department of physics, bharathidasan university tiruchirappalli … · 2018-05-28 · department of...

Department of Physics, Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli-620024 M.Sc. PHYSICS SYLLABI (2017-2019) AFTER REVISION MADE IN THE BOS HELD ON 11-5-2018 S.NO. Course Code Course Title Credits I Semester 1 CC01 Classical Mechanics 5 2 CC02 Mathematical Physics - I 5 3 CC03 Electronics Theory 5 4 CC04 Numerical Methods : Theory 5 5 CC05L Electronics Practice 4 II Semester 6 CC06 Mathematical Physics - II 5 7 CC07 Quantum Mechanics 5 8 CC08 Thermal and Statistical Physics 5 9 CC09 Atomic and Molecular Physics 5 10 CC10L Numerical Methods: Practice 4 11 EDC (Extra Disciplinary Course) 2 12 VAC01 Value added course : Extra Credit 2 III Semester 13 CC11 Nuclear and Particle Physics 5 14 CC12 Condensed Matter Physics 4 15 CC13 Electromagnetic Theory 4 16 EC01 Nanophysics 4 17 CC14L Materials Science Laboratory 4 18 EDC (Extra Disciplinary Course) 2 19 VAC02 Value added course Extra credit 2 IV Semester 20 EC02 Nonlinear Dynamics 5 21 EC03 Lasers and Nonlinear Optics 4 22 EC04 Crystal Growth Methods and Characterization 4 23 CC15P Project Viva-Voce Examination 4 24 VAC03 Value added course - Extra credit 2 Total 96

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Page 1: Department of Physics, Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli … · 2018-05-28 · Department of Physics, Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli-620024 M.Sc. PHYSICS SYLLABI

Department of Physics, Bharathidasan University


M.Sc. PHYSICS SYLLABI (2017-2019)


S.NO. Course

Code Course Title Credits

I – Semester

1 CC01 Classical Mechanics 5

2 CC02 Mathematical Physics - I 5

3 CC03 Electronics – Theory 5

4 CC04 Numerical Methods : Theory 5

5 CC05L Electronics – Practice 4

II – Semester

6 CC06 Mathematical Physics - II 5

7 CC07 Quantum Mechanics 5

8 CC08 Thermal and Statistical Physics 5

9 CC09 Atomic and Molecular Physics 5

10 CC10L Numerical Methods: Practice 4

11 EDC (Extra Disciplinary Course) 2

12 VAC01 Value added course : Extra Credit 2

III – Semester

13 CC11 Nuclear and Particle Physics 5

14 CC12 Condensed Matter Physics 4

15 CC13 Electromagnetic Theory 4

16 EC01 Nanophysics 4

17 CC14L Materials Science Laboratory 4

18 EDC (Extra Disciplinary Course) 2

19 VAC02 Value added course – Extra credit 2

IV – Semester

20 EC02 Nonlinear Dynamics 5

21 EC03 Lasers and Nonlinear Optics 4

22 EC04 Crystal Growth Methods and

Characterization 4

23 CC15P Project Viva-Voce Examination 4

24 VAC03 Value added course - Extra credit 2

Total 96

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Total minimum credits required for completing M.Sc. Programme in Physics is 90.

Value added course do not weigh on the total credit required for completing M.Sc. Programme in


Distribution of Marks


Continuous Internal Assessment : 25 Marks

Average of three (3) Internal Test : 20 Marks

Assignment, Seminar, Quiz, e-assessment etc. : 05 Marks

Minimum Marks Required for CIA : 10 Marks Minimum

Total Marks Required for Earning the Credits : 50 Marks


1. Continuous Internal Assessment

Average of Marks Awarded in the Record Note Book for

the Experiments done during Regular Laboratory Hours : 40 Marks

2. Final Comprehensive Examination

For the Experiment carried out during the Final Examination : 40 Marks

Viva-voce Examination : 20 Marks

Total : 100 Marks

Minimum Total Marks Required for Earning the Credits : 50 Marks


Marks Awarded for 2 Reviews (20+20) (CIA) : 40 Marks

Evaluation of the Dissertation : 40 Marks

Viva-voce Examination : 20 Marks

Total : 100 Marks

Minimum Total Marks Required for Earning the Credits : 50 Marks

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Unit 1 : Lagrange’s Formulation

