£rvi!s?."'iiari*,t j i / '^ , (1 Hu,*^. ^.^_^pL'^ ^9^-Jfe1 "7i..JlrjT^;i^A4.";.tt^i. . "V *A

' < I

' " VI


Page 4: DEUYOPEWNG DENf Y INCREASE IN GROUP TO DISBANDuw … · To Resume Activities Oct. 11 IVognra far Tbe which Mrs. ChA of C. H. Bterrett I* wffl namn actMtles wttn meetlns; o n Tueeday.^etober

i",. , r ,,'-,! i . > f?""y*

'" VI


Monday for Wa*hlnston, D. O.

A. D. MaeCaAtnrof Orange avenueleft Monday, on • business trip toWashington.

Mr*, E.J. DmaoToreaveaplace an-tertained her bridge club last Thursdayafternoon. *.

Mta Bektr Hoetoy'of New York wa*the week-end guest of Mrs. LeslieCrump of linden place.

Mr*. WInchester~Britton of Ortnford•venue I* spending a week with herdaughter la West Hampton, L. L

Mr. and Mrs. N!*P Stewart of 400Orchard street have returned from anextended vacation In Connecticut.

Mta Betty B a r r i e r of .Mrdla'. Pa,• formerly of Cranford, spent the weeks

end i s gtiat of Miss Barbara Henrlch.

Mrs Willis Breyfogle of Mountainlakes,- formerly of Cranford, entertain-ed her Cranford bridge club on Wed-nesday

T. Edward 8haw"oi Manor avenuewin leave October 3 for Boston wherehe has accepted a position. His familywill Join him later.

Miss arace Langier ol Rldgewood,formerly of Cranford, was the week-endguest of Mr. and Mr*. Harry Jt Kles-tlog of Betford avenue

K m William Iteperry. n , of northUnion avenue ha* returned from Chl-o*to where she wa* called due to thedeath of her mother.

Mr. and MM.~Mkbael Acher ofDoyketown Pa.. wiH be the tuest* otMr. and Mm Robert C. Miller at theirfarm In Msasachusetteover next week-

- Caps, and Mrs. Joseph B. Kuhn andson, Michael have returned from Mete-deeonk where they spent, the"summerand are now residing at « RiversideDrive. ' '

Dr. and Mrs. UwtnDetly and daugh-ter of White Plains, N. Y, spent (Sundayvhdting Mrs. Deaiys parents. Dr. and

v Mrs. Samuel M. Hlnman oe north Union

of RoseOe.

Mis* Virginia X«32-Klnth stret w*» a pact i t the Hew Jer-asy State Convention of the Daughtersof the Amsrletn Revohttiflh hsld InElisabeth on Tuesday.. Mbs Barns* I*

member of the Junior Oroup of Bou-dinot Chapel m Wsabsth.

Robert J. LelerTjrTson of Mr. Rob-ert J. Later of 10 Norman Plaoe^has re-turned to thfgperfctoroen School, Peons-bun. P*, for hi* senior year. Lest yearbe brought dUUncUon to bimseU andto the~sehooi through hi* excellent workon the soccer^and track teams.

Mr. and. Mr*>Fnderlck O. Syke* ofHampton "street returned Monday onthe Franoonla from srttree and one-hair months' vacation in w e Bcanda-navlan countries, Ireland. EnBsnd and

- Their daughter, .,flnla'Sjwes, who accompanied themthe tour, returned two weeks ago. ' .

A farewen surprfiT party was givenfor Miss Adeline Waterhoua* last Fri-day night by MUs Betsy Plummer ofHolly street. Other gueat* Included theMltse* OaU Heyden, Leslie Raskins,

nr Kempahdl, Baibarsr Plummer andPeggy Mindel of BUabeth; also JackVogel, Bob Kettle, George Kettle, RhysBtanger, Bob Decker, Dtek Anderson

Mrs. John H. Low of Springfield ave-nue was hostess to thirty guest* fromCranford on Wednesday night at thePaper M1H Playhouse's subscriptionparty held at the Playhouse, MUnum.After a tour of. inspection, guest* wereIntroduced t o i f k s Laurette Taylor' otTeg-O-My Heart" fun* and the Broad-way p r o d o w Robert MiKon and RayMttehatt. Mt*. Low to la'charge ofQr»itford subscriptions, r ' '

Miss Joanne w i f i r t f Columbia ave-nue wlebtated her eleventh birthday onWednesday with a sapper party forfourteen of her Wends. OuesU In-cluded the Mlsse*BMa.Oordes, OoralynDshlstrom, Ann Skerratt, Emily Hm,Audrey Donlngton, Betty Lou FaneO,Patsy Knowlaon, Anne Sari Baker,

- -*•!•»*, «srol«VBirtani» of Oaatoo •ve-nue spent last week at her cottage at

- Oak Beach»l<.L. where she Investigatedthe damage done to her cottage by thehurricane. \

Mr. and MrsN»llliam A. PaunsUer ofm north Lehigh avenue have as a guestFrank Mass ot Jersey City who ha*

- Just returned from a three months'holiday In Canada. \

Mr. and Mrs. oTSdward Nichols andfamily, who have been visiting her•notiur. Mrs. Wade H. Hayes of Pitt*field street, wUl remove shortly to then-,new home In-Greenwich, Conn. '

MUs Joan Crump, Miss Kaaty Burley,• IDs* Helen Sparry. JCsse* Prudence

and Jane Sanford and Mis* Ro*e Muhl-enbrock returned to <hetr studies atKent ftace School, Summit.

Mr. and Mr*. Alex" Robertson of 6Munsee Drive, OtceoU Park, held ahousewarmlng party Saturday night intheir new home. Mora than' fortyneighbon and friend* attended.

lent Oomei,

, Mr*. O. Pitman Buckley, .of Madisonavenue entertained over last week-end« t Bpray Beach for Mrs. W. W. Buck-

P, ley, Mrs. Ames MoQrayne and Ur. and'Mr*. Arthur a Hopkins and daughters.

Mr. and Mrs. Roberto. Miller of Oa-amo avenue spent last week-end InawmMMa-st,, where they vlstted theiraoo, Charles Milled and Soioo tawrn,

'••Hoe who are'attendlnj the Berkshire>boot

The New Jejseji Women'sserlee will open shortly as plans are be-incmade this weekortien the openingdatewffloeseti. Mrs.RobertOVMUler,who tepReenta.Cranford on the team,

. has agreed to teaoh badminton to the- j A . i t Education tiltanm

ifee, son of Dr. andI A. OmfWof '10S MapJr Haor

la numbered among those who nava reg-istered for their .senior year at theFerktomen School, Pennaburg. Pa. Last

' jear at school be was a member of the> gntf team and tfl*** played In ^^j* school



Expert KMBO SfsTvin,

•choohof FrenchiJSEPlVSfcnttmti'-y/' A,


iBr*Math stnet the Weir Jersey

mrmrf*«*the A b r a l ^ a a r k Chapter

of sooth


The Cranford OoDege Club wm holdUs first meeting of the MM-M seasonon October 10. .. . .

The club wa* organised eight yearnago to farther the Interests of collegewomen In the educational problem of^community. The elm of the dub establish a permanent endowmentfund to fee t*Md for scholaiwWps.

requirements may be ob-tatoed by caDiiksMm. Oeoraje Saner ofBtraUord Terrace.

