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M.AARTHI – AP/CSE Mahalakshmi Engineering College Page 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING QUESTION BANK UNIT-I SUB CODE: CS2251 DEPT: CSE SUB NAME: DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS SEM/YEAR: III/ II PART A (2 Marks) 1. Compare the order of growth n! and 2 n. (AUC DEC 2006) n- Linear, n! - Factorial function, 2 n - exponential function. The various functions for analysis of algorithms is given below, n n! 2 n 10 3.6x10 6 10 3 102 9.3x10 157 1.3x10 30 2. What is meant by stepwise refinement? (AUC DEC 2007) A way of developing a computer program by first describing general functions, then breaking each function down into details which are refined in successive steps until the whole program is fully defined. Also called top-down design 3. How is an algorithm’s time efficiency measured? (AUC DEC 2007) Time efficiency - a measure of amount of time for an algorithm to execute. Space efficiency - a measure of the amount of memory needed for an algorithm to execute. 4. How is the efficiency of an algorithm defined? (AUC DEC 2007) The efficiency of algorithms is the determination of the number of resources ( such as time and storage) necessary to execute them. To determine resource consumption: CPU time Memory space Compare different methods for solving the same problem before actually implementing them and running the programs. 5. What is the use of asymptotic notations? (AUC JUN 2010)

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PART – A (2 Marks)

1. Compare the order of growth n! and 2n. (AUC DEC 2006)

n- Linear, n! - Factorial function, 2n- exponential function.

The various functions for analysis of algorithms is given below,

n n! 2n

10 3.6x106 103

102 9.3x10157 1.3x1030

2. What is meant by stepwise refinement? (AUC DEC 2007)

A way of developing a computer program by first describing general functions,

then breaking each function down into details which are refined in successive steps until

the whole program is fully defined. Also called top-down design

3. How is an algorithm’s time efficiency measured? (AUC DEC 2007)

Time efficiency - a measure of amount of time for an algorithm to execute.

Space efficiency - a measure of the amount of memory needed for an algorithm to


4. How is the efficiency of an algorithm defined? (AUC DEC 2007)

The efficiency of algorithms is the determination of the number of resources ( such as

time and storage) necessary to execute them.

To determine resource consumption:

CPU time

Memory space

Compare different methods for solving the same problem before actually

implementing them and running the programs.

5. What is the use of asymptotic notations? (AUC JUN 2010)

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The order of growth of the running time of an algorithms, gives a simple

characterization of algorithms efficiently. It also allows comparing relative

performance of alternative algorithms.

For example, when input size is large enough, merge sort, whose worst-case

running time O (n log n) beats insertion sort, whose worst case running time is


Asymptotic notations are methods to estimate and represent efficiency of an

algorithm using simple formula. This useful for separating algorithms that do

drastically different amount of work for large inputs.

6. What are the properties of Big-Oh notation? (AUC JUN 2010/DEC 2011)

(i) If f O(g) and g O(h), then f O(h); that is O is transitive. Also Ω,

7. If 1 0....m

ma n a n a , then prove that f(n)=O(nm). (AUC DEC 2010)




( ) | |

| |

| | 1 ( ) ( ) .




mm i m



mm m



f n a n

n a n

n a for n f n O n wheremis fixed

8. Establish the relationship between O and . (AUC DEC 2010)

If f € O(g) if and only if g € Ω (f)

9. Differentiate Time Complexity and Space Complexity. (AUC MAY 2010)

Time efficiency:

It indicates how fast an algorithm runs.

The running time of an algorithm on a particular input is the number of

primitive operations or steps executed.

Space efficiency:

It deals with extra space the algorithm requires.

Due to technological innovations over the period, space required is not a

much concern, but because of memory hierarchy(where we have faster

main memory, slow secondary memory and cache) this is of prime


So the general framework for analyzing the efficiency of algorithms includes both time

and space efficiency.

