descriptive analysis of reading comprehension genre in the text...

i DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF READING COMPREHENSION GENRE IN THE TEXT (Comparative Study of Text Descriptive, Recount and Narrative for the First Grade at Vocational High School) GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) By: WAHYU ARDI NUGROHO 113 11 123 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (IAIN) SALATIGA 2015

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(Comparative Study of Text Descriptive, Recount and

Narrative for the First Grade at Vocational High School)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)



113 11 123






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If you cannot be a smart people, at least you can be a good people (Einstein)

The important thing is not how long we alive, but how we undergo our life


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I dedicate this graduating paper to:

1. My source inspiration, Mom and Dad.

2. To my old brother and sister, and my beautiful nieces (Mamaz Oji, Mb.

Yuli, Mb Ipeh, Maya, Nayla, Sanum)

Who fill my daily live with much love

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In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful, the Lord of universe.

Because of Him, the writer could finish this thesis as one of the requirement for

Sarjana Pendidikan Islam at English Education Department of Teacher Training

of Educational Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga in


Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our Prophet Muhammad SAW

who has guided us from the darkness into the lightness.

However, this success would not be achieved without those supports, guidance,

advice, help, and encouragement from individual and institution, and I somehow

realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd, the head of State Institute for Islamic Studies

(IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M. Pd, S. Pd, as the chief of Teacher Training and Education Faculty


3. Noor Malihah, S.Pd., M.Hum, as the Head of English Education Department.

4. Mr. Faizal Risdianto, S. S., M. Hum. As my consultant who always gives me

guidance, suggestion and motivation to finish my graduating paper.

5. All the lecturers at English Education Department.

6. All the staff that have helped the writer in processing of thesis administration.

7. SMKN 1 Tengaran and SMKN 2 Salatiga for letting me conduct a research.

8. My beloved parents, my father (Tuyanto) and my mother (Suti), who always

give me sincere prayers for successfulness in my life.

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9. My Sister (Nadhifah Setiyanti, Yuliana Setiasih) and Brother Fauzi Dahlan

Hasim). Your smiles give me power to always stand up.

10. All of my friends LDK Fathir Ar Rosyid IAIN Salatiga. Who make me get lots

experience and make me be better person.

11. All of my friends TBI 2011. Who always share and helping me for activities in


12. My best friends (Faiz, Dzulfikar, Luthfi, Hasan, Honang, Nafik, Rifqy, Tetot,

Yuhdi, Zari and Friends), thanks for being by my side for your support and

success for you all.

13. All of my beloved people who cannot be mentioned one by one.

Finally, this thesis expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and

information to the readers.

Salatiga, 14th

September 2015

The Writer

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TITLE ............................................................................................................... i

DECLARATION ............................................................................................. ii

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTE .............................................................. iii

CERTIFICATE PAGE ..................................................................................... iv

MOTTO ........................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION ................................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT .................................................................................. vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. ix

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................... xii

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... xiv


A. Background of the Study ............................................................................. 1

B. Problem Statement ..................................................................................... 3

C. Objective of the Study ................................................................................. 3

D. Significant of the Study ............................................................................... 3

E. Limitation of the Study ................................................................................ 4

F. Clarification of Keys Term .......................................................................... 4

G. Previous Research Review .......................................................................... 6

H. Outline of the Research Report ................................................................... 6

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A. Analysis of Text Type ................................................................................. 8

1. Definition of Genre Analysis(text type) ................................................ 8

2. Theoretical and Empirical Support ........................................................ 9

B. Syllabus; 2013 Curriculum .......................................................................... 11

1. Syllabus ................................................................................................. 11

2. Curriculum; Curriculum 2013 ............................................................... 11


A. Research Design .......................................................................................... 13

B. Data and Data Source .................................................................................. 14

C. Method of Collecting Data and Research Instrument ................................. 15

1. Documentation Study ............................................................................ 15

D. Data Analysis .............................................................................................. 17

1. Data Source ........................................................................................... 17

2. The Technique of Collecting Data ........................................................ 18

3. The Technique of Analyzing Data ........................................................ 18


A. Reading Comprehension Genre in Text ...................................................... 19

1. The main Lesson, Syllabus 2013 Curriculum ....................................... 19

2. 4 Core Competence ............................................................................... 21

3. Main Lesson in Syllabus ....................................................................... 21

B. Data Analysis .............................................................................................. 30

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1. Analysis of Text Type ........................................................................... 30

C. The Most Suitable Text Type in Three English Textbook. ......................... 47


A. Conclusion ................................................................................................... 49

B. Suggestion ................................................................................................... 50



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Table 3.1 : The Main Lesson as Guideline to Analyze the Research

Table 4.1 : Guideline Fir Analyzing Text Type Adapted Form Syllabus


Table 4.2 : The Coding of the Archival Documents (Main Lesson)

Table 4.3 : The Data Analyzing of Descriptive Text (Kemendikbud Press)

Table 4.4 : The Data Analyzing of Descriptive Text (Erlangga Press)

Table 4.5 : The Data Analyzing of Descriptive Text (Yrama Widya Press)

Table 4.6 : The Data Result of Descriptive Text (Kemendikbud Press)

Table 4.7 : The Data Result of Descriptive Text (Erlangga Press)

Table 4.8 : The Data Result of Descriptive Text (Yrama Widya Press)

Table 4.9 : The Data Analyzing of Recount Text (Kemendikbud press)

Table 4.10 : The Data Analyzing of Recount Text (Erlangga press)

Table 4.11 : The Data Analyzing of Recount Text (Yrama Widya press)

Table 4.12 : The Data Result of Recount Text (Kemendikbud press)

Table 4.13 : The Data Result of Recount Text (Erlangga press)

Table 4.14 : The Data Result of Recount Text (Yrama Widya press)

Table 4.15 : The Data Analyzing of Narrative Text (Kemendikbud Press)

Table 4.16 : The Data Analyzing of Narrative Text (Erlangga press)

Table 4.17 : The Data Analyzing of Narrative Text (Yrama Widya press)

Table 4.18 : The Data Result of Narrative Text (Kemendikbud press)

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Table 4.19 : The Data Result of Narrative Text (Erlangga press)

Table 4.20 : The Data Result of Narrative Text (Yrama Widya press)

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Nugroho, W. Ardi. 2015. Descriptive Analysis of Reading Comprehension Genre in

the Text (Comparative Study of Text Descriptive, Recount and Narrative for the

First Grade at Vocational High School). A graduation paper. Teacher Training and

Education Faculty. English Education Department. State Institute for Islamic Studies

Salatiga (IAIN) Salatiga. Counselor Faizal Risdianto, S. S., M. Hum

Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Genre in Text, Syllabus curriculum 2013, Main

lesson, Comparative analysis.

The research is descriptive qualitative research. It’s dealing with descriptive

analysis of reading comprehension genre in text. It has problems research; the first is

“How to comprehend genre in text by analyzing the hidden meaning of the text?”

and second one “which one is the most suitable text in three English textbook?

The result of data analysis shows that, the use of syllabus of main lesson in basic

competence could be the guideline for the researcher how to comprehend reading

text type and the most suitable text type in three English textbook are narrative


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A. Background of the Study

People in this global world communicate with English as international

language. English in Indonesia claimed as the foreign language. English

teacher is the central guide to overcome this issue. The teacher who has a

good mastery of English has potential to train student to comprehend English.

It starts from elementary school. In this grade, they learn by imitating the

teacher’s speaking, then at secondary school they learn by reading short text.

In high school or vocational school, they learn to comprehend kind of text

type in textbook.

In learning process, there are four major skills of language such as

reading, listening, writing, and speaking. One way to start to learn English is

reading text. (Mikael and Elizabeth, 2003: 12). "Reading is a highly

developmental process and students in any primary classroom vary greatly on

continuum of becoming readers”. It is clear enough that reading is an

important aspect rather than other major skills.

According to Scott (2009:24) , “reading comprehension is an interactive

process and that reading comprehension instruction is an interaction

between students and teachers as they negotiate text. The idea that

reading is an interactive process is a theoretical lens that has guided

literacy scholars for decades”.

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In 2013, government changed the curriculum, previously we used 2006

curriculum. Then, it becomes 2013 curriculum. With the changing of

curriculum, there are many new rules which also changing. One of them is the

syllabus 2013 curriculum based competence.

By the implementation of the 2013 curriculum, it makes the presence of

new textbook is available. Brown states that “The presence of a textbook is

necessary to support teaching learning process” (Brown, 1994:143). Its means

that with the presence of textbooks can facilitate students to get involve the

learning process.

A book is the source of knowledge in a written form. Textbook is a

book that contain of learning subject materials or certain learning subject,

which arranged systematically. Muslich (2010:50).

According to Sobur (2001:68), Genre analysis, through genre

analysis we mentioned do not only understand how the content of

news, but also how the message is expressed, how the words,

phrases, sentences, metaphor are expressed. By seeing how those

patterns of generic structures rule, genre analysis is better for seeing

the hidden meaning of the text.

From the statements above, the researcher wants to analyze the study of

genre in the text for vocational high school textbook. By the use guideline of

main lesson from the syllabus 2013 curriculum. That is why the writer



Text Descriptive, Recount and Narrative for the First Grade at

Vocational High School).

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B. Problem Statement

1. How to comprehend reading genre in the text (descriptive, recount and

narrative) for the first grade vocational high school?

2. Which one is the most suitable text in three English textbook?

C. Objective of the Study

Based on problems resource, the objectives of the study are as follows:

1. To know how to comprehend reading genre in the text (descriptive,

recount and narrative) for the first grade vocational high school.

2. To know which one is the most suitable text type in three English


D. Significance of the Study

After implementing the research, the writer expects that truly this

research will be beneficial to:

1. Reader

a. The reader will get more information about genre in text.

b. They can enrich their knowledge how to analyze genre in text.

c. They going to know and understand about some advantages of genre to

improve their knowledge about kind of text in the first grade of

vocational school.

