demystifying the elusive bandhas - practical yoga … the elusive bandhas a four-week online program...

Demystifying the Elusive Bandhas A Four-Week Online Program for Yoga Teachers and Sincere Practitioners with Tania Jo Ingrahm, eRYT and Rupali Embry, eRYT500 © 2015 SHANTIGIRL PRODUCTIONS, INC.

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Demystifying the Elusive Bandhas

A Four-Week Online Program for Yoga Teachers and Sincere Practitioners

with Tania Jo Ingrahm, eRYTand Rupali Embry, eRYT500


Page 2: Demystifying the Elusive Bandhas - Practical Yoga … the Elusive Bandhas A Four-Week Online Program for Yoga Teachers and Sincere Practitioners  with Tania Jo Ingrahm, eRYT

Week #4: Deepening your teaching


• Trishthana • Sharing the bandhas with

your students

Page 3: Demystifying the Elusive Bandhas - Practical Yoga … the Elusive Bandhas A Four-Week Online Program for Yoga Teachers and Sincere Practitioners  with Tania Jo Ingrahm, eRYT

Trishthana - the Three Places of Attention

Linking it together

• Ujjayi breath, bandhas and drishti are key to your yoga practice.

• They purify us on three levels: body, nervous system and mind.

• An analogy for Vinyasa yoga: postures are beads…the three fundamental techniques are the string that link asanas together into a moving meditation…a mala.


Page 4: Demystifying the Elusive Bandhas - Practical Yoga … the Elusive Bandhas A Four-Week Online Program for Yoga Teachers and Sincere Practitioners  with Tania Jo Ingrahm, eRYT

Trishthana - the Three Places of Attention

• The transitions (vinyasa) between postures are as important as the postures themselves.

• Your body becomes the mantra.

• Taking the technique of bandha we learned this month and combining it with ujjayi breath and drishti shift your practice from an outwardly focused asana practice to an inwardly focused one.


Page 5: Demystifying the Elusive Bandhas - Practical Yoga … the Elusive Bandhas A Four-Week Online Program for Yoga Teachers and Sincere Practitioners  with Tania Jo Ingrahm, eRYT

Trishthana - the Three Places of Attention

• Bandhas build that internal fire that’s so important in purifying your body and giving it lightness and strength.

• To stoke the internal fire you need an evenness to the breath so that the “flame” is not smothered or blown out of control - this induces Pratyahara (sense withdrawal or going inside)


Page 6: Demystifying the Elusive Bandhas - Practical Yoga … the Elusive Bandhas A Four-Week Online Program for Yoga Teachers and Sincere Practitioners  with Tania Jo Ingrahm, eRYT

Trishthana : The Three Places of Attention

• Trishthana creates fluidity to your practice.

• Mind becomes focused and still.

• Bandhas optimize breathing and bring proper alignment to your postures.

• Using the elements of trishthana you’re drawn into the spiritual dimension of your practice.


Page 7: Demystifying the Elusive Bandhas - Practical Yoga … the Elusive Bandhas A Four-Week Online Program for Yoga Teachers and Sincere Practitioners  with Tania Jo Ingrahm, eRYT

Richard Freeman Quote

“If you find mula bandha, let me know where is it is.”

~ Richard Freeman, master Ashtanga teacher


Page 8: Demystifying the Elusive Bandhas - Practical Yoga … the Elusive Bandhas A Four-Week Online Program for Yoga Teachers and Sincere Practitioners  with Tania Jo Ingrahm, eRYT

Teaching BandhasPre-work videos

• Surya Namaskara A with block between thighs • Helps connect pada bandha with mula bandha • Draws strength and awareness up inner thighs to

mula bandha

• Prasarita Padottanasana lifting onto toes • Get light on toes as if going into handstand • Feel the bandhas lift the hips


Page 9: Demystifying the Elusive Bandhas - Practical Yoga … the Elusive Bandhas A Four-Week Online Program for Yoga Teachers and Sincere Practitioners  with Tania Jo Ingrahm, eRYT


Teaching Bandhas

Pre-work videos

• Goddess pose with lift of heels • As you lift up draw the energy of mula and uddiyana

bandha up by squeezing your inner thighs • As you settle back down stay connected to mula


• Other ideas to use with your students???