10. What is a Recurrence Equation? (AUC MAY 2010)

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A recurrence equation is an equation or inequality that describes a function in

terms of its value on smaller inputs.

An equation relating the generic term to one or more other terms of the

sequence, combined with one or more explicit values for the first term(s),e.g.,

x(n)=x(n-1)+n for n>0 ………(1)

x(0)=0 ……….(2)

It is the latter method that is particularly important for analysis of recursive algorithms.

11. Using the step count method analyze the time complexity when 2 m × n

matrices are added. (AUC MAY 2011)

Introduce a variable count in the algorithm Matrix addition is to add two m x n

matrices a and b together.

Algorithm : Add (a,b,c,m,n)

for i:=1 to m do

Count:= count +1; //for ‘for I’

for j=1 to n do

Count:= count +1; // for ‘for j’

C[i , j]= a[ i, j] + b[ i, j ];

Count:=count +1; // for the assignment

Count:=count +1; // For last time of ‘for j’

Count:=count +1; // For last time of ‘for i’

Step count

When analyzing a recursive program to find summation of n numbers, the frequency and

total steps is checked with two conditions that is n=0 (or) n>0. The equivalent recursive

formula is,

tRsum (n)= 2 if n=0

2+ tRsum (n-1) if n>0

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These recursive formulas are referred to recurrence relations. One way of solving any

recurrence relation is to make repeated substitutions for each occurrence of the function

tRsum on the right hand side until all such occurrences disappear.

tRsum (n)= 2+ tRsum (n-1)

= 2 + 2 + tRsum (n-2)

= 2 (2) + tRsum (n-2)

=n( 2) + tRsum (0)

=2n+2, n>=0

12. An array has exactly n nodes. They are filled from the set 0, 1, 2,...,n-1, n.

There are no duplicates in the list. Design an O(n) worst case time algorithm to

find which one of the elements from the above set is missing in the array. (AUC MAY



Find (A[0,…….n])

// Input: An array A[0……n] filled with set values 0,1,2,….,n

// Output: If all the array locations are filled returns 1 else returns -1.

i<- 0

While (i<=n) and (A[i]==i) do

i<- i+1

If i<=n return 1


return -1

13. Define Big Oh notation. (AUC MAY 2008/ MAY 2012)

A function t(n) is said to be in O(g(n)), denoted as t(n) € O(g(n)), if t(n) is

bounded above by some constant multiple of g(n) for all large n.i.e., if there exist

some positive constant c and some non- negative integer n0 such that,

t(n) <= cg(n) for all n >=n0

14. What is meant by linear search? (AUC MAY 2012/DEC 2011)

Linear search algorithm is an algorithm which is used to find the location of the

key element x, by checking the successive elements of the array sequentially

one after another from the first location to the end of the array. The element may

or may not in the array. If the match is found then it is called successful search.

Otherwise it is called as unsuccessful search.

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It returns the first index position if the element exists, otherwise -1 will be

returned( to indicate element not found)

15. Define Notion of Algorithm and characteristics of algorithm.

An Algorithm is a finite set of instructions that, if followed, accomplishes a particular task. In addition, all algorithms should satisfy the following criteria.

1. INPUT Zero or more quantities are externally supplied. 2. OUTPUT At least one quantity is produced. 3. DEFINITENESS Each instruction is clear and unambiguous. 4. FINITENESS If we trace out the instructions of an algorithm, then for all cases, the

algorithm terminates after a finite number of steps. 5. EFFECTIVENESS Every instruction must very basic so that it can be carried out, in

principle, by a person using only pencil & paper.

16. Define best, worst, average case Time Complexity.

Best case:

This analysis constrains on the input, other than size. Resulting in the fasters possible run time

Worst case: This analysis constrains on the input, other than size. Resulting in the fasters possible run time

Average case:

This type of analysis results in average running time over every type of input.