2. Textbook Publisher

It is expected that this research is useful to publisher to arrange and

design textbooks that are suitable with syllabus curriculum.

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3. Up-coming researchers

The result of the research can be use to develop various research of

analysis text type. It can also be use as enriching reference on analysis text


E. Limitation of the Study

In textbook, there are many kinds of competence that should be reach

after the process of learning, to limit the analysis the writer focuses on kinds

of text, its means reading competence or reading comprehension. The text is

base on the first year of vocational high school. Text types that consist in

English textbook are text descriptive, recount and narrative.

F. Clarification of Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding in this study, the writer gives the definition

of the terms. They include reading, comprehension, genre in text type,

curriculum, and textbook.

1. Reading

Reading is the skill or activity of getting information from books or the

way in which you understand something (Cambridge advance learner’s

dictionary: 2008).

2. Comprehension

Comprehension1, is the power of understanding. (Hornby. 1995:235).

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3. Genre (Text)

Genre is a set of utterance or speech acts which reveal a subject, that

presented by systematic, well organized, in unite of coherent, are formed

by neither segmental nor non-segmental element (Sobur. 2001: 11).

4. Curriculum

Curriculum is a device, which is served for developing a learning

process that contains student activities to achieve a particular learning

goals and objectives of education in general (Kurinasih. 2014:6).

Meanwhile in oxford advance learner’s dictionary, Curriculum

means subject included in a course of study or taught at a particular school,

college, (Hornby.1995:287).

5. Text Book

Textbook is a book that contains a description of the subject of study

which are arranged systematically and has been selected based on specific

objectives, learning orientation, and development of students to be

assimilated (Muslich.2010:50).

Book1. Is number of printed or written sheets fastened together

within a cover so that the pages can be turned freely. (Hornby.1995:124).

Dealing with several definitions above, the writer can infer that

textbook is an instrument used by school and university to support a

teaching learning program.

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G. Previous Research Review

In this thesis, the writer takes review from other thesis that related with

this thesis as principle or comparative of the case in this research. The first

review related to this research, the title is “The Use of Sustained Silent

Reading (SSR) Method to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension”. This

has been researched by Triyanah, she student of State Institute of Islamic

Studies (STAIN) Salatiga in academic year of 2015. In her research, she uses

classroom action research in her research. The result of her research states

that the students’ cognitive skill can grow by reconstruct what they have read

in the passage into their own sentence. As a result, they can remember the

contents of the text they have been read silently

The researcher is interested to analyze the same topic about reading

comprehension with the previous research. The focus of this research is genre

text type. The subject of this research is the first year of English textbook for

vocational school. The differences of this research with previous research are

this research use descriptive analysis and to know reading comprehension this

research use syllabus 2013 curriculum as the guideline to analyze the text.

H. Outline of the Research Report

The writer arranges this study in the following order. The cover of the

paper contains the title page and the body consists of: Chapter I is introduction

which contains background of the study, problem statements, objective of the

study, significance of the study, limitation of the problem, clarification of

the key terms, previous research review and outline of the graduating

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paper. Chapter II is literature Review. This chapter reviews the separate

definition Analysis of genre in text. Chapter III is research design, data and

data source, method of collecting data, research instrument and data analysis.

Chapter IV is data analysis, which contains reading comprehension genre in

text, data analysis and the most suitable text type in three English textbook.

Chapter V is closure containing conclusion and suggestion. The last part is

bibliography and appendix.

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A. Analysis of Genre in Text

1. Definition of Genre (text type) Analysis

According to William and Sandra (1987:1) We assume that a

theory of text organization should account not only for the kinds

of parts in a text, the arrangements of the parts, and the way they

are connected to form a whole text, but should also provide a

natural descriptive account of any particular text.

From the explanation above, it can be inferred that analysis of text

type is concern about the natural descriptive of particular text.

Sobur (2002: 68) stated:

Genre analysis of text type is one of the alternatives of content

analysis, expect content of analysis quantitative which is more

dominant and most frequently use. If the quantitative analysis

gives more emphasize for the question “what”, genre analysis has

more focus on the question “how” from the message of the text.

He explained: By applying generic structure; genre analysis of text

type is better for see the hidden meaning of the text.

Form the statement above, the researcher can conclude about social

context which is on the meaning or content of the particular text that is the

object and the essential of the text. It is true that Genre analysis of text type

not only focuses on the generic structure of text, but it also analyzes and

focuses on the hidden meaning or message of text. Therefore, the

researcher concludes that, the text ought to have a contextual message or

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social value that is mentioned in the text. This study will figure out by

matching the message of the text with social function in syllabus. He also


Sobur (2002: 54) “In language theory, the name of the text is not

more than character collection which is formed a word and

sentence which is by using generic structure which has been

agreed by society, therefore when a text is read, it can reveal the

content of the meaning.

Martin in the genre analysis book by Swales, tell us that genre is

something that has confession. It means, a literary has confession from

previous literary. E.g. a narrative text has confession from previous text.

Sobur (2002: 53) explained; “A text basically cannot separate from

other text.” E.g. a literary has authentic meaning with previous work.

2. Theoretical and Empirical Support

a. Characteristics of Original Text

Characteristics of the original text describe qualitatively the style

of the text. This is partly a subjective dimension, but can also be more

objectively described with diligent analysis of the original text. It is also

a relative dimension, since it can only be measured against other texts.

Thus it is dependent on text type for instance. At least until now there

exist no quantitative universal norms or standards for characteristics of

text. Based Typically the original text can be characterized as being

[cite online] Research project:

1) Repetitive

2) Idiomatic

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3) Terminology-rich

4) Terminology-poor

Repetitiveness means that the text contains more repetitions of

individual terms or words, phrases, sentences, and even full paragraphs

than usual. It may mean word-for-word repetition or similarities in

constructions used in the text. Thus repetitiveness may also imply that

word order or the structure of sentences is more consistent than usual.

Typically, repetitive text is encountered in technical text types.

Idiomatic is in many respects the opposite of repetitive. Basically

idiomatic means the use of the expressive possibilities of the language

to the fullest in the text. It may imply a large variance of words or the

use of rare words and colorful idioms. This may lead to the use of many

different terms for basically the same concept for the sake of nuances.

Idiomatic may also imply greater variance of sentence structure and

other constructions than usual. Typically, idiomatic text is encountered

in literature and advertising.

Terminology-rich means that the text contains more specific

terminology than usual. Specific terminology is understood here as

words and phrases being used only within a specific field or having

meanings deviant from general vocabulary. Thus understanding

terminology-rich text requires knowledge of the specific field in

question. Typically, terminology-rich text is encountered in scientific

text of any kind and technical text.

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Terminology-poor is not exactly the opposite of terminology-rich.

It can be understood to mean that the text simply uses only general

vocabulary and thus should be understood by anyone with good general

knowledge of the language. Terminology-poor can also be understood

to imply that the language lacks necessary standard terms in some

specific field and thus has to use alternative expressions or

constructions. This may lead to long and awkward sentences which may

contain ambiguity or lack exactness.

Therefore, all kinds of text have different character and those

cannot be separated from language feature and text structure.

3. Syllabus; Curriculum 2013

1. Syllabus

Hunchinson and Waters (1987: 80) define syllabus as follows:

“At its simplest level a syllabus can be described as a statement of what

is to be learnt. It reflects of language and linguistic performance.”

From define above, the researcher concludes that syllabus is

containing of statement that describe about the purpose, in this research

are about social function, text structure and language feature which

consist in main lesson.

2. Curriculum 2013

A curriculum is the source of educational decisions, activities, and

outcomes in a particular setting (Anne and Helen, 2007: V)

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The government has changed the curriculum, from KTSP to 2013

curriculum. They say, this changing is as “curriculum development” not

as “curriculum changing” (Kurinasih, 2014: 32).

It can be said that 2013 curriculum is as complementary of

previous curriculum. It also has additional of the system in this

curriculum. About teaching method, technique of assessment, student

centre and so on. Kurinasih explains more:

2013 curriculum is as spate of series of improvement

enhancements towards curriculum that has been initiated in

2004, named base competence. Then it continues to 2006

curriculum (KTSP). Therefore, the changing of curriculum of

education is a must that unavoidably must be done, and it is just

wait for the right time.

So, the changing of 2013 curriculum is a normal that happen

when it is the right time and it is necessary to change.

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A. Research Design

According to Yoseph (1979) in Sukardi (2005) research is art and

science to look for the answer from a problem. In this research, it will be

investigated about analysis reading comprehension of genre in text type with

its application in English textbook; looking for the answer of its concept

through a library research.

A library research limits its works on library collections only, and does

not need the help of any field researches (Zed, 2004). He added that library

collections can be in the form of written texts (books, journals, leaflets,

magazines, for instance) and un-written evidences such as recordings,

artifacts, and the others which support for data research.

Then, this research uses qualitative approach. Qualitative research

presents facts in narration with words (McMillan and Schumacher, 1993:14).

For more details, Denzin and Lincoln (1994:2) in Emriz (2011:1) qualitative

research is multimethode in focus, involving an interpretive, naturalistic

approach to its subject matter. This means that qualitative research study in

their natural setting, attempting to make sense of or interpret phenomena in

terms of the meanings people bring to them. Qualitative research involves

collection of a variety of empirical materials-case study, personal experience,

introspective, life story, interview, observational, historical, interactional, and

visual texts-that describe routine and problematic moment and meaning in

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individual’s lives.

B. Data and Data Source

Data refer to the rough materials the process researchers collect

from the world they are studying (Bogdan and Biklen, 1982:73). Data

are needed by writer to complete the research problems. According to Gay &

Airasian, (2000) in Emriz (2011:37) Observation, interview, personal or

formal documents, photos, transcriptions, pictures, informal conversation,

those all are source of data qualitative. He explains: “The most general

sources of data are observation, interview and documentation.”

Bogdan and Biklen (1982: 73) explain more: “Data are both the

evidence and the clues”. In this study the data are evidence and clues about

how genre in text type committed to comprehend in English textbook of

syllabus 2013 curriculum..

