desarrollo de sistemas de envasado activo mediante la


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Marina Ramos Santonja

Page 2: Desarrollo de sistemas de envasado activo mediante la

Departamento de Química Analítica, Nutrición y Bromatología

Departament de Química Analítica, Nutrició i Bromatologia




Marina Ramos Santonja

Programa de Doctorado en Química

Tesis presentada para aspirar al grado de DOCTORA POR LA UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE


Dirigida por: Profesor Alfonso Jiménez Migallón

Profesora María del Carmen Garrigós Selva Doctora Mercedes Ana Peltzer

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Page 4: Desarrollo de sistemas de envasado activo mediante la

Departamento de Química Analítica, Nutrición y Bromatología

Departament de Química Analítica, Nutrició i Bromatologia


Directora del Departamento de Química Analítica, Nutrición y Bromatología de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Alicante


Que Dña. MARINA RAMOS SANTONJA ha realizado bajo la dirección de los profesores Dr. D. ALFONSO JIMÉNEZ MIGALLÓN y Dra. Dña. MARIA DEL CARMEN GARRIGÓS SELVA de la Universidad de Alicante, el trabajo bibliográfico y experimental correspondiente a la obtención del Grado de Doctor en Química sobre el tema: ”Desarrollo de sistemas de envasado activo mediante la formulación de matrices poliméricas y nanocompuestos con agentes antioxidantes y antimicrobianos de origen natural”.

Alicante, Enero 2016

Fdo. Dra. María Soledad Prats Moya

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Page 6: Desarrollo de sistemas de envasado activo mediante la

Departamento de Química Analítica, Nutrición y Bromatología

Departament de Química Analítica, Nutrició i Bromatologia

Los profesores Dr. D. ALFONSO JIMÉNEZ MIGALLÓN y Dra. Dña. MARIA DEL CARMEN GARRIGÓS SELVA del Departamento de Química Analítica, Nutrición y Bromatología de la Universidad de Alicante, en calidad de Directores de la Tesis Doctoral presentada por Dña. MARINA RAMOS SANTONJA, con el título: “Desarrollo de sistemas de envasado activo mediante la formulación de matrices poliméricas y nanocompuestos con agentes antioxidantes y antimicrobianos de origen natural”.


Que la citada Tesis Doctoral se ha realizado en el Dpto. de Química Analítica, Nutrición y Bromatología de la Universidad de Alicante, y en los centros “Materials Science and Technology Center, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universidad de Perugia (Italia)”, y “School of Food & Nutritional Sciences, Universidad de Cork (Irlanda)”; y que, a su juicio, reúne los requisitos necesarios y exigidos en este tipo de trabajos.

Alicante, Enero 2016

Fdo. Dr. Alfonso Jiménez Migallón

Fdo. Dra. María del Carmen Garrigós Selva

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Llegado este punto, queda terminar con la última parte de este trabajo, o mejor dicho

una de las aventuras hasta el momento más importantes en mi carrera profesional. Podría

decirse que la culminación de muchos años de esfuerzo y sacrificio pero que han estado

cargados de momentos para el recuerdo, dulces, otros más amargos, felices, bonitos,

inolvidables pero también tristes, así como situaciones irrepetibles que quedarán en mi

memoria y que muchas veces me harán sonreír.

Mucha gente ha participado en este camino desde que comencé mi carrera en 2002

hasta este momento, y de una forma u otra siempre han estado para poner una piedrecita

en este tortuoso camino para ayudarme a avanzar y conseguir mi meta. ¡A tod@s gracias!

A mis directores, el Profesor Alfonso Jiménez Migallón, la Profesora María del

Carmen Garrigós Selva y la Doctora Mercedes Ana Peltzer por brindarme la oportunidad

de poder formarme como investigadora y sobre todo como persona, transmitiéndome toda

la pasión e ilusión por lo que hacemos. Por su paciencia, dedicación y sus palabras de

aliento en momentos difíciles. Y sobre todo por la confianza que depositaron en mí sin

apenas conocerme. Porque gracias a ellos me encuentro escribiendo estas líneas.

¡Muchísimas gracias!

A mi grupo de investigación “Análisis de Polímeros y Nanomateriales”, porque somos

un pequeña gran familia. A mis envasologas poliméricas: Arancha, Nuria y Cris. Chicas

muchas gracias por haberme acompañado en esta aventura. Nos hemos reído, hemos

llorado, hemos soñado y hemos disfrutado del día a día juntas. Sin vosotras muchas partes

de este trabajo no tendrían sentido, porque siempre me habéis ayudado. Y en momentos

de bajón, siempre ha habido una palabra que me ha hecho cambiar el rumbo.

Al Departamento de Química Analítica, Nutrición y Bromatología y a todos mis

compañeros por la ayuda ofrecida.

A la Universidad de Alicante por la concesión de la beca predoctoral y al Ministerio de

Economía y Competitividad por la financiación económica suministrada a través de la

concesión de los Proyectos de Investigación MAT2011-28468-C02-01 y MAT2014-59242-


A mis compañer@s del departamento, por los momentos durante las comidas y las

“charretas” por los pasillos o en nuestra sala de becarios, que de una forma u de otra me

han ayudado a disfrutar de mi trabajo.

Así mismo, hago extensivos estos agradecimientos al Profesor José María Kenny del

“Dipartamento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambiantale” de la Universidad de Perugia (Italia) por

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haberme brindado la oportunidad de realizar parte del trabajo experimental en el grupo de

investigación que él mismo dirige y de este modo ayudarme a ampliar mis conocimientos.

En especial a la Doctora Elena Fortunati a quien admiro como persona y profesional e

hizo que mi estancia en Italia fuera inolvidable.

Al Profesor Joseph Kerry del “Food Science Department” de la Universidad de Cork

(Irlanda) por haberme dado la oportunidad de trabajar con su grupo de investigación

adquiriendo interesantes conocimientos. En especial a los Doctores Stefano Molinaro y

Malco Cruz por su ayuda y paciencia durante toda la estancia.

A los Profesores Juan López Martínez y Rafael Balart Gimeno y los compañeros del

“Instituto de Tecnología de Materiales (ITM)” de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

(UPV) por su colaboración y ayuda en el trabajo realizado.

A Artur J. M. Valente por su colaboración y ayuda en el trabajo realizado.

A Ana porque contigo empecé. Te armaste de paciencia y me enseñaste lo que yo hoy

intento enseñar. ¡Siempre serás una gran amiga!

A mis amigas y amigos que entre risas comenzaron a entender la importancia de los

envases, y que en momentos inolvidables siempre era, “Marina que trabaja en polímeros,

con polipropileno y compuestos del orégano, ¿es que no sabes que es un envase

activo…?”. A Teresa por ser mi amiga y hermana.

A mi hermano por sus consejos y aguantarme en días malos. Por todos esos

momentos de risas y aunque en estos últimos años hayamos estado de aquí para allá,

siempre te he sentido a mi lado, nuestra complicidad nos hace únicos. ¡Gracias por estar


A mis padres, pilar fundamental en mi vida. Gracias por todo vuestro apoyo por

alentarme y estar siempre a mi lado. Por enseñarme a ser fuerte y a luchar por los sueños

que uno mismo persigue. Porque desde la humildad siempre me habéis enseñado a ser

mejor persona y ver siempre el lado bueno de las cosas. ¡Muchas gracias por todo vuestro

apoyo y estar siempre a mi lado!

A Juan, porque tu has hecho especial todos estos momentos. Me has apoyado desde el

principio, y nunca me has dejado tirar la toalla. Comencé este camino a tu lado y siempre

nos hemos adaptado a los cambios. Has comprendido este trabajo y soy muy feliz de

poderlo compartir contigo. ¡Muchísimas gracias!

¡A Olga porque cuando sea mayor entenderá el significado de estas palabras para su mamá!

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1En el resumen no se han incluido referencias.

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1. Introducción

El sector del envasado representa uno de los principales sectores en la

industria del plástico a nivel mundial y ha experimentado en los últimos

años un continuo crecimiento debido a la diversidad de productos y

aplicaciones que comprende. Los plásticos utilizados en envasado

alimentario deben contribuir al mantenimiento de la calidad y seguridad de

los alimentos desde su procesado hasta su consumo, incluyendo en este

ciclo el almacenamiento y el transporte. Para ello, los envases alimentarios

deben proporcionar protección mecánica, óptica y térmica a los alimentos

envasados, además de preservarlos contra factores o condiciones de

degradación, tales como microorganismos, oxígeno, humedad,

contaminantes químicos, radiación y elevadas temperaturas.

Los polímeros convencionales han sido tradicionalmente muy utilizados

en este sector, en especial los polímeros termoplásticos derivados del

petróleo cuya introducción se produjo en las décadas de 1950 y 1960. Su

uso se extendió rápidamente debido a su gran versatilidad que comprende

un amplio abanico de propiedades que los hace adecuados para

aplicaciones específicas en el ámbito de la alimentación. Entre dichas

propiedades cabe destacar su alta disponibilidad a un coste relativamente

bajo y su buen comportamiento físico-químico en condiciones de tracción

y resistencia al desgarro; además de la buena barrera al oxígeno, vapor de

agua, CO2 y aromas que ofrecen, así como la buena capacidad de


Sin embargo, estos polímeros presentan el doble inconveniente de su

origen no renovable y su baja capacidad de degradación en condiciones

naturales, por lo que en los últimos años son cada vez más las voces que

abogan por el uso de biopolímeros en sistemas de envasado, materiales

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que se caracterizan por su biodegradabilidad y su origen a partir de fuentes

renovables. Su desarrollo en las dos últimas décadas los hace merecedores

de ser considerados una alternativa válida para reducir significativamente

el impacto medioambiental de los plásticos convencionales, considerando

la problemática relacionada con su eliminación, aliviando, a su vez, la

dependencia del petróleo y otras fuentes no renovables. El uso de estos

biopolímeros, como pueden ser el poli(ácido láctico) (PLA) o el almidón

termoplástico (TPS), está cada vez más introduciéndose en el cada vez

más competitivo mercado del envase alimentario.

Por otra parte, la idea de mejorar la calidad y ampliar la vida útil de los

alimentos, mientras se mantienen sus propiedades organolépticas y

nutritivas, está generando un importante interés en el entorno científico y

de la industria alimentaria. De hecho, el concepto tradicional de envase

alimentario que basa su función en contener y preservar al alimento sin

que se produzca ninguna interacción entre éste y el material de envase, ha

evolucionado con el fin de permitir interacciones entre ellos, así como con

el medioambiente. Este nuevo concepto es el de envase activo, y se basa

en favorecer el proceso de transferencia de masa e interacción entre los

materiales de envase y los alimentos. El objetivo principal de los sistemas

de envasado activo es alargar la vida útil de los productos envasados,

minimizando o suprimiendo los efectos negativos producidos por agentes

del entorno que producen los procesos de descomposición del alimento.

Entre dichos procesos destacan la presencia de microorganismos y las

oxidaciones de lípidos, que causan pérdidas inaceptables en la calidad del

alimento, haciéndolo inviable para su consumo en un corto tiempo.

El creciente interés por este tipo de envases y la demanda de los

consumidores en lo que se refiere a productos naturales, seguros, frescos y

de larga vida útil ha incrementado el estudio del uso de aditivos de origen

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natural, como extractos de plantas y aceites esenciales, en sistemas de

envasado. Estos productos se clasifican como “Generally Recognized as Safe”

(GRAS) por la “Food and Drug Administration” (FDA) de Estados Unidos,

así como por la Legislación Europea actual para materiales destinados a

estar en contacto con alimentos.

Los aditivos naturales pueden ser obtenidos de diferentes fuentes,

incluyendo plantas, animales, bacterias, algas u hongos, además de

subproductos generados en la industria alimentaria como pueden ser, por

ejemplo, la cáscara de la almendra, deshechos de salvia o de cascara de


Los aceites esenciales y sus principales compuestos constituyentes son

algunos de los agentes activos más estudiados para ser incorporados como

aditivos activos en formulaciones poliméricas, sean estos de origen natural

o sintético, ya que son aditivos naturales que provienen de fuentes

renovables, son fáciles de obtener y presentan un elevado carácter

antimicrobiano y/o antioxidante. Entre ellos, destacan el carvacrol (5-

isopropil-2-metilfenol) y timol (2-isopropil-5-metilfenol, dos

monoterpenos fenólicos que se caracterizan por ser dos de los aditivos

naturales más estudiados debido a sus excelentes propiedades

antioxidantes y antimicrobianas, descritas ampliamente en la literatura

científica. Estas propiedades, que les confieren un amplio abanico de

posibilidades en el área de los materiales para envasado activo, se deben a

la presencia de grupos hidroxilo, altamente reactivos, en su estructura.

Ambos compuestos son isómeros obtenidos a partir de diferentes plantas

aromáticas y aceites esenciales de la familia de las Labiatae, incluyendo las

especies Origanum, Satureja, Thymbra, Thymus y Corydothymus.

Por otra parte, la aplicación de los conceptos básicos de la nanotecnología

a la ciencia de materiales ha constituido una revolución en los paradigmas

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de dicha ciencia, ya que se han desarrollado nuevos nanomateriales con

resultados novedosos y sorprendentes. En el área del envasado de

alimentos estos nanomateriales han supuesto un cambio considerable

debido a las nuevas propiedades y funciones que aportan, que han hecho

que el uso de nanocargas haya ganado importancia como aditivos en

materiales de envasado. Investigaciones recientes centradas en el uso de

nanopartículas han permitido crear, entender, caracterizar y usar estos

nanocompuestos debido a su acción en la mejora de algunas de sus

propiedades clave tales como la resistencia mecánica, propiedades de

barrera a gases o estabilidad térmica. Asimismo, un aspecto de alta

relevancia para este trabajo es que la adición de nanopartículas con

propiedades antimicrobianas y/o antioxidantes resulta en una

combinación excelente con los aditivos activos para conseguir la máxima

protección en los alimentos envasados.

El uso de nanomateriales en combinación con sistemas de envasado

activo ha permitido mejorar la integridad estructural y las propiedades de

barrera de las matrices poliméricas debido a la adición de los

nanomateriales (ya sea nanoarcillas o nanopartículas metálicas), así como

la mejora en el comportamiento antimicrobiano y/o antioxidante por la

acción de los aditivos activos, como los aceites esenciales de orégano o

clavo o bien compuestos con actividad intrínseca como el timol, carvacrol,

tocoferoles o hidroxitirosol. Las nanopartículas de cobre, zinc, titanio, oro

y plata, así como algunos de sus óxidos metálicos, también han sido

propuestas como aditivos activos con el fin de extender la vida útil de los

alimentos y proporcionar estrategias innovadoras, aceptables y seguras

para desarrollar nuevos nanocompuestos activos.

Una vez desarrollado el nanocompuesto activo su efecto sobre el alimento

debe ser evaluado ya que dependerá de la actividad de cada aditivo y de

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sus propiedades, así como del tipo de alimento considerado, su

composición y contenidos en grasa y agua. Se ha indicado que los

alimentos lipídicos tienden a oxidarse más fácilmente que los acuosos, así

como que los alimentos procesados pueden tener una mayor tendencia a

sufrir una contaminación cruzada que conlleve al deterioro del producto.

En este sentido, el polímero desempeña el papel más importante en la

acción de liberación de los aditivos mediante el control de la difusión de

los componentes activos en el seno de la matriz polimérica y la

distribución homogénea de las nanocargas en su estructura.

La aplicación de los sistemas de envasado activo, en especial aquellos que

comprenden el uso de nanocompuestos, debe ser evaluada de forma que

se pueda determinar de forma inequívoca la seguridad para el consumidor

de estos materiales en contacto con alimentos, siempre considerando las

normativas internacionales que limitan, prohíben y/o autorizan el uso de

este tipo de aditivos. En la actualidad, se están desarrollado un número

elevado de investigaciones para evaluar la posibilidad de desarrollo y

utilización de nanocompuestos con propiedades activas mediante la

combinación de diferentes tipos de nanocargas (nanoarcillas,

nanocelulosas, nanopartículas de plata, etc.) con aditivos de origen natural

con propiedades antimicrobianas y/o antioxidantes en matrices

poliméricas. Los principales esfuerzos en el desarrollo de estos materiales

se han centrado en estudiar sus propiedades funcionales mediante el uso

de métodos de determinación del comportamiento antimicrobiano y

antioxidante, estudios de desintegración, toxicológicos y de migración.

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2. Objetivos

El objetivo general de este trabajo es el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas

activos de envasado con capacidad de protección de las características

organolépticas y nutricionales de los alimentos y prolongada vida útil.

Para ello, en el presente trabajo se han desarrollo dos líneas básicas de

investigación: (1) sistemas de envasado activo utilizando polipropileno

(PP) como polímero base en combinación con timol y/o carvacrol; y (2)

nanocompuestos activos utilizando PLA como matriz biodegradable en

combinación con timol y dos tipos de nano-refuerzos comerciales, una

nanoarcilla (Dellite®43B, D43B) y nanopartículas de plata (Ag-NPs).

Para satisfacer el objetivo principal del presente trabajo se han planteado

una serie de objetivos específicos que se enumeran a continuación:

i. Desarrollo y caracterización de películas basadas en PP con

carvacrol y timol. Se han estudiado diferentes propiedades físico-

químicas de las películas activas obtenidas (morfología,

comportamiento mecánico, propiedades térmicas y propiedades

de barrera). La actividad antimicrobiana proporcionada por los

aditivos a estos sistemas de envasado fue evaluada frente a una

bacteria Gram positiva (Staphylococcus aureus y otra Gram negativa

(Escherichia coli). También se estudió la liberación de timol y

carvacrol desde la matriz polimérica hacia distintos simulantes

alimentarios; incluyendo un estudio cinético para modelar el

comportamiento de migración de estos dos compuestos en

diversos medios. También se ha evaluado la actividad

antioxidante de los extractos obtenidos. Por último, la eficiencia

de las nuevas películas activas fue evaluada estudiando el aumento

de la vida útil de dos muestras de alimentos (fresas y pan de

molde) almacenados en diferentes condiciones.

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ii. Desarrollo y caracterización de nanocompuestos activos en una

matriz de PLA y usando timol como aditivo activo. En este

punto, dos formulaciones diferentes fueron propuestas.

a. Nanocompuestos activos en base PLA con timol y una

nanoarcilla comercial orgánicamente modificada

(Dellite®43B, D43B). La caracterización de estos

nanocompuestos se llevó a cabo estudiando sus

propiedades morfológicas, mecánicas, térmicas, ópticas y

de barrera a gases. También se llevó a cabo la evaluación

de la velocidad de desintegración en condiciones de

compostaje, así como el estudio de la liberación de los

compuestos activos en condiciones controladas

utilizando un simulante alimentario acuoso y la actividad

antimicrobiana y antioxidante de las nuevas películas


b. Nanocompuestos activos utilizando PLA, timol y

nanopartículas de plata, procesando dos tipos de

morfologías: películas y probetas. Se llevó a cabo una

caracterización completa de las nuevas formulaciones, en

lo referente a sus propiedades morfológicas, mecánicas,

térmicas, ópticas y de barrera a oxígeno y vapor de agua.

La desintegración de estos nanocompuestos fue evaluada

en condiciones de compostaje. Se llevaron a cabo

estudios de liberación en un simulante alimentario

acuoso. Por último, se estudió la actividad antioxidante y

la actividad antimicrobiana de estos nanocompuestos


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3. Resultados y discusión

3.1. Capítulo 1

El timol y el carvacrol han sido seleccionados para ser adicionados a las

nuevas formulaciones activas en base PP debido a sus características

antimicrobianas y antioxidantes y su origen natural. Un total de nueve

formulaciones activas se han obtenido con 4, 6 y 8 % en peso de timol

y/o carvacrol, que fueron utilizadas para obtener las diferentes películas

activas. Una vez obtenidas las películas mediante mezclado en fundido

seguido de moldeo por compresión se caracterizaron evaluando sus

propiedades térmicas, morfológicas, mecánicas y funcionales.

Los resultados obtenidos en este capítulo mostraron que la presencia de

los aditivos no afectó a la estabilidad térmica de la matriz de PP, pero sí

que produjo una disminución significativa de la cristalinidad del material

debido a las interacciones entre la matriz polimérica y los aditivos. Esta

disminución en la estructura cristalina del material tiene una importante

influencia sobre los ensayos de tracción, donde se observó un significativo

descenso en el módulo elástico y por tanto en la rigidez del material. Estos

resultados además indicaron que la presencia de timol y carvacrol tuvieron

un ligero efecto plastificante sobre la matriz polimérica.

Las imágenes obtenidas de estos materiales mediante microscopía

electrónica de barrido (SEM) mostraron superficies homogéneas en todas

las películas, pero una cierta porosidad supericial en las de mayor

concentración de aditivos debido probablemente a una evaporación

parcial del timol y/o carvacrol durante el procesado, aunque en los

estudios mediante análisis termogravimétrico (TGA) se comprobó que

una fracción importante de dichos aditivos permaneció en la matriz tras el


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Los resultados obtenidos para los parámetros de inducción a la oxidación

demostraron que la adición de timol y carvacrol favoreció el incremento

de la estabilidad ante la oxidación a temperaturas altas, demostrando con

ello la actividad antioxidante de ambos aditivos. Además, el estudio

antimicrobiano demostró que las formulaciones a concentraciones

elevadas de timol (8 % en peso) presentaron una mayor actividad


Se evaluó la capacidad de liberación de las nuevas películas mediante

estudios de migración. Para ello, se seleccionaron las formulaciones con

mayor concentración de aditivo (8 % en peso) y la migración de carvacrol

y timol se determinó utilizando procedimientos analíticos rápidos y fiables,

desarrollados y validados en este mismo trabajo, para la determinación de

los extractos obtenidos en diferentes simulantes alimentarios: agua

destilada (A), ácido acético 3 % (p/v) (B), y etanol 10 % (v/v) (C) como

simulantes acuosos y etanol 95 % (v/v) e iso-octano como simulantes

grasos. Para los extractos obtenidos a partir de los simulantes acuosos se

llevó a cabo un proceso de extracción en fase sólida (SPE) del timol y

carvacrol migrado seguido de determinación mediante cromatografía de

gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas (GC/MS). En el caso de los

extractos de migración obtenidos a partir de los simulantes grasos ambos

compuestos fueron analizados directamente mediante GC/MS y también

usando cromatografía de líquidos de alta resolución con detección por

espectrofotometría ultravioleta-visible (HPLC-UV) para iso-octano y

etanol 95 % (v/v), respectivamente.

Los resultados obtenidos en estos ensayos demostraron que la liberación

de timol y/o carvacrol desde la matriz polimérica era dependiente del tipo

de aditivo y del simulante alimentario utilizado. En concreto, los niveles

más elevados de migración se obtuvieron para ambos aditivos en iso-

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octano, mostrando el timol una migración superior a 1000 mg por kg de

simulante. La cinética de liberación de timol y carvacrol en las películas

obtenidas siguieron un comportamiento de acuerdo con las leyes de Fick

para la difusión de componentes de bajo peso molecular en matrices

poliméricas, con unos valores del coeficiente de difusión que oscilaron

entre 1 hasta 2 x 10-14 m2 s-1; aunque la difusión en iso-octano fue entre 4 y

6 veces superior a estos valores.

La actividad antioxidante de los extractos de migración fue confirmada

por el método de formación del complejo coloreado DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-

picril-hidrazilo), demostrando que el timol posee una mayor actividad

antioxidante especialmente en iso-octano con un 42,2 % de inhibición.

Por último, se estudió la liberación de timol y carvacrol en dos alimentos

reales utilizando la micro-extracción en fase sólida para evaluar la cantidad

de timol o carvacrol liberados en el espacio de cabeza. Se llevó a cabo una

evaluación visual que permitió comprobar que la degradación

organoléptica de las fresas y el pan de molde se retrasó, permitiendo un

aumento en la vida útil de varios días en ambos alimentos. También se

identificó la presencia de sustancias liberadas relacionadas con la

degradación de los alimentos y se observó la aparición de estas sustancias

a tiempos más largos en los sistemas de envasado activo.

3.2. Capitulo 2

En la primera parte de este capítulo se utilizó el PLA como matriz

biopolimérica, y D43B como nanoarcilla con el fin de obtener nuevas

formulaciones activas con timol. Uno de los objetivos que se persiguieron

con la incorporación de la nanoarcilla era mejorar las propiedades

mecánicas del nanocompuesto, debido a su dispersión entre las cadenas

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~ 13 ~

poliméricas y por tanto al efecto de refuerzo que proporciona a la matriz

debido a su estructura laminar. Se comprobó que la incorporación de

D43B condujo a un aumento en el módulo elástico y una disminución de

la elongación a ruptura. En cambio, la adición de timol provocó un

descenso alrededor del 15 % en los valores del módulo elástico respecto a

los del PLA puro. Estos resultados son concordantes con el ligero efecto

plastificante observado mediante calorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSC)

en los nanocompuestos activos, con una disminución en la temperatra de

transición vítrea (Tg) de aproximadamente 13 °C para las formulaciones

con timol. Sin embargo, los resultados obtenidos mediante TGA

demostraron que la estabilidad térmica del PLA no se vio afectada

significativamente por la adición de timol ni por la presencia de la


El análisis estructural de estos nanocompuestos activos demostró la

intercalación de la nanoarcilla laminar entre las cadenas poliméricas, ya

que en los espectros de difracción por rayos X (XRD) se observó un

desplazamiento del pico característico de difracción desde 19,2 Å para la

nanoarcilla pura hasta 35,6 Å para los nanocompuestos. Asimismo, las

imágenes obtenidas mediante microscopía electrónica de transmisión

(TEM) mostraron una dispersión parcial, e incluso en algunas zonas se

pudo apreciar cierta exfoliación de las láminas de nanoarcilla en el seno de

la matriz polimérica.

La cantidad remanente de timol determinada en estas formulaciones tras el

procesado mediante HPLC-UV fue 5,57 ± 0,01 % en peso para la

formulación con 8 % en peso de timol, y 5,99 ± 0,03 % en peso y 5,78 ±

0,02 % en peso para las formulaciones con timol y 2,5 y 5 % en peso de

D43B, respectivamente. De este modo, queda demostrada la presencia de

timol tras el procesado, así como un efecto de protección de la nanoarcilla

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~ 14 ~

sobre el timol cuando ambos se encuentran dispersos en la matriz

polimérica impidiendo su pérdida durante el procesado.

A la hora de evaluar el carácter biodegradable de los nanocompuestos

desarrollados en este capítulo se llevó a cabo un estudio de desintegración

bajo condiciones de compostaje y según la normativa vigente para este

tipo de ensayos. Los resultados mostraron que únicamente son necesarios

35 días para lograr un porcentaje de desintegración superior al 90 %,

cumpliendo de esta forma los requerimientos impuestos por la legislación.

El proceso de degradación de estos materiales es debido en gran medida a

la degradación hidrolítica de sus cadenas poliméricas, viéndose favorecido

el proceso por la presencia de timol debido a los grupos hidroxilo libres en

la estructura del nanocompuesto. Las muestras sometidas a estos ensayos

fueron también caracterizadas mediante espectroscopia infrarroja por

transformada de Fourier (FTIR) y DSC. Se pudo demostrar una relación

directa entre los cambios visuales con la progresiva degradación de las

formulaciones estudiadas ya que se observó un claro descenso en la

intensidad de pico relacionada con el grupo carbonilo (-C=O) de la lactida

a 1750 cm-1 y una simultanea aparición de un pico característico de los

carbonilos, a causa del grupo ácido carboxílico formado por la ruptura

hidrolítica de los ésteres. Asimismo, se observó un descenso del valor de

Tg y la aparición de picos endotérmicos de fusión debidos al proceso de

degradación relacionado con la cristalinidad.

La aplicabilidad de estos nanocompuestos en base PLA a sistemas de

envasado activo se evaluó mediante un estudio de liberación utilizando

como simulante alimentario etanol 10 % (v/v). El estudio de migración

mostró una liberación controlada de timol con el tiempo a través de la

matriz polimérica hasta alcanzar el simulante alimentario. Estos resultados

sugirieron que era posible controlar la liberación de timol en el sistema

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~ 15 ~

activo mediante la incorporación de D43B, ya que un aumento en la

dispersión de la nanoarcilla se tradujo en una disminución de la velocidad

del proceso y del coeficiente de difusión.

La actividad antioxidante de estos nanocompuestos se evaluó en los

extractos obtenidos antes y después de los ensayos de migración. El

porcentaje de inhibición confirmó que la cantidad de timol presente al

inicio y tras el estudio de migración era suficiente para alcanzar una

inhibición de la oxidación superior al 70 % confirmando de este modo la

capacidad antioxidante de las nuevas formulaciones.

La actividad antimicrobiana de estas formulaciones fue evaluada utilizando

dos tipos de bacterias características de los alimentos, Staphylococcus aureus

(Gram positiva) y Escherichia coli (Gram negativa). El ensayo se llevó a cabo

en condiciones aerobias colocando las películas en contacto con una

disolución de una concentración determinada de inoculo durante un

tiempo de incubación de 3 y 24 horas a 4, 24 y 37 °C. Los resultados

mostraron que las formulaciones con timol y D43B presentaron una

capacidad de inhibición a diferentes tiempos y temperaturas superior a las

formulaciones que incorporan los aditivos por separado. De este modo, se

confirmó lo descrito en la bibliografía referente al timol y su poder

antimicrobiano frente a diferentes bacterias y hongos; y a las nanoarcillas,

a las cuales se les atribuye un cierto poder antimicrobiano por el

modificador orgánico que las forma.

La segunda parte del Capítulo 2 se centró en el desarrollo de nuevos

nanocompuestos activos basados en PLA, timol (6 y 8 % en peso) y Ag-

NPs (1 % en peso). Las nuevas formulaciones se obtuvieron en dos

morfologías, probetas y películas con un espesor aproximado de 40 µm.

En ambos casos, se llevó a cabo una caracterización físico-química

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~ 16 ~

completa y las películas también fueron utilizadas para evaluar la actividad

antimicrobiana y antioxidante aportada por ambos aditivos.

Los resultados de caracterización en las probetas mostraron que la

combinación de los dos aditivos tuvo una cierta influencia en las

propiedades finales del material, particularmente en su degradación

térmica y módulo elástico. Se observó un descenso aproximado de 6-12

°C en el valor de Tg de los nanocompuestos a causa del ya comentado

efecto plastificante del timol.

En las imágenes obtenidas mediante microscopia electrónico de barrido

de emisión de campo (FESEM) se pudo observar una buena distribución

de ambos aditivos y superficies homogéneas de los nanocompuestos que

ratificaron la buena dispersión de las Ag-NPs en la matriz polimérica.

En el caso de las películas se llevó a cabo una extracción sólido-líquido

con posterior determinación mediante HPLC-UV para determinar la

cantidad de timol remanente tras el procesado, que resultó ser

aproximadamente un 70 % del timol adicionado inicialmente antes del

procesado. El aspecto visual de las películas permitió apreciar superficies

homogéneas y con buena transparencia tras la adición de ambos

componentes. Esta propiedad fue estudiada mediante espectrofotometría

UV-Vis a una longitud de onda característica de la región del visible,

obteniéndose un valor de transmitancia en torno al 90 %.

Una vez llevada a cabo la caracterización óptica se procedió al análisis de

sus propiedades térmicas mediante TGA y DSC así como de sus

propiedades de barrera. Los resultados mostraron una disminución del

valor de Tg en las películas debido a la adición del timol. La estabilidad

térmica de las películas se vio influenciada por la presencia de ambos

aditivos. Los valores de OTR no fueron significativamente diferentes para

las formulaciones ensayadas por lo que no se empeoró la permeabilidad al

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~ 17 ~

oxígeno, pero sí que se observó un descenso en la permeabilidad al vapor

de agua en las formulaciones con timol, y en particular en las

formulaciones que combinan el timol y Ag-NPs, obteniéndose una mejora

en las propiedades de barrera al vapor de agua en torno al 36 %.

Una vez caracterizadas las nuevas formulaciones se llevó a cabo un

estudio de desintegración en compost a escala de laboratorio de acuerdo a

la norma estandarizada UNE-EN ISO 20200:2006. Los resultados

mostraron que el inherente carácter biodegradable del PLA fue mejorado

por la adición de timol y Ag-NPs en el caso de las probetas, obteniéndose

una degradación más rápida en aquellas formulaciones con presencia de

ambos aditivos. Fueron necesarios únicamente 57 días para conseguir un

porcentaje de desintegración superior al 90 %, cumpliendo de esta forma

con los requerimientos indicados en la legislación vigente. Sin embargo, en

las películas únicamente se necesitaron 14 días para conseguir su

degradación completa.

Las muestras obtenidas tras el estudio de degradación fueron analizadas

mediante FTIR, DSC y FESEM (únicamente en el caso de las muestras

obtenidas a partir de las probetas), con el fin de determinar los parámetros

afectados en la degradación y los posibles cambios estructurales. Los

resultados obtenidos mediante FTIR mostraron una relación directa con

los cambios visuales observados a simple vista y con la progresiva

degradación de las formulaciones con el tiempo ya que se observó un

claro descenso en la intensidad de pico relacionada con el grupo carbonilo

(-C=O) de la lactida a 1750 cm-1 y una simultanea aparición de un pico

característico de los carbonilos, el ácido carboxílico formado por la

ruptura hidrolítica de los ésteres.

Las imágenes obtenidas mediante FESEM mostraron importantes

diferencias a los 7 y 14 días de ensayo ya que aparecieron fracturas y

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~ 18 ~

cavidades que evidenciaron la degradación de los nanocompuestos

activos, en particular la formulación con ambos aditivos en las que las

cavidades tenían hasta 2 µm de diámetro.

Por último, el análisis térmico demostró, tanto en probetas como en

películas, que el incremento de la movilidad de las cadenas poliméricas

como consecuencia del proceso de hidrólisis provocó la aparición de

cristalinidad observándose picos endotérmicos de fusión. Además, en el

segundo calentamiento se pudo observar un descenso en los valores de Tg

lo cual se relaciona con la ruptura de cadenas poliméricas y formación de

nuevas cadenas de oligómeros con características plastificantes según fue

aumentando el tiempo de ensayo.

La actividad antimicrobiana de estas formulaciones fue evaluada con los

mismos tipos de bacterias ya comentados y los resultados mostraron una

elevada inhibición por parte de ambos aditivos, siendo la actividad

antibacteriana de las películas con Ag-NPs y timol más elevada en el

estudio con Staphylococcus aureus en comparación con los resultados

obtenidos con Escherichia coli, lo cual se puede explicar por las diferencias

en la membrana celular de los dos tipos de bacterias, siendo las Gram

negativas más resistentes al ataque por parte de los compuestos fenólicos.

Para evaluar la liberación de timol en contacto con alimentos se llevó a

cabo un estudio de migración utilizando etanol 10 % (v/v) como

simulante alimentario. Los resultados fueron obtenidos tras aplicar

diferentes modelos cinéticos con el fin de describir de la manera más

próxima a los resultados experimentales los procesos de difusión del timol

a través de la matriz polimérica y su posterior liberación al simulante

alimentario. Los modelos aplicados permitieron concluir que dicha

liberación de timol se podía describir con una cinética de pseudo-segundo

orden. Además, se comprobó que la adición de Ag-NPs limitó la

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velocidad de liberación de timol, induciendo procesos más lentos al

ocupar parte de los huecos en la estructura polimérica que el timol

utilizaba para su difusión a través de la matriz.

Tras evaluar la liberación de timol, se procedió a estudiar la actividad

antioxidante de los extractos obtenidos mediante el método del DPPH.

Los resultados mostraron que el porcentaje de inhibición aumentaba

según lo hacía la concentración de timol, es decir el tiempo de migración.

Sin embargo, el porcentaje de inhibición fue más elevado en los

nanocompuestos activos, en particular, la formulación con 8 % en peso de

timol y 1 % en peso de Ag-NPs.

4. Conclusiones

De acuerdo con los objetivos propuestos en este trabajo y a la vista de los

resultados obtenidos, se pueden extraer las siguientes conclusiones


I. Se han obtenido películas de PP con 4, 6 y 8 % en peso de timol

y/o carvacrol mediante mezclado en fundido y moldeo por

compresión. La caracterización de estas películas activas fue

llevada a cabo con el uso de diferentes técnicas analíticas y

permitió demostrar la estabilidad térmica de las películas tras el

procesado. Además, se comprobó mediante DSC la disminución

de la Tg y el desarrollo de cristalinidad de las películas activas,

justificando de este modo un cierto efecto plastificante. Se

observó cierta porosidad mediante SEM, sobre todo en las

formulaciones con una concentración elevada de aditivo. Debido

al efecto plastificante, las propiedades mecánicas de las películas

activas fueron modificadas, al igual que las propiedades de barrera

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~ 20 ~

a oxígeno. Por ejemplo, el módulo elástico para las formulaciones

activas disminuyó en comparación con el obtenido para el PP

puro. La presencia de timol y carvacrol también aumentó la

estabilización frente la degradación termo-oxidativa de las

películas basadas en PP, obteniéndose parámetros de inducción a

la oxidación más altos cuando se utilizó un 8 % en peso de timol

y carvacrol, lo que sugirió que cierta cantidad de aditivo quedó en

la estructura polimérica tras el procesado a altas temperaturas.

II. Las películas con 8 % en peso de carvacrol y timol mostraron un

doble efecto, ya que fueron capaces de liberar de forma

controlada ambos aditivos y proteger de esta forma los alimentos

de posibles degradaciones oxidativas y microbiológicas. Varios

métodos analíticos fueron desarrollados y validados para

determinar la cantidad de aditivo migrado en cada uno de los

simulantes alimentarios utilizados. Los resultados tras el estudio

de liberación de los aditivos mostró que dependía del simulante

alimentario y de la cantidad de aditivo incorporada a la matriz

polimérica. Se calcularon los coeficientes de difusión y se

comprobó un comportamiento ajustado a las leyes de Fick de

difusión. Los niveles de migración más elevados se obtuvieron en

isooctano como simulante graso, en especial para las películas con

timol. La actividad AO aumentó con la liberación controlada de

ambos aditivos en función del tiempo. Las películas activas con

timol y carvacrol, pero en especial las de timol, mostraron cierta

inhibición frente a Staphylococcus aureus y Escherichia coli, en

particular frente a la primera (Gram positiva). Las películas activas

demostraron tras el estudio de vida útil utilizando fresas y pan de

molde que son capaces de alargar la viabilidad y calidad del

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~ 21 ~

alimento fresco debido a sus propiedades antioxidantes y


III. Se utilizaron una montmorillonita organo modificada (2,5 y 5 %

en peso), D43B, y timol (8 % en peso) como aditivo activo para

obtener nanocompuestos en forma de películas utilizando como

polímero base el PLA. Dichas películas se procesaron mediante

mezclado en fundido y moldeo por compresión. Alrededor del

70-75 % de timol permaneció en los nanocompuestos activos tras

el procesado, garantizando de este modo su aplicabilidad en

sistemas activos. Las películas obtenidas mostraron una excelente

intercalación de las láminas de la nanoarcilla a través de la matriz

polimérica, presentando una exfoliación parcial, sobre todo las

formulaciones con 2,5 % en peso de D43B, así como un

comportamiento a la tracción diferente cuando se comparó con el

PLA puro. Los resultados mostraron una cierta disminución en el

módulo elástico debido al ligero efecto plastificante inducido por

el timol, que, sin embargo, no afectó significativamente la

estabilidad térmica del PLA. La incorporación de ambos aditivos

no resultó en una modificación clara de las propiedades de

barrera a oxígeno, pero sí que se observaron algunas diferencias

en el color de las películas activas debido principalmente al

cambio inducido por el color natural de ambos aditivos. La

transparencia intrínseca del PLA no se vio afectada por la

presencia de los aditivos.

IV. La liberación de timol se determinó mediante HPLC-UV a

diferentes tiempos de migración y se propuso un modelo cinético,

lo que sugirió que la liberación de timol estaba influenciada por la

presencia de la D43B en la matriz de PLA y se calcularon los

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~ 22 ~

coeficientes de difusión para todas las formulaciones con timol.

Esta liberación continua favoreció la actividad antioxidante de las

películas, resultando en un elevado porcentaje de inhibición en el

ensayo DPPH. Por último, tras el estudio de la actividad

antibacteriana, se concluyó que la adición de la D43B produjo una

mejora de la actividad de las películas.

V. Los nanocompuestos activos formados por PLA como polímero

base, Ag-NPs (1 % en peso) y timol (6 y 8 % en peso) fueron

obtenidos por extrusión en forma de películas y probetas

moldeadas por inyección. El estudio mediante FESEM mostró

una distribución homogénea de los dos aditivos en la matriz de

PLA. Estos resultados fueron corroborados por el descenso de la

permeabilidad al vapor de agua, debido también en gran medida a

la presencia de timol. La Tg sufrió un ligero descenso debido

únicamente a la presencia de timol, lo que se tradujo en un cierto

efecto plastificante.

VI. Las películas activas con Ag-NPs y timol mostraron resultados

muy satisfactorios en los estudios relacionados con su actividad

antibacteriana, inhibiendo los dos tipos de bacterias a diferentes

tiempos y temperaturas de incubación, así como elevados

porcentajes de inhibición cuando se estudió la actividad

antioxidante por el método de DPPH. La liberación de timol y

Ag-NPs desde la matriz polimérica fue determinada a los 10 días

de estudio siendo la liberación de timol muy superior a la de Ag-

NPs. El estudio cinético sugirió que la liberación de timol estaba

influenciada por la presencia de Ag-NPs en la matriz de PLA.

VII. El estudio de degradación de todos los nanocompuestos activos

en condiciones de compostaje demostró el carácter biodegradable

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~ 23 ~

del PLA, aunque la incorporación de 8 % en peso de timol

favoreció la velocidad de desintegración, debido a la presencia del

grupo hidroxilo en su estructura. Además, la combinación de

timol y Ag-NPs o timol y D43B provocó mayores velocidades de

degradación, traduciéndose en ventajas medioambientales.

VIII. En resumen, las películas activas con 2,5 % en peso de D43B y 8

% en peso de timol basadas en PLA; y las películas activas

utilizando también PLA con 1 % en peso de Ag-NPs y 8 % en

peso de timol pueden ser consideradas como posibles alternativas

a envases activos con matrices poliméricas convencionales al

presentar carácter biodegradable y propiedades antimicrobianas y


Por todo ello, y como conclusión general del presente trabajo de

investigación, se puede afirmar que la adición de componentes activos con

propiedades antimicrobianas y antioxidantes, tales como carvacrol y timol,

a polímeros convencionales (PP) o de fuentes renovables y características

biodegradables (PLA) en aplicaciones de envasado alimentario muestran

un gran potencial para mejorar la calidad y seguridad alimentarias. En

particular, la capacidad de liberación, tanto desde matrices de PP como de

PLA, ha mostrado el gran potencial de estos sistemas para ser utilizados

como envases con características antioxidantes y antimicrobianas para

diferentes productos alimenticios con el fin de extender su vida útil y

calidad organoléptica y nutricional.

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~ I ~

Table of contents

I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1

1. Food packaging .............................................................................................................. 3

1.1. From conventional polymers to bioplastics .................................................. 4

1.1.1. Poly(lactic acid)............................................................................................ 11

Properties and applications............................................................................................. 12

Production...................................................................................................................... 14

1.2. Active packaging ............................................................................................... 17

1.2.1. Antimicrobial and antioxidant active packaging ................................... 20

2. Natural additives .......................................................................................................... 26

2.1. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils .......................................................... 29

2.2. Antioxidant activity of essential oils ............................................................. 32

2.3. Carvacrol and Thymol ..................................................................................... 33

2.3.1. Use in packaging materials ........................................................................ 36

3. Nanotechnology in the food industry ...................................................................... 41

3.1. Nanoclays ........................................................................................................... 43

3.2. Silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) ........................................................................ 49

3.3. Nanocomposites in food packaging ............................................................. 53

3.3.1. Preparation and processing ....................................................................... 57

4. Active Nanocomposites.............................................................................................. 58

4.1. End-of-life for active nanocomposites ........................................................ 64

4.2. Risk assessment and migration in active nanocomposites ....................... 66

5. Legislation...................................................................................................................... 70

6. References ..................................................................................................................... 75

II. OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................... 99

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ...................................................................... 103

1 Chapter 1 ................................................................................................................................. 113

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 115

2. Experimental .............................................................................................................. 122

2.1. Materials and chemicals ................................................................................ 122

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Table of content

~ II ~

2.2. Films preparation ........................................................................................... 122

2.3. Films characterization ................................................................................... 123

2.3.1. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) .................................................. 123

2.3.2. Mechanical properties ............................................................................. 124

2.3.3. Thermal properties................................................................................... 124

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) ............................................................................ 124

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) ..................................................................... 124

2.3.4. Oxygen transmission rate (OTR) .......................................................... 126

2.4. Migration study ............................................................................................... 126

2.4.1. Release tests ............................................................................................... 126

2.4.2. Migration kinetics ..................................................................................... 127

2.5. Analysis of released active additives into food simulants ...................... 128

2.5.1. GC/MS analysis ....................................................................................... 129

2.5.2. HPLC-UV analysis. .................................................................................. 130

2.5.3. Determination of antioxidant activity .................................................. 130

2.6. Antibacterial activity ...................................................................................... 131

2.7. Study of the effectiveness of the active films to preserve perishable food: shelf-life study ....................................................................................................... 132

Food samples............................................................................................................... 132

Food packaging. .......................................................................................................... 132

Shelf-life study. ............................................................................................................ 133

2.8. Statistical analysis ........................................................................................... 135

3. Results and discussion .............................................................................................. 136

3.1. Films characterization ................................................................................... 136

3.1.1. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) .................................................. 136

3.1.2. Mechanical properties. ............................................................................ 137

3.1.3. Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). .................................................... 139

3.1.4. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). .......................................... 140

Determination of thermal parameters in inert atmosphere. ........................................... 140

Evaluation of oxidation induction parameters (OIT and OOT)................................. 142

3.1.5. Oxygen Transmission Rate (OTR) ....................................................... 144

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Table of content

~ III ~

3.2. Migration study .............................................................................................. 145

3.2.1. Validation of the developed methods .................................................. 145

3.2.2. Release of active additives into food simulants ................................. 148

3.2.3. Antioxidant activity of migration extracts. ......................................... 151

3.2.4. Release kinetics of thymol and carvacrol from active films ............ 154

3.3. Antibacterial properties ................................................................................ 161

3.4. Study of the effectiveness of the active films to preserve perishable food 164

3.4.1. Observation of fungal growth ............................................................... 164

3.4.2. Headspace analysis by HS-SPME-GC/MS ........................................ 167

4. Conclusions ................................................................................................................ 170

5. References .................................................................................................................. 172

2 Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................................ 183

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 187

3 Section 2.1. ................................................................................................................................ 193

2. Experimental .............................................................................................................. 197

2.1. Materials and chemicals ................................................................................ 197

2.2. Films preparation ........................................................................................... 197

2.3. Thymol quantification .................................................................................. 198

2.4. Films characterization ................................................................................... 199

2.4.1. Thermal analysis ....................................................................................... 199

2.4.2. Structural analysis ..................................................................................... 199

2.4.3. Morphological analysis ............................................................................ 200

2.4.4. Mechanical properties ............................................................................. 200

2.4.5. Oxygen transmission rate (OTR) ......................................................... 200

2.4.6. Colour tests ............................................................................................... 201

2.5. Degradation in compost ............................................................................... 201

2.6. Applicability of films for food packaging applications .......................... 203

2.6.1. Release study ............................................................................................. 203

2.6.2. Antioxidant activity of released thymol ............................................... 204

2.6.3. Antibacterial activity ................................................................................ 205

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Table of content

~ IV ~

2.7. Statistical analysis ........................................................................................... 206

3. Results and discussion .............................................................................................. 206

3.1. Determination of thymol in films ............................................................... 206

3.2. Films characterization ................................................................................... 208

3.2.1. Thermal analysis ....................................................................................... 208

3.2.2. Structural analysis ..................................................................................... 212

3.2.3. Morphological analysis ............................................................................ 214

3.2.4. Mechanical properties ............................................................................. 215

3.2.5. Oxygen transmission rate ....................................................................... 216

3.2.6. Optical properties..................................................................................... 217

3.3. Disintegrability under composting conditions ......................................... 219

3.4. Release study ................................................................................................... 228

3.5. DPPH radical scavenging ability ................................................................. 236

3.6. Antibacterial activity ...................................................................................... 238

4. Conclusions ................................................................................................................ 241

4 Section 2.2. ................................................................................................................................ 243

5. Experimental .............................................................................................................. 247

5.1. Materials ........................................................................................................... 247

5.2. Active nanocomposites preparation ........................................................... 247

5.3. Active nanocomposites characterization ................................................... 249

5.3.1. Thermal properties................................................................................... 249

5.3.2. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) ................. 249

5.3.3. Mechanical properties of injection moulded samples ....................... 250

5.3.4. Optical properties of films ..................................................................... 250

5.3.5. Barrier properties of films ...................................................................... 251

5.4. Quantification of thymol in PLA-based films after processing ............ 252

5.5. Identification of thymol and Ag-NPs in PLA-based films .................... 252

5.6. Disintegrability under composting conditions ......................................... 253

5.7. Release tests from PLA-based films ........................................................... 254

5.7.1. Silver release study ................................................................................... 255

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Table of content

~ V ~

5.7.2. Thymol release study ............................................................................... 255

5.8. Determination of the antioxidant activity ................................................. 256

5.9. Antibacterial activity of PLA-based films ................................................. 257

5.10. Statistical analysis ........................................................................................... 258

6. Results and discussion .............................................................................................. 258

6.1. Characterization of injection moulded samples ...................................... 258

6.1.1. Thermal properties .................................................................................. 258

6.1.2. Morphological characterization............................................................. 262

6.1.3. Mechanical properties ............................................................................. 263

6.2. Films characterization ................................................................................... 264

6.2.1. Thermal properties .................................................................................. 264

6.2.2. Morphology............................................................................................... 268

6.2.3. Optical properties .................................................................................... 268

6.2.4. Barrier properties ..................................................................................... 271

6.3. Quantification of thymol in PLA-based films after processing ........... 273

6.4. Identification of thymol and Ag-NPs in PLA-based films ................... 274

6.5. Disintegrability under composting conditions ......................................... 276

6.5.1. Disintegrability study for injection moulded samples ...................... 277

Structural analysis ................................................................................................... 280

Morphological analysis .......................................................................................... 281

Thermal analysis ..................................................................................................... 282

6.5.2. Disintegrability study for films .............................................................. 285

6.6. Release tests from PLA-based films .......................................................... 288

6.6.1. Silver release .............................................................................................. 289

6.6.2. Thymol release.......................................................................................... 290

6.7. Antioxidant activity ....................................................................................... 297

6.8. Antibacterial activity from PLA-based films ............................................ 298

7. Conclusions ................................................................................................................ 302

8. References .................................................................................................................. 304

IV. General Conclusions .............................................................................................. 317

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~ VII ~


Introduction Figure I.1. European plastics demand in 2013. ..............................................................4

Figure I.2. Life cycle of bioplastics. .................................................................................8

Figure I.3. Classification of plastics. ............................................................................. 10

Figure I.4. Global production of bioplastics and by market segment in 2013. ..... 11

Figure I.5. Chemical structures of LA. ......................................................................... 14

Figure I.6. Production routes of PLA. ......................................................................... 15

Figure I.7. Interaction processes between food packaging materials and the

environment. ........................................................................................................... 18

Figure I.8. Mechanisms that can cause a loss of quality in food and active

packaging applications. .......................................................................................... 19

Figure I.9. Release of active substance in different applications of active

packaging systems: films that allow the release of the active additive (a), (b)

and (c); films that do not release the active additive (d). ................................. 23

Figure I.10. Compounds with potential activity from natural sources used in food

packaging. ................................................................................................................ 27

Figure I.11. Chemical structures of some natural additives incorporated in active

food packaging with AO/AM character (CAS numbers are indicated in

parentheses). ............................................................................................................ 29

Figure I.12. Structure of the bacterial cell wall. ........................................................... 31

Figure I.13. Reaction between the DPPH• radical and AO to form the DPPH

complex. ................................................................................................................... 33

Figure I.14. Nanofillers in food packaging applications. ........................................... 42

Figure I.15. Crystalline structure of smectites, (2:1 layered silicate structure) (T,

tetrahedral sheet; O, octahedral sheet; C, intercalated cations; d, interlayer

distance). .................................................................................................................. 43

Figure I.16. Polymer-clay structures according to the distribution of layered

silicates into the polymer matrix. ......................................................................... 46

Page 41: Desarrollo de sistemas de envasado activo mediante la

Figures and Tables

~ VIII ~

Figure I.17. (A) SEM micrographs of native Escherichia coli cells (a) and cells

treated with 50 μg cm−3 of Ag-NPs in liquid medium for 4 hours (b); (B)

EDAX spectra of native Escherichia coli (a) and Escherichia coli treated

with 50 μg cm−3 of Ag-NPs in liquid medium for 4 hours (b) ....................... 51

Figure I.18. European legislation in food contact materials and general aspects of

the Framework Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 on materials and articles

intended to come into contact with food and legislation applied to active

packaging (surrounded by green lines)................................................................ 72

Chapter 1 Figure 1.1. General scheme of the experimental work presented in Chapter 1. . 114

Figure 1.2. Visual observation of neat PP and active films. .................................... 123

Figure 1.3. Experimental assembly used for headspace analysis of whole

strawberries by HS-SPME. ................................................................................. 133

Figure 1.4. SEM micrographs (x500) of the edge surfaces for PP0 and samples

with 8 wt% of the studied additives. ................................................................. 136

Figure 1.5. Cross section micrographs (x300) for PP0 and samples with 8 wt% of

the studied additives. ............................................................................................ 137

Figure 1.6. TGA curves obtained for PP0 and formulations with carvacrol under

nitrogen. ................................................................................................................. 139

Figure 1.7. Radical scavenging activity measured by the DPPH method, expressed

as percentage of inhibition for migration extracts (isooctane: 20 °C, 2 days;

rest of simulants: 40 °C, 10 days) (mean ± standard deviation, n=3)).