Mechanics of a system of particles - Constraints - Generalized coordinates - D’Alembert’s

principle and Lagrange’s equations - Velocity dependent potentials and dissipation

function - Simple application of the Lagrangian formulation - Hamilton’s (variational)

principle and derivation of Lagrange’s equations - shortest distance problem,

brachistrochrone - Generalized momenta and energy, and cyclic coordinates -

Conservation laws - problems.

Unit 2 : Central Force Motion and Rigid Body Dynamics

Central Force Motion: General features - The Kepler problem: inverse square law force -

Scattering in a central force field. Rigid Body Dynamics:Moment of inertia tensor - Euler

angles - Euler’s equations of motion - Heavy symmetrical top- Problems

Unit 3 : Hamilton’s Formulation

Legendre transformation - Hamiltonian and Hamiltons equation of motion - Properties -

Derivation of Hamiltons equations from variational principle - Canonical transformation -

Applications - Poisson brackets - Hamilton-Jacobi equation for Hamilton’s principle

function - Hamilton’s characteristic function - Applications (Harmonic oscillator) -

Separation of variables - Action angle variables - problems.

Unit 4 : Small Oscillations and Classical Chaos

Small Oscillations: Theory of small oscillations - Frequencies of free vibrations - Normal

coordinates - Linear triatomic molecule. Classical Chaos: Periodic Motion - Perturbations

and Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser (KAM) Theorem - Attractors –Poincare maps- Henon-

Heiles-Hemiltonian problems.

Unit 5 : Relativistic Mechanics

Inertial and non-inertial reference frames - Addition of velocities, mass, energy - Mass-

Energy equivalence - Pseudo forces - Galilean & Lorentz transformations - Invariance of

Maxwell’s equations under Lorentz transformation - Lagrangianand Hamiltonian of

relativistic particles - problems.

Books for Study and Reference

1. H. Goldstein, C. Poole and J. Sofko, Classical Mechanics, 3

rd Edition, (Pearson

Education, New Delhi, 2011). 2. T. L. Chow, Classical Mechanics (John Wiley, New York, 1995). 3. N.C.Rana and P.S.Joag, Classical Mechanics, (Tata Mc-Graw Hill, New Delhi,



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Unit 1: Vector Analysis

Vector integration–Line integral–Path independence–Exact differential–Surface integral–Flux–

Volume integral–Divergence theorem – Stokes theorem – Greens theorem – Orthogonal

curvilinear coordinates– Unit vectors in curvilinear coordinate system – Arc length and volume

element – The gradient, divergence, curl and Laplacian in Cylindrical and spherical polar


Unit 2: Linear vector spaces and Matrices

Definition of linear vector space – Examples – Linear independence–Basis and dimensions of a

vector space–Scalar product–Orthogonality of vectors– Linear transformation – Linear operator–

Matrix representation of a linear operator–Matrix algebra–Transpose of a matri–Hermitian

conjugate–Unitary matrix– Orthogonal matrix–The Inverse of a matrix –System of linear

equations–Eigenvaluesand eigenvectors of a square matrix–Cayley– Hamilton theorem–


Unit 3: Ordinary Differential Equations First and second orderordinary differential equations with constant coefficients–Initial value problem–Method of finding solutions– Superposition principle–Wronskian-Second order

differential equations with variable coefficients–Definition of ordinary and singular points–Power Series Solution–Solutions about ordinary point and singular point–Frobenius Method.

Unit 4: Special functions

Strum-Liouville problem-Legendre, Bessel, Hermite and Laguerre differential equations–

Power series solutions–Generating functions – Recursion relations–Orthogonality relations-

Applications of special functions in physics. Unit 5: Beta, Gamma Functions Definition of gamma function–Fundamental property of gamma function and values of Gamma function – Definition of beta function – Different forms of beta function – Relationship between beta and gamma functions–Delta function–Basic properties-Introduction to linear partial differential equations-Solutions of Laplace, Poisson, Helmhotz and diffusion equations in Cartesian and polar co-ordinates.

