determinants of employee engagement in farley sibu … ·...

DETERMINANTS OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IN FARLEY SIBU SDN BHD BY TAY LEE CHIN A project paper submitted to Otlllnall Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Uusiiless, Universiti Utara Malaysia In Fulfilhilent of the Requil.ement for the Master Degree of Hulnan Resource Management

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A project paper submitted to Otlllnall Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Uusiiless,

Universiti Utara Malaysia In Fulfilhilent of the Requil.ement for the Master Degree of Hulnan Resource


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The author declarcd that the substance of this pro-iect paper has never been submitted for

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The aulhor granted the copyright of this projecl paper to Collcge of Busincss, Uilivcrsiti

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TAY LEE CHIN 808912 College of Busincss Universiti Utara Malaysia 060 10 Sintok Kedah Darul Aman

Date: 26 May 20 12

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Date: Student Signature:

Page 5: DETERMINANTS OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IN FARLEY SIBU … · influence the elnployce engagement in Farley Sibu Sdn. Bhd. 107 einployees of Farley

Tujuan kajian iili ialah menilai dan inenambah pengetahuan tentang faktor yang

mempengaruhi komitmcn pekeja di Farley Sibu Sdn Bhd. 107 pekerja Farley Sibu Sdn.

Bhd. telah inenyertai dalam kajian ini. Data yang didapati dianalisis menggunakan SPSS

versi 17. Analisis SPSS mendapati terdapat hubungan antara tiga pembolehubah tidak

bersandar iaitu kepimpinan transfomlasi, pembangunan Irerjaya dan budaya organisasi

dengan pembolehubah bersandar iaitu komitmen pekerja. Dalam tiga peinbolehubah tidak

bersandar, kepimpinan transfornlasi adalah faktor yang mempegaruhi koinitmen pekerja

di Farley Sibu Sdn. Bhd. Oleh itu. beberapa cadangan telah diberikan untuk mengatasi

nasala ah komitmen pekerja di Farley Sibu Sdn. Bhd.

ICata kunci: komitmen pekerja, kcpimpinan transformasi, pembangunan kerjaya, budaya


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The purpose of this study is to exaninc and gain a better understanding of the drivers that

influence the elnployce engagement in Farley Sibu Sdn. Bhd. 107 einployees of Farley

Sibu Sdn. Bhd. were participated in this study. Data were gathered through questionnaire

analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Science(SPSS) version 17. Throughout

the statistical analysis - correlation analysis, it is found that there is a significant

relationship between the three independent variables namely transfonnational leadership,

career development and organization culture with the dependent variables - employee

engagement. Among all three independent variable, transformational leadership is found

to be the most important drivers in influencing the employee engagement in Farley Sibu

Sdn. Bhd. Based on these findings, recoinmendations and suggestions were made to the

management Farley Sibu Sdn. Bhd.

Key words: Employee Engagement, Transformational Leadership, Career Opportunities,

Organization Cul turc

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It can be said that no one completes a project paper alone, and for me this could not be a

more true statement. First, I owe special gratitude to Dr. Norazuwa Mat, my supervisor.

Her guidance, mentorship, and belief in this project paper were critical to its completion.

There is no doubt, her dedication to service is unparalleled and unmatched. Thank you

for your assistance, teaching, and reading as well as for the many comments you provided

over the past few months. Without you, this project may have never gotten off the ground.

Additionally, I would like to acknowledge support from all the employees of Farley Sibu

Sdn Bhd toward the completion of this research project.

To my family who always believed in me, especially to my mom and dad who shaped a

young girl character at an early age. Your unwavering love for me is a cornerstone for thc

girl you see today. Thank you for always encouraging my curiosity. My sisters:

Rosamond, JoJo, Naruto and Mickey were always with me, encouraging me to take it one

step at a time, believing that 1 could do my research project. Their love and support are

the most important elements of my life.

Finally, I thank my Buddha for giving me health, strength and perseverance to continue

and finish my research project.