Complexity: Complexity refers to the rate at which the storage time grows as a function of the problem size

17. What is the explicit formula for the nth Fibonacci number?

The formula for the nth Fibonacci number is given by

T(n) = 1/

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18. Define Smoothness rule. When it is used?

Smooth function are interesting because of the smoothness rule.

Let p<=2 be an integer. Let f be an eventually non-decreasing function.f is m said

to be p-smooth if f(pn)€ O(f(n)).

19. What are the steps that need to be followed while designing and analyzing an algorithm?

1. Understanding the problem.

2. Decision making on

Appropriate Data structure

Algorithm Design Techniques etc.

3. Designing an algorithm

4. Proving the correctness of the algorithm.

5. Proving an Algorithm’s correctness.

6. Analyzing an algorithm.

7. Coding an algorithm.

20. List the Best case, Worst case, Average case computing time of linear search.

The best case for the linear search algorithm arises when the searching element

appears in the first location.

The worst case for the linear search algorithm arises when the searching element

could be either in the last location or could not be in array.

The average case for the linear search algorithm arises when the searching element

appears in the middle of the array.

Best- case Worst-case Average-case

O(1) O(n) O(n)

21. List the types of asymptotic notations.

Three standard notations are used to compare orders of growth of an algorithm basic

operation count.

Big oh: f (n) = O (g (n)): class of functions f (n) that grow no faster than g (n).

Big omega: f (n) = Ω (g (n)): class of functions f(n) that grow at least as fast as g(n).

Theta: f (n) = Ө (g (n)): class of functions f(n) that grow at same rate as g(n). 22. What is conditional Asymptotic notation?

Let f, g: N-> R >=0. It is said that f (n) = O (g (n) | A (n)), read as g (n) when A (n), if there exists two positive constants c € and n0 € N such that A(n) [ f(n) <= cg(n)], for all n>= n0

23. What is the classification of the recurrence equation?

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Recurrence equation can be classified as follows

1. Homogeneous

2. Inhomogeneous

24. Define Algorithm.

An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure for solving a computational problem in a

finite amount of time.

All algorithms must satisfy its characteristics .An attempt to formalize things as

algorithms leads to a much deeper understanding.

An algorithm is a sequence of unambiguous instructions for solving a computational

problem, i.e., for obtaining a required output for any legitimate input in a finite amount

of time.

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PART-B (16 Marks)

1. Explain how Time Complexity is calculated. Give an example (16) (AUC,MAY 2010)

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2. Elaborate an Asymptotic Notations with example. (16) (AUC MAY 2010/MAY

2011/JUN 2012)

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3. Explain the process of solving recurrence relations.(16) (AUC JUN 2010)

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When an algorithm contains a recursive call to itself, its running time can often be described

by a recurrence.

Recurrence Equation A recurrence relation is an equation that recursively defines a sequence. Each term of the sequence is defined as a function of the preceding terms. A difference equation is a specific type of recurrence relation.

An example of a recurrence relation is the logistic map:

Example: Fibonacci numbers

The Fibonacci numbers are defined using the linear recurrence relation with seed values:

Explicitly, recurrence yields the equations:

We obtain the sequence of Fibonacci numbers which begins: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ...

It can be solved by methods described below yielding the closed form expression which

involve powers of the two roots of the characteristic polynomial t2 = t + 1; the generating

function of the sequence is the rational function t / (1 − t − t2).

Substitution method

The substitution method for solving recurrences entails two steps:

1. Guess the form of the solution

2. Use mathematical induction

To find the constants and show that the solution works. The name comes from the

substitution of the guessed answer for the function when the inductive hypothesis is

applied to smaller values.

This method is powerful, but it obviously can be applied only in cases when it is

easy to guess the form of the answer. The substitution method can be used to

establish either upper or lower bounds on a recurrence. As an example, let us

determine an upper bound on the recurrence which is similar to recurrences (4.2)

and (4.3).