Page 10: Demystifying the Elusive Bandhas - Practical Yoga … the Elusive Bandhas A Four-Week Online Program for Yoga Teachers and Sincere Practitioners  with Tania Jo Ingrahm, eRYT

Sharing the Deeper Practices

• What you say and how you say it is key when introducing foreign concepts and words.

• Supportive language helps them accept themselves during the learning process

• Your comfort with the material will translate to receptivity from your students.

• Are you able to speak from your own experience?

• Give permission for them to be where they are.


Page 11: Demystifying the Elusive Bandhas - Practical Yoga … the Elusive Bandhas A Four-Week Online Program for Yoga Teachers and Sincere Practitioners  with Tania Jo Ingrahm, eRYT

Am I Ready to Teach Bandhas?


• We presented this course way faster and more condensed that you’d teach it to your classes

• So you’re probably not feeling ready to teach this material yet—that’s ok!

• There’s no way you’ll ever “know it all” in yoga

• Just keep practicing and studying and sharing what you know

Page 12: Demystifying the Elusive Bandhas - Practical Yoga … the Elusive Bandhas A Four-Week Online Program for Yoga Teachers and Sincere Practitioners  with Tania Jo Ingrahm, eRYT

Nancy Gilgoff Quote

“Stay ahead of your students.”

~ Nancy Gilgoff, master Ashtanga teacher


Page 13: Demystifying the Elusive Bandhas - Practical Yoga … the Elusive Bandhas A Four-Week Online Program for Yoga Teachers and Sincere Practitioners  with Tania Jo Ingrahm, eRYT


• Some of the things we taught you may only be for your practice, not for teaching…at least for a while.

• Take what we worked on this month and focus on just UB for a few weeks and really apply it to your practice.

• What do you notice? Is it feeling more real as you practice?

• Then you can start to share with your students in baby steps.

You’ll Know When You’re Ready

Page 14: Demystifying the Elusive Bandhas - Practical Yoga … the Elusive Bandhas A Four-Week Online Program for Yoga Teachers and Sincere Practitioners  with Tania Jo Ingrahm, eRYT

Layer It On• Teach the bandhas in layers (“kramas”)

• Your students are influenced by your enthusiasm and approach to new material.

• Start simple and as their understanding develops go deeper.

• Review this course and use the exercises and tips that you found useful.

• Through your practice you’ll find inspiration, enthusiasm and passion for your teaching.


Page 15: Demystifying the Elusive Bandhas - Practical Yoga … the Elusive Bandhas A Four-Week Online Program for Yoga Teachers and Sincere Practitioners  with Tania Jo Ingrahm, eRYT

More Layers

• Begin with easier exercises, simple descriptions and names

• Make it real - give them ways to experiment with mula and uddiyana bandhas in their daily life.

• walking up stairs or a hill

• carrying something heavy

• during their workouts or sports

• anytime they need more balance or strength

• next class ask for observations and questions


Page 16: Demystifying the Elusive Bandhas - Practical Yoga … the Elusive Bandhas A Four-Week Online Program for Yoga Teachers and Sincere Practitioners  with Tania Jo Ingrahm, eRYT

Teaching Tips for the Bandhas

• Share some of the benefits with students to get them interested.

• Physical benefits first, energetic and more esoteric benefits later

• Go back through the slides from this course and get familiar with their benefits and contraindications


Page 17: Demystifying the Elusive Bandhas - Practical Yoga … the Elusive Bandhas A Four-Week Online Program for Yoga Teachers and Sincere Practitioners  with Tania Jo Ingrahm, eRYT

More Bandha Teaching Tips

• Demo the bandha and share tips for execution.

• Combine the bandha with simple deep ujjayi breath.

• Ask them for observations when they breathe with and without the lock engaged.

• Try the lock with easy poses and ask for observations.


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Now’s a good time for questions…

• on any of the material about bandhas

• about your experience during your practice

• about teaching

• anything whatsoever!

Page 19: Demystifying the Elusive Bandhas - Practical Yoga … the Elusive Bandhas A Four-Week Online Program for Yoga Teachers and Sincere Practitioners  with Tania Jo Ingrahm, eRYT

Course Wrap Up


• No call next week, however, there’ll be one more module on Monday: • to address any remaining questions during this

week; • to receive course feedback; and • to give you some suggestions about where to go

from here.

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We really enjoyed sharing this time with you!