depreciation in eu member states

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Bernd Görzig. Depreciation in EU Member States. Overview. Introduction Depreciation in EU countries Measurement of depreciation Impact of service life assumptions Conclusions. Introduction. CFC ratio: Depreciation / Net domestic product (NDP) at factor costs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • Depreciation in EU Member StatesBernd Grzig

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    OverviewIntroductionDepreciation in EU countriesMeasurement of depreciationImpact of service life assumptionsConclusions

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme


    CFC ratio:Depreciation / Net domestic product (NDP) at factor costsCFC ratios in EU member states differ between11 % in Greece, and24 % in Finland

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Depreciation in NDP*

    * At factor costs

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Economic Theory suggests: Production FunctionsDemographic and geographic factorsMountainous or flat, shape and borders, population density and composition, institutions, culture, a. o. Market StructuresMonopolised marketsProtected output markets, Input markets (labour, capital), institutional settings, a. o. Economic specialisationHeavy or light industries, small and big countries, intensity of use, a.o.

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Selected Indicators and CFC Ratio

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Depreciation and ServicesExcluding Finland:+ 0.34Greece: + 0.29

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Depreciation and Income DistributionExcluding Finland:- 0.77Greece: - 0.59F

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Possible Impact of Depreciation DifferencesGDP CFC is part of value added for non-market producerPolitical implicationsOperating surplus (incl. mixed income)Changes with CFCAnalytical implications

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Assessment for non-market activitiesPercentage change of GDP with same CFC ratio in all countries

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Assessment for market activities

    Percentage change of Operating Surplus with same CFC ratio in all countries

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    ResultsSome differences in CFC ratios of EU member states might be explainableHowever: Measurement differences cannot be excluded

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Differences in CFC MeasurementSourcesDepreciationCapital stockService livesService lives: degree of differentiationService lives: comparisonsModelsDepreciation schedule

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Sources of DepreciationDirect observation (only Ireland, some new member states)Gross or net capital stock (most countries)

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Sources of Capital StockDirect observationSurvey (mainly new member states)Administrative registerPerpetual inventory method Model basedDiscard function (most countries)BEA model (2 countries)Survey basedBFA approach (some new member states)

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Service Lives: 12 years instead of 10 years, is that important?In general a 20% increase in service life leads to:Capital stock: + 20 %Depreciation - 20 %In Germany total economy 2001:Net operating surplus + 14%, butRate of return on net stock - 8 %

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Service Lives: SourcesTax registerExperts adviceSurveyOther countries estimate

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Service Lives: Breakdown of estimatesAsset breakdown for Service Lives ranges fromAN classification (mainly: 4 tangibles, 3 intangibles) to> 400 types of assetAdditional industry breakdownApplied by many countries for calculating capital stockRarely with specific Service Life for the particular industries

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Service Lives: Difficulties of comparisonsRole of Service Life in geometric depreciation is different from the linear case Comparison possible only for specified assets

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Comparison of Service Lives

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    What have we learned?Variety of methods, butAre we able to Quantify their impact on depreciation? Separate betweenEconomic andMethodological influences?Separate between the various components of the applied methods?Separate the impact of the underlying service life assumptions?

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    The Inverse PIM Model (InvPIM) PIM Input: Investment time seriesEstimate for the average service life Output:DepreciationCapital stock InvPIM InputAvailable depreciation figuresAvailable investment figures OutputService life estimateNecessary additional investment

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Results of InvPIMGood adaptation for most countriesNot plausible results need Additional researchBetter and more investment data

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Service Life Estimates by InvPIM

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Best results of InvPIM

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Worst results of InvPIM

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    High Service Lives in InvPIM

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Depreciation and Service LivesExcluding Finland:- 0.06Greece: - 0.03

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    ConclusionsCFC ratios in European Economies vary considerablyNo unique explanation possibleImpact of Service life assumptions seems to be overestimatedMore research in the impact of methodological differences necessary

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

    EU 6th Framework Programme

    Questions for the consortiumCan we change national depreciation figures?How is the movement of assets between industries considered?

    EU Sixth Framework Programme

  • Depreciation in EU Member StatesBernd GrzigThank you for listening

    EU Sixth Framework Programme