detection of adulteration.ppt

DETECTION OF ADULTERATIO DETECTION OF ADULTERATION Dr.U.Srinivasa, D.Pharm, M. Pharm., Dr.U.Srinivasa, D.Pharm, M. Pharm., M.Phil., Ph.D. M.Phil., Ph.D. Professor and Head, (Dept. of Professor and Head, (Dept. of Pharmacognosy) Pharmacognosy) Srinivas college of pharmacy, Mangalor Srinivas college of pharmacy, Mangalor Email. Email. usreenivas!""#redi$ usreenivas!""#redi$

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Post on 07-Oct-2015




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  • DETECTION OF ADULTERATIONDr.U.Srinivasa, D.Pharm, M. Pharm., M.Phil., Ph.D. Professor and Head, (Dept. of Pharmacognosy) Srinivas college of pharmacy, Mangalore. Email. [email protected]

  • DETECTION OF ADULTERATIONFor the detection of adulteration many different procedures are available and it is always a good policy to obtain confirmatory evidence by using as many different means of detection as are available .

  • TYPES OF DETECTIONThe methods used for the detection mainly fall into viz., Observations and Experimentsi. Establish the identity of the adulterant andii. Establish the Quality of the drug

  • PARAMETERS USED1. Gross Morphology2. Histology/ Microscopy3. Microscopical Leaner Measurements4. Solubility ( Liquids)

  • PARAMETERS USED6. Physical Constants7. Ultra Violet Light 8. Process of Assay9. Yield to Solvents10. Ash Content

  • 1. Gross MorphologyIt will give definite information about ungrounded drugs such asEg. Indian Senna pods substituted for Alexandrian pods

  • 2. Histology/ MicroscopyThis method is valuable for both Organized and powdersFor Organized drugs: Here the detection of adulterants can be established or confirmed by an examination of i) Calcium oxalate crystals ii) Details of structure of trichomes and other features .

  • ExamplesVarieties of senna by the vein- islets number and Palisade ratioSurinam Quassia is recognized by the absence of Calcium oxalate and presence of Uniseriate medullary rays

  • For powder drugsIn this case, the knowledge of microscopical structure is essential. For this purpose it is necessary to know the histology of the genuine / original . Eg. Varieties of Aloes by the presence or absence of Crystals of aloin

  • 3. Microscopical Linear measurements The measurement of diameter, length, width, height of some characters helps in detectionEg. The diameter of starch grains will assist in distinguishing varieties of Ipecac and also in distinguishing Cassia bark from Cinnamon bark.

  • 4. SolubilityIt is especially exceptional behavior towards solvents are useful for the examination of many oils, oleo- resins etc.,Eg. Solubility of Castor oil in half its volume of Light Petroleum and the turbidity produced with two volumes of the solvent.

  • 5.Qualitative Chemical TestsMost of these tests are Colour tests which are specific for certain substancesEg. Halphen s test for Cotton seed oil Eg. Fiehe s test for Adulterated Honey

  • 6. Physical ConstantsSuch as Specific Gravity, Optical rotation, Viscosity, Refractive index are especially valuable for Oils ,fats, oleo resins , balsams and similar substances Eg. Clove oil (R.I) 1.527- 1.5350Eg. Clove oil ( Optical rotation) o to 1.50 Specific gravity( Sandal wood oil) 0.973 to 0.985

  • 7. Ultra Violet light Many drugs fluorescence when the cut surface or the powder is exposed to U.V.radiation and it is a useful procedure to examine in UV.light Eg. The Indian and Chinese rhubarb are well differentiated in powder form by U.V

  • 8. Process of Assay It gives the quality of the drug. The results obtained will detect the presence of inferior or exhausted drug and by providing absence of the constituent , will suggest complete substitution of worthless articles.

  • ExamplesStrychnine in Nux VomicaTropane alkaloid in Datura

  • 9.Yield to solventsThis provides a process of assay for drugs such as, Eg. Linseed which contain fixed oil as an important constituent and the yield to the solvent ether is a means of assay.

  • 10. Ash valuesIt helps to determine the amount of inorganic salts present like potassium, magnesium etc., Useful for detecting low- grade, exhausted and excess sandy or earthy material with the drug

  • Examples Very useful for powder drugs Clove Total ash not more than 5.0%Pectin Total ash not more than 4.0%

  • Questions Define Adulteration with examplesDefine the terms adulterant, substitute and original drugGive the various reasons for adulteration Differentiate with examples Deliberate and indeliberate adulteration

  • QuestionsName the different methods of adulterationExplain with examples various methods of adulteration Write a note on detection of adulteration