Books for Study and Reference

1. H.J. Weber and G.B. Arfken, Essential Mathematical Method forPhysicists (Academic Press, 2003).

2. T. L. Chow, Mathematical Methods for Physicists: A Concise Introduction (Cambridge

University Press, 2000).

3. D. G. Zill and M. R. Cullen, Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Narosa, 2006).

4. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Wiley Eastern, 1983).

5. G. Arfken, Mathematical methods for Physists, (5th

Edition, Academic Press, 2000).

6. K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson and S. J. Bence, Mathematical methods for physics and

Engineering, (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998).

7. M. P. Boas, Mathematical methods in the physical sciences, (3rd

Edition, Wiley, 2005).

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CC03 : ELECTRONICS – THEORY Unit 1: Semiconductor Devices & IC Fabrication

Semiconductor diodes – Characteristics – Ideal diode – Clippers and clampers circuits

Special diodes Zener, Schottky and Tunnel diodes: Applications – Junction transistors –

JFET, MOSFET, UJT and SCR – applications – Principle of Integrated Circuits –

fabrication process – Linear and Digital Integrated Circuits.

Unit 2: Applications of Semiconductor Devices

Amplifiers – Classification of amplifiers – Power amplifiers – class B push Pull amplifier

– Distortion in Amplifier – Nonlinear distortion – Frequency distortion – Noise –

Multistage amplifiers – Transformer coupled two stage amplifier – Oscillators –General

theory – Feedback requirements – Relaxation oscillator.

Unit 3: Operational Amplifier (OpAmp) and its Applications OpAmp characteristics – DC & AC characteristics – basic applications – linear OpAmp circuits – Analog Multiplier and Divider – Frequency Doubling -Electronic Analog Computation – Active filters

Unit 4: Communication Electronics Modulations – Demodulation – Principle of Amplitude modulation, Frequency modulation and Phase Modulation – Simple circuits for AM and FM – Digital principles – Pulse modulation – APM, PPM, PWM and PCM.

Unit 5: Linear and Nonlinear Circuits VI characteristic of two terminal linear and nonlinear circuit elements – example – PWL circuit elements – Chua diode – autonomous and nonautonomous nonlinear circuits – Dynamics of Chuas and MLC circuits – Applications. Books for Study and Reference

1. J. Millman & C. C. Halkias, Electronic Devices and Circuits (TataMcGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1985).

2. G. Kennedy, Electronic Communication Systems, 3rd Ed. (Tata McGraw Hill, New

Delhi, 1994).

3. D. R. Choudhury & S. Jain Linear Integrated circuits (New Age International, New Delhi, 2001)

4. L. O. Chua, C. A. Desoer & E. S. Kuh Linear and Nonlinear circuits (McGraw Hill,

Singapore, 1987).


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Unit 1 : C++ Programming Constants and variables – I/O operators and statements – Header files – Main function – Conditional statements – Switch statement – Void function – Function programme – Loops: for, while and do while statements – Arrays – Break, continue and goto statements.

Unit 2 : Curve Fitting and Interpolation Curve fitting: Method of leastsquares – Normal equations – Straightlinefit – Exponential and powerlaw fits. Interpolation: Newton interpolation polynomial – Linear interpolation –Higherorder

polynomials – Firstorder divided differences – GregoryNewton intererpolation

polynomials – Lagrange interpolation – Truncation error.

Unit 3 : Solutions of Linear and Nonlinear Equations Simultaneous linear equations: Gauss elimination method – Jordan

′s modification –

Inverse of a matrix by GaussJordan method. Roots of nonlinear equations: NewtonRaphson method – Termination criteria – Pitfalls – Order of convergence.

