demographics of women who report having an abortion · current marital status of women who had one...

MARRI 801 G St, NW Washington, DC 20001 202.393.2100 Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion from The National Survey of Family Growth 2006-2010 Patrick F. Fagan, Ph.D. Scott Talkington, Ph.D. January 2014

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Page 1: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One

MARRI 801 G St, NW Washington, DC 20001 202.393.2100

Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion


The National Survey of Family Growth 2006-2010

Patrick F. Fagan, Ph.D.

Scott Talkington, Ph.D.

January 2014

Page 2: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One


Page 3: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One


Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion:

Preliminary Inquiry from

The National Survey of Family Growth 2006-2010

Table of Contents

Introduction …3 Abortion …5 Abortion among Women Aged 41 and Older …6 Abortion among Ever-Pregnant Women Aged 41 and Older …7 Abortion among Women Who Have Ever Been Pregnant …8 By Age Bracket: Percent of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...9 Age at First Abortion among Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...10 24 Years of Age and Under: Percent of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...11 Area of Residence ...12 Area of Residence of All Women Aged 15 to 44 …13 Area of Residence of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...14 By Area of Residence: Percent of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...15 Birthplace, Foreign or Domestic, of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...16 By Birthplace, Foreign or Domestic: Percent of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...17 Ethnic Distribution ...18 Ethnic Distribution of All Women Aged 15 to 44 ...19 Ethnic Distribution of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...20 By Ethnic Group: Percent of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...21 Income and Education ...22 Family Income of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...23 By Family Income Bracket: Percent of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...24 Education Attained among Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...25 By Education Attained: Percent of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...26 Family …27 Family Structure of Origin among Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...28 By Family Structure of Origin: Percent of Women Who Had One or More Abortions …29 Family Living Situation at Age 14 of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...30 By Family Living Situation at Age 14: Percent of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...31 Marriage ...32 Present Family Living Situation of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...33 By Present Family Living Situation: Percent of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...34

Page 4: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One


Marriage History of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...35 By Marriage History: Percent of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...36 Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...38 Number of Marriages among Women Who Have Married and Who Had One or More Abortions …39 By Number of Marriages: Percent of Women Who Had One or More Abortions …40 Number of Cohabitations among Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...41 By Number of Cohabitations: Percent of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...42 Births in and out of Wedlock ...43 Number of out-of-Wedlock [with in-Wedlock Only] Births among Women Who Had One or More

Abortions; If Ever Given Birth ...44 By Number of out-of-Wedlock [with in-Wedlock Only] Births: Percent of Women Who Had One or

More Abortions As Well ...45 Number of in-Wedlock [With out-of-Wedlock Only] Births among Women Who Had One or More

Abortions; If Ever Given Birth ...46 By Number of in-Wedlock [With out-of-Wedlock Only] Births: Percent of Women Who Had One or

More Abortions ...47 Religious Practice ...48 Current Religious Service Attendance among Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...49 By Current Religious Service Attendance: Percent of Women Who Had One or More Abortions …50 Current Importance of Religion in Daily Life among Women Who Had One or More Abortions …51 By Current Importance of Religion in Daily Life: Percent of Women Who Had One or More

Abortions ...52 Sexual Activity ...53 Age at First Intercourse among Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...54 By Age at First Intercourse: Percent of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...55 Lifetime Total Number of Male Sexual Partners among Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...56 Lifetime Total Number of Male Sexual Partners among Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...57 By Lifetime Total Number of Male Sexual Partners: Percent of Women Who Had One or More

Abortions ...58 Contraception Use ...59 Contraception Use among Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...60 By Contraception Use: Percent of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...61 Age at First Use of Birth Control among Women Who Have Ever Used Birth Control and Have Ever Been Pregnant ...62 Age at First Use of Birth Control among Women Who Have Ever Used Birth Control and Who Had One or More Abortions …63 By Age at First Use of Birth Control: Percent of Women Who Had One or More Abortions …64 Emergency “Contraception” Use ...65 Emergency “Contraception” Use among Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...66 By Emergency “Contraception” Use: Percent of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...67 Appendix: Notes on the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) …68