Different letters represent significant difference at p < 0.05........................ 152

Figure 1.8. Mean DPPH inhibition values (%) for PPT8, PPC8 and PPTC8.

Different letters represent significant differences at p < 0.05. ..................... 153

Figure 1.9. Release of thymol from PPT8 into different food simulants over 15

days. (A) Ethanol 10 % (v/v), 40 °C; (B) acetic acid, 40 °C; (C) Ethanol 95

% (v/v), 40 °C; and (D) isooctane, 20 °C. Solid lines were obtained by

fitting Equation 1.4 to experimental data. ........................................................ 155

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Figures and Tables

~ IX ~

Figure 1.10. Release of carvacrol from PPC8 into different food simulants over

15 days. (A) Ethanol 10 % (v/v), 40 °C; (B) acetic acid, 40 °C; (C) Ethanol

95 % (v/v), 40 °C; and (D) isooctane, 20 °C. Solid lines were obtained by

fitting Equation 1.4 to experimental data. ....................................................... 156

Figure 1.11. Plots of 5.0



, 111



MM versus 5.0t for the migration of

thymol (A) and carvacrol (B) from PPT8 and PPC8 films into different

food simulants. Isooctane (◊), 20 °C; acetic acid (o), 40 °C; ethanol 10 %

(v/v) (□), 40 °C; and ethanol 95 %(v/v) (∆), 40 °C. ..................................... 160

Figure 1.12. Antimicrobial activity of PP films with 8 wt% active additives: (a)

Staphylococcus aureus; (b) Escherichia coli. ............................................................... 161

Figure 1.13. Study of the effectiveness of PP0 and active films containing 8 wt%

of thymol (PPT8) to preserve cut bread and strawberries by observation of

fungal growth. ....................................................................................................... 164

Figure 1.14. Evaluation of the effectiveness of PP0 and active film containing 8

wt% of thymol (PPT8) to preserve uncut strawberries by observation of

fungal growth. ....................................................................................................... 165

Figure 1.15. Release of carvacrol in the headspace of bread slices after 0, 2, 5, 10

and 15 days of storage at room temperature. .................................................. 167

Chapter 2 Figure 2.1. General scheme of the experimental work presented in Section 2.1.196

Figure 2.2. Weight loss (wt%) (a) and DTG (b) curves obtained for PLA-based

films. ....................................................................................................................... 209

Figure 2.3. DSC thermograms for PLA-based films for the first heating (a) and

the second heating scan (b). ............................................................................... 211

Figure 2.4. WAXS patterns of D43B, neat PLA and nanocomposite films. ....... 213

Figure 2.5. TEM images of PLA/T/D43B2.5 active nanocomposite film. ........ 214

Figure 2.6. Visual observation of neat PLA and nanocomposite films. ............... 218

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Figures and Tables

~ X ~

Figure 2.7. Visual observations of PLA-based films at different times under

composting conditions at 58 °C. ........................................................................ 220

Figure 2.8. FTIR spectra of PLA, PLA/T and PLA/T/D43B5 before (0 days)

and after different incubation times (7 and 21 days) in composting

conditions. .............................................................................................................. 223

Figure 2.9. DSC curves (1st heating scan) of PLA-based films after different

composting times. ................................................................................................. 226

Figure 2.10. DSC curves (2nd heating scan) of PLA-based films after different

composting times. ................................................................................................. 227

Figure 2.11. Thymol release profiles of PLA/T, PLA/T/D43B2.5 and

PLA/T/D43B5 active nanocomposite films. ................................................. 229

Figure 2.12. Normalized migration of thymol from different polymer matrices:

PLA/T, PLA/T/D43B2.5, and PLA/T/D43B5. .......................................... 230

Figure 2.13. Plots of versus for the migration of thymol

from: PLA/T ( ), PLA/T/D43B2.5 ( ), and PLA/T/D43B5 ( ), into ethanol

10 % (v/v). ............................................................................................................. 235

Figure 2.14. AO activity obtained from migration extracts of PLA/T (left axis)

and migration of thymol from PLA/T films (right axis) by using DPPH

method. ................................................................................................................... 238

Figure 2.15. Antibacterial activity of PLA-based films at different temperatures

against E. coli RB and S. aureus 8325-A. Cells were incubated on PLA with

thymol and D43B for 3 h and 24 h at 4, 24 and 37 °C respectively. Results

are expressed on a PLA-basis and are represented as mean ± standard

deviation, n=3 ....................................................................................................... 240

Figure 2.16. General scheme of the experimental work presented in Section 2.2.

.................................................................................................................................. 246

Figure 2.17. TG (a) and DTG (b) curves of neat PLA and nanocomposite

injection moulded samples with Ag-NPs and thymol.................................... 260




1 1 F t




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Figures and Tables

~ XI ~

Figure 2.18. DSC thermograms for PLA, PLA/Ag, PLA/T8 and PLA/Ag/T8

injection moulded samples; first heating and cooling scans (a) and second

heating scan (b). .................................................................................................... 262

Figure 2.19. FESEM micrographs of the surface of nanocomposite injection

moulded. ................................................................................................................ 263

Figure 2.20. Cross section micrographs of PLA/Ag/T6 and PLA/Ag/T8

injection moulded samples after processing. ................................................... 263

Figure 2.21. FESEM surface images of PLA and active nanocomposite films. . 268

Figure 2.22. Visual observation of neat PLA and binary and ternary

nanocomposite films. .......................................................................................... 269

Figure 2.23. FTIR (a) and UV-Vis (b) spectra of PLA and active nanocomposite

films. ....................................................................................................................... 275

Figure 2.24. WAXS patterns of PLA and active nanocomposite films. ............... 276

Figure 2.25. PLA and PLA nanocomposites processed by injection moulding at

different times under composting conditions at 58 °C. ................................ 277

Figure 2.26. Disintegrability (%) of PLA and PLA nanocomposite processed by

injection moulding at different times in compost at 58 °C. The line at 90 %

represents the goal of disintegrability tests as required by the ISO 20200

Standard. ................................................................................................................ 278

Figure 2.27. FTIR spectra of PLA/Ag/T8 at different times under composting

conditions. ............................................................................................................. 281

Figure 2.28. FESEM micrographs of the surface of nanocomposite injection

moulded samples before (0 days) and after 14 days of disintegration in

compost at 58 °C (500x) and after 14 days with higher zoom (10.00 kx). . 282

Figure 2.29. DSC thermograms obtained for nanocomposites processed by

injection moulding at different times under composting conditions at 58 °C

(first heating scan (10 °C min-1)). ...................................................................... 284

Figure 2.30. Tg values for nanocomposite submitted to injection moulding at 0

and 21 days of disintegration under composting conditions at 58 °C (second

heating scan). ......................................................................................................... 285

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Figures and Tables

~ XII ~

Figure 2.31. Visual appearance of neat PLA and active nanocomposite films at

different testing days under composting conditions at 58 °C. ..................... 286

Figure 2.32. Disintegrability (%) of neat PLA and nanocomposite films at

different times under composting conditions at 58 °C (mean ± SD, n = 3).

The line at 90 % represents the goal of disintegrability test as required by

the ISO 20200 standard. Different superscripts over different samples at the

same time indicate statistically significant different values (p < 0.05)......... 288

Figure 2.33. Release kinetics of thymol from binary systems (black dots) and

ternary systems (white dots) at 6 wt% (a) and 8 wt% (b), at 40 °C. Solid

lines were obtained by fitting the Equation (2.15) to the experimental data

points. ..................................................................................................................... 292

Figure 2.34. Representative plot of the fitting of linearized forms of pseudo-first

(left yy-axis, white squares, equation 2.18) and pseudo-second (right yy-axis,

white dots, equation 2.19) order equations to experimental released amounts

of thymol from PLA/T8 to ethanol 10 % (v/v) at 40 °C. ............................ 296

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Figures and Tables

~ XIII ~


Introduction Table I.1. General properties of some thermoplastics used in food packaging. ......6

Table I.2. Physical data of some commercial bioplastics. ......................................... 10

Table I.3. Structures and physico-chemical properties of carvacrol and thymol. . 34

Table I.4. Carvacrol and thymol in active food packaging. ...................................... 38

Table I.5. Structural characteristics of common smectites (2:1 layered silicates)

(adapted from. ........................................................................................................ 44

Table I.6. Commercial organo-modified montmorillonites...................................... 48

Table I.7. Representative examples of nanocomposites application in food

packaging. ................................................................................................................ 55

Table I.8. Comparison between two active nanocomposites based on edible films

and S-EO and ZMB-EO. ..................................................................................... 63

Table I.9. Food simulants established by EU Regulation No 10/2011. ................ 69

Chapter 1 Table 1.1. Storage and testing conditions in the headspace study of food by HS-

SPME-GC/MS. .................................................................................................... 134

Table 1.2. Mechanical properties of samples according to ASTM D882-09. ...... 138

Table 1.3. TGA and DSC parameters obtained for all samples. ............................ 141

Table 1.4. Oxidation induction parameters, oxygen transmission rate obtained for

all formulations. .................................................................................................... 143

Table 1.5. Main analytical parameters obtained for the studied active additives

using the optimized methods. ............................................................................ 147

Table 1.6. Mean recoveries (%) and RSD values (%) in parentheses obtained for

each active additive in aqueous simulants by SPE-GC/MS. Rresults are

represented as mean ± standard deviation, n=3. ........................................... 148

Table 1.7. Release of thymol and carvacrol (mg (kg-1 simulant)) obtained from PP

films into aqueous and fatty food simulants under conditions in agreement

with European Standard EN 13130-2005. ...................................................... 150

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Figures and Tables

~ XIV ~

Table 1.8. Diffusion coefficients (D×10−14, m2 s-1) calculated from Equation 1.4

for the release of carvacrol and thymol from PP films into different food

simulants (mean ± standard deviation, n=3). .................................................. 156

Table 1.9. Inhibition zone against Staphylococcus aureus obtained for all

formulations........................................................................................................... 162

Table 1.10. Identified compounds present in the headspace of food samples

packed with PP0 films after 4 days. ................................................................... 169

Chapter 2 Table 2.1. PLA-based films formulated in this study. .............................................. 198

Table 2.2. Composition of synthetic bio-waste used to simulate the disintegrability

in composting conditions. ................................................................................... 202

Table 2.3. Quantification of thymol (HPLC-UV) and thermal parameters (TGA,

DSC) obtained for all nanocomposite films and neat PLA. ......................... 207

Table 2.4. Tensile properties (ASTM D882-09), oxygen transmission rate and

CIELab colour parameters obtained for PLA-based formulations. ............ 216

Table 2.5. Disintegrability values (%) of PLA and nanocomposite films at

different times under composting conditions at 58 °C. ................................. 222

Table 2.6. Characteristic parameters for the release of thymol from PLA-based

films to ethanol 10 % (v/v). ............................................................................... 233

Table 2.7. Radical scavenging activity of thymol measured by the DPPH method

for PLA-based formulations. .............................................................................. 237

Table 2.8. PLA active nanocomposites formulated in this study. .......................... 248

Table 2.9. Thermal parameters and tensile properties obtained for injection

moulded samples (neat PLA and active nanocomposites). ........................... 260

Table 2.10. Characterization of neat PLA and active nanocomposite films. ....... 267

Table 2.11. Optical properties of neat PLA and active nanocomposite films. .... 270

Table 2.12. Thymol and Ag-NPs migration (ethanol 10 % (v/v) after 10 days at

40 °C) and DPPH scavenging activity (%) of PLA-based films. ................. 290

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Figures and Tables

~ XV ~

Table 2.13. Fitting parameters of Equations (2.14), (2.15) and (2.16) to

experimental migration data of thymol loaded in binary and ternary systems

into ethanol 10% (v/v) at 40 °C. ....................................................................... 293

Table 2.14. Kinetic parameters for migration of thymol from PLA-based films by

using Equations (2.18) and (2.19). ..................................................................... 297

Table 2.15. Antibacterial activity of neat PLA and nanocomposite films,

expressed as antimicrobial viability (%), against S. aureus 8325-4 and E. coli

RB strains after 3 and 24 hours of incubation at 4, 24 and 37 °C. .............. 299

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Abbreviations and symbols

~ XVI ~

Abbreviations and symbols 2θ Scattering angle (2theta) ∆E* Total colour difference in CIELAB space

∆Hc Crystallization enthalpy ∆Hm Melting enthalpy εB Elongation at break εY Elongation at yield ρ Density χ (%) Percentage of crystallinity a* Red-green coordinate in CIELAB space

Ag-NP Silver nanoparticles AM Antimicrobial AO Antioxidant b* Yellow-blue coordinate in CIELAB space BHA Butylated hydroxyanisole BHI Brian Heart Infusion BHT Butylated hydroxytoluene C10A Cloisite®10A C15A Closite ®15A C20A Cloisite®20A C30B Closite ®30B CEC Cation exchange capacity CLE Cutinase-like enzyme CFU Colony-forming unit CNC Nanocrystalline cellulose D Diffusion coefficients D43B Dellite®43B DSC Differential scanning calorimetry DPPH 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl DTG Derivative thermogravimetric analysis E Elastic Modulus E. coli RB Escherichia coli RB

EDAX Energy dispersive X ray analysis EFSA European Food Safety Agency EU European Union EO Essential oil EtOH Ethanol FDA Food and Drug Administration FESEM Field emission scanning electron microscopy FRAP Ferric reducing antioxidant power FTIR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

Page 50: Desarrollo de sistemas de envasado activo mediante la

Abbreviations and Symbols

~ XVII ~

GC-FID Gas chromatography-flame ionization detector GC/MS Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry GRAS Generally Recognized as Safe GTE Green tea extracts HDPE High density polyethylene HPLC-UV high performance liquid chromatography-UV detector HS-SPME Headspace solid phase microextraction I % Percentage of inhibition ICP-AES Inductively coupled plasma - atomic emission spectrometer ICP-MS Inductively coupled plasma -mass spectrometer ICP-OES Inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometer L* Lightness in CIELAB space LA Lactic acid (2-hydroxy propionic acid) LB Luria Bertani Broth LDPE Low density polyethylene LOD Detection limit LOQ Quantification limit MAP Modified atmosphere packaging MC Methylcellulose MDT Mean dissolution time MMT Montmorillonite OMMT Organo modified montmorillonite OIT Oxidation induction time OOT Oxidation onset temperature ORAC Oxygen-radical antioxidant capacity OTR Oxygen transmission rate PA Polyamides PBAT Poly(butyrate adipate terephthalate) copolymer PCL Poly(ε-caprolactone) PET Poly(ethylene terephthalate) PHA Poly(hydroxyalkanoates) PLA Poly(lactic acid) PLLA Poly(L-lactic acid) PDLA Poly(D-lactic acid) PDLLA Poly(DL-lactic acid) PP Polypropylene PS Polystyrene R2 Determination coefficients RH Relative humidity RSD Relative standard deviation RT Room temperature Sy/x Standard deviation of the residues

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Abbreviations and symbols


S. aureus 8325-4 Staphylococcus aureus 8325-4

S-EOS Savory essential oil SD Standard deviation SEM Scanning electron microscopy SPE Solid phase extraction SPI Soy protein isolate SPME Solid phase microextraction T Tallow chain Tc Crystallization temperature Ti Initial degradation temperature Tg Glass transition temperature Tm Melting temperature Tmax Maximum degradation rate temperature TBARS Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances TBHQ Propyl gallate or tert-butylhydroquinone TEAC Trolox-equivalent antioxidant capacity TEM Transmission electron microscopy TGA Thermogravimetric analysis TOSC Total oxidant scavenging capacity TS Tensile strength TPS Thermoplastic starch UV-Vis Ultraviolet-visible WAXS Wide angle X-ray scattering WVP water vapor permeability XPS X-Ray Photoelectorn Spectroscopy XRD X-Ray Diffraction ZMB-EO Zataria multiflora Boiss essential oil

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I. Introduction

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~ 3 ~

1. Food packaging

Plastic industries are one of the main production sectors worldwide and

have experienced a continuous growth by widening their portfolio and

applications window. The increase in plastics production has been

reflected in numerous and important sectors of the World economy. In

general terms, the plastic industries can be considered a key enabler of

innovation in many products and technologies in important sectors of the

global economy, such as healthcare, energy generation, aerospace,

automotive, maritime, construction, electronics, packaging or textile.

With a continuous growth for the last decades, global plastic production

reached 299 million tonnes in 2013, with a 3.9 % increase compared to

2012 (Plastics-Europe, 2015). This increase has been recently observed in

emerging countries, but it was not the case in the most developed

economies. For instance, the plastics production in Europe is currently

stable, with no increase in the last decade and similar figures were

observed in 2013 when compared to those in 2002. Packaging, building

and construction are the largest application sectors for the current

production of plastics. Figure I.1 shows the distribution of the plastics

consumption in Europe in 2013. In particular, the packaging sector

represents 39.6 % of the total plastics demand and almost half of them are

used for food packaging in the form of films, sheets, bottles, cups, tubs,

or trays; followed by building and construction with 20.3 % of the total

European demand. Automotive is the third sector with a share of 8.5 %

and the rest of applications comprise a total of 31.6 % of the European

plastics demand (Plastics-Europe, 2015).

Page 55: Desarrollo de sistemas de envasado activo mediante la


~ 4 ~


20.3%Building and construction






Consumer and household appliances,furniture, sport, health and safety,…

46.3 Million tonnes

Electrical and Electronics

Figure I.1. European plastics demand in 2013; (data taken from (Plastics-Europe, 2015).

Plastics are currently considered one of the four basic materials for food

packaging, together with glass, metal and paper. Plastics are adequate to

satisfy the main function of food packaging, i.e. to maintain the quality

and safety of food products from their processing to consumption,

including storage and transportation. Packaging materials should provide

mechanical, optical, and thermal protection while preventing unfavourable

degradation factors or conditions, such as spoilage microorganisms,

oxygen, moisture, chemical contaminants, light, external forces, high

temperatures, etc. (Rhim, Park and Ha, 2013).

1.1. From conventional polymers to bioplastics

Among the basic food packaging materials, petroleum-based

thermoplastics have been extensively used since their introduction in the

Page 56: Desarrollo de sistemas de envasado activo mediante la


~ 5 ~

1950-1960 decades. They exhibit a range of properties that make them

suitable for specific applications in food packaging, such as their large

availability; relative low cost; good physico-chemical performance in

tensile and tear strength; good barrier to oxygen, water vapour, CO2 and

aromas; good processing capabilities; heat sealability; good aesthetic

quality and many others (Siracusa, Rocculi, Romani and Rosa, 2008).

The most important thermoplastics used in food packaging include low

density polyethylene (LDPE), high density polyethylene (HDPE),

polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), polyamides (PA) and poly(ethylene

terephthalate) (PET), which exhibit many common properties ideal for

their use in packaging, such as light weight; low processing temperature

(compared to metal and glass); variable barrier properties; good

printability; heat sealability and ease of conversion into different forms

(Lim, Auras and Rubino, 2008). Table I.1 shows some general properties

of the main thermoplastic polymers with interest in food packaging. There

are some key properties that make thermoplastics one of the most

favourable material families for food packaging applications. For example,

thermal properties provide important information about criteria to be

considered during processing and their possible resistance to high

temperatures. Mechanical properties provide data on the ability of

packaging materials to sustain their integrity under the influence of various

external factors occurring during processing, handling, and storage of the

packaged food. Other important parameters, such as permeability to

oxygen and water vapour, should be also considered and controlled to

select the most adequate polymers or composite materials for foodstuff

with particular requirements (Bastarrachea, Dhawan and Sablani, 2011).

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~ 6 ~

Table I.1. General properties of some thermoplastics used in food packaging (adapted

from (Bastarrachea, Dhawan and Sablani, 2011).


δ (g cm-3) 0.92 - 0.94 0.94 - 0.95 0.90 - 0.91 1.04 - 1.12 1.37 1.05 - 1.14

Tm (°C) 120 137 168 250 256 - 260 185 - 260

Tg (°C) (-45) - (-15) (-45) - (-15) (-32) - (-2) 80 - 100 67 - 81 37 - 70

E (GPa) 0.15 - 0.34 0.98 1.1 - 1.6 2.7 - 3.4 3.5 0.70 - 0.98

εB (%) 300 - 900 20 - 50 200 - 1000 2-3 70 200 - 300

Density (δ) Melting temperature (Tm) Glass transition temperature (Tg) Elastic modulus (E) (25 °C, 65 % relative humidity (RH)) Elongation at break (εB) (20-25 °C, 65 % RH)

Polyolefins, such as LDPE, HDPE and PP, are widely used, with a total

percentage of application in this sector close to 37 % of the total

production (Plastics-Europe, 2015). Among the wide variety of

polyolefins, PP offers overall balanced properties, including flexibility;

tensile strength; lightness; stability; moisture and chemical resistance; easy

processability in different forms (films, small and high packs, etc.) and low

cost; while it is well suited for recycling and reuse. PP is used in different

sectors, such as automotive, machinery fabrication, sanitary applications

or packaging, where thermal resistance is required due to its high melting

point (168 °C), such as for hot-filled and microwavable trays (Fages,

Pascual, Fenollar, Garcia Sanoguera and Balart Gimeno, 2011). In

addition, these properties can be modified by altering the chain regularity

content (tacticity) and distribution, and by the incorporation of modifiers

into the polymer matrix as fillers (Gocek and Adanur, 2012; Rawi,

Jayaraman and Bhattacharyya, 2014).

Despite the multiple advantages provided by conventional thermoplastics

in their application to food packaging, the raising societal concerns about

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~ 7 ~

environmental issues and the most recent policies implemented by

authorities at the international level have introduced some caution on their

massive use and uncontrolled disposal. For instance, in 2012, according to

the Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe, 25.2 million tonnes

of post-consumer plastics ended up in the waste upstream, of which 62 %

was removed from the environment through recycling and energy

recovery processes while 38 % still went to landfills (Plastics-Europe,

2015). Non-biodegradable conventional thermoplastics cause serious

environmental problems since they are not easily degraded in Nature,

taking centuries to be decomposed into their simple constituents and

absorbed by the environment. This problem has become a global concern,

in particular from the beginning of the XXI century, since environmental

problems, such as the climate change, CO2 footprint and the noticeable

shortage in fossil resources have propelled the search for better concepts

and sustainable alternatives to conventional plastics for packaging. Reuse

and plastics recycling are the most extended alternatives to disposal, but

other possibilities are being studied for immediate implementation in

massive production.

Novel bio-based and biodegradable plastics for food packaging should be

developed by strictly following the guidelines for the efficient use of

natural and renewable resources, keeping the properties of conventional

thermoplastics to preserve food quality and consumer safety, while

reducing waste disposal and CO2 footprint by offering new recovery

options. In general terms, novel bio-based and biodegradable plastics

could be obtained and modified from raw materials with biological origin,

or more precisely from renewable resources, to permit a significant

reduction in the environmental impact of packaging materials by reducing

the waste disposal problems and alleviate the overdependence from

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~ 8 ~

petroleum and other non-renewable sources (Rhim, Park and Ha, 2013).

In addition, they should be treated by various recycling and recovery

techniques to get waste streams easy for treating and versatile enough to

get efficient processes, such as composting, bio-refineries and others.

Among them, the use of novel bio-based and biodegradable packaging

materials is recognized as one of the main trending topics in the research

for new materials, keeping the guiding principle of the efficient use of

renewable resources and their easy conversion into simple constituents to

close the natural cycle (Figure I.2).

Energy and organic recovery

Biotechnology and chemistry


Figure I.2. Life cycle of bioplastics.

According to the European Bioplastics Association, bioplastics are

defined as plastics that are either bio-based, biodegradable or both. There

are three main groups of bioplastics based on their renewable/non-

renewable origin and biodegradable/non-biodegradable character (Figure


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~ 9 ~

i. Bio-based or partly bio-based, non-biodegradable plastics, such as

Bio-PE, Bio-PET and Bio-PA. These materials are characterized

by their bio-based origin (most of them are obtained from sugar-

rich fractions in the bio-ethanol production) and their properties

are similar to those of the main commodities used in food

packaging, such as polyolefins. However, they are non-

biodegradable and their waste disposal is similar to the

conventional thermoplastics.

ii. Biodegradable plastics based on fossil resources, such as

poly(butyrate adipate terephthalate) copolymer (PBAT) or poly(ε-

caprolactone) (PCL). These biopolymers degrade fast under

environmental conditions, but they are obtained from petroleum.

They show, in general, good properties for food packaging

materials but their production costs are high and they are not yet

competitive with conventional thermoplastics.

Bio-based and biodegradable plastics, including poly(lactic acid) (PLA),

cellulose, starch-based plastics, animal proteins and

poly(hydroxyalkanoates) (PHA). These biopolymers are the ideal solution

from the environmental point of view, but most of them fail in some of

the key properties for food packaging applications, such as thermal

resistance and barrier effect, making necessary their modification with

additives to improve these characteristics. Table I.2 summarizes the most

important commercial bio-based and biodegradable polymers and their

main properties. This group of bioplastics has produced great interest by

their high potential in becoming a sustainable alternative to conventional

thermoplastics. Some of them are already produced at the industrial scale,

such as PLA, PHA or starch-based polymers as shown in Figure I.4.

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~ 10 ~


e.g. Bio-based PE, Bio-based PET, Bio-

based PP


e.g. PLA, PHA, Starch, Cellulose,


Conventional plastics

e.g. PE, PP, PET


e.g. PBAT, PCL

Non-biodegradable Biodegradable



Figure I.3. Classification of plastics.

Table I.2. Physical data of some commercial bioplastics (adapted from (Jamshidian,

Tehrany, Imran, Jacquot and Desobry, 2010).

Property PLA PHB PCL TPS* Cellulose

Tm (°C) 130-180 140-180 59-64 110-115 -

Tg (°C) 40-70 0-5 -60 (-20)-43 -

E (MPa) 2050-3500 3500 390-470 400-1000 3000-5000

εB (%) 30-240 5-8 700-1000 580-820 18-55

TS** (MPa) 48-53 25-40 4-28 100 100 *Thermoplastic starch (TPS) **Tensile strength (TS)

The current global production capacities of bioplastics have continuously

increased and amounted to about 1.6 million tonnes in 2013 with almost

40 % of the production destined for the packaging market, which is the

current largest market segment within the bioplastics industry (Reddy,

Vivekanandhan, Misra, Bhatia and Mohanty, 2013; European-Bioplastics-

Association, 2015b). This continuous growth in the bioplastics production

for food packaging is also possible by the similarity in machinery and

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~ 11 ~

processing conditions to those traditionally used with conventional

thermoplastics. Indeed, no special machinery is required for the

processing of bioplastics, with just some changes in the processing

parameters depending on their properties.

11.4 %PLA

11.3 %Starch blends

10.8 %PBAT, PBS, PCL

37 %Bio-based PET

12.3 %Bio-based PE

6.8 %PTT

Regenerated Cellulose (1.7 %)

Othersb (0.3 %)

Bio-based PA (4.9 %)Othersa (1.4 %)

PHA (2.1 %)

Bio-based and Biodegradable 25.8 %bBiodegradable cellulose ester

aContains durable starch blends, Bio-PC, Bio-TPE, Bio-PUR (except thermosets)

Bio-based and non Biodegradable 62.4 % Fossil-based and Biodegradable 10.8 %

Figure I.4. Global production of bioplastics and by market segment in 2013 (adapted

from the (European-Bioplastics-Association).

1.1.1. Poly(lactic acid)

PLA is a bio-based and biodegradable polymer with high commercial

potential by its convenient properties, easy processing and relative low

cost when compared to other bioplastics. PLA is compostable and

biocompatible, but also processable with standard equipment, permitting a

reduction of costs and consequently making it competitive against all

other bioplastics and most of the petroleum-based commodities.

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~ 12 ~

Properties and applications PLA has a significant presence in the market; with a production capacity

about 185,000 tonnes in 2013 (European-Bioplastics-Association, 2015a).

In addition, its relative low price has increased the potential of PLA as an

alternative material to some conventional polymers, such as PET or

HDPE, because of PLA’s favourable properties, such as high

transparency, excellent printability, and low-temperature sealability (Auras,

Harte, Selke and Hernández, 2003; Gupta and Kumar, 2007).

PLA has certain limitations such as low deformation at break; low heat

resistance; high modulus; hydrophilic properties; brittle behaviour; and

insufficient barrier to oxygen, CO2 and water vapour compared to other

benchmark packaging polymers, such as polyolefins and PET. These

factors limit the use of PLA in the packaging industry (Hughes, Thomas,

Byun and Whiteside, 2012). In consequence most research focus on

improving the mechanical and barrier properties of PLA by adding

nanoclays, natural fibres or antioxidant (AO) additives for the

development of PLA-based films (Gonçalves et al, 2013; Farmahini-

Farahani, Xiao and Zhao, 2014; Rawi, Jayaraman and Bhattacharyya, 2014;

Cumkur, Baouz and Yilmazer, 2015). Other researchers placed emphasis

on the improvement of thermal stability (Hughes, Thomas, Byun and

Whiteside, 2012; Araújo, Botelho, Oliveira and Machado, 2014;

Iturrondobeitia, Okariz, Guraya, Zaldua and Ibarretxe, 2014; Kovacevic,

Bischof and Fan, 2015).

PLA is classified as GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) by the FDA

(Food and Drug Administration, USA) for its intended use as polymer for

manufacturing articles that will hold and/or package food. It has been also

proposed for the formulation of transparent films, but the inherent

brittleness and poor flexural properties of the polymer make necessary the

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~ 13 ~

addition of plasticizers to obtain the adequate flexibility for stretching

films with no risks of rupture (Ljungberg and Wesslén, 2005; Burgos,

Martino and Jiménez, 2013; Burgos, Tolaguera, Fiori and Jiménez, 2014)

or the processing of blends based on PLA with different biodegradable

and non-biodegradable polymers, such as PCL (Zhao and Zhao, 2016),

PP (Jain et al, 2015) or cellulose acetate (Kunthadong et al, 2015).

Commercial PLA can be obtained in different grades, from pure poly(L-

lactic acid) (PLLA) to pure poly(D-lactic acid) (PDLA), including their

copolymers at variable ratios. It is known that the PLA properties vary to

a large extent depending on the PLLA/PDLA ratio and their arrangement

in the polymer chains (Södergård and Stolt, 2010).

PLA with PLLA content higher than 90 % tends to be crystalline and it is

commercially produced in different grades, with a Tg value around 60-65

°C, crystallinity degree in the range of 15-74 %, melting temperature

around 173-178 °C and tensile modulus of 2.7-16 GPa (Södergård and

Stolt, 2002). These properties are adequate for the production of a

transparent, tough and brittle polymer, with mechanical resistance similar

to PET and PS, and application in rigid containers for food packaging. It

was reported that Tg, Tm and crystallinity of PLA decrease by decreasing

the PLLA/PLDA ratio (Jiang et al, 2010).

Commercial PLA has distinctive properties over other bioplastics, such as

good appearance; transparency; relatively high melting temperature; high

tensile properties; good biocompatibility; and low toxicity that have

helped to broaden its applications window. Indeed, it has been used in a

variety of applications, in addition to food packaging, in the

pharmaceutical and biomedical fields (Albertsson, Varma, Lochab, Finne-

Wistrand and Kumar, 2010). In tissue engineering, PLA has demonstrated

to be biocompatible and degradable into non-toxic components with an

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~ 14 ~

in-vivo controllable degradation rate having a long history of use in

degradable surgical sutures (Lopes, Jardini and Filho, 2014; Salerno,

Fernández-Gutiérrez, San Román del Barrio and Domingo, 2015)

Production Lactic acid (2-hydroxy propionic acid) (LA) is the single monomer of PLA

and it is produced either by fermentation of

commercial name for D-glucose) and other sugars extracted from plants,

such as corn sugarcane, sugar beet and potatoes,

LA has a chiral carbon atom and exists in two

stereoisomers, namely L- and D- enantiomers (

Kumar, 2007; Jamshidian, Tehrany, Imran, Jacquot and Desobry, 2010)

D-Lactic Acid (D-LA) L-Lactic Acid

Figure I.5. Chemical structures of LA.

PLA has variable molar mass, ranging from 1000

oligomers to more than 100 kDa in the case of the high molar mass

polymer, which is mostly used in processing and development of products

for the packaging industry (Jamshidian, Tehrany, Imran, Jacquot

Desobry, 2010). Oligomers have been proposed for their use as PLA

additives with plasticizer performance (Burgos, Martino and Jiménez,

2013; Burgos, Tolaguera, Fiori and Jiménez, 2014; Fiori and Ara, 2009).

Several polymerization routes to obtain PLA from L

been described (Figure I.6) (Södergård and Stolt, 2010)

controllable degradation rate having a long history of use in

(Lopes, Jardini and Filho, 2014; Salerno,

Gutiérrez, San Román del Barrio and Domingo, 2015).

hydroxy propionic acid) (LA) is the single monomer of PLA

and it is produced either by fermentation of dextrose (the common

and other sugars extracted from plants,

such as corn sugarcane, sugar beet and potatoes, or by chemical synthesis.

LA has a chiral carbon atom and exists in two optically active

enantiomers (Figure I.5) (Gupta and

Kumar, 2007; Jamshidian, Tehrany, Imran, Jacquot and Desobry, 2010).

Lactic Acid (L-LA)

Chemical structures of LA.

PLA has variable molar mass, ranging from 1000-2000 Da in the case of

oligomers to more than 100 kDa in the case of the high molar mass

polymer, which is mostly used in processing and development of products

(Jamshidian, Tehrany, Imran, Jacquot and

. Oligomers have been proposed for their use as PLA

additives with plasticizer performance (Burgos, Martino and Jiménez,

2013; Burgos, Tolaguera, Fiori and Jiménez, 2014; Fiori and Ara, 2009).

A from L-LA and D-LA have

(Södergård and Stolt, 2010):

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~ 15 ~

i. Polycondensation reactions.

a. Direct condensation.

b. Direct condensation in azeotropic solutions.

c. Solid-state condensation.

ii. Chain extension.

iii. Polymerization through lactide formation (Ring-opening

polymerization, ROP).


Direct Condensation

Azeotropic Solution

High molar mass PLA

Mw: 100-300 kDa

Melt State

Oligo(lactic acid)

Polycondensation Oligo(lactic acid)Depolymerization

L-Lactide / meso-Lactide / D-Lactide


Low molar mass PLA

Mw: 1000-5000

Chain coupling agent

Solid State

Polycondensation reactions

Figure I.6. Production routes of PLA (adapted from (Södergård and Stolt, 2002; Gupta

and Kumar, 2007; Avérous, 2008).

Direct condensation is based on the polymerization of LA in the presence

of catalysts at low pressures and high temperatures. The most common

catalysts are antimony oxides and stannous organometallic complexes

(Lopes, Jardini and Filho, 2014). PLA obtained by direct condensation is a

low molar mass polymer, by the difficulty in removing water from the

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~ 16 ~

highly viscous reaction mixture, resulting in oligomers with no relevant

applications in food packaging (Gupta and Kumar, 2007; Södergård and

Stolt, 2010), but some potential as bio-based additives (Burgos, Tolaguera,

Fiori and Jiménez, 2014).

PLA can be also obtained by direct condensation in azeotropic solutions,

permitting the production of high molar mass polymers. This technique

allows working below the melting point of the polymer, preventing

depolymerization (Gupta and Kumar, 2007). The azeotropic solutions

used in PLA polymerization are mixtures of two or more liquids in such a

ratio that its composition cannot be changed by simple distillation and

they help in removing water as a by-product (Jamshidian, Tehrany, Imran,

Jacquot and Desobry, 2010) resulting in highly pure PLA with molar mass

up to 300 kDa.

ROP is the most applied polymerization technique for PLA due to the

possibility of an accurate control of the chemistry of the process resulting

in polymers with high molar mass and low dispersion, which broadens

their application fields (Albertsson, Varma, Lochab, Finne-Wistrand and

Kumar, 2010). ROP is based on the synthesis of lactide, a cyclic dimer of

lactic acid with three different forms: L-lactide, D-lactide, and meso-

lactide, and further polymerization of this reaction intermediate. PLLA,

PDLA and poly(DL-lactic acid) (PDLLA) are synthesized from L-lactide,

D-lactide and DL-lactide, respectively. A wide range of physical and

mechanical properties and degradation rates can be achieved by

controlling the ROP process and the molar mass and stereochemistry of

the monomers (Gupta and Kumar, 2007). In addition, other parameters,

such as racemization, lactide purity or the residual monomer content

should be controlled to ensure the quality of the PLA obtained by ROP.

Small amounts of impurities, such as residual monomers or oligomers

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~ 17 ~

formed during the process, nutrients, cell debris, and enantiomeric

impurities of LA, could drastically change the PLA properties; in

particular, crystallinity and degradation rate (Inkinen, Hakkarainen,

Albertsson and Sodergard, 2011).

1.2. Active packaging

The traditional concept for food packaging materials as mere containers

with no interaction with the packaged food to avoid contamination (i.e.

passive packaging) has been recently changed by the introduction of new

paradigms where interactions have been permitted, promoting two new

concepts: active and intelligent packaging. In fact, research in new

developments in food packaging materials is aimed by the increase in the

consumer’s preferences for fresh, natural, healthy and easy-to-prepare

food, minimally processed and convenient from the nutritional point of

view. Consequently, the food sector has experienced important changes

aimed to meet these demands while adapting to the global market, which

implies an increase in time of food transport and distribution (Singh, Wani

and Saengerlaub, 2011; Sanches-Silva et al, 2014).

The developments associated to the active packaging concept for food

packaging producers and consumers should take into account the process

of mass transfer and interactions between food and packaging materials

(Figure I.7). These interactions could be divided into different individual

processes, which could appear all together or be partially restricted in each

particular case. These processes include migration of the material

components (monomers or additives) to foodstuff, sorption and

desorption of volatile compounds (flavours and aromas), changes in the

food moisture content, permeability to gases and the possible degradation

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~ 18 ~

of food by external conditions (Silva-Weiss, Ihl, Sobral, Gómez-Guillén

and Bifani, 2013). All these physico-chemical processes should be

carefully studied to design and develop new packaging systems that leave

behind the conventional passive container.

Figure I.7. Interaction processes between food packaging materials and the environment.

Active and intelligent packaging systems were firstly defined by the

Framework Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 on food


i. “Active food contact materials and articles” are defined as

materials and articles that are intended to extend the shelf-life or

to maintain or improve the condition of packaged food. They are

designed to deliberately incorporate components that would

release or absorb substances into or from the packaged food or

the environment surrounding the food.

ii. “Intelligent food contact materials and articles” are defined as

materials and articles that monitor the condition of packaged

food or the environment surrounding the food.

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~ 19 ~

Active packaging includes the use of additives, which could be defined as

“freshness enhancers”, able to diffuse and interact with food by increasing

the packaging’s functionalities, such as resistance to oxidation and

microbiological spoilage or retention of natural aromas and

well as food quality and safety (López-Gómez e

summarizes the main causes of food spoilage and the strategies followed

to limit or deactivate them.

Figure I.8. Mechanisms that can cause a loss of quality in food and active packaging


The chemical nature of the additives used for such purpose is diverse, but

all them should play their role efficiently by

oxygen, CO2, ethylene, moisture and/or odour and flavour taints;

releasing oxygen, CO2, water vapour, ethanol, sorbates, AOs and/or other


Active packaging includes the use of additives, which could be defined as

“freshness enhancers”, able to diffuse and interact with food by increasing

, such as resistance to oxidation and

of natural aromas and flavours as

Gómez et al, 2009). Figure I.8

summarizes the main causes of food spoilage and the strategies followed

Mechanisms that can cause a loss of quality in food and active packaging

The chemical nature of the additives used for such purpose is diverse, but

all them should play their role efficiently by scavenging or absorbing

, ethylene, moisture and/or odour and flavour taints;

, water vapour, ethanol, sorbates, AOs and/or other

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~ 20 ~

preservatives and antimicrobials (AMs); and/or by maintaining

temperature to avoid the food overheating during transport and

distribution. New developments in active packaging materials, methods

and effects on food have been under study in the last few years. These

studies are based on chemical, physical or biological actions to modify and

control the interactions between materials, food and the packaging

headspace to achieve the desired outcome (Gómez-Estaca, López-de-

Dicastillo, Hernández-Muñoz, Catalá and Gavara, 2014; Mellinas et al,

2015; Valdes et al, 2015).

1.2.1. Antimicrobial and antioxidant active packaging

Antimicrobial active packaging is commonly designed to reduce the risk

from pathogen attacks to food and to extend shelf-life by limiting spoilage

effects caused by microorganisms. A wide range of agents with AM

characteristics has been proposed, e.g. organic acids, bacteriocins, spice

extracts, thiosulphates, enzymes, proteins, isothiocyanates, antibiotics,

fungicides, chelating agents, parabens and metals (Sung et al, 2013). All

them could be incorporated into or coated onto food packaging materials

to get the desired effect (Singh, Wani and Saengerlaub, 2011). However,

some important features should be considered to design an efficient AM

packaging system.

i. They should be able to get the controlled release of the AM agent

from the polymer film in the adequate time to maximize

efficiency. The fast release of the AM agent from the packaging

material to food is quite common and this is an important

drawback of these systems, since the effect of the active

compound is limited in time.

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~ 21 ~

ii. The use of harmless substances is a requirement in food

packaging and not all the proposed AM agents are currently

included in the current legislation as chemicals intended to be in

direct contact with food. Antioxidant active packaging focuses on the improvement of the

resistance to lipids oxidation retarding the natural processes that can lead

to organoleptic deterioration and reduction of shelf-life of food products.

The use of active packaging materials with AO properties is relevant in

many types of food, but particularly for dried products and oxygen-

sensitive food (Gómez-Estaca, López-de-Dicastillo, Hernández-Muñoz,

Catalá and Gavara, 2014). Moreover, some authors reported that the

addition of natural AOs to polymer matrices can protect the polymer

from degradation during processing, with the double effect of protection

for the material and food through controlled release mechanisms (Peltzer,

Navarro, López and Jiménez, 2010; Wu, Qin, et al, 2014).

Both types of active food packaging systems can be divided into two main

groups. This classification is based on the incorporation of the active

additive to the packaging material and the interaction between the agent

and foodstuff (Bastarrachea, Dhawan and Sablani, 2011). Most of them

are based on the use of thin films of polymer where the active agent is


i. Films that allow the release of the active additive by following a

particular kinetic scheme. The AM and/or AO agent can be

incorporated to the material either within the matrix or onto the

material surface. The strategy for incorporation is relevant to

control the release of active compounds from the material to the

food surface. Different approaches have been proposed:

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~ 22 ~

a. Packaging systems incorporating the active additive in a

single layer, permitting a gradual release into food.

b. Packaging systems with an inner layer which can be

useful to control the release rate of the AM and/or AO

compounds from the outer layer.

c. Packaging systems with a coating layer containing the

active additive.

ii. Films that do not release the active additive but show a direct

contact with food inhibiting the microbial growth or lipid

oxidation on the food surface.

Figure I.9 shows the scheme of these different interaction mechanisms

between active agents, packaging material and food.

All these strategies for the incorporation of the active agents to the

packaging material and further interaction with food have shown their

potential, but some drawbacks related to the full control of the release

kinetics of the AM and/or AO compounds to food have been described

(Anbinder, Peruzzo, Martino and Amalvy, 2015; Fuciños et al, 2015).

Recent studies have proposed the use of other strategies for the

incorporation of active compounds to the packaging material permitting a

more efficient release to food. These new techniques are encapsulation, a

process by which small particles of core materials are packed within the

wall material to form capsules to protect bioactive compounds from

adverse environment and permitting the controlled release at targeted sites

(Marques, 2010; Ezhilarasi, Karthik, Chhanwal and

Anandharamakrishnan, 2013; Dias et al, 2014; Noronha, de Carvalho, Lino

and Barreto, 2014; Wen et al, 2016), grafting, which is one of the most

promising methods to functionalize polymers (Schreiber, Bozell, Hayes

and Zivanovic, 2013) and reinforcement with nanofillers with intrinsic

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~ 23 ~

AM properties, in particular metallic nanoparticles (Llorens, Lloret,

Picouet, Trbojevich and Fernandez, 2012; Fortunati, Peltzer, Armentano,

Jiménez and Kenny, 2013; Dias et al, 2014; Fortunati et al, 2014; Shankar,

Teng, Li and Rhim, 2015).

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Inner Layer Outer LayerCoating Outer Layer



Food Food


Release Release


Not release Direct contact

Figure I.9. Release of active substance in different applications of active packaging

systems: films that allow the release of the active additive (a), (b) and (c); films that do not

release the active additive (d); (adapted from (Bastarrachea, Dhawan and Sablani, 2011).

The introduction of bioplastics has permitted the design of systems where

active agents are incorporated into biopolymer matrices, giving a surplus

to these formulations by combining activity and sustainability. The

proposal of new bioplastics, such as PLA or edible films and coatings, to

substitute conventional plastics in active formulations has been recently

reviewed (Rhim, Park and Ha, 2013; Mellinas et al, 2015) and many

formulations have been proposed. Some of them are discussed below.

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~ 24 ~

Manzanarez-López et al reported a study based on PLA with 2.58 wt% of

α-tocopherol as active additive with AO action for food packaging

(Manzanarez-López, Soto-Valdez, Auras and Peralta, 2011). The main

optical and thermal properties were evaluated as well as the kinetics of

diffusion of the active agent from the PLA matrix to ethanol and

vegetable oil, as food simulants. Their results showed a slower diffusion of

α-tocopherol to soybean oil than to ethanol with 5.1 % and 12.9 % of

release respectively after 60 days. Authors also studied the influence of

temperature in the release kinetics by testing their systems at temperatures

between 20 and 40 °C. The release of α-tocopherol from PLA films to

soybean oil was enough to delay the oxidation at 20 and 30 °C, compared

with the oil put in contact with pure PLA films with no active agent in

their composition. Jamshidian et al used the solvent casting processing to

obtain films based on PLA with natural AOs, including α-tocopherol, and

synthetic phenolic AOs, such as butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA),

butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), propyl gallate or tert-butylhydroquinone

(TBHQ) (Jamshidian, Tehrany and Desobry, 2013). They studied the

release of all these AOs to different food simulants and calculated the

kinetic coefficients. It was concluded that antioxidant active packaging

was adequate for foodstuff protection and α-tocopherol can be used as a

natural additive.

Wu et al evaluated the AM activity of films based on PLA combined with

PCL and thymol as active agent (Wu, Qin, et al, 2014). Results showed

that the addition of thymol to the biopolymer matrix had a plasticizing

effect by the decrease in the PLA Tg values and crystallinity, but not

affecting the thermal stability of films. The AM activity was also evaluated

and they reported that films with thymol showed inhibition against two

foodborne bacteria: Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes.

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~ 25 ~

Polysaccharides, lipids, proteins or their blends can be used as edible

biopolymer matrices in active food packaging applications (Rhim, Park

and Ha, 2013). Indeed, chitosan was proposed as edible matrix on

bioactive coatings containing organic acids and nanoemulsions with

carvacrol, mandarin, bergamot and lemon essential oils (EOs) (Cruz-

Romero, Murphy, Morris, Cummins and Kerry, 2013). Gamma irradiation

and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) were proposed to increase

efficiency of the active films in food (Severino et al, 2015). These authors

confirmed the strong AM activity of carvacrol nanoemulsions against two

Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria (Escherichia coli and Salmonella

typhimurium). Authors stated that the bioactive coating with carvacrol onto

the chitosan matrix resulted satisfactory in the total inhibition of these

bacteria after 11 days of storage, highlighting the strong bactericidal effect

of this coating.

The effects of the addition of BHT and green tea extracts (GTE) on the

physical, barrier, mechanical, thermal and AO properties of potato starch

films were reported (u Nisa et al, 2015). The AO properties of these

bioactive composites were evaluated by using the spectrophotometric

method with formation of the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)

complex, permitting the determination of the radical scavenging ability of

both (BHT and GTE starch films) after their contact with the fatty food

simulant (ethanol 95 %, v/v). The formation of methamyoglobin was

monitored while the lipid oxidation was evaluated by using the

thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) method. GTE and BHT

films were individually applied to fresh beef samples stored at 4 °C and

room temperature (RT) for 10 days. It was concluded that the addition of

BHT and GTE extracts resulted in the decrease in the concentration of

methamyoglobin and TBARS values.

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~ 26 ~

2. Natural additives

The selection of the most adequate natural compounds to be used as AO

or AM additives in active packaging formulations depends primarily on

their activity against oxygen or the targeted microorganisms and their

compatibility with the packaged food, while the continued release during

storage and distribution is necessary to extend food shelf-life and quality

(Manzanarez-López, Soto-Valdez, Auras and Peralta, 2011). But many

other factors should be considered in the design of active packaging

systems, such as their specific activity, resistance of microorganisms to the

additives action, release kinetics and mechanisms, storage and distribution

conditions, physical and mechanical properties of the packaging materials

and organoleptic characteristics of food (Gómez-Estaca, López-de-

Dicastillo, Hernández-Muñoz, Catalá and Gavara, 2014). All these factors

should be carefully considered in agreement with the requirements stated

in legal regulations (Dainelli, Gontard, Spyropoulos, van den Beuken and

Tobback, 2008).

All these considerations have led to the search for natural compounds to

be used in active packaging formulations in substitution of the synthetic

additives. Many studies have been performed to propose the use of

compounds obtained from natural sources with AM and/or AO character

(Srinivasan, 2012; Silva-Weiss, Ihl, Sobral, Gómez-Guillén and Bifani,

2013; Sung et al, 2013; Gómez-Estaca, López-de-Dicastillo, Hernández-

Muñoz, Catalá and Gavara, 2014; Gyawali and Ibrahim, 2014; Valdés,

Mellinas, Ramos, Garrigós and Jiménez, 2014; Valdes et al, 2015).

Natural additives can be obtained from different sources, including plants,

animals, bacteria, algae, fungi and by-products generated during the fruits

and vegetables processing. Figure I.10 summarizes the most relevant

additives and other components with AM/AO activity obtained from

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~ 27 ~

different natural sources proposed for their use in food packaging


Animal origin Plant origin

•Casein and whey





•Plant-derived compounds


•Plant extracts

•Phenolic compounds, quinones,

saponins, flavonoids, tannins, coumarins,

terpenoids, and alkaloids

•Plant by –products

•Fruit pomace, seeds, peels, pulps,

unused flesh and husks

Figure I.10. Compounds with potential activity from natural sources used in food


EOs are active agents obtained from plants, since they are fully-renewable

additives, easy to extract and highly efficient in their AM and/or AO

character. For example, the AO activity and AM effect against eight

bacterial and nine fungal strains was evaluated in the EO of Mosla chinensis

Maxim and its methanol extract (Cao et al, 2009). Results showed that this

EO, whose main components are carvacrol (57 %), p-cymene (14 %),

thymol acetate (13 %), thymol (7 %) and c-terpinene (2 %), exhibited

great potential against microorganisms, in particular against two Gram-

positive bacteria common in many food products, Staphylococcus aureus and

Listeria monocytogenes. Moreover, high AO activity was also reported for this


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~ 28 ~

In general terms, EOs are rich in monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, esters,

aldehydes, ketones, acids, flavonoids and polyphenols (Ćavar Zeljković

and Maksimović, 2015). All these chemicals have demonstrated their

AO/AM character. Figure I.11. Chemical structures of some natural additives incorporated in active food

packaging with AO/AM character (CAS numbers are indicated in parentheses).

Figure I.11 summarizes names and molecular composition of some of the

main bioactive compounds that can be obtained from plants, in particular

EOs and extracts. These compounds have been recently incorporated into

or coated onto packaging films and their performance as active additives

has been assessed. Li et al added different natural additives with AO

properties, obtained from green tea, grape seeds, ginger and gingko leaf,

into gelatin films with good results in the inhibition of the oxidation in

selected food (Li, Miao, Wu, Chen and Zhang, 2014). Sánchez-Aldana et al

used lime EO as AM agent on edible films with high activity against

foodborne pathogenic bacteria (Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella

typhimurium, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes)

determined by the agar-disc diffusion method (Sánchez Aldana, Andrade-

Ochoa, Aguilar, Contreras-Esquivel and Nevárez-Moorillón, 2015).