Unit 4 : Numerical Integration and Differentiation Numerical Integration: NewtonCotes quadrature formula – Trapezoidal,Simpson’s 1/3 and 3/8 rules – Errors in the formulas – Composite Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules – Errors in the formulas. Numerical Differentiation: First order derivative – Two and fourpoint formulas – Secondorder derivative – Three and fivepoint formulas.

Unit 5 : Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations Firstorder equations: Euler and improved Euler methods – Local andglobal truncation errors – Fourthorder RungeKutta method – Geometric description of the formula – Error Versus step size. Second order equations: Euler methods and Fourthorder RungeKuttamethod.

Books for Study and Reference

1. J. R. Hubbard, Programming with C++ (McGrawHill, New Delhi, 2006).

2. J. H. Mathews, Numerical Methods for Mathematics, Science and Engineering

(PrenticeHall of India, New Delhi, 1998).

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CC06 : MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS – II Unit 1 : Green’s Function Techniques and Integral Equations

Green’s Functions – Properties – Methods of solutions in one, two and three dimensions

Applications – Linear integral equations Hilbert-Schmidt ker-nels – Fredholm alternative

– Neumann series – Applications.

Unit 2 : Complex Analysis

Complex functions and variables – Condition for a function to be analytic – Complex integration – Cauchy’s theorem – Cauchy’s integral formula – Taylor

expansion – Laurent series – Cauchys residue theorem – Computa-tions of residue –

Evaluation of integrals using residues. Unit 3 : Fourier Series Fourier Series : Determination of Fourier coefficients – Fourier series for periodic functions – Half-range series – Fourier cosine and Fourier sine series – Physical Applications.

Unit 4 : Fourier Transform Fourier Integral Theorem – Fourier cosine and sine – Integrals – Fourier transforms – Fourier cosine and sine Transforms – Physical applications – Heat equation (one dimension).

Unit 5 : Laplace Transform Properties of Laplace transform – Inverse Laplace transform – Laplace transform of derivatives – solution of second-order linear ordinary differ-ential equations by Laplace transform – Applications.

Books for Study and Reference

1. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1983)

2. L. A. Pipes and L. R. Harvill, Applied Mathematics for Engineers andPhysicists

(McGraw Hill, Singapore, 1970)

3. P. K. Chattopadhyay, Mathematical Physics (Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1992)

4. M. Hammernesh, Group Theory (Addision-Wesley, New York, 1962)

5. Harper, Introduction to Mathematical Physics (Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,

1993) 6. H. K. Dass, Advanced Engineering Mathematics (S. Chand & Co., New Delhi,

1998) 7. K. Dass, Mathematical Physics, (S. Chand & Co., New Delhi, 2003)

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CC07 : QUANTUM MECHANICS Unit 1 : The Schrodinger¨ Equation and operator formalism Time-dependent Schrodinger¨ equation – Physical meaning and conditions on admissible wave function – Consevation of probability– Expectation value – Ehrenfest

′ s theorem.

Operator Formulation: Linear operator – Adjoint and self-adjoint opera-tors –

Completeness – Physical interpretation of eigenvalues and eigen-functions –

Commutator – Simultaneous eigenfunctions – Heisenberg un-certainty relation. Unit 2 : Exactly Solvable Bound State Problems Linear harmonic oscillator: Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions by solving theone dimensional Schrodinger¨ equation and Abstract operator method – Particle in a box – Rectangular barrier potential – Tunnel effect. Unit 3 : Perturbation Theory Time-independent perturbation theory for non-degenerate states – Appli-cation to linear harmonic oscillator with perturbation – eFx and anhar-monic oscillator with perturbation x

3 and x

4 – Perturbation theory for de-generate states – Stark effect in hydrogen atom –

Time-dependent pertur-bation theory: Constant perturbation – Transition probability – Harmonic perturbation. Unit 4 : Scattering Theory

Classical definition of scattering cross-section – The scattering amplitude and scattering

cross-section in quantum mechanics – Green’s function for scattering amplitude – Born

approximation and its validity condition – Ap-plication to square-well, screened Coulomb

and Yukawa potentials – Par-tial wave analysis – Scattering by a perfectly rigid sphere. Unit 5 : Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Klein – Gordon equation for a free particle – Dirac equation for a free particle – Dirac matrices and their properties – Probability and current densities– Plane wave solutions – Negative energy states – Zitterbewe-gung: jitterly motion of a free particle – Spin of a Dirac particle.