Page 5: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One


Introduction This chart book is an initial exploration of the demographics of abortion in America. These “maps” of the background patterns of abortion in the U.S. are drawn from the combined data for the years 2006-2010 in the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), a large sample representative of the U.S. population. Note that the figures included are reported numbers, and that survey respondents are disposed to underreport on a matter as sensitive as abortion, possibly by as much as a factor of two. Abortions among Black women and, particularly, Hispanic women, appear to be more underreported than among White women. Unmarried women appear to underreport abortions at a greater rate than married women.1 In this study, in estimating the extent of abortion, we use the reports of women in their forties, not those of younger women, where conflicts about guilt stemming from recent abortions may be more prevalent. Confining the evaluation of abortion’s prevalence to women in their mid-forties also permits deferring analysis until the fertile years and an estimate of abortion prevalence can be straightforwardly obtained. Despite these shortcomings this is the best federal survey, by far, from which to estimate the correlates of abortion. Note that we do not here provide multiple figures based on estimated error rates due to underreporting. Today, by their mid-forties, one in six women reports having an abortion (page 6), and one fifth of those who have ever been pregnant report procuring an abortion (page 7). Most women who report ever aborting report having only one abortion (page 8) and report being quite young when they obtain their first abortion; nearly half of first reported abortions are to teenagers and 80 percent are to those 24 or younger (page 10). Abortion is less prevalent within some demographic subsets than others. The reported abortion rate among women born outside the United States is lower than that among their U.S.-born counterparts (page 17). When women are broken down by ethnicity, abortion is reported to be most prevalent among African-American women (page 21). The (reported) abortion rate does not vary significantly across income groups (page 24). The data suggested no clear relationship between reported abortion and educational attainment; the lowest percentage of women who reported an abortion is among women who have a ninth grade education or less and the highest percentage is among women who have “some college” education (page 26). When the statistics are broken down by family structure, reported abortion is rarest among women raised in an always-intact family: 16 percent vs. 26 percent (page 29). Reported abortion is more common among women who have been pregnant but never been married than among women who have been pregnant but who have ever been                                                             1 Elise F. Jones and Jacqueline Darroch Forrest, “Underreporting of Abortion in Surveys of U.S. Women: 1976 to 1988,” Demography 29, no. 1 (February 1992): 113-126. It is to be noted that this research based on data from thirty years ago and that the climate on abortion has changed significantly since then, possibly increasing or even decreasing the underreporting.

Page 6: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One


married (page 36). The percentage of women who report an abortion is higher among those separated, divorced, or never married than those currently married (page 38). Eighty-three percent of women who report having an abortion have cohabited at some time (page 41), and the fraction of women reporting an abortion increased within each category, as the number of cohabiting relationships increased (page 42). The fraction of women reporting an abortion is nearly twice as high among women who have had children out of wedlock as among women who have had all their children in wedlock (page 45). A smaller fraction of women with three or more in-wedlock births report having ever aborted than women with two in-wedlock births, and a smaller fraction of women with three or more or two in-wedlock births reported having ever aborted than women with one in-wedlock birth (page 47). Almost 20 percent more women who never worship report having procured one or more abortions than women who worship weekly or more than weekly (page 50). About 68 percent of women who report having one or more abortions now consider religion very or somewhat important in their daily lives (page 51). The survey does not permit an estimate of the importance of religion at the time the abortion(s) took place. A lower fraction of women who defer intercourse report having abortions than women who have an early sexual debut. Thirty-four to 38 percent of women who became sexually active as young girls (aged 12, 13, or 14) report having had an abortion, while “only” 6 percent of women who had their first intercourse at age 20 or later report having had an abortion (page 55). The fraction of women reporting abortions is far larger among women with multiple sexual partners than among monogamous women. Forty to 50 percent of women who have 10 or more (male) sexual partners report having an abortion, while “only” 6 percent of those who are monogamous (one male sexual partner) report having an abortion (page 58). Almost 90 percent of reported abortions are procured by women who have had three or more (male) sexual partners (pages 56, 57). Contraception seems not to preclude the “need” for abortion: 99 percent of women who report having an abortion have ever used contraception (page 60). Those who have used contraception report aborting at twice the rate of those who have not (page 61). The data make it clear that more women who report procuring abortions exhibit such behaviors as early first sexual intercourse, intercourse with greater numbers of sexual partners, contraceptive use, and low religious attendance. It is the hope of the authors that this exploration of the demographics of reported abortion will lead to more comprehensive research on abortion’s antecedents and effects. Patrick F. Fagan, Ph.D. and Scott Talkington, Ph.D. MARRI, The Marriage and Religion Research Institute 

Page 7: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



Page 8: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One

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• 16• 83

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Page 9: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One

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Page 10: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 79• 14• 3• 1


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ed: Distribu

9.9 percent o4.7 percent o.7 percent of.6 percent of


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Three o1.

e Ever 


or More:6%

Page 11: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 20ab

• 18ab

• 2ab

tion: Women

pulations: A

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Page 12: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 48th

• 30to

• 1429

• 744

tion: Women

ed: Distribu

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5 to

30 to

Page 13: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 6• 15• 2• 16• 19• 18• 27• 22• 16• 23

tion: Women

pulations: W

ed: The perc

.0 percent of5.3 percent o1.0 percent o6.0 percent o9.5 percent o8.2 percent o7.0 percent o2.4 percent o6.3 percent o3.4 percent o

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centage with

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ne or more ab

have had ant have had at have had at have had at have had at have had at have had at have had at have had at have had a


n abortion. an abortion.