PCL with α-tocopherol (30, 50 and 70 wt%) incorporated by

nanoencapsulation was proposed for the production of biodegradable and

AO films based on methylcellulose (MC) (Noronha, de Carvalho, Lino

and Barreto, 2014). Films were obtained by solvent casting and their

mechanical and optical properties were determined together with their AO

performance and release kinetics. The incorporation of α-tocopherol to

PCL films produced a modification of their mechanical properties,

decreasing their tensile strength around 60 % and the elastic modulus

around 70 % when the nanocapsules percentage was high (70 wt%). These

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~ 29 ~

films showed high AO character by the incorporation of nanocapsules to

permit the controlled release of α-tocopherol

Figure I.11. Chemical structures of some natural additives incorporated in active food

packaging with AO/AM character (CAS numbers are indicated in parentheses).

2.1. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils

The bacterial susceptibility to EOs and their extracts increases with the

reduction in the pH of food products, since at low pHs the hydrophobic

character of the oil increases, resulting in an easier dissolution in the cell

Carvacrol, (499-75-2)

Geraniol, (106-24

Thymol, (89-83-8)

Linalool, (78-70-

Tocopherol, (1406-66-2, mixed of tocopherols)

α: (CH3; R1); (CH3; R2) β: (CH3; R1); (H; R2) γ: (H; R

Benzoic acid, (65-85-0)

Citric acid, (77-92

Quercetin, (117-39-5)

(−)-Catechin, (18829


films showed high AO character by the incorporation of nanocapsules to

herol to food simulants.

Chemical structures of some natural additives incorporated in active food

packaging with AO/AM character (CAS numbers are indicated in parentheses).

Antimicrobial activity of essential oils

The bacterial susceptibility to EOs and their extracts increases with the

reduction in the pH of food products, since at low pHs the hydrophobic

character of the oil increases, resulting in an easier dissolution in the cell


Sorbic acid, (110-44-1)


Gallic acid, (149-91-7)

2, mixed of tocopherols)

) γ: (H; R1); (CH3; R2) δ: (H; R1); (H; R2)


(R)-(+)-Limonene, (5989-27-5)


3-Hydroxytyrosol, (10597-60-1)

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~ 30 ~

membranes of the target bacteria (Burt, 2004). In addition, most common

bacteria, in particular pathogens, have lower proliferation rate at low pHs.

The mechanism of action of EOs against bacteria is not clear yet, since

each compound present in the EO composition exhibits a unique

mechanism of action that is specific to a particular range of food and

microorganisms (Bastarrachea, Dhawan and Sablani, 2011). Different

mechanisms have been identified: damage to the cell wall, interaction with

and disruption of the cytoplasmic membrane, damage of membrane

proteins, leakage of cellular components, coagulation of cytoplasm and

depletion of the proton motive force. All these effects produce the

microorganisms death by the modification of the structure and

composition of the bacteria cells (Tajkarimi, Ibrahim and Cliver, 2010;

Kuorwel, Cran, Sonneveld, Miltz and Bigger, 2011b; Calo, Crandall,

O'Bryan and Ricke, 2015).

Two main types of bacterial cell wall structures have been studied,

permitting their classification in Gram-positive and Gram-negative

organisms (Figure I.12). Both types of cells have external cytoplasmic

membranes but some details, such as the presence of a thin peptidoglycan

layer in Gram-negative bacteria, make the difference (Aldred, Buck and

Vall, 2009) and they should be more resistant to EO. These outer layers

contain lipids, proteins and lipopolysaccharides in their composition,

preventing the penetration of hydrophobic compounds, such as EOs

(Feng et al, 2000; Maneerung, Tokura and Rujiravanit, 2008).

Page 82: Desarrollo de sistemas de envasado activo mediante la

~ 31 ~

Figure I.12. Structure of the bacterial cell wall (adapted from


It was reported that phenols, phenolic acids, quinones, saponins,

flavonoids, tannins, coumarins, terpenoids and alkaloids present in EOs

or plant extracts are responsible of their AM activity

Sonneveld, Miltz and Bigger, 2011b; Sung

AM activity of EO cannot be attributed entirely to the mixture of their

main components, since these complex matrices produce synergies

between major and minor compounds to incr

(Sánchez-González, Vargas, González-Martínez, Chiralt and Cháfer,

2011). Different authors have reported the effectiveness of EOs to inhibit

different pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms, including Gram

positive bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus

Bacillus cereus; Gram-negative bacteria, such as

enteritidis, Salmonella choleraesuis, Yersinia enterocoli

aeruginosa; yeasts, such as Saccharomyces

Debaryomyces hansenii; and molds, such as Alternaria alternate, Aspergillus niger,

Botrytis cinerae, Aspergillus flavus, Penicllium roqueforti

Sonneveld, Miltz and Bigger, 2011b).


(adapted from (Aldred, Buck and Vall,

It was reported that phenols, phenolic acids, quinones, saponins,

flavonoids, tannins, coumarins, terpenoids and alkaloids present in EOs

or plant extracts are responsible of their AM activity (Kuorwel, Cran,

eveld, Miltz and Bigger, 2011b; Sung et al, 2013). However, the total

AM activity of EO cannot be attributed entirely to the mixture of their

main components, since these complex matrices produce synergies

between major and minor compounds to increase the AM action

Martínez, Chiralt and Cháfer,

. Different authors have reported the effectiveness of EOs to inhibit

and spoilage microorganisms, including Gram-

Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes and

negative bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella

, Salmonella choleraesuis, Yersinia enterocolitica and Pseudomonas

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida albicans,

Alternaria alternate, Aspergillus niger,

Botrytis cinerae, Aspergillus flavus, Penicllium roqueforti (Kuorwel, Cran,

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~ 32 ~

2.2. Antioxidant activity of essential oils

EOs and their main compounds are some of the most important additives

to avoid food degradation by lipid oxidation due to their high reactivity

with peroxyl radicals. The mechanism of action of these natural AOs in

lipid oxidation reactions is focused on phenols and other compounds with

hydroxyl groups presents in the EOs composition. Hydrogen atoms from

phenol hydroxyl groups could react with the peroxyl radicals produced in

the early stages of the oxidation mechanisms to yield stable phenoxyl

radicals and, consequently, resulting in the termination of the lipid

peroxidation chain reactions (Mastelic et al, 2008; Amorati, Foti and

Valgimigli, 2013). However, the AO activity of these phenolic compounds

depends on the electronic and steric effects of their ring substituents and

on the strength of hydrogen-bonding interactions between the phenol and

the solvent in the EO (Mastelic et al, 2008).

A large variety of testing methods have been proposed to evaluate the AO

activity of natural additives, either as pure compounds or plant extracts.

Some of them are methods based on studies of the inhibition of the

autoxidation reactions, which are commonly followed by monitoring the

kinetics of oxygen consumption and the hydroperoxides formation. The

analytical determination of secondary oxidation products (e.g. carbonyl

compounds) has been also used and it is the basic reaction of the majority

of the current testing methods even though they do not involve substrate

autoxidation. These methods can be direct, such as ORAC (oxygen-radical

antioxidant capacity) or TOSC (total oxidant scavenging capacity). But the

most common are the indirect methods, which are based on the reduction

of persistent radicals (e.g. DPPH and TEAC (Trolox-Equivalent

Antioxidant Capacity) method), or inorganic oxidizing species (e.g. FRAP

(Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) and Folin-Ciocalteu method)

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~ 33 ~

(Sánchez-Moreno, 2002; Amorati and Valgimigli, 2015). The DPPH

method is based on the idea that the AO effect is proportional to the

disappearance of the DPPH• free radical in test samples. Figure I.13

shows the mechanism by which the DPPH• free radical accepts hydrogen

atoms from an AO (Moon and Shibamoto, 2009).

Figure I.13. Reaction between the DPPH• radical and AO to form the DPPH complex.

Barbosa-Pereira et al based their studies in the evaluation of the AO

effectiveness of different commercial products containing natural

additives incorporated into LDPE matrices by their effect on the delay of

lipid oxidation in salmon muscles (Barbosa-Pereira et al, 2013). The AO

activity of these films was tested by using the DPPH method and the

effect in salmon muscle was evaluated by using the TBARS method.

Results demonstrated that the natural products used in this trial had

noticeable AO effectiveness, showing the best results the mixture of

natural tocopherols with good possibilities to replace synthetic AOs in

food packaging materials.

2.3. Carvacrol and Thymol

Carvacrol (5-isopropyl-2-methylphenol) and thymol (2-isopropyl-5-

methylphenol) are two phenolic monoterpenes widely studied as natural

additives in active packaging. Both compounds are isomers obtained from

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~ 34 ~

EOs obtained from many aromatic plants of the

Origanum, Satureja, Thymbra, Thymus and Corydothymus

Papalia, 2012). Their structures and main physico

shown in Table I.3.

Table I.3. Structures and physico-chemical properties of carvacrol and thymol.

Carvacrol / 5-Isopropyl

CAS number

Molecular weight

Boiling point



Physical state at RT

Thymol / 2-Isopropyl

CAS number

Molecular weight

Boiling point



Physical state at RT

Both additives have been reported to present a wide variety of biological

activities with potential interest in food applications, including antifungal,

phytotoxic, insecticidal, AO, antitumor, antimutagenic, antiparasitic and

AM (Ahn, Lee, Lee and Kim, 1998; Chizzola, Michitsch and Franz, 2008;

Kordali et al, 2008; Xu, Zhou, Ji, Pei and Xu, 2008; Nerioa, Olivero

Verbel and Stashenko, 2010; Babili et al, 2011)

of thymol and carvacrol against different microorganisms, such as Gram

positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, food spoilage or pathogenic

EOs obtained from many aromatic plants of the Labiatae family, including

Corydothymus species (Nostro and

. Their structures and main physico-chemical properties are

chemical properties of carvacrol and thymol.



150.22 (g mol-1)

236-237 °C

3-4 °C

0.976 g mL-1 at 20 °C

Liquid (oily)



150.22 (g mol-1)

232 °C

48-51 °C

0.965 g mL-1 at 25 °C

Powder (White)

Both additives have been reported to present a wide variety of biological

activities with potential interest in food applications, including antifungal,

phytotoxic, insecticidal, AO, antitumor, antimutagenic, antiparasitic and

(Ahn, Lee, Lee and Kim, 1998; Chizzola, Michitsch and Franz, 2008;

d Xu, 2008; Nerioa, Olivero-

, 2011). In this context, the effect

of thymol and carvacrol against different microorganisms, such as Gram-

negative bacteria, food spoilage or pathogenic

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~ 35 ~

fungi and yeasts has been studied (Lambert, Skandamis, Coote and

Nychas, 2001; Burt, 2004; Xu, Zhou, Ji, Pei and Xu, 2008; Gutierrez,

Barry-Ryan and Bourke, 2009; Hazzit, Baaliouamer, Veríssimo, Faleiro

and Miguel, 2009; Arana-Sánchez et al, 2010; Li et al, 2010; Babili et al,

2011; Du, Avena-Bustillos, Hua and McHugh, 2011; Nostro and Papalia,

2012; Friedman, 2014).

Carvacrol and thymol can be used in food packaging since both additives

have been approved as a safe food additive, in the U.S.A. due to their

GRAS status and in Europe due to their classification as flavours

(Commission_Regulation/(EU)/No-10/2011). They have been

traditionally used as flavouring agents in foodstuff such as sweets,

beverages and chewing gum (Commission_Decision/2002/113/EC;

Nostro and Papalia, 2012).

The presence of the hydroxyl group in the carvacrol and thymol structures

enhance their AM and AO activities (Gyawali and Ibrahim, 2014). In both

cases, the hydroxyl group acts as a proton exchanger, promoting the

electrons delocalization and reducing the pH gradient through the

cytoplasmic membrane. This interaction with the microorganisms cell

membranes causes the collapse of the proton motive force, disrupting

membrane structures and ultimately leading to the cells death (Ultee,

Slump, Steging and Smid, 2000). More recently, Gyawali et al reported that

thymol and carvacrol may show a different AM behaviour against Gram-

positive and Gram-negative bacteria due to the location of their hydroxyl

groups, the meta position in thymol and the ortho position in carvacrol

(Gyawali and Ibrahim, 2014).

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~ 36 ~

2.3.1. Use in packaging materials

Active food packaging systems based on carvacrol and thymol have been

tested in dry and fresh products, such as meat, cheese, fruits or vegetables.

Table I.4 summarizes the most relevant studies in active packaging with

carvacrol and/or thymol. These studies have evaluated different active

materials in their thermal, mechanical and optical properties. Also, the

release kinetics and mechanisms of some additives from the polymer

matrix to food simulants or in direct contact with real food, as well as lipid

oxidation or inhibition of foodborne bacteria have been investigated. All

these studies reported that the addition of carvacrol and thymol to

polymer matrices can produce some modification of their physico-

chemical properties. For example, edible films based on bovine gelatin

with carvacrol showed a clear decrease in their TS, swelling and water

uptake, increasing the εB, water solubility and WVP compared to the neat

films with no additives (Kavoosi, Dadfar, Mohammadi Purfard and

Mehrabi, 2013). These important changes in properties were related to the

hydrophilic character of gelatin and chemical interactions with the

hydrophobic carvacrol. Indeed, the hydrophobic domains of the gelatin

structure may interact with carvacrol enhancing the interfacial interaction

between the polymer matrix and additives, saturating the gelatin network

with carvacrol molecules while water could not diffuse to the gelatin

network, causing the decrease in swelling and water uptake. In addition,

carvacrol showed some plasticizer effect when it was added to edible

matrices resulting in changes in tensile properties, while some increase in

the ductility of the polymer blend was also observed.

Another important feature related to the use of thymol and carvacrol in

food packaging systems is their high stability and control of their release

to food over time (Kurek, Guinault, Voilley, Galić and Debeaufort, 2014).

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~ 37 ~

In fact, the release rate is a key parameter to allow a good and sustained

microbial inhibition and AO activity of thymol and carvacrol. Recent

works have reported the use of alternative techniques for their

incorporation into polymers by using micro- or nano- encapsulation in

cyclodextrins with the aim to improve and control their release rate (Tao,

Hill, Peng and Gomes, 2014; Higueras, López-Carballo, Gavara and

Hernández-Muñoz, 2015; Santos, Kamimura, Hill and Gomes, 2015).

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~ 38 ~

Table I.4. Carvacrol and thymol in active food packaging.

Polymer base Additives Amount Potential studies Effect of the additive References

AM Packaging

PLA/PCL Thymol 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 wt%

AM activity by observing the bacterial growth and counting the

colony-forming units (CFU).

Inhibition of Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes. (Wu, Qin, et al, 2014)

PLA/poly(trimethylene carbonate), PTMC

Thymol 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 wt%

Mechanical characterization, water vapour permeability (WVP), and

AM activity.

Inhibition of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria, Bacillus

subtilis, and Salmonella. (Wu, Yuan, et al, 2014)

Starch Thymol and carvacrol 1, 3 and 5 wt%

AM activity by using the agar disc diffusion method and inoculation on

the surfaces of Cheddar cheese.

Inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus in vitro or inoculated on the surfaces

of Cheddar cheese.

(Kuorwel, Cran, Sonneveld, Miltz and Bigger, 2011a)

TPS Thymol and carvacrol 3 and 4 wt%

Release of additives into isooctane as a fattyfood simulant.

Controlled release of both additives.

(Kuorwel, Cran, Sonneveld, Miltz and Bigger, 2013)

SPI/PLA Thymol

2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 50 wt%

AM activity by using the agar disc diffusion method.

Inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Aspergillus spp. and

Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

(González and Alvarez Igarzabal, 2013)

Chitosan Carvacrol 0.01-3 % (w/v) AM efficiency by the vapour phase.

Inhibition of Bacillus subtilis, Listeria innocua, Escherichia coli and

Salmonella enteritidis.

(Kurek, Moundanga, Favier, Galić and Debeaufort, 2013)

Chitosan/cyclodextrin films Carvacrol 2.3 g/g of dry film

AM activity of carvacrol-CS films on chicken breast fillets.

Inhibition of the total aerobic bacteria, and Pseudomonas spp.,

Enterobacteria, Lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and fungi.

(Higueras, López-Carballo, Hernández-Muñoz, Catalá and

Gavara, 2014)

Chitosan/cyclodextrin films

Carvacrol 216.3, 133.3 and 56.8 % (g carvacrol/g dry


AM activity of films by using a microatmosphere method.

Inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.

(Higueras, López-Carballo, Gavara and Hernández-Muñoz, 2015)

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~ 39 ~

Table I.4. (Cont.)

Calcium caseinate Sodium caseinate

Carvacrol 10 wt%

AM activity by using the agar disc diffusion method.

Inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.

(Arrieta, Peltzer, Garrigós and Jiménez, 2013; Arrieta, Peltzer, et

al, 2014)

Chitosan Carvacrol 1 wt% (nanoemulsion)

AM effect of the combined treatment of coating, MAP and

gamma-irradiation to green beans during storage.

Inhibition of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. (Severino et al, 2015)

Pectin-based apple, carrot, and hibiscus edible films

Carvacrol 0.5, 1.5 and 3 wt%

AM activity by the inoculation of ham samples with Listeria.


Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes on contaminated ham samples. (Ravishankar et al, 2012)

AO Packaging

HDPE Carvacrol 1 and 2 wt%

Release of additives into water and olive oil as a food simulant. Controlled release of carvacrol. (Peltzer, Wagner and Jiménez,


Corn-zein-laminated/LDPE Thymol and carvacrol 1.5, 3 and 5 % (v/v)

Minimum effective concentrations, release kinetics in the gas and liquid

phases and study of the lipid oxidation in fresh ground beef


Inhibition of lipid oxidation and positive effect on the colour

stability of beef patties during storage.

(Park et al, 2012)

AO and AM packaging

LLDPE Thymol 1.48, 2.17, 3.81 %

Characterization of the mass transfer during the migration

process of thymol from LLDPE films

Controlled release of thymol from LLDPE impregnated with this


(Torres, Romero, Macan, Guarda and Galotto, 2014)

Bovine gelatin Films Carvacrol 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 wt%

AM activity by using the agar disc diffusion method and

decolourization method with ABTS to AO activity.

Inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and

Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

(Kavoosi, Dadfar, Mohammadi Purfard and Mehrabi, 2013)

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~ 40 ~

Table I.4. (Cont.)

Bovine gelatin Films Thymol 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 wt%

AM activity by using the agar disc diffusion method and

decolourization method with ABTS to AO activity.

Inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and

Pseudomonas aeruginosa. AO activity was increased with increasing the concentration of

thymol in the films.

(Kavoosi, Dadfar and Purfard, 2013)

Chitosan Carvacrol

0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 % (v/v)

AM activity by using agar diffusion method and AO activity by using radical scavenging capacity using

DPPH method TEAC.

Inhibition of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella

typhimurium. Increase of AO capacity.

(López-Mata et al, 2013)

Strawberry puree edible films Carvacrol 0.75 wt%

AO activity by using an adaptation of the DPPH method and

identification of major fungal species in real food.

Inhibition of fungal species until 10 days in real food and

improvement of fruit quality. (Peretto et al, 2014)

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~ 41 ~

3. Nanotechnology in the food industry

Nanotechnology has developed in the last decade into a multidisciplinary

field of applied science and technology, representing a revolution in many

concepts in materials science. The novel properties and functions

provided by nanomaterials and the increasing possibilities offered by

working at the nano-scale, between 1 and 100 nanometers, has resulted in

advanced materials with a large number of potential applications,

including food industry (Cushen, Kerry, Morris, Cruz-Romero and

Cummins, 2012). In this general context, nanofillers have gained some

space as additives in food packaging materials by their action in improving

some of their key properties, including mechanical and barrier


There are many different terms to refer to nanofillers depending on their

morphology, but the most accepted classification includes nanoparticles,

nanofibrils, nanorods, nanocrystals and nanotubes (Zaman, Manshoor,

Khalid and Araby, 2014). In particular, nanoparticles are defined as

discrete entities with their three dimensions in the nano-scale (lower than

100 nm). Nanoparticles show larger surface area, aspect ratio and higher

number of surface atoms than their microscale counterparts (de Azeredo,

2009). The research in the use of nanoparticles in food packaging

materials has increased since their introduction has allowed creating,

understanding, characterizing and using these compounds in material

structures, devices and systems with novel and unseen properties and this

is the main reason of their importance in food packaging applications

(Cushen, Kerry, Morris, Cruz-Romero and Cummins, 2012). In this area,

nanotechnologies have offered innovation and technological advances all

over the production chain; from primary production at the farming level,

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~ 42 ~

due to advances in pesticides efficiency and delivery, to processing and

properties of the final food product to improve taste, colour, flavour,

texture and consistency (Ezhilarasi, Karthik, Chhanwal and

Anandharamakrishnan, 2013; Mihindukulasuriya and Lim, 2014). Other

important features of the use of nanotechnologies in food industries

include the increase in absorption and bioavailability of food and food

ingredients (nutrients) by their nanoencapsulation. Different methods

have been suggested to nanoencapsulate active principles into food

packaging materials, such as spray-drying and electrospinning, showing

promising results as novel delivery vehicles for supplementary food

compounds working with aqueous solutions at RT (Ghorani and Tucker,

2015; Santos, Kamimura, Hill and Gomes, 2015; Wen et al, 2016).

Figure I.14 shows some of the main nanofillers that have been reported

for their incorporation into food contact materials to enhance their

mechanical and barrier properties, to prevent their photodegradation and

to preserve and extend the food shelf-life by their AM effect (Othman,


Organic origin Inorganic origin


Metal OxidesZnOTiO2MgOAgOCuO


Natural biopolymersChitosanChitinStarchCellulose

Natural antimicrob. agents Nisin

Carbon nanofillersFullerenesGrapheneCarbon nanotubes

Figure I.14. Nanofillers in food packaging applications.

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~ 43 ~

3.1. Nanoclays

Many types of commercial nanofillers have been proposed for their

incorporation into polymer matrices to form nanocomposites. The initial

research in this field was focused on the use of layered silicates, also

known as nanoclays. They typically have a stacked arrangement of silicate

layers (nanoplatelets) with nanometric dimensions (de Azeredo, 2013;

Reddy, Vivekanandhan, Misra, Bhatia and Mohanty, 2013).

The most common crystalline arrangement in layered silicates is called the

phyllosilicate structure, which is particularly remarkable in smectites which

are based on 2:1 layers distribution made up of two tetrahedral

coordinated silicon atoms forming an edge-shared octahedral sheet. These

sheets show central holes where native metal atoms, such as aluminum or

magnesium, could be found (Figure I.15) (Sinha Ray and Okamoto, 2003;

Reddy, Vivekanandhan, Misra, Bhatia and Mohanty, 2013). The separation

between layers is known as intergallery or interlayer spacing and it is due

to the regular stacking of the layers, as observed in Figure I.15. The layers

dimensions depend on the clay source and the preparation technique, but

most of them show thicknesses around 1 nm and their length vary from

tens of nanometres to more than one micron. Hence, phyllosilicates show

very high aspect ratio (surface-to-volume) and surface area (Alexandre and

Dubois, 2000).

Figure I.15. Crystalline structure of smectites, (2:1 layered silicate structure) (T, tetrahedral

sheet; O, octahedral sheet; C, intercalated cations; d, interlayer distance) (Bordes, Pollet

and Avérous, 2009).

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~ 44 ~

The substitution of the native metal atoms by other cations gives different

functionalities and properties to these nanoclays. These substitutions

could take place predominantly in the octahedral sheet; for example, Al3+

could be replaced by Mg2+ or Fe2+. These substitutions generate negative

charges, which are counterbalanced by cations, such as Na+, K+, Li+ and

Ca2+ located within the interlayer spacing, producing an increase of the

clay hydrophilic character and charged surface, which is characterized by

the cation exchange capacity (CEC), which is generally defined as

milliequivalents of cations in 100 g of layered silicates (meq/100g). In

general terms, CEC corresponds to the number of monovalent

countercations within the interlayer spacing and it is a characteristic

parameter in layered silicates (Sinha Ray and Okamoto, 2003).

Smectites are the most common layered phyllosilicate due to their

availability, low cost, significant enhancement in key properties of

polymers and relatively simple processability (de Azeredo, 2009). Table I.5

shows the characteristics of the main smectites and their structural


Table I.5. Structural characteristics of common smectites (2:1 layered silicates) (adapted

from (Bordes, Pollet and Avérous, 2009). Smectite group/Formula

2:1 Layered Silicates Cation Interlayer

cations CEC

(meq/100g) Aspect Ratio







2O Mg2+ Na+

Ca2+ Mg2+

86.6 50-60







2O Al3+ Na+

Ca2+ Mg2+

110 100-150






2 Mg2+ Na+

Ca2+ Mg2+

120 200-300

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~ 45 ~

Montmorillonites (MMTs) are the most widely studied nanoclays since

they show high swelling capacity in aqueous media favouring the

dispersion of silicates into their individual layers, making them adequate

for the formulation of nanocomposites with polymers. However, this high

swelling capacity makes MMTs hydrophilic resulting in low compatibility

with hydrophobic polymers (Raquez, Habibi, Murariu and Dubois, 2013).

Therefore, the organo-modification of layered MMTs is a requirement to

get stable nanocomposites. These modifications are usually performed via

ion exchange reactions and have the main aim of matching the polymer

polarity. Other techniques, such as organosilane grafting, use of

monomers or block copolymers adsorption can be also used for such a

purpose (Sreejarani and Suprakas, 2012).

Ion exchange reactions in MMTs are based on the replacement of the

original interlayer inorganic ions with organic cations, such as cationic

surfactants. These compounds include primary, secondary, tertiary and

quaternary alkyl-ammonium or alkyl-phosphonium cations with at least

one long alkyl chain, called tallow chain (T) (Reddy, Vivekanandhan,

Misra, Bhatia and Mohanty, 2013). Furthermore, the use of organo-

modified MMTs produce an increase of the interlayer spacing due to the

large volume of the organo-modifying cations, favouring the dispersion of

organo-modified montmorillonites (OMMTs) into their individual layers

in the polymer matrix and thereby improving in a high degree the service

properties of nanocomposites, in particular their mechanical and barrier

performance. Table I.6 shows the most common commercial OMMTs

besides their characteristic features. In addition, the organic substituent

can provide specific functional groups able to react with the polymer

matrix or in some cases initiate the polymerization process to improve the

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~ 46 ~

strength of the interface between the silicate and the polymer matrix

(Reddy, Vivekanandhan, Misra, Bhatia and Mohanty, 2013).

Interactions between clays and polymer matrices are illustrated in Figure

I.16 and they can be classified into three main groups (Bordes, Pollet and

Avérous, 2009):

i. Microcomposites, where clay particles are dispersed within the

polymer matrix but their layers are still stacked, resulting in two

phases since the polymer is not intercalated within the silicate

layers due to the poor polymer-clay affinity. These materials can

show phase separation.

ii. Intercalated nanocomposites, where the polymer chains are

partially intercalated between the silicate layers, but the system

still remains well ordered in a stacked type of arrangement with

some increase in the interlayer spacing.

iii. Exfoliated nanocomposites, where the silicate layers are

completely delaminated from each other and the clay platelets are

well-dispersed between the polymer chains. In this case, the

layered structure of clays is not observed since polymer and clay

form a unique continuous phase.

Figure I.16. Polymer-clay structures according to the distribution of layered silicates into

the polymer matrix (de Azeredo, 2009).

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~ 47 ~

Araújo et al studied the influence of the clay organic modifier on the

thermal stability of PLA-based nanocomposites with different commercial

OMMTs, Cloisite®30B (C30B), Cloisite®15A (C15A) and Dellite®43B

(D43B) at different concentrations (3 and 5 wt%) (Araújo, Botelho,

Oliveira and Machado, 2014). All nanocomposites were submitted to

thermo-oxidative degradation at 140 °C for 120 hours by using an oven

under air atmosphere. Authors reported that the better dispersion

achieved with C30B could be associated to the strong interactions

between the carbonyl functions of PLA chains and the hydroxyl functions

of the modifier, which improve the dispersion of this nanoclay through

the PLA matrix. They calculated the interlayer spacing values (d-spacing

values) by using Bragg's law and results showed high increases in d-

spacing of nanocomposites with respect to the original matrix (1.60 nm

for C30B and 1.65 nm for D43B).

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~ 48 ~

Table I.6. Commercial organo-modified montmorillonites (adapted from (Bordes, Pollet and Avérous, 2009; Reddy, Vivekanandhan, Misra, Bhatia and

Mohanty, 2013). OMMTs / Designation Organo-modifiying





spacing (Å)



Used by…

Supplier: Southern Clay Products (USA)

Cloisite® Na / CNA none - 11.7 7 (Dias et al, 2014; Shemesh, Goldman, et al, 2015)

Cloisite®10A / C10A N+(Me)2(benzyl) (T) 125 19.3 39 (Shemesh, Goldman, et al, 2015)

Cloisite®15A / C15A N+(Me)2(T)2 125 31.5 43 (Araújo, Botelho, Oliveira and Machado, 2014; Shemesh,

Goldman, et al, 2015)

Cloisite®20A / C20A N+(Me)2(T)2 95 24.2 38 (Olivares-Maldonado et al, 2014; Shemesh, Goldman, et al, 2015)

Cloisite®25A / C25A N+(Me)2(C8H17)(T) 95 18.6 34 (Olivares-Maldonado et al, 2014)

Cloisite®93A / C93A NH+(Me)(T)2 90 23.6 40 (Olivares-Maldonado et al, 2014; Xia, Rubino and Auras, 2015)

Cloisite®30B / C30B N+(Me)(EtOH)2(T) 90 18.5 30 (Fukushima, Tabuani and Abbate, 2011; Araújo, Botelho, Oliveira

and Machado, 2014; Efrati et al, 2014)

Supplier: Laviosa Chimica Mineraria (Italy)

Dellite® 43B / D43B N+(Me)2(benzyl)(T) 66 16.6 (Scatto et al, 2013; Araújo, Botelho, Oliveira and Machado, 2014) aTallow (T): ~ 65 % C18; ~ 30 % C16; ~5 % C14 bWLignition: Weight Loose on ignition

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~ 49 ~

3.2. Silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs)

Metallic nanofillers have found some space in the packaging technologies,

in particular in active systems since they are able not only to enhance

barrier and mechanical properties when they are incorporated into

materials in direct contact with food, but also to improve the food

preservation and shelf-life by their AM performance (Jokar, Abdul

Rahman, Ibrahim, Abdullah and Tan, 2010; Erem, Ozcan, Erem and

Skrifvars, 2013; Kanmani and Rhim, 2014b; Pagno et al, 2015). Copper,

zinc, titanium, gold and silver NPs and some of their metallic oxides have

been proposed as active additives to extend food shelf-life and to provide

affordable and safe innovative strategies (Llorens, Lloret, Picouet,

Trbojevich and Fernandez, 2012).

Ag-NPs are those most widely used for the development of active

packaging materials by their high surface-to-volume ratio which provides

better contact with microorganisms, showing their efficiency in AM

behaviour compared to ionic silver. In addition, Ag-NPs show unique

properties in their electric, optical, catalytic, and thermal stability

performance (Dallas, Sharma and Zboril, 2011).

The AM activity of silver and silver salts has been well known for

centuries in their application in curative and preventive health care (Dallas,

Sharma and Zboril, 2011). Some examples include the use of silver nitrate

in the treatment of venereal diseases, fistulae and abscesses or in the

treatment of burn wounds (Klasen, 2000; Rai, Yadav and Gade, 2009).

In the last decade, many researchers have reported the strong AM activity

of silver, in particular when it is used as nanoparticles, against a wide

variety of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, viruses and fungi

(Kim et al, 2007; Rai, Yadav and Gade, 2009; Sharma, Yngard and Lin,

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~ 50 ~

2009). However, the AM mechanism of the Ag-NPs is a highly

controversial subject, in particular when referred to materials in direct

contact with food. These controversies are mainly due to their small

dimensions, required to achieve a significant AM effect, the requirement

of an oxidized surface and the subsequent feasible exchange of silver ions.

For these reasons, the mechanism of the AM action of Ag-NPs is not well

known yet. The proposals for mechanisms suggested by several authors

are supported by the morphological and structural changes found in the

bacterial cells and the possibilities of Ag-NPs to penetrate inside the

bacterial structurel due to their attachment to the cell membrane (Reidy,

Haase, Luch, Dawson and Lynch, 2013).

Rhim et al proposed another mechanism to explain the activity of silver

ions and Ag-NPs against bacteria (Rhim, Park and Ha, 2013). Silver ions

interact with negatively charged groups in the enzymes and nucleic acids,

causing direct damage to cell walls and membranes by structural changes

and deformation and leading to disruption of metabolic processes

followed by cells death. It has been reported that the increase in the

surface area of Ag-NPs is associated with the high release rate of silver

ions and consequently the electrostatic attraction between the negative-

charged cell membranes and the positive-charged nanoparticles is

improved causing direct damage to the cell membranes (Kim et al, 2007).

The accumulation of Ag-NPs in the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane can

also produce a significant increase in permeability with the result of Ag-

NPs entering into the bacterial cells and altering the respiratory chain, cells

division and finally leading to death (Kim et al, 2007; Rhim, Park and Ha,


Sondi et al studied the surface morphology of Escherichia coli inoculated in

agar plates supplemented with Ag-NPs from 10 to 100 μg cm−3 (Sondi

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~ 51 ~

and Salopek-Sondi, 2004). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of

these bacteria cell walls are shown in Figure I.17. Figure I.17A shows

changes in the treated bacterial cells resulting in major damage due to the

formation of “pits” in cell walls. The energy dispersive X-ray analysis

(EDAX) of these samples (Figure I.17B) showed that Ag-NPs were

incorporated into the membrane of the treated bacterial cells since the

characteristic optical absorption peak of Ag at around 3 keV is observed

due to surface plasmon resonance.

Figure I.17. (A) SEM micrographs of native Escherichia coli cells (a) and cells treated with

50 μg cm−3 of Ag-NPs in liquid medium for 4 hours (b); (B) EDAX spectra of native

Escherichia coli (a) and Escherichia coli treated with 50 μg cm−3 of Ag-NPs in liquid

medium for 4 hours (b).(Sondi and Salopek-Sondi, 2004).

Ag-NPs can be synthesized either by ex situ synthesis by chemical

reduction or in situ with direct contact with bacteria cells (de Azeredo,



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~ 52 ~

2013). Both methods include the use of polymer matrices as carriers,

biological macromolecules, mesoporous inorganic materials and

hydrogels. Other environmentally-friendly approaches to obtain Ag-NPs

have been proposed (Sharma, Yngard and Lin, 2009; Rajan, Chandran,

Harper, Yun and Kalaichelvan, 2015). Extracts of Skimmia laureola have

been used by Ahmed et al to synthesize Ag-NPs (Ahmed, Murtaza,

Mehmood and Bhatti, 2015). Authors reported that the obtained spherical

nanoparticles showed around 40 nm diameter and AM activity against

Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa

and Escherichia coli.

When Ag-NPs are immobilized in polymer matrices, they can display their

AM activity by the release of metal ions due to the high water sorption

created by the hydrophilic character of some biopolymers. The moisture

sensitivity and the associated plasticizing effect due to the water sorption

induce the uncontrolled release of immobilized nanoparticles besides the

oxidation of silver, releasing gradually silver ions (Llorens, Lloret, Picouet,

Trbojevich and Fernandez, 2012). Echegoyen and Nerín studied the

release of Ag-NPs incorporated into polyolefins in two food simulants:

ethanol 50 % (v/v) and acetic acid 3 % (v/v) at two testing conditions: 40

°C for 10 days and 70 °C for 2 hours in three cycles (Echegoyen and

Nerín, 2013). Results showed that the overall migration of silver under

these conditions was far below the limits stated by the European

legislation in all cases ensuring the possibilities of these formulations with

Ag-NPs in food packaging applications.

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~ 53 ~

3.3. Nanocomposites in food packaging

The use of nanocomposites is gaining some space in the food and

beverage packaging market, although it is not yet widely introduced by the

increase in costs of the final material and the strict legislative requirements

regarding the use of materials in the nanoscale in food applications.

Research is raising fast in this area and Table I.7 summarizes some

examples of nanocomposites in food packaging applications.

The use of nanocomposites in food packaging materials has resulted in

improving some of their key properties, such as strength and flexibility,

barrier to gases, moisture stability and higher resistance to heat and cold

(Restuccia et al, 2010; Cushen, Kerry, Morris, Cruz-Romero and

Cummins, 2012). For example, the addition of low amounts of metal

nanoparticles or nanofillers to PLA matrices results in improvements in

the intrinsic poor mechanical resistance, thermal, and gas barrier

properties of this biopolymer. These are essential characteristics for

packaging materials and have joined to key properties of PLA, including

thermoplasticity, high transparency and biocompatibility, for its use as a

valuable and sustainable packaging material (Araújo, Botelho, Oliveira and

Machado, 2014).

In general terms, the studies based on the use of PLA with nanofillers

showed the clear increase in toughness and tensile strength of its

nanocomposites after the addition of nanoclays and/or metal

nanoparticles. For example, tensile properties of PLA-based

nanocomposites can be improved with the addition of C30B at different

concentrations. The increase in their elastic modulus and tensile strength

compared with the unfilled PLA was around 40 % and 50 % respectively.

Jollands and Gupta reported that the elastic modulus was around 4200

MPa for unfilled PLA and 5900 MPa for PLA with 4 wt% of C30B, while

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~ 54 ~

tensile strength was 32 MPa and 59 MPa respectively (Jollands and Gupta,

2010). Fukushima et al. also reported that the highest thermo-mechanical

and mechanical improvements in PLA matrices were obtained upon the

addition of 10 wt% of nanoclay, and they are associated with the good

dispersion level observed by using wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS)

and to the high clay content (Fukushima, Tabuani, Arena, Gennari and

Camino, 2013).

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~ 55 ~

Table I.7. Representative examples of nanocomposites application in food packaging. Polymer matrix Nanofiller Amount Processing Effect of nanofiller References

Quinoa starch Au nanoparticles 2.5 and 5 % (v/v)

Solvent casting (82 °C)

Inhibition of 99 % against Escherichia coli and 98 % against Staphylococcus aureus.

Improvement in mechanical and optical performance, maintaining the thermal and

barrier properties.

(Pagno et al, 2015)

Food-grade agar Ag-NPs 0, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0


Solvent casting (95 °C)

Increase in WVP and surface hydrophobic character.

Strong AM activity against Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli.

(Rhim, Wang and Hong, 2013)

Gelatin-based ZnO nanoparticles N.R.

Solvent casting (80 °C)

Antibacterial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Strong activity

against Listeria monocytogenes. Enhanced thermal stability.

(Shankar, Teng, Li and Rhim, 2015)

LDPE TiO2 nanoparticles 0.05, 0.08 and 0.11 g TiO2 in 100 mL ethyl

methyl ketone

Manual Coating

AM activity of the films exposed to fluorescent and UV radiation increased with the TiO2

nanoparticles concentration.

(Othman, Abd Salam, Zainal, Kadir Basha and

Talib, 2014)

PE TiO2 nanoparticles 3 wt%

Melt extrusion (130 °C)

Improved barrier properties. Excellent AM activity against Pseudomonas spp.

and ethylene photodegradation.

(Bodaghi, Mostofi, Oromiehie, Ghanbarzadeh

and Hagh, 2015)

PLA TiO2 nanoparticles 1, 3.5 and 8 wt% Melt

blending (180 °C)

Improvement of E and crystallization temperature.

AM activity increase under UVA irradiation. (Fonseca et al, 2015)

LDPE Ag-NPs 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 3 and 5 wt%

Melt blending (140 °C)

AM activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.

(Jokar, Abdul Rahman, Ibrahim, Abdullah and Tan,


PLA Silver/MMT 1, 5 and 10 wt% Solvent casting (RT)

Migration levels of silver, within the legislation and high AM activity against Salmonella spp.

(Busolo, Fernandez, Ocio and Lagaron, 2010)

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~ 56 ~

Table I.7. (cont) Corn starch

Chitosan-MMT Laponite RD 5 wt% Blending

(RT) Reinforcing effect: Improvement of E and

tensile strength. (Chung et al, 2010)

Chitosan C30B 5 wt% Solvent casting (60 °C)

Reinforcing effect: Improvement of E and tensile strength.

Reduction of oxygen transmission rate (OTR).

(Rodríguez, Galotto, Guarda and Bruna, 2012)


Fluoro-hectorite/SOMASIF MEE (SOMMEE)

5 and 10 wt% Melt

blending (165 °C)

Acceleration in the degradation of PLA in compost at 40 °C.

(Fukushima, Tabuani, Arena, Gennari and Camino,


PLA Cellulose nanocrystals from Posidonia oceanica 1 and 3 wt%

Solvent casting (RT)

Migration levels into two food simulants well below the European legislative limits. (Fortunati et al, 2015)

(Not reported, N.R.)

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~ 57 ~

PLA-based nanocomposites with D43B showed higher thermal stability

than those with C15A and C30B after thermo-oxidative degradation

experiments due to the hydrophobic character caused by the aromatic ring

in the D43B structure (Araújo, Botelho, Oliveira and Machado, 2014).

PLA is a hydrophobic polymer due to the presence of methyl groups and

the D43B can be easily dispersed into the polymer structure. Moreover,

the ability of D43B to absorb moisture is lower than in the cases of C15A

and C30B, retarding the PLA hydrolysis.

In general terms, gas barrier properties can be greatly improved with the

inclusion of particulate nanomaterials into polymer matrices. The

mechanism for this increase in barrier to gases is based on the higher

tortuosity of the path to be followed by gas molecules in the presence of


Carboxy(methylcellulose) films reinforced with MMT improved

significantly their barrier properties to oxygen (around 50 %). This effect

was due to the high degree of exfoliation/intercalation reached in these

nanocomposites and the possible interactions between the polymer and

the nanoclay (Quilaqueo Gutiérrez, Echeverría, Ihl, Bifani and Mauri,


3.3.1. Preparation and processing

Processing techniques for nanocomposites should be optimized to obtain

well-dispersed nanoparticles with high structural integrity and to minimize

their adverse effects to the polymer matrix, such as their possible

degradation at high temperatures.

Nanocomposites are usually obtained by using three main techniques: (i)

in-situ intercalation, where the layered silicates are swollen in a monomer

solution before polymerization; (ii) solvent intercalation, consisting of

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~ 58 ~

swelling the layered silicates in a suitable solvent to promote the diffusion

of the macromolecular chains in the clay galleries; and (iii) melt-

intercalation, where usual polymer processing in the molten state, such as

extrusion, are used. Other techniques, such as electrospinning (Ghorani

and Tucker, 2015) and electrospraying (Tapia-Hernández et al, 2015) have

been recently proposed for the preparation of homogeneous nano-

biocomposites. The use of supercritical conditions, such as those offered

by supercritical CO2 as blowing agent to obtain PLA-based foams with

C30B has been also reported (Keshtkar, Nofar, Park and Carreau, 2014).

Yang et al used supercritical CO2 to pre-disperse commercial organic

MMTs with further solvent mixing with PS to form nanocomposites with

significant dispersion and interfacial enhancement (Yang, Manitiu, Kriegel

and Kannan, 2014). X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) results showed that

nanocomposites with C10A and C20A increased the interlayer spacing of

these nanoclays. Nanocomposites with C10A showed diffraction values 2θ

= 2.4° corresponding to an increase in the interlayer spacing from 1.05 to

2.68 nm and nanocomposites with C20A experienced an increase from

1.77 to 2.68 nm, suggesting that the polymer chains had been intercalated

into the clay galleries.

Obviously, the melt intercalation process is highly preferred for food

packaging producers since there is no need of organic solvents and the

production can be easily scaled-up to industry.

4. Active Nanocomposites

Active nanocomposites are particularly useful in emerging technologies in

food packaging due to their improved structural integrity and barrier

properties by the addition of nanomaterials (either nanoclays or metal

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~ 59 ~

nanoparticles), and the increase in AM and/or AO properties in most

cases by the action of active additives and/or the own nanofiller.

Nevertheless, the selection of the most adequate AM and/or AO agent to

be combined with nanofillers is often a complex task by the lack of

compatibility of many active compounds with some polymer matrices or

by the poor heat resistance of active agents, polymers or nanofillers

hampering their stability during processing.

The effect of active nanocomposites in direct contact with food depends

on the specific activity of each active agent against spoilage

microorganisms and/or oxidation processes, besides the nanofiller and

the polymer as well as other additives, such as plasticizers (Rhim and Ng,

2007). In this sense, the polymer matrix plays the most important role in

regulating the action of additives and nanofillers by controlling the particle

release or the homogeneous distribution of nanofillers.

Much research is currently ongoing in this area by evaluating the

possibility to mix different types of nanofillers (nanoclays, nanocelluloses,

Ag-NPs, etc.) with AM and/or AO additives in conventional plastics or

bioplastics. EOs obtained from rosemary (Abdollahi, Rezaei and Farzi,

2012; Gorrasi, 2015), clove ,cumin, caraway, marjoram, cinnamon and

coriander (Alboofetileh, Rezaei, Hosseini and Abdollahi, 2014) or Zataria

multiflora Boiss (Shojaee-Aliabadi et al, 2014) have shown promising

possibilities in active nanocomposites. The main compounds of many

EOs, such as α-tocopherol (Dias et al, 2014) and hydroxytyrosol (Beltrán,

Valente, Jiménez and Garrigós, 2014) as well as plant extracts, such as

pomegranate rind powder extract (Qin et al, 2015) or alcoholic extracts of

red propolis (Costa, Druzian, Machado, De Souza and Guimaraes, 2014),

play an important role in novel active nanocomposites. Table I.8 shows

the comparison between two active nanocomposites obtained by solvent

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~ 60 ~

casting and based on edible films with different nanofillers

(nanocrystalline cellulose (CNC) and MMT) with two different EOs,

savory (S-EO) and Zataria multiflora Boiss (ZMB-EO). Results suggested

that mechanical properties were largely influenced by the amount and kind

of clay. However, the WVP values showed different behaviour depending

on the active component used in each formulation. In the presence of

ZMB-EO, WVP values clearly decreased and this result was related to the

hydrophobic nature of the EO, which affects the

hydrophilic/hydrophobic character of films and increases the tortuosity of

the polymer internal structure. In addition, the presence of low amounts

of the EO likely changes the hydrogen-bonding network within the

polymer structure and allows better intercalation of κ-carragenan

molecules into the silicate galleries in MMT nanocomposites. On the

other hand, S-EO in active nanocomposites based on agar film solutions

resulted in significant increases in the WVP due to the formation of cracks

or fractures in the nanocomposite structure enhancing the diffusion of

moisture molecules through the films and thereby increasing the WVP


Nanocomposites with metal nanoparticles are gaining some space in active

packaging, since they could play a double role, as nanofillers (increasing

mechanical and barrier properties) and active agents with AM

performance. Silver, gold and TiO2 nanoparticles (Busolo, Fernandez,

Ocio and Lagaron, 2010; Bodaghi, Mostofi, Oromiehie, Ghanbarzadeh

and Hagh, 2015; Mihaly Cozmuta et al, 2015; Pagno et al, 2015) have been

proposed in active formulations and will be briefly discussed below.

For example, gelatin-based AM films with Ag-NPs and C30B were

produced and characterized (Kanmani and Rhim, 2014a). The AM activity

was measured by the agar diffusion and the colony count methods.

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~ 61 ~

Results showed that nanocomposites with Ag-NPs and C30B exhibited

different AM activity against Gram-positive bacteria. While the strong

action of Ag-NPs is well known, in the case of C30B the AM effect is

mainly due to the strong activity of the organic tallow used in the

modification of the native MMT. The combination of C30B and Ag-NPs

into gelatin films showed their synergic effect against Listeria monocytogenes.

The TS of the AM nanocomposite with C30B and Ag-NPs (20.8 ± 3.1

MPa) and the nanocomposite with only C30B (19.5 ± 4.3 MPa) showed

slight increase when compared to the unfilled film (15.5 ± 3.9 MPa).

However, no increase was observed in the film with only Ag-NPs (15.3 ±

3.5 MPa). Similar increases in TS of the active nanocomposite films by the

addition of nanoclays, such as MMT, have been frequently observed with

other biopolymer matrices such as κ-carrageenan (Rhim and Wang, 2014).

Lavorgna et al synthesized AM nanocomposites by loading chitosan with

Ag-MMT nanoparticles by replacing Na+ ions in native MMT with Ag

ions by exchange reactions (Lavorgna et al, 2014). The Ag-MMT

nanocomposites were submitted to analysis with XRD and X-Ray

Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) to have a deep understanding of their

chemical structure. The main diffraction peaks assigned to the MMT were

modified in terms of shape and intensity and an additional peak appeared

in Ag-NPs, corresponding to the (1 1 1) plane reflection of silver. In

addition, the successful intercalation and the interaction between chitosan

and Ag-NPs led to the enhancement of the thermal stability of active

nanocomposites with clear improvement of their TS, mainly due to the

better load transfer between matrix and fillers. AM tests were performed

and results showed that a significant delay in microbial growth was

observed after 24 hours with the active nanocomposites.

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~ 62 ~

Munteanu et al studied the antibacterial property of Ag-NPs and the AO

activity of Vitamin E when they were combined within PLA nanofibers

via electrospinning (Munteanu, Aytac, Pricope, Uyar and Vasile, 2014).

Results showed strong AM effect against Escherichia coli, Listeria

monocytogenes and Salmonella typhymurium, and the AO activity was

determined as 94 % by using the DPPH method.

Other studies showed that carvacrol and thymol can be also incorporated

as active additives into polymer nanocomposites to enhance their AM

and/or AO performance (Tunç and Duman, 2011; Efrati et al, 2014;

Shemesh, Krepker, et al, 2015; Tawakkal, Cran and Bigger, 2016). Pérez et

al reported that LDPE-based films with Nanomer® I44P and carvacrol at

5 and 10 wt% produced an increase in the interlayer spacing favoured by

the addition of carvacrol. The addition of the nanoclay improved the

crystallinity and reduced the permeability to oxygen. Similar results were

obtained by (Shemesh, Goldman, et al, 2015). In this study, authors

reported a new approach to use MMTs and OMMTs, as active carriers for

carvacrol, aiming to minimise its loss throughout the polymer

compounding. Different nanoclays were pre-treated with carvacrol,

resulting in the intercalation of molecules between the clay galleries,

enhancing the carvacrol thermal stability. The active nanocomposites

exhibited excellent and prolonged AM activity against Escherichia coli

compared with binary LDPE/carvacrol films.

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~ 63 ~

Table I.8. Comparison between two active nanocomposites based on edible films and S-EO and ZMB-EO.

Active nanocomposite Nanofiller/EO (%) AM test against εB (%) E (MPa) TS (MPa) WVP

(g s−1 m−1 Pa−1·10−10) References

Agar film solution/CNC/S-EO

2.5/0 Listeria monocytogenes Staphylococcus

aureus Bacillus cereus Escherichia coli

51.7 ± 2.3 55.8 ± 4.2 31.2 ±0.8 1.60 ± 0.01

(Atef, Rezaei and Behrooz, 2015)

2.5/0.5 46.2± 2.8 63.0 ± 3.8 28.3 ± 0.8 1.53 ± 0.13

2.5/1 49.4 ±3.1 57.0 ± 2.5 28.1 ± 1.6 1.82 ± 0.12

2.5/1.5 51.7 ± 4.9 46.5 ± 4.2 20.4 ± 1.7 2.34 ± 0.13


0/0 Staphylococcus aureus

Bacillus cereus Escherichia coli Pseudomona Aeruginosa Salmonella


36.5 ±1.0 N.R. 26.3 ± 2.9 2.31 ± 0.05

(Shojaee-Aliabadi et al, 2014)

5/0 27.4 ±1.6 N.R. 32.9 ± 2.1 1.72 ± 0.09

5/1 38.6 ± 1.6 N.R. 18.1 ± 1.2 0.58 ± 0.04

5/2 40.6 ± 1.2 N.R. 14.8 ± 1.1 0.48 ± 0.02

5/3 44.4 ± 1.9 N.R. 13.2 ± 0.9 0.36 ± 0.04

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~ 64 ~

4.1. End-of-life for active nanocomposites

Polymer degradation could induce changes in polymer properties due to

chemical, physical or biological reactions resulting in bond scission and

subsequent chemical transformations. These structural modifications

could induce changes in the material properties, such as mechanical,

optical or electrical characteristics, erosion, discoloration, phase separation

or delamination, chemical transformations and formation of new

functional groups (Shah, Hasan, Hameed and Ahmed, 2008).

Biodegradable polymers should be decomposed in Nature by the action of

microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and algae, in aerobic or anaerobic

conditions but these processes could vary considerably depending on the

environment where they take place, since the microorganisms responsible

for the degradation differ from each other and they have their own

optimal growth conditions (e.g. industrial composting plants, soil, fresh

water, marine water). These microorganisms are able to produce changes

in the chemical structure of biodegradable polymers by reducing the long

chains into simple chemical substances like water and CO2 during aerobic

biodegradation; besides minerals with formation of other intermediate

products like biomass and humic materials or water, methane and CO2

during anaerobic biodegradation (UNE-EN_13432, 2000; Shah, Hasan,

Hameed and Ahmed, 2008; Vaverková, Toman, Adamcová and

Kotovicová, 2012; Araújo, Botelho, Oliveira and Machado, 2014).