We guess that the solution is T (n) = O(n lg n).Our method is to prove that T (n) ≤ cn

lg n for an appropriate choice of the constant c >0. We start by assuming that this

bound holds for ⌊n/2⌋, that is, that T (⌊n/2⌋) ≤ c ⌊n/2⌋ lg(⌊n/2⌋).

Substituting into the recurrence yields

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where the last step holds as long as c ≥ 1.

Mathematical induction now requires us to show that our solution holds for the

boundary conditions. Typically, we do so by showing that the boundary conditions

are suitable as base cases for the inductive proof.

For the recurrence (4.4), we must show that we can choose the constant c large

enough so that the bound T(n) = cn lg n works for the boundary conditions as well.

This requirement can sometimes lead to problems. Let us assume, for the sake of

argument, that T (1) = 1 is the sole boundary condition of the recurrence. Then for n

= 1, the bound T (n) = cn lg n yields T (1) = c1 lg 1 = 0, which is at odds with T (1) =

1. Consequently, the base case of our inductive proof fails to hold.

This difficulty in proving an inductive hypothesis for a specific boundary condition

can be easily overcome. For example, in the recurrence, we take advantage of

asymptotic notation only requiring us to prove T (n) = cn lg n for n ≥ n0, where n0 is

a constant of our choosing. The idea is to remove the difficult boundary condition T

(1) = 1 from consideration.

Inductive proof.

Observe that for n > 3, the recurrence does not depend directly on T(1). Thus, we can

replace T (1) by T (2) and T (3) as the base cases in the inductive proof, letting n0 = 2. Note

that we make a distinction between the base case of the recurrence (n = 1) and the base

cases of the inductive proof (n = 2 and n = 3).

We derive from the recurrence that T (2) = 4 and T (3) = 5. The inductive proof that T (n)

≤ cn lg n for some constant c ≥ 1 can now be completed by choosing c large enough so that

T (2) ≤ c2 lg 2 and T (3) ≤ c3 lg 3. As it turns out, any choice of c ≥ 2 suffices for the base

cases of n = 2 and n = 3 to hold.

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For most of the recurrences we shall examine, it is straightforward to extend boundary

conditions to make the inductive assumption work for small n.

The iteration method

The method of iterating a recurrence doesn't require us to guess the answer, but it

may require more algebra than the substitution method. The idea is to expand

(iterate) the recurrence and express it as a summation of terms dependent only on n

and the initial conditions. Techniques for evaluating summations can then be used

to provide bounds on the solution.

As an example, consider the recurrence T(n) = 3T(n/4) + n.

We iterate it as follows:

T(n) = n + 3T(n/4)

= n + 3 (n/4 + 3T(n/16))

= n + 3(n/4 + 3(n/16 + 3T(n/64)))

= n + 3 n/4 + 9 n/16 + 27T(n/64),

where n/4/4 = n/16 and n/16/4 = n/64 follow from the identity (2.4).

How far must we iterate the recurrence before we reach a boundary condition? The

ith term in the series is 3i n/4i. The iteration hits n = 1 when n/4i = 1 or, equivalently,

when i exceeds log4 n. By continuing the iteration until this point and using the

bound n/4i n/4i, we discover that the summation contains a decreasing geometric


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The master method

The master method provides a "cookbook" method for solving recurrences of the

form where a ≥ 1 and b > 1 are constants and f (n) is an asymptotically positive

function. The master method requires memorization of three cases, but then the

solution of many recurrences can be determined quite easily, often without pencil

and paper.

The recurrence describes the running time of an algorithm that divides a problem of

size n into a sub problems, each of size n/b, where a and b are positive constants.

The a sub problems are solved recursively, each in time T (n/b). The cost of dividing

the problem and combining the results of the sub problems is described by the

function f (n). (That is, using the notation from, f(n) = D(n)+C(n).) For example, the

recurrence arising from the MERGE-SORT procedure has a = 2, b = 2, and f (n) =


As a matter of technical correctness, the recurrence isn't actually well defined

because n/b might not be an integer. Replacing each of the a terms T (n/b) with

either T (⌊n/b⌋) or T (⌈n/b⌉) doesn't affect the asymptotic behavior of the recurrence,

however. We normally find it convenient, therefore, to omit the floor and ceiling

functions when writing divide-and- conquer recurrences of this form.