The regular monthly card6 t Theresa'* Oufld wm b*Tueeday to the be served a i 1:10 p.m. OatneswUlstart at 2:90 p. m. CcaanUteemetodBs:Mrs, Harry Bonney, chahman; Ma.a A.Orowl*y, Mm a A. Doyle. Mn. J.CJe*MDO,Mn.aRay,Mn.H.Bohm*n.Mr*.H.ScMrin*r,MmJ.aMeMehon,Mm H. MoKtamy, ten. U. W. Ham-mond, Mn. Charles a***, and Mis* aJordan.-* . ' *

ftti,Mrs. ti. B. Baawud ot SU Springfield

avenue, chairman of National DefenseThrough Patriotic Wneatson of West-field Chapter, Daughter* ot the Amer-ica^ Bevctatfc*. spoke on ."The Consti-tution of Our U. S. A," at the InitialfaU meeting of WeatAeld chapter lastFriday's* the borne of MM. a P. West

- Hassard' "IScT

Mia* Katharme-Jooe* of;«prlngfleldavenue celebrated, h*r ninth birthdaywith a party on Wednesday..- Deeora-Uoos were In ptah and game*, and re-freshment* were-enjoyedi OuesU in-cluded the'Mlsse* Patty'Damon, Dor-othy Scott, Ann WeSpn. Marian Fas-nacht, Betsy Peterson, Nancy MeLeod.Nancy Outhbertwn. Nancy MoOtayne,Paula Fay, Bis* Rosenberg, Joan Og-den, Mary Bhabeth Dletrieh and JoanMarie Oerdts. " -

GUILD T O .The Margaret Oreene, Guild et the

First Presbyterian Ctrarch will meet onMonday at ? p. m, to the Sunday Beboolauditorium. The VNatim win Includean butane-of the hterary work for.thecoming year, andi*upp» wttl he servedby Mrs. Q. R. BrnHh, aaslated by Mr*.L. Schade, Mrs. VT. 3. Oontey, and Mr*.O. V. Fortune. The Guild 1* aponeor-lng a tea next Thursday, to whichmember* of taWonen'* Association ofthe church, the Wednesday- MorningClub.' and tbe Garden Club have beenInvited. Representtttvttt'ot a Newarkflower shop will lecture oo and illus-trate flower arrangement*.. The pro-gram wUT start at 1:30 p. m , in theBunday School auditorium. \

MENV LEAOUS MEETS. A varied progrtmof vocal and to-

strumental music psychlo wading*. *apdandng and work* ot tnagio featuredthe Initial entertatoment meeting otthe Presbyterian Men's League lastThursday night to the church schoolauditorium. Bmarl^jlhereopeningof t i e league1* actlvUle* tor the 1H<>Stteann. i^edde^ Bdward T. Burrweloosned more than » member* andguests, and outlined the program.forthe ensuing year. Refreshments of icecream and cake were *«*va$> \

DOROTHY FRENCHContralto—Teacher

' Valee Mhss tW " „

Percy Rector, Stephens,.

'*! *

v Studios> « BOULEVARD ;

M.,A - sW*M*aU I-I1M-M

- \ \ *j

ofOran- s l d KMt. Msfl Mn. WtttttUk a

Jfc. of UnoMsw. Fa. fctattriytad, sonoune* the WrtKof *<*r. Carotin Hsn- Franktm, oo sAonday.

Mr. and Mm. Jack Btiris of « Msn-JonOnsmot'Samoa** the U r t h o f ason, w q u s n John. akRahway Ulal Hospital onHarris le'the'

.. XL Mr*.Mtas Abbie Toner.

\g attended MWUlebury

CWlegs to*ffsnnont and was graduatedwuhstbe class ot MM from the U. aOoaeTrOoart' Aeademj, New London,

Winner* ot D. A. R. good dttanshlpprise* and their mother* were guest*.Among the studaoU'to' receive medalst or M m outstandmg In then- classes Inhonor, courage, leadenhlp and servicewere JoJenh Rio* and Anna.Wargo otGMnftsrdr Oeveral Cranford membersattended.


.The service* to Trinity, Church onSunday wfll include Holy Communionat 8 a.m. and also at 11a.m. The rec-tor, the Rev. Frank MagUl Sherlock,win celebrate a t each service and wmpreach a t UaCm. The.Church Schoolwffl eontlmj* it* session* a t » : « a. m ,and the YouAg People* Fellowship wmmeet a t e p. m.

" EUZABETH ROOD BONOREDU s e saisafaeta Rood of M BurchOeld

•venue, who reglttcicd at SyracuseUniversity last Monday, wa* electedpresident last Saturday of WmeheUHan. <he, largest girt* dormitory on thecampus. I t * oft** —

The Jador.asrfke Lsswst wm re-


«tjVpre*Kk«t,Mn.BIIIM,>t;FraspM*tM*(, Mr*.

string to «*3e**tVMn. Out H. MMOB,Otbsr esVMa-lor the cornte* year

a n : Ftnt *»* awn»»nt. K n , BJehaMU TonUnton; atpond, lbs , Charles F.BucMsys tvjoocdfng secretary, Mia,Oliver XM, JUcsaVfta; owwpflndlni **OMretary, Mrs. Bsory Vanlderstln*; «nd

easnrer. Mrs. Oeorge Mack, Jr.OommittM ohalrmen a n : Way* and

mean*, Mrs. Bdward M. Santoca; Jum-ble Store. Mrs. Boward M. Park; artsand Interest*. Mr*. Matthew D. Han;publicity. MttVVmiam F. Hans); BedCross, Mrs. Clifton Cox; motor corps.Miss Irene MOblenbrock; welfare. Mrs.RevUe Turk; and sustaining repmseu-taUvet, Mr*. Arthur C. Hopkins andMrs. Philip Wen* Hall. Jr. >

ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT*Mr. and Mrs. Allen V- Long of crap-

ford have) announced tbe engagementot their ^«"ftl*% Mis*'Mary n«ihrrf^-Long to RloharolRobert Smith, son ofMr. and Mr*. Fred amlth of New Ion-don, Conn. *Mb*r Long wastgraduatedfrom Crantord High School »nd at-tended the Unttenity ot Newark andRhode Island State College, Kingston,

A, TO MEEThave tto Initial

hi thewill

b* served at 9 : « V . m .bam been toad*' to can for thechildren. Plan* foe a cooUe andsale to-te held.** 13:30 p. m. October 7to the schoo* 'Have been completed.Plan* for Hi* yafr wen ossciaaed^t ameetinrof tb***eutlre boardmeetmroftbiat the tkome of Urs. Arthur Rede, the

at the meeting wereMmClareoce Skmner. Mrs. H. a. Bry-en, I n Boy Tlsney, Mrs. Harry Arm-

Yater, Mm P. OUch-


Mrs. Oharle* O. Albury, Sr., of 113Sstman street. Jfcntertalned at lunch-

e o n l n d bridge fat the; Esses ManorHotel. Bast Orange, on Tuesday hihonor of Mrs. Clinton L. Csldwell.otManila, Arix, and S t Louis, Mo, whoIs visiting hecslster, Mia. Oeorge O.Leavitt of BrtveWatreet. Other guest*wen Mrs. V. MeriVjones, Mrs. CharlesMunro, Mn WinlantxMacdonald. MJohn WUlla and Mr*. Le*MtC« Cran-tord, and Mrs. Hetty B w e > o | Rosette.

Mrs. EtbdlY. TboapsonTEACHER OF PIANO




makes her • member of tbe UntvereUarSenate. • \

Ralph Cuthbertson ot Balmlerettak-wiy ha* returned from a business triptoOiean.N.'T- .

CaUCR. 6-1144for HOOPERSCOKE...

mafaasettlttgotdeep dahlias to the Ttni

OrajWp MS 8pf1nffl0l& wcniMaithe bride ot Hugo Martinson of Mir. and Mrs. HugoStalger, of «U Arlington avenue,neld, at • o'clock Saturday afternoon.The Rev. Orln O, Hopper of MaplewoodpertJormeoV the ceremony. A receptiontor the bridal party and regatta*) washeld at the home of the bride* parents.

The bride, gowned In wblto emttn,simple tailored lines with circular train,

given, la marriage by her father.She carried an anp bouquet of can*, ro-les, a tons white veil was caught In tcrown of braided and One pleated tuue.Mj** Dorothy Dreyer; maid of honorfor her sister, won Dottle- fnen , foOskirted taffeta and carried • booquet otchrysanthemum*. She won * bug* pic-ture hat ot same 'color tat. Brides-maids, MUs MUdnd Dreyer and Mis*Eleanor Forget of Cranford and Mrs,Thorn** a . Bickers ot WedMd, wenattired In similar gowns ot cedar nutand also carried bouquets of rust etay.

on*. Margie 8*hn of West-field w»» flower girL 8h* wa* dresssdto bottle ireen taffeta with • flowerwreath in ben < V MX" * • eerrted

all i

thej up en tht


FonsiP.aC-l"How to

' Noww^bV^timtrorp^n90foA*«i^«work

Cranford Trust Company

Peter Oantley o* Westfleld n l bestmta.- The ushen wen Oustav* Dreyet,

# OB evLiMLijHs'susSjQ^nia ^RlflBlssgs^

of Westfleld and Earl KyteDreyer. mother M the bride, was1 to wine sdlover sue. over wm*1 - won a large wme felt hat

and a c o n s o ot white gardenias. Mn.Stalger appeand in teal bine and thesame eotor hat wtth^rurt veil. Bh»*Isobad a oorsags of

Upon their retorn from. » Southern

The bride1* travelling outfit wa*. a chi-—. M.J^aiaiMlMi—ijBauisaasfi-fjTiuilIr IIIXBJILIILII'

tooewworte* and* coaageot w t e t pe**vi ^

TO ATTEND K. J . CMiss Fiance* MmcPbsUl of Oatambta

avenue'wni attend N. J. O, where sheUemoUM atafTCShman. •






Ladles' Aid Sodett' of the OnnfordMethodist Church wffl meet itt thechapel a* » p. m. Tueeday. MW.F. aPanswia. the presideat, wttt oonduetthemseMm.. • } ' ^ • ' <• J i \

;. . A TO FIAT « » DANCELou r»snmi«ir>it orchestra win piar

tor the Orufot4 Firemen'* Club enter-talnmtnt .and~danosL on -Friday night,October M, to ioownlt School; it was


\ r t l Hi UlflO9f Aflv-CUMPOBD

•MsUTM « T ^ - nllUO (raVUOM AM trtgCN 0UUMU


DLESS OF THE WEATHERiBBivwmuIs m Blak IHsasl — m fact far any

Hems* an.alimys ararsjitols aasl •* greatly appreciated.