The polymer characteristics, mainly mobility, tacticity, crystallinity, molar

mass, type of functional groups and substituents present in their structure,

as well as the presence of plasticizers and other additives also play an

important role in the degradation rate and mechanisms (Shah, Hasan,

Hameed and Ahmed, 2008). This process can be evaluated under aerobic

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~ 65 ~

or anaerobic conditions by International standard methods (UNE-

EN_13432, 2000).

Biodegradation is also associated with chemical deterioration occurring in

two steps (Shah, Hasan, Hameed and Ahmed, 2008).:

i. Fragmentation of the long polymer chains into lower molar mass

species by means of either abiotic reactions, such as oxidation,

photodegradation or hydrolysis, or by microorganisms.

ii. Bio-assimilation of the polymer fragments by microorganisms

with further mineralization.

In the case of nanocomposites, they are also submitted to biodegradation

processes after their shelf-life. Relevant results have been obtained in the

last decade showing a remarkable improvement in biodegradability for

nanocomposites prepared with organically modified layered silicates.

Fukushima et al studied the biodegradation of amorphous PLA and the

corresponding nanocomposites prepared with OMMT and modified

kaolinite by using composting conditions at the laboratory scale at 32 °C

(Fukushima, Giménez, Cabedo, Lagarón and Feijoo, 2012). Results

showed that the PLA biodegradation rate was significantly enhanced in

nanocomposites due to the presence of terminal hydroxylated edge groups

in modified kaolinite which started the heterogeneous hydrolysis of the

PLA matrix after absorbing water from the composting medium.

However, in the early stages (initial 6 weeks in compost), the presence of

OMMT retained PLA degradation, likely due to its higher dispersion level

into the polymer matrix as compared to modified kaolinite, causing a high

barrier effect of OMMTs layers towards microbial attack to PLA ester

groups, as well as reducing the loss of oligomers which could catalyse

PLA hydrolysis through chain-end hydroxyl groups.

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~ 66 ~

Disintegration under composting conditions at the laboratory scale for

nanocomposite films based on PLA-PHB blends and CNC was also

reported (Arrieta, Fortunati, et al, 2014). The addition of CNC to PLA

increased the disintegration rate in composting conditions. Authors also

reported that the disintegrability degree values could fit to the Boltzmann

equation permitting the theoretical prediction of the half-life in

disintegration processes for biopolymers.

4.2. Risk assessment and migration in active nanocomposites

The high surface-to-volume ratio and reactivity of nanofillers provide

nanocomposites with enhanced properties and different migration levels.

These effects and the presence of materials in the nanoscale in

formulations intended to be in direct contact with food raise some

potential health and environmental risks to be studied before using these

active nanocomposites at the industrial scale (Sanchez-Garcia, Lopez-

Rubio and Lagaron, 2010).

The potential toxicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of some

nanofillers have been put under discussion. The main concerns over the

risks associated with the use of nanocomposites in food packaging are

based on the lack of sufficient knowledge about nanofillers and the

significance of their interaction at the cellular and molecular level in the

human body (Huang, Li and Zhou, 2015). The evaluation of potential

risks should be based on considering the nanomaterials properties and

their transfer rate through cell walls. No migration of nanofillers should

be expected in normal cases, but poor characteristics of packaging

materials and the subsequent ingestion of food previously in contact with

nanocomposites can be considered as a potential exposure route (Huang,

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~ 67 ~

Li and Zhou, 2015). Consequently, the investigation of the possibility to

apply nanomaterials in food packaging and clear assessment of the safety

of these materials is necessary to permit the commercial distribution of

active nanocomposites. The main studies should focus on migration

analysis under controlled conditions to determine the real possibilities of

nanomaterials to be considered a real hazard in food packaging.

Migration is the result of the diffusion, dissolution and equilibrium

processes involving the mass transfer of low molecular weight compounds

initially present in the packaging material into food samples or food

simulants (Manzanarez-López, Soto-Valdez, Auras and Peralta, 2011).

Several factors of the migrant compound, such as the original

concentration, particle size, molecular weight, solubility and diffusivity of

the specific substance in the polymer, as well as the pH value,

temperature, polymer structure and viscosity, mechanical stress, contact

time, and food composition, are the main controlling parameters in

migration studies (Song, Li, Lin, Wu and Chen, 2011).

It has been stated that migration rates depend on mass transport

parameters and the thermodynamic equilibrium between materials and

food (Torres, Romero, Macan, Guarda and Galotto, 2014). Many factors

are essential to estimate the magnitude of the migration process from

packaging films into food or food simulants and to know the

concentration change of migrating species with time. The key point in

designing a specific migration model in food contact materials is the

determination of two fundamental parameters, the diffusion and partition

coefficients which are specific for each system. In most cases, the

migration of a particular substance from polymer films is controlled by the

molecular diffusion of the migrant through the polymer internal structure,

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~ 68 ~

which can be described by the Fick’s second law (Poças, Oliveira,

Brandsch and Hogg, 2012; Huang, Li and Zhou, 2015)

(I.1) where Cp refers to the concentration of the migrant in the material at time

t and position x, and D is the diffusion coefficient which measures the

rate at which the diffusion process occurs. D could be either a constant or

a concentration-dependent value and characterizes the migration kinetics,

as the rate at which the transferred substances move through the system.

Active nanocomposites can be used in packaging applications as two-

dimensional delivery systems based on the release of active additives to

extend the shelf-life of food products by their action against

microorganisms and oxidative degradation processes. Indeed, the main

role of active packaging materials is the release of functional additives

onto the food surfaces in a controlled and systematic process, depending

on the consumer’s nutritional needs and tastes, including mineral,

probiotics, vitamins, phytochemicals, oils and other active agents.

Migration tests in food contact materials should cover all those

requirements established by the EU Regulation No 10/2011 on plastic

materials in contact with foodstuff. Although the best approach to test

migration is to work with real food matrices, it is not often possible by the

complex compositions of most foodstuffs resulting in non-reliable,

tedious and time-consuming procedures. The current legislation marks the

valid route to assess the mass transport processes by evaluating the overall

and specific migration of targeted substances using food simulants

(Commission_Regulation/(EU)/No-10/2011; Huang, Li and Zhou,

2015). Table I.9 shows the food simulants which are selected as model

systems according to the current legislation.


= 푫흏ퟐ푪풑흏풙ퟐ

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~ 69 ~

At the end of the contact period and depending on the selected food

simulant, accurate analytical methods should be applied to determine the

precise amount of migrant in contact with food under the testing

conditions. It is necessary to identify and determine the target substance(s)

in the food or food simulants to estimate the specific migration level.

However, no standardized analytical methods have been proposed up to

now to identify and determine nanoparticles and/or active additives in

food simulants.

Table I.9. Food simulants established by EU Regulation No 10/2011.

Food Simulant Abbreviation

Ethanol 10 % (v/v) A

Acetic acid 3 % (w/v) B

Ethanol 20 % (v/v) C

Ethanol 50 % (v/v) D1

Vegetable Oil D2 Poly(2.6-diphenyl-p-phenylene oxide), also known as MPPO and


Chromatography has been classically used for identification and

quantification of migrated compounds in passive packaging materials,

particularly for common additives, such as plasticizers or colourants.

Recent studies have proposed the use of different chromatographic

techniques to evaluate the migration of active agents, such as gas

chromatography-flame ionization detector (GC-FID) (Kuorwel, Cran,

Sonneveld, Miltz and Bigger, 2013; Muriel-Galet, Cran, Bigger,

Hernández-Muñoz and Gavara, 2015), gas chromatography–mass

spectrometry (GC/MS) (Efrati et al, 2014) or high performance liquid

chromatography-UV detection (HPLC-UV) (Muriel-Galet, Cran, Bigger,

Hernández-Muñoz and Gavara, 2015).

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~ 70 ~

In most cases, a previous step to chromatographic analysis involves the

preparation of an appropriate sample based on analytical procedures to

achieve a concentration and/or isolation of analytes by using sample

preparation techniques, such as solid phase extraction (SPE) (Ridgway,

Lalljie and Smith, 2007; Viñas and Campillo, 2014).

Inductively coupled plasma with different detectors, such as mass

spectrometry (ICP-MS), atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and

optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) can be also used in quantitative

analysis of potentially migrating nanofillers. These techniques are highly

selective, sensitive and accurate, making them the most efficient in

determining trace metal ions, such as those present in nanofillers and

nanocomposites intended for the use in food packaging. For example,

Lavorgna et al quantified the concentration of silver released in aqueous

solutions at RT from multifunctional active nanocomposites based on

chitosan with silver-MMT by using ICP-MS (Lavorgna et al, 2014). Artiega

et al also used this technique to evaluate the Ag-NPs migration from

commercial food containers. Results demonstrated that the amount of

silver migrated increased with storage time and temperature although, in

general, silver showed a low tendency to migrate into food simulants

(Artiaga, Ramos, Ramos, Cámara and Gómez-Gómez, 2015).

5. Legislation

The legislative framework associated to food contact materials includes

many regulations, not always applicable in all countries, which have been

discussed and turned on by considering legal and scientific assumptions

applicable to the formulation, processing and use of materials intended to

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~ 71 ~

be in direct contact with food. The European Union (EU) has made great

efforts in unifying the legislation of different member countries.

Traditional packaging systems intended to come in contact with food

must comply with the legislation set up by the EU and extrapolated to the

national level. But, the raising interest in production of active packaging

systems has forced the EU and other administrations to set up the

applicable legislation in food contact materials (Amenta et al, 2015). The

current legislative framework is represented in Figure I.18, in particular for

active packaging systems (surrounded by green lines).

The Framework Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 refers to all materials in

contact with food, but it is mainly focused on active and intelligent

materials, since it establishes the basic principles that should accomplish

all materials intended for their use in food packaging

(Regulation_(EC)/No-1935/2004). The article 3 indicates:

1. Materials and articles, including active and intelligent materials and articles, shall be manufactured in compliance with good manufacturing practice so that, under normal or foreseeable conditions of use, they do not transfer their constituents to food in quantities which could: a) endanger human health b) bring about an unacceptable change in the composition of the food c) bring about a deterioration in the organoleptic characteristics thereof

2. The labelling, advertising and presentation of a material or article shall not mislead the consumers.

The introduction of active and intelligent food packaging systems, which

are supposed to interact with food and/or the package headspace,

represents the appearance of new challenges for the evaluation of their

safety and their harmless character to human health. From the beginning

of the research in active packaging for their possible commercial use it

was clear that regulations limiting or even banning migration should be

changed to avoid the incorrect use of packaging due to the insufficient

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~ 72 ~

labelling or non-efficient operation of the packaging materials (Dainelli,

Gontard, Spyropoulos, van den Beuken and Tobback, 2008). The

Framework Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 on materials and articles

intended to come into contact with food contains some general provisions

on the safety of active and intelligent packaging and sets the framework

for the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) evaluation processes.

Regulation (EC) 450/2009Active and Intelligent materials

Directive 2007/42/ECRegenerated cellulose film

Directive 2005/31/ECCeramic articles

Regulation (UE) 10/2011Plastics materials

Regulation (EC)1935/2004

Regulation (EC) 2023/2006Good manufacturing practice

Regulation (EC) 282/2008Recycled plastic materials

RD 847/2011Positive list of permitted substances


Traceability Declaration of compliance

Safeguard measures General requirements

Active and intelligent

Evaluation and authorisation of substances

General aspects

Figure I.18. European legislation in food contact materials and general aspects of the

Framework Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 on materials and articles intended to come

into contact with food and legislation applied to active packaging (surrounded by green


However, specific legislation devoted to active and intelligent materials

was introduced in 2009. Regulation (EC) No 450/2009 was published to

cover this particular situation in the case of materials designed to

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~ 73 ~

intentionally interact with food. This regulation established specific rules

for active and intelligent materials and should be applied in harmonization

with the general requirements established in the Framework Regulation

(EC) No 1935/2004 (Commission_Regulation/(EC)/No-450/2009). This

regulation also mentions that the substances responsible for the active and

intelligent functions can be either directly incorporated into the packaging

material or contained in separate containers (e.g. sachets or labels). It also

describes the procedures for the authorization of active substances in the

EU. The main requirement indicated in this regulation is based on the risk

assessment that the EFSA should perform to all the active compounds to

be proposed for their commercial use. In addition, a list of substances or

group/combination of them to be used in active and intelligent packaging

materials should be drawn up following the risk assessment of these

substances by the EFSA (Valdés, Mellinas, Ramos, Garrigós and Jiménez,

2014). Therefore, only those substances included in the positive list of

authorized substances drawn by the EFSA may be used as valid

components of active and intelligent packaging materials and articles, with

the exception of these substances already authorized in other EU

legislations, such as food additives, flavourings, enzymes, etc (AINIA and

EOI, 2015). The list of authorized substances is continuously growing

after the positive evaluations by the EFSA, which allows the submission

of new proposals for active substances, which must be accompanied by a

risk assessment study (Restuccia et al, 2010).

All passive parts of active and intelligent food packaging systems are also

under the EU legislation (Figure I.18). The Regulation (EU) No 10/2011

and subsequent amendments and corrections (the last of them being

introduced on February 2015), stated the specific measures to be taken

into account on active packaging systems. This regulation provides the

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~ 74 ~

overall migration limits admissible for materials in direct contact with

food (10 mg per 1 dm2 of food surface area or 60 mg per kg food) to

ensure the safety of the final material or article. It also establishes the

specific migration limits for substances incorporated inside the polymer

matrix that can be released after the extended contact with food. These

limits ensure that the material in contact with food does not pose a risk to

human health. It is indicated that the amount of active substances released

from packaging materials could exceed the overall migration requirements

indicated in the EU or national legislations if these substances have been

approved as harmless by the EFSA. The transfer of these active

substances to food should not be included in the calculation of the overall

migration limit (Valdés, Mellinas, Ramos, Garrigós and Jiménez, 2014).

On the other hand, as previously discussed, the growing concern

associated with nanotechnologies and the human health has forced the

legislative bodies to set up new regulations regarding the safe use of

nanomaterials in food packaging applications (Bumbudsanpharoke and

Ko, 2015). The EU proposes the use of the European Food Information

to Consumers Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 as a guideline and

reference for nanotechnology applied in food contact materials. These

guidelines were published on the provision of pre-packed food

information to consumers on general food labelling and nutrition labelling

(EFSA, 2011). The main novelty of this regulation and the application to

nanomaterials was that all food ingredients with a form of engineered

nanomaterials must be indicated in the list of ingredients, warning

consumers of their use (Bumbudsanpharoke and Ko, 2015).

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~ 75 ~

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II. Objectives

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~ 101 ~

The main objective of the present work is the development and

characterization of innovative active systems based on the combination of

different polymer matrices and additives, to extend the shelf-life of

packaged foodstuff. For this purpose, two main research lines are

proposed: (1) active films based on PP as polymer matrix widely used in

food packaging applications in combination with carvacrol and/or thymol;

and (2) active nanocomposites based on PLA as biopolymer matrix with

the addition of thymol and two different nanofillers (Dellite®43B nanoclay

and silver nanoparticles).

This approach would lead to propose the following specific objectives:

i. Development and characterization (morphological, mechanical,

thermal and oxygen barrier properties) of active films based on

PP with carvacrol and/or thymol. The antimicrobial activity of

the obtained films was evaluated against two typical foodborne

bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive) and Escherichia coli

(Gram-negative). The release of the active additives from PP

films into different aqueous and fatty food simulants was also

investigated, including kinetic diffusion study and evaluation of

the antioxidant activity of the obtained extracts. Finally, the

efficiency of the active films in increasing food shelf-life was

evaluated by their application to two food samples (strawberries

and sliced bread) stored at different conditions.

ii. Development of active nanocomposites based on PLA with

thymol. Two different formulations were proposed by the

addition of nanomaterials:

a) PLA/thymol bio-films with the addition of a commercial

organo-modified montmorillonite (Dellite®43B, D43B). A

full characterization (morphological, mechanical, thermal,

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~ 102 ~

optical and oxygen barrier properties) of the obtained

nanocomposites was performed. Their disintegration rate

under composting conditions; a kinetic release study of

thymol into aqueous food simulants; and their antioxidant

and antimicrobial activity were also evaluated.

b) PLA/thymol bio-systems with silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs).

Two different morphologies were proposed to evaluate the

effect of processing on the nanocomposites properties: films

and dog-bone bars. A full characterization (morphological,

mechanical, thermal, optical, oxygen barrier properties and

water vapour permeability) of all systems was carried out.

Disintegration under composting conditions was also

investigated. In addition, a kinetic release study of thymol and

Ag-NPs into aqueous food simulants, as well as the

antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of films were

evaluated. Special attention was paid to the antimicrobial

performance of films including both active additives, thymol

and Ag-NPs.

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~ 103 ~

III. Results and Discussion

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Results and Discussion

~ 105 ~

This section presents and discusses the main results obtained in this work

following the research lines specified in the previous section. These results

are divided in two chapters, corresponding to formulations based on PP

and PLA, respectively:

Chapter 1: this study is focused on the development of active films with

antioxidant and antimicrobial performance with PP as a conventional

polymer matrix and carvacrol and thymol as active natural additives. Films

were processed by melt-blending/compression moulding and they were

further characterized in their physico-chemical and mechanical properties,

while their functionality for the intended use in active food packaging was

also studied by different in-vitro tests and by reproduction of their real

behaviour on food contact assays.

Chapter 2: PLA was used as biopolymer matrix for the development of

nanocomposites with antioxidant and antimicrobial performance with

thymol as active additive and two different nanofillers to improve some of

the PLA properties:

Section 2.1: a commercial nanoclay, Dellite®43B, was added to

PLA/thymol formulations to obtain films which were fully

characterized in their physico-chemical properties. Their

functionality for active food packaging was also studied by using

different tests. The biodegradable character of the obtained films

was also evaluated under composting conditions.

Section 2.2: silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) were used as

nanofillers with antimicrobial properties to obtain different

PLA/thymol/Ag-NPs formulations. Films and dog-bone bars

were processed by extrusion and all formulations were fully

characterized in their pyhysico-chemical properties. Their

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Results and Discussion

~ 106 ~

functionality for active food packaging was also evaluated by

using different tests. The biodegradable character of the obtained

nanocomposites was also evaluated under composting conditions.

Part of the experimental work of this doctoral thesis was carried out at

international and well-recognised institutions in the fields of material

science and food technology. This work was divided in two different stays

under the supervision of:

- Prof. Jose Maria Kenny at the Università degli studi di Perugia,

Terni (Italy), Dipartamento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale,

Group of Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali (November-

December 2010 and September-December 2012 for a total time

of 6 months).

- Prof. Joseph Kerry at the University College Cork, (Ireland),

Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Food Packaging

Group (October 2013-February 2014 for a total time of 5


Some of the results presented in this PhD thesis have been already

published or are now under review in different scientific books and

journals with high impact factor in the fields of analytical and food

chemistry (Table III.1 and Table III.2). Additionally, the obtained results

were disseminated by participation in several international conferences

(Table III.3). In particular, six oral communications were presented, three

of them invited. Finally, Table III.4 and Table III.5 summarizes other

papers or chapters published by the doctoral candidate not directly related

with this Ph.D. work.

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Results and Discussion

~ 107 ~

Table III.1. Publications of results in peer-reviewed journals.

Title Authors Book/Journal

Characterization and antimicrobial activity studies of polypropylene films with

carvacrol and thymol for active packaging.

Marina Ramos; Alfonso Jiménez; Mercedes Peltzer;

Maria C. Garrigós.

Journal of Food Engineering. 2012;

109, 513-519.

Release and antioxidant activity of carvacrol and thymol from polypropylene active

packaging films.

Marina Ramos; Ana Beltrán; Mercedes Peltzer; Artur J.M. Valente; María

C. Garrigós.

LWT-Food Science and Technology. 2014;

58, 470-477.

Carvacrol and Thymol for Fresh Food Packaging

Marina Ramos; Ana Beltrán; Arantzatzu Valdés; Mercedes Peltzer; Alfonso

Jiménez; María C. Garrigós; Gennady Zaikov.

Journal of Bioequivalence &

Bioavailability. 2013; 5, 154-160.

Development of novel nano-biocomposite antioxidant films based on poly (lactic acid)

and thymol for active packaging.

Marina Ramos; Alfonso Jiménez; Mercedes Peltzer;

María C. Garrigós.

Food Chemistry. 2014; 162, 149-155.

Influence of thymol and silver nanoparticles on the degradation of

poly(lactic acid) based nanocomposites: Thermal and morphological properties.

Marina Ramos; Elena Fortunati.; Mervedes

Peltzer; Franco Dominici; Alfonso Jiménez; María C. Garrigós; Jose M. Kenny.

Polymer Degradation and Stability. 2014;

108, 158-165.

Table III.2. Publications of results in peer-reviewed books.

Title Authors Book/Journal

Characterization of PP Films with Carvacrol and Thymol as Active


Marina Ramos; Mercedes Peltzer, María C. Garrigós.

Biodegradable Polymers and Sustainable Polymers

(BIOPOL-2009): Nova Science Publishers. 2011; 105-116. ISBN: 978-1-

61209-520-2. (Chapter 7) Estudio de películas activas de PP

con agentes antioxidantes y antimicrobianos de origen natural

derivados del orégano.

Marina Ramos; Mercedes Peltzer; María C. Garrigós

EAE, Editorial Académica Española. 2012. ISBN: 978-


Carvacrol-based films: usage and potential in antimicrobial packaging.

Marina Ramos; Alfonso Jiménez; María C. Garrigós

Antimicrobial Food Packaging: Academic Press,

Elsevier. 2016. In press. ISBN: 978-0-12-800723-5.

(Chapter 26)

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Results and Discussion

~ 108 ~

Table III.3. Publications of results in international conferences.

Title Contribution Conference

Novel nanocomposite films based on poly (lactic acid) and thymol for active packaging. Invited Oral

Food Chemistry and Technology (FCT-2015), San Francisco (United States), November 2015.

Novel nanocomposites based on PLA, Ag-nanoparticles and thymol for active packaging. Invited Oral International Conference on Bio-friendly Polymers and Polymer

Additives, BPPA14, Budapest (Hungary), May 2014.

Degradation of nano-biocomposites based on active poly(lactic acid): physical and thermal properties. Oral 4th International Conference on Biodegradable and Biobased Polymers

(BIOPOL), Rome (Italy), October 2013.

Degradation of nano-biocomposites based on active poly(lactic acid): Physical and thermal properties Poster 4th International Conference on Biodegradable and Biobased Polymers

(BIOPOL), Rome (Italy), October 2013.

Development and characterization of novel nano-biocomposite films based on poly(lactic acid) with thymol and silver nanoparticles as

active additives. Poster 3th International Symposium Frontiers in Polymer Science, Sitges

(Spain), May 2013.

Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of thymol released from novel nano-biocomposites films based on poly(lactic acid). Poster

5th International Symposium on Food Packaging Scientific Developments supporting Safety and Innovation, Berlin (Germany),

November 2012.

Characterization and antimicrobial activity studies of polypropylene films with carvacrol and thymol for active packaging. Invited Oral Polyolefin Additives 2012, Cologne (Germany). October 2012.

Release of carvacrol and thymol from polypropylene active films for bread and strawberries packaging based on HS-SPME-GC/MS

analysis. Poster 5th International symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis,

Prague (Czech Republic), November 2011.

Novel nano-biocomposites with antioxidant activity based on poly(lactic acid) and thymol as active additive. Oral Polymers for Advanced Technologies Conference. Lodz (Poland),

October 2011.

Development and characterization of novel nano-biocomposites based on poly (lactic acid) and thymol as active additive. Poster 3rd International Conference on Biodegradable and/or Biobased

Polymers (BIOPOL). Strasbourg, (France). August 2011.

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Results and Discussion

~ 109 ~

Table III.2.cont.

Title Contribution Conference

Study of migration and antioxidant activity of carvacrol and thymol in active packaging. Oral 6th International packaging congress. Istanbul (Turkey), September


Optimization and validation of a SPE-GC/MS method for the simultaneous determination of carvacrol and thymol in aqueous food

simulants. Poster

International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers. Bruges

(Belgium). January 2010.

Study of the antimicrobial activity of active PP films additivated with carvacrol and thymol. Poster 4th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis.

Prague (Czech Republic). November 2009.

Characterization of PP films with carvacrol and thymol as active additives. Poster 2nd International Conference on Biodegradable Polymers and

Sustainable Composites (BIOPOL). Alicante (Spain). August 2009.

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Results and Discussion

~ 110 ~

Table III.4. Other publications in peer review journals.

Title Authors Book/Journal

Active edible films: current state and future trends.

Ana C. Mellinas; Arantzatzu Valdés; Marina Ramos; Nuria Burgos; María C. Garrigós;

Alfonso Jiménez.

Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2015;

132. In Press.

Use of herbs, spices and their bioactive compounds in active food packaging.

Arantzatzu Valdés; Ana C. Mellinas; Marina Ramos; Nuria Burgos; AlfonsoJiménez; María

C. Garrigós.

RSC Advances. 2015; 5, 40324-40335.

New Trends in Beverage Packaging Systems: A Review.

Marina Ramos; Arantzazu Valdés; Ana C. Mellinas; María

C. Garrigós

Beverages. 2015; 1, 248-272.

Characterization and degradation characteristics of poly(ɛ-caprolactone)-

based composites reinforced with almond skin residues.

Arantzatzu Valdés; Marina Ramos; Ana Beltrán; María C.


Polymer Degradation and Stability. 2014; 108,


Natural additives and agricultural wastes in biopolymer formulations for

food packaging.

Arantzazu Valdés; Ana C. Mellinas; Marina Ramos; María C. Garrigós; Alfonso Jiménez.

Frontiers in Chemistry. 2014; 2, 1-10.

Classification of Almond Cultivars Using Oil Volatile Compounds

Determination by HS-SPME-GC/MS.

Ana Beltrán; Marina Ramos; Nuria Grané; María L. Martín;

María C. Garrigós.

Journal of The American Oil Chemists Society. 2011; 88, 329-

336. Monitoring the oxidation of almond oils by HS-SPME-GC/MS and ATR-

FTIR. Application of volatile compounds determination to cultivar


Ana Beltrán; Marina Ramos; Nuria Grané; María L. Martín;

María C. Garrigos.

Food Chemistry. 2011; 126, 603-609.

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~ 111 ~

Table III.5. Other publications in peer review books.

Title Authors Book/Journal

Polymers extracted from bio-mass.

Arantzazu Valdés; Marina Ramos; Esther

García; María C. Garrigós; Alfonso


Reference module in Food Science. Elsevier. In press, accepted. Available

in 2016

Multifunctional antimicrobial nanocomposites for food packaging


Elena Fortunati; Debora Puglia; Ilaria

Armentano; Arantzazu Valdés;

Marina Ramos, Nerea Juárez, María C.

Garrigós, José M. Kenny

Multi-Volume SET "Nanotechnology in Food Industry, Volume VI: Food

Preservation. Elsevier. In press, accepted. Available in 2016

Ultrasonic-assisted derivatization of fatty acids from edible oils and

determination by GC-MS.

Marina Ramos; Ana Beltran; Iván P.

Roman; María L. Martin; Antonio

Canals; Nuria Grane

Food Process Engineering Emerging Trends in Research and

Their Applications. Series. Innovations in Agricultural and Biological Engineering Vol. 5.

(Chapter 6) ISBN: 978-1-771-884020. Available

in April 2016 Desarrollo de biopelículas activas

para envasado de alimentos. Aplicación en materiales para

envasado de alimentos.

Marina Ramos; Arancha Valdés; Ana


EAE, Editorial Académica Española. 2012.

ISBN: 978-3-659-04482-3.

Estudio de la estabilidad oxidativa de las almendras en base a diferentes

técnicas y parámetros. Aplicación a la clasificación de variedades.

Ana Beltrán; Marina Ramos; Maria C.


EAE, Editorial Académica Española. 2012.

ISBN: 978-3-659-04863-0.

Characterization of PLA, PCL and Sodium Caseinate Active Bio-Films for Food Packaging Applications.

Marina Ramos; Marina P. Arrieta; Ana

Beltrán; Maria C. Garrigós

Food Packaging: Procedures, Management and Trends: Nova Science Publishers. 2012; 63-78.

ISBN: 978-1-62257-319-6. (Chapter 3)

Linoleic Acid Content and Antioxidant Properties of Different

Tree Nuts: a Review.

Ana Beltrán; Marina Ramos; Arantzazu Valdés; María C.


Linoleic Acids: Sources, Biochemical Properties and Health Effects: Nova Science Publishers.

2012; 83-96. ISBN: 978-1-62257-384-4.

(Chapter 2)

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1 Chapter 1

Antioxidant/antimicrobial polypropylene films with carvacrol and thymol for active food packaging

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Figure 1.1. General scheme of the experimental work presented in Chapter 1.

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1. Introduction

Food active packaging systems consisting on polymer matrices with the

addition of compounds with antimicrobial and/or antioxidant properties

are increasing their use to extend foodstuff shelf-life and while improving

consumer’s safety (Vermeiren, Devlieghere, Van Beest, De Kruijf and

Debevere, 1999; Fernández, 2000; Appendini and Hotchkiss, 2002; Del

Nobile et al, 2009). The migration of active compounds may be achieved

by direct contact between food and the packaging material or through gas-

phase diffusion from the inner packaging layers to food surface (Conte,

Buonocore, Bevilacqua, Sinigaglia and Del Nobile, 2006; Coma, 2008;

Gemili, Yemenicioǧlu and Altinkaya, 2009; Mastromatteo, Mastromatteo,

Conte and Del Nobile, 2010).

Food can be subjected to microbial contamination that is mainly caused

by bacteria, yeasts and fungi. Many of these microorganisms can cause

undesirable reactions and can deteriorate organoleptic and nutritional

properties of food (Kuorwel, Cran, Sonneveld, Miltz and Bigger, 2011b).

The most common procedure to incorporate AM agents (most of them

synthetic) into food is by direct addition permitting to diminish food

spoilage by microorganisms. But this strategy has several disadvantages,

such as the rising consumer’s concerns for foods with synthetic additives

in their composition, as well as some mistaken procedures in the addition

of these agents to the food bulk when spoilage occurs primarily on the

surface. The undesirable modification of organoleptic properties is

another drawback of the use of these strategies in processed food.

AM packaging is increasing the attention from food industries to protect

their products from microbial contamination (Kuorwel, Cran, Sonneveld,

Miltz and Bigger, 2013) due to the increasing consumer demands for

minimally processed and preservative-free products (López, Sánchez,

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Batlle and Nerín, 2007a). Food packaging films allow the controlled

release of AM additives into food in prolonged periods of time (including

storage and distribution operations) and limit possible undesirable

flavours caused by the direct addition of synthetic additives into food

(Suppakul, Miltz, Sonneveld and Bigger, 2003; Ho Lee, Soon An, Cheol

Lee, Jin Park and Sun Lee, 2004; Suppakul, Miltz, Sonneveld and Bigger,

2006; López, Sánchez, Batlle and Nerín, 2007a; Peltzer, Wagner and

Jiménez, 2009).

Active food packaging with AO abilities is also growing as an adequate

alternative to common procedures oxidation. The addition of AOs

directly to food samples in combination with vacuum or modified

atmosphere has been proposed as a good possibility to preserve fat food

from fast oxidative degradation (Lopez-de-Dicastillo et al, 2011). In these

systems, the AO additives incorporated directly into polymer matrices can

play a double role: (i) food protection by their release in controlled

conditions and rates, avoiding oxidation of fats and pigments (Del Nobile

et al, 2009); and (ii) to protect the polymer from oxidative degradation

during processing. In fact, the addition of AOs to polyolefins is a

common practice for food-grade film manufacturing (Tovar, Salafranca,

Sanchez and Nerin, 2005; Siró et al, 2006).

The new possibilities offered by the use of natural additives in food

packaging have produced a clear increase in the number of studies based

on natural active compounds wit AM/AO abilities, such as -tocopherol

(Barbosa-Pereira et al, 2013), aromatic plant extracts (Dopico-García et al,

2011; Lopez-de-Dicastillo et al, 2011) and polyphenols extracted from

natural oils (Peltzer, Wagner and Jiménez, 2009; Park et al, 2012). AM/AO

additives derived from EOs are perceived by consumers as healthy

compounds and they have been proposed in the last decade as potential

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alternatives to synthetic additives, such as BHT (Valentao et al, 2002).

Many studies have focused on the AMs present in EOs extracted from

plants or spices (basil, thyme, oregano, cinnamon, clove, rosemary)

consisting on complex mixtures of different biological active compounds

including terpenoids, phenolic acids, esters, aldehydes, ketones and

alcohols (Dorman and Deans, 2000). Extracts derived from herbs and

EOs contain many natural compounds such as thymol, linalool and

carvacrol with a broad AM activity against different pathogenic and

spoilage microorganisms, including Gram-negative (López, Sánchez,

Batlle and Nerín, 2007b; Suppakul, Sonneveld, Bigger and Miltz, 2011a)

and Gram-positive species (López, Sánchez, Batlle and Nerín, 2007a;

Gutiérrez, Escudero, Batlle and Nerín, 2009); as well as against yeast

(Kuorwel, Cran, Sonneveld, Miltz and Bigger, 2011a) and moulds

(Rodriguez-Lafuente, Nerin and Batlle, 2010). Therefore, there is a rising

interest in the evaluation and application of these compounds for

minimizing the surface contamination of food, in particular meats, fruits

and vegetables, decreasing the microbial growth rate of microorganisms

responsible for food degradation (Appendini and Hotchkiss, 2002;

Lundbäck, Hedenqvist, Mattozzi and Gedde, 2006; Sanchez-Garcia, Ocio,

Gimenez and Lagaron, 2008; Persico et al, 2009; Peltzer, Navarro, López

and Jiménez, 2010; Suppakul, Sonneveld, Bigger and Miltz, 2011a)

Carvacrol and thymol, which are major compounds present in thyme and

oregano EOs (Al-Bandak and Oreopoulou, 2007), are isomeric phenolic

monoterpenes that exhibit a significant antifungal and in vitro antibacterial

activity against several strains (Halliwell, Aeschbach, Löliger and Aruoma,

1995). They also exhibit high AO activity (Tomaino et al, 2005) and are

generally recognized as safe (possess “GRAS” status) (Persico et al, 2009)

and as flavouring substances according to the European Commission

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Decision 2002/113/EC. Their AO activity can be easily evaluated by

using diverse methods such as DPPH, a simple, rapid, sensitive, and

reproducible procedure (Ozcelik, Lee and Min, 2003). The addition of

both additives into polymer matrices might represent an advantage in

food applications due to their possible synergistic effect against several

microorganisms (Lambert, Skandamis, Coote and Nychas, 2001; Guarda,

Rubilar, Miltz and Galotto, 2011). The use of high initial concentrations of

these volatile additives was previously reported, since some loss during

processing was expectable (Sanchez-Garcia, Ocio, Gimenez and Lagaron,

2008; Del Nobile et al, 2009; Persico et al, 2009; Mascheroni, Guillard,

Gastaldi, Gontard and Chalier, 2011; Tunç and Duman, 2011).

Active compounds have been usually added to packaging materials by the

incorporation of their precursor EOs (Salafranca, Pezo and Nerín, 2009).

Rodríguez et al studied the addition of EOs to wax coatings to develop

AM active packaging materials able to preserve strawberries from

microorganisms contamination by the release of additives from the

coating to food surface (Rodríguez, Batlle and Nerín, 2007). Authors

reported that there was no direct contact between EOs and food, so it was

concluded that the natural volatile compounds (eugenol, carvacrol,

thymol) present in the headspace packaging were the main responsible for

the inhibition of the pathogens growth. In other study, carvacrol was

added to chitosan-based films for active packaging and their antimicrobial

efficiency against food spoilage microorganisms was demonstrated by

using a headspace chromatographic technique (Kurek, Moundanga,

Favier, Galić and Debeaufort, 2013). Gutiérrez et al used a cinnamon-

based active material to increase more than 3 times the shelf-life of a

complex bakery product with minimal changes in packaging and no

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additional manipulation steps (Gutiérrez, Sánchez, Batlle and Nerín,


It is also known that changes in the food macroscopic properties can also

induce biochemical reactions and chemical alterations in tissues, such as

changes in the volatile profile (Chiralt et al, 2001) and development of

undesirable chemicals (i.e. ethanol or acetaldehyde) associated with

changes in the respiratory paths (Tovar, Garcı a and Mata, 2001). In fact,

flavour is one of the main factors influencing consumer’s food choice

(Pozo-Bayón, Guichard and Cayot, 2006) and volatile aromatic

compounds are important contributors to flavour and odour of fruits. As

an example, the flavour of strawberries is comprised of a complex mixture

of esters, aldehydes, alcohols, furans and sulphur compounds, being esters

the main headspace volatiles. The amount of methyl esters increases with

the plant maturation, while it does not change significantly for ethyl esters

during the fruit growth stages (Rizzolo, Gerli, Prinzivalli, Buratti and

Torreggiani, 2007). Bread is another example where more than 540

different compounds were described in its complex volatile fraction (Ruiz,

Quilez, Mestres and Guasch, 2003), being alcohols, aldehydes, esters,

ketones, acids, pyrazines and pyrrolines the major volatile components,

while furans, hydrocarbons and lactones were also identified (Poinot et al,


Solid phase microextraction (SPME) has become one of the preferred

techniques in analysis of aromas and volatile compounds, offering

solvent-free, rapid, low-cost and reliable analytical methods with easy

preparation. SPME is also sensitive, selective and usually offers low

detection limits (Ho, Wan Aida, Maskat and Osman, 2006). When used in

the sample headspace, HS-SPME is a non-destructive and non-invasive

method that has been used to evaluate volatile and semi-volatile

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compounds released from a great number of foods (Quílez, Ruiz and

Romero, 2006; Poinot et al, 2007).

The release rate of AOs from packaging materials can be evaluated by

migration studies, using aqueous and fatty food simulants and conditions

specified in the European food packaging regulations launched in 2011

and later amendments (Commission_Regulation/(EU)/No-10/2011;

Kuorwel, Cran, Sonneveld, Miltz and Bigger, 2013). Migration is the result

of diffusion, dissolution and equilibrium processes involving the mass

transfer of low molecular mass compounds initially present in the package

into food samples or food simulants; and it is often described by Fick’s

second law (Manzanarez-López, Soto-Valdez, Auras and Peralta, 2011).

Chromatographic methods are commonly used for identification and

quantification of migrated compounds (Salafranca, Pezo and Nerín, 2009),

considering that concentration and/or isolation of analytes into suitable

solvents should be performed prior to chromatographic analysis. Some

sample preparation and purification techniques, such as SPE, have been

proposed to improve detection and quantification in the analysis of

migrated compounds from polymer matrices (Burman, Albertsson and

Höglund, 2005; Ridgway, Lalljie and Smith, 2007).

In spite of the increasing concern on the use of synthetic polymers in

massive applications, such as food packaging, due to their poor

biodegradability and high permanence in the environment after use, these

materials show many advantages including low cost, good processability

and excellent mechanical and physical properties. Polyolefin-based films

have been proposed for the development of active packaging systems by

the combination of the polymer good properties (mechanical, barrier,

optical and thermal) and the AM/AO effect given by the additives

(Suppakul, Miltz, Sonneveld and Bigger, 2006; López, Sánchez, Batlle and

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Nerín, 2007a; Peltzer, Wagner and Jiménez, 2007; Peltzer, Wagner and

Jiménez, 2009).

This study is focused on the development of AM/AO films based on PP

with carvacrol and thymol at different initial concentrations (4, 6 and 8

wt% of both additives as well as an equimolar mixture) (Figure 1.1).

Polymer and additives were processed by melt-blending followed by

compression moulding to obtain films at the laboratory scale. A full

physico-chemical characterization of these films was carried out by

determination of their main thermal, structural, mechanical and functional

properties. The release of these compounds from films into different food

simulants was also studied; including a kinetics diffusion study and the

evaluation of the antioxidant efficiency by the DPPH method. Fast and

reliable analytical procedures were developed and validated for the analysis

of the studied AOs in selected food simulants. For aqueous food

simulants, SPE followed by GC/MS analysis was used. Fatty food

simulants (isooctane and ethanol 95 % (v/v)) were directly analysed by

GC/MS and HPLC-UV, respectively. The AM activity of films was also

evaluated against two typical food-borne bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus

(Gram-positive) and Escherichia coli (Gram-negative). Finally, the

effectiveness of the developed active films to increase the post-harvest

shelf-life of fresh food was evaluated by studying the headspace volatile

composition of two food samples (sliced bread and strawberries) by

headspace solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography mass

spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC/MS) at controlled conditions. Results were

correlated with the AM activity by visual observation of the fungal growth

in the studied food.

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2. Experimental

2.1. Materials and chemicals

Polypropylene PP ECOLEN HZ10K (Hellenic Petroleum, Greece) was

kindly supplied in pellets by Ashland Chemical Hispania (Barcelona,

Spain). Melt flow index (MFI) was 3.2 g 10 min-1 determined according to

ASTM D1238 standard (230 °C, 2.16 kg), and density 0.9 g cm-3.

All reagents used in this work were analytical or chromatographic grade

and were purchased from Panreac (Barcelona, Spain). Standards of

carvacrol (≥ 98 %), thymol (99.5 %), and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl

(DPPH, 95 %) were acquired from Sigma-Aldrich Inc. (St. Louis, MO,

USA). Ultrapure water was obtained from a Millipore Milli-Q system

(Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA).

2.2. Films preparation

PP active films were obtained by melt-blending in a Haake Polylab QC

mixer (ThermoFischer Scientific, Walham, USA) at 190 °C for 6 min at

rotation speed of 50 rpm. Both additives were introduced in the mixer

once the polymer was already in the melt state, in order to avoid

unnecessary losses and to ensure the presence of the maximum amount of

them remaining in the final material. Nine active formulations were

obtained: PP containing 4, 6 and 8 wt% of thymol (PPT4, PPT6 and

PPT8) or carvacrol (PPC4, PPC6 and PPC8); and PP with the

combination of an equimolar mixture of both additives at 4, 6 and 8 wt%

(PPTC4, PPTC6 and PPTC8) to study the possible synergies between

both compounds. An additional sample without any active compound was

also prepared and used as control (PP0).

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Active films were obtained by compression-moulding at 190 °C in a hot

press (Carver Inc, Model 3850, USA). The material was kept between

plates at atmospheric pressure for 5 min until melting and then it was

successively pressed under 2 MPa for 1 min, 3.5 MPa for 1 min and finally

5 MPa for 5 min, in order to liberate the trapped air bubbles. The average

thickness of films was around 200 μm measured with a Digimatic

Micrometer Series 293 MDC-Lite (Mitutoyo, Japan) at five random

positions around the film. The final appearance of the films was

completely transparent and homogenous (Figure 1.2).

Figure 1.2. Visual observation of neat PP and active films.

2.3. Films characterization

The active films were characterized by using different techniques in order

to study their thermal, mechanical and oxygen barrier properties.

2.3.1. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

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The films surfaces and cross sections were analysed by using a JEOL

model JSM-840 (Jeol USA Inc., Peabody, MA, USA) microscope operated

at 12 kV. Samples were coated with a gold layer prior to analysis to

increase their electrical conductivity. Images were registered at 300x and

500x of magnification to study their homogeneity.

2.3.2. Mechanical properties

Tensile tests were carried out by using a 3340 Series Single Column

System Instron Instrument, LR30K model (Fareham Hants, UK)

equipped with a 2 kN load cell. Tests were performed in rectangular

probes (100 x 10 mm2), an initial grip separation of 60 mm and crosshead

speed of 25 mm min-1. Average tensile strength, elongation at yield and

elastic modulus were calculated from the resulting stress-strain curves

according to the ASTM D882-09 Standard procedure (ASTM, 2009).

Results were the average of five measurements (± standard deviation).

2.3.3. Thermal properties

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) tests were performed in a

TGA/SDTA 851e Mettler Toledo thermal analyser (Schwarzenbach,

Switzerland). Approximately 5 mg samples were weighed in alumina pans

(70 µL) and were heated from 30 to 700 °C at a heating rate 10 °C min-1

under inert nitrogen atmosphere (flow rate 50 mL min-1).

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) tests were conducted by using

a TA DSC Q-2000 instrument (New Castle, DE, USA) under inert

nitrogen atmosphere. 3 mg of films were introduced in aluminium pans

(40 µL) and were submitted to the following thermal program: heating

from 0 to 180 °C at 10 °C min-1 (3 min hold), cooling to 0 °C at 10 °C

min-1 (3 min hold) and heating to 180 °C at 10 °C min-1. The percentage

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of crystallinity (χ %) for each material was calculated according to

Equation 1.1:


where Hm (J g-1) is the melting enthalpy, W is the PP weight fraction in

the sample, and Hmo is the theoretical melting enthalpy for 100 %

crystalline PP, 138 J g-1 (Joseph et al, 2003).

Oxidative induction parameters. The AO performance of carvacrol and thymol

was studied by determining the oxidation induction parameters by DSC,

i.e. oxidation onset temperature, OOT (°C) and oxidation induction time,

OIT (min) (Pospıšil et al, 2003; Archodoulaki, Lüftl and Seidler, 2006).

OOT is defined as the minimum temperature where oxidation takes place

in pure oxygen atmosphere. The OIT value is defined as the time to the

onset of an exothermic oxidation peak in oxygen atmosphere and it was

determined as the difference between the time at the intersection between

the baseline and the tangent of the exothermic oxidation peak and the

time for the gas switching in two different atmospheres: pure oxygen and

air. All tests were performed in triplicate for each formulation.

OOT (°C) is a relative measurement of the degree of thermo-oxidative

stability of the material evaluated at a given heating rate in oxidative

atmosphere (Peltzer and Jiménez, 2009). Samples were heated up at 10 °C

min-1 under pure oxygen (50 mL min-1) from 30 °C to the temperature

where the exothermic oxidation peak was observed. OOT was calculated

as the temperature for the intersection between the baseline and the slope

of the exothermic peak in each case.

OIT tests were carried out by heating samples at 100 °C min-1 under

nitrogen (50 mL min-1) to the set temperature (200 °C). After 5 min, the

휒(%) = Δ퐻푚푊Δ퐻푚표 ∙ 100

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atmosphere was switched to pure oxygen or air (50 mL min-1). The heat

flow was then recorded in isothermal conditions up to the detection of the

exothermic peak indicating the beginning of the oxidation reaction.

2.3.4. Oxygen transmission rate (OTR)

OTR is defined as the amount of oxygen passing through a defined area

of the parallel surface of a plastic film per time unit. An oxygen

permeation analyser (8500 model Systech, Metrotec S.A, Spain) was used.

Tests were carried out by introducing pure oxygen into the upper half of

the diffusion chamber while pure nitrogen was injected into the lower

half, where an oxygen sensor was located. Films were cut into 14 cm

diameter circles for each formulation and they were clamped in the

diffusion chamber at 25 °C before testing.

2.4. Migration study

2.4.1. Release tests

The release of thymol and carvacrol from PP films containing the studied

additives at 8 wt% was performed into five food simulants according to

the European Standard EN 13130-2005 (UNE-EN_13130-1, 2005):

distilled water (A), acetic acid 3 % (m/v) (B), and ethanol 10 % (v/v) (C)

were used as aqueous food simulants; whereas ethanol 95 % (v/v) and

isooctane were employed as fatty food simulants.

Migration studies were conducted in triplicate at the experimental

conditions indicated in the referred legislation (40 °C for 10 days) in an

oven (J.P. Selecta, Barcelona, Spain), except for isooctane studies which

were performed at 20 °C and 50 % RH for 2 days in a climatic chamber

(Dycometal, Barcelona, Spain). Double-sided, total immersion migration

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tests were performed with 12 cm2 films and 20 mL of each simulant (area-

to-volume ratio of 6 dm2 L-1). A blank test for each simulant was also

carried out.

2.4.2. Migration kinetics

A kinetic study for the release of carvacrol and thymol to food simulants

was performed by using acetic acid 3 % (m/v), ethanol 10 % (v/v),

ethanol 95 % (v/v) and isooctane, at the same temperature conditions

described in Section 2.4.1. Samples were taken in triplicate at 2, 6, 12, 24,

48 hours and 5, 10 and 15 days.

The migration process is described by the diffusion kinetics of the additive

through the film and it is expressed by the diffusion coefficient, D (m2 s-1)

(Manzanarez-López, Soto-Valdez, Auras and Peralta, 2011). Considering

the case of limited packaging, limited food, where migration occurring

from a limited volume packaging film into a well-mixed limited volume of

food, the diffusion coefficients of thymol and carvacrol can be determined

by using a release kinetic model based in the Fick’s second law (Equation

1.2). In this case, the food simulant initially does not contain any migrating

compound, and as migration occurs, their concentration increases from

zero (CF,0) to its equilibrium value (CF,). Equation 1.2 is the most

rigorous general model describing the migration controlled by Fickian

diffusion in a packaging film (Crank, 1975; Chung, Papadakis and Yam,




푀퐹,∞= 1 −

2훼(1 + 훼)1 + 훼 + 훼2푞푛2



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where MF,t and MF, are the total amount of the diffusing substance

(thymol and carvacrol) released by the film at time t and after infinite time,

respectively; LP is the film thickness; qn are the non-zero positive roots of

tanqn=-αqn; and α is the partition coefficient expressed as indicated in

Equation 1.3.


where VF and VP are the volumes of the simulant and the polymer,

respectively; and KFP is the partition coefficient of the active compound

between the simulant and the polymer.

A simplified migration model was proposed by Chung et al derived from

Equation 1.2 and useful for linear regression analysis (Chung, Papadakis

and Yam, 2002):


where MP,0 is the initial amount of migrant in the packaging film (for a

complete migration MP,0= MF,). Thus, the diffusion coefficient can be

directly calculated from the fitting of Equation 1.4 to experimental

migration data.

2.5. Analysis of released active additives into food simulants

The amount of released active additives into aqueous food simulants was

analysed by GC/MS with a previous extraction and concentration step by

SPE on an octadecyl cartridge (C18, 500 mg, 6 mL) (Teknokroma,

훼 =(퐾퐹푃∙푉퐹)






= −퐷0.5

훼 ∙ 퐿푃∙ 푡0.5 +


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Barcelona, Spain). A Büchi V-700 vacuum system (Flawil, Switzerland)

and a vacuum manifold from Teknokroma (Barcelona, Spain) were used

for SPE sample processing. Cartridges were previously conditioned with 4

mL methanol and 4 mL distilled water at 5 mL min-1. Then, the extract

was loaded and the elution of thymol and carvacrol was carried out with 4

mL dichloromethane (1 mL min-1). Extracts obtained from isooctane and

ethanol 95 % (v/v) were directly analysed by GC/MS and HPLC-UV,


Stock (4000 mg kg-1) and working solutions of each active additive were

prepared in the appropriate solvent (dichloromethane, isooctane or

ethanol 95 % (v/v) depending on the food simulant and the

chromatographic technique) and stored in a freezer. Carvacrol and thymol

quantification was performed in triplicate using external calibration.

2.5.1. GC/MS analysis

A Perkin Elmer TurboMass Gold GC/MS (Boston, MA, USA) operating

in electronic impact ionisation mode (70 eV) with a SPB-5 capillary

column (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 m; Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA) was

used. The column temperature was programmed from 60 °C (1 min) to

120 °C (1 min) at 10 °C min-1 and to 150 °C at 2 °C min-1 (2 min). Helium

was used as carrier gas at 1 mL min-1. Ion source and GC/MS transfer line

temperatures were 250 and 270 °C, respectively. The injector temperature

was 270 °C and 1 µL of extracts were injected in all cases (split mode


Identification of thymol and carvacrol were performed in full scan mode

(m/z 30-550) by using both, the NIST mass spectral library and retention

times of standard compounds. Quantification of additives was performed

by using selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode focused on m/z 91, 135 and

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150, typical of phenols. Retention times obtained for thymol and carvacrol

were 10.7 and 11.0 min, respectively.

2.5.2. HPLC-UV analysis.

A Shimadzu LC-20A liquid chromatograph equipped with UV detector

and a LiChrospher 100 RP18 column (250 mm × 5 mm × 5 μm, Agilent

Technologies) was used. The mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile:

distilled water, 40:60 (v:v) at 1 mL min-1. 20 μL of sample were injected.

Detection of carvacrol and thymol was performed at 274 nm with

retention times of 18.9 and 21.0 min, respectively.

2.5.3. Determination of antioxidant activity

The antioxidant activity of thymol and carvacrol released into food

simulants was analysed in terms of radical scavenging ability by using the

stable radical DPPH method (Byun, Kim and Whiteside, 2010) with some

modifications. An aliquot of 100 μL of each simulant extract was mixed

with 3.9 mL of a methanolic solution of DPPH (23 mg L-1) in a capped

cuvette. The mixture was shaken quickly at room temperature and the

absorbance of solutions was measured immediately at 517 nm in 1-min

intervals until the absorbance value was completely stable (200 min), by

using a Biomate-3 Ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometer

(Thermospectronic, USA). All analyses were performed in duplicate.

The ability to scavenge the stable radical DPPH was calculated as

percentage of inhibition (I %) by Equation 1.5.