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Chapter 1: lntroductio~l

1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Problem Statement

1.3 Research Questions

1.4 Research Objectives

1.5 Significance of the Study

1.6 Definition of Key Terns

1.7 Organization of Remaining Chapters

Chapter 2: Literature Review

. . 11

, . . 111







... X l l l



Page 9: DETERMINANTS OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IN FARLEY SIBU … · influence the elnployce engagement in Farley Sibu Sdn. Bhd. 107 einployees of Farley

2.2 Definition & Conceptualization of Variables

2.2.1 Employee Engagement The Drivers of Employee Engagement

2.2.2 Leadership Transformational leadership

2.2.3 Career development opportunities

2.2.4 Organization culture Types of organization culture

2.3 Underpinning theoiy

2.3.1 Social Exchange Theory

2.4 Research framework

2.5 The Relationship between Transformational leadership

Aiid Employee Engagement

2.6 The Relationship between Career Development

And En~ployee Engagement

2.7 The Relationship between Organization Culture

And En~ployee Engagement

2.8 Conclusioll

Chapter 3: Rcsearcli Mcthodology

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Research Design

3.2.1 Type of Study

Page 10: DETERMINANTS OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IN FARLEY SIBU … · influence the elnployce engagement in Farley Sibu Sdn. Bhd. 107 einployees of Farley

3.2.2 Sources of Data Primary Data

3.2.3 Unit of Analysis

3.2.4 Population and Sampling Technique

3.3 Measurement

3.3.1 Employee Engagerncnt

3.3.2 Transformational Leadership

3.3.3 Career Development Opportunities

3.3.4 Organization Culture

3.4 Data Collection Mcthod

3.5 Data Analysis Techniques

3.5.1 Descriptive Analysis

3.5.2 Reliability

3.5.3 Pearson Coi-relation Analysis

3.5.4 Multiple Regression Analysis

3.6 Conclusion

Chapter 4: Findings

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Profile of Rcspolidcnls

4.3 Goodness of Measures

4.3.1 Reliability Analysis

4.4 Descriptive Analyses

4.5 Correlation Analysis

Page 11: DETERMINANTS OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IN FARLEY SIBU … · influence the elnployce engagement in Farley Sibu Sdn. Bhd. 107 einployees of Farley

4.6 Multiple Regression Analysis

4.7 Summary of Results

4.8 Conclusion

Chapter 5: Discussion, Iiecolnme~ldation and Conclusioll

5.1 lntroduc tion

5.2 Recapitulation of the study

5.3 Discussion

5.4 Limitatioils and Suggestions for researchers

5.5 Implications

5.5.1 Theoretical Inlplications

5.5.2 Managerial Implications

5.6 Conclusion




SPSS Output

Page 12: DETERMINANTS OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IN FARLEY SIBU … · influence the elnployce engagement in Farley Sibu Sdn. Bhd. 107 einployees of Farley

Table 3.1

Table 3.2

Table 3.3

Table 3.4

Table 3.5

Table 4.1

Table 4.3

Table 4.4

Tablc 4.5

Table 4.6

Table 4.7


Measurement ltellls

Employee Engagcment

TransSonnational Leadership

Career Developllient

Organizatioll Culture

Profile of Rcspondents

Summary of Reliability Analysis

Overall Dcscriptive Statistics of the Study Variables

Pearson's Corrclation Coefficients of the Study Variablcs

Multiple Regression Analysis

Sul~iiilary of Results for Hypotheses

Page 13: DETERMINANTS OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IN FARLEY SIBU … · influence the elnployce engagement in Farley Sibu Sdn. Bhd. 107 einployees of Farley


Figure 2.4 Research Framework


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SET Social Exchangc Theory

MLQ Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire

ORC Opinion Research Corporation

SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Science


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1.1 Background of the study

Globalization has changed the business industry and society. Competition has raised high and

the organizations are racing in the marketplace to increase its profit. In order to survive in the

globalized world, global leader has built various strategies to compete in the marketplace.

The strategies adopted are not only focused on increasing sales or service but are also related

to retaining talcntcd who have high performance and high competence in workplace (Berger

& Berger 2004). Elnployee engagement has emerged as a critical driver of business success

in today's competitive marketplace. En~ployee engagement is defined as the extent that an

employee believes in the mission, purpose. and values of an organization. It dernonstratcs

co~nmitinent through their actions as employees and their attitude towards the employer and

customers (Stockley, 2007).

The field of employee engagement is important to highlight because it is a dominant source

of coinpetitive advantage and thus able to solve challenging organizational problems such as

increase organization performance and productivity. Research has suggesting that

organization with high levels of cmployee engagement rcport positive organizational

outcomes (Kular, Gatenby, Ress, Soanneel & Truss. 2008; Harter. Schmidt & Iceyes, 2003;

Shuck & Wollard, 20 10).

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The contents of

the thesis is for

internal user


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