' TELEPHONES. stAHWAT U- Free Delivery All Over U x t a «asT

_• ' "v A - •




27c*k.l VtW >!*• t U.>

MISS HELEN LUERY'STap and E»allet Dancing Classes






W.':': ""•t Your Home, OmU Yon Hare


' Registration for all daues. Frid.y,Sept«iib«T30ti,from3toSP. M.


1 Funeral Directors

.•ATIIIAL •ga.gtlTB*" •••ri«l«aj*1 v



PORK LOINS(Wbsle *r Ettber b i t ) "? ' , . ' \


• «fca!v^!srikJij2Sc^ -j?»!T* „ 3 2 cB^S2^F18B|)I- / I ft»> vonvtm BAUSAOE' OT*»

BACON, Klb.Bkc.^aVVV ijmrst w. - .*»•#*»/ - ^^






-JEESEJ — -' 10c-•r FRUIT

CtL Sunkiat Onnges, 18 for.

Fancy Grapefruit, 6 for.__25c


Cranford\ i ^ ^ • * v # ^aBF*BBB*saavaxB> *jT]Ef;VSBBJBj*B«Ji 2101

Tn>op1»star<*i*ttsfallme«tlngBweek wiili XI bom CoOqen ad » «mttteemen.jiresent. Onpakatloogame* m * a ordsr ot tte'enenThe fbUowini Utteop of ]oolor oftn i aunouneadi Amkr asslttant sorouters—John fiedmond, Alan W»Kerf Mortek." Don petttt and NcTweed; senior patrol leader-Bn

, MbOary; scribe—Pake Gary. /, . TROOi? to /

Last Friday^ meeting was eonduby Jack Oatt* and Robert Steirett

Leaden Fete Wargo and ReRac«myer.J»ere advanced to Junloi

Oarth Seavy was elected to quatmaster at the September M meeRobert Pope, was elected to troop sito<.teplae» Hsrold Schnakel whomovea tjo> saMnetn.

The preMQt-patnl leaden-are PMoOlnnls, AoderlolrSrptth, Obas. 1rodla aad'Bnfe* Boot

menard Mack passed first classand the M mfleJUke. , -

lShtxdrmii1 ttd tavjSe* eorps pr*>win bslaeld tomosiuw.

Tbe troop oommlttae will holdfirst faa toeettnt tonight at tbe hof * . P . Ottts and wfll formulate tfor futoxsi Aetlvitlat.

A colorful,-romantio period In Atlean W*>ry.w*» faltMully. re-crtfor Btalto Tbeatnsudlencee bat twhen *Vothar Oanrs chickens"folded'*1U Aeart-wamung charmsweet shnpttelty - a long-sgught ifrom the madcap comedies and potous drama* which have been lnvaour screen* lately. v

•^laa. nfciUwtBstlttlTatnwilftrii clasaic by.

ens,"- features Anne Shirley, )Keelsr, Jane* Ellison and Fay Bal

me/ co-feature Is Joan BennettRandolph Scott In m>e Texans."

" • mOfOUD OKOIIlANCfAM.OtDIMANai prohlbltlni ttu n i l . po

eta tar —It w drilnrr of tuputrarlz^« owai oc otlut unputmrtwl tall* pnIn tta lomahlp ol Cnnfoid.

B* n OMalMd Vt at Bowd ot Bnllh <TmaftW 1 CtMtort la tlx Ccuatr W 0


other «oM adlk 1

f, oar umuwvr, orwllt-Ulm'lo HU or <MIT

. «f Crufotd. milk, c t c u orBull aOK product! tulm »ld nUk, m t

1 hi« 1U nraducu Ibj th> (news ofibums tnr j pirtlclt olor milk ptodKU to a t«iMr>tiir« of inthu l « r r 2 b r » l » l t u l boldlns a w atampmtn* for UHrtj ooiHaiUra Blpul•pprond'puUnriilnr ipinrltiu. or «mHor to mSTSS* Mthod damonitnUd IeoaplUb th* MUM raultit prortoM bo>nothing la this uQk/> iluU apply totre»m7<ir athor e S f m a k product, emitbj t duly orgulMA Bfdlnl Bilk comml•aid d£r oliulMd • • H o i milk a n aM M d j e W t o r tta PWPOH of ttdi ordlI O U » J T of OH Lam of UW a>

lttlJUtSNUOS X. v Aor p m D . Orm or Aorpo

lion fortrt u d PV * ptultTtf not tattwo (Its*) dollut Hoc mon tiiaa am bt

Tided In BMUOB I hmof, too Boird o t )mir at<lta dUonUoa mot* tbi l l o m <WTMO. M or corponlloo foimd sulllr 0utlnt this ordnueo. ' *

Btctka «. n i s ordluim thill Uko30 dt j . >tur foul puuff.






-' ,"I.', * w/ ^w. ji-. tniwe

• ,r - x =>^«&^ t* -

*•/ -w'l "t* V .

Page 5: DEUYOPEWNG DENf Y INCREASE IN GROUP TO DISBANDuw … · To Resume Activities Oct. 11 IVognra far Tbe which Mrs. ChA of C. H. Bterrett I* wffl namn actMtles wttn meetlns; o n Tueeday.^etober

I *I V

- V '


Troop » i ItttftUmeettncalaatw«kwitt»l»m.«'offlo«r»«<l»com-mttteaneo-preesnt.1 "Otfttkatlao andgarnet WM tha order ot tee'evening.The following' Uncap, of Junior oOotnn i announced! Jtoidr ataUtant soont-muten—Mm Bedmond, Alan Water*.KerfUoftekf 9gn petttt and NelatmTmed; M M patrol kader-rEugeM

O ribjPto O /

••SB awa aaanssjer * •

(MI that they have

of tt. part* from ^ w



O. T.ThtrewmDe* table

cooUng. which «gr be

andMr».A;w.B*lner.would be oanpteW ««hont


an apron booth, and tlda wfll beh

tCharge of Mr*. 0. B. Ore**, i t a . A. aMertle and Ml*. I*ura How»n.WhlteBepbanttaUe,wflIbemcbar|ef CUMtna HUB, «Uov of find-

, | eof Ur*.Oeorge Hansel and Mr*. John

crick •Wb«r. died Tttnky «t the nameIn order that thon mt~tending ipay haw an opportunity to *ttd

« « » * «r*n41*«fhter. K n M a Q n a ,ydown and Net, a tea room h o beenarranged, which wm be to charge ofM

gMn. H, O. Prajr, Mr*. F. F. Vaughn and

najejd w f cf the season was held at-SooofM Kgaa M—<u» atanmc .lira. ""iimal , an M>l a ^ ^ B ^ V e a a a ^ a s*

1 ^w^^^^^^^om^ i^^^»^^ " ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ „ ' VSav assama

1 _. ^ . _ ^

Water*, president. prejUed. Flan* tor -HcSTmen,11 aald tU'So, the aagetht tee and pte».ot **•» and p a * | e l Ounatoim, ••put to,, tot ot One

r.thearoeaidalaotfdbemgoodaon- > o r the gtati to attend church to iml<* B M l t m M L ttthewfaottMTtng, provide a Uatt

of iteaw or other ocare* mater-ial to TUiaWm to prevent tba aMH-nate fraealnff and) thawtor which caneu

want' atnaft. to -Ifn. Rarmond


rame JUineton,- MM. O w e * spoon,Mrc Stan)*? OhtO and Mn. HerbertTirreB. ' •



TROOP goLast Friday"! meeting was conducted

by Jack Oatts and Robert Steirett.Leaders Fete Wargcr and' Robert

Rackmyer.-were advanced to Junior at-

Oarth fleavy was elected to quarter-master at tht September M meeting.Robert Fops, was elected to troop scribeto<.replae» Harold Schnakel who hat