퐼(%) = 퐴퐶표푛푡푟표푙 퐴푆푎푚푝푙푒퐴퐶표푛푡푟표푙 ∙ 100

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where AControl and ASample are the absorbances of the control at t = 0 min

(using methanol as the blank solution) and of the tested sample at t = 200

min, respectively.

2.6. Antibacterial activity

The evaluation of the antibacterial activity of PP films containing

carvacrol, thymol and the equimolar mixture of both additives was carried

out by using two test microorganisms: Escherichia coli (Gram-negative,

ATCC (American Type Culture Collection) 25922) and Staphylococcus aureus

(Gram-positive, ATCC 6538P). The PP0 sample was also tested as

control. Overnight cultures of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were

grown in Tryptic Soy Broth at 35 °C for 24 h. The strains selection

represented typical spoilage organism groups commonly occurring in food


Antibacterial activity tests were carried out by using the agar disk diffusion

method. Disks cut from films were placed on Petri dishes containing

Mueller-Hinton agar (MHA) supplied by INSULAB S.L., (Valencia,

Spain), previously spread with 0.1 mL of each inoculum. The

concentration of bacterial cultures in the inoculum was 106 colony-

forming unit (CFU) per mL, corresponding to the concentration that

could be found in contaminated food, and standardized in the McFarland

scale 0.5, as it has been already proposed (Suppakul, Sonneveld, Bigger

and Miltz, 2011b). The Petri dishes were then incubated at 37 °C for 24 h

and the antibacterial activity of each material was evaluated by observing

the growth inhibition zone and measuring the diameter (mm) by a ruler.

The bacterial growth under the film disks (area of contact with the agar

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surface) was also observed in Petri dishes. Tests were carried out in

duplicate for each formulation.

2.7. Study of the effectiveness of the active films to preserve

perishable food: shelf-life study

Food samples. Strawberries and sliced bread were purchased from a local

market. Strawberries were selected for this study due to their rapid post-

harvest deterioration, which constitutes a problem on their commercial

distribution. Sliced bread was selected due to the increasing consumer

demand for fresh bread with long shelf-life. Damaged, non-uniform,

unriped or overriped strawberries were removed and the selected fruits

were stored for at least 2 h at 3 °C to ensure their thermal equilibrium

before testing.

Food packaging. The effectiveness of the developed active films (with

each additive at 8 wt% in different samples) was evaluated by putting

them in contact with the above-referred food, which were appropriately

cut to be placed on the base of disposable PP Petri dishes (inside

dimensions: 88 mm diameter x 12 mm high). An additional test was

carried out with uncut strawberries which were placed into polyethylene

suitable food containers (250 mL, 4 cm high x 13 cm opening diameter) as

shown in Figure 1.3.

Active films were cut with the appropriate dimensions to match the top of

the lid of the used containers in order to release the antimicrobial studied

agents (carvacrol and thymol) into the packaging headspace. The final

containers were then sealed with "Parafilm" to avoid losses of volatile

compounds and were incubated at 25 °C and 50 % RH in a climatic

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chamber for 15 days. Food samples stored with the control film (without

active compounds) were also studied for comparison.

Figure 1.3. Experimental assembly used for headspace analysis of whole strawberries by


Shelf-life study. The observation of the occurrence of fungal growth on

the studied samples was also performed. In addition, HS-SPME-GC/MS

analysis was carried out for food samples (whole strawberries and sliced

bread) in direct contact with the PP films. For this purpose, samples were

extracted at selected times to determine the headspace composition.

Containers were sealed and a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)/silicone

septum was placed on their top part to allow the insertion of the SPME

fibre for volatiles extraction (Figure 1.3). Samples were then stored in a

climatic chamber and tested at different temperatures and days of storage

according to the conditions shown in Table 1.1. 25 °C and 4 °C were

selected to simulate ambient and refrigerated storage conditions,

respectively. Three replicates were performed for each food sample and

day of study.

HS-SPME analysis of volatile compounds for food samples was

performed by following a method applied to bread samples (Poinot et al,


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2008) with slight modifications. Similar conditions to those proposed by

Blanda et al were used in the study with strawberries (Blanda et al, 2009).

Table 1.1. Storage and testing conditions in the headspace study of food by HS-SPME-


Food sample Temperature (°C) Days of study

Sliced bread 25 0 2 5 10 15 -

Whole strawberries 25 0 2 4 7 10 -

Whole strawberries 4 0 2 4 7 10 15

Divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/CAR/PDMS)

fibres (50/30 µm, StableFlex, 1 cm long) mounted to an SPME manual

holder assembly from Supelco (Bellefonte, PA, USA) (Figure 1.3) was

used. Fibres were previously conditioned by following the manufacturer’s

recommendations. The needle of the SPME device was inserted into the

container through the septum and fibres were exposed to the food sample

headspace for 30 min at room temperature. Fibres were then retracted

into the needle assembly point, removed from the container, transferred

to the injection port of the GC unit and immediately desorbed.

Analysis of volatiles produced in the headspace of bread and strawberries

packed samples was performed by using a Perkin Elmer TurboMass Gold

GC/MS (Boston, MA, USA) equipped with a split/splitless injector and a

quadrupole mass spectrometer operating in electronic impact (EI)

ionisation mode (70 eV). A SPB-5 capillary column (30 m x 0.25 mm x

0.25 m; Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA) was used. The column

temperature was programmed from 40 °C (hold 10 min) to 120 °C (hold 1

min) at 5 °C min-1, to 140 °C at 2 °C min-1 (hold 0 min) and to 230 °C at 5

°C min-1 (hold 8 min). Helium was used as carrier gas at 1 mL min-1 flow

rate. Ion source and GC/MS transfer line temperatures were 250 and 270

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°C, respectively, while the injector temperature was 270 °C and time for

fibre desorption was fixed at 5 min in the splitless mode (1.5 min splitless-

period). After every run, the SPME fibre was conditioned for 30 min at

270 °C in the injector of the gas chromatograph followed by a blank

analysis to avoid the fibre carryover.

Identification of volatile compounds in strawberries and sliced bread

headspace was performed in full scan mode (m/z 30-550). Carvacrol and

thymol were identified by using both, the NIST mass spectral library and

gas chromatographic retention times of standard compounds. The rest of

volatiles were tentatively identified by their GC/MS spectra. In this sense,

the compounds having 90 % similarity with spectra in the NIST library

were not taken into consideration. Chromatographic responses of

detected volatile compounds (peak area counts) were monitored for

comparative measurements of each compound in the studied samples.

2.8. Statistical analysis

One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied on experimental data

with the aid of the statistical program “Statgraphics Centurion program

v.16.1.18 (StatPoint, Inc., Warrenton, USA)” and significant differences

among sample data were recorded at a confidence level of 95 % (p < 0.05)

according to Tukey´s post hoc test.

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3. Results and discussion

3.1. Films characterization

3.1.1. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

Homogeneous surface morphologies were observed for all materials with

no apparent effect of additives on the PP morphology. However, certain

porosity on the surface of those materials with additives at each

concentration (4, 6 and 8 wt%) was observed. As an example, Figure 1.4

shows the SEM micrographs obtained for PP0 and samples with additives

(8 wt%) the other tested formulations showed similar surfaces


Figure 1.4. SEM micrographs (x500) of the edge surfaces for PP0 and samples with 8

wt% of the studied additives.

This behaviour could be due to the presence of a certain amount of

carvacrol and thymol in the materials surface and the eventual partial

evaporation of these additives from the polymer matrix during processing,

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leading to a potential loss of some molecules resulting in microholes and

some porosity. Figure 1.5 shows the SEM microgprahs of

materials. It could be observed that the matrix remained homogeneous

with no porosity. Therefore, it could be concluded that the possible

diffusion of active additives through the polymer matrix is only a surfa


Figure 1.5. Cross section micrographs (x300) for PP0 and samples with 8 wt% of the

studied additives.

3.1.2. Mechanical properties.

Tensile tests were performed in order to study the effect of thymol and

carvacrol on the polymer mechanical properties, by the evaluation of

different parameters, such as the elastic modulus

Results and Discussion. Chapter 1

molecules resulting in microholes and

shows the SEM microgprahs of cross section of

It could be observed that the matrix remained homogeneous

it could be concluded that the possible

diffusion of active additives through the polymer matrix is only a surface

Cross section micrographs (x300) for PP0 and samples with 8 wt% of the

studied additives.

Tensile tests were performed in order to study the effect of thymol and

polymer mechanical properties, by the evaluation of

elastic modulus (E), elongation at yield

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(εy) and tensile strength (TS), in all materials. Results are shown in Table


Table 1.2. Mechanical properties of samples according to ASTM D882-09.

Sample E (MPa) TS (MPa) εy (%)

PP0 851 ± 37a 30 ± 1a 19 ± 1a

PPC4 601 ± 25bc 27 ± 2 a 23 ± 2b

PPC6 597 ± 42bc 27 ± 1 a 23 ± 1 b

PPC8 543 ± 44b 27 ± 3 a 24 ± 2 b

PPT4 593 ± 25bc 28 ± 2 a 23 ± 2 b

PPT6 680 ± 96c 28 ± 1 a 24 ± 1 b

PPT8 585 ± 40bc 28 ± 2 a 25 ±1 b

PPTC4 681 ± 30c 28 ± 2 a 23 ± 2 b

PPTC6 646 ± 34c 28 ± 1 a 22 ± 2 b

PPTC8 677 ± 53c 27 ± 3 a 22 ± 1 ab

Results are represented as mean ± standard deviation, n=5. Different superscripts within the same column indicate statistically significant different values (p < 0.05).

The addition of carvacrol and thymol to PP resulted in a slight

modification of tensile properties. A significant decrease (p < 0.05) in

elastic modulus was observed for the materials with additives when

compared with PP0, being this effect more pronounced for PPC8 and

PPT8 films. A certain increase in elongation at yield for these samples was

also observed (p < 0.05). This behaviour could be explained by some

plasticizing effect caused by the addition of both additives to the polymer

matrix resulting in the increase in ductile properties, which would also

result in changes in the materials crystallinity. This behaviour has been

also reported for LDPE-based samples with carvacrol (Persico et al, 2009).

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3.1.3. Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA).

The effect of carvacrol and thymol on the thermal stability of PP films

was studied by TGA under nitrogen atmosphere. Figure 1.6 shows the

TGA curves obtained for PP0 and PPC samples. As it is well reported for

PP thermal degradation, a single degradation step was observed for PP0

sample (Navarro, Torre, Kenny and Jiménez, 2003). However, samples

with carvacrol showed a first degradation step at low temperatures (about

115 °C) and a second step corresponding to the thermal degradation of

the polymer matrix. The TGA patterns of other formulations were quite

similar in all cases. In this way, the first degradation step observed in

active films was associated to the degradation of carvacrol and/or thymol.

Figure 1.6. TGA curves obtained for PP0 and formulations with carvacrol under nitrogen.

Therefore, it was possible to determine the remaining amount of additive

in the polymer matrix after processing. The remaining concentrations

were approximately 1, 2 and 3.5 wt% for formulations where the initial

amounts were 4, 6 and 8 wt%, respectively. In conclusion, TGA results







20 120 220 320 420 520 620 720


ght (


Temperature (ºC)






20 120 220 320 420

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gave an indirect confirmation of the presence of both compounds in the

polymer matrix after processing and consequently their ability to act as

active agents in these materials as it has been reported by other authors

(Persico et al, 2009).

Table 1.3 summarizes the initial degradation temperature, Ti, determined

at 5 % of weight loss, and the temperature for the maximum rate, Tmax, for

the main degradation step, ascribed to the PP thermal degradation. As can

be observed, no appreciable differences were observed for Ti and Tmax

values in all samples. These results show that the addition of carvacrol and

thymol to the PP matrix does not significantly affect the thermal

degradation profile in inert atmosphere. However, it is expectable that a

certain amount of carvacrol and thymol would be lost during processing,

since these materials are submitted to temperatures above the

volatilization point of the additives. Therefore, the processing parameters,

in particular temperature and time, should be optimized to avoid excessive

evaporation and therefore the loss of these additives incorporated to PP

permitting the permanence of significant amounts of additives in PP

matrices (Dobkowski, 2006).

3.1.4. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC).

Determination of thermal parameters in inert atmosphere. Thermal

properties of samples were also studied by DSC, where four parameters

were determined: crystallization temperature, Tc (°C); melting

temperature, Tm (°C); crystallization enthalpy, ∆Hc (J g-1); and melting

enthalpy, ∆Hm (J g-1). Results are summarized in Table 1.3.

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Table 1.3. TGA and DSC parameters obtained for all samples.

Sample Ti (C) Tmax (C) Tc (°C) Tm (°C) ΔHc (J g-1) ΔHm (J g-1) (%)

PP0 411 461 119 161 95.2 99.1 72

PPC4 417 462 119 161 91.4 49.6 37

PPC6 414 461 117 160 93.6 52.2 40

PPC8 407 462 118 161 89.2 48.1 38

PPT4 417 462 119 161 92.2 52.0 39

PPT6 406 461 117 160 86.5 47.3 36

PPT8 408 462 115 159 88.9 49.5 39

PPTC4 412 462 118 160 93.9 53.5 40

PPTC6 398 461 117 160 89.6 49.0 38

PPTC8 404 463 114 162 83.0 52.6 41

Melting and crystallization temperatures and crystallization enthalpy did

not show important differences for all materials. Nevertheless, it should

be highlighted that the melting enthalpy of the PP0 sample was clearly

higher than those obtained for the active materials. This observation could

indicate some decrease in PP crystallinity caused by the presence of

additives. In this sense, crystallinity, (%), of samples was calculated

according to Equation 1.1. Results are also shown in Table 1.3, where a

higher value for (%) was obtained for PP0. From these results, it could

be concluded that the PP crystallinity decreases significantly with the

addition of thymol and carvacrol, confirming the observed changes in the

mechanical properties where a decrease in the elastic modulus was

noticed. This decrease in crystallinity could be due to the interactions

between the polymer matrix and additive molecules in the PP

macromolecular network, in particular by the formation of hydrogen

bonds between the hydroxyl groups in the additive and the crosslinking

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points in the polymer macrochains with increase in the disorder of the PP

structure and consequent decrease in crystallinity. A similar effect was

reported for PP with the addition of other antioxidants (Alin and

Hakkarainen, 2010).

Evaluation of oxidation induction parameters (OIT and OOT). The

evaluation of the antioxidant performance of carvacrol and thymol in PP

matrices is relevant in this study, since these additives are not only

supposed to play the role of active additives for food, but also to protect

the polymer against oxidative degradation during processing and further

use. The determination of OOT and OIT parameters is considered a

reliable, simple and fast method for the evaluation of the AOs efficiency

(Pomerantsev and Rodionova, 2005). Both parameters correspond to

relative measurements of the stability against oxidation of materials at high


Table 1.4 shows the OOT and OIT results for all the tested materials. The

onset degradation temperatures for all active materials were significantly

higher (at least in 25 °C) than the OOT obtained for the PP0 sample (p <

0.05). Therefore, it is remarkable that some antioxidant effect in the

material caused by the presence of the active additives in films was

observed. In particular, the formulations with thymol showed significantly

higher values than their counterparts with carvacrol (p < 0.05). Similar

results were previously reported for PP matrices with α-tocopherol and

hydroxytyrosol, two other natural antioxidants (Peltzer and Jiménez,


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Table 1.4. Oxidation induction parameters, oxygen transmission rate obtained for all


Sample OOT (C)a OIT (min) O2a

OIT (min) aira

OTR·e (cm3 mm m-2 day)b

PP0 195 ± 1a 0.9 ± 0.3a 1.3 ± 0.4g 82.2

PPC4 219 ± 3b 5.9 ± 0.5b 13.1 ± 1.6f 104.7

PPC6 225 ± 1bc 8.2 ± 0.2bc 17.8 ± 2.0ef 146.9

PPC8 224 ± 1bcd 8.5 ± 1.0bc 20.7 ± 2.8de 159.6

PPT4 234 ± 2ef 11.4 ± 1.8cd 28.9 ± 2.2c 114.3

PPT6 233 ± 3ef 13.2 ± 2.8de 33.7 ± 1.2bc 142.5

PPT8 235 ± 1f 15.4 ± 1.7e 38.8 ± 0.6a 155.5

PPTC4 223 ± 2bc 8.4 ± 1.2bc 24.1 ± 1.6d 112.2

PPTC6 226 ± 2cd 8.7 ± 1.1bc 26.4 ± 2.3cd 126.7

PPTC8 230 ± 3de 10.7 ± 1.2cd 35.5 ± 1.7ab 158.0

Different superscripts within the same column indicate statistically significant different values (p < 0.05). aMean ± standard deviation (n = 3). be: Thickness, mm.

According to the ASTM D3895-07 Standard, the results obtained for OIT

are dependent on the type of atmosphere used for the analysis (ASTM,

2007). For this reason, the evaluation of OIT in this work was carried out

in two different atmospheres at 200 °C. This temperature was fixed since

these tests require values slightly higher than those obtained for OOT of

the pure polymer, and OOT for PP0 was 195 ± 1 °C. Air was selected

since it would represent a situation according to the real processing or

shelf-life conditions for these materials, while pure oxygen was also used

since it would represent the most aggressive conditions for the oxidative

degradation. Table 1.4 shows the results obtained for OIT in both

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atmospheres. In the case of pure oxygen, PPT6 and PPT8 films showed

higher efficiency as AOs in such aggressive conditions when compared to

carvacrol (p < 0.05). This behaviour was also reported by other authors

who demonstrated that the AO efficiency of thymol was higher than that

of carvacrol in sunflower oil samples (Yanishlieva, Marinova, Gordon and

Raneva, 1999). In the case of air atmosphere, as expected, OIT values

were higher than those obtained in pure oxygen, since the experiment

under air is less aggressive to materials (Riga, Collins and Mlachak, 1998),

but results showed a similar trend since thymol showed higher antioxidant

performance than carvacrol.

In all cases, the increase in OOT and OIT values for PP with additives

showed certain AO effect after processing to protect PP from oxidative

degradation. These results are an additional confirmation that certain

amounts of thymol and carvacrol still remained in all formulations after

processing and they would be able to be released from the material to

foodstuff as active additives, since it will be discussed in further sections

of this chapter. Finally, an increase in both parameters was also observed

when the additive concentration increased. So, it can be concluded that

the best results for AO performance in these formulations would be

obtained in those samples with higher amount of additives, in particular


3.1.5. Oxygen Transmission Rate (OTR)

Barrier properties to oxygen were studied by the determination of oxygen

transmission rate per film thickness (e), OTR∙e. Results are shown in Table

1.4. As can be observed, PP0 showed lower OTR∙e values than all active

films, obtaining the maximum values for formulations with 8 wt% of

carvacrol or thymol. This increase in oxygen transmission for the active

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films could be due to the modification of the polymer matrix structure by

the presence of additives, reducing consequently the resistance of films to

oxygen diffusion through them (Sothornvit and Krochta, 2000). This

behaviour could be due to two related causes. On one hand, the increase

in free volume in the polymer structure caused by the chemical interaction

between polymer chains and additive molecules and, on the other hand,

the decrease in the material crystallinity already observed by DSC and the

presence of certain porosity in the films surface observed by SEM

(Amstrong, 2002).

3.2. Migration study

3.2.1. Validation of the developed methods

The analytical methods developed in this study for the evaluation of the

migration of carvacrol and thymol into food simulants were validated by

assessing the main analytical characteristics: linearity, precision

(repeatability), detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) limits and

accuracy (recovery test).

Linear ranges were calculated with five calibration points, each of them in

triplicate (0.15-2.10 mg kg-1 in dichloromethane for the SPE-GC/MS

method and aqueous food simulants; 0.15-4.00 mg kg-1 for isooctane and

ethanol 95 % (v/v) for direct GC/MS and HPLC-UV analyses,

respectively). The calculated calibration curves gave an acceptable level of

linearity for thymol and carvacrol with determination coefficients (R2)

ranging between 0.9963-0.9989, as shown in Table 1.5. Repeatability was

evaluated by analysing three replicates of standard solutions processed in

the same day. All methods showed similar results for relative standard

deviation (RSD), lower than 10 %. LOD and LOQ values were

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determined by using regression parameters from the calibration curves (3

Sy/x/a and 10 Sy/x/a, respectively; where Sy/x is the standard deviation of

the residues and a is the slope of the curves). As can be seen in Table 1.5,

the lowest values for LOD and LOQ were obtained for thymol by using

the HPLC-UV method. On the other hand, carvacrol showed lower

values for these parameters considering the SPE-GC/MS method. In

general terms, the LODs and LOQs values obtained for these active

additives ranged between 0.16-0.22 mg kg-1 and between 0.50-0.74 mg kg-

1, respectively.

Recovery tests for the SPE-GC/MS method were accomplished in

triplicate to evaluate accuracy, by spiking aqueous food simulants with

known amounts of each additive at three concentration levels (0.03, 0.27

and 2.60 mg kg-1). A working solution containing thymol and carvacrol

(4000 mg kg-1) in methanol was used. Satisfactory results were obtained

for mean recoveries at all the tested levels (Table 1.6), ranging from 86.7-

108.2 % with RSD values between 2.1-11.0 %. In conclusion, the results

obtained in the validation of the analytical methods developed in this

study can be considered acceptable for the determination of the migration

of carvacrol and thymol in aqueous and fatty food simulants.

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Table 1.5. Main analytical parameters obtained for the studied active additives using the optimized methods.

Analyte Method Parameter

Slope ± SD Intercept ± SD Linearity (R2)a

LOD (mg/kg)b

LOQ (mg/kg)c


SPE-GC/MS 18416 ± 1907 -3881 ± 2372 0.9968 0.16 0.54

Direct HPLC-UV 13510 ± 333 1195 ± 82 0.9963 0.20 0.66

Direct GC/MS -2241 ±721 15103 ± 320 0.9982 0.22 0.73


SPE-GC/MS 19792 ± 1120 -3868 ± 2377 0.9972 0.15 0.50

Direct HPLC-UV 13936 ± 177 1091 ± 43 0.9989 0.10 0.34

Direct GC/MS -1852 ± 701 14568 ± 316 0.9981 0.22 0.74 a Number of calibration points = 5. Linear range: 0.15 – 2.10 (SPE-GC/MS); 0.15 – 4.00 (Direct HPLC-UV and GC/MS). b Calculated for 3 Sy/x. c Calculated for 10 Sy/x

SD: Standard deviation The results are represented as mean ± standard deviation, n=3.

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Table 1.6. Mean recoveries (%) and RSD values (%) in parentheses obtained for each

active additive in aqueous simulants by SPE-GC/MS. Rresults are represented as mean ±

standard deviation, n=3.

Analyte Simulant Spiking level (mg)

0.03 0.27 2.60


Distilled water 98.1 (5.4) 94.7 (9.7) 108.2 (2.1)

Ethanol 10 % (v/v) 95.2 (4.3) 100.3 (3.3) 89.8 (2.4)

Acetic acid 3% (m/v) 99.4 (6.5) 88.0 (3.2) 97.2 (10.9)


Distilled water 96.8 (5.8) 101.0 (3.6) 106.1 (2.4)

Ethanol 10 % (v/v) 94.1 (3.8) 99.1 (3.4) 88.4 (2.5)

Acetic acid 3% (m/v) 94.8 (4.9) 86.7 (3.2) 95.8 (11.0)

3.2.2. Release of active additives into food simulants

Both active additives were readily released into aqueous and fatty food

simulants from all PP films (Table 1.7). Similar behaviour was observed

for thymol and carvacrol migration under the same experimental

conditions. However, thymol showed a trend to higher migration than

carvacrol in distilled water. The amount of active additives released into

fatty food simulants from PP-based films with 8 wt% thymol (PPT8) and

carvacrol (PPC8) was significantly higher than those obtained in the

aqueous simulants (p < 0.05). In particular, the highest migration levels

were obtained into isooctane at 20 °C for 2 days compared with the rest

of simulants tested (40 °C and 10 days). This behaviour might result from

the higher affinity of PP to non-polar liquids, such as isooctane, than to

the highly polar solvents, such as ethanol 95 % (v/v) or other polar food

simulants. Therefore the extraction of additives becomes an issue in

isooctane, showing a diffusion behaviour rather than migration, ultimately

leading to high migration values (Torres, Romero, Macan, Guarda and

Galotto, 2014).

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The higher migration observed for thymol and carvacrol into fatty food

simulants could be also attributed to two factors: the higher solubility of

the migrated active additives into these solvents and the phenomenon of

swelling of the polymer matrix when the films come into contact with

fatty food simulants (Suppakul, Sonneveld, Bigger and Miltz, 2011a).

Tehrany et al indicated that polarity can be a predominant controlling

factor in migration kinetics and, consequently, a highly polar simulant

should have a great effect on sorption of additives into polymer matrices

(Tehrany, Mouawad and Desobry, 2007). In this sense, partitioning

depends on the polarity and solubility of the migrant in the food simulant.

In our case, the higher release of carvacrol and thymol into ethanol 95 %

(v/v) rather than ethanol 10 % (v/v) showed the influence of the simulant

polarity and the solubility of thymol and carvacrol in the migration

phenomenon. It can be also assumed that certain amount of simulants will

penetrate into the matrix, enhancing the mobility of the target active

additives inside the polymer chains, which could promote faster diffusion

and in consequence higher migration. This behaviour has been also

suggested in previous studies of the migration of some active compounds

with antioxidant properties from polyolefins into fatty food simulants

(Haider and Karlsson, 2000; Tovar, Salafranca, Sanchez and Nerin, 2005;

Peltzer, Wagner and Jiménez, 2009; Kuorwel, Cran, Sonneveld, Miltz and

Bigger, 2013).

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Table 1.7. Release of thymol and carvacrol (mg (kg-1 simulant)) obtained from PP films into aqueous and fatty food simulants under conditions in

agreement with European Standard EN 13130-2005.

Analyte Film Simulant

Watera Ethanol (10 %, v/v)a Acetic acid (3 %, m/v) a Ethanol (95 %, v/v) a Isooctaneb

Carvacrol PPC8 288 ± 20a 718 ± 54b 647 ± 47b 880 ± 27c 921 ± 157c

PPTC8 157 ± 19a 285 ± 26b 474 ± 44c 347 ± 21d 633 ± 34e

Thymol PPT8 433 ± 46a 656 ± 30b 689 ± 61b 829 ± 19c 1085 ± 112d

PPTC8 162 ± 18a 362 ± 53b 547 ± 51c 367 ± 21b 616 ± 49c

Migration conditions: a 40 °C, 10 days; b 20 °C, 2 days The results are represented as mean ± standard deviation, n=3 Different superscripts within the same row indicate statistically significant different values (p < 0.05).

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Regarding aqueous food simulants, some migration of thymol and

carvacrol was also observed although the solubility of both compounds in

aqueous solutions is low; with migration values increasing by using acetic

acid 3 % (m/v) and ethanol 10 % (v/v). The migration of these additives

into the tested simulants might be due mainly to two factors: the

hydrophilic character of these additives described in literature (Peltzer,

Wagner and Jiménez, 2009); and the small size of their molecules,

permitting faster diffusion since the diffusion rate is governed by the

mobility of the additives molecules which is determined by their size and

geometry (Haider and Karlsson, 2000; Reynier, Dole, Humbel and

Feigenbaum, 2001). This behaviour was also observed by Mastromatteo et

al who reported that the release of thymol from a swelling homogeneous

polymeric network could be viewed as the result of the diffusion from the

outer water solution into the polymer matrix, the macromolecular matrix

relaxation and the diffusion of the active compound from the swollen

polymeric network into the outer water solution (Mastromatteo, Barbuzzi,

Conte and Del Nobile, 2009). The difference in polarity between the polar

migrated substances and the non-polar polymer should be also taken into


3.2.3. Antioxidant activity of migration extracts.

The AO activity of carvacrol and thymol has been already reported in

previous studies, (Yanishlieva, Marinova, Gordon and Raneva, 1999)

although the mechanism of such activity is not fully understood yet. The

antioxidant activity of these compounds depends not only on their

structure but also on many other factors, such as their concentration,

temperature, light, simulant type and physical parameters inherent to the

particular food to be put in contact with these compounds (e.g. pH).

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Figure 1.7. Radical scavenging activity measured by the DPPH method, expressed as

percentage of inhibition for migration extracts (isooctane: 20 °C, 2 days; rest of simulants:

40 °C, 10 days) (mean ± standard deviation, n=3)). Different letters represent significant

difference at p < 0.05.

The AO performance of the obtained extracts w

DPPH radical test and results are shown in

DPPH inhibition in samples submitted to contact with

(m/v) were not introduced in Figure 1.7, since no particular inhibition was

observed in all cases. This result could be possibly due to the

conditions during the test, influencing in the same way the DPPH

complex mechanisms for formation. It is kno

DPPH decreases by light exposure, high oxygen content,

solvent type (Ozcelik, Lee and Min, 2003).

reported that the increase of hydrogen ion concentration leads to the

decrease in the rate of the chromogen radical scavenging

Radical scavenging activity measured by the DPPH method, expressed as

percentage of inhibition for migration extracts (isooctane: 20 °C, 2 days; rest of simulants:

40 °C, 10 days) (mean ± standard deviation, n=3)). Different letters represent significant

difference at p < 0.05.

of the obtained extracts was evaluated by the

test and results are shown in Figure 1.7. Results for the

in samples submitted to contact with acetic acid 3 %

, since no particular inhibition was

possibly due to the low pH

conditions during the test, influencing in the same way the DPPH

It is known that the absorbance of

oxygen content, low pHs, and

. Regarding pH, it has been

reported that the increase of hydrogen ion concentration leads to the

chromogen radical scavenging reaction, whereas

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under basic conditions proton dissociation

the reducing capacity of these compounds

On the other hand, all the other extracts showed

showing a significant inhibition of the DPPH radical

conditions. A higher AO activity was observed for thymol extr

the highest inhibition obtained into isooctane (42.2 ± 1.1 %). The

ANOVA results showed that regardless of the variations introduced by

the use of the different simulants, the AOactivity

8 wt% of thymol was significantly different from

Figure 1.8. Mean DPPH inhibition values (%) for P

letters represent significant differences at

These results showed that the AO activity of

carvacrol, possibly due to the larger steric

phenolic group; as concluded by different authors

mechanisms of action of these compounds in the DPPH

Marinova, Gordon and Raneva, 1999; Wu, Luo and Wang, 2012)

Results and Discussion. Chapter 1

under basic conditions proton dissociation in polyphenols would enhance

compounds (Pyrzynska and Pekal, 2013).

showed a noticeable AO activity,

showing a significant inhibition of the DPPH radical under the test

was observed for thymol extracts, with

the highest inhibition obtained into isooctane (42.2 ± 1.1 %). The

of the variations introduced by

AOactivity of the formulation with

of thymol was significantly different from all the other (Figure 1.8).

Mean DPPH inhibition values (%) for PPT8, PPC8 and PPTC8. Different

represent significant differences at p < 0.05.

AO activity of thymol was higher to that of

steric hindrance of the thymol

by different authors when considering the

of action of these compounds in the DPPH test (Yanishlieva,

Marinova, Gordon and Raneva, 1999; Wu, Luo and Wang, 2012). Other

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compounds with sterically-hindered hydroxyl groups, such as BHT, have

been also reported to possess high antioxidant activity (Mastelic et al,


The inhibition values obtained in DPPH tests were correlated with the

amount of thymol and carvacrol released from films (Table 1.7). As

previously discussed, the highest amount of released additives was

observed into fatty food simulants and no significant differences between

isooctane and ethanol 95 % (v/v) were observed for different

formulations at p < 0.05 significance level (Figure 1.7). These results

suggest that a considerable amount of both additives remain in the

polymer matrix after processing and consequently could act as active

agents in these PP-based formulations. In this sense, the PP films

obtained in this study could be used as AO films for food packaging

applications in order to extend the shelf-life of food products, retarding

oxidation processes.

Finally, the study of the combined activity of carvacrol and thymol

introduced in the matrix at 4 wt% of each compound (PPTC8) showed

some additive effect between them since similar results were obtained for

samples with 8 wt% of each compound (PPC8 and PPT8) separately. This

effect was more evident into fatty food simulants (Figure 1.7).

3.2.4. Release kinetics of thymol and carvacrol from active films

Information about diffusion coefficients of additives through packaging

materials is very useful to evaluate their performance in active systems.

The critical point in antimicrobial and antioxidant performance of these

materials is the release kinetics of the active additives through the polymer

bulk and to food surfaces. A deeper knowledge of the migration

mechanism of the target AOs from PP films is necessary to obtain

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information about the real possibilities of carvacrol and thymol in active

PP-based materials. Therefore, some experiments were

carried out by using four different food simulants

between the PP-based formulations containing thymol and carvacrol at

wt% and them during 15 days.

Figure 1.9 and Figure 1.10Figure 1.10 show the

carvacrol from PPT8 and PPC8 films with

behaviour was observed for both compounds, being rapidly released

films into food simulants, with the expected increase in their release with

time and reaching a steady state after approximately 120 h.

Figure 1.9. Release of thymol from PPT8 into different food simulants over 15 days. (A)

Ethanol 10 % (v/v), 40 °C; (B) acetic acid, 40 °C; (C) Ethanol 95 % (v/v), 40 °C; and (D)

isooctane, 20 °C. Solid lines were obtained by fitting Equation 1.4 to experimental data.

Results and Discussion. Chapter 1

ies of carvacrol and thymol in active

experiments were designed and

four different food simulants and getting contact

containing thymol and carvacrol at 8

show the release of thymol and

with time, respectively. A similar

h compounds, being rapidly released from

expected increase in their release with

after approximately 120 h.

different food simulants over 15 days. (A)

Ethanol 10 % (v/v), 40 °C; (B) acetic acid, 40 °C; (C) Ethanol 95 % (v/v), 40 °C; and (D)

isooctane, 20 °C. Solid lines were obtained by fitting Equation 1.4 to experimental data.

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Figure 1.10. Release of carvacrol from PPC8 into different food simulants over 15 days.

(A) Ethanol 10 % (v/v), 40 °C; (B) acetic acid, 40 °C; (C) Ethanol 95 % (v/v), 40 °C; and

(D) isooctane, 20 °C. Solid lines were obtained by fitting


Table 1.8. Diffusion coefficients (D×10−14, m2 s-1) calculated from Equation 1.4 for the

release of carvacrol and thymol from PP films into different food simulants (mean ±

standard deviation, n=3).

Analyte (Film) Parameter Ethanol 10 % (v/v)a

Acetic acid3 % (m/v)

Carvacrol (PPC8) αap 1.38 0.07 0.96

D 1.20 0.05 1.7

Thymol (PPT8) αap 1.56 0.1 1.44

D 1.75 0.08 2.51

Migration temperature: a 40 °C;

Release of carvacrol from PPC8 into different food simulants over 15 days.

(A) Ethanol 10 % (v/v), 40 °C; (B) acetic acid, 40 °C; (C) Ethanol 95 % (v/v), 40 °C; and

(D) isooctane, 20 °C. Solid lines were obtained by fitting Equation 1.4 to experimental

) calculated from Equation 1.4 for the

release of carvacrol and thymol from PP films into different food simulants (mean ±



Acetic acid 3 % (m/v)a

Ethanol 95 % (v/v)a Isooctaneb

0.04 1.27 0.07 1.4 0.1

0.1 1.99 0.07 9.4 0.6

0.05 1.56 0.08 2.4 0.2

0.02 1.01 0.03 5.9 0.1

40 °C; b 20 °C

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In a first approach, a significantly higher amount of migrated analytes

occurred into isooctane (see α values in Table 1.8). Furthermore, for this

simulant, at t > 120 h, the equilibrium was not well defined and in the case

of PPT8 in isooctane the release values obtained at the end of the

experiment were close to 100 %. This result can be explained by the

“swelling-controlled” model already proposed by other authors (Suppakul,

Sonneveld, Bigger and Miltz, 2011a).

According to this model, simulants would firstly penetrate into the

polymer matrix to dissolve the active agents, thereby enabling their

subsequent release. Indeed, it could be expected that the simulant uptake

would cause polymer swelling. The migration of thymol and carvacrol is

thus expected to increase with an increase in the simulant penetration into

the PP-based film, reaching a plateau when the matrix is saturated with

the simulant. However, many interactions take place during the migration

of species from polymers into liquids. Moreover, it has been pointed out

that a time-dependent relaxation process could occur as the result of the

swelling that takes place during the diffusion of the liquid through the

polymer. Consequently, release rates change continuously and the accurate

mathematical analysis of the migration is difficult. The rapid diffusion of

simulant molecules through the polymer bulk facilitates further

penetration by the plasticization of the polymer matrix caused by the

presence of additives, until a plateau is reached. As pointed out before, for

isooctane an increase of migration after reaching the equilibrium was

observed for both active additives at 360 h. This could be due to a

combination of temperature and longer times in which the PP-based films

were penetrated by isooctane producing the increase on the released

amount of additives. It can be also assumed that the sorption of isooctane

by the PP matrix and the consequent creation of void spaces could favour

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the migration of the phenolic compounds (Manzanarez-López, Soto-

Valdez, Auras and Peralta, 2011).

The experimental release data shown in Figure 1.9 and Figure 1.10 were

further analysed in terms of a diffusion model in agreement with Equation

1.4. However, the use of this equation to compute diffusion coefficients

needs the previous knowledge of the partition values. According to the

previous discussion, it can be assumed that the amount of thymol or

carvacrol released from the matrix can be estimated as being constant

after 120 h, and once Equation 1.4 can only be applied to MF,t/MP,0 < 0.6;

the use of this equation do not interfere with the assumed effect of the

swelling-process in the mass transport by diffusion. Under these

circumstances, the release of thymol and carvacrol from PPT8 and PPC8

to different simulants can be modelled by using Equation 1.6:


where k’ is a constant related to the release rate constant. By fitting

Equation 1.6 to the experimental data (see solid lines in Figure 1.9 and

Figure 1.10), the values of MF,∞/MP,0 can be obtained and, finally apparent

partition coefficients (αap) can be calculated through Equation 1.7:


It should be stressed that the Equation 1.6 has been selected once

considered the border and limit conditions of the experiments reported in

this work, since it describes a first order kinetic process (Reis, Guilherme,

푀퐹,푡푀푃 ,표

= 푀퐹,∞푀푃,표

1 − 푒−푘 ′ 푡


= 훼푎푝1 + 훼푎푝

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Rubira and Muniz, 2007). In general terms, the fitting of the

determination coefficients with experimental data are higher than 0.96 in

all cases but isooctane-containing systems where determination

coefficients were 0.819 (PPC8) and 0.713 (PPT8).

The results obtained for thymol and carvacrol release are shown in Figure

1.11A and Figure 1.11B, respectively. As can be seen, the linearity of the

plot 5.0






versus 5.0t was very good for both active additives and

all simulants tested, resulting in determination coefficient values (R2)

ranging from 0.961-0.995 for thymol and 0.983-0.992 for carvacrol,

suggesting that the experimental release data are well described by the

proposed diffusion model for short-range times.

The analysis of the diffusion coefficients (D) (Table 1.8) shows that the

diffusion process for thymol and carvacrol in different simulants are

independent on theactive additives, with D values ranging from 1×10−14

to 2×10−14 m2 s-1. This behaviour was expected if considering that

carvacrol and thymol are isomers having similar molecular weights,

chemical structure and polarity (Licciardello, Muratore, Mercea, Tosa and

Nerin, 2013). The exception occurs for the diffusion of these compounds

into isooctane. In fact, D values for thymol and carvacrol are 4 and 6

times higher for this simulant than the average values for the other ones.

This is, however, in line with the previous discussion and with results

reported in Section 3.2. as well. It is also worth noticing that the

magnitude of D values found for these films are one order of magnitude

lower than those obtained for similar AOs and films (Suppakul,

Sonneveld, Bigger and Miltz, 2011a), suggesting that these films can

provide a long-term release, or higher retention inside films, of AOs

making them very useful for active packaging systems.

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Figure 1.11. Plots of 5.0



, 111



MM versus

(A) and carvacrol (B) from PPT8 and PPC8 films into different food simulants.

(◊), 20 °C; acetic acid (o), 40 °C; ethanol 10 % (v/v) (□), 40 °C;

40 °C.

versus 5.0t for the migration of thymol

(A) and carvacrol (B) from PPT8 and PPC8 films into different food simulants. Isooctane

), 40 °C; and ethanol 95 %(v/v) (∆),

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3.3. Antibacterial properties

Figure 1.12 shows the results of the antibacterial tests for the active films

with 8 wt% of additives against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli by

using the agar disk diffusion method. This method is very simple and it is

based on the measurement of the clear zone caused by growth inhibition

produced by a film disk containing the antimicrobial agent when putting

in direct contact with a bacterial culture (Singh, Singh, Bhunia and Singh,

2003; Weerakkody, Caffin, Turner and Dykes, 2010). In this sense, when

the PP-based films with the active agents were placed on top of the

culture media, it is expected that both additives will diffuse from the

polymer matrix into the agar in a radial manner, producing a clear zone of

growth inhibition around the active film.

Figure 1.12. Antimicrobial activity of PP films with 8 wt% active additives: (a)

Staphylococcus aureus; (b) Escherichia coli.

As can be seen in Figure 1.12a, films containing 8 wt% of thymol were the

most effective against Staphylococcus aureus showing the largest inhibition







(a) S. aureus

(b) E. coli

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zone. This behaviour was also observed for the rest of materials with 8

wt% of additives (carvacrol and the equimolar mixture of both

compounds), but with smaller inhibition zone (Table 1.9). These results

demonstrate the antimicrobial action of both additives at high

concentrations (8 wt%). The study of the combined activity by carvacrol

and thymol in the same film (PPTC8) showed that some additive effect

between them took place considering the results obtained for samples

with 4 wt% of each compound (PPC4 and PPT4) separately, where an

insufficient inhibition with no growth under the film was observed, as it

was already reported by other authors (Guarda, Rubilar, Miltz and

Galotto, 2011). Finally, samples with additives at initial concentrations 6

wt% were also not enough to achieve an adequate inhibition under these


Table 1.9. Inhibition zone against Staphylococcus aureus obtained for all formulations.


Inhibition zone diameter (cm) against Staphylococcus aureus


PP0 n.d.

n.d n.d 2.75 ± 0.07


n.d n.d 3.70 ± 0.14


n.d n.d 3.25 ± 0.07

n.d.: No inhibition zone detected. Mean ± standard deviation (n = 2).

On the other hand, lower inhibition was observed when using these

materials for Escherichia coli (Figure 1.12b). There was just some effect only

under the film, but the inhibition zone was not observed. However, it is

still possible to attribute certain antibacterial properties of these films

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against Escherichia coli, since this inhibition is categorized as “sufficient” as

it is described in the SNV 195920-1992 Standard (Pollini, Russo, Licciulli,

Sannino and Maffezzoli, 2009). The low antibacterial activity against

Escherichia coli could be due to the higher resistance of Gram-negative

microorganisms to polyphenols making necessary either the use of higher

concentrations of carvacrol and thymol in these films or the use of these

active agents in the vapour phase, which has been reported to be more

efficient against Escherichia coli (Becerril, Gómez-Lus, Goñi, López and

Nerín, 2007).

Other studies have described the antimicrobial effect of thymol and

carvacrol against Escherichia coli (Xu, Zhou, Ji, Pei and Xu, 2008),

attributing this effect to their ability to permeate and depolarize the

cytoplasmic membrane. These authors observed areas with coagulated

material in the outer wall of cells caused by the precipitation of some

proteins. However, other authors reported higher effectiveness of oregano

essential oil in Gram-positive bacteria (López, Sánchez, Batlle and Nerín,

2005). Therefore it can be concluded that experimental conditions for

such tests are important to get high or low resistance of specific

microorganisms against these compounds (López, Sánchez, Batlle and

Nerín, 2007a; Weerakkody, Caffin, Turner and Dykes, 2010).

As a general conclusion, the addition of carvacrol and thymol to PP films

demonstrated some antimicrobial activity in bacterial strains potentially

present in food, in particular against Gram-positive bacteria.

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3.4. Study of the effectiveness of the active films to preserve

perishable food

3.4.1. Observation of fungal growth

This study was conducted to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of the

developed films and their ability to act in active packaging formulations to

increase the shelf-life in fresh food. These tests were based on the visual

observation of the inhibition of the fungal growth in food samples by the

action of the highly volatile active additives, carvacrol and thymol. In this

sense, some previous studies by other authors showed the effectiveness of

these compounds against different fungal strains of particular interest in

the food industry (López, Sánchez, Batlle and Nerín, 2007a).

Figure 1.13. Study of the effectiveness of PP0 and active films containing 8 wt% of

thymol (PPT8) to preserve cut bread and strawberries by observation of fungal growth.

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Figure 1.13 shows the appearance of sliced strawberries and bread

samples at the beginning of the experiment (day 0) and after the

observation of microbial growth for some days. Regarding strawberries,

satisfactory results were obtained for samples in contact with the active

films, since no fungal growth was observed until six days of storage. In the

case of strawberries in contact with the pure PP film (PP0), a rapid growth

of microorganisms was observed at the third day of treatment.

On the other hand, the presence of microorganisms was observed in

bread samples in contact with the PP0 film after 13 days of storage, in

contrast to bread with the active films where no evidence of microbial

contamination after 45 days of storage was observed.

Figure 1.14. Evaluation of the effectiveness of PP0 and active film containing 8 wt% of

thymol (PPT8) to preserve uncut strawberries by observation of fungal growth.

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However, it was noticed that cut strawberries lost their organoleptic

properties after few days of storage, even before the visual evidence of

fungal growth. For this reason, this study was also conducted for uncut

strawberries (Figure 1.14). For the PP0 film microbial growth was

observed after 6 days of storage. However, strawberries in contact with

the PPT8 film remained unaltered after 13 days. At this storage time

strawberries presented a physical deterioration due to the storage

conditions, but it is important to highlight that microbial growth was not

observed until the end of the study (15 days).

Similar studies were performed with uncut strawberries by other authors,

getting satisfactory results for samples in contact with films treated with

EOs, such as cinnamon, oregano and thyme (Rodríguez, Batlle and Nerín,

2007). Regarding thyme and oregano EOs, their antimicrobial activity is

attributed to the high amount of carvacrol and thymol in their

composition (Hazzit, Baaliouamer, Faleiro and Miguel, 2006). Other

studies conducted in different fruits and vegetables also demonstrated the

effectiveness of the constituents of different EOs (eugenol, thymol,

menthol or eucalyptol) to improve the organoleptic quality of food as well

as to reduce the microbial growth, in particular when using a modified

atmosphere for packaging (Mastromatteo, Conte and Del Nobile, 2010).

In conclusion, results obtained from food samples in contact with PP-

based films containing carvacrol and thymol evidenced the effectiveness

of these compounds to improve the shelf-life of perishable food, such as

strawberries and bread. Accordingly, these results also suggest the

potential to use these films in active packaging systems to replace the

direct addition of preservatives in food formulations.

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20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28




Time (min)

Bread stored at room temperature with PPC films

Day 0Day 2Day 5Day 10Day 15

3.4.2. Headspace analysis by HS-SPME-GC/MS

Figure 1.15 shows the levels of carvacrol, in terms of peak area counts,

reached in the headspace of the containers with bread slices after 0, 2, 5,

10 and 15 days of storage at room temperature described in the previous

section. As can be seen, an increase in the amount of carvacrol released

from the PP-based films was observed with time for the bread samples. A

high release of carvacrol was observed after 2 days with slower release rate

after 5, 10 and 15 days of storage. This mechanism of controlled release

could lead to the improvement in shelf-life of the stored samples retarding

the post-harvest deterioration. A similar behaviour was also observed for

strawberries. Regarding the thymol release, a similar trend was shown for

both test food samples.

Figure 1.15. Release of carvacrol in the headspace of bread slices after 0, 2, 5, 10 and 15

days of storage at room temperature.

Bread stored at room temperature

with PPC8 films

Days of study Peak area (x106)

0 644

2 1086

5 1443

10 1616

15 2178

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Equilibrium modified atmosphere packaging (EMAP) is the most

common packaging technology used to reduce the high respiration rate of

strawberries. It is known that a suitable atmosphere composition can

reduce the respiration rate of fruits and fungal growth with minimal

alteration of organoleptic properties (Rizzolo, Gerli, Prinzivalli, Buratti

and Torreggiani, 2007). In this sense, the identification of the main

compounds present in the headspace of the packaged strawberries was

carried out (Table 1.10) with PP0 films after 4 days of storage at room and

refrigerated conditions. One of the most important processes occurring

during fruit ripening is the increase in volatiles contributing to fruit aroma

and flavour, so the determination of volatiles is a very adequate tool to

predict the decomposition degree of packaged fruits. In this case, the

major volatiles identified for strawberries stored at room temperature

include methyl-isopentanoate, 2-methyl-butylacetate, methyl-hexanoate

and hexyl-acetate. Methyl-butanoate and methyl-hexanoate were also

found in the headspace composition of refrigerated strawberries at 4 °C.

These results are in accordance with those obtained by other authors

when studying volatile compounds in the same food samples (Rizzolo,

Gerli, Prinzivalli, Buratti and Torreggiani, 2007; Blanda et al, 2009).

The addition of thymol and carvacrol to PP films modified significantly

the atmosphere inside packages during the storage of food samples due to

their release from films. This fact could be related to the inhibition of the

volatile compounds identified under these conditions (Table 1.10) that

were not detected in samples in contact with PPT8 and PPC8 films after 4

days of storage.

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Table 1.10. Identified compounds present in the headspace of food samples packed with

PP0 films after 4 days. Bread stored at room

temperature Strawberries stored at

room temperature Strawberries refrigerated at 4 °C

Time (min) Compound Time

(min) Compound Time (min) Compound

1.4 Ethanol 3.2 Methyl isopentanoate 1.9 Hexane

5.7 2,4-dimethyl heptane 5.8 2-methyl

butylacetate 3.1 Methylbutanoate

6.6 2,4-dimethyl heptene 7.4 Methyl

hexanoate 3.9 Toluene

7.8 Isononane 10.6 Hexylacetate 6.8 Isopropyl butyrate

13.0 4-methyloctane 12.2 Methyl hexanoate

On the other hand, ethanol was the main volatile compound found in the

headspace of bread in contact with the PP0 film and stored at room

temperature for 4 days. Ethanol results from the fermentation and/or

lipid oxidation in bread as it has been reported by other authors (Poinot et

al, 2007). In this sense, commercial bread samples in contact with PPT8 or

PPC8 films after 4 days of storage were characterized by significantly

lower amounts of ethanol, suggesting a reduction on oxidation reactions

by the presence of thymol and carvacrol. The improvement on the

oxidative stability of bread could be attributed to the release of carvacrol

and thymol resulting in the increase of shelf-life.

From these results it can be concluded that the release of both additives

from active films to the headspace of the studied packaged foodstuff

increased with the storage time, as expected. The volatiles profile obtained

by HS-SPME-GC/MS was found to be different for samples in contact

with PP0 and those with PPT8 and PPC8, due to the modification of the

food headspace composition by the presence of these additives.

Therefore, the release of thymol and carvacrol from the active PP films

has shown to be effective in maintaining the quality of strawberries and

bread submitted to different storage conditions. Finally, it can be

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concluded that PP films with carvacrol and thymol could be a promising

alternative to increase the foodstuff shelf-life.

4. Conclusions

Carvacrol and thymol have shown their potential as active additives in PP-

based films for food packaging with the double effect of their controlled

release to foodstuff and their possibility to protect food from oxidative

and microbiological degradation processes.

Characterization of the active PP-based films was carried out by using

different analytical techniques in order to evaluate the effect of carvacrol

and thymol in the polymer matrix and their stabilization performance

during processing. SEM micrographs showed certain porosity for films

with the highest additives concentrations (8 wt%). Some decrease in the

elastic modulus was observed for the active formulations compared with

neat PP. The presence of additives did not affect the thermal stability of

PP, but resulted in decreasing crystallinity and oxygen barrier properties.

The presence of thymol and carvacrol also increased the stabilization

against thermo-oxidative degradation, with higher oxidation induction

parameters; suggesting that the polymer is well stabilized and a certain

amount of these compounds remained in the polymer matrix after

processing at high temperatures.

The release study of carvacrol and thymol from PP films into aqueous and

fatty food simulants was also accomplished. Analytical methods for the

determination of the target compounds in the studied food simulants were

successfully developed and validated. The release of additives from films

was dependent on the food simulant and the amount incorporated into

the polymer matrix. In particular, high migration levels were obtained for

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both additives into isooctane, showing higher migration for thymol. The

antioxidant activity of migration extracts was confirmed by the DPPH

method, showing thymol a higher antioxidant capacity especially into

isooctane with a 42.2 % of inhibition. The results obtained for the

migration kinetics study showed that carvacrol and thymol incorporated

into PP films at 8 wt% were readily released into different food simulants,

but some quantities still remaining in the polymer matrix after 15 days.

The release kinetics of both additives from PP films showed a Fickian

behaviour with diffusion coefficients ranging from 1-2×10−14 m2 s-1;

except for the diffusion into isooctane where values 4-6 times higher were


Finally, thymol showed higher inhibition against bacterial strains present

in food than carvacrol, leading to higher antimicrobial activity, in

particular against Gram-positive bacteria. The obtained results provided

evidences that exposure to carvacrol and thymol is an effective way to

enlarge the quality of strawberries and bread samples during distribution

and sale.