Page 14: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One


Area of Residence

Page 15: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One


• 32S

• 47of

• 19

tion: All womed: Distribu

2.4 percent oervice Area.7.8 percent of the Centra9.8 percent o

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of all women

of all womenal City. of all women

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Page 16: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 36C

• 5M

• 1M

tion: Women

ed: Distribu

6.7 percent oCity of a Met1.6 percent o

Metropolitan 1.7 percent o


n aged 15 to

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of women agtropolitan Seof women agService Are

of women agService Are

o 44 who had

dence area.

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Page 17: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 24h

• 2C

• 1b

tion: Women

pulations: R

ed: The perc

4.3 percent oave ever bee1.3 percent o

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Residence ar

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Page 18: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 8• 1

tion: Women

ed: Distribu

87.5 percent 12.5 percent

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of women wof women w

o 44 who hav


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or more abor

re abortions re abortions


were born iwere born o

n the U.S. outside the U



Page 19: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 2or

• 14on

tion: Women

pulations: B

ed: The per

1.2 percent or more abort4.1 percent one or more a

n aged 15 to

By birthplac

cent within

of women whtions. of women whabortions.

o 44 who hav


each sub-po

ho were born

ho were born

ve ever been

pulation wh

n in the U.S

n outside the

n pregnant.

ho had one o

S. and have e

e U.S. and h

r more abor

ever been pr

have ever be


egnant had

en pregnant



t had

Page 20: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One


Ethnic Distribution

Page 21: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 17• 60• 13• 8

tion: All wom

ed: Distribu

7.0 percent o0.5 percent o3.7 percent o.8 percent of

men in the s

ution by ethn

of all womenof all womenof all womenf all women

survey aged

nic backgrou

n in the survn in the survn in the survin the surve

15 to 44.


vey are Hispavey are Whitvey are Blackey fall under

anic. te (non-Hispk (non-Hispaother or mu

panic). anic). ultiracial cattegories.


Page 22: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 14• 56• 2• 7


tion: Women

ed: Distribu

4.2 percent o6.7 percent o1.4 percent o.7 percent ofategories.

n aged 15 to

ution by ethn

of women whof women whof women whf women wh

o 44 who had

nic backgrou

ho had one oho had one oho had one oo had one or

d one or mor


or more aboror more aboror more aborr more abort

re abortions.

rtions are Hrtions are Wrtions are Btions fall und


Hispanic. White (non-H

lack (non-Hder other or

Hispanic). ispanic). multiracial


Page 23: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 15• 19

m• 27

m• 18


tion: Women

pulations: E

ed: The perc

5.0 percent o9.9 percent o

more abortion7.8 percent o

more abortion8.6 percent oregnant had

n aged 15 to

Ethnic group

cent within

of Hispanic wof White (Nns. of Black (Nons. of women wh

d one or more

o 44 who hav


each sub-po

women who ot Hispanic)

ot Hispanic)

ho fall undere abortions.

ve ever been

pulation wh

have ever b) women who

women who

r other or m

n pregnant.

ho had one or

been pregnano have ever

o have ever b

multiracial ca

r more abort

nt had one obeen pregna

been pregnan

ategories who


r more abortant had one

nt had one o

o have ever


tions. or



Page 24: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One


Income andEducation

Page 25: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 29$2

• 39$2

• 30or

tion: Women

ed: Distribu

9.8 percent o25,000. 9.4 percent o25,000 and $0.8 percent or greater.

n aged 15 to

ution by fam

of women wh

of women wh$60,000. of women wh

o 44 who had

ily income b

ho had one o

ho had one o

ho had one o

d one or mor


or more abor

or more abor

or more abor

re abortions.

rtions have

rtions have

rtions have


a family inc

a family inc

a family inc

ome of less t

ome between

ome of $60,0





Page 26: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 19an

• 2an

• 19an

tion: Women

pulations: F

ed: The perc

9.2 percent ond have ever1.3 percent ond $60,000 a9.4 percent ond have ever

n aged 15 to

Family incom

cent within

of women whr been pregnof women whand have eveof women whr been pregn

o 44 who hav

me brackets.