The pretest patrol leaden-are PhtHpMoOlnnto, Roderick Biptth, Gnat, lom-redto aad-Bnte Boot

BJehaiA Ituk puMd'Hnt claas aidttMOJ'

Kn. Harold Blrtailre.The member* ot the Young People*

Fellowship have appointed BarbaraReiner and Alfred Frlefee to representthem' In supermtendmej the1 managingot a Ores Bag: and to sweeten the at-mosphere, Mrs. Harvey 10ms.ICn.jotmXX Brooks and Mr*, Barotd Dava, areto be in charge of the sale of homemade candy and tweets. The EveningBranch of the Woman's OuUd In chargeof Mr*. C. E. Shatter and Mr*. C, I*Fair, 1* Wwrtnrtlng a tale of fancy

BMammW -* • A W A ^ A a a ^ i a a ^ N ^^ A 'tWaMSAea

nutt** y n p c r H H ciH»wun OK m ytuBCJTable. The choir, under the teadenhte

and a son; Ernest Sensr, Jkofh ot Otan-ford. and by seven s^andeDOdren. • -

udtta.MTbt dntnr and bot> corps practice

win nlMld touwnuw.Tte ttwpaonuntttM win hold 1U

flrtt Ua awettnc toabjht at the home<rf It P. OatU and will formulate plantfor tuton AeHvitica ' - .

A colorM. romanOo period In Amer-ican Watery. w*» faithfully, re-createdfor RtaWo TbeatnWidlencee bat nightwhen.*vnthtr Oueyi Chicken*" un-fOltftd Jettf hfjhrrt-ff g«| |HlTy ffhtrTIH watfdsweet aimpBeUy —~a long-agught relieffrom the madcap comedle* and ponder-out dramas which have been Invadingour'screens lately. \ - -

ens,', features Anne Shirley," RubyKeelaf, James, innimfi and Fay Balnter.

m e ob-feature Is Join: Bennett andRandolph Scott In T h e Texan*."

ORDINANOJkn. v u n n u w prahlUtbis tha tale, n -dba for tale or frtlnrr of unpaetenrlaad aiUli<

or cream or other naputeuilaod Bilk producttIn tha Toanuhlar of Cranford.

Be n OroaUuSl t r the Board of Baallh of tlwTmanW of Craaford la th»,Ccuatr of Ooloai

BecUOD 1. Ho perm, ftri* or torporaUon•hall aall or offer for tale, or dourer, or tiaraIn poeeeeakm wUh4ateaTto ertl or dVllrer. laIhe Mrashlparcraiiford. milk, entia or oUierluld a i m pradocta nnlen laid aillk, cream orother l a i d adit aradnda hare beeo paitaiirlaedbr the praeeea o/haatlu nnj pirllclo of milkor milk Btodacta to a temperature of not k athaa Ml* aad holdta* taaw at that

' temperatda for thlrtr ooaianiUra mtaute* bt

eonptlah tha aamaTtmlte' '—"-"nothlas la^ thla.. aacUoo el

. br?'do»lorsaalaod Siucff'wS*t^ommtaekm!

&xrr?SeeUoB I. v Aar peiaoo. Una or iomocUon

TloUUnr Sectlao 1 heroof, ehalL upon oomle-llon forfeit and par a penaltF)* not teei thentwo HIM) doOan nor mon (baa oaa —*~"II1HM) doDara>' . .a ^ t l S (TSraddlUoB 6> lha paaaUloa pro.Tided la Section I hereof, too Board ot Healthmar >t<lta dlaoreUoo reroke the lloanaa ol M I

. M «r corporation found luUV ol Tlo-

& * a ! % ahall taka altaet30 daja aftar a u l paaua-e.



OCI0BBS MTH, US*.a MtH, us*.int. •mvtirr.

rtl. Utt.

I .-ftaaa»lhaNall»

oMtn. Rowland P. Hjthe. Is*lnr Ice cream,.and there wm be a tableof aurpriie package*, tn<«harg* of Ma.Harry K. Atwater.

TW* evening, between 6 and »:!», thewomen s* tha pariah, under the ableleadenbte- ol Mr*. Uda * t Beard*a*t,

0. D. M*nao and Mr*, a t .Stanma; will e e m one of the auppen torwmoh they are famou*. Durmg the aft-ernoon and evening there win be for-tune teUms, ejamea and e&tertalnmentfor an, directed by Cha*. L. Fatr.,

The dobnt each day-'at 2 p..m. »ndthe*tagel» all *et lor a monitor.



life af City. Geaurj DataThe arerage life of the cquaby

dog ia a years, ot the city dog Uy e a r s . •'• - / . - • • • • . • -

to OoapMa the Oaa.

WBBBBAS, tha ardtaaaa. entttlad "An On*,ante prorldlii* far tha oaaMraeUaa of a eaal-

tary aawer taVoUi Klnth SUaetT, •tha « m S h b »v—•««-- an Hay II.pnprlaled l i t earn of I I . M I N la icoat or the HannteUoa elf a i d sewer.WBBBBAS, aald approprlaUoa • m

to deftaKtaa M l H S of lha eaaamaUoaj at

" * ^ ^ ™ r | " nthto Cemmlttea A.ta t

Beeiloal. It> defray the eoet of toaatraeUattheaut tan aawer la%nthKtath sweat a a a n .Tided for b aa ordlaajKe'aatUIed. -An Ordi-nance pnfldlnt for tha eonatmetloa of a aaal-larj aewir i T s m t h math Street-, adapted' kptha IMraahlp Ooanalttw on Mar k m * , thefartte .u-^^M <»*%!?<$«•£arthar urn of Kt-H l»

aeelloa s. To toinc. ul ^ A l ' ^ A ^ I L

anUdpatna aioiea of the TowMhlp a n herahraathorUeala oelemed hi an a o n t a t e emoaatnot enoodlat eaM appropriation, la hear lalar-eat' t t ' a raw not eneeaut' • ? P«£ « ! " j » 2annum, tad mature ta oaa ami from tha elate

•'n^-rk^L-id-i*.that the aavpUmeatMt^attlanieal re-quired .

the_< bjUw'eflJto

tgalut the laadab O t t e d thereby l

real eataletl to tWWSlinaTaj tjUW* sataaumi eaaa at * i ••* • • • — • • ~-

Dattd September «.


* OradaateAmerican School ef Fit<«peak»




Sweet Pea* may also be anmm'thefaA but they mu*t nave «xtr« protec-

Xt even •'-trade ookjfnune—a§two board* with a ( to* top. for to-etance—<au» be |MD* over the row, theplant* ahould • 'winter a*U*faotorUy.During really anere weather and onvery cold ntabta, some extra cover overt ie frame, *qch u o!d hay or straw, Ua nrtbwhUe prebaBbon. Ouard *galnst

too early. " October It timetcbugh tar ths seedllnss to becomewen rooted «nd to ajet started before00M wuallwr aeta m, for smaller pat

better thanwhich are too large. When Sweet Featare iiKtoavaroar smwlne; out-of-doontak way. result* are much Oner thanwhen the Mills ant sown lntheiprmr.•Shrub* and rote* may aim be planted

at thlisouon, far October to one'ot thefcrtransplanUng hardy

material, iitaey become weUeetabUanedbaton wtnter, ready to grow and baJomIn tha aprtag. Alto be sure to getbtflb* In PTcmnUy, tor an early planted

~ " better than those

ptaaMl taterjQ the year.


ICECREAMML tMasj a m a t * AMea St.




JL vautB aiACca. eta. nunm.lUUax^natrtidaaa la tha'Meat

7 IWt ec Oar Baaaaaaa.iai UMioa Avcmic


• 11,000 iaoiahYnaC* a* Cntprb*la tb* big contrS spooaorM byKoppera Color, thTltodem fed, IaaddUoo, fbcra-ue aiS^odair" Bit

It'* theetitnt cnawst 0 ou a m «aw<Tbore'* ootblnc to far/j AO yoa hate* » d o b Cain mi* aeaiaoce ia JO«ocd* or snai m "I Hk* KoppsnGokabecaaneiii'* IlsssMbewrJuaa1

e> me Osidal Entry Bhak. wUcn*e"n begJad to ghe yoai Jast stop1 by


• ' AatTaarlsee Paler tar Craafard

Red-Strong Coal Co.j . * . araosja


Famwe CB. a-ttfl t a L e - t mOatwer NorUi * t}ale> *

GtanfareVN. J.

