design of drip and sprinkler irrigation system


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Post on 06-Oct-2015




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Drip and Sprinkler designs


  • Design & Scheduling


    High Efficiency Irrigation Systems

    (Drip & Sprinkler)

  • Designing Procedure

    ET0 Maximum Evapotranspiration mm/ day From Table

    Blenny Criddle Equation ETo = p (0.46 T mean + 8)

    P = Mean daily percentage of annual daytime hours for different latitudes from Table

  • Evapotranspiration or Crop Water


    ET or CWR = Kc * ETo

    ET = Evapotranspiration in mm/day

    Kc = Crop Coefficient (Table)

    ETo = Reference Evapotranspiration in mm/day (Table)

  • Peak daily consumptive use per day

    PDCU mm/day = CWR * Canopy factor at maturityIrrigation System Efficiency

    Canopy Factor = Canopy Area(p*p) (R*R)

    Total No. of Plants = Area under system m2

    (p*p) (R*R)

    (p*p) = Plant to plant spacing m

    (R*R) Row to Row spacing m

  • Number of Emitters require for each plant

    This depends on the area of wetting (nearly 40% of total area) and radius of wetted area of single emitter.

    The Number of emitters = A/R


    A = total area to be wetted.

    r = radius of wetted area of single emitter

  • Hydrozones Area Divide in Equal Hydrozones

    Equal Operating Time

    Q = AV where V = 1.5 m/s A = Area of pipe


    Reduce Cost by

    1. Smaller Pump

    2. Small Diameter Pipes


    Hydrozones under one Pump

  • Total no. of Emitters

    T.E = No. of plants * no. of emitter per plant

    Total flow rate of 1 zone = T.E of 1 zone * Emitter flow rate (lph)

    Application rate = Flow of 1 zone mm/hr/day1 zone Area

    Operating Time hrs = Peak Daily Consumptive Use

    Application rate

    Should be less than 12 hr per day of all zones

  • Max. depth of irrigation water that can be applied

    Max. Depth mm = Drz * MAD * WHC


    Drz = Depth of Root zone m

    MAD = Management Allowed Deficit %

    WHC = Water Holding Capacity mm/m

  • Max. irrigation interval

    Max. Irrigation Interval days

    = Max. Depth of Application of water mm

    Peak Daily Consumptive Use mm/day

  • Total Drip line Length

    Total drip line m = Area * No. of Drip lines per Row

    Row Spacing

    For all zones

    No. of Plants = Plants of 1 zone * no. of zones

    Drip line = Drip line of 1 zone * no. of zones

    No. of Emitters = Emitters of 1 zone * no. of zones

  • Loop Around the Plant

    Irrigation up to whole Canopy

  • Wetting Pattern

  • Storage Reservoir

    Total Flow = Flow of 1 zone*Total no. of zones m3/ day

    Irrigation Cycle Daily

    Warabandi Days

    Storage Capacity = Total flow * Warabandi m3

    Safe Depth = 1.5 m

    Area of Reservoir = Capacity


    Select Length and find out Width of Reservoir

  • Head Loss Calculation

    Hazen William Equation

    Head Loss m/100m = K ( Q/C)1.85 * (D) - 4.87

    K = Hazen William Constant = 1.21 * 1012

    C = Pipe Friction constant

    Q = Total Flow lps

    D = Internal Diameter in mm

    Total Head Loss m = Head Loss (m/100m) * Total Length


    Repeat Procedure for all Lateral , Sub main line and Main Line.

  • Limitations

    Lateral Head loss Should be =< 2m

    Main line and Sub main Line m /100m =

  • Head loss gradient (Watter & Keller)

    Head Loss m/100m = K * (Q)1.75


    K = 7.89 *10 7 (Constant)

    Q = Flow in lps

    D = Internal Diameter mm

    Emitter Operating Pressure is 10 m

  • Fitting Losses

    Fitting Losses are taken as 20 % of Pipe Network losses

    Lateral Fitting Losses = 20% of Lateral Head Loss

    Submain line Fitting Losses = 20% of Submain line Head Loss

    Main line Fitting Losses = 20% of Main line Head Loss

    Suction and Delivery line Fitting Losses = 20% of Suction and

    Delivery line Head Loss

  • Other Losses

    Head loss in

    Filtration System = 8m

    Fertigation System = 2m

    Flow Meter = 1m

    Field Fitting Losses = 2m

    Miscellaneous Losses = 2m

    Pumping Lift = At the Spot

  • Total Dynamic Head

    (Pipe Network Losses = Lateral Sub main and Main line ) +

    (Fitting Loses = 20% of Pipe Networks) + Field fitting losses

    Head loss in filter + Head loss in fertigatin system + Pump lift +

    Head loss in flow meter + Emitter operating Pressure (1bar) + Misc Head Losses

    Total Dynamic Head = Sum of All Head losses

  • Pump hp Requirement

    Pump hp = Q (lps) * Head (m)

    75 * Ep * Em

    Ep = Pump Efficiency

    Em = Motor Efficiency

  • Irrigation Scheduling of Drip Irrigation System

    Operating Time = Peak Daily Consumptive Use per day

    Application Rate

    For any month reading of ETo from table and Kc of Crop

    Peak use = ETo * Kc & Application rate of Emitter mm /hr/day

    Time to Open one zone Valve hrs = Peak Daily Use mm/day

    in that month Application Rate mm/hr/day

  • Application rate of each Emitter

    (E) = q/nt


    q = daily water requirement (mm)

    n = number of emitters

    t = time of operation (hour per day)

  • Difference between Drip & Sprinkler Irrigation Design

    There are no Lateral in Sprinkler System

    There Canopy factor is 1 because this system

    is used in Field or Broadcasted Crops

    There is no Plant to plant spacing and no Row to Row


    There are Hydrants on which Sprinkler is Mounted

  • Design Difference

    Peak Daily Use = ETo * Kc

    Eirrg * (1-Lr )

    Where Lr is Leaching Requirements

    Lr = ECw5ECe - ECw

    ECw = Quality of Irrigation Water dS/m

    ECe = Estimated water quality of root zone

    Sprinkler operating pressure is 4 bar = 40m

    In Rain gun Sprinkler system no Filter is used

  • Spacing of Hydrants

    spacing along lateral = 100% Overlap of Wetted Radius

    Hence along lateral they are spaced at Wetted Radial Distance

    Across the Lateral = 65% overlap of wetted Radius

    Hence Sub main to Sub main line Distance is 65% of Wetted Diameter

  • Any Question