determining age, height, and weight


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Post on 16-Apr-2017



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EQUINE MEDICINEDetermining Age, Height, and Weight

Age ClassificationsFoalWeanlingYearlingColtStallionFillyMare

TeethIncisorsCentralsIntermediatesCorners CaninesMay or may not be presentMolars24 in adult

TeethDeciduous8 days8 weeks8 monthsPermanent2 -3 yrs3 -4 yrs4 -5 yrs


TeethCupsCenter of infundibulum of toothDisappears as horse ages, gone by 8 yrs of age (becomes enamel spot)Dental StarPulp cavity of toothAppears at 8 yrs of age in first incisorGrows larger & darker as horse ages

TeethAngleForward and out with ageSurfaceShape changes with age

TeethTooth StructureCrownRootEnamelCementDentinPulp Cavity

TeethTooth Eruption< 2 weeksCentral incisors4-6 weeksIntermediate incisors6-10 monthsCorner incisors1st premolars12 monthsDental star

Teeth2 yrsAll incisors in wear2nd molar erupts2 yrsCentral molars permanent3 yrsCentral molar in wear3rd premolar erupts3 yrsIntermediate molars permanent

Teeth4 yrsCanine teeth4th premolar eruption3rd molar eruption4 yrsCorner incisor eruption5 yrsAll incisors in wear


6 years7 years8 years9 years

Teeth10 yrsGalvaynes groove11 yrsIncisor hook12 yrsDental star-central13 yrsElongation of teeth15 yrsGalvaynes groove way down tooth

10 years

11 years

12 years

13 years

14 years

15 years

Teeth17 yrsLower incisors triangularAngle increasing20 yrsGalvaynes groove entire length of tooth

16 years

17 years

18 years

Teeth AbnormalitiesParrot mouthMonkey mouth


Teeth Floating May alter tooth appearance


Face depressionsPronounced pollHollows above eyesBack hollowsAngular jointsWhite hairs

Height1 hand=4 inchesMeasure from ground to the highest point of the withers

WeightTruck or animal scaleWeight tapeBody weight formula