Elizabeth M. CPIANO and OR

- V






"vkTel CR-

** . .

Tbe'tundird falO•heel 'package ia *

'OMWfcntSOO sheetg O O l l , JQVA

htw thtotlxe Jn




^ ^ ^ ^

< .'1 "'

. - " f- V . ,

Page 6: DEUYOPEWNG DENf Y INCREASE IN GROUP TO DISBANDuw … · To Resume Activities Oct. 11 IVognra far Tbe which Mrs. ChA of C. H. Bterrett I* wffl namn actMtles wttn meetlns; o n Tueeday.^etober

u 1 I


.1'i "z. - £j~' JL •

uamt ts tstm*

men to Grcutajte Petitionto g h n Matter Be-

fora Voter*.:

met m a«ourneilnight, i

/ mot m made^hat Borough tax ap-peals win be I K W W . EUsabeth on Oc-tober I». ' .

TW sale o« delinquent irae «nd prior) e n U N wlU be held H V » M theUlta can be arranged.

AuthorhaUon was nude 'ofof dx softs oThtndcrj fiahway TiRailroad new Wa*tagton avenue.

Beeahtton of Volunteer Ptae Depert-nent w a e j ^ f requesting a new liratrack.- n v Chief 'vnuun VtnOtilenstated that » pettHon would be dreu-Btted In the Baraagh for the puipata etmfarDtUmg the, matter bf>a fire jruek tothejotera In November electionA

Reappotntment of. Anton Stay * nmade, torn 5 year tenn, to the aonlng

Appointmentof Arthur Vltale to theTohmteer Tin Department i u ' eon-

Resolution was passed authorbdngAlvin Ulrtch to draw up a contract wtlhOracelsnd. Oemetery Association. Bythe terms of the proposed contract, theBorough win receive MJOOO on Movem-ber 1st, 14,800 on May 1st, IBM; and Itper interment until the cemetery' Isfined <o capacity, there being eOflOO po-tential crave*. \

Abo the Oemeterr Association agreesto pay IBM of the legal'expenses in-curred by the Borough in the suK nowpending hi the'State Supreme Court, aswell as an of the 1898 Ux**.\ BoroughAttorney Burke wta spthortaed to re-view tha contracfafter 1U preparationby Attorney TJlrlch with a view to safe-guarding the- Interests of the-Borough..Two thoutandj donate wen voted to

the local schools, l . . ,Meeting waa adjourned to meet at the

can of the chair.

PAKTY aioora EXBCT ,Jame* smith wai neleeted chairman

of the. Municipal Republican Commit-tee Honda? nigh*.; Stephen Rodomdno

pal Democratic Countythen- rearganhaUon meeting- The Re-publican group liiaor*ed; the entire Re-publican ticket and elected Allen Ar,-thur aa a member of the Union CountyewcuUw committee to succeed ItrtBerth* M. Vesten. The Democraticgroup lndoned Ooonty chalrmui Bd^ward L. Whetan lor reelection. •

SOCIAL ITEMSAt O. a. Dttrfct Court hauiaecm

We»*rt on Monday. «eoJtanb»*ai j ag

tag Company and permtakB granted toidona, with Rank K.

and Borne B* Orabbe, as trusteei Theplant which baa been dojsd for fourweek* to eapeeted to reeam* operationsabout Octboer I.

Kenllwcrth fettered lft MB quota of•Mage aa the remit of <he etorm'of

ltat week. Many large beta w*i»uMnidown; enuhrng fences and causing otherminor damage* Over 109 of the aoall•bade trace were partly uprooted. MayorOrtppo caned on the fire department,which labored throughout the nightclearing the atreeta and safeguardinghigh teuton wlree which war* down.Relief men employed straighten- VXRY

» Arfr up the small tree* uprooted daring

dub win meet In Borough Hanon Monday night with the usual soundpicture entertainment. Mr. Schulta

- - the attendance atthese meetings "oft** Ua>'* ° * * ***good, he thoughtNhat a great manyten of the BorougnNrere missing In-structive'and entertaining; evenings bynot" attending.

Oriole dub had as guestTuesday night Joseph Battagttastreet who spoke on athletic*.

ILeroy oiendennlng of 31st streetspending his yearly vacation at homeby reason of a sprained ankle.

Supervising Principal William J.Deans is home front a 10 ear stay atSt. Elisabeth Hospital Mr. Deans willtake a 30-dty leave of absence from hisschool duties to recuperate from hisfflntw


BIX mom houasandlmn peMor, one cargarage, pnOraifg*Vwa» near BOOM-veN'SebooL ' BaivBo. • Small downpayment or B. k V a h i m eonHdered:Owner, Richard Kaine, »>sa Clinton

Henry Bannon, age M, died at nhhome on •Waihlngtav aranoe yerterdaymorning. Mr. Bannoa wu tha oUeatof four aged brother* who kept bachelorquarter! in the John Kananebuilding, adjoining the paatotBoe. Theaged man fell on Sunday and fracturedhi» thigh, and died aa a mult of aninfection. ~ ' : '


1. An v a y s , used on fruits/andvegetables, injurious to human beings?

a. How many persons were killed Inthe World Wart

I- How many moon* are aroundJupiter* /

4, Is the Navy bunding'six battle-Hupsf X •

6. What I* toe value/of tax-exempt

The purohsj*j> excellent, only10* atonTandtbe balance may bepaid like rent over a tone period of

be gJed'to answer an quesoons. to-h*te pdMttrioft Is vWfiiiiWi).

jr. 0 . 1 0 0 * 0 8 0 . Bealtcr

CHITBOB Of CHBIST, SCIENTIST~ -DNRKAUTr' U the Leaon-Spmon aub)ect for Sunday, OoU*er>J, in|all Chrutian cdenoe Churchea>and 80-detlea throughout tha wo MT

The Golden Text li: *Let not himthat la deceived taw in vanity: forvanity lhall be hlr recompence." (Job

Amotig the Leam-Sermon citationsli the foUowmg-from the Bible: "Tearthou not; for I am with thee: be notdumayed: for I am toy Ood; X willatiengtbm thee; yea, I win help thee;yea, I win uphold thee with the righthand of my righteouaneas." (lealah41:10).

The Xjeeton-Sermoti atao Inrpaaage from the ChrWlant»rtt«wjr "Sdence «™» HealthKey to the Scripture.-by MaryHddy: "Where the qitatt of-Oodthere la no place where Ood istnbt, evilbecome* nothings- the oppon>e of the

" (p. *K»,

Baatta ** Ortasly'.BearsGrisly mother* rarely have fan-

mas m two successive years, or U

tb> mother resra berfamQv.

HOW many persons In Mew YorkCity have WPA Jt-_.

T. Has mineral/ou any food vainer8 . f l s interest/In primary election*

Inenaamgt8. How many famines, are receiving

some publio relief fundst I ' '10. Whkf era the coal reserves of

the nation! «-e Answer* on page li

WIN MOVn PASSESn of, passes-to.^>e Cnnford

itre for eorrectly answering quea-m last weeVS Issue of thla paperDonald flchlndler, 303 Manor ave-

nue; B. Terrell. 301 Springfield avenue;Mnv Iola Hitchcock, S8~OoTumbia ave^nue; Moreen Butter. 808 B o street, andRobert Reach, 58 Division avenue. West-field. Correct answer* wen: 1, Oran-ford High Grade Market; a, LeonaTurner; 3, J. H. MbMahon; 4, John aBaumann; and 8, Belli Drue Store/

BebrfeerMessmArtrtieltaatfs .Belndeer moss ia a species of JUcht,

en found In gnat abundance in Afot ic . lands. Erect,; With manybranches. It grows to a few tocheain height and covera Immenseacres where it Uuaedes a food forremdeer and other animals. ,


ford Trust CoM Real Estate'DeptMUMH AND

, t TekphwieCRaaford 6^)508

SI taodard Lumber & Supply Co

ifii i M 11 ie i a » •

ouestrtga aae avtvxag gelw^aATgs.iM pga u a c . eawn m l ere'lie*

acrta* A M »veejrrarr«a

1 m% u w a e » «.--, • M l

MODSBM 8B-«O0» iJUxmC- rsai,adult family, g n furnitbedVvtcmltrhigh ti*y*. son room, bmkfaatnook, oO Imiusi,gaiage. La* seovn, U l tnua; ORanford #4M(