Data source is the subject of study from where the data can be

obtained. This study use the data sources form the syllabus SMK of

2013curriculum, text type form three books: “Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA-

MA/SMK Kelas (Otong.S, 2013)”, “Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK

Kelas X”. (Kemendikbud, 2014) and “Forward For Vocational School Grade

X” (Shyla,K.L. and Eka, M.A, 2014).

The researcher is focuses on the first grade of vocational high school

(SMK). Which is it means that, at that grade there are 3 types of text those are

explained in the syllabus of 2013 curriculum. They are descriptive, recount

and narrative text ( 2014)

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C. Method of Collecting Data and Research Instrument

The method of collecting data is the way used by the researcher

to collect the data. The way to collect the data in this research, the researcher

use two techniques; documentation and questionnaire. According to Iskandar

(2009: 219) documentation is reviewing toward the literatures which relate

to the focus of research problem.

1. Documentation

The documentation is use to analyze or as a guideline in this research.

Main lesson in English syllabus 2013 curriculum as the guideline to

analyze the data can be seen in the following table:

Table 3.1 The Main Lesson As Guideline to Analyze Text Type

(Kemendikbud 2013)

Main Lesson

Text Type Social Function Structure Language Feature



- Membanggakan

(To proud)

- Mengenalkan

(To introduce)

- Mengidentifikasi

(To indentify)

- Memuji

(To praise)

- Mengritik

(To criticize)

- Mempromosikan

- Penyebutan nama

(Mentioning of


- Penyebutan sifat

Mentioning of


- Penyebutan tindakan

- (Mentioning of

action) of


- Kata benda terkait orang,

tempat, bangunan

(Noun of


Kata sifat terkait orang,

tempat, bangunan

(Adjective of people,

place, building)

Ejaan dan tulisan tangan

(The spelling and hand


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(To promote)



- Meneladani

(To imitate)

- Membanggakan

(To proud)

- Bertindak teratur


- Teliti


- Disiplin


- Melaporkan

(To report)

- Penyebutan tindakan

secara umum,

(Mentioning of event

in general)

- Penyebutan tindakan

secara kronologi

(Mentioning of event

in cronological)

- Kesimpulan secara


(General conclusion)

- Kata-kata terkait dengan

perjuangan hidup

(Words of survival)

- Profesionalisme dalam


(Professionalism of


- Kejadian/peristiwa yang

sedang banyak


(Trending topic)

- Penyebutan kata benda

(Mention of noun)



- Meneladani nilai-

nilai moral

- (Emulating the

moral values)

- Cinta tanah air


- Menghargai budaya


(Respect for other


- Pengenalan


- Komplikasi


- Solusi

(Solution) of a story


- Kata-kata terkait karakter

(Words of character)

- Kata-kata terkait seting

(Words of setting) of a

legend text.

- Auxiliary verb.

The table above explains that, in Main Lesson there are a number of

aspects those would be gain in the syllabus. Social Function, Structure and

Language Feature are the main aspect to analyze text type.

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The text types in three books are also as documents finding to

analyzing this research. The researcher finds

D. Data Analysis

According to Bogdan and Biklen (1982:145):

Data analysis is the systematical process searching and arranging the

interview, transcripts, field notes, and other materials that you

accumulate to increase your own understanding of them and to

enable you to present what you have discovered to others.

In this study, the writer works on the process of data searching and

arranging from books, journals, articles and other materials. The writer then

organizes and breaks it into manageable units, so that can be found which ones

are related and unrelated with the research.

1. Data Sources

Data is all of observation results and measuring that is recorded for

certain necessity (Suranto and Arsyad, 2003: 72-73). Arikunto (2010: 172)

states that the source of data refers to the subject from where the data are

obtained. The data source of this study is the main lesson of English

syllabus 2013 curriculum and text-type those written in textbook. The

textbook that published in three different publisher. The first book

“forward for vocational school grade X,by Erlangga press, second is

“Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA-MA/SMK Kelas X, by Yrama Widya press,

and the third is Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X, by

Kemendikbud Press.

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2. The Technique of Collecting Data

In collecting data, the writer takes these following steps:

a. Finding the printed version of syllabus and textbook in the Bookstore

and online store.

b. Searching Main Lesson in syllabus and text-type in textbook.

c. Selecting descriptive, recount and narrative text in the textbooks.

d. Taking the social function, Structure and Language feature in the main


e. Matching main lesson with the content of text type with.

3. The Technique of Analyzing Data

In analyzing the data, the researcher takes some following steps:

a. The writer analyzes text type of descriptive, recount and narrative text.

b. The writer describing subject material and main lesson of the syllabus.

c. The writer analyzing the aspect in main lesson, then matching the

aspect with text type.

d. The writer analyzing the student comprehension of text type from the


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A. Reading Comprehension Genre in Text

Before concern to reading comprehension genre in text, the data analysis

explains the guideline how to comprehend reading text.

1. The Main Lesson, Syllabus 2013 Curriculum

Essentially, a competence is a combination of knowledge, skills,

values and attitudes which are reflected in one’s thought and action

(Mulyasa, 2014: 66).

There are several aspects or spheres which contain in the concept

of competence, which can be described into:

a. Knowledge; it is about cognitive area, e.g. a teacher knows how to

identify learning needs, and how to make a learning process which is

appropriate to what the student needs.

b. Understanding; the depth cognitive and affective aspect within in

individual. E.g. a teacher should have a good comprehension about the

characteristic and the conditions of the student, in order to make the

effective and efficient learning process.

c. Skills; it someone owned doing the job or duty which is given to them.

E.g. the teacher ability in selecting and making simple props to make

an easy way for the student to understand.

d. Value; it deals with behavior which is acceptable and psychologically

it is internalized within every human. E.g. the standard of teacher

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behavior in learning process (honesty, openness, democratic and so


e. Attitude; its feeling (happy-unhappy, like-dislike) or reaction to a

stimulus that comes from outside. E.g. the reaction to economic crisis,

the feeling for the increasing of salary etc.

f. Interest; it’s about someone tendency to do something.

Core competence is an operational of Graduate Base Competence

(SKL) in form of quality which has to be possessed by learners who have

graduated in particular education. It is to describe the principal

competence which is arranged into three aspects; attitude, skills and

knowledge. They should be learned by student in stage of schools, class,

and the object course. The core competence ought to describe the

equilibrium of quality, between the attainment of hard skills and soft

skills (Mulyasa, 2014:174). He explains more:

The function of the core competence is as organizer element

(organizing element) of basic competence. As organizer element, core

competence is to unite the organization vertical and horizontal basic

competence. The organization of vertical of basic competence is the

relevance between content of basic competence of stage of class to a

higher class. Therefore, there will be an accumulation in the continuation

of the content which is studied by student. The organization of horizontal

of basic competence is the relevance between contents. It is between the

basic competence of one object material with others objects material in

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one week meeting class and the same class. So, there is a process that

strengthened each other (Mulyasa, 2014:174-175).

2. 4 Core Competences

According to Mulyasa (2014: 178-180):

1) Comprehending and applying their religions course.

2) Comprehending and applying honesty, discipline, responsible, care

(mutual cooperation, tolerant and piece), well behave, responsive,

pro-active, and showing an attitude as part of solution for any

problems in effective interaction with social range and realm and

also placing themselves as reflect of nation in world relation.

3) Comprehending, applying, analyzing factual knowledge, conceptual

and procedural grounded on anxious felling about knowledge,

technology, art, culture, humanities with concept of humanity,

nationality and civilization that concern of the phenomena and an

event, and applied knowledge of procedural in specific sector that

appropriate with what talent and their interest to find out the solution

of case.

4) Observing, predicting and serving in concrete and abstract ways

depend with self development that is learned in schools in individual,

and they are able to use the method of science rules).

3. Main Lesson in Syllabus

The basic competence is the source of learning subject. It also as a

guide to the main lesson for explaining specifically what is to be learnt.

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Table 4.1 Guideline for Analyzing Text Type

Adapted from Syllabus (2013)


3.7. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada

teks deskriptif sederhana tentang

orang, tempat wisata, dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya (Analyzing

social functions, text structure, and

linguistic elements in simple

descriptive text about the people,

tourism place and famous historic

buildings, according to the use of


4.8. Menangkap makna dalam teks

deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana

(Grasping the meaning in simple,

oral and written descriptive text).

4.9. Menyunting teks deskriptif lisan dan

tulis, sederhana, tentang orang,

tempatwisata, dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

yang benar dan sesuai konteks

(Editing descriptive text in oral and

written, simply, about the people,

Teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis,

sederhana, tentang orang,

tempat wisata, dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal (The simple

descriptive text about people,

tourism place, and a famous

historic building).

Fungsi sosial (Social Function)

Membanggakan, mengenalkan,

mengidentifikasi, memuji,

mengritik, mempromosikan, dsb

(to feel proud, to introduce, to

indentify, to praise, to criticize,

to promote).

Struktur text (Text Structure)

(1) Penyebutan nama orang,

tempat wisata, dan

bangunan bersejarah

terkenal dan nama bagian-

bagiannya yang dipilih untuk

dideskripsikan (Mentioning

of name of people, tourism

place and famous historic

buildings and the name of

the selected parts to be

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tourism place and famous historic

buildings, with give attention to the

social function, the structure of the

text, and linguistic elements are

correct and appropriate with the


4.10. Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan

tulis sederhana tentang orang,

tempat wisata, dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal, dengan

memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar

dan sesuai dengan konteks

(Constructing oral and written

simple descriptive text about

people, tourism place, and famous

historical buildings, with give

attention to the purpose, the

structure of the text, and linguistic

elements, correctly and in

accordance with the context).