each sub-po

ho belong tonant had oneho belong toer been pregho belong tonant had one

ve ever been


pulation wh

o a family whe or more abo a family whgnant had ono a family whe or more ab

n pregnant.

ho had one or

hose yearly ibortions. hose yearly ine or more ahose yearly ibortions.

r more abort

income is les

income is beabortions. income is $6


ss than $25,0

etween $25,0

60,000 or gre





Page 27: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 6• 4• 5• 2

n• 25• 24• 10• 14• 4• 0• 1

tion: Women

ed: Distribu

.4 percent of

.2 percent of

.8 percent of

.0 percent ofo diploma or5.8 percent o4.1 percent o0.4 percent o4.7 percent o.6 percent of.6 percent of.5 percent of

n aged 15 to

ution by high

f women whf women whf women whf women whr GED. of women whof women whof women whof women whf women whf women whf women wh

o 44 who had

hest complet

o had one oro had one oro had one oro had one or

ho had one oho had one oho had one oho had one oo had one oro had one oro had one or

d one or mor

ed year of h

r more abortr more abortr more abortr more abort

or more aboror more aboror more aboror more aborr more abortr more abortr more abort

re abortions.

high school o

tions have a tions have ations have ations have a

rtions are hirtions have rtions have rtions have tions have a tions have ations have a


or by degree

a 9th grade eda 10th grade ean 11th grade a 12th grade e

igh school grsome collegean associatea bachelor’s

a master’s dea doctorate da professiona


ducation or leducation. education.

education wi

raduates. e education.e’s Degree. degree.

egree. degree. l degree.




Page 28: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 13p

• 24h

• 18on

• 25on

• 23on

• 17on

• 18or

tion: Women

pulations: E

ed: The perc

3.5 percent oregnant had4.8 percent oad one or m8.2 percent one or more a5 percent of ne or more a3.5 percent one or more a7.5 percent one or more a8.7 percent or more abort

n aged 15 to

Education le

cent within

of women whd one or moreof women wh

more abortionof women whabortions. women who

abortions. of women whabortions. of women whabortions. of women whtions.

o 44 who hav

evel attained

each sub-po

ho have a 9t

e abortions.ho have an 1ns. ho are high

o have some

ho have an a

ho have a ba

ho have a m

ve ever been


pulation wh

h grade or le

11th grade ed

school gradu

college educ

associate’s d

achelor’s deg

master’s degre

n pregnant.

ho had one or

ess education

ducation and

uates and ha

cation and h

degree and ha

gree and hav

ee and have

r more abort

n and have e

d have ever b

ave ever been

have ever bee

ave ever bee

ve ever been

ever been p


ever been

been pregna

n pregnant h

en pregnant

en pregnant

pregnant ha

pregnant had







d one

Page 29: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



Page 30: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 53al

• 46p


tion: Women

ed: Distribu

3.3 percent olways intact6.7 percent oarents from

Not an

amily Str

n aged 15 to

ution by fam

of women wh. of women whbirth.

n Always‐IntaFamily:53.3%

ructure o


o 44 who had

ily structure

ho had one o

ho had one o


of Originor Mo

male Respondents,

d one or mor

e of origin.

or more abor

or more abor

n amongre Abort, 2006‐2010; Scott

re abortions.

rtions were r

rtions were r

Two BiAdoptifrom B

g Wometionst Talkington, PhD;


raised in a f

raised by tw

iological or ive Parents Birth: 46.7%

en Who H


family that w

wo biological

Had One


was not

or adoptive

Page 31: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 16an

• 25ev





% of G




 an Ab



tion: Women

pulations: F

ed: The perc

6 percent of nd have ever5.7 percent over been pre

Two Biolog

By Fam

(As a P

n aged 15 to

Family struc

cent within

women whor been pregnof women whegnant had o

ical or Adoptiv


mily StruH

Percent of 


o 44 who hav

cture of origi

each sub-po

o were raisednant had oneho were raisone or more

ve Parents from



ucture ofHad OneWomen frWho Hav

, Female Respond

ve ever been


pulation wh

d by two bioe or more abed in a famiabortions.

m Birth

atus of Childh

f Origin:e or Morrom the Save Ever Beedents, 2006‐2010; 

n pregnant.