-atbjaettie modern hem*, ngrade and high scheatttort dletaifrom esnter of tow*/ Seven rooms,steam heat, garage, m. Bkhards ftswaekhsmer. t» ika&tomoo Aveno*.Fnone OBanfard tMUL

V> B S X O R O T AVK, atiracttve. med>em an rooms, tUed bath, large b>roormvattacbed garage, October/Ut,

J. O. MUlMCtD. Realtor/ /114 Park Are. i " Ptatafleld a.

WUUB IXMtlAU— Bargain; Bve building

an Improrementa.-Bach lot only' tetmeoUandUxeapiJd.

jr. Mti£oSo,lMOen-'"cranford.

convemently located.ew*ii»irtl l I l>e( • 1 M M H Ww vDwKaasaVwDailBVa# P ^ DvBAm

AUaoh; toe;'!!! gWMliAvanua.

irOMAITwkmaithe day.



lujge.wniadlforafter (P .M. week daya,

' 1 WAIT* TO BUTn u m » U'ttot once; win reftohh.• Kost l^ygjanniMi. Can BLuMbeth


THBKB room "apartment with bath,ready October Ut; a n Walnut Ave-nue: Telephaoe OBanford 8-171B-W.

11 ' ...B/tOHS POB BJtNTLABOB, brtghs, oomjroriahte, weli-fur-

nhhed ndm?near'bue Mae. Pricereaaonahle;*J*ooe OBan. 8-OOtKi. t

woman and daughter wintwo rooms, kitchen and bath. Oar-age, beat, not water and gas supplied.Preferably. In private home. AboutOetobkriUthV Rent tSSM Phone

' BOOH'AND BOABDROOM; andjboard; 3M MDn Street

aw*phonev0aanford 64081

^IMOBBUXDtO }X i - Q n s W y w o n

OBanfard' e - i a l d ( or

AVK.•m; pamtbjg. Interior deeoraUng.'

iWocmemodteiliinc.3MBk)Omlng-«al* Avenue, Cmnfont^J.' 1040

PAHRSMO and peptrhanglng.. Bad-metes o h e e r f a l l y (tves. Jam*iaeUndkr and Harvey H*Twads,.inWorth Avanne, B u t Phone CBao-fHfraB y

[•VUBBx'lUI ft4' ' • DWXmafltOBS-?

MALooiii ww>a«T~aa, e-taw.

M M ,otreferaooas, none

'• ' ' -

,an (or Bght


. »»Ctamfae Omo*.


ed RXASOttABLT.VAlSO 80BBKKBtaken out. cleaned.4 and_pBtawa», tofMn*11 Any odd j0M> .Puuup CBuv

coats andsoaro for ssK~ Bemodahngai^reiwMng U p g r a d e furs. U-fi


* il<'»

•.-Or. M e *


, wan to" Phtnc

r, )Me i M*w»j_raaajsiti

buymB-aeM^ertW-'esa^eB' ~

m ^ ^^^^^ ^a^^^^^» ^g^^^BA eka^Bl av ^ M

road of BW[*a^BF»jBamvj|^ w« m.

atldincaadbefore the

Sthe tracks


The drtvaw' « * » Aaahony Berlarjuu mill man MMI Haai fknam Byoicent of bottt altiiiinays, eharges agal

i w n dbadsasdi-and the eai

RBTMBO Jpr lemm of Stack LeaOw— *— t to last SJ

DB»e. Oranford.

pmanure; tawn soar

1 O*&"ead ate

age. Packing and cratmtvtAnied Vans.»Dany -*«nreai,to<^Bei IXURDA1


against tha ether- two driver* wen atinned to October IT-

OompUne waa made by Sergt D.nisOonuskayen Information and IUef. OomMnry was en trains duty.North avenue and-Osnter street at IUn^ottbebxIderaV,-

The buses, eA-of which were lowwith ached pepDs, were returning ichildren to than-homes. All of idrtrara testified that they had browtheir wdades to a atop before drlvonto the tracks, and several of the]pil» alee U'stWiiT hv behalf of the .f endsote. H > addttaoB to Bergt Cotekey. Mrs. Hany Htmd and Fred Oen teeUfled against the drivers. _

The eoamlamanfe waa representedNorbert T. Burke, attorney to the 1glc^HJghSehoolBdardormncaUand the tetirtsiile eise jeywesutedJoseph Lmdabury.

a m Kaehendorfer of Osrwood. chaed wUto driving a ear with plates Iantor soother vehicle, wa* fined t » s

Fined for passing "red* trafflo ttgwen Oorden Duncan, SUsabeth, $11«3 cost;ef..oourt;Wlinam HardUScotch Flame, tt and «3 east at cooapd yakntme wmie, Watchuug, (11S3 cost of.eourt. ^

Use Moore Paii.' * \ 9WMI

'sHardwartATE. W. CBANFOBI

ha"rd on their

\ 1

•>. ^fti^*Vacation time or iscnoot days,dolhes for thdn is a busy belter skelter life. It, takes tune

. and work to keep their clothes in order.

Wash and iron witt electricity. Use Thor laundry .equip- .'. meat Yon can do your wort quicklyiiithit: Tne washer

washegja tnbful of «lptnea"ln,a few minutes; the'ironerreduces fonx ironing;,, time at least to .half and you can beseated conffortably^wSlfle;jpuW^.TleJoIdaway ironeria. ,'

fastened, to' a cabmep^^ampUnW-ihe storage problem ',and helps to keep theirwiing roUcleap^aih^prilpes begin '« ^ o ok " ^ - t l r l e r . ^ r o n i M ^ .Foldaway," "

[for £^-*SB&&*_^._i*'at449.95.iron« illustrated



v-,v TH1TH


THli* Baad eaiefany tta eaertlsa

• ^ a^^aaa^ hi'this hwaes7«e3«every «Attaryea tad the •

aetaeyiisO•a i




z^Whafaton h hMated'ajt U

&-<Wbe is,advertising •Trwcr

*^-Wb* b admtismg "New O

S^-Wh* Ip located at Ml Hme


-• "1l * 4 'Z ^^^

Page 7: DEUYOPEWNG DENf Y INCREASE IN GROUP TO DISBANDuw … · To Resume Activities Oct. 11 IVognra far Tbe which Mrs. ChA of C. H. Bterrett I* wffl namn actMtles wttn meetlns; o n Tueeday.^etober

T _ . _ " " \

* ,

• w i Vloa-<*alnnan, r n d rahxnr. aafl•eeMatr. U n . M m Dwan, M i»>etootod. Tte DenootUc onmmtttw wfflmeat toolafat in haMkiBKlaia to napcampaign pUna and «teo amtng* adat*

to b dd I thcampaign pUna and «teo amtng* adat*tte a, card party to be add In the near

Berluto w r a a i - a n d the e u nagainst tlB»««b«rtwo drivers were «on-tinued to October If. *

OompUnt waa made tgr a n t Den-nis Oosnttay c o Information sad He-'lief. OomMnry waa on traffic Arty.atNorth avenne andOenter street at the

BO* SCOOTS TO.The flM fall neeUat cf Bar Booat

Troop TO *UJ be held R J a v In Warit>tojton School, at which time the lead-e n of the troop wfll ootllne the pro-grain, for the coming year. All aooutea n reqonted to be at -the «chool atT:M p. m. . \

The bases. aB-of which wen loadedwith school poofls, were letuming thechildren to their homes. AU of thedrivers testified that they had broughttheir vehieks to a; atop before drivingonto the tracks, and several ot the pu-

l»a««s»te8ergt.Oom-Iskcr. -QBir Btand ant n*d Onr-en testified aa»h»t the drivers. *

Tte comiwdnaiit was represented byNorteH T, Bar*«v attorney to the Be-(icna BKb ftkod P*nl of Unctttoo.and th» a**iMWiif • nwiwntfil byo«l)h Uadktard a Ka6bwdaifBr«(aanRxid, charg-

ed vim drtrtng s carjrtth plate* Iroedtor anottNt *tUd». «a» flqed «J»s

Fined ftrpa»atn« Ted-tiafflo Ughte«er« dodan Oanean, mtaheth, $1 and«3 * ; t I U Hrtl;SootehnatmTa and *» on* oB oomt:and y a i m i M WDUt, Watebing. «l and$2 OOMt oC.COIBt. ^

Use Moore Paint's Hardware

• W W M M a v S falsFf AaMV BsMSflsai YJ*TJIBB IsSsMtt

*».**J*\i .«"•- ffiVat* M M H I

\ '


Prederlck L. Uklohow ef litamme dkd tait Friday InBrothers BoenttaLBIiabrthThree Oaks, lUch* be had been adent of Oarwood for many yean,iron moulder by trade, he had beenployed of late as a night watchman.