4. What is linear search? Analyze linear search in terms of its time and space complexity.(16)

(AUC JUN 2010 /MAY 2011)

Explain how analysis of linear search is done with a suitable illustration. (10)(AUC DEC 2011)

Linear Search, as the name implies is a searching algorithm which obtains its result

by traversing a list of data items in a linear fashion. It will start at the beginning of a

list, and mosey on through until the desired element is found, or in some cases is

not found.

The aspect of Linear Search which makes it inefficient in this respect is that if the

element is not in the list it will have to go through the entire list. As you can imagine

this can be quite cumbersome for lists of very large magnitude, keep this in mind as

you contemplate how and where to implement this algorithm.

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Of course conversely the best case for this would be that the element one is

searching for is the first element of the list, this will be elaborated more so in the

―Analysis & Conclusion

Linear Search Steps:

Step 1 - Does the item match the value I‟m looking for? Step 2 - If it does match return, you‟ve

found your item!

Step 3 - If it does not match advance and repeat the process.

Step 4 - Reached the end of the list and still no value found? Well obviously the item is not in

the list! Return -1 to signify you have not found your value.

As always, visual representations are a bit more clear and concise so let me present one

for you now. Imagine you have a random assortment of integers for this list:


- The key is blue

- The current item is green.

- Checked items are red

Ok so here is our number set, my lucky number happens to be 7 so let„s put this value

as the key, or the value in which we hope Linear Search can find. Notice the indexes of

the array above each of the elements, meaning this has a size or length of 5. I digress

let us look at the first term at position 0. The value held here 3, which is not equal to 7.

We move on.

--0 1 2 3 4 5 [ 3 2 5 1 7 0 ]

So we hit position 0, on to position 1. The value 2 is held here. Hmm still not equal to 7. We

march on.

--0 1 2 3 4 5 [ 3 2 5 1 7 0 ]

Position 2 is next on the list, and sadly holds a 5, still not the number we„re looking for.

Again we move up one. --0 1 2 3 4 5 [ 3 2 5 1 7 0 ]

Now at index 3 we have value 1. Nice try but no cigar let„s move forward yet again.

--0 1 2 3 4 5 [ 3 2 5 1 7 0 ]

Ah Ha! Position 4 is the one that has been harboring 7, we return the position in the array which

holds 7 and exit.

--0 1 2 3 4 5 [ 3 2 5 1 7 0 ]

As you can tell, the algorithm may work find for sets of small data but for incredibly large

data sets I don„t think I have to convince you any further that this would just be

downright inefficient to use for exceeding large sets. Again keep in mind that Linear

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Search has its place and it is not meant to be perfect but to mold to your situation that

requires a search.

Also note that if we were looking for let’s say 4 in our list above (4 is not in the set) we

would traverse through the entire list and exit empty handed. I intend to do a tutorial on

Binary Search which will give a much better solution to what we have here however it

requires a special case.

//linearSearch Function

int linearSearch(int data[], int length, int val)

for (int i = 0; i <= length; i++) if (val == data[i])

return i; //end if

//end for

return -1; //Value was not in the list //end linearSearch Function

Analysis & Conclusion

As we have seen throughout this tutorial that Linear Search is certainly not the absolute

best method for searching but do not let this taint your view on the algorithm itself. People

are always attempting to better versions of current algorithms in an effort to make existing

ones more efficient. Not to mention that Linear Search as shown has its place and at the

very least is a great beginner’s introduction into the world of searching algorithms. With this

is mind we progress to the asymptotic analysis of the Linear Search:

Worst Case:

The worst case for Linear Search is achieved if the element to be found is not in the list at all.