Books for Study and Reference

1. L. Schiff, Quantum Mechanics (Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1968)

2. P. M. Mathews & K. Venkatesan, A Text Book of Quantum Mechanics (Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1987)

3. M. S. Rogalski & B. Palmer, Quantum Mechanics (Gordon & Breach, Amserdam,


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Unit I:Ensemble and equilibrium

Review of probability theory-Fundamental concepts of phase space–Microstates and

macrostates-Introduction to the concept of density of states-Statistical systems and

ensembles–Ergodic hypothesis–Equilibrium states-Liouville’s theorem–Microcanonical

ensemble–Derivation of thermodynamics quantities–Ideal gas, paramagnetic crystal, one

dimensional harmonic oscillator in micro-canonical ensemble.

Unit II:Partition function and its application

Canonical ensemble-Partition function of canonical ensemble-Thermodynamical

quantities from partition function-Ideal gas, paramagnetic crystal, one dimensional

harmonic oscillator in canonical ensemble-Gibb’s paradox-Equipartition theorem-Grand

canonical ensemble-partition function-chemical potential-Thermodynamic quantities from

Partition function-Fluctuations in energy and number.

Unit III: QuantumStatistics

Introduction to quantum statistics-Ideal quantum gases–Bosons–Fermions-Derivation of

expressions of Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac and Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution functions

using GCE partition functions-Fermion gas and Fermi function-Thermodynamical

properties of fermion gas-Fermi surface-specific heat of electrons in Fermi surface-Bose-

Einstein condensation.

Unit IV: Applications

Black body radiation–Einstein and Debye’s theory of Specific heat of solids-Theory of

white Dwarf stars–Chandrasekar limit–Landau diamagnetism–Thermionic emission–

Liquid Helium – Properties–Pauli Paramagnetism.

Unit V: Phase transitions

Phase transitions-First and second order phase transitions-Critical point-Order parameter-

Scaling hypothesis-Critical exponents-Ferromagnetic phase transition-Bragg William

approximation-Ising model in one and two dimensions–Mean field theory–Ginzburg-

Landau theory of phase transition.

Books for study and Reference

1. K. Huang, Statistical Mechanics (Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi, 1963)

2. F. Reif, Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics (McGraw Hill, Singapore,


3. W. Greiner, L. Neise and H. Stocker, Thermodynamics and Statistical mechanics,

(Springer, New York, 1995).

4. N. Sears and L. Salinger, Thermodynamics, 3rd

Ed. (Narosa Publishing House, New

Delhi, 1989).

5. B. K. Agarwal and M. Eisner, Statistical Mechanics (Wiley Eastern Limited, New

Delhi, 1994).

6. L. D. Landau and E . M. Lifshitz, Statistical Physics, (Pergamon Press, 1980).

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Quantum states of electron in atoms – Hydrogen atom spectrum – Electron spin – Stern-

Gerlach experiment – Spin-orbit interaction – Lande interval rule – Two electron systems

– LS-JJ coupling schemes – Fine structure – Spectroscopic terms and selection rules –

Hyperfine structure – Exchange symmetry of wave functions – Paulis exclusion principle

– Periodic table – Alkali type spectra – Equivalent electrons – Hund’s rule Unit 2 : Atoms in External Fields and Quantum Chemistry Atoms in External Fields: Zeeman and Paschen Back effect of one and two electron systems – Selection rules – Stark effect – Inner Shell vacancy – X-ray – Auger transitions – Compton effect.

