demonstrative adjectives

Demonstrative Adjectives Demonstrative adjectives are those adjectives whose function is to point at something. In English, the singular demonstrative adjectives are "this" and "that," while the plural ones are "these" and "those." (Some grammarians refer to them as demonstrative determiners.) What are "Demonstrative Adjectives"? Words used to point out a noun.

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Page 1: Demonstrative adjectives

Demonstrative Adjectives

Demonstrative adjectives are those adjectives whose function is to point at something. In English, the singular demonstrative adjectives are "this" and "that," while the plural ones are "these" and "those." (Some grammarians refer to them as demonstrative determiners.)

What are "Demonstrative Adjectives"?

Words used to point out a noun.

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In English, there are 4 demonstrative adjectives.

This/That + Singular Noun

These/Those + Plural Noun

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Unlike English, Spanish has three sets of demonstrative adjectives, which vary by number and gender, so there are 12 in all, as shown in the list below. Translations are included in parentheses

Singular masculine· este (this)·· ese (that)·· aquel (that - over there)

Plural masculine· estos (these)·· esos (those)·· aquellos (those - over there)

Singular feminine· esta (this)·· esa (that)·· aquella (that - over there)

Plural feminine· estas (these)·· esas (those)·· aquellas (those - over there)

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In Spanish, all demonstrative adjectives are placed before

the noun.

Like all other adjectives in Spanish they must agree in gender and number with the

nouns they modify.

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This EsteMasculine Singular

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These EstosMasculine Plural

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This EstaFeminine Singular

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These EstasFeminine Plural

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This and These both have "T"'s

but that and those don't

Remember this rule:

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That EseMasculine Singular

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Those EsosMasculine Plural

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That EsaFeminine Singular

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Those EsasFeminine Plural

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That (Over there) Aquel

Masculine Singular

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Those (Over there) Aquellos

Masculine Plural

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That (Over there) Aquella

Feminine Singular

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Those (Over there) Aquellas

Feminine Plural

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Chorus:This land is your land, this land is my landFrom California to the New York IslandFrom the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream watersThis land was made for you and me.

------- tierra --- ---- tierra, ------- tierra ---- ----- tierraDesde California hasta la isla de Nueva YorkDesde el bosque de secuoyas a las aguas de la Corriente del Golfo------ tierra fue hecha para ti y para mí.

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"This Land Is Your Land " is one of the United States' most famous folk songs. Its lyrics were written by Woody Guthrie in 1940 based on an existing melody, in response to Irving Berlin's "God Bless America ", which Guthrie considered unrealistic and complacent.

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· Although both ese and aquel and their related forms can be translated as "that" or "those," there are some distinctions in meaning. · Ese and its related forms are more common, and you're generally safe to use them when in English you'd use "that" or "those." · However, aquel and its related forms refer to something that's farther away in terms of distance or time. Although ese and its forms can be used for an object near the speaker or listener, aquel cannot.