This would entail the algorithm to traverse the entire list and return nothing. Thus the worst case

running time is: O(n).

Average Case:

The average case is in short revealed by insinuating that the average element would be

somewhere in the middle of the list or N/2. This does not change since we are dividing by a

constant factor here, so again the average case would be:


Best Case:

The best case can be a reached if the element to be found is the first one in the list. This would

not have to do any traversing spare the first one giving this a constant time complexity is:

O (1).

5. Explain briefly the Time Complexity estimation, space complexity estimation and the

tradeoff between Time and Space Complexity.(6) (AUC DEC 2010)

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6. Solve the following recurrence equations completely. (AUC DEC 2010)

(i) 1


( ) ( ) , 2n


T n T i if n T(n)=1, if n=1. (4)

(ii) ( ) 5 ( 1) 6 ( 2)T n T n T n . (3)

(iii) ( ) 2 ( ) log2

nT n T n n . (3)


(i) 1


( ) ( ) , 2n


T n T i if n T(n)=1, if n=1. (4)

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7. Write the linear search algorithm and analyze for its best, worst, average case time

complexity. (10)

(AUC DEC 2010)

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8. Prove that for any two functions f(n) and g(n), we have ( ) ( ( ))f n g n if and only if

( ) ( ( ))f n g n and (6) (AUC DEC


9. Define Asymptotic notations. Distinguish between Asymptotic notation and conditional

asymptotic notation. (10) (AUC DEC 2011)

10. Explain how the removing condition is done from the conditional asymptotic notation with an

example. (6) (AUC DEC 2011)

Many algorithms are easier to analyze if initially we restrict our attention to instances

whose size satisfies a certain condition, such as being a power of 2. Consider, for

example, the divide and conquer algorithm for multiplying large integers that we saw

in the Introduction. Let n be the size of the integers to be multiplied.

The algorithm proceeds directly if n = 1, which requires a microseconds for an

appropriate constant a. If n>1, the algorithm proceeds by multiplying four pairs of

integers of size n/2 (or three if we use the better algorithm).

Moreover, it takes a linear amount of time to carry out additional tasks. For

simplicity, let us say that the additional work takes at most bn microseconds for an

appropriate constant b.


Temporal comparison is not the only issue in algorithms. There are space issues as well.

Generally, a tradeoff between time and space is noticed in algorithms. Asymptotic

notation empowers you to make that trade off.

If you think of the amount of time and space your algorithm uses as a function of your

data over time or space (time and space are usually analyzed separately), you can

analyze how the time and space is handled when you introduce more data to your


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This is important in data structures because you want a structure that behaves efficiently

as you increase the amount of data it handles. Keep in mind though those algorithms

that are efficient with large amounts of data are not always simple and efficient for small

amounts of data.

So if you know you are working with only a small amount of data and you have concerns

for speed and code space, a trade off can be made for a function that does not behave

well for large amounts of data.

A few examples of asymptotic notation

Generally, we use asymptotic notation as a convenient way to examine what can happen in a

function in the worst case or in the best case. For example, if you want to write a function that

searches through an array of numbers and returns the smallest one:

function find-min(array a[1..n])

let j :=

for i := 1 to n:

j := min(j, a[i])


return j


Regardless of how big or small the array is, every time we run find-min, we have to

initialize the i and j integer variables and return j at the end. Therefore, we can just think

of those parts of the function as constant and ignore them.

So, how can we use asymptotic notation to discuss the find-min function? If we search

through an array with 87 elements, then the for loop iterates 87 times, even if the very

first element we hit turns out to be the minimum. Likewise, for elements, the for loop

iterates times. Therefore we say the function runs in time .