Quantum Chemistry of Molecules: Covalent, ionic and van der Waal’s in-teractions – Born-Oppenheimer approximation – Heitler-London and Mole-cular orbital theories of H2 – Bonding and anti bonding MOs – Huckels molecular approximation – Application to butadiene and benzene. Unit 3 : Microwave & IR Spectroscopy

Rotational spectra of diatomic molecules – Intensity of spectral lines – Ef-fect of isotopic

substitution – The non-rigid rotor – Rotational spectra of poly atomic molecules – Linear,

symmetric top and asymmetric top mole-cules – Experimental techniques – Vibrating

diatomic molecule – Diatomic Vibrating rotator – Linear and symmetric top molecules –

Analysis by in-frared techniques – Characteristic and group frequencies. Unit 4 : Raman Spectroscopy Raman effect – Polarizability theory – Pure rotational Raman Spectrum – vibrational Raman Spectrum – diatomic molecules – Structure determina-tion from Raman & IR Spectrometer – Experimental Techniques. Unit 5 : Electronic Spectroscopy of Molecules Electronic spectra of diatomic molecules:- Intensity of spectral lines – The Franck-Condon principle – Dissociation energy and dissociation products – Rotational fine structure of electronic vibration transitions – Predissoci-ation.

Books for Study and Reference

1. C. N. Banwell, Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981)

2. B. P. Straughan & S. Walker Spectroscopy: Vol. I (Chapman & Hall, 1976) 3. R. P. Feynman et al. The Feynman Lectures on Physics: Vol. III.

(Narosa Book Distributors, New Delhi, 1989) 4. A. K. Chandra, Introductory Quantum Chemistry (Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,

1989) 5. F. Pilar, Elementary Quantum Chemistry (McGraw Hill, New York, 1968) 6. I. N. Levine, Quantum Chemistry (Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, 1994) 7. A. Beiser, Concepts of Modern Physics (McGraw Hill, New York, 1995)

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Unit 1 :Basic Nuclear Properties and Nuclear Forces Ground state of deuteron – Magnetic dipole moment of deuteron – Properties of nuclear

forces – Spin dependence – Charge symmetry – Charge

independence – Repulsion at short distances – Exchange forces – Meson theory.

Unit 2 :Radioactive Decays Alpha emission – Geiger-Nuttal law – Gamow theory – Neutrino hypothesis – Fermi

theory of beta-decay – Selection rules – Gamma emission – Selection rules – Transition

probability – Internal conversion.

Unit 3 :Nuclear Reactions and Nuclear Models Q-values and kinematics of nuclear reactions – nuclear cross sections – Energy and

angular dependence – Breit-Wigner formula – Compound nucleus – Shell model – Liquid

drop model – Collective model.

Unit 4 :Nuclear Fission and Fusion

Characteristics of fission – Mass distribution of fragments – Radioactive decay processes

– Energy in fission – Bohr-Wheelers theory of nuclear fission – Fission reactors –

Thermal reactors Homogeneous reactors – Heterogeneous reactors – Basic fusion

processes – Characteristics of fusion –

Solar fusion – Controlled fusion reactors.

Unit 5 : Elementary Particles

Fundamental forces in Nature – Classification of particles: Leptons and Hadrons – Basic

Conservation laws: Baryon number, Lepton number, Isospin and Hyper charge – Strange

particles and Strangeness – Gell-Mann – Nishijima scheme – Eight foldway and

supermultiplet – SU(3) symmetry – Quark model and quark composition of mesons and

baryons – Color and Flavor – Weak and Strong interactions – Standard model.

Books for Study and Reference

1. K. S. Krane, Introductory Nuclear Physics (John-Wiley, New York, 1987)

2. S. B. Patel, Nuclear Physics : An Introduction (Wiley-Eastern, New Delhi, 1991)

3. D.C. Tayal, Nuclear Physics (Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004)

4. S.N. Ghoshal, Nuclear Physics (S. Chand & Company, New Delhi, 2006)

5. R.A. Serway and R.J. Beichner, Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern

Physics, 5th Ed. (Thomson Learning Inc., 2000) Chaps.