(2) Penyebutan sifat orang,

tempat wisata, dan

bangunan bersejarah

terkenal dan bagiannya, dan

(Mentioning of the

characteristics of people,

tourism place and famous

historic buildings and its

parts, and)

(3) Penyebutan tindakan dari

atau terkait dengan orang,

tempat wisata, dan

bangunan bersejarah

terkenal Mentioning of the

actions of people, tourism

place and famous historic


Yang semuanya sesuai dengan

fungsi sosial yang hendak

dicapai (All above are

compatible with social function

that would be gain).

Unsur kebahasaan (Language


(1) Kata benda yang terkait

dengan orang, tempat

wisata, dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal (A noun

that related to people,

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tourism place, and famous

historic buildings).

(2) Kata sifat yang terkait

dengan orang, tempat

wisata, dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal (An

adjective that related to

people, tourism place, and

famous historic buildings.

(3) Ejaan dan tulisan tangan

dan c etak yang jelas dan

rapi (The spelling and hand

writing which are clear and


(4) Ucapan, tekanan kata,

intonasi, ketika

mempresentasikan secara

lisan (Utterance, word-

emphasize, intonation, when

presenting orally).

(5) Rujukan kata(Word


Topik (Topic)

Keteladanan tentang perilaku

toleran, kewirausahaan,

nasionalisme, percaya diri

(Modeling of tolerant behavior,

entrepreneurship, nationalism,


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3.9. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada

teks recount sederhana tentang


sesuai dengan konteks

penggunaannya (Analyzing social

functions, text structure, and

language feature in a simple recount

text on experience / events /

incident, according to the context of

its use).

4.13. Menangkap makna dalam teks

recount lisan dan tulis sederhana

(Grasping the meaning, in oral and

written in simple of recount text).

4.14. Menyusun teks recount lisan dan

tulis sederhana tentang


istiwa, dengan memperhatikan

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan, secara benar

dan sesuai dengan konteks

(Constructing oral and written

simple recount texts of experience

/ activities / events / incident, with

notice the social function, the

structure of the text, and

language feature, correctly and it

accordance with the context).

Teks recount lisan dan tulis,

sederhana, tentang pengalaman

/kegiatan/ kejadian/peristiwa

(The simple recount text in oral

and written about experience

/activity/ event/incident).

Fungsi sosial (Social Function

Meneladani, membanggakan,

bertindak teratur, teliti dan

disiplin, melaporkan (To

imitate, to feel proud, well-

arranged, thoroughly,

discipline, and report).

Struktur (Structure)

a. Menyebutkan tindakan/

peristiwa/kejadian secara

umum (Mentioning of action/

incident /event in general).

b. Menyebutkan urutan

tindakan/ kejadian/peristiwa

secara kronologis, dan runtut

(Mentioning of action in

sequence/ event/ incident in

chronology , and sequence).

c. Jika perlu, ada kesimpulan

umum (If needed, there is a

general conclusion).

Unsur kebahasaan (Language

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(1) Kata-kata terkait dengan

perjuangan hidup,

profesionalisme dalam

bekerja, kejadian/peristiwa

yang sedang banyak

dibicarakan (Words which

are concerned about struggle

of life, professionalism, in

job, event/ incident that is

trending topic).

(2) Penyebutan kata benda

(Mention of noun).

(3) Ejaan dan tulisan tangan

dan c etak yang jelas dan

rapi (The spelling and hand

writing which clear and


(4) Ucapan, tekanan kata,

intonasi, ketika

mempresentasikan secara

lisan (Utterance, word-

emphasize, intonation, when

presenting orally).

(5) Word references (Rujukan



Keteladanan tentang perilaku

kewirausahaan, daya juang,

percaya diri, tanggung jawab,

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disiplin (Topic

Modeling of entrepreneurial

behavior, fighting spirit,

confidence, responsibility,


3.9. Menganalisis fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan pada teks naratif

sederhana berbentuk legenda

rakyat, sesuai dengan konteks

penggunaannya (Analyzing social

functions, structure of text, and

language features in a simple

narrative text in form of folk

legend, according to the context of

its use.

4.15. Menangkap makna teks naratif

lisan dan tulis berbentuk legenda,

sederhana (Grasping the meaning

of spoken and written narrative

texts in form of the simple legend.

Teks naratif lisan dan tulis

berbentuk legenda sederhana

(Oral and written narrative text

in the form of simple legend).

Fungsi sosial (Social Function)

Meneladani nilai-nilai moral,

cinta tanah air, menghargai

budaya lain (Emulating the

moral values, patriotism, and

respect for other cultures)..

Struktur (Structure)

a. Pengenalan tokoh dan

setting (The introduction of

characters and settings)

b. Komplikasi terhadap tokoh

utama (Complications of the

main character)

c. Solusi dan akhir cerita

(Solutions and end of the


Unsur kebahasaan (Language

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(1) Kata-kata terkait karakter,

watak, dan setting dalam

legenda (The words related to

character and setting the


(2) Modal auxiliary verbs.

(3) Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan

cetak yang jelas dan rapi

(The spelling, handwriting

and typing which are clear

and tidy).

(4) Ucapan, tekanan kata,

intonasi, ketika

mempresentasikan secara

lisan (Speech, word-

emphasize, intonation, when

presenting orally).

(5) Rujukan kata (Word



Keteladanan tentang perilaku

dan nilai-nilai luhur dan budaya

(Modeling of the behavior, noble

values and culture).

In Descriptive text, the Main Lesson of the Social Function, the

main aspects that would be attained are; to feel proud, to introduce, to

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indentify, to praise, to criticize, to promote. In recount text; to imitate,

to feel proud, well arranged, thoroughly, discipline, and to report. Then

in narrative text there are; moral values, patriotism, and respect for

other cultures.

For the Structure of The Main Lesson, in descriptive text the main

aspects that would be attained are; mentioning of name, characteristic,

and action of people or place. In recount text; mentioning of event in

general, chronological and general conclusion. Then in narrative text

there are; introduction, complication and solution of a text.

To achieve language feature there are main aspects that would be

attained in descriptive text; noun (people, place, building), adjective

(people, place, building), the spelling and hand writing and utterance

(word stress, intonation). But this research limited the language feature

into two aspects. There are noun and adjective. The table of the main

lesson can be seen in table 3.1.

To help reading the displays of archival document analysis, the

obtained archival documents are coded based on the aspects of the

analysis framework, and the coding should be understandable

(Moleong, 2010: 192). The codes of the archival documents are

presented in the following table:

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Table 4.2 The Coding of the Archival Documents (Main Lesson)

Aspects Label of the Archival Documents

and Their Aspects




To feel Proud

To Introduce

To Indentify

To Praise

To Criticize

To Promote

To Imitate




To Report

Emulating the Moral Values,


To Respect for Other Cultures

















Mentioning of People/Place/Building,

Mentioning of Characteristic

Mentioning of Action

Mentioning of Event in General,

Mentioning of Event in Chronological

General Conclusion

















Words of Survival

Professionalism of Work

Trending Topic

Mention of Noun

Words of Character

Words of Setting

Auxiliary verb










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B. Data Analysis

1. Analysis of Text Type

The data analyzing divided into social function, structure and

language feature. The analysis is start from descriptive text, next to

recount text and the last one narrative text.

Table 4.3 The Data Analyzing of Descriptive

Text (Kemendikbud Press)


Descriptive Text (Kemendikbud Press)

Social Function Structure Language Feature

text 1, p: 58

T.IN: …Dinda has been

my best friend since junior

high school.

T.PD:… but Dinda has

been my best friend…”

T.ID: She’s not too tall, at

school she wear the


T.P: Dinda is good


T.C: However, she can be

a bit childish sometimes.

T.PO: none

M.PE: Dinda.

M.C: good-looking,

cheerful, talkative,

friendly, childish,

M.A: wear, share, draw.

Noun: School, Dinda,

skin, hair, etc.

Adj: friendly, childish.

text 2, p: 70

T.IN: It is a real jungle,

which is…,

M.PL: Tanjung Putting

National Park, camp

N: Tanjung Putting

National Park,

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T.PD: One of the

internationally famous

ecotourism destinations in


T.ID: …destinations in

Indonesia is Tanjung

Putting National Park in

the southern…,

T.P: This is called a park,

but unlike any park that

you have seen in your city,

this is a jungle!

T.C: none

T.PO: Tanjung Puting

National Park offers

impressive experience to

its visitors


M.C: famous, impressive.

M.A: accommodate.

Adj: Famous.

text 3, p: 78

T.IN: Cuban Rondo is a

must-see waterfall…,

T.PD: … because of it

spectacular scenery.

T.ID: This is called a park,

but unlike any park…,

T.P: …only your memory

unforgettable about the

beautiful Cuban Rondo


T.C: none

T.PO: If you go to Batu

city in east java, do not

forget to visit Cuban

M.PL: Cuban Rondo

Waterfall, camp Leakey.

M.C: spectacular, gigantic,

ice cold.

M.A: blow(wind),

N: waterfall, rock, stone,


Adj: delicious, beautiful.

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text 4, p: 84

T.IN: Niagara Falls is the

collective name for three

waterfalls that…,

T.PD: It is a world-famous

scenic boat tour of the


T.ID: The first, the second

the next, the fifth, and


T.P: The Niagara fall is

renowned both for their

beauty and as valuable

source of hydroelectric


T.C: none

T.PO: “If you go to Batu

city ineast java, do not

forget to visit Cuban


M.PL: Niagara falls.

M.C:They form the

southern end of the

Horseshoe Falls, the

American falls and the

Bridal Veil Falls.

M.A: illuminate, manage.

N: Waterfalls, waters,


Adj: amazing, large,

small, etc

text 5, p: 95

T.IN: …inspired and

mystified modern man for

centuries is Stonehenge.

T.PD: Though it is one of

the best-known artifacts in

the world.

T.ID: The first theory

begins with findings being

unearthed not at

M.BD: Stonehenge

M.C: historical mystery,

hard monuments,


M.A: …left us by the

ancient world/ Stonehenge.

N: Stonehenge, artifact,

monument, history.

Adj: ancient, hard

monument, best-known.