As a general conclusion of this chapter, it could be stated that the addition

of AO/AM additives, such as carvacrol and thymol to PP matrices in

food packaging applications shows high potential to improve quality and

safety aspects. In particular, the high efficiencies of their release from PP

active films points out the great potential of these systems in AO/AM

packaging of different food products to extend their shelf-life while

avoiding the direct addition of additives to food.

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Weerakkody, N.S., Caffin, N., Turner, M.S., Dykes, G.A. (2010). In Vitro

Antimicrobial Activity of Less-Utilized Spice and Herb Extracts against

Selected Food-Borne Bacteria. Food Control, 21, 1408-1414.

Wu, Y., Luo, Y., Wang, Q. (2012). Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of

Essential Oils Encapsulated in Zein Nanoparticles Prepared by Liquid–

Liquid Dispersion Method. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 48, 283-


Xu, J., Zhou, F., Ji, B.P., Pei, R.S., Xu, N. (2008). The Antibacterial Mechanism of

Carvacrol and Thymol against Escherichia Coli. Letters in Applied

Microbiology, 47, 174-179.

Yanishlieva, N.V., Marinova, E.M., Gordon, M.H., Raneva, V.G. (1999).

Antioxidant Activity and Mechanism of Action of Thymol and

Carvacrol in Two Lipid Systems. Food Chemistry, 64, 59-66.

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2 Chapter 2

Active nanocomposites based on PLA with thymol and nanomaterials for food packaging applications

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The main aim of this chapter is the presentation of the results obtained

for the formulation, processing and characterization of PLA-based active

nanocomposites with intended application in the manufacture of films for

food packaging. PLA was selected as the polymer matrix by its adequate

combination of mechanical and optical properties for the formulation of

transparent films while preserving the biodegradable character of

nanocomposites. Thymol was used as active additive while two different

nano-reinforcements were selected, a commercial organo-modified

montmorillonite (MMT), Dellite®43B, in Section 2.1, and silver

nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) in Section 2.2. Both nanomaterials were selected

by their commercial availability, good compatibility with the polymer

matrix and possibility of positive modifications in the mechanical, barrier

and antimicrobial properties of PLA.

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1. Introduction

Research in biopolymers and their possible use in massive applications,

such as food packaging, has gained a lot of attention in the last few years

from technological and ecological points of view (Mellinas et al, 2015). In

fact, the raising trend for the industrial use of environmentally-friendly

materials, such as PLA, represents an interesting alternative to polymers

derived from petroleum due to its renewable origin, biodegradability and

biocompatibility (Alix et al, 2013; Reddy, Vivekanandhan, Misra, Bhatia

and Mohanty, 2013). PLA is one of the most important commercially

available bio-based and biodegradable thermoplastic polyesters (Inkinen,

Hakkarainen, Albertsson and Sodergard, 2011) by its adequate optical and

mechanical properties, possibilities of modification with additives without

hampering its biodegradation/biocompatibility abilities. In addition, PLA

is classified as GRAS for food packaging applications, fulfilling the

requirements to be in direct contact with aqueous, acidic and fatty foods

(Peelman et al, 2013).

PLA is a highly transparent and rigid material with a relatively low

crystallization rate, making it a promising candidate for the fabrication of

biaxial oriented films, thermoformed containers and stretch-blown bottles

(Inkinen, Hakkarainen, Albertsson and Sodergard, 2011). However, some

properties of PLA are inadequate for food packaging applications, such as

poor thermal stability and low glass transition temperature, gas barrier

properties, ductility and toughness (Hwang et al, 2012). In the last few

years, some work has been reported to improve some of these PLA

properties. One of the most paved paths to overcome these drawbacks is

by the reinforcement with nanomaterials, mostly layered silicates

(Fukushima, Tabuani and Camino, 2009; Gamez-Perez et al, 2011;

Lagaron and Lopez-Rubio, 2011; Picard, Espuche and Fulchiron, 2011).

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In this sense, the incorporation of lamellar nanofillers with high aspect

ratio, such as MMTs, has resulted in significant improvement in PLA

mechanical, gas barrier, and optical properties (Rhim, Hong and Ha,


Silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) have also emerged as candidates for PLA

modification by their strong AM effect to a wide range of

microorganisms, joined to their stability at high temperatures and low

volatility (Echegoyen and Nerín, 2013). Due to their unspecific

mechanism of action, silver ions are active not only against a broad

number of bacteria, but also against yeast, fungi and viruses (Sharma,

Yngard and Lin, 2009). However, some concerns about the safety and

environmental effects of products containing Ag-NPs in direct contact

with food have raised recently (Reidy, Haase, Luch, Dawson and Lynch,

2013; Addo Ntim, Thomas, Begley and Noonan, 2015). According to the

Council Directive 94/36/EC (1994), silver is accepted as food additive

with the code E174 if used as “external coating of confectionary,

decoration of chocolates, liqueurs”. Nevertheless, in food contact

materials Ag-NPs are not yet allowed, although the presence of certain

silver zeolites is already authorized in plastic food containers and rubber

seals (Artiaga, Ramos, Ramos, Cámara and Gómez-Gómez, 2015). Nano-

and thin-film technologies based on novel systems associating metal

nanoparticles to biopolymer matrices open a broad range of new

applications, such as active biofilms for food packaging. The AM effect of

Ag-NPs loaded in selected polymer matrices against foodborne bacteria

has been reported. For instance, Kanmani et al developed active

nanocomposite films by blending aqueous solutions of gelatin with

different concentrations of Ag-NPs (Kanmani and Rhim, 2014a).

Nanocomposite films based on LDPE containing Ag-NPs were also

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formulated, showing some improvement in the resistance to

microbiological degradation of packed juice (Emamifar, Kadivar, Shahedi

and Soleimanian-Zad, 2011). Shameli et al evaluated the AM performance

of PLA/Ag-NPs nanocomposites against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus

aureus by the disk diffusion method with high success (Shameli et al, 2010).

Fortunati et al reported that the antibacterial activity of Ag-NPs depends

on the bacterial strain and on differences in the cell wall structure between

Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria (Fortunati, Rinaldi, et al, 2014).

Recently, food packaging companies are focusing on the improvement of

quality and extending the food shelf-life while maintaining their natural

properties. The increasing demand for natural additives has resulted in the

development of new active materials based on polymer or biopolymer

matrices with natural additives, such as plant extracts or essential oils,

which are categorized as GRAS by the FDA as well as the current

European Legislation (Commission Regulation (EU) No 10/2011. Plastic

materials and articles intended to come into contact with food) (Guarda,

Rubilar, Miltz and Galotto, 2011; Valdés, Mellinas, Ramos, Garrigós and

Jiménez, 2014).

The addition of natural additives with AM and/or AO properties into a

polymer matrix allows their gradual release during storage and

distribution, extending food shelf-life by decreasing lipid auto-oxidation

and the spoilage by microorganisms, which are recognized as major causes

of deterioration affecting both sensory and nutritional quality

(Manzanarez-López, Soto-Valdez, Auras and Peralta, 2011). In this sense,

thymol is one of the most promising natural additives to be used in active

formulations since it has been reported to be effective as AO and AM (Al-

Bandak and Oreopoulou, 2007; Amorati, Foti and Valgimigli, 2013;

Gyawali and Ibrahim, 2014). In fact, the presence of the hydroxyl

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functional group in the thymol structure plays an important role in its AM

and AO activity. The hydroxyl group promotes the delocalization of

electrons, acting as proton exchangers to reduce the gradient across the

cytoplasmic membrane of bacterial cells and causing the collapse of the

proton motive force and depletion of the ATP pool, leading to cell death

(Gyawali and Ibrahim, 2014). The AO properties of thymol are due to the

ability to donate H-atoms from the phenol hydroxyl groups, which could

react with peroxyl radicals to produce stabilized phenoxyl radicals and

terminating the lipid peroxidation chain reactions (Mastelic et al, 2008;

Viuda-Martos, Navajas, Zapata, Fernández-López and Pérez-Álvarez,

2010). Several methods have been proposed to determine the high AO

and AM activity of thymol as pure compound or extracted from plants

(Sánchez-Moreno, 2002; Amorati and Valgimigli, 2015; Perricone, Arace,

Corbo, Sinigaglia and Bevilacqua, 2015).

The use of natural additives in combination with nanofillers to develop

novel active nanocomposites has been recently proposed (Kanmani and

Rhim, 2014a; Mihindukulasuriya and Lim, 2014; Qin et al, 2015; Shemesh

et al, 2015; Tornuk, Hancer, Sagdic and Yetim, 2015). In these active

systems, additives with AM and/or AO performance, such as thymol, are

embedded into a matrix acting against bacteria and/or moulds extending

food shelf-life while improving quality (Sung et al, 2013). The use of

nanomaterials in these formulations could improve some key properties,

such as flexibility, gas barrier and temperature/moisture stability (Priolo,

Holder, Gamboa and Grunlan, 2011; Araújo, Botelho, Oliveira and

Machado, 2014; Mihindukulasuriya and Lim, 2014). In the case of addition

of AG-NPs, all these features could be complemented by the increase in

AM properties given by the additive or synergic effect of both

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components, active principle and nanoparticles (Fonseca et al, 2015; Pagno

et al, 2015).

In summary, the development of different nanocomposites based on PLA

with nanoclays (Fukushima, Tabuani and Camino, 2009; Gamez-Perez et

al, 2011; Picard, Espuche and Fulchiron, 2011; Souza, Morales, Marin-

Morales and Mei, 2013; Rawi, Jayaraman and Bhattacharyya, 2014;

Fortunati et al, 2015) or active systems (Byun, Kim and Whiteside, 2010;

López-Rubio and Lagaron, 2010; Hwang et al, 2012; Wu, Yuan, et al, 2014)

has been extensively reported in the last few years. However, few works

have reported the combination of thymol and nanofillers in biopolymer

matrices resulting in nanocomposites with AO and AM properties for use

in food packaging. Indeed, the formulation of this new generation active

nanocomposites represents a promising alternative to enhance mechanical

and gas barrier properties and extend foodstuff shelf-life by the increase in

the resistance to oxidative and microbiological degradation. This study

focuses on the development of AO/AM active films based on PLA with a

natural additive (thymol), reinforced with a commercial organically

modified montmorillonite [Dellite®43B (D43B)] (Section 2.1) and Ag-

NPs (Section 2.2).

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3 Section 2.1.

Active nanocomposites based on PLA with thymol and layered montmorillonite nanoclay for food

packaging applications

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A full characterization of PLA-thymol-D43B ternary formulations was

carried out including the determination of thermal, structural, mechanical

and functional properties. After the incorporation of the active additive

and the nanofiller, the presence of thymol in the nanocomposites was

determined by HPLC-UV analysis and the release of thymol into aqueous

food simulant was determined. The AO activity was evaluated by using

the DPPH method and the antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus

(Gram-positive) and Escherichia coli (Gram-negative) was also studied.

Finally, the post-use disposal of these active nanocomposite films was

evaluated in a laboratory-scale composting condition test. The scheme in

the next page shows the graphical flow of tests performed whose results

will be discussed in this section.

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Figure 2.1. General scheme of the experimental work presented in Section 2.1.

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2. Experimental

2.1. Materials and chemicals

Commercial PLA-4060D (Tg = 58 °C, 11-13 wt% D-isomer) was supplied

in pellets by Natureworks Co., (Minnetonka, MN, USA). Thymol (99.5

%), 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH, 95 %),methanol and ethanol

(HPLC grade) were supplied by Sigma-Aldrich (Madrid, Spain). The

commercial nanoclay was Dellite®43B (D43B) (Laviosa Chimica

Mineraria S.p.A. Livorno, Italy), a dimethyl-benzyldihydrogenated tallow

ammonium modified montmorillonite with a cation exchange capacity

(CEC) 95 meq/100 g clay, a bulk density of 0.40 g cm−3 and a typical

particle size distribution between 7-9 µm.

2.2. Films preparation

The different nanocomposites were obtained by melt-blending in a Haake

Polylab QC mixer (ThermoFischer Scientific, Walham, MA, USA) with a

mixing time of 20 min at 160 °C. Two different rotor speeds were used:

150 rpm in the loading and mixing steps (15 min) and 100 rpm for the last

5 min, when thymol was added. This final addition of thymol was

designed to limit degradation and to ensure the presence of the active

additive in the final blends. Prior to the mixing step, PLA and the

nanoclay were dried for 24 h at 80 and 100 °C, respectively. Thymol was

used as received.

Five different formulations (three binary and two ternary) were obtained

by combining thymol at one concentration level (8 wt %) and D43B at

two different loadings (2.5 and 5 wt %) in PLA matrices, as described in

Table 2.1. An additional sample without any additive was also prepared

and used as control (neat PLA).

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Films were obtained by compression-moulding at 180 °C in a hot-plate

press (Carver Inc 3850, Wabash, IN, USA). Blends were kept at

atmospheric pressure for 5 min until melting and pressed at 2 MPa for 1

min, 3.5 MPa for 1 min and finally 5 MPa for 5 min to eliminate air

bubbles trapped in the film structure. Transparent films were obtained

with average thickness 190 15 μm measured with a Digimatic

Micrometer Series 293 MDC-Lite (Mitutoyo, Japan) at five random


Table 2.1. PLA-based films formulated in this study.

Samples PLA (wt%) D43B (wt%) Thymol (wt%)

PLA 100 - -

PLA/D43B2.5 97.5 2.5 -

PLA/D43B5 95 5 -

PLA/T 92 - 8

PLA/T/D43B2.5 89.5 2.5 8

PLA/T/D43B5 87 5 8

2.3. Thymol quantification

The actual amount of thymol in films after processing was determined by

solid-liquid extraction followed by HPLC-UV analysis. 0.05 ± 0.01 g of

each film were extracted with 10 mL of methanol at 40 °C and 50 % RH

for 24 h in a climate chamber (Dycometal CM-081, Barcelona, Spain).

Thymol was determined with a Shimadzu LC-20A liquid chromatograph

(Kyoto, Japan) equipped with a UV detector at 274 nm. The column used

was a LiChrospher 100 RP 18 (250 mm x 5 mm x 5 μm, Agilent

Technologies, USA). The mobile phase was composed of acetonitrile and

water (40:60) at 1 mL min-1 flow rate. 20 μL of the extracted samples were

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injected and analyses were performed in triplicate. Quantification of the

active additive was carried out by comparison of the chromatographic

peak areas with standards in the same concentration range. Calibration

curves were run at five concentration levels from 100 to 500 mg kg-1 using

appropriately diluted standards of thymol in methanol.

2.4. Films characterization

Films were characterized by the determination of their thermal,

mechanical, morphological, optical and barrier to oxygen properties.

2.4.1. Thermal analysis

TGA tests were performed with a TGA/SDTA 851 Mettler Toledo

thermal analyser (Schwarzenbach, Switzerland). Approximately 5 mg

samples were heated from 30 to 700 °C at 10 °C min-1 under nitrogen

atmosphere (flow rate 50 mL min-1).

DSC tests were used to determine Tg of all materials with a TA DSC Q-

2000 instrument (New Castle, DE, USA) under nitrogen atmosphere

(flow rate 50 mL min-1). Approximately 3 mg samples were heated from -

30 to 200 °C at 10 °C min-1 (3 min hold), then cooled at 10 °C min-1 to -30

°C (3 min hold) and further heated to 200 °C at 10 °C min-1.

2.4.2. Structural analysis

The nanocomposites structure was studied by XRD, including the

nanoclay dispersion. XRD patterns were recorded at room temperature in

the scattering angle (2θ) 2-30° (step size: 0.01°, scanning rate: 8 s step-1)

using filtered Cu Kα radiation (λ: 1.54 Å). A Bruker D8-Advance model

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diffractometer (Madison, WI, USA) was used to determine the interlayer

distance (d-spacing) and intercalation of the nanoclay.

2.4.3. Morphological analysis

The nanocomposites morphology was studied by transmission electron

microscopy (TEM) micrographs which were performed by using a JEOL

JEM-2010 (Tokyo, Japan) with accelerating voltage 100 kV. Prior to

analysis, films were ultra-microtomed to obtain slices of 100 nm thick

(RMC, model MTXL).

2.4.4. Mechanical properties

Tensile properties of all films were determined with a 3340 Series Single

Column System Instron Instrument, LR30K model (Fareham Hants, UK)

equipped with a 2 kN load cell. The main tensile parameters, such as

elastic modulus and elongation at break, were calculated from stress-strain

curves according to the ASTM D882-09 Standard procedure (ASTM,

2009). Prior to testing, all samples were conditioned for 48 h at 25 °C and

50 % RH. Tests were performed with 100 x 10 mm2 rectangular probes

and initial grip separation of 60 mm. The specimens were stretched at 10

mm min-1 until breaking. Results were the average of five measurements

(± standard deviation).

2.4.5. Oxygen transmission rate (OTR)

OTR is defined as the quantity of oxygen circulating through a determined

area of the parallel surface of a plastic film per time unit. An oxygen

permeation analyser (8500 model Systech, Metrotec S.A, Spain) was used

for OTR tests. Pure oxygen (99.9 %) was introduced into the upper half

of the diffusion chamber while nitrogen was injected into the lower half,

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where an oxygen sensor was located. Films were cut into 14 cm diameter

circles for each formulation and they were clamped in the diffusion

chamber at 25 °C before testing. Tests were performed in triplicate and

mean values were expressed as oxygen transmission rate per film thickness


2.4.6. Colour tests

Colour modifications on PLA-based films caused by the addition of the

active additive and the nanoclay were followed by using a Konica CM-

3600d COLORFLEX-DIFF2 colorimeter, HunterLab, (Reston, VA,

USA). Colour values were expressed as L* (lightness), a* (red-green) and

b* (yellow-blue) coordinates in the CIELab colour space. These

parameters were determined at five different locations in the film surfaces

and the average values were calculated. Total colour difference (∆E*) was

calculated according to Equation 2.1.

(2.1) where ∆L*, ∆a* and ∆b* are the coordinate differences between control

(neat PLA) and samples.

2.5. Degradation in compost

Disintegration tests under composting conditions were performed by

following the European Standard ISO 20200. The test method

determines, at the bench-scale, the degree of disintegration of plastic

materials under simulated intensive aerobic composting conditions (UNE-

EN_20200, 2006). Materials can be considered disintegrable according to

∆퐸∗ = [(∆퐿∗)2 + (∆푎∗)2 + (∆푏∗)2]12

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this standard when 90 % of the plastic sample weight is lost within 180

days of analysis.

Samples for disintegration tests were cut in pieces (20 x 20 mm2). A solid

synthetic bio-waste was prepared, with certain amount of sawdust, rabbit

food, compost inoculums, starch, oil, sugar and urea, as shown in Table

2.2. Water was periodically added and compost was mixed by hand at

certain time intervals to ensure the aerobic conditions in the process.

Samples were buried at 5 cm depth in perforated boxes and incubated at

58 °C for 35 days. Different times were selected to recover samples from

their burial and further tested: 0, 2, 4, 7, 10, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days.

Table 2.2. Composition of synthetic bio-waste used to simulate the disintegrability in

composting conditions.

Composition Quantity (g)

Sawdust 240

Rabbit food 180

Starch 60

Compost inoculum 60

Sugar 30

Oil 18

Urea 12

Deionised water 600

TOTAL 1200 g

Samples were immediately washed after recovery with special care to

remove traces of compost extracted from the container and further dried

at 37 °C for 24 h before gravimetrical analysis. The degree of

disintegration was calculated in percentage by normalizing the sample

weight at different stages of incubation to the initial weight by using

Equation 2.2.

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where mi is the initial dry plastic mass and mt is the dry plastic material

after the test.

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and DSC analysis of all

materials after testing at different times were performed, while sample

photographs were taken for visual study. DSC analysis of samples at

different disintegration times was carried out under nitrogen from -25 to

200 °C at a heating rate of 10 °C min-1. FTIR spectra of the degraded

samples were recorded by a Jasco FT-IR 615 spectrometer, in attenuated

total reflection (ATR) mode, in the 400–4000 cm−1 range.

2.6. Applicability of films for food packaging applications

2.6.1. Release study

The release of thymol from nanocomposite films was performed into

ethanol 10 % (v/v) as food simulant according to the European Standard

EN 13130-2005 (UNE-EN_13130-1, 2005) and the Commission

Regulation (EU) n° 10/2011 (Commission_Regulation/(EU)/No-

10/2011). Double-sided, total immersion migration tests were performed

with films (12 cm2) and 20 mL of food simulant (area-to-volume ratio

around 6 dm2 L-1) in triplicate at 40 °C for 10 days in an oven (J.P. Selecta,

Barcelona, Spain).

A kinetic study of the release of thymol from the film to the food simulant

during a suitable period of time (15 days) was performed. Samples were

taken after 2, 6, 12, 24, 48 hours and 5, 10 and 15 days, in triplicate. A

blank test was also carried out. The obtained extracts were recovered after

퐷푖푠푖푛푡푒푔푟푎푏푖푙푖푡푦 (%) = 푚푖 −푚푡

푚푖∙ 100

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the removal of samples and stored at -4 °C before the chromatographic


HPLC-UV was used to determine the amount of thymol released from

films at different incubation times with an Agilent 1260 Infinity-HPLC

Diode Array Detector (DAD) (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA) and Agilent

eclipse plus C18 (100 mm x 4.6 mm x 3.5 μm) column. The mobile phase

was composed of acetonitrile/water (40:60) at 1 mL min-1 flow rate. 20 μL

of the extracts were injected and detected at λ = 274 nm. Analyses were

performed in triplicate. Calibration standards were run at different

concentrations between 12.5 and 780 mg kg-1 from a stock solution (1000

mg kg-1) using appropriately diluted standards of thymol in ethanol 10 %

(v/v). This method was validated by the calculation of the main analytical

parameters affecting the determination of thymol in the studied food

simulant. LOD and LOQ values were determined by using regression

parameters from the calibration curve (3 Sy/x/a and 10 Sy/x/a, respectively;

where Sy/x is the standard deviation of the residues and a the slope of the

calibration curve) being 0.29 mgThymol kg-1 and 0.96 mgThymol kg-1,

respectively. A good linearity was obtained which was determined by the

calculation of the determination coefficient, R2 (0.9994).

2.6.2. Antioxidant activity of released thymol

The AO activity of thymol released from the food simulant was evaluated

by using the spectrophotometric method based on the formation of the

stable radical DPPH (Scherer and Godoy, 2009; Byun, Kim and

Whiteside, 2010). 500 μL of extracts were mixed with 2 mL of a

methanolic solution of DPPH (0.06 mM) in a capped cuvette. The

mixture was shaken vigorously at room temperature and the absorbance

of the solution was registered at 517 nm with a Biomate-3 UV-Vis

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spectrophotometer (Thermospectronic, Mobile, AL, USA). DPPH radical

absorbs at 517 nm but, upon reduction, its absorption at this particular

wavelength decreases. The decay in absorbance was measured at 1 min

intervals until it reached the steady state to complete the reaction (200

min). All analyses were performed in triplicate.

The scavenging ability of the stable radical DPPH was calculated as

percentage of inhibition (I %) with the Equation 2.3:

(2.3) where AControl is the absorbance of the blank sample at t = 0 min and

ASample is the absorbance of the tested sample at t = 200 min.

2.6.3. Antibacterial activity

Escherichia coli RB (E. coli RB) and Staphylococcus aureus 8325-4 (S. aureus

8325-4) were used in this study. E. coli RB was an isolate strain provided

by the “Zooprofilattico Institute of Pavia” (Italy), whereas S. aureus 8325-4

was a gift from Mr. Timothy J. Foster (Department of Microbiology,

Dublin, Ireland). E. coli RB and S. aureus 8325-4 were grown overnight

under aerobic conditions at 37 °C using a shaker incubator (New

Brunswick Scientific Co., Edison, NJ, USA) in Luria Bertani Broth (LB)

and Brian Heart Infusion (BHI) (Difco Laboratories Inc., Detroit, MI,

USA), respectively. The final density of these cultures was established at 1

x 1010 cells mL-1, determined by comparison of the OD600 of samples with

a standard curve relating OD600 to cell number.

The evaluation of the antibacterial activity of neat PLA and PLA-based

active nanocomposites was performed in 100 µL of an overnight diluted

cell suspension (1 x 104) of E. coli RB and S. aureus 8325-4. Bacterial strains

퐼(%) = 퐴퐶표푛푡푟표푙 − 퐴푆푎푚푝푙푒퐴퐶표푛푡푟표푙 ∙ 100

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were added to each sample, seeded at the bottom of a 96-well tissue

culture plate and incubated at three different temperatures: 4 °C, 24 °C

and 37 °C for 3 h and 24 h, respectively. Furthermore, 96-well flat-bottom

sterile polystyrene culture plates used as controls were incubated under the

same conditions. At the end of each incubation period, bacterial

suspensions were serially diluted and plated on the LB (E. coli RB) or BHI

(S. aureus 8325-4) agar plates. They were then incubated for 24/48 h at 37

°C. Cell survival was expressed as percentage of CFU of bacterial growth

on PLA active nanocomposite films compared to those obtained for the

neat PLA film.

2.7. Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis of results was performed with SPSS commercial

software (Version 15.0, Chicago, IL). A one-way analysis of variance

(ANOVA) was carried out. Differences between means were assessed on

the basis of confidence intervals using the Tukey test at a p < 0.05

significance level.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Determination of thymol in films

One of the most important issues in the development of active materials

when volatile additives are involved is to ensure that a significant amount

of these chemicals remain in the polymer matrix after processing. In this

case, the amount of thymol determined by HPLC-UV which is presented

in formulations after processing is reported in Table 2.3.

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Table 2.3. Quantification of thymol (HPLC-UV) and thermal parameters (TGA, DSC)

obtained for all nanocomposite films and neat PLA.

Sample Extracted thymol (wt%)

Weight loss (wt%) (1st step)

Tini (°C)

Tmax (°C)

Tg (°C)

PLA n.d. n.d. 335 369 57

PLA/D43B2.5 n.d. n.d. 334 363 57

PLA/D43B5 n.d. n.d. 340 369 57

PLA/T 5.57 ± 0.01a 6.6 331 366 43

PLA/T/D43B2.5 5.99 ± 0.03b 6.3 336 366 41

PLA/T/D43B5 5.78 ± 0.02c 7.1 339 369 44

n.d. Not detected Tg: determined by DSC from the first heating scan at 10 °C min-1. Weight loss (wt%, 1st degradation step), Tini and Tmax (2nd degradation step): determined by TGA at 10 °C min-1 in N2 atmosphere. Results are represented as mean ± standard deviation, n=3. Different superscripts within the same column indicate statistically significant different values (p < 0.05)

Results showed that in all cases approximately 70 % of the initial thymol

remained in the polymer structure after processing. Losses of thymol

during processing are caused by evaporation or degradation due to high

temperatures. Nevertheless, these losses (around 30 %) are in the same

range than those reported for other common antioxidants in PLA-based

formulations, such as BHT (Ortiz-Vazquez, Shin, Soto-Valdez and Auras,

2011). These losses can be due to several factors, such as poor mixing in

the extruder, evaporation, thermal degradation and the own AO action of

these additives to protect the polymer during processing. But, it is

remarkable that the volatility of active additives is desirable in food

packaging applications to promote their migration from the polymer

surface to food (Wessling, Nielsen and Giacin, 2001). Therefore, thymol

can be considered a good active additive in food packaging materials since

a large amount remains after processing and may be released from the

polymer matrix to improve foodstuff shelf-life. It should be also

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highlighted that the amount of thymol after processing was slightly higher

in nanocomposite films containing D43B indicating that the nanoclay can

retard thymol evaporation during processing (p < 0.05).

3.2. Films characterization

3.2.1. Thermal analysis

Figure 2.2 shows the weight loss and derivative thermogravimetric analysis

(DTG) curves obtained for neat PLA and all nanocomposite films. The

main degradation peak for PLA was observed in all samples around 365-

370 °C. A first degradation step around 120 ºC was observed in those

materials containing thymol and it was attributed to the evaporation

and/or loss of thymol from the polymer matrix, as already discussed in

Chapter 1 and in agreement with Tawakkal et al. (Tawakkal, Cran and

Bigger, 2014). These authors used TGA to study the retention of thymol

in PLA-based films after processing and suggested that the evaporation

and/or volatilization of thymol from the polymer matrix started at low

temperatures, remaining active for a broad temperature range. This result

is another indication of the presence of thymol after processing. The

amount of thymol (weight loss, wt%, 1st degradation step) was calculated

from the TGA curves and results are shown in Table 2.3. The obtained

results were quite similar to those values obtained from the determination

of thymol by HPLC-UV already discussed in Section 3.1.

The Tini, or onset temperature determined at 5 % of weight loss, and Tmax

(temperature for the maximum degradation rate) of PLA are also shown

in Table 2.3. No noticeable differences were observed in all materials

regardless of their formulation. Therefore, it could be concluded that the

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addition of thymol and D43B did not affect the thermal degradation

profile of the nanocomposite films.

Figure 2.2. Weight loss (wt%) (a) and DTG (b) curves obtained for PLA-based films.

Some authors have considered several molecular mechanisms to explain

the PLA thermal degradation. The primary cause of this process is a non-

radical, 'backbiting' which is refered to the formation of cyclic compounds

through intramolecular reactions between the carboxylic end group of the

PLA chain and the ester bond of the chain. This reaction can produce

lactide, oligomers of lactic acid, acetaldehyde, carbon monoxide and water,

depending upon the size of the cyclic transition state (Barrere et al, 2014){




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700


ht L

oss (



Temperature (ºC)








0,000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700




Temperature (ºC)




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Other authors have proposed radical reactions for the PLA degradation

mechanism, which start with either alkyl-oxygen or acyl-oxygen homolysis

leading to the formation of several types of oxygen- and carbon-centred

macro-radicals and carbon monoxide (Fukushima, Abbate, Tabuani,

Gennari and Camino, 2009).

DSC was used to determine the Tg values in all PLA-based films (Table

2.3). It is known that this parameter is dependent upon the polymer

structural arrangement and corresponds to the torsion oscillation of the

carbon backbone giving a clear indication of the toughness and ductility of

the polymer (Hughes, Thomas, Byun and Whiteside, 2012). Tg results of

these materials showed that the addition of D43B to PLA did not produce

important variations in the polymer structure, as reported by other

authors for other PLA-based nanocomposites (Lewitus, McCarthy, Ophir

and Kenig, 2006; Scatto et al, 2013). However, the effect of thymol on the

PLA macromolecular structure (and consequently on Tg) was more

important. In fact, the presence of thymol induced a decrease in more

than 10 °C in Tg values, regardless of the presence of D43B (Figure 2.3),.

A similar behaviour was reported by other authors in PLA formulations

with thymol (Tawakkal, Cran and Bigger, 2014) and other active additives

(Byun, Kim & Whiteside, 2010; Hwang et al., 2012). This decrease in Tg

values could be explained by some plasticizing effect caused by the

addition of thymol resulting in an increase in the molecular mobility of the

macromolecular chains of the polymer matrix and the ductility of the final

blend of PLA with thymol, with some reduction in the polymer toughness

as will be discussed for the tensile properties of all materials. No other

significant peaks were observed in the DSC curves (Figure 2.3), and it

could be concluded that the addition of thymol and D43B to the polymer

matrix did not change the inherent amorphous structure of PLA.

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~ 211 ~



Figure 2.3. DSC thermograms for PLA-based films for the first heating (a) and the

second heating scan (b).


t flo

w (W


) H

eat f


(W g


Results and Discussion. Chapter 2

based films for the first heating (a) and the

second heating scan (b).

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3.2.2. Structural analysis

XRD is a very useful technique to determine d-spacing and gives an

accurate estimation of the layer separation in silicate nanocomposites. The

XRD pattern of neat PLA is characterized by a broad band approximately

at 2θ = 15°, confirming its amorphous structure (Fukushima, Abbate,

Tabuani, Gennari and Camino, 2009). No significant differences were

found in the XRD patterns of all materials at this angle range, suggesting

that the polymer structure and crystallinity were not influenced by the

presence of D43B and/or thymol and corroborating the DSC results.

The most significant differences in XRD patterns of these materials were

detected in the low angle range (2-10°) (Figure 2.4). D43B is characterized

by a single diffraction peak at 2θ = 4.6° corresponding to the (001) plane

of the silicate layers, accounting for a 19.2 Å interlayer distance. A shift of

the clay diffraction peak to lower angles would mean a higher distance

between layers and consequently suggests the good interaction of D43B

with the polymer matrix (Scatto et al, 2013). In fact, the results obtained

for XRD patterns of PLA nanocomposites with D43B showed a

diffraction peak around 2.6º, corresponding to an interlayer distance of

35.6 Å. In addition, a significant decrease in this peak intensity was

observed with the addition of the nanofiller, accounting for the formation

of a more disordered structure. This result also suggests the formation of

an intercalated nanocomposite structure, as indicated by other authors

(Picard, Espuche and Fulchiron, 2011). The broad diffraction peak

observed at 2θ around 5.2° (d-spacing equal to 17.0 Å) in the

nanocomposite XRD patterns could be attributed to the fraction

characterized by different alkylammonium chain arrangements in the

interlayer space corresponding to the (002) basal plane (Persico et al,

2009). These observations were coincident to those by Araujo et al who

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reported the XRD analysis of PLA macromolecules concluding that they

could diffuse and insert between the clay mineral layers (Araújo, Botelho,

Oliveira and Machado, 2014).

Figure 2.4. WAXS patterns of D43B, neat PLA and nanocomposite films.

The lowest peak intensity for the nanocomposites studied by XRD was

obtained for PLA/T/D43B2.5. This result could be attributed to the

presence of thymol favouring the nanoclay exfoliation making more

effective the interaction between the silicate layers and the polymer

macromolecules, as already reported in other plasticized nanocomposites

studied in our research group (Martino, Ruseckaite, Jiménez and Averous,

2010) It could be concluded that thymol could promote the swelling of

the nanoclay stacks, as also reported by other authors (Persico et al, 2009).

However, the intensity of peaks for formulations with 5 wt% of D43B

were higher. This behaviour could be due to the unfavourable effect in the

polymer-clay interactions by swelling at high loadings. In conclusion,

XRD results suggest the effective intercalation of PLA macromolecules

into the D43B galleries achieved by mixing PLA with 2.5 wt% of D43B

and 8 wt% of thymol.








2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 6,5 7 7,5 8 8,5 9 9,5 10





2θ (°)


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3.2.3. Morphological analysis

The dispersion of the nanoclay in the PLA matrix was also evaluated by

TEM at different magnifications (Figure 2.

delamination was observed in all cases. In fact, m

PLA/T/D43B2.5 nanocomposite showed the high degree of exfoliation

of the clay layers into the PLA matrix. Single dispersed clay layers (dark

regions in Figure 2.5) were randomly distributed through the PLA matrix

(clear areas) and some regions with complete exfoliation of nanoclay

layers were recognised. These results obtained by TEM analyses also

suggested the good dispersion of D43B and thymol through

matrix, already asserted by the XRD patterns, since no important

aggregates were observed.

Figure 2.5. TEM images of PLA/T/D43B2.5 active nanocomposite

The dispersion of the nanoclay in the PLA matrix was also evaluated by

Figure 2.5). A high degree of clay

delamination was observed in all cases. In fact, micrographs obtained for

PLA/T/D43B2.5 nanocomposite showed the high degree of exfoliation

. Single dispersed clay layers (dark

randomly distributed through the PLA matrix

some regions with complete exfoliation of nanoclay

. These results obtained by TEM analyses also

suggested the good dispersion of D43B and thymol through the PLA

matrix, already asserted by the XRD patterns, since no important

TEM images of PLA/T/D43B2.5 active nanocomposite film.

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3.2.4. Mechanical properties

It is known that Tg for amorphous PLA is in the range of 50-60 °C. Below

that temperature, PLA shows high tensile strength and is quite brittle,

resulting in difficulties for the manufacture of flexible films. However, the

addition of plasticizers leads to the enhancement in the ductile properties

of the polymer matrix by increasing the plastic elongation and reducing

brittleness (Byun, Kim and Whiteside, 2010). Conversely, the addition of

nanoclays to polymer matrices results in improvement in toughness,

particularly in exfoliated nanocomposites.

In this study, the results obtained for the tensile properties of all materials

are shown in Table 2.4. It was observed that elastic modulus (E, MPa) and

elongation at break (εB, %) of PLA suffered some modification by the

action of thymol and D43B. In fact, the addition of thymol in binary PLA

films resulted in a significant decrease (around 15 %) in the E value (p <

0.05). This change in the polymer toughness could be explained, once

again, by some plasticizing effect caused by thymol to PLA matrices,

already discussed previously by the observed decrease in Tg values. Similar

results were reported in PLA and LDPE formulations with active

compounds, such as resveratrol, carvacrol or -tocopherol (Persico et al,

2009; Hwang et al, 2012; Tawakkal, Cran and Bigger, 2014).

As expected, the addition of D43B to PLA in binary systems without

thymol increased significantly the E values and decreased significantly εB

(p < 0.05). This effect was related to the reinforcement provided by

silicate layers to the PLA structure and the high aspect ratio, surface area

and good dispersion of the nanoclay layers throughout the polymer matrix

with strong interactions (Quilaqueo Gutiérrez, Echeverría, Ihl, Bifani and

Mauri, 2012; Scatto et al, 2013).

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Table 2.4. Tensile properties (ASTM D882-09), oxygen transmission rate and CIELab

colour parameters obtained for PLA-based formulations.

Sample E (MPa)a εB (%)a OTR·e b L* a* b* ΔE*c

PLA 2575 ± 76a 3.5 ± 0.1a 22.1 ± 1.5a 30.3 -0.11 -0.20 -

PLA/D43B2.5 2739 ± 151a 2.1 ± 0.4d 20.1 ± 2.0 a 30.7 0.02 -0.01 0.5

PLA/D43B5 2715 ± 95a 1.5 ± 0.2c 17.1 ± 2.3 a 32.0 -0.24 -0.81 1.9

PLA/T 2167 ± 196b 4.3 ± 0.1b 23.0 ± 0.2 a 33.3 -0.49 -1.10 3.2

PLA/T/D43B2.5 2246 ± 135b 2.4 ± 0.1d 20.1 ± 0.1 a 32.0 -0.22 -1.14 2.0

PLA/T/D43B5 2140 ± 116b 2.4 ± 0.2d 22.7 ± 1.3 a 34.4 -0.58 -1.48 4.4

a n = 5, mean ± standard deviation. b OTR·e (cm3 mm m-2 day); n =3, mean ± standard deviation (e: thickness, mm) c PLA film was used as control Different superscripts within the same column indicate statistically significant different values (p < 0.05)

The combination of thymol and D43B with PLA in ternary

nanocomposites results in the effective combination of all their

components, modifying the tensile properties of PLA-based films. These

ternary combinations showed E and εB values significantly different to

those of neat PLA and binary nanocomposites (p < 0.05). It is possible to

assert that thymol has an important influence on the mechanical

performance of these nanocomposites. In fact, the addition of 8 wt% of

thymol results in a clear decrease of E and a significant improvement in εB

(p < 0.05).

3.2.5. Oxygen transmission rate

Permeability to oxygen of polymer films is an important parameter in the

selection of materials for food packaging applications. Therefore, the

improvement in barrier properties in PLA films is an important issue and

should be studied. Table 2.4 summarizes the OTR·e results obtained for

all the studied formulations. It is recognized that the incorporation of

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nanofillers to polymer matrices can lead to significant enhancement in

their barrier properties. However, the barrier to oxygen of PLA-based

films with 2.5 and 5 wt% of D43B did not show significant differences

between neat PLA and all the active nanocomposite films (p > 0.05)

(Table 2.4). These results can be attributed to the relatively low amount of

D43B added to PLA being insufficient to achieve an effective

intercalation into the PLA matrix that could produce a tortuous pathway

for oxygen molecules to permeate through the film (Martino, Ruseckaite,

Jiménez and Averous, 2010; Quilaqueo Gutiérrez, Echeverría, Ihl, Bifani

and Mauri, 2012; Reddy, Vivekanandhan, Misra, Bhatia and Mohanty,

2013). Regarding thymol, its addition did not modify the properties of

PLA-based films as other authors reported by attributing the decrease in

the oxygen permeability of PLA nanocomposites to the increase in the

mobility produced by the addition of plasticizers (Jamshidian et al, 2012).

A similar trend was obtained for PLA-based ternary nanocomposites,

where results showed that the oxygen barrier of neat PLA was not

modified with no significant improvement or decrease with the addition

of thymol and the nanofiller (p > 0.05) as in conventional polymers used

in food packaging like PS, PET or HDPE (Auras, Harte, Selke and

Hernández, 2003).

3.2.6. Optical properties

Colour and transparency are important factors for materials intended to

be used in food packaging since they have great influence in their

consumer acceptance and commercial success. Figure 2.6 shows the visual

aspect of all studied PLA-based films, which showed high transparency

and no visual discontinuities, suggesting that no agglomerations were

present in the nanocomposite structure. Moreover, the uniform

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distribution of the colour observed with the naked eye throughout

films (Figure 2.6) also suggests that additives were uniformly distributed

within the polymer matrix.

However, some differences in CIELab coordinat

between neat PLA and nanocomposite films were observed (

These differences could be attributed to the intrinsic colour of the added

additives (white for thymol and yellowish for D43B). Neat PLA showed

the lowest L* value, indicating that brightness increased with the addition

of thymol and D43B. A yellowish-reddish tone was obtained for PLA/T

formulation, while PLA/T/D43B5 ternary nanocomposite showed the

higher value for ∆E*, as expected, due to the high concentrations of the

additives (5 wt% D43B and 8 wt% thymol). Similar colour differences

were reported when using other active additives, such as

resveratrol, into PLA matrices, where the presence of these compounds

contributed to increase the films colour (Byun, Kim and Whiteside, 2010)

Figure 2.6. Visual observation of neat PLA and nanocomposite films.

distribution of the colour observed with the naked eye throughout the

) also suggests that additives were uniformly distributed

However, some differences in CIELab coordinates (L*, a*, b*) and E*

between neat PLA and nanocomposite films were observed (Table 2.4).

These differences could be attributed to the intrinsic colour of the added

additives (white for thymol and yellowish for D43B). Neat PLA showed

ss increased with the addition

reddish tone was obtained for PLA/T

formulation, while PLA/T/D43B5 ternary nanocomposite showed the

as expected, due to the high concentrations of the

B and 8 wt% thymol). Similar colour differences

were reported when using other active additives, such as -tocopherol and

resveratrol, into PLA matrices, where the presence of these compounds

(Byun, Kim and Whiteside, 2010).

Visual observation of neat PLA and nanocomposite films.

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3.3. Disintegrability under composting conditions

The disintegrability of PLA under composting conditions has been

studied by some authors who mentioned that PLA suffers hydrolysis

reactions induced by the diffusion of water into the polymer structure,

producing a reduction in the molecular weight by random non-enzymatic

chain scissions of the ester groups and resulting in the formation of

oligomers and lactic acid (Luzi et al, 2015). Furthermore, these oligomers,

when buried under composting conditions can be decomposed by

microorganisms, including fungi and bacteria resulting in simple

molecules, mainly water, carbon dioxide and biomass monomers. In fact,

once started the water diffusion through the PLA matrix, the molecular

weight decreases up to 10.000-20.000 Da and microorganisms start

metabolizing these macromolecules into organic matter, and simple


In this work, disintegrability under composting conditions of PLA and

PLA-based active nanocomposites were studied. Figure 2.7 shows the

visual observation of films submitted to the disintegrability test and Table

2.5 summarizes the values of weight loss obtained at different times. It

was observed that, after 2 days, the disintegration rate of PLA-based

materials increased significantly (p < 0.05) for binary and ternary systems.

In fact, after 4 days samples changed their appearance (Figure 2.7) with a

general whitening effect, loss of transparency and evident deformation

and size reduction. These results were indicative of the beginning of the

hydrolytic degradation process caused by simultaneous changes in the

refractive index due to water absorption, with formation of low molecular

weight by-products and increase in the PLA crystallinity (Fukushima,

Tabuani, Arena, Gennari and Camino, 2013).

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However, the faster appearance of visual signs of degradation observed in

nanocomposites when compared to neat PLA could be due to the

presence of hydroxyl groups from thymol and the organic modifier of

D43B (Fukushima, Abbate, Tabuani, Gennari and Camino, 2009;

Fukushima, Tabuani, Arena, Gennari and Camino, 2013; Fortunati, Luzi,

et al, 2014). Hydroxyl groups can contribute to the heterogeneous

hydrolysis of PLA by absorbing water from the medium resulting in a

noticeable formation of labile bonds in the PLA structure with the

consequent significantly higher disintegrability rate (p < 0.05) (Sinha Ray,

Yamada, Okamoto and Ueda, 2003; Proikakis, Mamouzelos, Tarantili and

Andreopoulos, 2006).

Figure 2.7. Visual observations of PLA-based films at different times under composting

conditions at 58 °C.

Binary and ternary systems suffered physical breakage (Figure 2.7) and the

weight loss considerably increased (Table 2.5) after 7 days, showing

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significant differences in the disintegrability values regarding neat PLA (p

< 0.05). Results at longer testing times showed that the physical

degradation progressed with burial time, resulting in the complete

disintegration of the initial sample after 35 days where the degree of

disintegration exceeded 90 % covering the ISO 20200 requirements.

FTIR analysis of neat PLA and PLA-based nanocomposite films obtained

during the disintegrability tests provided the PLA characteristic bands:

1750 cm−1 (C=O), 1440 cm−1 (CH(CH3)), and 1267 cm−1 (C-O-C) as well

as three peaks at 1123, 1082 and 1055 cm−1 related to the C-C-O groups.

Figure 2.8 shows the FTIR spectra of neat PLA, PLA/T and

PLA/T/D43B5 after 0, 7 and 21 days of the study. A general reduction in

the intensity of the three peaks related to the C-C-O groups was detected

after 7 days, resulting in their disappearance at 21 days in composting

conditions for all the studied formulations. Similar results were reported

by Fortunati et al, who proposed that the decrease in intensity of the peaks

corresponding to C-C-O groups was related to the scission of the PLA

interchain bonds caused by the hydrolysis during the disintegration tests

(Fortunati, Luzi, et al, 2014).

Some decrease in the intensity for the band corresponding to the C-O-C

stretching vibration at 1267 cm−1 was also observed in all samples. Both

modifications can be due to the depletion of the lactic acid and oligomer

molecules caused by microorganisms, leaving highly reactive carboxylate

ions end groups (Khabbaz, Karlsson and Albertsson, 2000). FTIR results

are in agreement with the disintegration weight loss above discussed,

where a progressive disintegration occurred with the increase in testing


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Table 2.5. Disintegrability values (%) of PLA and nanocomposite films at different times under composting conditions at 58 °C.

Sample 2 Days 4 Days 7 Days 10 Days 14 Days 21 Days 28 Days 35 Days

PLA 0.30 ± 0.10a 0.38 ± 0.08a 42.2 ± 3.8a 56.3 ± 4.6a 72.4 ± 2.8a 73.2 ± 6.7a 77.3 ± 1.4a 95.7 ± 0.7a

PLA/T 5.08 ± 0.44c 3.5 ± 0.2b,c 51.3 ± 0.2b 72.0 ± 4.3b 65.6 ± 3.3a 79.5 ± 2.4a 81.9 ± 1.6a 98.0 ± 0.5a

PLA/T/D43B2.5 8.4 ± 0.9d 5.2 ± 1.2c,d 57.9 ± 2.3b 76.0 ± 1.3b 68.9 ± 3.9a 82.4 ± 3.4a 82.2 ± 0.8a 95.5 ± 0.9a

PLA/T/D43B5 7.2 ± 0.3d 6.0 ± 0.2d 49.8 ± 0.9b 77.3 ± 4.9b 65.5 ± 4.5a 81.8 ± 2.8a 79.7 ± 6.8a 97.8 ± 0.5a

PLA/D43B2.5 2.4 ± 0.7b 2.3 ± 0.2a,b 53.0 ± 2.2b 67.8 ± 1.5b 64.9 ± 6.4a 82.2 ± 4.3a 76.2 ± 1.6a 97.2 ± 1.2a

PLA/D43B5 1.19 ± 0.03a,b 1.98 ± 0.12a,b 54.5 ± 1.8b 69.9 ± 4.3b 64.0 ± 3.8a 78.2 ± 1.6a 77.5 ± 4.9a 96.5 ± 1.7a

(mean ± standard deviation, n = 3) Different superscripts within the same column indicate statistically significant different values (p < 0.05)

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Figure 2.8. FTIR spectra of PLA, PLA/T and PLA/T/D43B5 before (0 days) and after

different incubation times (7 and 21 days) in composting conditions.




nce (


Wavenumber (cm-1) PLA

Day 21 Day 7 Day 0




nce (


Wavenumber (cm-1) PLA/T

Day 21 Day 7 Day 0




nce (


Wavenumber (cm-1) PLA/T/D43B5

Day 21 Day 7 Day 0

(C=O) (C-O-C)



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Figure 2.9 shows the DSC thermograms obtained from the first heating scan

for all PLA-based films at different composting times. The endothermic peak

observed immediately after Tg at day 0 corresponds to the enthalpic relaxation

process for all the tested materials. This effect was related to the ageing

process of PLA and it was previously observed by other authors (Hughes,

Thomas, Byun and Whiteside, 2012; Burgos, Martino and Jiménez, 2013).

However, the initially amorphous PLA-based materials developed multiple

endothermic peaks just after 7 days of testing. In fact, the enthalpic relaxation

peak gradually disappeared due to the hydrolytic reactions at the beginning of

the disintegration process. Yang et al related this behaviour with the moisture

absorption under composting conditions, since water could serve as a

plasticizer agent in PLA matrices (Yang, Fortunati, Dominici, Kenny and

Puglia, 2015).

The gradual disintegration suffered when increasing the testing time allows

the observation of new melting peaks related to the formation of crystalline

structures with different perfection degrees in the PLA matrix (Figure 2.9).

These results are correlated with visual changes, since hydrolysis promotes

crystallization in the polymer matrix, resulting in important changes in the

disintegrability behaviour. Similar results were reported by other authors, who

suggested that the appearance of multiple melting peaks could be related to

the formation of different crystal structures due to the polymer chains

scission produced during degradation (Fukushima, Abbate, Tabuani, Gennari

and Camino, 2009; Fortunati, Armentano, Iannoni, et al, 2012; Gorrasi and

Pantani, 2013; Yang, Fortunati, Dominici, Kenny and Puglia, 2015).

Figure 2.10 shows the DSC thermograms recorded during the second heating

scan for samples submitted to the disintegration test. It was observed that

after 2 days, all PLA-based films showed an important decrease in Tg.

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Previous reported work in our research group showed that this decrease was

due to the increase in the mobility of the polymer chains as a consequence of

the hydrolytic process (Burgos, Martino and Jiménez, 2013) and the

formation of lactic acid oligomers and low molecular weight by-products with

a plasticizing effect in the polymer structure and the consequent changes in

their visual appearance.

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Figure 2.9. DSC curves (1st heating scan) of PLA-based films after different composting times.

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Figure 2.10. DSC curves (2nd heating scan) of PLA-based films after different composting times.

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3.4. Release study

Active nanocomposites used in food packaging should release the desired

chemicals at suitable rates to result in a noticeable enhancement of foods

shelf-life and quality during storage. The incorporation of active additives,

such as thymol, to polymer matrices should permit their gradual release to

food, minimizing surface contamination, but obviously satisfying the

requirements stated in the current food packaging legislation.

The use of nanofillers in active packaging systems has revealed some

ability in retarding the release of active additives from polymer matrices,

improving the action of the additives and extending foodstuff shelf-life

(Campos-Requena, Rivas, Pérez, Garrido-Miranda and Pereira, 2015). In

this work, migration tests were carried out to evaluate the effect of the

nanoclay in controlling the release kinetics of thymol from the PLA matrix

to ethanol 10 % (v/v) (Figure 2.11). It was observed that the addition of

D43B resulted in the delay in the thymol release due to the larger

tortuosity effect imposed by the dispersed nanoclay, as reported by

Sanchez-Garcia et al (Sanchez-Garcia, Ocio, Gimenez and Lagaron, 2008).

The formulation with the highest amount of D43B (PLA/T/D43B5)

showed lower migration rates, retaining higher amounts of thymol in the

polymer structure.

The final amounts of thymol migrated in ethanol 10 % (v/v) at 40 ºC after

10 days were 285.0 ± 3.3, 275.5 ± 13.8 and 235.3 ± 19.4 mgthymol kg-1Food

simulant for PLA/T, PLA/T/D43B2.5 and PLA/T/D43B5, respectively.

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Figure 2.11. Thymol release profiles of PLA/T, PLA/T/D43B2.5 and PLA/T/D43B5

active nanocomposite films.

The release mechanism of thymol in PLA nanocomposites was evaluated

by using kinetic studies with results obtained for the release of thymol at

different times for 15 days. Figure 2.12 shows the normalized plots for the

mass of thymol released to the food simulant, MF,t, by the mass of thymol

released at time t→∞, MF,∞, vs time t.