6. A. Beiser, Concepts of Mordern Physics, 5th Ed. (McGraw-Hill, 1995)

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Unit 1 : Crystal Structure Crystal classes and systemtry – 2D, 3D lattices – Bravais

lattices – Symmetry point groups – Space groups – Reciprocal lattice – Ewald’s sphere

construction – Braggs law – Atomic scattering factor – Diffraction – Structure factor –

Experimental techniques – Laue, Powder, Rotation methods - Nacl Bonding of common

crystal structures – CsCI & ZnS, Diamond – hcp ccp, random stacking and polytypism.

Unit 2 : Lattice Vibrations and Thermal Properties Vibration of monoatomic lattices –

Lattices with two atoms per primitive cell – Quantization of lattice vibrations – Phonon

momentum – Inelastic scattering of neutrons by phonons – Lattice heat capacity – Einstein

model – Density of modes in one-dimension and three- dimension – Debye model of the

lattice heat capacity – Thermal conductivity – Umklapp process

Unit 3 : Free Electron Theory, Energy Bands and Semiconductor Crystals Energy levels

and density of orbitals – Fermi-Dirac distribution – Free electron gas in three-dimensions

– Heat capacity of the electron gas – Electrical conductivity and Ohms law – Motion in

magnetic fields – Hall effect – Thermal conductivity of metals – Nearly free electron

model – Electron in a periodic potential – Semiconductors – Band gap – Effective mass –

Intrinsic carrier concentration.

Unit 4 : Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism, Ferromagnetism and Antiferromagnetism

Langevin classical theory of Diamagnetism and paramagnetism – Weiss theory –

Quantum theory of paramagnetism – Demagnetization of a paramagnetic salt –

Paramagnetic susceptibility of conduction electrons – Hund’s rules – Ferromagnetic order

– Curie point and the exchange integral – Temperature dependence of saturation

magnetization – Magnons – Antiferromagnetic order – Ferromagnetic domains – Origin of

domains – Coercive force and hysteresis.

Unit 5 : Dielectrics, Ferroelectrics and Superconductivity Macroscopic electric field –

Local electric field at an atom – Dielectric constant and polarizability – Clausius-Mossotti

equation – Polarization catastrophe – Ferroelectric domains – Occurrence of

Superconductivity – Meissner effect – Thermodynamics of superconducting transition –

London equation – Coherence length – BCS theory – Flux quantization – Type I and Type

II Superconductors – Josephson superconductor tunneling – DC and AC Josephson effect

– SQUID – Applications of superconductors.

Books for study and Reference

1. C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 5th Ed. (Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1977)

2. N. W. Ashcrof and N. D. Mermin, Solid State Physics (International Edition,

Philadelphia, 1976)

3. J. S. Blakemore, Solid State Physics, Second Edition (Cambridge University

Press, Cambridge, London, 1974)

4. A. J. Dekker, Solid State Physics (Mac Millan, Madras, 1971) 5. M. M.Woolfson, An

Introduction to X-ray Crystallography (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991)

6. T. P. Sheahen, Introduction to High-Temperature Superconductors (Plenum press, New

York, 1994)

7. S. O. Pillai, Solid State Physics (New Age International, New Delhi, 1995)

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CC14 : ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY Unit 1: Electrostatics Coulomb’s law – Gauss’ law – Divergence and curl of electrostatic field – Electric field and potential due to an electric dipole – Poisson and Laplace Equations – Boundary conditions and uniqueness theorem – Green’s theorem – Method of Images – Illustrations: Point charge in the presence of (i) a grounded conducting sphere (ii) an insulated conducting sphere (iii) a charged and insulated sphere – Conducting sphere in an uniform electric field.

Unit 2: Electrostatics of Macroscopic Media Electric qudrapole and multipole - Multipole expansion of electric field – Dielectric

polarization – External field of a dielectric medium – Electric field in a material medium –

Field due to a polarized sphere – Dielectric sphere in a uniform field Molecular field in

dielectric: The Claussis Mossotti relation – Electrostatic energy in dielectric media.

Unit 3: Magnetostatics Biot and Savart law – Force between current carrying conductors – Lorentz force Ampere’s law – Divergence and curl of magnetic induction – Comparison of electrostatics and magnetostatics – Magnetic vector potential – Magnetic field of a distant current loop – Magnetic field due to an infinite current carrying wire – Faraday’s law of induction – Self and Mutual Inductance.