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T.P: …, they have left us

forever with one of

history’s great puzzles to


T.C: …why the monument

was built and what is was

used for.

T.PO: none

Table 4.4 The Data Analyzing of Descriptive

Text (Erlangga Press)


Descriptive Text (Erlangga Press)

Social Function Structure Language Feature

text 1, p: 111

T.IN: none

T.PD: …, one of the great

mysteries of the world.

T.ID: none

T.P: none

T.C: will we ever have

answer to the ancient

mysteries of Stonehenge?

T.PO: none

M.BD: Stonehenge

M.C : mystery, ancient,

heavy stone,

M.A: the stones make


N: Stonehenge, stone,

circle, people.

Adj: ancient, heavy.

text 2, p: 112

T.IN: Kuta is the exciting

area on the southern part

M.PL: Kuta Beach

M.C: exiting, exotic,

N: Kuta, Bali, beach.

Adj: beautiful, white,

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of Bali.

T.PD: Kuta is one of the

most famous beaches.

T.ID: Most of tourists visit

Bali because of its exotic

and beautiful beaches.

T.P: none

T.C: none

T.PO: Kuta has a

shopping mecca, with its

lines of shops, boutiques,

and galleries.

beautiful, famous, and etc

M.A: attracted.


text 3, p: 114

T.IN: Cleopatra is one of

the most famous women of

all time.

T.PD: ...the most famous

woman all of time.

T.ID: She had brown

eyes..., she had medium

dark brown hair

T.P: she was the brilliant

and beautiful last Pharaoh

of Egypt.

T.C: none

T.PO: none


M.C: brilliant, beautiful.

M.A: met, spoke.

N: Cleopatra, queen,

Egypt, eyes hair, and etc

Adj: famous, brilliant,


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Table 4.5 The Data Analyzing of Descriptive

Text (Yrama Widya Press)


Descriptive Text (Yrama Widya Press)

Social Function Structure Language Feature

text 1, p: 93

T.IN: My mother, Nunik

Haryati is, is a beautiful


T.PD: …, I am lucky to

have a perfect mother like

Nunik Nurhayati.

T.ID: she is not tall, but

not too short; she is 159

centimeters tall.

T.P: she is very kind


T.C: none

T.PO: none


M.C: kind, lovely,

friendly, outgoing, patient,

attentive, etc.

M.A: sings, dances.

N: Mother, body, hair,

face, skin, etc.

Adj: beautiful, attractive,

sociable, pious, etc.

text 2, p: 106

T.IN: The National

Monument... is a

monument built to

remember the struggle of

Indonesian heroes fighting

the colonial domination.

T.PD: …, a never

extinguished spirit of

Indonesian people.

T.ID: it’s built on an area

M.BD: Monas

M.C: The flame made of

bronze medal, and was

plated with 35 kg gold

M.A: none

N: Monas, flame, plate,

bronze, gold, etc.

Adj: top, concentrate,

traditional, agricultural.

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with a width of 80

hectares; the flame was

made of bronze medal,

weight of which was 14, 5


T.P: none

T.C: none

T.PO: none

text 3, p: 107

T.IN: …, it still has a

historical building with

beautiful architecture,

namely the Istiqlal


T.PD: …, this magnificent

has long time been one of

Jakarta towers.

T.ID: The Istiqlal Mosque

has a huge white tower that

looks like a ball cut in half.

T.P: none

T.C: none

T.PO: none


Istiqlal Mosque

M.C: beautiful

architecture, sturdy, the


M.A: none

N: Mosque, Jakarta, tower,


Adj: sturdy, beautiful

text 4, p: 108

T.IN: This historical

building is called Lawang


T.PD: The glass

decorative items on the

window make this building

looks more luxurious and


Lawang Sewu

M.C: historical, luxurious,

elegant, beautiful, etc.

M.A: provide, frightened.

N: door, ornaments, glass,

japanese, etc.

Adj: beautiful, luxurious,


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T.ID: …, but the word

thousand is used to figure

out that Lawang Sewu has

so many thousand doors.

T.P: thought it has been a

hundred years old, the

building that was built

with European stlye…,

T.C: Unfortunately, we

couldn’t find any furniture

or tools left but only empty


T.PO: none

text 5, p: 109

T.IN: The Maimun Palace

has been crowned as the

most beautiful building in


T.PD: Unique architecture

is the main attraction of the

Maimun Palace.

T.ID: Behind the walls are

solid, there are dozens of

rooms spread over the


T.P: The interior of the

Maimun Palace is also

interesting to lace.

T.C: none

T.PO: none

M.PL: Maimun Palace


beautiful, magnificent,


M.A: allows,

N: palace, Medan, hall,

window, room, etc.

Adj: historical, beautiful,

magnificent, unique, etc.

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Table 4.6 The Data Result of Descriptive

Text (Kemendikbud Press)

The coding:

M*: Mention of People/Place/Building

The diagram shows that in social function of each text do not

completely appropriate with the syllabus. But the structure and language

feature are appropriate.

Table 4.7 The Data Result of Descriptive

Text (Erlangga Press)


Social Funtion Structure Langugae Feature

T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3

T.IN - √ √ M* √ √ √ N √ √ √

T.PD √ √ √ M.C √ √ - Adj. √ √ √

T.ID √ √ √ M.A √ √ -

T.P - - √

T.C √ - -

T.PO - √ -

The coding:

M*: Mention of People/Place/Building


Social Funtion Structure Langugae Feature

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5

T.IN √ √ √ √ √ M* √ √ √ √ √ N √ √ √ √ √

T.PD √ √ √ √ √ M.C √ √ √ √ √ Adj. √ √ √ √ √

T.ID √ √ √ √ √ M.A √ √ √ √ √

T.P √ - √ √ √

T.C √ √ - - √

T.PO - √ √ √ -

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From above diagram, the researcher conclude that the social function

on the structure of the text most of them are not in line with the syllabus.

But for language feature, all texts are containing of noun and adjective.

Table 4.8 The Data Result of Descriptive

Text (Yrama Widya Press)


Social Funtion Structure Langugae Feature

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5

T.IN √ √ √ √ √ M* √ √ √ √ √ N √ √ √ √ √

T.PD √ √ √ √ √ M.C √ √ √ √ √ Adj. √ √ √ √ √

T.ID √ √ √ √ √ M.A √ - - √ √

T.P √ - - √ √

T.C - - - √ -

T.PO - - - - -

The coding:

M*: Mention of People/Place/Building

The diagram shows the result that in social function only to feel

pride and identify aspects which appropriate with the syllabus. For the

structure the third text does not allow the syllabus.

Table 4.9 The Data Analyzing of recount

Text (Kemendikbud press)


Recount Text (Kemendikbud Press)

Social Function Structure Language Feature

Text 1, p: 3

T.I: He was also very

- M.EG: Afgan was

coming to town for a

- W.S: none

- P.W: none

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T.PD: Afgan has always

been my favorite singer.

WA: …, I packed all my

Afgan’s CDs to get his

signature at the event.

THO: a day before the

concert, there would be a

meet-and –greet event…,

DIC: I prepared my CDs

and began to stand in the


T.R: He asked my name

so that he could write…,


- M.EC:

1. Afgan was always


2. On that bright day…,

3. Then, he started the

event by singing…,


- He was just an amazing


- And it was the best day


- TT: no, it is not.


Singer, town, concert,

radio, CD, etc.

Text 2, p:14

T.I: Fortunately he is


T.PD: …, that’s why I

love him.

WA: I tried to remember

where I spent my


THO: That reminded me

of something.

DIC: none

T.R: I remembered going

to Jatim Park with…

- M.EG: It was Monday

afternoon at that time.

- M.EC:

not chronologically


- Well, perhaps that’s why

I love him.

Text 3, p:27

T.I: He was the third

President of the republic

- M.EG: …, then in 1955

he move to German.

- M.EC:

- W.S: When Habibie’s

minimum wage salary

forces him into part-time

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of Indonesia.

T.PD: He works for the

development of the


WA: none

THO: he developed

theories on


DIC: …, he has also been

active as presidential


T.R: none

1. in 1955 he move to


2. In 1962,…

3. In 1974,…




- P.W: There, he develops


- TT: yes, it is.

- M.N:

Germany, airbus

Text 4, p:37

T.I: she was awarded the

title of Indonesia national


T.PD: Cut Nyak Dien

was a leader of the

Acehnese guerrilla


WA: none

THO: none

DIC: none

T.R: none

- M.EG: Cut nyak Dien

was a leader…during the

Aceh war.

- M.EC:

1. Cut nyak Dien was


2. On 26 marchn1873

3. They were married

in 1880

4. She died o 1908



- W.S: She continued to

resist the Dutch her

small army….

- P.W: she was struggle to

help the Acehnese

- TT: yes it is.

M.N: Acehnese, Dutch,

war, weapon etc.

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Table 4.10 The Data Analyzing of Recount

Text (Erlangga press)


Narrative Text (Erlangga Press)

Social Function Structure Language Feature

Text 1, p: 148

T.I: she loved to write.

T.PD: now she’s a

famous author.

WA: there was nothing I

could do bit left the car


THO: she went to school

then did her homework.

DIC: do homework.

T.R: now we can all read

her stories….

- M.EG: when Joanna

Rowling was young.

- M.EC:

1. When Joanna Rowling

was young.

2. Rowling wrote all the


3. Rowling never

stopped doing what

she wanted….


- Now we can all read her

stories and share her


- W.S: she continued

writing stories.

- P.W: Rowling wrote all

the time.

- TT: yes, it is.

M.N: story, book.

Text 2, p: 150

T.I: …buy some food

give to the animals.

T.PD: none

WA: none

THO: none

DIC: do homework.

T.R: … because we had

so much fun.

- M.EG: yesterday my

family went to the zoo.

- M.EC:

1. Yesterday my family

went to the zoo

2. When we got to the


3. When we returned



- When we returned home

- W.S: none

- P.W: none

- TT: none

M.N: zoo, animal.

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we were tired but….