He to survived by his wif e, Mrs. LenaKiller Italobow. three daughters and a

JO.Funeral servlees were conducted Mon-

day afternoon in Gray* Funeral Borne,Westfldd, with Interment In Falrrlew



naea aa* Urn. *afct at atata at

Ittmmlr team aa Oiiiln lamHaa sw.ajaasvjfffy otal« «a HMtailaW ^^

FOR UMITED TIME ONLY!White Oak VSISOIM 45cRubber or Leather LtfU_ 20cRubber He«UcotntT Housa SBOI MMB\}




BAf MOm A. VUJI1. N 'r .BDUtCC-CX-MM faaa, psV.-


~:M ' I* ^

tha applleaUqB of lha imdanKsad, aa•f tha aatata at Mid oMaaaad. notka U haravrIt»tn to tba cradUora or aald daewaad w o -Wblt to tha rabaoibar <udar oath or aflma-uaq their dabaa aad dananda atalaat thaaautaof uld deeaaaad within aU mootha froa tbed.t. of aald orda>. or lha» will ba Jorambarnd from proaarattaf « raeoTarhis tha auaa

lha aubaertbar.

SZIA W. KABKUB. Proctor,41 Broad BL, Ktjport, «. I. r«aa IIJI


. J ^ J S T — . a ai silat ll—iillslifr to the CTBMMN AMD CTaWNIO*

t t e i m wtaa«, » • CMIsea aat ChraicU wffl gin aa» tkket



• b CE. S-0557T

Z^What ston h toeated'ai « N. Wnlon -Avenue, Crmnfordt

• -WLii- H : 1

. M l h b almrtUnc TrescripUon Eyeflanes Excuninly"T

*^-Wl» Is adwrtlatti* -New CMI» and.Scarfa for sate"T

S^-TAa k iscatod at Ml Etaer Street, WcsiOeUT


^ conditioned and devoted W/mJp»fj> to making manymontha and thousands of dollara to dV\Ktitei(er'a w * miilioB>dollar Cream Ale. Try velopKnietfer'snaTPmillioiwIoUarCream Ale.


lv',1' TMt V Kraaftwr'* NfW Cra«m Ato— ake bottles, in can*, and On drautfhti••, a true Entflisb-type ale, dry,, full- Look for the famous "K" man.

bodiitd, gloriousl Try it tatty. In aU G.Kru*ftrBrttoi*fCi.,N*wart,N.J.


ghl't.%Al,-,.'s'-iva^-v-" k,l4>i'**:l-^.?*'\«S'-^,*£il>?''>^~ •?"'•" ^ ^


>- -



Page 8: DEUYOPEWNG DENf Y INCREASE IN GROUP TO DISBANDuw … · To Resume Activities Oct. 11 IVognra far Tbe which Mrs. ChA of C. H. Bterrett I* wffl namn actMtles wttn meetlns; o n Tueeday.^etober

. , . , « , » y^rj,

DOVER, 12-0Winner. Gaia Bodr fooeb-


A Walter ps0»#ito tte < -

Tte tan

I School te detested Onto • . at Dover Saturday, to


Bast Saturday the Blue and Oold winmeet BoseOe at Beadle. Cranfordtrounced Bonne. U to*, bat year. i

AiongimbyBetnvBoft,acUpptogpenalty and another pkmge put Cran-iord back on Its own goal Una tat* Int te aeoond quarter bat aattrday. Thina, ktek by Kbmer put1 the ban on thesaMflen strips. A number of ptangesbrooght It back to tte thirty yard Mne.Joe Betod-heavsd a pass of 41 yardsto Oordon Benedict la t te end aone fort te flat touchdown. A rash on tte con-

In 'u» thbd period a spot p*a> oftwelve yards over center netted Dovertheir other score. A series of powerfiaya landed the Orange and Black onateBtot and Qon 12 yard line. Heine]

through center, leeched the endh idg ,

awe standing np' and .then received aballetmwpMs from :

BenedWe kfek was wild. -fun «vnt*e»mtf *>4eldof M oootastaata.

Laterals were used several times togood advantage lor both side*. OnceAvery went around end and after red-tog off U yardt ifterakd to Earnerwho went on another 5 yards. A for-ward with two laterato on tte end net-ted Dover »yards. . '

Tte game was liberally sprinkledwith pastes. Dover cnmpleted 11 outof lg and" one waa intercepted. Cran-ford completed 1. had 4 intercepted and

Tte Cranford band was present strength and regalia. They .were ledby t te new dram majorettes, AntonMalone and Dorothy Johnson, and

i a fine snowing.were decked out to

new white Jeneya with targe bJuMwm-bers Instead of tte tradlttonal Blue andOold.• Captain Bonnie Kebey started ttetame as fuBback bat at the end of tteg dfHt cjnartar anUM back Whla old

, \ 'The. Unenpand a—ary foltota:



Don. Cooper, Potter, BonneO. Btrtols,r. Tomredta,

»Ward; Dover—Plpeg, Swasy,

VOOISAU, PUT8 SBOWNOn radar morBtet a foottaU pro-

p a n waa preaented at the aagniMr ofthe Cnntord B ( h achool with eleven

i of the f ootban aijoad demon-

Beth WeeUey exptotojoVifie Simdtyai

tactics,Qoach 3. Beth WeeUeyaction and OoaehJ.W^Ite ragwtaHflns ofused by

y p j V yndC5oaehJ.W>CaJie«*ipi*Bof made thei U < t t '


> piaUcac<tt«1gameandWgnaU when'theVmBS » — l I 7Wjr>p»Jfi» .-» +»- - ajMlitos/


T, * M tMeB.'CMl Lloyd, Henryion. Bkterd Lackey. Webster 8ker-

.ratt; M m Fast, wnnam Cole, Chattel

CMaj. tcaTJe Onad U« WOeox.

M s .


Walter Hay.


W. • achedola batwata Fbaidal-i and Beaton m fflOL . "


SEAGEttS DRUG STOREMt X. t a a t N I V K ' '

_ knowledge and background «fthe game by tte Ham they art dtUvtredto Coach J. Beth Weekky. *"

At present there are three gamesscheduled and Ooaoh Coffee wffl at-tempt to get at least two and mayb*three more. Be tea weS over twoweeks to get the* Junior highInto shape, t te first gams afor October 14 with .Linden at Cran-ford. Then on Oetobar « . a gamewith Rahway, at home and anotherwith Ltodtn away, en Oetobar H.


in t te Bole-ln-on* Oolf Tourneysponsored by the Oak Ridge OcU Club,WUItam a.VohdMi ot Untoo, sank oneof bis aBoted Avejea shot* to wm Ite

The eompetttlon w u open to all ama-teura In TJWon, ICddleeex, Banx, U vtit and' Hudwa bountlea, and watplayed off teat Saturday and Sundty.

Vohden, who thooU f^ip|i*«nt^r hithe low 8ft, laed a No, 4 Inn on hitfourth ahot to aoore the ace. The baOtailed atralgbt tor^ttoe nag, bouncingrix Inehea In front oflhe tup and 'drop*ping In without a* much aa touching(he pin.

The "waa Tbomaa i m i ofRabway, whose beat effort tandsff twom, ten'and one-half Inches from (topin, Tte next closest contestant wasMlehad Itostrtan of Westfield, whowon third prlss with a shot that meas-ured ithree feet, seven Inches andOeorgeBecker of TJafcw took fourthprise with an effort of three feet, tenInches. Tte fifth prise winner wasT. B. Henry of •Usabeth, with a shotthat fen Ove" feet, elx and one-halftInobM from the cup.

t te Wat opponent met by. tfce fletrtattte Catamounts of the Utai-

of Vermont. The eamv flat

Biiluawaifc. Few changes are, plannedto the Batten Una-op that faced Mari-etta. "-..