What about this function:

function find-min-plus-max(array a[1..n])

// First, find the smallest element in the array

let j := ;

for i := 1 to n:

j := min(j, a[i])


let minim := j

// Now, find the biggest element, add it to the smallest and

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j := ;

for i := 1 to n:

j := max(j, a[i])


let maxim := j

// return the sum of the two

return minim + maxim;


11. Define recurrence equation and explain how solving recurrence equations are done. (6)

(AUC DEC 2011)

12. With a suitable example, explain the method of solving recurrence equations.(16)

(AUC JUN 2012)

13. Write and solve the recurrence relation of Tower of Hanoi puzzle. (16) (AUC NOV 2013)

Certain bacteria divide into two bacteria every second. It was noticed that when one

bacterium is placed in a bottle, it fills it up in 3 minutes. How long will it take to fill half the


Many processes lend themselves to recursive handling. Many sequences are

determined by previous members of the sequence. How many got the bacteria process


If we denote the number of bacteria at second number k by bk then we have: bk+1 = 2bk

, b1 = 1.

This is a recurrence relation.

Another example of a problem that lends itself to a recurrence relation is a famous

puzzle: The towers of Hanoi

This puzzle asks you to move the disks from the left tower to the right tower, one disk at a

time so that a larger disk is never placed on a smaller disk. The goal is to use the smallest

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number of moves. Clearly, before we move the large disk from the left to the right, all but

the bottom disk, have to be on the middle tower. So if we denote the smallest number of

moves by hn then we have: hn+1 = 2hn + 1

A simple technic for solving recurrence relation is called telescoping.

Start from the first term and sequentially produce the next terms until a clear pattern

emerges. If you want to be mathematically rigorous you may use induction.

Solving bn+1 = 2bn; b1 = 1.

b1 = 1; b2 = 2; b3 = 4; : : : bn = 2n-1.

Solving the Towers of Hanoi recurrence relation:

h1 = 1; h2 = 3; h3 = 7; h4 = 15; : : : hn = 2n - 1

Proof by induction:

step 1 h1 = 1 = 21 -1

step 2 Assume hn = 2n - 1

step 3 Prove: hn+1 = 2n+1 -1.

step 4 hn+1 = 2hn + 1 = 2(2n -1) + 1 = 2n+1 - 1.

step 5 Solve: an = 1/ 1+an-1, a1 = 1.

Telescoping yields: 1,1/ 2, 2 / 3, 3/ 5, 5/ 8, 8/ 13

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Coding Towers of Hanoi

Now that we know how to solve an n -disc problem, let's turn this into an algorithm

we can use.

If there is one disc, then we move 1 disc from the source pole to the destination

pole. Otherwise, we move n - 1 discs from the source pole to the temporary pole, we

move 1 disc from the source pole to the destination pole, and we finish by moving

the n - 1 discs from the temporary pole to the destination pole.

void TOH(int n, int p1, int p2, int p3)

if (n == 1) printf("Move top disc from %d to %d.\n", p1, p2);


TOH(n-1, p1, p3, p2);

printf("Move top disc from %d to %d.\n", p1, p2);

TOH(n-1, p3, p2, p1);

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Of course, we can simplify this to the following:

void TOH(int n, int p1, int p2, int p3)

if (n>1) TOH(n-1, p1, p3, p2);

printf("Move top disc from %d to %d.\n", p1, p2);

if (n>1) TOH(n-1, p3, p2, p1);

14. Write the recursive and non-recursive versions of the factorial function. Examine how

much time each function requires as ‘n’ becomes large.(16) (AUC MAY 2011)

Write the recursive algorithm for computing Fibonacci numbers and solve its recurrence

relation. (16)

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15. Explain the master method with an example.

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16. Describe the steps in analyzing and coding of an algorithm.(8)

Informally, an algorithm is any well-defined computational procedure that takes some value, or set of values, as input and produces some value, or set of values, as output. An algorithm is thus a sequence of computational steps that transform the input into the output.

Characteristics of Algorithms:

While designing an algorithm as a solution to a given problem, we must take care of the following five important characteristics of an algorithm. 1. Finiteness 2. Definiteness 3. Inputs 4. Output 5. Effectiveness