Unit 4: Electromagnetics Maxwell’s displacement current – Maxwell equations and its derivation – Maxwell equations in free space, linear isotropic medium and harmonically varying fields – Conservation of energy (Poynting’s theorem) – Conservation of momentum for electromagnetic fields – Plane electromagnetic waves in (i) free space, (ii) nonconducting medium and (iii) conducting medium.

Unit 5: Wave Propagation

Polarization of electromagnetic waves (Linear, circular and elliptical polarization) –

Reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves at a plane interface between dielectrics

– Fresnel’s equation – Total internal reflection – Propagation of electromagnetic waves

between parallel conducting medium – Waveguides (i) circular (ii) cylindrical and (iii)


Books for Study and Reference

1. J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics (Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1999) 2. D. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics (Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi,

1999) 3. R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton and M. Sands, The Feynman Lectureson Physics: Vol.

II (Narosa Book Distributors, New Delhi, 1989) 4. Satya Prakash, Electromagnetic Theory and Electrodynamics (Kedar Nath Ram Nath,

Meerut, 2015)

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I. NANOSCALE SYSTEMS: Length scales in physics, Surface-volume-ratio. Nanostructures:

3D, 2D and 1D nanostructures (nanodots, thin films and nanowires/ nanorods), Band structure

and density of states of materials at nanoscale, Size Effects in nano systems, Quantum

confinement: Applications of Schrödinger equation - Infinite potential well: particle in a box,

Quantum confinement of carriers in 3D, 2D, 1D nanostructures and its consequences.


approach, Photolithography, Ball milling. Gas phase condensation. Vacuum deposition. Physical

Vapor Deposition (PVD): Thermal evaporation, E-beam evaporation, Pulsed Laser deposition.

Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). Sol-Gel. Electro deposition. Spray pyrolysis. Hydrothermal

synthesis. Preparation through colloidal methods. MBE growth of low-dimensional structures.

III. CHARACTERIZATION: X-Ray Diffraction. Field Emission Scanning Electron

Microscopy (FESEM). Transmission Electron Microscopy. Atomic Force Microscopy. Scanning

Tunneling Microscopy.

IV. OPTICAL PROPERTIES: Coulomb interaction in nanostructures. Concept of dielectric

constant for nanostructures and charging of nanostructure. Quasi-particles and excitons. Excitons

in direct and indirect band gap semiconductor nanocrystals. Radiative processes: General

formalization - absorption, emission and luminescence. Optical properties of heterostrctures and


Electron transport: Carrier transport in nanostrcutures, Coulomb blockade effect, thermionic

emission, tunneling and hoping conductivity, Quantum Hall effect.

V. APPLICATIONS: Applications of nanoparticles, quantum dots, nanowires and thin films for

photonic devices (LED, solar cells). Single electron devices. Nanowire based transistors.

Nanomaterial Devices: Quantum dots, Quantum wires heterostructure lasers, optical switching

and optical data storage.

Reference books:

1. Charles P. Poole, Jr. and Frank J. Owens, Introduction to Nanotechnology (John Wiley

&Sons, 2007)

2. Sulabha K. Kulkarni, Nanotechnology: Principles & Practices (Wiley, Capital

Publishing Company, Third Edition, 2011)

3. K.K. Chattopadhyay and A. N. Banerjee, Introduction to Nanoscience and Technology

(PHI Learning Private Limited, 2009)

4. M. Hosokawa, K. Nogi, M. Naito and T.Yokoyama, Nanoparticle Technology Handbook

(Elsevier, 2012)

5. Bharat Bhushan, Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology (Spinger-Verlag Berlin

Heidelberg, New York, 2004)

6. Guozhong Cao and Ying Wang, Nanostructures and Nanomaterials: Synthesis,

Properties, and Applications, Volume 2 (World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd, 2011)

7. John H. Davies, The principles of low-dimensional semiconductors an introduction,

(Cambridge University Press, 1998)