0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

mg T


ol kg


od S



Time (h)


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Figure 2.12. Normalized migration of thymol from different polymer matrices: PLA/T,

PLA/T/D43B2.5, and PLA/T/D43B5.








0 60 120 180 240 300 360



Time (hours)








0 60 120 180 240 300 360



Time (hours)








0 60 120 180 240 300 360



Time (hours)


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The quantitative assessment of MF,∞ allows the further quantitative

analysis of the diffusion process. For such purpose, Equation (2.4) was

fitted to experimental data, where MP,0 is the initial amount of thymol

inside the polymeric matrix, previously calculated in TGA tests, MF,∞, and

k’ is a constant (see Table 2.6).

(2.4) Apparent partition coefficients (αap) can be calculated through Equation

(2.5) from the values obtained for MF,∞/MP,0 by fitting Equation. (2.4)

(2.5) where α is defined as

(2.6) where VP and VF are, respectively, the volumes of polymer sample (P)

and food simulant (F), and KP,F is the partition coefficient of thymol

related to the relative solubility of thymol at the equilibrium between PLA

and the food simulant (Silva, Cruz Freire, Sendon, Franz and Paseiro

Losada, 2009). The corresponding data for α and KP,F (see Table 2.6) have

been computed taking into account that VF was 20 cm3 of ethanol 10

%(v/v) and the area of PLA-based films used in these tests was 12 cm2.

From this analysis two different conclusions can be obtained:

i. By increasing the amount of D34B in the PLA matrix the cumulative

amount of thymol released to ethanol, 10 % (v/v) decreased from 38

% (without D34B) to 35 and 31 % for 2.5 and 5 wt % of D34B,


푀퐹 ,푡푀푃,0




⎟⎞∙ (1 − 푒−푘′푡)


= 1(1 + 훼)

훼 = 푉퐹퐾푃,퐹푉푃

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Results and Discussion. Chapter 2

~ 232 ~

ii. The analysis of the partition coefficients (α and KP,F) showed that the

assessment of diffusion of thymol is clearly influenced by them in the

different tested times.

Thus, assuming that the thymol migration is governed by the Fick’s 2nd

law Equation (2.7)

(2.7) where D is the diffusion coefficient, c is the concentration of the released

species and x is the space coordinate.

For a plane sheet of thickness l, and the initial condition l/2 < x < l/2,

considering constant the concentration of thymol released and with a

boundary condition of a partition coefficient between both phases, the

analytical solution of Equation (2.7) for one-dimensional diffusion of

thymol in a limited volume solution is expressed as Equation (2.8)(Crank,


(2.8) where qn are the non-zero positive roots of tanqn = -α qn and l is the

polymeric matrix half-thickness.

Taking into account these conditions, the diffusion coefficients (D, cm2 s-

1) were obtained from a least-square fit of Equation (2.8) to experimental

data (solid lines in Figure 2.12).

The D values (Table 2.6), calculated for each sample, were determined by

minimizing the root mean square errors (RMSE) of the measured and





2 2 21,

2 11 exp

1F t n

nF n

M Dq tM q l

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Results and Discussion. Chapter 2

~ 233 ~

estimated values between the calculated (yi) and observed (ŷi) values of

MF,t/MF,∞, (Equation (2.9) and providing a reliable indication of their fit.

(2.9) It can be seen from the analysis of Figure 2.12, the RMSE values

calculated by Equation (2.9) and taking into account the experimental

error of the MF,t/MF,∞ ratio. A reasonable fit was obtained for the

following systems: PLA (RMSE: 0.0773) and PLA/T/D34B2.5 (RMSE:

0.0698), but it was poor for the active nanocomposite film with the

highest content of D43B (RMSE: 0.114), in particular for long-range


Table 2.6. Characteristic parameters for the release of thymol from PLA-based films to

ethanol 10 % (v/v).


MP,0 (mg) 16.6 0.2 17.82 0.09 17.21 0.05

MF,∞ (mg) 6.25 0.22 6.31 0.27 5.29 0.29

l / cm 0.0167 0.0215 0.0180

α 1.65 1.82 2.25

KP,F 60.3 42.4 41.1

Equation (2.8) and (2.9)

D (cm2 s-1) 3.36×10-11 4.86×10-11 2.25×10-11

RMSE 0.0773 0.0698 0.114

Equation (2.10) and (2.9)

D’ (cm2 s-1) 5.95×10-12 7.45×10-12 5.82×10-12

RMSE 0.00362 0.00306 0.00370

푅푀푆퐸 = (푦푖 − ŷ푖)2푛



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In fact, a deeper analysis of the fitting between experimental and

calculated values showed that positive deviations of the fitting line for

short times (i.e., MF,t/MF,∞,<0.60) and negative deviations for

MF,t/MF,∞>0.60 were observed in all cases. These results allow estimating

the kinetics of thymol migration for short times. For such purpose, a

simplified migration model derived from Equation (2.8) and useful for

linear regression analysis was used (Equation (2.10)) (Chung, Papadakis

and Yam, 2002).


Diffusion coefficients for short times, (D’, cm2 s-1), were computed by

using the linear fitting of Equation (10) to the experimental data (Figure

2.13). Results obtained showed a very good fit between computed and

experimental values as a function of , with

determination coefficients (R2) higher than 0.999, suggesting that the

experimental release data are well described by the proposed diffusion

model for short-range times.

Even though the whole data range was not characterised by a Fickian

diffusion process (probably due to the fitting controlled by the last points

in the plot), the fitting to the first data (called short-range time) is poor.

Indeed, with Equation (2.10), results lead to best fitting values. Therefore,

the discrepancy in D values obtained (D and D') from Equation (2.8) and

Equation (2.10) is enough to conclude that a non-Fickian migration model

is observed in this system.

0.5 '0.5, 0. 5


1 1 1F t


M Dt

M l








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0 100 200 300 4000,48











t0.5 (s-0.5)

Figure 2.13. Plots of versus for the migration of thymol from:

PLA/T ( ), PLA/T/D43B2.5 ( ), and PLA/T/D43B5 ( ), into ethanol 10 % (v/v).

In fact, the inability of the model to predict the release kinetics in ethanol

10 % (v/v) according to a Fickian diffusion process could be due to the

structural modifications of the PLA matrix caused by sorption of ethanol,

which could act as a PLA plasticizer and could favour the opening of the

structure creating void spaces and favouring the thymol release at long

times (Mascheroni, Guillard, Nalin, Mora and Piergiovanni, 2010).

Likewise, as the diffusion rate increased (D > D'), the intermolecular

interaction between ethanol and PLA chains was enhanced at long times

(Samsudin, Soto-Valdez and Auras, 2014).

At the best of our knowledge, there are no reported values of the

diffusion coefficient of thymol in PLA nanocomposite films. However, in

the release study presented in Chapter 1 the value of the diffusion

coefficient for thymol in PP-based films in ethanol 10 % (v/v) was higher

(1.75 × 10−10 cm2 s−1 ) than those reported in Table 1.5. Torres et al




1 1 F t




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reported the values of the diffusion coefficient of thymol in LLDPE films

in ethanol 10 % (v/v), ranging from 7.5 × 10−8 to 1.8 ×10−8 cm2 s−1,

which were higher than those obtained in this work. This differences

could be explained by the lower density of LLDPE resulting in higher

mass transport properties (Torres, Romero, Macan, Guarda and Galotto,


When considering the thymol release profiles shown in Figure 2.11, the D

values are consistent with these results. The presence of the nanoclay

leads to the decrease in the thymol release at long-time. Beltran et al

reported the same behaviour when studied PCL with hydroxytyrosol and

C30B. These authors related the decrease in the hydroxytyrosol release

rate with the interactions between this compound and C30B (Beltrán,

Valente, Jiménez and Garrigós, 2014).

In conclusion, these results suggest that it is possible to control the release

of active additives with interest in the design of novel active

nanocomposites through the incorporation of laminar nanoclays, since the

increase observed in the interlayer distance and intercalation results in the

decrease in the diffusion of thymol through the polymer matrix by the

tortuous path imposed with the incorporation of nanoclays to PLA-based

films (Campos-Requena, Rivas, Pérez, Garrido-Miranda and Pereira,


3.5. DPPH radical scavenging ability

The AO activity of the extracts obtained during the quantification of

thymol (Section 3.1) and migration tests (Section 3.4) was estimated by

their scavenging activity against DPPH radicals. Table 2.7 shows the

results expressed as percentage of inhibition corresponding to the amount

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of thymol at the beginning of the study (IP,0.), and after 10 days of the

migration test (IF,10 days). As expected, all extracts containing thymol

showed important AO activity.

It was observed that the amount of thymol after 10 days of contact with

the food simulant (MF,10 days) was lower than the amount retained into the

polymeric matrix (MP,0). But the released amount of thymol was enough to

permit considering this additive as an efficient AO in PLA-based

nanocomposites, since the inhibition values were around 77 % after 10

days, quite close to IP,0. These results were in agreement with those

obtained in PP-based films (Chapter 1) where thymol and carvacrol were

used as active additives.

Table 2.7. Radical scavenging activity of thymol measured by the DPPH method for

PLA-based formulations.

Samples MP,0 (mg) I (%)P,0 MF,10 days (mg) I (%)F,10 days

PLA/T 16.6 ± 0.2a 71.1 ± 0.2a 5.6 ± 0.1a 77.8 ± 0.1a

PLA/T/D43B2.5 17.8 ± 0.1b 84.3 ± 0.3b 5.4 ± 0.3a 77.0 ± 0.4a

PLA/T/D43B5 17.2 ± 0.1c 83.5 ± 0.1b 4.6 ± 0.4b 77.8 ± 0.8a

MP,0: Initial amount of thymol in the polymer matrix (mg) MF,10 days: Amount of thymol released after 10 days (mg) (mean ± standard deviation, n = 3) Different superscripts within the same column indicate statistically significant different values (p < 0.05)

DPPH radical scavenging activities of migration extracts were also

determined and results were consistent with the expected increase in the

thymol release in all films (Figure 2.14), suggesting the continuous release

of the active additive in these formulations. Park et al reported a similar

behaviour for corn-zein-laminated LLDPE (Park et al, 2012). These

authors concluded that some relation should exist between the release of

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the active compound from the swelled polymer network and the intrinsic

antioxidant properties of the natural additives.

Figure 2.14. AO activity obtained from migration extracts of PLA/T (left axis) and

migration of thymol from PLA/T films (right axis) by using DPPH method.

3.6. Antibacterial activity

The antibacterial activity of all active nanocomposite films used in this

study was evaluated by placing small pieces of films in contact with a

certain amount of inoculums of both microorganisms (Escherichia coli and

Staphylococcus aureus) and measuring the viability of each bacteria in a

controlled medium.

Figure 2.15 shows the viability of microorganism’s cells onto PLA-based

films after 3 h and 24 h incubated at 4, 24 (room temperature) and 37 °C,

respectively. Some cell viability for both bacterial strains was observed,

but interesting features could be drawn with some decrease for the active

formulation (PLA/T) when compared to the non-active counterparts



















0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

mg th


kg fo

od s


ant -1



n (%


Time (hours)

DPPH results in PLA/T extracts

Release of thymol from PLA/T

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Results and Discussion. Chapter 2

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(PLA/D43B2.5 and PLA/D43B5). It has been stated that the antibacterial

activity of phenolic monoterpenes, including thymol, is related with their

ability to react with phospholipids present in the cell membranes, causing

some increase in the cell wall permeability and the consequent leakage of

cytoplasm as well as their interaction with some enzymes located on the

cell wall (Burt, 2004; Emiroglu, Yemis, Coskun and Candogan, 2010).

Indeed, and as discussed in a previous chapter, thymol has the ability to be

released from polymer matrices and then it can disrupt the lipid structure

of the bacteria cell wall, leading to the destruction of cell membranes,

cytoplasmic leakage and ultimately microorganisms death (Kavoosi,

Dadfar and Purfard, 2013).

Formulations with D43B also showed some antibacterial activity against

Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus strains, but some special features

should be highlighted. De Azeredo et al reported that OMMT could

produce the rupture of cell membranes resulting in inactivation of both,

Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, due to the presence of

quaternary ammonium groups able to react with lipids and proteins in the

microorganism cell wall (de Azeredo, 2013). Nevertheless, taking into

account the migration results previously discussed, the very low migration

rate for D43B and the controlled release of thymol from the active

nanocomposite films, it could be assumed that the antibacterial action of

these nanocomposites is controlled by two factors, as already stated by

other authors (Nigmatullin, Gao and Konovalova, 2008), i.e. the solid

surface of D43B and the controlled release of thymol already reported in

these PLA-based active nanocomposites. Indeed, the highest percentages

of viability in this study were obtained for the active ternary

nanocomposites with thymol and D43B.

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Figure 2.15. Antibacterial activity of PLA-based films at different temperatures against E.

coli RB and S. aureus 8325-A. Cells were incubated on PLA with thymol and D43B for 3 h

and 24 h at 4, 24 and 37 °C respectively. Results are expressed on a PLA-basis and are

represented as mean ± standard deviation, n=3

Regarding the incubation times, the percentage of bacterial survival was

quite similar after 3 and 24 h (Figure 2.15) for both strains and all tested

temperatures. In general terms, the antibacterial activity was dependent on

the combination of thymol and D43B, showing the highest value for

Staphylococcus aureus. These results are in agreement with other studies

where the antibacterial performance in active nanocomposites was

reported (Shemesh et al, 2015).

In conclusion, these results demonstrate the important role of the

nanoclay as active carrier for the highly volatile thymol inside the polymer

matrix. Therefore, the active nanocomposite films based on PLA with the

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addition of thymol and D43B may be used to inhibit growth of different

microorganisms on active packaging formulations.

4. Conclusions

Active nanocomposite films based on PLA with thymol and D43B were

processed and characterized. Different analytical techniques were used to

evaluate the effect of the incorporation of D43B and thymol to the PLA

matrix on the nanocomposites physico-chemical properties. The addition

of thymol did not significantly affect the thermal stability of PLA, but

some decrease in the elastic modulus was observed due to the slight

plasticizing effect induced by the active additive. The incorporation of

D43B and thymol did not result in a clear enhancement of oxygen barrier

properties, but tensile behaviour was improved due to the intercalation

and partial exfoliation of nanoparticles through the polymer matrix, as

observed by XRD and TEM. Some differences in films colour were

observed by the addition of thymol and D43B, being larger for films with

the highest concentration of the nanoclay. Nevertheless, the intrinsic

transparency of PLA was not affected by the addition of both


It was observed that most of the thymol initially added to the PLA

matrices (around 70-75 %) remained in the nanocomposites after

processing, ensuring their posterior applicability to active systems.

Results of the disintegrability tests under composting conditions showed

that the incorporation of 8 wt% of thymol to PLA-based formulations

could favour the disintegration of the polymer matrix, due to the presence

of the reactive hydroxyl group in the thymol structure, while the presence

of D43B did not show any influence in the disintegration performance.

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The combination of both additives induced higher degradation rates,

suggesting their advantages in industrial applications where biodegradation

could be an issue, such as food packaging.

The applicability of these active nanocomposite films in food packaging

was evaluated by studying the release of thymol into an aqueous simulant

and their antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. The amount of thymol

released into the aqueous food simulant was measured by HPLC-UV and

a kinetic model was proposed, suggesting that the release of thymol is

influenced by the presence of D43B and the PLA matrix. This continuous

release favoured the antioxidant activity of these films determined by

using the spectrophotometric DPPH method, resulting in a high

percentage of inhibition. Finally, the addition of D43B has some effect in

the improvement of the antibacterial activity of thymol-based films,

showing higher inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.

In summary, the combination of thymol and D43B introduced into a

commercial PLA matrix, in particular the combination of 8 wt% of

thymol and 2.5 wt% of D43B, showed high potential to develop new bio-

based active films with application in fresh food packaging. The

improvement in the functional properties of PLA-based films due to the

addition of the active additive and the nanoclay also increased their

antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, demonstrating the activity and

high potential for packaging applications.

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4 Section 2.2.

Active nanocomposites based on PLA with thymol and silver nanoparticles for food packaging


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The present work aims to develop biodegradable active nanocomposites

with AM and AO properties based on PLA with thymol and Ag-NPs as

active additives. In order to achieve this objective, firstly, injection

moulded dog-bone bars were obtained and characterized to evaluate the

thermal, morphological and mechanical properties as a preliminary

approach to obtain active packaging systems for the food industry.

Secondly, thin nanocomposite films (around 40 μm thick) were developed

and characterized in order to evaluate their thermal, optical and barrier

properties. The influence of thymol and Ag-NPs on the degradation of

PLA-based active nanocomposites (films and dog-bone bars) in

composting conditions was also studied. Migration tests were carried out

to study the kinetic release of the nanocomposite films performance in

food contact. Finally, the AO performance and AM activity of the

developed films were evaluated by using the DPPH free radical

scavenging method and against two typical foodborne bacteria (Escherichia

coli and Staphylococcus aureus), respectively. These points are of great interest

in order to prove the potential applicability of the developed systems as

food active packaging solutions through controlled release formulations.

The scheme in the next page shows the graphical flow of tests performed

whose results will be discussed in this section.

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Figure 2.16. General scheme of the experimental work presented in Section 2.2.

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Results and Discussion. Chapter 2

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5. Experimental

5.1. Materials

Commercial poly(lactic acid) PLA-4060D (Tg = 58 °C, 11-13 wt% D-

isomer) was supplied in pellets by NatureWorks Co., (Minnetonka, MN,

USA). Ethanol (EtOH, HPLC grade), 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl

(DPPH, 95 %) and thymol (99.5 %) were supplied by Sigma-Aldrich

(Madrid, Spain). Commercial silver nanoparticles, P203, with a size

distribution range between 20 and 80 nm, were purchased from Cima

Nano-Tech (Saint Paul, MN, USA). Ag-NPs were treated at 700 °C for 1

h to condition the nanomaterial as reported elsewhere (Fortunati,

Armentano, Iannoni and Kenny, 2010).

5.2. Active nanocomposites preparation

PLA-based nanocomposites were processed in a twin-screw

microextruder (Dsm Explore 5&15 CC Micro Compounder, Heerlen, The

Netherlands). PLA pellets were dried overnight at 45 °C before extrusion

to prevent polymer hydrolysis during processing. A 170-180-190 °C

temperature profile and a screw speed of 150 rpm were used. Different

binary and ternary PLA-based formulations were obtained: binary systems,

containing 6 (PLAT6) and 8 wt% (PLA/T8) of thymol or 1 wt% of Ag-

NPs (PLA/Ag); and ternary systems, with 6 wt% of thymol and 1 wt% of

Ag-NPs (PLA/Ag/T6), and 8 wt% of thymol and 1 wt% of Ag-NPs

(PLA/Ag/T8). An additional sample without any additive was also

prepared as control, as summarized in Table 2.8.

A total mixing time of 6 min were used in binary systems. Thymol was

added in the last 3 minutes of the extrusion process and the screw speed

was then reduced to 100 rpm to limit losses by vaporization and thymol

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~ 248 ~

decomposition by high temperatures and shear. For ternary systems

(PLA/Ag/T6, PLA/Ag/T8), a masterbatch of PLA and Ag-NPs was first

processed in the extruder for 3 min and then it was combined with 6 or 8

wt% of thymol for 3 additional min.

After mixing, two different morphologies were obtained.

i. Tensile dog-bone bars (ISO 527-2/5A) were prepared by means

of a DSM Xplore 10-mL injection moulding machine. The

injection pressure was set to 12.5 bars and the temperature was

maintained at 200 °C.

ii. Film forming process with a head force of 2500 N and a

maximum temperature of 195 °C was performed to obtain films

with mean thickness around 40 µm, which was determined with a

293 MDC-Lite Digimatic Micrometer (Mitutoyo, Japan) at five

random positions.

Table 2.8. PLA active nanocomposites formulated in this study.

Materials PLA (wt%) Ag-NPs (wt%) Thymol (wt%) Film thickness (µm)*

PLA 100 - - 35 ± 4a

PLA/Ag 99 1 - 39 ± 4a

PLA/T6 94 - 6 40 ± 2a

PLA/T8 92 - 8 41 ± 5a

PLA/Ag/T6 93 1 6 42 ± 3a

PLA/Ag/T8 91 1 8 39 ± 6a

*Results are represented as mean ± standard deviation, n=3. Different superscripts within the same column indicate statistically significant different values (p < 0.05).

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5.3. Active nanocomposites characterization

PLA-based active nanocomposites were characterized by the

determination of their thermal, mechanical, morphological, optical (colour

and opacity) and barrier (oxygen transmission, and water vapour

permeability) properties.

5.3.1. Thermal properties

TGA tests were performed by using a TGA Seiko Exstar 6300 (USA).

Samples (around 7 mg) were heated from 25 to 700 °C at 10 °C min-1

heating rate under nitrogen atmosphere (flow rate 50 mL min-1). Analyses

were performed in triplicate.

DSC tests were conducted, in triplicate, by using a DSC Mettler Toledo

822/e (Schwerzenbach, Switzerland) under nitrogen atmosphere (50 mL

min-1). Samples (around 3 mg) were introduced in aluminium pans (40 µL)

and were submitted to a thermal program: -25 to 250 °C at 10 °C min-1,

with two heating and one cooling scans. Tg was determined from the

second heating scan.

5.3.2. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM)

The surface of neat PLA and PLA active nanocomposites and the cross

section of PLA/Ag/T6 and PLA/Ag/T8 ternary composites in dog-bone

bars were analysed by FESEM (Supra 25-Zeiss, Jena, Germany) to study

their homogeneity and influence of thymol and Ag-NPs on the PLA

morphology. Samples were coated with a gold layer prior to analysis in

order to increase their electrical conductivity.

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5.3.3. Mechanical properties of injection moulded samples

Tensile tests were used to evaluate the mechanical behaviour of neat PLA

and the new active nanocomposites by using a digital Lloyd instrument

LR 30K with a cross-head speed of 1 mm min-1 and a load cell of 30 kN.

Dog-bone bars (2 mm thick) were prepared for testing by following the

UNE ISO 527 Standard. Important parameters related with this study (εb,

TS and E) were calculated from the resulting stress-strain curves

according to the ASTM D882-09 Standard procedure (ASTM, 2009).

Tests were carried out at room temperature and all values reported were

the average of five measurements.

5.3.4. Optical properties of films

The light transmission of PLA-based films was determined, in triplicate,

by using a Perkin Elmer Lambda 35 UV-Vis spectrophotometer

(Waltham, MA, USA). The measurements were carried out at 500 nm in

the transmittance (%) mode to evaluate the transparency of the developed

films in the visible region. Each film was cut in 2.5 x 2.5 cm2 strips.

Modifications on colour caused by the addition of additives into the PLA

matrix were determined with a Konica CM-3600d COLORFLEX-DIFF2

colorimeter (Reston, VA, USA) using the CIELab colour parameters: L*

(lightness), a* (red-green coordinate) and b* (yellow-blue coordinate).

Measurements were taken at five different locations around the film

surface and average values were calculated. Total colour difference (∆E*)

was calculated using Equation 2.11 using neat PLA as control.

(2.11) where ∆L*= L*standard – L*sample, ∆a* = a*standard – a*sample and ∆b*=

b*standard – b*sample

∆퐸∗ = [(∆퐿∗)2 + (∆푎∗)2 + (∆푏∗)2]12

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5.3.5. Barrier properties of films

An oxygen permeation analyser (8500 model Systech, Metrotec S.A,

Spain) was used for OTR tests with pure oxygen (99.9 %). Film samples

were cut into 14 cm diameter circles and they were clamped in the

diffusion chamber at 25 °C before testing. Tests were performed in

triplicate and average values were expressed as oxygen transmission rate

per film thickness (OTR·e).

WVP was determined gravimetrically in accordance with the test method

indicated in the ASTM E 96M-05 Standard for water vapour transmission

of materials. Films were cut in circles of 95 mm diameter and mounted on

stainless steel permeation cells containing anhydrous calcium chloride,

sealed with paraffin. The cells were placed in a climatic chamber

(Dycometal, Barcelona, Spain) at 23.0 °C and 50% RH. The amount of

water vapour transferred through films and absorbed by the desiccant was

determined as the weight gain of the cell after 24 h. A minimum of seven

determinations were taken to plot weight variation vs time resulting in a

linear characteristic graph. Water vapour transmission (WVT) was

calculated using Equation 2.12.

(2.12) where A is the film area exposed (0.005 m2) and G/t is the slope obtained

from the weight gained in the permeation cell (G, grams) versus time (t,


The water vapour permeability (WVP) of film samples was determined, in

triplicate, using Equation 2.13.

푊푉푇 = 퐺 푡

퐴 (푔 ∙ ℎ−1 ∙ 푚−2)

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where e is the film thickness, S is the saturation vapour pressure at 23 °C,

and (R1-R2) is the difference in relative humidity between the exterior and

interior of the permeation cell (0.5).

5.4. Quantification of thymol in PLA-based films after processing

The actual amount of thymol present in PLA-based films after processing

was determined by solid-liquid extraction followed by HPLC-UV analysis.

0.05 ± 0.01 g of each film were extracted with 10 mL of methanol at 40.0

°C and 50 % RH for 24 h in a climate chamber (Dycometal CM-081,

Barcelona, Spain). Three replicates were carried out for each formulation.

A Shimadzu LC-20A liquid chromatograph (Kyoto, Japan) with UV

detector and a LiChrospher 100 RP18 column (250 mm × 5 mm × 5 μm,

Agilent Technologies, USA) were used. An isocratic elution of 40:60 (v:v)

acetonitrile:water at 25 °C and a flow rate 1 mL min-1 were applied. 20 μL

of the extracted samples were injected and analyses were performed in

triplicate at 274 nm. Standard solutions of thymol in methanol at

concentrations between 100 and 500 mg kg-1 were used to elaborate the

calibration curve for the thymol quantification.

5.5. Identification of thymol and Ag-NPs in PLA-based films

FTIR analysis was performed by using a Jasco FTIR 615 spectrometer

(Easton, MD, USA) equipped with a DTGS detector to confirm the

presence of thymol into the PLA-based films. Spectra were recorded in

the absorbance mode in the 4.000-400 cm−1 range, using 64 scans and 4

푊푉푃 (푘푔 ∙ 푚 ∙ 푃푎−1 ∙ 푠−1 ∙ 푚−2) = 푊푉푇 ∙ 푥 ∙ 푒푆(푅1 − 푅2)

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cm−1 resolution, and they were corrected against the background spectrum

of air. Two spectra replicates were obtained for each sample.

UV-Vis spectroscopy was used to detect the characteristic bands of Ag-

NPs and thymol. A Perkin Elmer Instruments (Lambda 35) UV-Vis

spectrophotometer (Waltham, MA, USA) operating in the 250-500 nm

range was used.

XRD patterns were recorded at room temperature in the scattering angle

(2θ) from 2.5 to 80° (step size = 0.05º min-1) by using filtered Cu Kα

radiation (λ = 1.54 Å). A Bruker D8-Advance diffractometer (Madison,

WI, USA) was used, with voltage and current of X-ray tubes of 40 kV and

40 mA, respectively.

5.6. Disintegrability under composting conditions

Disintegration tests under composting conditions were performed in dog-

bone bars and films by following the ISO-20200 standard method (UNE-

EN_20200, 2006). A commercial compost with certain amount of

sawdust, rabbit food, starch, sugar, oil and urea was used. Testing samples

(15 x 5 x 2 mm3 for injection moulded samples and 20 x 20 mm2 for

films) were buried at 5 cm depth in perforated boxes and incubated at 58

°C. The aerobic conditions were guaranteed by mixing the compost softly

and by the periodical addition of water according to the standard


Different disintegration times were selected to recover samples from their

burial and further tested: 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 57 days for injection

moulded samples; and 0, 1, 2, 4, 7 and 14 days for films. Samples were

immediately washed with distilled water to remove traces of compost

extracted from the container and further dried at 37 °C for 24 h before

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gravimetrical analysis. The disintegrability value for each material at

different times was obtained by normalizing the sample weight with the

value obtained at the initial time. Photographs of recovered samples were

also taken for visual evaluation.

For injection moulded samples, the evolution of thermal properties upon

disintegrability tests was also studied by DSC from -25 to 250 °C, at 10 °C

min-1. Morphological changes in the surface of the recovered samples

after testing at 0 and 14 days were studied by FESEM. FTIR spectra

(Jasco FT-IR 615, USA) were also recorded in the 400-4000 cm-1 range, in

ATR mode.

5.7. Release tests from PLA-based films

The release of thymol and Ag-NPs from PLA-based nanocomposite films

was studied in ethanol 10 % (v/v) as food simulant, in agreement with the

European Standard EN 13130-2005 (UNE-EN_13130-1, 2005) and the

Commission Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 on plastic materials and articles

intended to come into contact with food

(Commission_Regulation/(EU)/No-10/2011). Double-sided, total

immersion migration tests were performed, in triplicate, with 12 cm2 films

and 20 mL of the simulant (area-to-volume ratio of 6 dm2 L-1) at 40 °C in

an oven (J.P. Selecta, Barcelona, Spain) for 15 days. A blank test was also

carried out. Extracts were taken at different times after film samples

removal and they were stored at -4 °C before analysis. The amount of

thymol and Ag-NPs released from the PLA-based films to the food

simulant was determined by HPLC-UV and ICP/MS, respectively.

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5.7.1. Silver release study

The release of Ag-NPs from nanocomposite films into ethanol 10 % (v/v)

at different times was directly determined by using an Agilent 7700x

ICP/MS (Santa Clara, CA, USA) under conditions reported by Song et al

with some modifications in the experimental parameters (Song, Li, Lin,

Wu and Chen, 2011). A Scott-type spray chamber (Agilent Technologies)

was used for sample introduction connected to a MicroMist small volume

nebulizer. Sampling depth was 8.0 mm and argon was used as the carrier

gas. ICP/MS operating conditions were: RF power, 1500 W; plasma gas

flow rate, 15.0 L min-1; auxiliary gas flow rate, 0.9 L min-1; carrier gas flow

rate, 1.0 L min-1; and make-up gas flow rate, 0.56 L min-1. Rhodium was

used as internal standard and it was introduced by using a peristaltic pump

in line with the sample solution. Suspensions were sonicated for 1 minute

prior to analysis.

Calibration standard working solutions were obtained by dilution of a

stock solution (0.1 mg kg-1) of Ag-NPs in ethanol 10 % (v/v) to avoid

matrix effects. Dilutions were prepared by accurately weighing the

corresponding aliquot of the stock solution after 1 minute sonication (±

0.1 mg). LOD and LOQ values were calculated from the regression

parameters obtained from the calibration curve (3 Sy/x/a and 10 Sy/x/a,

respectively; where Sy/x is the standard deviation of the residues and a is

the slope), resulting in 1.19 µg kg-1 and 3.98 µg kg-1, respectively. An

acceptable level of linearity was obtained from the calculated calibration

curve (R2 = 0.9972).

5.7.2. Thymol release study

The amount of thymol released into ethanol 10 % (v/v) was determined

in triplicate with an Agilent 1260 Infinity HPLC Diode Array Detector

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(DAD) (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA) and Agilent eclipse plus C18 (100 mm x

4.6 mm x 3.5 μm) column. The mobile phase was acetonitrile/water

(40:60) at 1 mL min-1 flow rate. 20 μL of the extracted samples were

injected and detection was performed at λ = 274 nm. Analyses were

performed in triplicate. Different standards between 5 and 500 mg kg-1

and working solutions of thymol were prepared in ethanol 10 % (v/v).

LOD and LOQ values obtained from the calibration curve were 0.08 mg

kg-1 and 0.26 mg kg-1, respectively. A high level of linearity was obtained

from the calibration curve (R2 = 0.9999).

A kinetic release study of thymol into ethanol 10 % (v/v) was performed

for 15 days by taking samples at different times (2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 48 hours

and 5, 10 and 15 days). Tests were performed in triplicate.

5.8. Determination of the antioxidant activity

The AO activity of thymol released into ethanol 10 % (v/v) was analysed

in terms of radical scavenging ability by using the DPPH method, as

proposed by Byun et al with slight modifications (Byun, Kim and

Whiteside, 2010). An aliquot of 100 μL of each extract was mixed with 3.9

mL of a methanolic solution of DPPH (23 mg L-1) in a capped cuvette.

The mixture was shaken vigorously and it was kept in the dark at room

temperature for 200 min. The absorbance of each solution was

determined at 517 nm by using a Biomate-3 UV-Vis spectrophotometer

(Thermo Scientific, USA). All analyses were performed in triplicate and

the AO capacity was expressed as the ability to scavenge the stable radical

DPPH by using Equation (2.14).

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(2.14) where AControl and ASample are the absorbances of the blank control at t = 0

min and the tested sample at t = 200 min, respectively.

5.9. Antibacterial activity of PLA-based films

The microorganisms used in this study were Escherichia coli RB (E. coli RB)

and Staphylococcus aureus 8325-4 (S. aureus 8325-4). E. coli RB was an isolate

strain provided by the “Zooprofilattico Institute of Pavia” (Italy) whereas

S. aureus 8325-4 was a gift from Dr. Timothy J. Foster (Department of

Microbiology, Dublin, Ireland). E. coli RB and S. aureus 8325-4 were

routinely grown overnight in Luria Bertani Broth (LB) and Brian Heart

Infusion (BHI) (Difco Laboratories Inc., Detroit, MI, USA), respectively,

under aerobic conditions at 37 °C using a shaker incubator (New

Brunswick Scientific Co., Edison, NJ, USA). These cultures were reduced

at a final density of 1 × 1010 cells mL-1 as determined by comparing the

OD600 of samples with a standard curve relating OD600 to cell number.

The evaluation of the antibacterial activity of neat PLA and PLA active

nanocomposite films was carried out in 100 µL of overnight diluted cell

suspensions (1×104) of E. coli RB or S. aureus 8325-4 . These suspensions

were added to each sample and seeded at the bottom of a 96-well tissue

culture plate, and further incubated at three different temperatures: 4, 24

and 37 °C for 3 h and 24 h, respectively. Furthermore, 96-well flat-bottom

sterile polystyrene culture plates (TCP) used as controls were incubated

under the same conditions. At the end of each incubation time, the

bacterial suspension was then serially diluted and plated on the LB (E. coli

RB) or BHI (S. aureus 8325-4) agar plates, respectively. Plates were then

퐷푃푃퐻 푠푐푎푣푒푛푔푖푛푔 푎푐푡푖푣푖푡푦 (%) = 퐴퐶표푛푡푟표푙 − 퐴푆푎푚푝푙푒퐴퐶표푛푡푟표푙 ∙ 100

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incubated for 24 h/48 h at 37 °C. Cell survival was expressed as

percentage of CFU of bacterial growth on PLA active nanocomposite

films compared to that obtained for the neat PLA film.

5.10. Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis of results was performed with SPSS commercial

software (Version 15.0, Chicago, IL). A one-way analysis of variance

(ANOVA) was carried out. Differences between means were assessed on

the basis of confidence intervals using the Tukey test at a p < 0.05

significance level.

Two-group comparisons were performed by application of the Student’s

t-test for the antibacterial activity, and results were expressed by mean ±

SD (standard deviation), by using GraphPad Prism 4.0 software (San

Diego, CA, USA). Two-tailed p values < 0.05 were considered statistically


6. Results and discussion

6.1. Characterization of injection moulded samples

6.1.1. Thermal properties

The effect of the addition of thymol and Ag-NPs in the thermal stability

of PLA-based nanocomposites was studied by TGA under nitrogen

atmosphere. The weight loss (TG) and derivative (DTG) curves of binary

and ternary systems are reported in Figure 2.17a and Figure 2.17b,

respectively. Two thermal parameters were obtained from this study

(Table 2.9): initial degradation temperature (Tini), determined at 5 %

weight loss, and maximum degradation temperature (Tmax). All materials

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showed a main peak associated to the PLA thermal degradation between

330 and 360 °C, as previously reported (Martino, Jiménez, Ruseckaite and

Avérous, 2010; Hwang et al, 2012; Burgos, Martino and Jiménez, 2013)

slight reduction in the Tmax value was observed by the addition of Ag

(p > 0.05). Regarding Tini values, a significant reduction

observed suggesting some loss in the PLA thermal stability by the addition

of Ag-NPs. Thermograms corresponding to the ternary nanocomposites

showed a first degradation step around 120 °C, which was related to the

thymol degradation as it was shown for PP

PLA-based active nanocomposites with D43B (Section 2.1). In summary,

TGA results showed that besides the slight reduction in the

nanocomposites thermal stability by the addition of thymol and Ag

these formulations could be processed at the same temperatures (up to

200 °C) than neat PLA without risking thermal degradation.


Results and Discussion. Chapter 2

main peak associated to the PLA thermal degradation between

(Martino, Jiménez, Ruseckaite and

2012; Burgos, Martino and Jiménez, 2013). A

value was observed by the addition of Ag-NPs

a significant reduction (p < 0.05) was

rved suggesting some loss in the PLA thermal stability by the addition

hermograms corresponding to the ternary nanocomposites

degradation step around 120 °C, which was related to the

thymol degradation as it was shown for PP-based films in Chapter 1 and

based active nanocomposites with D43B (Section 2.1). In summary,

results showed that besides the slight reduction in the

nanocomposites thermal stability by the addition of thymol and Ag-NPs,

cessed at the same temperatures (up to

200 °C) than neat PLA without risking thermal degradation.

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Figure 2.17. TG (a) and DTG (b) curves of neat PLA and nanocomposite injection

moulded samples with Ag-NPs and thymol.

Table 2.9. Thermal parameters and tensile properties obtained for injection moulded

samples (neat PLA and active nanocomposites).

Samples Tg* (°C) Tini* (°C) Tmax* (°C) E**

PLA 56 ± 3a 324 ± 12a 363 ± 6a 3181 ± 35

PLA/Ag 56 ± 1a 317 ± 8ab 357 ± 13a 3000 ± 172

PLA/T6 50 ± 2b 327 ± 15a 358 ± 7a 3289 ± 28

PLA/T8 42 ± 1bc 316 ± 14a 353 ± 9a 2930 ± 76

PLA/Ag/T6 44 ± 1bc 284 ± 9bc 337 ± 12a 2823 ± 121

PLA/Ag/T8 41 ± 1c 288 ± 5c 336 ± 14a 2547 ± 244* (n=3; mean ± standard deviation) **(n=5; mean ± standard deviation) Tg: determined by DSC from the first heating scan at 10 °C min10 °C min-1 in N2 atmosphere. Corresponding to the 2nd degradation step.Results are represented as mean ± standard deviation, n=3. column indicate statistically significant different values (p < 0.05).


TG (a) and DTG (b) curves of neat PLA and nanocomposite injection

and thymol.

Thermal parameters and tensile properties obtained for injection moulded

samples (neat PLA and active nanocomposites).

** (MPa) εb** (%) TS** (MPa)

3181 ± 35ab 3.5 ± 0.2a 60.3 ± 8.0a

3000 ± 172bc 3.6 ± 0.2a 59.7 ± 2.9a

3289 ± 28a 2.7 ± 0.2a 52.1 ± 1.3a

2930 ± 76bc 2.6 ± 0.3b 36.4 ± 3.2b

2823 ± 121cd 3.6 ± 0.3b 36.9 ± 3.0b

2547 ± 244d 2.8 ± 0.2b 36.3 ± 2.8b

first heating scan at 10 °C min-1. Tini and Tmax: determined by TGA at degradation step.

Results are represented as mean ± standard deviation, n=3. Different superscripts within the same indicate statistically significant different values (p < 0.05).

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DSC thermograms for all the tested materials are shown in Figure 2.18.

Since the PLA used in this study was mostly amorphous, a Tg value could

be determined in all samples (Table 2.9). It is known that Tg is dependent

upon the polymer structural arrangement and corresponds to the torsion

oscillation of the carbon backbone (Hughes, Thomas, Byun and

Whiteside, 2012). So, it was expected that the addition of thymol could

lead to some reduction in Tg, as observed in Table 2.9. In fact, binary and

ternary systems with thymol showed a significant decrease in more than

10 °C on Tg values (p < 0.05). This reduction was associated with the

already reported plasticizing effect of thymol in polymer matrices, also

observed when thymol was added to a PP matrix (Chapter 1), increasing

the molecular mobility of the polymer structure. A similar behaviour was

reported by other authors for the addition of similar AOs to PLA with a

remarkable reduction on Tg values (Byun, Kim and Whiteside, 2010;

Hwang et al, 2012; Arrieta, López, Ferrándiz and Peltzer, 2013). DSC

results also showed that the addition of Ag-NPs had no relevant effect on

the Tg values of PLA, in agreement with previous studies (Fortunati,

Armentano, Zhou, Iannoni, et al, 2012). Conversely, parameters related to

crystallization or melting of PLA nanocomposites were not observed due

to the mentioned amorphous structure of the polymer used in this study,

which remained after the addition of thymol and Ag-NPs to the polymer


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Figure 2.18. DSC thermograms for PLA, PLA/Ag, PLA/T8 and PLA/Ag/T8 injection

moulded samples; first heating and cooling scans (a) and second heating scan (b).

6.1.2. Morphological characterization

Figure 2.19 shows the FESEM micrographs obtained for neat PLA and

PLA nanocomposites surfaces after processing. Homogeneous surface

morphologies were observed for all materials, with no apparent effect of

the addition of thymol and Ag-NPs to the PLA matrix. FESEM

micrographs were also taken to cross section of ternary systems to

evaluate the incorporation of both additives to the polymer matrix (Figure

2.20). It was noticed that Ag-NPs were well dispersed with no apparent

agglomerates, which could be probably related to the presence of thymol

in these formulations (Fortunati, Armentano, Zhou, Puglia, et al, 2012).

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Figure 2.19. FESEM micrographs of the surface of

Figure 2.20. Cross section micrographs of PLA/Ag/T6 and PLA/Ag/T8 injection

moulded samples after processing.

6.1.3. Mechanical properties

The tensile properties of neat PLA and nanocomposites were

and results are reported in Table 2.9. The addition of 1 wt% of Ag

PLA had no significant effect (p > 0.05) on the elastic modulus,

strength and elongation at break values as previously reported by other

Results and Discussion. Chapter 2

FESEM micrographs of the surface of nanocomposite injection moulded.

Cross section micrographs of PLA/Ag/T6 and PLA/Ag/T8 injection

moulded samples after processing.

he tensile properties of neat PLA and nanocomposites were evaluated

The addition of 1 wt% of Ag-NPs to

PLA had no significant effect (p > 0.05) on the elastic modulus, tensile

strength and elongation at break values as previously reported by other

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authors (Kanmani and Rhim, 2014a). Some reduction in tensile strength

values was observed for the PLA-thymol binary systems, being more

evident for those with the highest content (8 wt%, p < 0.05). This effect

could be due to the increase in polymer chains mobility caused by the

presence of thymol in these formulations (Fabra, Talens and Chiralt,

2008). These results are also related with those obtained for mechanical

properties of PP-based films in Chapter 1 and active PLA-based films

with D43B.

The combined action of thymol and Ag-NPs on the PLA mechanical

behaviour was also evaluated. A significant decrease in elastic modulus of

the ternary formulations was observed compared to neat PLA resulting in

more flexible and stretchable materials (p < 0.05). It could be suggested

that the presence of Ag-NPs contributed to the thymol ability to increase

the PLA chain mobility, which also promoted a more effective dispersion

of silver nanoparticles. These combined effects could be related to the

presence of Van der Waals interactions between the hydroxyl groups of

thymol molecules and the partial positive charge on the surface of the Ag-

NPs which affects the mechanical response of the ternary nanocomposites

(Fabra, Talens and Chiralt, 2008; Shameli et al, 2010; Aguirre, Borneo and

León, 2013).

6.2. Films characterization

6.2.1. Thermal properties

The effect of the addition of thymol and Ag-NPs on the thermal

properties of PLA-based nanocomposite films was evaluated by DSC. The

obtained results are summarized in Table 2.10. Tg of PLA and all the

active nanocomposite films was clearly observed, once again indicative of

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the amorphous character of the commercial PLA used in this study. No

crystallization or melting phenomena were detected. The addition of Ag-

NPs to PLA (PLA/Ag) did not reveal significant differences with respect

to neat PLA in terms of Tg (p > 0.05), in agreement with Fortunati et al

(Fortunati, Rinaldi, et al, 2014) and with previous results obtained in this

work for dog-bone bars. However, as expected from the results already

discussed for injection moulded samples, thymol-containing binary and

ternary nanocomposite films showed a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in

Tg values with differences higher than 10 °C with respect to the glass

transition temperature of neat PLA. This reduction in Tg is related to the

higher mobility of the polymer macromolecules caused by the increase of

the free volume in the matrix, promoting the torsion oscillation of the

carbon backbone due to the plasticizing effect induced by the addition of

thymol. It is well known that the addition of low molecular weight

compounds decreases PLA toughness by reducing the glass transition

temperature and increasing the mobility of macromolecules (Gonçalves et

al, 2013). A similar shift to lower temperatures in Tg was observed by the

incorporation of thymol to PP matrix producing a plasticization effect, as

discussed in Chapter 1. A significant decrease in Tg was also reported by

other authors for PLA-based films with thymol (Tawakkal, Cran and

Bigger, 2014; Wu, Qin, et al, 2014). A similar behaviour was reported for

α-tocopherol, resveratrol, BHT and tert-butylhydroquinone added to PLA

(Byun, Kim and Whiteside, 2010; Hwang et al, 2012; Gonçalves et al,

2013). In all cases, an effective plasticizing effect was observed, resulting

in the decrease in Tg.

The thermal stability of neat PLA and the active nanocomposite films was

studied by TGA under nitrogen atmosphere. A main degradation peak

associated to the PLA thermal degradation between 330-360 °C was

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observed for all samples. A first degradation step starting at 120 °C was

also detected (data not shown), which could be related to the thymol

degradation. This result confirms, once again, the permanence of a

detectable amount of thymol in the PLA-based nanocomposites after


The main TGA parameters obtained, i.e. Tini determined at 5 % weight

loss, and Tmax for the main peak associated to the PLA thermal

degradation, are shown in Table 2.10. As can be observed, the separate

addition of thymol and Ag-NPs into PLA did not significantly affect the

thermal behaviour of the polymer matrix in terms of Tmax and Tini (p >

0.05). However, the significant reduction observed in these parameters

caused by the combined addition of Ag-NPs and thymol in ternary

systems suggests some decrease in the PLA thermal stability (p < 0.05) for

the active nanocomposite ternary films. This phenomenon was related

with some degradation of these materials during processing.

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Table 2.10. Characterization of neat PLA and active nanocomposite films.

Samples Thymol extracted (wt%)

Tg (°C)


(°C) Tmax

(°C) WVP*10-14

(Kg m s-1 m-2 Pa-1) Reduction in WVP

(%) OTR·e

(cm3 mm m-2 day-1)

PLA n.d. 56.3 ± 2.2a 320 ± 4a 363 ± 2a 1.84 ± 0.12a - 19.9 ± 2.1a

PLA/Ag n.d. 53.7 ± 0.8a 316 ± 4a 354 ± 5a 1.77 ± 0.01a 4 26.2 ± 8.4a

PLA/T6 4.38 ± 0.04a 43.3 ± 0.2b 321 ± 3a 351 ± 3a 1.33 ± 0.11b 27 18.5 ± 1.6a

PLA/T8 5.79 ± 0.07b 43.5 ± 1.0b 312 ± 2a 354 ± 3a 1.10 ± 0.09c 40 20.7 ± 1.8a

PLA/Ag/T6 4.41 ± 0.04c 42.6 ± 0.8b 281 ± 3b 332 ± 5b 1.12 ± 0.05b,c 39 18.3 ± 1.1a

PLA/Ag/T8 6.09 ± 0.09d 43.0 ± 0.4b 284 ± 5b 334 ± 6b 1.17 ± 0.09b,c 36 18.3 ± 1.9a

n.d.: not detected Tg: determined by DSC from the second heating scan at 10 °C min-1. Tini and Tmax: determined by TGA at 10 °C min-1 in N2 atmosphere. Corresponding to the 2nd degradation step. Results are represented as mean ± standard deviation, n=3. Different superscripts within the same column indicate statistically significant different values (p < 0.05).

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6.2.2. Morphology

The surface morphology and microstructure of PLA and active

nanocomposite films were studied by FESEM in order to evaluate the

incorporation of thymol and Ag-NPs into the polymer matrix. As in the

case of injection moulded probes, all films showed smooth and

homogeneous surface structure with good structural integrity without

pores or cavities (Figure 2.21). FESEM images also confirmed the

uniform distribution of the Ag-NPs all through the PLA matrix since no

particle agglomeration was detected. Similar morphologies were observed

by other authors for PLA and other polymer matrices blended with Ag-

NPs or thymol (Kumar and Münstedt, 2005; Rhim, Wang and Hong,

2013; Fortunati, Rinaldi, et al, 2014; Kanmani and Rhim, 2014b). Rhim et

al reported smooth surfaces with evenly dispersed silver particles on the

PLA film surface (Rhim, 2013). These results demonstrate a positive

combination between PLA and thymol to obtain homogeneous surfaces

when processing films.

Figure 2.21. FESEM surface images of PLA and active nanocomposite films.

6.2.3. Optical properties

All the PLA-based films were visually homogeneous and transparent

regardless of their composition (Figure 2.22). The colour distribution

observed in all films suggests that additives were uniformly distributed

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during processing. However, active nanocomposite films containing Ag

NPs showed some darkening in the initially clear surface as well as some

decrease in transparency, which is an important physical property in food

packaging films (Jamshidian, Tehrany, Imran, Jacqu

The incorporation of additives to the PLA matrix can lead to substantial

modifications and transparency losses, and these variations may represent

an important drawback for consumer acceptance

Murariu and Dubois, 2013). Rihm et al suggested that surface plasmon

phenomena of silver nanoparticles and phenolic compounds, such as

thymol, may modify PLA colour during processing and storage

darkening in films when the Ag-NPs concentration is high

and Hong, 2013).

Figure 2.22. Visual observation of neat PLA and binary and ternary nanocomposite films.

Results for colour and transmittance at 500 nm of all films are shown in

Table 2.11. The surface colour of PLA binary and ternary films was

significantly influenced (p < 0.05) depending on the addition of thymol

andAg-NPs. While some decrease (p < 0.05)

was observed in PLA films containing Ag

those with thymol (p < 0.05) when compared to the neat PLA film. In

Results and Discussion. Chapter 2

However, active nanocomposite films containing Ag-

NPs showed some darkening in the initially clear surface as well as some

is an important physical property in food

(Jamshidian, Tehrany, Imran, Jacquot and Desobry, 2010).

The incorporation of additives to the PLA matrix can lead to substantial

modifications and transparency losses, and these variations may represent

an important drawback for consumer acceptance (Raquez, Habibi,

suggested that surface plasmon

phenomena of silver nanoparticles and phenolic compounds, such as

thymol, may modify PLA colour during processing and storage leading to

NPs concentration is high (Rhim, Wang

observation of neat PLA and binary and ternary nanocomposite films.

olour and transmittance at 500 nm of all films are shown in

. The surface colour of PLA binary and ternary films was

(p < 0.05) depending on the addition of thymol

p < 0.05) in film lightness (L-value)

was observed in PLA films containing Ag-NPs, it slightly increased in

those with thymol (p < 0.05) when compared to the neat PLA film. In

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addition, a* and b* parameters were modified by the presence of both

additives (Table 2.11). In particular, Ag-NPs-based binary and ternary

systems resulted in a significantly increase (p < 0.05) in a* and b* towards

positive values, indicating a trend in redness and yellowness, respectively,

of the active nanocomposite films. Consequently, ∆E* of those films with

Ag-NPs increased significantly (p < 0.05). This behaviour can be

explained by the development of brown colour in nanocomposites by the

plasmonic effect of Ag-NPs (Rhim and Wang, 2014). Binary systems

containing thymol showed similar colour parameters than neat PLA.

Table 2.11. Optical properties of neat PLA and active nanocomposite films.

Samples Colour parameters Transparency

L* a* b* ΔE* T500nm (%)

PLA 47.46 ± 0.09a -0.19 ± 0.03a -0.12 ± 0.02a,c - 94.77 ± 0.01a

PLA/Ag 46.67 ± 0.29b 1.53 ± 0.03b 8.04 ± 0.07b 8.37 ± 0.09a 91.31 ± 0.01b

PLA/T6 48.25 ± 0.20c -0.15 ± 0.02a -0.22 ± 0.04c 0.89 ± 0.16b 93.53 ± 0.03c

PLA/T8 48.33 ± 0.31c -0.28 ± 0.02c -0.06 ± 0.02a 0.97 ± 0.34b 94.41 ± 0.03d

PLA/Ag/T6 45.47 ± 0.27d 1.21 ± 0.03d 8.83 ± 0.08d 9.25 ± 0.10c 90.21 ± 0.01e

PLA/Ag/T8 46.38 ± 0.22b 1.04 ± 0.02e 9.57 ± 0.06e 9.81 ± 0.06d 90.80 ± 0.02f

Results are represented as mean ± standard deviation, n=3. Different superscripts within the same column indicate statistically significant different values (p < 0.05).