Text 3, p: 156

T.I: she was young


T.PD: she was nominated

for five awards.

WA: none

DIC: study singing,

dancing, and acting.

T.R: Emma has quickly

become one of the most


- M.EG: At the age of


- M.EC:

1. At the age of five,

2. From the age of six,

3. By the age of ten,


- She becomes the most

well-known names in the


- W.S: none

- P.W: casting begins for

harry potter.

- TT: yes, it is.

M.N: Emma, artist, film,


Table 4.11 The Data Analyzing of Recount

Text (Yrama Widya press)


Recount Text (Yrama Widya Press)

Social Function Structure Language Feature

Text 1, p: 124

T.I: none

T.PD: none

WA: there was nothing I

could do bit left the car


THO: none

DIC: none

T.R: …, I thanked to god

nobody was seriously

- M.EG: … my experience

during a big earthquake

in 2009.

- M.EC:

1. Earthquake in 2009

2. I was driving home

3. Suddenly my car

4. When I reached



- I thanked to god nobody

- W.S: none

- P.W: none

- TT: yes, it is.

M.N: earthquake, car,

road, rock, etc.

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injured. was seriously injured.

Text 2, p: 124

T.I: she keeps her house


T.PD: …, I don’t want to

get the same disease


WA: none

THO: …, I am now more

cautious about keeping in

my house clean.

DIC: keeping house


T.R: …, I don’t want to

get the same disease


- M.EG: I was in a

hospital last week.

- M.EC:

1. At first, I left my body

become weak.

2. At the hospital

3. At the seventh day,


- I am now more cautious

and will not get the same


- W.S: survive of sick

- P.W: keeping house

clean and her health.

- TT: no, it is not.

M.N: fever, disease,

hospital, etc.

Text 3, p: 125

T.I: … my wife was

making the old lady a cup

of tea.

T.PD: he ran upstairs to

help old lady.

WA: none

THO: I was turning over

in my mind the idea of

breaking the door


DIC: keeping house


T.R: none

- M.EG: … my wife and I

were sitting quietly

- M.EC:

1. One evening last


2. The flat is on fire

3. I took the old lady’s




- W.S: survive of fire


- P.W: he took the old

lady downstairs.

- TT: yes, it is.

M.N: old lady, baby, fire,


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Table 4.12 The Data Result of Recount

Text (Kemendikbud press)

Form the diagram above, the researcher can conclude that in every

aspects of main lesson of recount text, most of them do not allow the


Table 4.13 The Data Result of Recount

Text (Erlangga press)


Social Funtion Structure Langugae Feature

T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3

T.I √ √ √ M.EG √ √ √ W.S - √ √

T.PD √ √ √ M.EC √ √ √ P.W - √ √

WA - √ √ GC √ √ - TT √ - √

THO √ √ √

M.N √ √ √

DIC √ √ √

T.R √ √ √

The diagram shows there are 5 texts which are allow the syllabus.

Then the other text, do not allow the aspect of WA, Con, WS, WPW and


MAIN LESSON ( RECOUNT TEXT) *Kemendigbud Press

Social Funtion Structure Langugae Feature

T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4

TI √ √ √ √ M.EG √ √ √ √ W.S - - √ √

T.PD √ √ √ √ M.EC √ √ √ √ P.W - √ √ √

WA √ √ - - GC √ √ - - TT - - √ √

THO √ √ √ -

M.N √ √ √ √

DIC √ - √ -

T.R √ √ - -

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Table 4.14 The Data Result of Recount

Text (Yrama Widya press)


Social Funtion Structure Langugae Feature

T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3

T.I √ √ √ M.EG √ √ √ W.S √ - -

T.PD √ √ √ M.EC √ √ √ P.W √ - √

WA √ - - G.C √ √ - TT √ - √

THO √ - -

M.N √ √ √

DIC √ √ √

T.R √ √ √

The main lesson of recount text of that diagram shows the researcher

that, social function of WA and Thor in second and third text, do not

appropriate into the syllabus. Then, structure of text of conclusion at the

third text, do not allow the syllabus. The language feature forms three texts

are only the first text that allows all aspects of syllabus.

Table 4.15 The Data Analyzing of Narrative

Text (Kemendikbud Press)


Narrative Text (Kemendikbud Press)

Social Function Structure Language Feature

text 1, p:49

EMV: study hard, in spite

of Issumboshi small but he

has a big wish.

PA: Kiyomuji temple

T.ROC: Issumboshi

practiced fencing….

IN: Once upon a time

there was an old couple

who didn’t have a child.

COM: suddenly there was

a strong wind,

- W.C: respectable, brave,

hard work.

- W.S: village forest,

capital city


- … who didn’t have a


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SOL: they lived happily

ever after.

- …was always being


- I will go to…

text 2, p:64

EMV: we have to be

always respectful to our

mother, Disobedience to

parents is a major sin.

PA: A small village near

the beach in west Sumatra.

T.ROC: he usually went

to sea to catch fish

(fishermen). People in

west Sumatra.

IN: …, in a small village

near the beach in west

Sumatra lived a woman

and her son,…

COM: Malin Kundang

refusing his mother hugs

of sadness.

SOL: …; he had turned

into a stone.

- W.C: healthy, diligent,

strong, bravery.

- W.S: west Sumatra,



- …he would bring…

…, when Malin Kundang

was sailing

text 3, p:89

EMV: Tell the truth, do

not be a liar.

PA: none

T.ROC: none

IN: Once there was a great

warrior named Strong


COM: strong wind’s sister

was surprised because the

girl had told the truth.

SOL: Strong wind came

and the girl became his


- W.C: Strong, lying, tells

the truth.

- W.S: a tent by the sea.


- His sister could see him

She was wearing….

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Table 4.16 The Data Analyzing of Narrative

Text (Erlangga press)


Narrative Text (Erlangga Press)

Social Function Structure Language Feature

text 1, p: 167

EMV: keep a promise.

PA: story form west java

T.ROC: people in Sunda

are forbidden for someone

who marries with his close

family like mother in this


IN: long time ago in west


COM: Dayang sumbi

realized that Sangkuriang

would fulfill….

Sangkuriang grew furious.

SOL: The boat then

became a mountain.

- W.C: intelligent, keep


- W.S: village in Sunda,

west java


- He didn’t realized that

…,who had been spying

text 2, p: 168

EMV: Never get more

than you wish.

PA: none

T.ROC: none

IN: It happened one day

that Silenus,

COM: king Midas’s

daughter turn to gold.

SOL: Bacchus forgived

him and the wish was


- W.C: kindness, greedy.

- W.S: palace, yard,



- …he touched might be

turn to gold.

- …he did was to raise


text 3, p: 172

EMV: we have to respect

to our parent and never

forget them.

PA: story from Sulawesi

island, Batu bangga.

IN: Long time ago in

Sulawesi island,

COM: Impalak heard his

father’s shouting, but he

ignored him.

- W.C: kindness, arrogant.

- W.S: Sulawesi Island,

harbor, beach.


- I couldn’t do anything

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T.ROC: they work as


SOL: …, the bangga and

impala turned into stone.

Intobu’s sampan was


text 4, p: 174

EMV: If we do a bad

thing, we will get the


PA: story from east java

T.ROC: gamelan.

IN: One day when Dewi

was walking in the palace


COM: when Raden putra

saw dewi Limaran at the

old woman’s hut.

SOL: The music of

gamelan had broken the

evil witch’s spell.

- W.C: kindness, helpful

- W.S: palace, hut.


- prince putra was married

The gamelan had broken

the evil witch’s spell.

Table 4.17 The Data Analyzing of Narrative

Text (Yrama Widya press)


Narrative Text (Erlangga Press)

Social Function Structure Language Feature

text 1, p: 167

EMV: keep a promise.

PA: story form west java

T.ROC: people in Sunda

are forbidden for someone

who marries with his close

family like mother in this


IN: long time ago in west


COM: Dayang sumbi

realized that Sangkuriang

would fulfill….

Sangkuriang grew furious.

SOL: The boat then

became a mountain.

- W.C: intelligent, keep


- W.S: village in Sunda,

west java


- He didn’t realized that

…,who had been spying

text 2, p: 168

EMV: Never get more

IN: It happened one day

- W.C: kindness, greedy.

- W.S: palace, yard,

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than you wish.

PA: none

T.ROC: none

that Silenus,

COM: king Midas’s

daughter turn to gold.

SOL: Bacchus forgived

him and the wish was




- …he touched might be

turn to gold.

- …he did was to raise


text 3, p: 172

EMV: we have to respect

to our parent and never

forget them.

PA: story from Sulawesi

island, Batu bangga.

T.ROC: they work as


IN: Long time ago in

Sulawesi island,

COM: Impalak heard his

father’s shouting, but he

ignored him.

SOL: …, the bangga and

impala turned into stone.

- W.C: kindness, arrogant.

- W.S: Sulawesi Island,

harbor, beach.


- I couldn’t do anything

Intobu’s sampan was


text 4, p: 174

EMV: If we do a bad

thing, we will get the


PA: story from east java

T.ROC: gamelan.

IN: One day when Dewi

was walking in the palace


COM: when Raden putra

saw dewi Limaran at the

old woman’s hut.

SOL: The music of

gamelan had broken the

evil witch’s spell.

- W.C: kindness, helpful

- W.S: palace, hut.


- prince putra was married

The gamelan had broken

the evil witch’s spell.

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Table 4.18 The Data Result of Narrative

Text (Kemendikbud press)

MAIN LESSON ( NARRATIVE TEXT) *Kemendigbud press

Social Function Structure Langugae Feature

T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3

EMV √ √ √ IN √ √ √ WC √ - -

PA √ √ - COM √ √ √ WS √ - √

T.ROC √ √ - SOL √ √ - AV √ - √

The diagram shows that the third text in social function and structure

are almost not in line with the syllabus. Then for language feature at the

second text, all of aspects are not in line of syllabus.