COLLEGIANS TO MHCT TIGEBSThe Cranfcrd OcUeglani, which tostieir Initial game of the aetson to tte

Somervffle^Bean,« to 0, test Sunday atSomervUhVwUl play t te Cranford BMtTiger* a 1:10 p. nv Bundsy at ITnamlPark. Playing wtth the Cranford eler-en, enacted by Harry James, are: Po-syton, toft end; Nometh, left tackle;

left guard; Jonesv center; Oraiftright guard; BUlias, right tackle; Brin-atazboCti lisjfat txtAi

Nolan, left-teir,PBffler, follhac-r: PceWn, Pflffer,kerheC'lujd Hotan tamed in good

Sunday's garnet- The SomervUle elevenmade ttwir aoore to the* third periodwhen* they completed a pass over the•Mi IblK.7* • *

Oat ef taa BtoelKaU -Mda tin ttls country baajaA

._ placa attal rail in general uaa




J.RMcMAHONGrid. Crocgc

CXMV1MUNISMfPmttntt /Mat paoe OMJ

work waa the key-note of the proceedtog^ Mr. Brltton aid.

The Declaration" of Prlndpiet to-withdraw from bmtneai; oppcaltlon toeluded a demand that the governmentregimentation of (he probations; nomore -drattle reform unUl the nationcan foot the bfil and Industry ttand the•hock;" the redrafting .of the WagnerAct glvmg management and labor equalright* and inaktag them equally reason-dhle; tame focrtrenne onlr, pubUccmplo|aaa to ba tufejaiit to the**taataaa other oWaent; thetheundartrUMtedproOtataz;Use of • oay-aa-yott-to potter to (BoeWSeoorltgr-'oppoaUion to the OVkboneyUcenalng BUJ; bppoaniop to any moteto eurtajn the powera of the Comptni*ler Oenertl; oppoettfen to the meio>•ton of legUattve, executive and jqdt>dal fancUont delegated to any Indtvld-

i otasmiadon br aaenoy!- lialanna UMbndgetlreondemnatlon ol t h e heneyoraptndmgonevwayoBtofdebnte-lMtobeputonanefadencybatltwIthreturn of rehef admlmatraaoa to thettateejabotlUooof

'TteaaMdatlonttlegraphsdartaola-ten. B»y ^ d f

onrnmartmng anlendortJng h)» aound flve

t M d Oovai lunaiit eoBaoatknof private property, and oongratalattd' • ' • • 4 v B L atlaeS eOVBilav avEejvwvaVltjHaflBBlaaVW ^.

There,are 40M0» oorporattant and

thlt country. Mmety per cent of tbeettan m the cataaory of "nan onttofja,"

•Aroaaad to tba aanouaneai «C #*tttoaUon whkh we believe extetev wecan baeonw a mighty force at the pofJa,"

^ urmou o)te]araow ^oma ooe> at*nominated the oonvetttton delegatae aa•theMtouteMenof WST. ThelUDatalien are on the more. Once Ute-t t tgreat middledaaa, the TytaaMrSof ttenation,'it going tp'OUgt a> hand hv thetolution ofj^Ofic. And dent forget,the BoetoE Tea Party waa staged byrliiilj 'mull lmiiixea m » ' *

Ndl M d 7 ^Needlrt M a d . 7 ^Btone needht havmf an eye at

one and harabeen found among- Vmrellca of the Oona age.: Deficatotwedlawork irwtjmdaetjdttf t*»


At • reetmHnertmg of tte Chat

me of t t e ehrch presitea faot devless> ajssoeisted wttb IEBBI

Is siiniiinail mil suri iAt I t e U a- n . serriee Sander, t te

local church wJD Join to a WerlaVwJdeOon«ntnlpnB»rvlce.towma>alla«a»-bers o t t t e aong»tr*tton and_tt-*tsea-

Wortt>wat> acrriea w n start InIstandt of tfae

and wilt betoken op hoartfarougteat t te day mother]



tte atrth dlewct waa •

: o t fihe :

Tteomse of'

and Mr*.Mr.Wanaee

tte publidtr . _ _ . .

LoveD. Mr. Baakta. Mr. Bsnrtii.'-MfatOrf, H . _ a s a t a r and CbartasM: Bar.

abaimcf far t t e emtre Sepalticket across ene at t t e maaastnttetownabto. ,- ' *


The. geographte .


HaTt 'TevwBGHkBBBQa. 99 | M B fliot

ntw waabad $ot tao janta teB W h a ?



a. am. I r In t t e Maaooie,



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BABY FOODSM . ' U-u. - -



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AD Purree Cw-m

•-«• IN


103 n. union. *. V. - .fe


rn. J.


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toOctobar 201

for t te CranfortAdult Bftwatmn, promm. which willret underway on Oootber 15 m Oran-(ord High Beted aodltorimn. were'en-ncoioed yeeterday by Vra. M. A. bralcchalrmaD of the .Adult BlaoatlaoOomdL ' ~~, r

on Thureday evening, October 10, Dr,Btat aonont ot t te Hew School foeBocUi ranaawh. wm Itetmw on *Vbtpneeot IntonaUonal Bttoation In Kur-ope." Dr.fflmona acrved m tte ReichKxl'the Pnaakm MmMry ot Interior,inffwaa Oerman giiiifiiiiiniil repraeen-tattve at tte mtematlonBl eonferenoM•t Ftuta, Ocneva, and Waaw. , - •

On Uonday, Kovember T, Dr. BadleyOantiO. atfliolaH wnfcaiui of pcychol-ogy at Prmoeton TAUverttty, win lec-ture on TmpaaaiMla- Be wffl dlaeunHdt tsbjao) m tejatlon to tta power, ttatSeet upon tte cottar* of a people andbow to antiyat and detect propaganda.Dr. OtntrB la president of t te Inrittut*of Prapacanda Analydt and a wen-known lecturer on thlt subject. Be

xienwl during t t e paat year on two dif.'i oecaalomi aa a'apeaker and a

• of the pand of the Town HaUertheY*

On Monoay. December U, Dr. HarryOventreet) profejaor ot ptyebology ofthe College o f t t e City, of Hew York,tmLauthor ot mahr book*, wm ion -We Move to 1

On Wedntedar.old UuU, prof etaor ofUnlventty of T - * ^

, lg. Dr. Bar** of tte

y ^ ^ H lec-turer on economic pwtfemt. wllTbe the•petker. Dr. laakt at one timeTlsWng lecturer at Ooinmbla 1Be It a leader of tte Labor Party.:

The lecture by Dr. Ounfl, aponaored, WnUy-by^haJfaiiiMentit ,1lnrnliig (Huh•nd Cranford Ccfleaje Club, It open tothe public A charge of 80 eenta each,or II for tte aerlea, wfll be made forthe other lecturea.

The Adult •taoatlon Bchool, whilepresenting t t e auealert. doea not nec-eaarily tupporttte vlewtof ttemenen-peed, according to Mnv Craig. AU ofthe ketorem t i e dtaUnguWted to theirrespective fleldt and each lecture wfflfee a >**nm>i/>*t one, B u h •peafcer,however, baa bla particular trend of


Yotint R«l«tMk«itg to JoinWith Reejnkr Od> for

Tte Cranford Republican dub andthe Totmg BepohUcan Olub,wni boldt combined meeting at •:*> p. m.. nextThunday. to township roomi, i t waa an-nounced latt night atameeUnfj ofi t teboard of dtreetora of tte former group.' The meeting tea been designated-»»•candidate^ night," and a large delega-tlon of fanflldttea, headed by Oongreat-Din Donald.H. McLean, nominee forccelecUont are expected to attend >

Tte hand-made Ohlneae tableclothwd a ladtet* poeketbook win to award-Mat tte meeting.

Final arranaamenta were completedit last mghtfrmeetinf, of t t e directorsfor a card party at a p. m , October at,b a Rahwsy atom lor benefit of tteCnnfarrt Amht.1.iw»n^l^mn>ntTAind.

reservations may be made with

wmen'senterta mlttee;Mr«.

Plans wen Initiated for the dabiumusl Chnttmta party for underprlr-fleged children. An appeal waa madetor donations ot discarded toys, which*U1 be repaired and repainted by thefiremen for distribution at tte party.

President J/wmismJDoran conductedthe i

Q n*oar Cranford residents were among

bore than 90S Unkm-COunty residents»•» were granted: dUsenshlp papers at"» October^termof KafwallaiHon?*>X lart'Thuraoay by Judge Lloyd™»P»on. Oanfordntldenta admittedto cUisenihlp,were Andrew B. andOWrttaa M.' Wataon. SI Beteh street;

" M. Jwedtoe.' M Ltoeota ave-

OlMKrTOM•"eeoOfe board of t te Cranford wel-

» Aanclatloh'wm matt at l a m .# Its batdquartera, north Un-