PLA is a transparent polymer with a transmittance close to 95% in the

visible region (Table 2.11), as already reported (Jamshidian, Tehrany,

Imran, Jacquot and Desobry, 2010). The evaluation of the light

transmission in the visible region (500 nm) revealed that all binary and

ternary films with thymol and Ag-NPs were, in general, highly transparent,

showing transmittance values higher than 90 % in all cases. A slight

decrease (p < 0.05) in transmittance was observed in binary systems

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Results and Discussion. Chapter 2

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containing thymol, which might be due to the colourless transparent

appearance of this additive.

On the other hand, the inclusion of Ag-NPs into PLA films also produced

some significant reduction (p < 0.05) in transparency, which was related

to the prevention of light transmission by the nanoparticles

homogeneously dispersed through the polymer matrix (Kanmani and

Rhim, 2014a). Results suggest that the amount of both additives, thymol

and Ag-NPs, used in these formulations did not affect dramatically the

colour and transparency of PLA films. Therefore, their incorporation into

the PLA matrix could be suitable for food packaging applications without

compromising to an unacceptable degree its optical properties.

6.2.4. Barrier properties

Results of the effect of the addition of thymol and Ag-NPs on the barrier

properties (OTR and WVP) of PLA-based films are shown in Table 2.10.

Biofilms with low oxygen permeability are desirable for food preservation

as oxygen can accelerate lipids oxidation and facilitate the growth of

aerobic microorganisms, thereby shortening the food shelf-life (Pagno et

al, 2015). The OTR·e values obtained in this study showed that the

oxygen barrier offered by neat PLA was not significantly modified (p >

0.05) in the presence of additives.

The study of the water vapour barrier properties of biofilms is important

to assess their possible performance as food packaging materials since one

of their main functions is to decrease the moisture transfer between food

and the surrounding environment keeping food quality and increasing

shelf-life (Siracusa, Rocculi, Romani and Rosa, 2008). Water vapour

barrier in biofilms could be considered as the balance between the

hydrophobic/hydrophilic characteristics of all their components. In our

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case, WVP of PLA films was not significantly affected (p > 0.05) by the

incorporation of Ag-NPs (PLA/Ag). This behaviour may be due to the

spherical shape of silver particles and their homogeneous dispersion in the

polymer matrix which may not develop efficiently the tortuous pathway

necessary to retard water vapour diffusion (Rhim and Wang, 2014).

It has been stated that high water vapour permeability of films intended

for food packaging could restrict considerably their use (Sánchez-

González, Vargas, González-Martínez, Chiralt and Cháfer, 2011). In this

case, the addition of thymol to PLA-based films resulted in a significant

decrease (p < 0.05) in WVP values for binary and ternary systems, up to

40 % compared to those values obtained for the neat PLA film. These

results could be explained by the repulsion to water molecules caused by

the addition of hydrophobic components, such as thymol, at high

concentrations (López-Mata et al, 2013). Therefore, these thymol-

containing nanocomposites allowed an important improvement in barrier

properties to water vapour, which is a remarkable feature in food

packaging applications, especially at high RH storage conditions. Similar

results were found by other authors under the same conditions (23 °C,

45% RH), reporting a WVP value of 1.99 x 10-14 kg m m-2 s-1 Pa-1 for neat

PLA, and a 25 % reduction in WVP for PLA films loaded with 4 wt% α-

tocopherol (Gonçalves et al, 2013). Meanwhile, the addition of 2 wt%

marigold flower extract containing astaxanthin resulted in the decrease in

21 % in WVP of PLA, which was attributed to the hydrophobic nature of

this extract (Samsudin, Soto-Valdez and Auras, 2014).

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6.3. Quantification of thymol in PLA-based films after processing

The quantification of the actual amount of thymol present in the

processed active films is an important issue since the high volatility of this

additive could result in losses during extrusion and further film

manufacturing at high temperatures. The final amount of thymol detected

in binary and ternary formulations after processing is shown in Table 2.10.

Results are indicative that the losses of thymol were lower than 30 %,

regardless of the initial amount used in the formulations (6 or 8 wt %).

These results can be considered acceptable and were reduced to the

minimum by the optimization of processing conditions as previously

discussed, allowing thymol to be inside the extruder for the minimum

time to achieve a good dispersion into the polymer matrix. Therefore, it

can be expected that the remaining amount of thymol in these PLA-based

films after processing is high enough to obtain acceptable properties in

terms of antibacterial activity, as it will be further discussed. Other authors

have also reported some losses of volatile additives during processing. In

this sense, losses of catechin and epicatechin during processing

incorporated to PLA matrices were reported in the range of 20-35 %,

where processing temperature, residence time of PLA into the extruder

and the additives concentration mainly influenced their permanence in the

final blends (Iñiguez-Franco et al, 2012). Moreover, losses of astaxanthin

from marigold flower extract added to PLA up to 80 % were reported

(Samsudin, Soto-Valdez and Auras, 2014).

PLA/Ag/T8 nanocomposites showed a significantly higher amount of

thymol (p < 0.05) remaining after processing (around 76 %) (Table 2.10).

This result may indicate that the loss of thymol could be influenced by the

presence of Ag-NPs, which could play a role in retarding the diffusion of

thymol molecules through the polymer structure. A similar effect was

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observed by Efrati et al for active films based on LDPE with thymol and

different contents of MMTs. These authors reported a decrease in the loss

of thymol during processing due to the increase of MMT content (Efrati et

al, 2014).

6.4. Identification of thymol and Ag-NPs in PLA-based films

FTIR and UV-Vis absorption spectra of PLA and PLA active

nanocomposite films are shown in Figure 2.23a and Figure 2.23b,

respectively. FTIR results confirmed the presence of a significant amount

of thymol remaining in the nanocomposite films after processing, since

the flexion vibration of the methylene group (CH2) at 806 cm-1 (see

zoomed area in Figure 2.23a) was observed for all formulations containing

thymol, a clear indication of the presence of the additive in the processed


The presence of thymol in binary and ternary systems after processing was

also confirmed by UV-Vis spectrophotometry (Figure 2.23b). Thymol

shows maximum absorption in this region (λmax

) at 274 nm, corresponding

to the characteristic band of the π-π* transition, also due to the

auxochrome phenolic hydroxyl group in its structure (Rukmani and

Sundrarajan, 2011). Furthermore, those formulations with Ag-NPs

showed a low-intensity but characteristic band at the visible region around

400 nm, which some authors correlated with the surface plasmon

resonance (SPR) transition peak (Vigneshwaran, Nachane,

Balasubramanya and Varadarajan, 2006; Shameli et al, 2010; Kanmani and

Rhim, 2014a).

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~ 275 ~

Figure 2.23. FTIR (a) and UV-Vis (b) spectra of PLA and active nanocomposite films.

X-ray diffraction patterns of active nanocomposite films with Ag

were clearly indicative of the presence of these nanoparticles embedded

into the polymer matrix in the films (

diffractogram of the mostly amorphous PLA only shows the characteristic

broad band around 2θ = 20º; the clear and sharp peak around 38.2º


Results and Discussion. Chapter 2

Vis (b) spectra of PLA and active nanocomposite films.

ray diffraction patterns of active nanocomposite films with Ag-NPs

were clearly indicative of the presence of these nanoparticles embedded

to the polymer matrix in the films (Figure 2.24). While the XRD

diffractogram of the mostly amorphous PLA only shows the characteristic

= 20º; the clear and sharp peak around 38.2º

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observed in thos formulations with Ag-NPs can be attributed to the 111

crystallographic plane of face-centred cubic (fcc) silver crystals (Shameli et

al, 2010; Rhim, Wang and Hong, 2013).

Figure 2.24. WAXS patterns of PLA and active nanocomposite films.

6.5. Disintegrability under composting conditions

Biodegradability tests are necessary to estimate the environmental impact

of plastic materials after their shelf-life and it is particularly relevant in

short-term applications, such as food packaging. The disintegration study

under composting conditions of PLA-based active nanocomposites

(injection moulded samples and films) was carried out to evaluate the

effect of the addition of Ag-NPs and thymol on the degradation

properties of the PLA matrix.

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6.5.1. Disintegrability study for injection moulded samples

The visual evaluation of the injection moulded samples at different

degradation times is shown in Figure 2.25.

Figure 2.25. PLA and PLA nanocomposites processed by injection moulding at different

times under composting conditions at 58 °C.

All samples showed considerable modifications in colour and a general

loss of transparency after 7 days. These surface modifications were

indicative of the beginning of the polymer hydrolytic degradation process,

which was related to the moisture absorption. Fukushima

increase in the materials opacity to various simultaneous phenomena, such

as the formation of low molar-mass degradation by

hydrolysis and/or the changes in crystallinity in the polymer matrix

(Fukushima, Tabuani, Arena, Gennari and Camino, 2013)

general increase in the polymer and nanocomposite

place at a higher rate in their amorphous zones

in reduction of transparency and a general modification in colour of the

injected materials, as expected due to the high amorphous character of

Results and Discussion. Chapter 2

on moulded samples

The visual evaluation of the injection moulded samples at different


PLA and PLA nanocomposites processed by injection moulding at different

times under composting conditions at 58 °C.

ble modifications in colour and a general

loss of transparency after 7 days. These surface modifications were

indicative of the beginning of the polymer hydrolytic degradation process,

which was related to the moisture absorption. Fukushima et al related the

increase in the materials opacity to various simultaneous phenomena, such

mass degradation by-products during

hydrolysis and/or the changes in crystallinity in the polymer matrix

(Fukushima, Tabuani, Arena, Gennari and Camino, 2013). Indeed, a

general increase in the polymer and nanocomposites crystallinity took

place at a higher rate in their amorphous zones (Paul et al, 2005), resulting

in reduction of transparency and a general modification in colour of the

injected materials, as expected due to the high amorphous character of

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the PLA used in this work, as already stated by other authors

Pantani, 2013). Further results at longer testing times showed that the

physical degradation of these samples progressed with burial time

resulting in a complete loss of the initial morphology and general rupture

after 35 days.

Figure 2.26a reports the disintegrability percentage (weight loss) as a

function of the testing time for all the injection moulded materials. Before

14 days, no important differences were observed between all samples.

However, after 14 days, those formulations containing thymol increased

their weight loss rate and in consequence the disintegrabi

values higher than 30 %; while neat PLA and the PLA/Ag nanocomposite

showed slower degradation rate with values (20.8 ± 0.6) % and (24.4 ±

4.0) % after 21 days, respectively. These differences in the disintegrability

rate between nanocomposites with and without thymol in their

formulations increased after 35 days (Figure 2.

Figure 2.26. Disintegrability (%) of PLA and PLA nanocomposite processed by injection

moulding at different times in compost at 58 °C. The line at 90 %

disintegrability tests as required by the ISO 20200 Standard.

the PLA used in this work, as already stated by other authors (Gorrasi and

. Further results at longer testing times showed that the

physical degradation of these samples progressed with burial time

the initial morphology and general rupture

a reports the disintegrability percentage (weight loss) as a

ting time for all the injection moulded materials. Before

14 days, no important differences were observed between all samples.

However, after 14 days, those formulations containing thymol increased

their weight loss rate and in consequence the disintegrability ratio to

values higher than 30 %; while neat PLA and the PLA/Ag nanocomposite

showed slower degradation rate with values (20.8 ± 0.6) % and (24.4 ±

4.0) % after 21 days, respectively. These differences in the disintegrability

es with and without thymol in their

Figure 2.26b).

Disintegrability (%) of PLA and PLA nanocomposite processed by injection

moulding at different times in compost at 58 °C. The line at 90 % represents the goal of

disintegrability tests as required by the ISO 20200 Standard.

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PLA/Ag/T8 showed the highest disintegration rate followed by

PLA/Ag/T6 highlighting the high influence of thymol in the diffusion

process of water molecules through the polymer structure, promoting

hydrolysis due to the increase in chain mobility induced by the plasticizing

effect already discussed. This behaviour was improved by the

homogeneous dispersion of thymol into the PLA matrix, as it was

observed in FESEM micrographs. In addition, the hydroxyl groups in

thymol can contribute to the heterogeneous hydrolysis of the PLA matrix

after absorbing water from the composting medium, resulting in a

noticeable increase in disintegrability values for PLA nanocomposites with

thymol after 14 days. In the initial stages of the composting test, some

interactions between the thymol hydroxyl groups and water molecules

with formation of hydrogen bonds could retain the hydrolysis process

compensating the higher water diffusion rate in samples with thymol. This

effect is no longer observable after 14 days. A similar behaviour was

reported by Sinha Ray et al, who suggested that 14 days could be

considered the critical time to start the heterogeneous hydrolysis process

(Sinha Ray, Yamada, Okamoto and Ueda, 2003), as observed in this study.

The presence of hydroxyl groups in the thymol molecules, finely dispersed

in the PLA matrix, are responsible of the formation of labile bonds in the

polymer structure and consequently the hydrolysis reaction is faster by

formation of low molar mass chains (Sinha Ray, Yamada, Okamoto and

Ueda, 2003; Proikakis, Mamouzelos, Tarantili and Andreopoulos, 2006).

This effect could be even reinforced by synergies between Ag-NPs and

thymol, since Ag atoms could catalyse the disintegration process

(Fortunati, Armentano, Iannoni, et al, 2012).

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Finally, after 57 testing days, it was observed that all PLA nanocomposites

appeared totally disintegrated satisfying the ISO Standard requirements

for a biodegradable material (UNE-EN_20200, 2006).

The evolution of thermal, chemical and morphological properties upon

disintegrability tests was also studied for injection moulded samples.

Structural analysis PLA/Ag/T8 nanocomposites submitted to composting conditions up to

21 days were analysed by FTIR and the most relevant spectra are reported

in Figure 2.27. The typical stretching band of the carbonyl group (-C=O)

at 1750 cm-1, attributed to lactide, and the -C-O- bond stretching band in

the PLA -CH-O- group at 1180 cm-1 were identified (Shameli et al, 2010).

As previously discussed, the hydrolytic degradation in PLA takes place

during the initial phases of the composting treatment, where the high

molar mass PLA chains are hydrolysed to form low molar mass oligomers

with plenty of available and highly reactive hydroxyl and carboxylic acid

groups (Fukushima, Abbate, Tabuani, Gennari and Camino, 2009).

FTIR spectra after 21 days showed a considerable decrease in the intensity

of the peak related to the carbonyl group (-C=O) at 1750 cm-1 and the

simultaneous appearance of a typical IR absorption corresponding to

carbonyl groups in carboxylic acids formed by the hydrolytic scission of

the ester groups (Fukushima, Feijoo and Yang, 2012). In addition, the

band at 1180 cm-1 corresponding to the -C-O- stretching practically

disappeared after 7 treatment days as already reported by other authors

(Fortunati, Armentano, Iannoni, et al, 2012). However, these results did

not reveal important differences between binary and ternary formulations

regardless of the thymol concentration.

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~ 281 ~

Figure 2.27. FTIR spectra of PLA/Ag/T8 at different times under composting


Morphological analysis FESEM micrographs of nanocomposite surfaces after 14 days of

degradation test are shown in Figure 2.28. Important differences in sample

surfaces submitted to composting were obtained. Before the beginning of

this test (day 0) all materials showed smooth and neat surfaces, but after 7

days, fractures appeared, as expected from the observation of the

important changes in the visual study. The formation of

surface holes for all samples was clearly indicative of the beginning of the

hydrolytic degradation process (Fukushima, Tabuani, Arena, Gennari and

Camino, 2013). After 14 days, those formulations with thymol showed

important fractures up to 2 µm in width (Figure XXX). In general terms, a

higher amount of thymol resulted in more degraded materials submitted

Results and Discussion. Chapter 2

FTIR spectra of PLA/Ag/T8 at different times under composting

FESEM micrographs of nanocomposite surfaces after 14 days of

. Important differences in sample

tted to composting were obtained. Before the beginning of

this test (day 0) all materials showed smooth and neat surfaces, but after 7

days, fractures appeared, as expected from the observation of the

important changes in the visual study. The formation of fractures and

surface holes for all samples was clearly indicative of the beginning of the

(Fukushima, Tabuani, Arena, Gennari and

. After 14 days, those formulations with thymol showed

important fractures up to 2 µm in width (Figure XXX). In general terms, a

ol resulted in more degraded materials submitted

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Results and Discussion. Chapter 2

~ 282 ~

to composting conditions, especially in ternary nanocomposites. In fact,

binary and ternary formulations containing 8 wt% of thymol (PLA/T8

and PLA/Ag/T8), showed highly irregular surfaces with holes and

fractures all around their perimeter. This result could be related to the

higher hydrolysis rates with formation and release of low molecular weight

compounds, such as simple alcohols and/or CO

could be also related to the action of microorganisms, which are able to

convert these low molecular weight structures into CO

(Fukushima, Abbate, Tabuani, Gennari and Camin

Figure 2.28. FESEM micrographs of the surface of nanocomposite injection moulded

samples before (0 days) and after 14 days of disintegration in compost at 58 °C (500x) and

after 14 days with higher zoom (10.00

Thermal analysis Figure 2.29 shows the DSC thermograms obtained during the first heating

scan for all samples submitted to the disintegration test as a function of

the composting time. It was observed that all active nan

amorphous before the disintegration test, as expected from the intrinsic

characteristics of the PLA used in this study. Endothermic peaks

corresponding to the enthalpic relaxation process were observed in all

to composting conditions, especially in ternary nanocomposites. In fact,

binary and ternary formulations containing 8 wt% of thymol (PLA/T8

and PLA/Ag/T8), showed highly irregular surfaces with holes and

ctures all around their perimeter. This result could be related to the

higher hydrolysis rates with formation and release of low molecular weight

compounds, such as simple alcohols and/or CO2. This transformation

oorganisms, which are able to

convert these low molecular weight structures into CO2 and water

(Fukushima, Abbate, Tabuani, Gennari and Camino, 2009).

FESEM micrographs of the surface of nanocomposite injection moulded

samples before (0 days) and after 14 days of disintegration in compost at 58 °C (500x) and

after 14 days with higher zoom (10.00 kx).

shows the DSC thermograms obtained during the first heating

scan for all samples submitted to the disintegration test as a function of

the composting time. It was observed that all active nanocomposites were

amorphous before the disintegration test, as expected from the intrinsic

characteristics of the PLA used in this study. Endothermic peaks

corresponding to the enthalpic relaxation process were observed in all

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~ 283 ~

materials just after Tg. These peaks are indicative of the PLA ageing

before the beginning of the test, as it was reported in other studies on

PLA structure (Hughes, Thomas, Byun and Whiteside, 2012; Burgos,

Martino and Jiménez, 2013). However, these samples developed multiple

endothermic peaks just after 7 days. These peaks are related to the

formation of crystalline structures with different perfection degrees in the

PLA matrix during degradation, which was promoted by the hydrolysis

process. Similar results were already reported by other authors, who

suggested that the appearance of multiple melting peaks could be related

to the formation of different crystal structures due to the PLA chain

scission produced during the degradation process (Fukushima, Abbate,

Tabuani, Gennari and Camino, 2009; Fortunati, Armentano, Iannoni, et al,

2012; Gorrasi and Pantani, 2013).

DSC thermograms recorded during the second heating scan did not reveal

any crystallization and melting peaks, as it was expected. However, it was

observed that Tg values decreased with the testing time, upon 21 days of

study (Figure 2.30). This behaviour could be associated with the increase

in the mobility of the polymer chains as a consequence of hydrolysis and

formation of low molar mass oligomers, producing some plasticizing

effect (Sinha Ray, Yamada, Okamoto and Ueda, 2003; Proikakis,

Mamouzelos, Tarantili and Andreopoulos, 2006; Burgos, Martino and

Jiménez, 2013; Gorrasi and Pantani, 2013). Active nanocomposites with

thymol showed a clear decrease in Tg between 7 and 14 testing days,

suggesting that the formation of lactic acid oligomers and the addition of

thymol would increase the above-referred plasticizing effect.

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Figure 2.29. DSC thermograms obtained for nanocomposites processed by injection moulding at different times under composting conditions at

(first heating scan (10 °C min

DSC thermograms obtained for nanocomposites processed by injection moulding at different times under composting conditions at 58 °C

(first heating scan (10 °C min-1)).

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~ 285 ~

Figure 2.30. Tg values for nanocomposite submitted to injection moulding at 0 and 21

days of disintegration under composting conditions at 58 °C (second heating scan).

6.5.2. Disintegrability study for films

The disintegrability of PLA and PLA active nanocomposite films in

composting conditions was studied to evaluate the degradation in natural

environment of these films. The visual evaluation of all samples at

different degradation times showed considerable changes, with a clear

whitening, transparency loss and evident deformation and size reduction

after 2 days (Figure 2.31). These results were indicative of the beginning

of the hydrolytic degradation as it was shown previously in the study with

injection moulded samples. Other authors also related the hydrolytic

degradation process in PLA nanocomposites and the increase in their

opacity to various simultaneous phenomena, such as the formation of low

molar-mass degradation by-products during hydrolysis due to the water

absorption and increase in the PLA crystallinity (Fukushima, Tabuani,










0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21



) (se






Time (days)PLA PLA/Ag PLA/T6 PLA/T8 PLA/Ag/T6 PLA/Ag/T8

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Results and Discussion. Chapter 2

~ 286 ~

Arena, Gennari and Camino, 2013). After 4 days, all the tested materials

became brittle and just small pieces of films were recovere

degradation of these active nanocomposite films when compared to the

previously discussed injected probes can be explained by the lower

thickness of films, which showed considerable

and a general loss of transparency after 7 days under composting


Figure 2.31. Visual appearance of neat PLA and active nanocomposite films at different

testing days under composting conditions at 58 °C.

Figure 2.32 shows the evolution of disintegrability values (%) of films vs

time (days). A progressive degradation of samples with the burial time was

observed, which was visually corroborated

transparency loss and evident deformation observed in samples (

. After 4 days, all the tested materials

became brittle and just small pieces of films were recovered. The faster

degradation of these active nanocomposite films when compared to the

previously discussed injected probes can be explained by the lower

thickness of films, which showed considerable modifications in colour

fter 7 days under composting

Visual appearance of neat PLA and active nanocomposite films at different

testing days under composting conditions at 58 °C.

shows the evolution of disintegrability values (%) of films vs

time (days). A progressive degradation of samples with the burial time was

by the clear whitening and

transparency loss and evident deformation observed in samples (Figure

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Results and Discussion. Chapter 2

~ 287 ~

2.31). A similar behaviour was reported by Fortunati et al, indicating that

the PLA hydrolysis begins in the amorphous region of the polymer

structure producing an overall increase in the polymer crystallinity

(Fortunati, Rinaldi, et al, 2014). Furthermore, the results obtained before

the beginning of the burial test suggest the influence of thymol on PLA

degradation, since significantly higher disintegration values were obtained

for PLA/T6, PLA/T8, PLA/Ag/T6 and PLA/Ag/T8 compared to PLA

or PLA/Ag samples (p < 0.05). As previously discussed, the thymol

hydroxyl groups can contribute to the PLA hydrolysis after absorbing

water from the composting medium, resulting in a noticeable increase in

disintegrability values for thymol-containing PLA nanocomposites.

After 4 days of treatment, no significant differences (p > 0.05) were

observed for all samples regardless of their composition (Figure 2.32),

showing similar weight loss and disintegrability ratio. It should be also

highlighted that the testing temperature (58 °C) was higher than the glass

transition temperature of the nanocomposites, previously reported in the

40-45 ºC range, resulting in some induction of the crystallization process

into the amorphous zones in the polymer matrix and chain mobility,

accelerating the hydrolytic degradation process. This behaviour could also

be related to the low thickness of the tested samples (Fortunati,

Armentano, Iannoni, et al, 2012).

It was observed that after 14 days of composting test all films reached the

degradation values higher than 90 % (as indicated in the ISO 20200

standard for a biodegradable material). These results suggest that these

active nanocomposite films could be used as biodegradable materials

requiring short disintegration times.

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Figure 2.32. Disintegrability (%) of neat PLA and nanocomposite films at different times

under composting conditions at 58 °C (mean ± SD, n = 3). The line at 90 % represents

the goal of disintegrability test as required by the ISO 20200 standard. Different

superscripts over different samples at the same time indicate statistically significant

different values (p < 0.05).

6.6. Release tests from PLA-based films

The controlled release of active compounds depends on many parameters,

some of them intrinsic to the system components, such as additives

mobility, which is determined by the particle size, molecular weight and

geometry of the diffusing compounds (Huang, Li and Zhou, 2015), as well

as the solubility and diffusivity of additives in the matrix (Peltzer, Wagner

and Jiménez, 2009), pH value, temperature, polymer structure and












1 2 4 7 14






Time (days)







a a a a ab b b b b

a a b b d dc c

a a a a a a

a a a a a a

a a a a a a

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viscosity, mechanical stress, contact time, and food composition (Huang,

Li and Zhou, 2015).

Migration tests to determine the amount of thymol and Ag-NPs released

from PLA-based films with time were carried out at different

temperatures in ethanol 10% (v/v) at 40 °C for 10 days by following the

current legislation (Commission_Regulation/(EU)/No-10/2011).

6.6.1. Silver release

The total amount of silver released from PLA nanocomposite films was

directly determined by ICP-MS from migration solutions. Results obtained

for 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 120 hours were lower than the LOQ of the

instrument (3.98 µg kg-1), indicating a low Ag release at low times. Table

2.12 shows the results obtained for the total release of from binary

(PLA/Ag) and ternary systems (PLA/Ag/T6 and PLA/Ag/T8) after 10

days at 40 °C and calculated as the quantity of silver per kilogram of food

simulant. Results were well below the legislation limits for silver (0.05 mg

Ag kg-1 food) (EFSA, 2005) although there is not a specific legislation for

Ag-NPs. Echegoyen et al described the release of Ag-NPs as a

superposition of two simultaneous processes: a surface release and the

oxidative dissolution of silver into the ethanol medium. Therefore, the

silver species present in ethanol solutions and detected in our tests after

10 days of contact probably correspond to Ag+ ions liberated by the

oxidation of the Ag-NPs (Song, Li, Lin, Wu and Chen, 2011; Echegoyen

and Nerín, 2013). This result is important bto have an estimation of the

eventual migration of Ag-NPs in these nanocomposites, but more work

with other analytical techniques is required for the detection and

characterization of nanoparticles migrated into food simulants and real

foodstuff and to evaluate the toxicological effects of Ag-NPs.

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Table 2.12. Thymol and Ag-NPs migration (ethanol 10 % (v/v) after 10 days at 40 °C)

and DPPH scavenging activity (%) of PLA-based films.

Samples Thymol and Ag-NPs migrated at 10 days DPPH

Scavenging activity (%) mgThy (kgsimulant)-1 µgAg-NPs (kgsimulant)-1

PLA n.d. n.d. --

PLA/Ag n.d. 5.9 ± 0.7a --

PLA/T6 13.4 ± 1.1a n.d. 36.9 ± 2.2a

PLA/T8 18.2 ± 2.5b n.d. 48.0 ± 0.1b

PLA/Ag/T6 27.2 ± 0.7c 7.1 ± 1.8a 44.3 ±1.1c

PLA/Ag/T8 34.0 ± 1.7d 8.6 ± 0.3a 51.8 ± 0.3d

Results are represented as the means ± standard deviation, n=3. Different superscripts within the same column indicate statistically significant different values (p < 0.05).

6.6.2. Thymol release

Table 2.12 also shows the amount of thymol released after 10 days of

contact between films and ethanol 10 % (v/v) at 40 °C. As expected,

thymol release increased at high contents, showing significant differences

between all formulations (p < 0.05). The highest migration levels were

obtained for the ternary systems; in particular PLA/Ag/T8 (34.0 ± 1.7 mg

(kgsimulant)-1). This result could give an indication of some protection of Ag-

NPs to limit thymol losses during processing permitting the preservation

of the active component and limiting losses at the extrusion temperatures.

This effect was also observed by Efrati et al when blending thymol with

different clays (Efrati et al, 2014), concluding that the increase in the clay

content permitted the significant reductionin thymol losses during


In this context, the release kinetics of thymol in ethanol 10 % (v/v) was

studied for 15 days (Figure 2.33). As it can be seen, the incorporation of

Ag-NPs into the polymer matrix resulted in the increase of the total

amount of migrated thymol. Although migration tests were carried out for

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15 days, it can be observed that the migration steady state was not clearly

reached for the whole testing time (Figure 2.33). Therefore, the estimation

of the maximum concentration of thymol able to migrate in ethanol 10 %

(v/v) at t→∞, C∞, was performed by using the Weibull approach

(Equation 2.15) (see solid lines in Figure 2.33),


where Ct is the cumulative concentration (ppm) of thymol (mass of

thymol per kilogram of food simulant) released at time t, and k’ and d are

constant values. Initially, based on empirical observations, Equation (2.15)

can be used for a first assessment of the diffusion mechanism, since d and

k’ are closely related to the mechanism and rate release constant,

respectively (Papadopoulou, Kosmidis, Vlachou and Macheras, 2006;

Costa, Valente, Miguel and Queiroz, 2011). It can be seen that the fit of

C∞ values increased with the incorporation of Ag-NPs to the PLA matrix

according to previous results, which related some protection of Ag-NPs

to thymol losses (Table 2.13).

퐶푡 = 퐶∞[1 − exp(−푘′푡)푑 ]

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0 100 200 300 400






0 100 200 300 400

C t (ppm


time (hours) time (hours)

Figure 2.33. Release kinetics of thymol from binary systems (black dots) and ternary

systems (white dots) at 6 wt% (a) and 8 wt% (b), at 40 °C. Solid lines were obtained by

fitting the Equation (2.15) to the experimental data points.

The reliability of the fitting of Equation (2.15) to experimental data was

confirmed by comparing the estimated C∞ values with the maximum

concentration of thymol available to migrate into the food simulant. The

computed C∞ values corresponded to around 19 2 % and 22 2 % of

the initial amount of thymol loaded into PLA matrices (for PLA/T6 and

PLA/T8, respectively) and 41 6 % and 31 3 % of the initial amount of

thymol into PLA/Ag/T6 and PLA/Ag/T8, respectively; showing that the

estimated values were well below the total amount of thymol present in

PLA matrices, but the release could be potentially higher in active

nanocomposites than in binary PLA/thymol combinations.

(a) (b)

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Table 2.13. Fitting parameters of Equations (2.14), (2.15) and (2.16) to experimental

migration data of thymol loaded in binary and ternary systems into ethanol 10% (v/v) at

40 °C.


Equation (2.15). Weibull approach

C∞ (ppm) 18.7 ± 1.7 42.7 ± 6.4 23.3 ± 1.6 40.6 ± 3.0

k’ (10−3 h−1) 5.5 ±1.3 4.7 ± 2.0 10.4 ± 2.2 8.2 ± 1.9

d 0.76 ±0.05 0.65 ± 0.06 0.77 ± 0.07 0.78 ± 0.06

R2 0.9963 0.9965 0.9924 0.9969

Equations (2.16) and (2.17). Power law equation

n 0.69 ± 0.03 0.60 ± 0.03 0.63 ± 0.02 0.65 ± 0.04

MDT * (h) 104 137 68 84

R2 0.9910 0.9869 0.9934 0.9853 * Mean dissolution time (MDT): calculated from Eq. (2.16) taking into account short-range time migration (Ct/C∞<0.60). Results are represented as the means ± standard deviation, n=3.

In order to have a deeper insight on the mechanism of thymol release, the

power law equation (Equation (2.16)) was applied, in its logarithm form

(Korsmeyer, Gurny, Doelker, Buri and Peppas, 1983)

(2.16) where k and n are fitting parameters, giving the later useful information on

the release mechanism. The validity of Equation (2.16) is restricted to

Ct/C∞ < 0.60.

The mean dissolution time (MDT), which characterizes the thymol release

rate from a given matrix to indicate the thymol-release-retarding efficiency

of the polymer (Costa, Valente, Miguel and Queiroz, 2011) can be

calculated through Equation (2.17).

퐶푡퐶∞ = 푘푡푛

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The analysis of the calculated n values (Table 2.13) showed that the

thymol migration from the active nanocomposite films did not follow a

diffusion-controlled release (so-called Fickian) but, instead, a Non-Fickian

or anomalous release. This effect occurs when the permeant mobility and

the polymer segment relaxation rates are similar. It is known that ethanol

can act as an aggressive solvent being able to be sorbed by PLA

(Manzanarez-López, Soto-Valdez, Auras and Peralta, 2011) leading to a

plasticizer-like effect (Mascheroni, Guillard, Nalin, Mora and Piergiovanni,

2010), with the consequence of molecular rearrangements caused by the

increase in mobility of the polymer chain (Mutsuga, Kawamura and

Tanamoto, 2008). In this case, it was previously reported that PLA

matrices in contact with ethanol 10 % (v/v) suffer some molecular

modifications leading to the additives release (Fortunati, Peltzer, et al,


It is worth noticing that the use of Equations (2.15) to (2.17) allows to

conclude that there is a close relationship between the fitting parameter k’

and (MDT)−1 respectively, following the function (MDT)−1 = 1.49 (0.06)

k’ (R2=0.9929), indicating the validity of both semi-empirical equations to

characterize the migration rate of thymol in these PLA matrices.

Furthermore, it could be verified that the migration rate calculated taking

into account the overall range time was moderately higher than that

obtained for short-range times, in agreement with the proposed Non-

Fickian mechanism.

However, a more accurate assessment on the migration rate should be

carried out on the basis of physical grounds. The release kinetics of

푀퐷푇 =푛

푛 + 1푘−푛−1

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thymol from the PLA-based films was evaluated by using the Lagergren

first-order and pseudo-second order rate equations (Aşçi, Açikel and

Açikel, 2012), which can be written, respectively, in their linear form as


(2.19) where Ce and Ct are the amounts of thymol migrated into the food

simulant (mg L−1) at equilibrium and at time t, respectively, and k1 and k2

are the Lagergren pseudo-first order (s−1) and pseudo-second order rate (L

mg−1 s−1) constants, respectively.

Figure 2.34 shows the representative plots of the fitting of linearized

forms of Equations (2.18) and (2.19) to experimental data. From this

analysis, joined to the fitting parameters summarized in Table 2.14, it can

be concluded that the pseudo-second order model showed higher

correlation coefficients. It was also observed that, considering the

associated imprecision, Ce values agreed well with C∞ which have been

initially estimated and reported in Table 2.13. Both facts suggest that

migration of thymol from PLA-based films follows a pseudo-second

order kinetics, which relies on the assumption that physisorption is not

the rate-limiting step (Ho, 2006), in agreement with the mechanism

described by Equation (2.16).

푙푛(퐶푒 − 퐶푡) = ln(퐶푒) − 푘1푡





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0,0 2,0x105 4,0x105 6,0x105 8,0x105 1,0x106






t / s









(t /

Ct) /




Figure 2.34. Representative plot of the fitting of linearized forms of pseudo-first (left yy-

axis, white squares, equation 2.18) and pseudo-second (right yy-axis, white dots, equation

2.19) order equations to experimental released amounts of thymol from PLA/T8 to

ethanol 10 % (v/v) at 40 °C.

On the other hand, by comparing k2 values for the migration of thymol

from active nanocomposite films with Ag-NPs, it was observed that the

incorporation of Ag-NPs induced slowing down of the migration process

in both formulations. Perhaps due to the interactions between Ag-NPs

and thymol molecules with the polymer matrix, free space could be

reduced producing some increase in molecular mobility and consequently

easier interaction between all components (Alissawi et al, 2012; Jamshidian

et al, 2012).

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Table 2.14. Kinetic parameters for migration of thymol from PLA-based films by using

Equations (2.18) and (2.19).


Equation (2.18). First-order order rate equation

k1 (10-8 s-1) 3.4 0.4 1.7 0.3 3.6 0.7 2.2 0.3

Ce (mg L−1) 19 1 43 1 23 1 40 1

R2 0.8960 0.8986 0.7842 0.9384

Equation (2.19). Pseudo-second order rate equation

k2 (10-7 L mg−1 s-1) 1.7 0.2 1.2 0.2 3.1 0.3 0.9 0.1

Ce (mg L−1) 19.1 0.1 36.0 2.0 21.4 0.8 44.0 2.0

R2 0.9834 0.9824 0.9924 0.9905

The results are represented as the means ± standard deviation, n=3.

6.7. Antioxidant activity

DPPH tests were used to evaluate the AO potential of all formulations in

this work. The results obtained for all migration extracts from active

nanocomposite films at 2, 6, 12, 24, 48 hours and 5, 10 and 15 days

followed a similar pattern related to the scavenging ability on DPPH

radicals. Table 2.12 shows the results for the AO performance of all

formulations obtained after 10 days in contact with ethanol 10 % (v/v).

As expected, the scavenging activity against the DPPH radical followed a

similar behaviour than migration results. The amount of thymol present in

each extract increased with time and in consequence, the AO activity was

higher. The dependence between the amount of AO released and the

obtained scavenging activity was also observed by Delgado et al and in a

previous study in PP-based films using thymol and carvacrol as active

additives (Delgado et al, 2014).

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The DPPH radical scavenging ability was significantly higher in migration

extracts obtained from ternary systems than those extracted from binary

formulations (p < 0.05). The highest value was obtained for PLA/Ag/T8,

corresponding to the highest amount of thymol released. This result is in

agreement with a previous reported work dealing with bioactive

compounds, such as thymol, obtained from EOs, herbs or spices

presenting AO activity when released from the polymer matrix (Iñiguez-

Franco et al, 2012; Barbosa-Pereira et al, 2013; López-Mata et al, 2013;

Noronha, de Carvalho, Lino and Barreto, 2014).

6.8. Antibacterial activity from PLA-based films

The antibacterial activity of neat PLA and nanocomposite films was

evaluated to assess the potential of these films in antibacterial packaging

systems. Escherichia coli (Gram-negative) and Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-

positive) were selected in this study as representative bacterial strains. The

antimicrobial viability (%) was evaluated by putting in contact PLA-based

films with suspensions of each bacterial strain incubated for 3 h and 24 h

at 4, 24 and 37 °C, using neat PLA film as control (Table 2.15). 4 and 24

°C were selected as the adequate temperatures to evaluate their influence

on the antibacterial activity, taking into account that perishable food is

usually kept refrigerated at 4 °C but under transportation food is more

likely kept at higher temperatures of storage (24 °C). As expected, neat

PLA control film did not show any inhibitory activity against the studied

bacteria at the incubation times and tested temperatures.

PLA-based binary and ternary systems showed Ag and thymol dose-

dependent antibacterial activity against S.aureus 8325-A and E.coli RB

strains but with some differences. In general, a lower antibacterial effect

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for Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus was observed regardless of

incubation times and temperatures.

Table 2.15. Antibacterial activity of neat PLA and nanocomposite films, expressed as

antimicrobial viability (%), against S. aureus 8325-4 and E. coli RB strains after 3 and 24

hours of incubation at 4, 24 and 37 °C.

Formulation S. aureus 8325-4 E. coli RB

3 h 24 h 3 h 24 h

At 4 °C.

PLA/Ag 51.7 ± 5.7a 50.4 ± 4.6a 78.1 ± 6.5a 65.4 ± 5.4a

PLA/T6 61.5 ± 5.1a 87.9 ± 4.2a 96.6 ± 5.9c 97.3 ± 4.8c

PLA/T8 71.9 ± 6.0a 91.4 ± 4.9b 92.3 ± 6.8c 89.6 ± 5.6b

PLA/Ag/T6 64.2 ± 4.2a 62.6 ± 3.4a 71.5 ± 4.7a 63.9 ± 3.9a

PLA/Ag/T8 51.3 ± 3.0a 51.5 ± 2.4a 69.9 ± 3.4a 65.9 ± 2.8a

At 24 °C

PLA/Ag 51.7 ± 5.7a 50.4 ± 4.6a 78.0 ± 6.5a 65.4 ± 5.4a

PLA/T6 61.5 ± 5.1a 87.9 ± 4.2a 96.6 ± 5.9c 97.3 ± 4.8c

PLA/T8 71.9 ± 6.0a 91.4 ± 4.9b 92.3 ± 6.8c 89.6 ± 5.6b

PLA/Ag/T6 64.2 ± 4.2a 62.6 ± 3.4a 71.5 ± 4.7a 63.9 ± 3.9a

PLA/Ag/T8 51.3 ± 3.0a 51.5 ± 2.4a 69.9 ± 3.4a 65.9 ± 2.8a

At 37 °C

PLA/Ag 53.8 ± 2.4a 53.6 ± 6.1a 75.0 ± 3.1a 69.7 ± 2.7a

PLA/T6 78.7 ± 5.7b 91.4 ± 4.3c 100.0 ± 2.3c 91.2 ± 3.0c

PLA/T8 72.0 ± 12.4a 97.4 ± 14.1c 96.7 ± 3.6c 90.4 ± 4.8c

PLA/Ag/T6 61.4 ± 4.8a 67.4 ± 1.9a 72.6 ± 3.3a 75.8 ± 4.5a

PLA/Ag/T8 55.6 ± 1.5a 55.6 ± 0.7a 77.1 ± 0.9a 71.7 ± 3.9a

Data obtained are expressed as percentage of the CFU of bacteria grown on PLA film formulations to CFU of bacteria grown on PLA set as 100%. Results are represented as mean ± standard deviation, n=3. a p < 0.001. b p < 0.05. c p > 0.05. For calculation of the p values, PLA versus PLA-based nanocomposite films results were compared at 3 and 24 h for S. aureus 8325-4 and E. coli RB.

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A slight reduction in the bacterial growth was observed for binary systems

containing thymol against Escherichia coli showing no significant differences

(p > 0.05) after 3 and 24 h of incubation. Moreover, these films

significantly inhibited the growth of Sthaphylococcus aureus after 3 h. These

results are in agreement with those obtained in a previous study where the

concentration of thymol added into PP films was not enough to inhibit

the growth of Escherichia coli. The AM activity of thymol has been

proposed as consisting on binding to membrane proteins by means of

hydrogen bonding, thereby changing the permeability characteristics of

the membrane. Therefore, the AM activity of thymol is strongly

dependent on the physico-chemical characteristics and composition of the

bacterial membranes (Trombetta et al, 2005). The mechanism of action is

based on the disturbance of the cytoplasmic bacterial membrane,

disrupting the proton motive force (PMF), electron flow, active transport

and coagulation of cell contents (Burt, 2004). In fact, most studies

investigating the action of EOs and their components against food

spoilage organisms and foodborne pathogens agree that, generally, all

these compounds (including thymol) are more active against Gram-

positive than against Gram-negative bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, since

they possess an outer layer surrounding the cell wall, primarily composed

of lipids, proteins and lipopolysaccharides and forming a hydrophilic

permeability barrier providing protection against the diffusion of

hydrophobic compounds through them. In contrast, the cell wall of

Gram-positive bacteria, such as Sthaphylococcus aureus, does not contain

lipopolysaccharides and, consequently, thymol can be more susceptible to

inhibit its growth (Feng et al, 2000; Maneerung, Tokura and Rujiravanit,


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Active nanocomposite films containing Ag-NPs showed relevant

antibacterial activity against both tested bacteria obtaining significant

differences (p < 0.001) for each incubation time at 3 and 24 h compared

to the PLA control film. The antibacterial activity of ternary

nanocomposites was higher with Sthaphylococcus aureus than with Escherichia

coli regardless of the incubation time and temperatures, confirming similar

results reported by other authors (Kvítek et al, 2008; Jokar, Abdul

Rahman, Ibrahim, Abdullah and Tan, 2012). Erem et al evaluated the

antibacterial activity of PLA fibres with Ag-NPs against Sthaphylococcus

aureus and Klebsiella pneumonia (Gram-negative) bacteria, concluding that

Ag-NPs were more effective against Sthaphylococcus aureus (Erem, Ozcan,

Erem and Skrifvars, 2013). These results may be also attributed to the

structure and mode of antibacterial action of Ag-NPs as well as to

differences in the cell wall structure of Gram-positive and Gram-negative

cells (Jokar, Abdul Rahman, Ibrahim, Abdullah and Tan, 2012; Reidy,

Haase, Luch, Dawson and Lynch, 2013).

However, the mechanism of action of Ag-NPs has not been well

established and several possibilities have been proposed to explain the

AM activity of Ag-NPs. Some authors have focused on cell membrane

disruption due to the interaction of Ag-NPs with phosphorous and

sulphur containing compounds of proteins, preventing DNA replication.

Other studies focused on the binding of the positively charged Ag-NPs

with negatively charged bacterial cell membranes, disrupting cell walls and

surface proteins. A third mechanism is related to the penetration of Ag-

NPs into bacteria, which inactivates enzymes producing H2O2. All these

possible mechanisms finally lead to the cells death (Kanmani and Rhim,

2014a). Furthermore, some studies have also shown that the toxicity of

Ag-NPs vary significantly depending on their dimensions and shape, since

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small nanoparticles have larger relative surface areas for the Ag+ release,

with higher protein binding efficiencies and passing easily through pores

in bacterial membranes (Duncan, 2011).

The effect of temperature on the antibacterial activity efficiency of PLA

and PLA-based nanocomposite films with thymol and Ag-NPs was also

investigated. Results for the studied films showed their high activity

against both tested bacteria obtaining significant differences (p < 0.001)

for each incubation temperature at 3 and 24 h compared to the PLA

control sample, and slight differences between both bacteria. The

presence of thymol results in increasing the antibacterial effect of Ag-NPs

due to the bacterial membranes damage caused by thymol. The presence

of both active agents (thymol and Ag-NPs) may cross the cell membranes

more efficiently, penetrating the interior of cells and interacting with

intracellular critical sites for the antibacterial activity. This fact could be

related with the higher amount of Ag and thymol released from the PLA

matrix when both additives are incorporated, since it could be suggested

that bacteria inactivation is most likely caused by the Ag+ ions release.

Further studies need to be performed to elucidate this aspect since the

amount of silver and thymol released depends on several factors as it has

been previously mentioned in the migration results.

7. Conclusions

Active nanocomposites based on PLA, thymol and silver nanoparticles

were successfully processed by extrusion in the form of injection moulded

samples and films and they were further characterized in terms of thermal,

optical, mechanical, morphological, and barrier properties. Disintegrability

under composting conditions was also studied. The applicability of films

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to food packaging was also evaluated by evaluating their migration,

antibacterial and antioxidant performance.

The identification of Ag-NPs and thymol into the PLA matrix was

successfully carried out. FESEM micrographs showed good distribution

of both additives through the PLA matrix, with homogenous surfaces and

highlighting the presence of silver nanoparticles successfully embedded

into the polymer matrix. Moreover, the determination of thymol by

HPLC-UV demonstrated that this additive remains after processing in a

significant amount and could act as active additive.

The combination of both additives influenced PLA thermal properties.

DSC results showed that the addition of thymol resulted in a decrease in

the Tg of PLA, favouring some plasticization of the polymer matrix. The

presence of thymol and Ag-NPs into the PLA-based films also influenced

the thermal stability of the ternary systems. An enhancement in the barrier

properties to water vapour was also obtained by the incorporation of

thymol, providing improved protection to packaged food.

The degradation study of all active nanocomposites under composting

conditions showed that the inherent biodegradable character of PLA was

improved by the addition of thymol and Ag-NPs, getting a faster

degradation rate and meeting the biodegradation legal requirements.

Active nanocomposite films containing Ag-NPs and thymol, in particular

PLA/Ag/T8, showed positive results concerning antibacterial and AO

activity, demonstrating their effectiveness in the inhibition of the growth

of foodborne bacteria and the radical scavenging inhibition by DPPH

method. The amount of thymol and Ag-NPs released into aqueous food

simulant suggested that the release of thymol is influenced by the presence

of Ag-NPs in the PLA matrix.

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In conclusion, PLA/Ag/T8 showed potential to be applied as bio-based

active film with biodegradable character and AM and AO properties to

extend the shelf -life of food products.

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IV. General Conclusions

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General Conclusions

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According to the proposed objectives and the results obtained in the

present work, the following conclusions can be obtained:

I. PP-based active films containing 4, 6 and 8 wt% of thymol

and/or carvacrol were obtained by melt-blending and

compression-moulding and further characterized by using

different analytical techniques. The active films showed their

homogeneity after processing despite, certain porosity observed

by SEM at the highest additives concentration (8 wt%). Some

decrease in the elastic modulus was observed for the active

formulations compared with neat PP. The presence of additives

did not affect the thermal stability of PP, but resulted in some

decrease in crystallinity and oxygen barrier properties. The

presence of thymol and carvacrol also increased the stabilization

against thermo-oxidative degradation of PP-based films, with

higher oxidation induction parameters when using 8 wt% of

thymol and carvacrol; suggesting that the polymer is well

stabilized and a certain amount of these compounds remained in

the polymer matrix after processing.

II. The incorporation of 8 wt% of carvacrol and thymol as active

additives into PP films for food packaging resulted in the

possibilities of their controlled release with possible activity in

protecting food from oxidative and microbiological degradation.

Analytical methods for the determination of the target

compounds in aqueous and fatty food simulants were successfully

developed and validated. The release of the studied additives

from films was dependent on the food simulant used in the tests

and their amount effectively incorporated into the polymer

matrix. Diffusion coefficients were calculated and a Fickian-type

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General Conclusions

~ 320 ~

model was developed for the release kinetics of thymol and

carvacrol. The addition of thymol and carvacrol in PP-based films

showed higher inhibition against Gram-positive bacteria, in

particular for thymol. PP-based active films were also tested in

direct contact with food, clearly increasing the quality and shelf-

life of strawberries and bread samples.

III. Active nanocomposite films based on PLA with a commercial

organo-modified montmorillonite were prepared with 2.5 and 5

wt% of D43B and 8 wt% of thymol by melt-blending and

compression-moulding. Around 70-75 % of thymol remained in

the active nanocomposites after processing, ensuring their

posterior applicability in active systems. These films showed an

intercalated structure of the D43B nanoparticles through the

polymer matrix, exhibiting a partial exfoliation in ternary

nanocomposites, with thymol and D43B. Likewise, some decrease

in toughness was observed due to some slight plasticizing effect

induced by the presence of thymol, also observed by a clear

decrease in the PLA glass transition temperature. Nevertheless,

the addition of thymol did not significantly affect the thermal

stability of PLA and oxygen barrier properties. Some differences

in films colour were observed by the addition of thymol and

D43B, being larger for films with the highest concentration of the

nanoclay. Nevertheless, the intrinsic transparency of PLA was not

affected by the addition of both components resulting in fully

transparent active films.

IV. The release of thymol from PLA matrices was determined by

HPLC-UV at different times and a kinetic model was proposed,

suggesting that the release of thymol was influenced by the

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General Conclusions

~ 321 ~

presence of D43B since diffusion coefficients were different for

binary and ternary nanocomposites. The continuous release of

thymol favoured the antioxidant activity of these films in contact

with food, which was determined by using the

spectrophotometric DPPH method, resulting in a high percentage

of inhibition. Finally, the addition of D43B showed some effect

in the improvement in the antibacterial activity of thymol-based

films, with higher inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus than

against Escherichia coli.

V. Ag-NPs (1 wt%) and thymol (6 and 8 wt%) were added into PLA

matrices to obtain active nanocomposites and processed by

extrusion, successfully obtaining injection moulded samples and

films. FESEM micrographs showed the good distribution of both

additives all through the PLA matrix, resulting in an improvement

in water vapour barrier properties. Some plasticization of the

polymer matrix could be related with the addition of thymol and

the consequent decrease in the glass transition temperature.

Likewise, the presence of thymol and Ag-NPs into the PLA-

based films also had some influence on the thermal stability of

the ternary systems, slightly decreasing the PLA behaviour at high


VI. Active nanocomposite films containing Ag-NPs and thymol

showed positive results concerning antibacterial and antioxidant

activities, demonstrating their effectiveness in the inhibition of

the growth of foodborne bacteria and in the radical scavenging

activity. The amount of thymol and Ag-NPs released into

aqueous food simulants suggested that the release of thymol was

influenced by the presence of Ag-NPs in the PLA matrix

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General Conclusions

~ 322 ~

resulting in some protection of the nanoparticles to the thymol


VII. The degradation study of all active nanocomposites under

composting conditions showed that the inherent biodegradable

character of PLA remained after the incorporation of the active

additive and the nanoparticles. In fact, the incorporation of 8

wt% of thymol to PLA-based formulations increased the

disintegration rate of the polymer matrix, due to the presence of

the reactive free hydroxyl groups. The combination of thymol

and Ag-NPs or thymol and D43B induced higher degradation

rates, suggesting their advantages in industrial applications where

biodegradation could be an issue, such as in food packaging.

VIII. In summary, PLA-based films with 2.5 wt% of D43B and 8 wt%

of thymol and PLA-based films with 1 wt% of Ag-NPs and 8

wt% of thymol showed their potential as bio-based active films

with biodegradable character and antimicrobial/antioxidant

performance to extend the shelf-life and quality of food products.

As a general conclusion, it could be stated that the addition of phenolic

compounds, such as carvacrol and thymol, to conventional or bio-based

and biodegradable polymers for food packaging showed high potential to

improve quality and safety aspects of the packed food. It should be

highlighted that these systems could be a valid and successful commercial

alternative to the current antioxidant/antimicrobial formulations in food

industry, most of them involving the direct addition of chemicals to food.

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