Table 4.19 The Data Result of Narrative

Text (Erlangga press)


Social Funtion Structure Langugae Feature

T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4

EMV √ √ √ √ IN √ √ √ √ WC √ √ √ √

PA √ - √ √ COM √ √ √ √ WS √ √ √ √

T.ROC √ - √ √ SOL √ √ √ √ AV √ √ √ √

The researcher can conclude the diagram above. Almost all texts are

in ascendance with the syllabus. Only the second texts of social function

(patriotism and RC) which are do not only the syllabus.

Table 4.20 The Data Result of Narrative

Text (Yrama Widya press)


Social Funtion Structure Langugae Feature

T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3

EMV √ √ √ IN √ √ √ WC √ √ √

PA √ √ √ COM √ √ √ WS √ √ √

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T.ROC √ √ √ SOL √ √ √ AV √ √ √

This diagram shows that all of texts are allow the aspects of the


The results of all data analysis above are the way how to apply reading

comprehension genre in text type. By use the syllabus as guideline and three

aspects which contain in main lesson.

C. The Most Suitable Text Type in Three English Textbook.

1. The first publisher, Kemendikbud press. There are 134 aspects of analysis,

there are 26 aspects which are not appropriate.

X100 = 19.40 %. It

shows that the book of Kemendikbud press do not completely support with

the syllabus. The book is in line support the syllabus 13C, with 80, 60 %.

2. The second book, Erlangga press. There are 108 aspect analyses, there are

16 aspects which are not support with the syllabus.

X100 = 14, 80 %. It

shows that the book of Erlangga press do not completely support with the

syllabus. The book is in line with the syllabus 13C, with 85, 20 %.

3. The third book, Yrama Widya press. There are 121 aspect analyses, there

are 22 aspects which are do not allow the syllabus.

X100 = 18, 18 %. It

shows that the book form Yrama Widya press do not completely support

the syllabus. The book is in line the syllabus 13C, with 81, 82 %.

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Conclusions and suggestions can be drawn by referring to the research

findings and discussions in chapter four.

A. Conclusions

The prominent intention of presenting conclusions is to answer the

research questions, thus, the conclusions drawn for this research are:

1. Reading Comprehension Genre in the Text.

The use of syllabus of main lesson in basic competence syllabus

2013 curriculum could be the guideline for the researcher how to

comprehend reading genre in the text. Text descriptive, recount and

narrative have different aspect and structure. The differences of three text

type describe in main lesson.

The principle of main lesson consists of social function, text

structure, language feature, and topic.

From the view of social function, the aspects of syllabus such as to

feel proud, to introduce, to indentify, to praise, to criticize, and to promote

are adapted properly in descriptive text. Then for recount text the social

function divided into; to imitate, to proud, well-arranged, thoroughly,

discipline, and to report. For narrative text consist of; emulating the moral

values, patriotism, and respect for other cultures.

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From the view of text structure, the aspects of syllabus such as

mentioning of name, characteristic, and action of people/place within

descriptive text. For recount text, the aspects are mentioning of event in

general, mentioning of event in chronological and general conclusion.

Then for the narrative text, there are many aspects that printed in the

syllabus; introduction, complication and solution of a story text.

2. The Most Suitable Text in Three English Textbook.

The most suitable text type in three English textbook are narrative

text. For descriptive text, there are 13 texts with 151 aspect of analysis;

there are 124 aspects which are appropriate.

X100 = 84, 10 %. For

recount text, there are 10 texts with 130 aspect of analysis; there are 102

aspect which are appropriate.

X100 = 78, 46 %. For narraive text, there

are 10 texts with 90 aspect of analysis; there are 81 aspects which are


X100 = 90 %.

B. Suggestions

Having known the findings of the research, the writer gives suggestions as


1. For the reader

The reader can use syllabus as guideline to understand reading

comprehension genre in text by seeing main lesson. This way can make

the reader directed to see the social function, structure text and language

feature of text.

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2. For the book publisher, as a service book. The publisher might consider

the guideline of the syllabus, so that the book is compatible and it can

involve the syllabus of 13C.

In the account of the readers of this research, the report of this research

is provisional as the time goes by, and only takes a little picture of reading

comprehension genre in the text of 2013 curriculum books. It is expected that

the readers do not consider the report of this research as an absolute outcome

though this report might be useful to be a reference for both readers and other

researchers of analysis of genre in the text. Therefore, further researches of

analysis genre in the text on broader studies such as the application of

analysis genre in the text in teaching and learning process, the implication of

reading comprehension genre in the text, and the relevance of it, are strongly

recommended because it is believed that the paradigm analysis of reading

comprehension genre in the text will grow timelessly.

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List of Students SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga

No Name Sex Dep. Code

1 Eko Maulana M TKR S-19

2 Nurman Syarif P M TKR S-20

3 Ari Salman M TKR S-21

4 Ratna Ifatul Ulya F RPL S-22

5 Eva Atika F RPL S-23

6 Agung Kurniawan M RPL S-24

7 Triyono M TSM S-25

8 Arif Nur Salim M TSM S-26

9 Joko Nurfianto M TSM S-27

10 Indriyani F TG S-28

11 Lilis Suryani F TG S-29

12 M. Asnawi M TG S-30

13 Ika Rahayu P.S F TB S-31

14 Jihan Pahira M TB S-32

15 Sri Wahyundari F TB S-33


TKK : Teknik Kosruksi Kayu

TPM : teknik Pemesina Motor

TEI : Teknik Elektronika Industri

TMO : Teknik Mekanik Otomotif

TGB : Teknik Gambar Bangunan

TAV : Teknik Audio Video

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Students SMK Negeri 1 Tengaran

No Name Sex Dep. Code

1 Eko Maulana M TKR S-19

2 Nurman Syarif P M TKR S-20

3 Ari Salman M TKR S-21

4 Ratna Ifatul Ulya F RPL S-22

5 Eva Atika F RPL S-23

6 Agung Kurniawan M RPL S-24

7 Triyono M TSM S-25

8 Arif Nur Salim M TSM S-26

9 Joko Nurfianto M TSM S-27

10 Indriyani F TG S-28

11 Lilis Suryani F TG S-29

12 M. Asnawi M TG S-30

13 Ika Rahayu P.S F TB S-31

14 Jihan Pahira M TB S-32

15 Sri Wahyundari F TB S-33


TKR : Teknik Kendaraan Ringan

RPL : Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak

TSM : Teknik Sepeda Motor

TG : Tata Boga

TB : Tata Busana

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No Name NIP Vocational School


Sugeng Sulistiyanto, S.Pd 197012222000031001 SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga


Retno Susilowati, S.Pd 197910122008012014 SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga

3 Krishna hartantyo, S.Pd 198312052010011015 SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga

4 Ninik Dwi Royani, S.Pd - SMK Negeri 1 Tengaran


Afid Anggorowati, S.Pd - SMK Negeri 1 Tengaran

6 Susi Nugraheni , S.Pd - SMK Negeri 1 Tengaran

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Descriptive Recount Narrative

Kemendikbud 1. Page: 58 2. Page : 70 3. Page : 78 4. Page : 84 5. Page : 95

1. Page : 3 2. Page : 14 3. Page : 27 4. Page : 37

1. Page : 49 2. Page : 64 3. Page : 89

Erlangga 1. Page : 111 2. Page : 112 3. Page : 114

1. Page : 148 2. Page : 150 3. Page : 156

1. Page : 167 2. Page : 168 3. Page : 172 4. Page : 178

Yrama Widya 1. Page : 93 2. Page : 106 3. Page : 107 4. Page : 108 5. Page : 109

1. Page : 124 2. Page : 124 3. Page : 125

1. Page : 135 2. Page : 137 3. Page : 138

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SUBSTANCE OF QUESTIONNAIRE Nama : Kelas : NIS : Pilihlah jawaban Anda dengan cara melingkari nomer. Fokus pada buku teks Bahasa Inggris kelas X.

1. Apakah tampilan fisik bahan ajar menarik?(Do the appearance of book


1 2 3 4 5

Sangat tidak menarik

Kurang menarik

Cukup menarik

Menarik Sangat menarik

2. Apakah petunjuk mudah untuk dipahami? (Do the guidance of book


1 2 3 4 5

Sangat tidak mudah

Kurang mudah

Cukup mudah

Mudah Sangat mudah

3. Apakah kerangka isi membantumu untuk memahami uraian materi? (Do the

framework helping you to understand the materials?)

1 2 3 4 5

Sangat tidak membantu

Kurang membantu

Cukup membantu

Membantu Sangat membantu

4. Apakah penggunaan bahasa dalam teks mudah dipahami? (Do the language of

the text understandable?)

1 2 3 4 5

Sangat kurang mudah

Kurang mudah

Cukup mudah

Mudah Sangat mudah

5. Apakah teks yang diberikan (deskriptif,recount,narrative) membantumu

memahami fungsi masing-masing teks? {Do the text

(deskriptive,recount,narrative) help you to understand the function of each


1 2 3 4 5

Sangat Kurang Cukup Membantu Sangat

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kurang membantu

membantu membantu membantu

6. Apakah teks (deskriptif,recount,narrative) membantumu mengerti nilai-nilai

sosial (disiplin, teliti, memuji, dsb)? {Do the text (deskriptif,recount,narrative)

helping you to know social values (discipline, praise and so on)?}

1 2 3 4 5

Sangat kurang membantu

Kurang membantu

Cukup membantu

Membantu Sangat membantu

7. Apakah isi buku membantumu menganalisis teks

(deskriptif,recount,narrative)? {Do the content of book helping you to analyze

the text (deskriptive,recount,narrative?)}

1 2 3 4 5

Sangat kurang membantu

Kurang membantu

Cukup membantu

Membantu Sangat membantu

8. Apakah isi buku membantumu menangkap makna dalam teks


{Do the content of book helping you grasp the idea in text


1 2 3 4 5

Sangat kurang membantu

Kurang membantu

Cukup membantu

Membantu Sangat membantu

9. Apakah isi buku membantumu menyusun teks (Deskriptif,recount)? {Do the

content of book helping you to arrange text (deskriptive,recount,narrative)?}

1 2 3 4 5

Sangat kurang membantu

Kurang membantu

Cukup membantu

Membantu Sangat membantu

10. Apakah isi buku membantumu belajar bahasa Inggris dengan baik? Do the

content of book helping you to study of English well?

1 2 3 4 5

Sangat kurang membantu

Kurang membantu

Cukup membantu

Membantu Sangat membantu

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Komentar/ saran lainnya (Comments/Suggestion)



1. To make it clear. Is this school has already applying 2013

curriculum?Since when?

2. If it related to the readiness, how the readiness of this school and the

teacher face this new curriculum at the first time?

3. As far as I know, not all schools apply this new curriculum, only the

chosen and potential schools which can apply this curriculum. May you

explain what aspects so that this school can applying 2013 curriculum?)

4. Is this book of 2013 curriculum representative with the syllabus, both of

the content and the purpose that would be gain?

5. In syllabus, there are kind of social functions which will be achieved. Are

those moral value contained into the book?

6. In 2013 curriculum there are three aspects of assessment: Knowledge,

skills and attitudes. Is this book consisting of this three aspects?

7. Specifically, what do you think about this English text book of 13C?

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SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga

No Code Number of Questionnaire

Total Result 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 S-01 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 4 27 Good Enough

2 S-02 2 2 4 4 5 4 3 3 4 4 35 Good Enough

3 S-03 3 3 2 4 4 2 3 2 4 3 30 Good Enough

4 S-04 4 3 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 43 Good

5 S-05 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 2 4 33 Good Enough

6 S-06 3 3 4 4 3 2 3 4 3 3 32 Good Enough

7 S-07 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 5 37 Good Enough

8 S-08 2 2 3 3 4 3 2 3 2 3 27 Good Enough

9 S-09 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 2 3 3 29 Good Enough

10 S-10 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 34 Good Enough

11 S-11 3 2 3 2 4 3 3 2 3 3 28 Good Enough

12 S-12 4 3 2 3 5 5 2 4 4 5 37 Good Enough

13 S-13 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 5 28 Good Enough

14 S-14 4 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 29 Good Enough

15 S-15 3 3 4 4 5 5 4 5 4 4 41 Good

16 S-16 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 28 Good Enough

17 S-17 3 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 37 Good Enough

18 S-18 3 4 3 2 4 2 5 3 4 5 35 Good Enough

Total 55 49 58 59 65 58 58 56 61 71 590

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SMK Negeri 1 Tengaran

No Code Number of Questionnaire

Total Result 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 S-19 3 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 3 4 26 Good Enough

2 S-20 3 2 4 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 30 Good Enough

3 S-21 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 25 Good Enough

4 S-22 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 9 41 Good

5 S-23 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 2 4 32 Good Enough

6 S-24 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 5 37 Good Enough

7 S-25 3 3 3 2 5 4 3 3 3 3 32 Good Enough

8 S-26 4 3 5 4 4 3 5 4 5 5 42 Good

9 S-27 4 3 5 3 5 3 6 4 5 5 43 Good

10 S-28 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 35 Good Enough

11 S-29 3 2 3 2 4 3 3 3 4 5 32 Good Enough

12 S-30 5 4 3 5 3 4 3 4 3 4 38 Good Enough

13 S-31 5 4 3 4 5 5 4 3 3 5 41 Good

14 S-32 5 4 3 4 4 5 4 3 4 4 40 Good

15 S-33 5 3 3 4 5 3 5 2 2 4 36 Good Enough

Total 57 44 51 48 59 51 54 47 52 67 530

There are 33 student respondents, SMKN 2 Salatiga 18 students and SMKN 1 Tengaran

15 Students. The total data is

X100 = 67, 87 %.

1120 is data result of 590+530= 1120

1650 is data result of 50*33= 1650

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Sugeng Sulistiyanto, S.Pd SMKN 2 Salatiga

1. Ya, kami sudah menggunakan K13 (Kurikulum 2013)

2. Sejak tahun 2013, jadi sudah menginjak tahun yang ke 3

Kami mantan sekolah RSBI, jadi diwajibkan menggunakan K13

dimana sekolah yang lain belum menggunakan K13. Walaupun masih

ada kendala, tetapi kami sudah mampu menggunakan K13.

3. Sebelum menggunakan K13, kami diundang diklat

pelatihan/pengenalan/sosialisasi kurikulum 2013. Dimana K13 itu

sangat berbeda dari KTSP. Dimana mind set-nya itu berbeda. Karena

di KTSP guru lebih aktip memberikan materi, sedangkan di K13 ini

siswa yang diminta untuk aktif. Jadi persiapannya dari kami masih

berlangsung berhubungan dengan pengadaan diklat sosialisasi mata

pelajaran tertentu seperti matematika, sejarah, bahasa Indonesia dan

menyusul mata pelajaran yang lain. Dan ini masih terus berlangsung

untuk sosialisasi dan diklat mengenai K13.

4. Aspek yang pertama, memang sekolah kami ditunjuk untuk

menerapkan K13 ini, karena sebelumnya sekolah kami RSBI, jadi

waktu RSBI kemarin kan kita banyak mendapatkan bantuan

infrastruktur dan juga pelatihan pelatihan. Dan itu menjadi alasan

pertama mengapa sekolah kami ditunjuk menggunakan K13. Aspek

yang lain, secara administrative mungkin dari pihak dinas menganggap

fasilitas disini sudah lengkap, semisal dimana semua ruangan sudah

terfasilitasi dengan LCD.kurikulum 2013menuntut banyak sekali

infrastruktur untuk menunjang pembelajaran K13. Jadi dinas

mengaggap kami sudah siap. Jumlah guru yang mencukupi. Jumlah

siswa tidak menjadi acuan untuk sekolah yang bisa menerapkan K13.

Karena jumlah siswa ynag sedikit atau banyak bukan mencadi alasan

untuk menjadi sekolah yang menggunakan K13.

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5. Belum, karena yang pertama, yang paling jelas itu tentang urutan

materi yang diberikan silabus. Misalnya di silabus tertulis KD 3.1

tetapi di buku yang pertama tertulis KD 3.10. kemudian masuk

kedalam inti bukunya. Itu kadang-kadang apa yang ada di buku itu

tidak mencerminkan langsung dari silabusnya.

6. Untuk penilaian sikap kurang begitu ditunjukkan dalam buku kelas 1

ini. Tetapi melihat materinya murni hanya ke pengetahuan dan

ketrampilan. Terkadang materi dibuku itu tidak mengajarkan tentang

sikap. Jadi lebh ke penilaian pengetahuan dan ketrampilan.

7. Menurut saya Buku K13 ini Kurang cocok/sesuai untuk

mengembangakan silabusnya, lebih baik di dalam silabus itu kita

membuat materi sendiri. Tetapi kita terima buku K13 ini dari

pemerintah apa adanya. Jadi kita tidak bisa meminta buku yang kita

inginkan. Akhirnya kita mencari materi sendiri, dari internet atau

buku-buku lain untuk mengembangkan silabusnya. Jadi kadang buku

itu dalam pembelajaran tidak dipakai untuk latihan sedikit. Tetapi lebih

banyak kita untuk menyesuaikan dengan kompetensi dasarnya, kita

mencari materi sendiri.

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Ninik Dwi Royani, S.Pd SMKN 1 Tengaran

1. Ya sudah, kami sudah menerapkan K13

2. Untuk aspeknya sudah jelas, jadi dari dinas kami ditunjuk

menggunakan K13 dan layak. Juga dari segi SDM, sekolah kami sudah

cukup mampu menuruti tuntutan K13.

3. Untuk kesiapan, yang jelas kita tidak punya buku waktu itu. Jadi waktu

tahun pertama kita belum punya buku pegangan, baru datang di tahun

kedua. Jadi untuk tahun pertama kita memang sudah punya silabus,

tetapi kita tidak punya buku Pengangan. Kita improve sendiri, kita cari

materi sendiri, tapi harus sesuai dengan silabus.

4. Sudah, saya lihat untuk buku kelas X ini sudah sesuai.

5. Kalau secara gambling tidak, tetapi kita sendiri harus improve.

Misalnya untuk aspek pengetahuan spereti vocab. Kita improve mother

tongue, mother tongue peserta didik seperti apa, itu bisa kita

tingkatkan pengetahuan mereka. kemudian untuk ketrampilan

bagaimana siswa mengerjakan soal essay. Untuk sikap saya kira kalau

tertulis secara real dalam buku ini tidak ada.

6. Saya rasa, untuk nilai moralnya jelas sudah ada. Misalnya dia punya

teman dari berbagai suku, tetapi dia bersatu dengan mereka, kemudian

ada nilai saling menghargai. Disini tertulis, dia adalah orang US tetapi

dia punya teman dai cina, laos, Vietnam. Dan mereka sudah akrab.

Berartikan moralnya bisa kita masukkan dari sini. Jadi tidak secara

jelas nilai moral ditampilkan dalam buku, tersisip disetiap teks yang


7. Menurut saya mengenai buku ini, pertama saya kaitkan dengan alokasi

waktu. K13 itu hanya 2 jam pembelajaran dalam satu minggu. Jadi

sangat kurang, belum juga apabila terhambat dengan tanggal merah,

kegiatan upacara dan kegiatan lainnya yang memotong jam belajar

siswa. Kemudian disesuaikan dengan materi jelas kurang memadai,

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karena dengan 1 buku kita harus selesai dalam satu semester dengan

alokasi waktu hanya satu minggu sekali, kalaupun tidak hilang. Jadi

beberapa saat terkadang kita ngebut, untuk understanding siswa Untuk

grammar terkadang siswa tidak tau artinya. Semisal disini ada kata

Sound, mereka mengartikanya suara. Padahal disini yang dimaksud

artinya nampaknya. Yang paling menjadi kendala buat kami tentang

alokasi waktu.

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