ho had one or

ological or adbortions. ily that was

Not an A

hood Family

: Percentre Abortame Familyen PregnaScott Talkington,

r more abort

doptive pare

not always

lways‐Intact Fa


t of Womionsy Structurent), PhD; MARRI


nts from bir

intact and h


men Wh

e of Origin





Page 32: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 5at

• 13an

• 34n

tion: Women

ed: Distribu

1.8 percent ot age 14. 3.8 percent ond a stepfat4.4 percent oon-parental

n aged 15 to

ution by fam

of women wh

of women whher at age 1of women whsituation at

o 44 who had

ily living sit

ho had one o

ho had one o4. ho had one oage 14.

d one or mor

uation at ag

or more abor

or more abor

or more abor

re abortions.

ge 14.

rtions lived

rtions lived

rtions lived


with both b

with their b

in any other

biological par

biological mo

r parental or





Page 33: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 16b

• 26an

• 2614

tion: Women

pulations: F

ed: The perc

6.5 percent oeen pregnan6 percent of nd have ever6.2 percent o4 and have e

n aged 15 to

Family living

cent within

of women whnt had one or

women whor been pregnof women whever been pr

o 44 who hav

g situation a

each sub-po

ho lived withr more aborto lived with nant had oneho lived in aregnant had

ve ever been

at age 14.

pulation wh

h both biolotions. their biologie or more abany other paone or more

n pregnant.

ho had one or

ogical parent

ical mother abortions. arental or noe abortions.

r more abort

s at age 14 a

and a stepfa

on-parental s


and have ev

ather at age

situation at a





Page 34: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



Page 35: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 16• 26

w• 14

h• 10

ch• 33


tion: Women

ed: Distribu

6 percent of 6.7 percent o

without a spo4 percent of ave no child0.1 percent ohildren. 3.3 percent ohildren.

n aged 15 to

ution by pres

women whoof women whouse or partnwomen who

dren. of women wh

of women wh

o 44 who had

sent family l

o had one orho had one oner. o had one or

ho had one o

ho had one o

d one or mor

iving situati

more abortor more abor

more abort

or more abor

or more abor

re abortions.


ions live alortions live w

ions live wit

rtions are co

rtions live w


ne. with their ch

th a spouse o

ohabiting an

with their spo

ildren and

or partner an

nd live with t

ouse and




Page 36: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 4ab

• 24on

• 33ev

• 19ab

• 13

tion: Women

pulations: B

ed: The perc

1.7 percent obortions. 4.1 percent one or more a3.5 percent over been pre9.7 percent obortions. 3 percent of

n aged 15 to

By present f

cent within

of women wh

of women whabortions. of women whegnant had oof women wh

women who

o 44 who hav

family living

each sub-po

ho live alone

ho live witho

ho live with one or more ho live with

o live with th

ve ever been


pulation wh

e and have e

out a spouse

a spouse or abortions. their childre

heir spouse a

n pregnant.

ho had one or

ever been pre

e or partner

partner and

en and are c

and children

r more abort

egnant had o

and with th

d with no ch

cohabiting h

n had one or


one or more

heir children

hildren and h

ad one or m

more aborti






Page 37: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 36• 63

tion: Women

ed: Distribu

6.5 percent o3.5 percent o

n aged 15 to

ution by whe

of women whof women wh

o 44 who had

ether ever m

ho had one oho had one o

d one or mor


or more aboror more abor

re abortions.

rtions have rtions have


never been mbeen marrie

married. d.


Page 38: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 29on

• 17or

tion: Women

pulations: E

ed: The perc

9.1 percent one or more a7 percent of r more abort

n aged 15 to

Ever married

cent within

of women whabortions. women who


o 44 who hav

d or never m

each sub-po

ho have nev

o have ever b

ve ever been


pulation wh

er been mar

been married

n pregnant.

ho had one or

rried and hav

d and have e

r more abort

ve ever been

ever been pr


n pregnant h

regnant had




Page 39: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 4• 15• 6• 36

tion: Women

ed: Distribu

1 percent of 5.6 percent o.2 percent of6.5 percent o

n aged 15 to

ution by curr

women whoof women whf women whof women wh

o 44 who had

rent marital

o had one orho had one oo had one orho had one o

d one or mor


more abortor more aborr more abortor more abor

re abortions.

ions are marrtions are ditions are seprtions have


rried. ivorced. parated. never been mmarried.


Page 40: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 14ab

• 27ab

• 24ab

• 29on

tion: Women

pulations: C

ed: The perc

4.3 percent obortions. 7.1 percent obortions. 4.8 percent obortions. 9.1 percent one or more a

n aged 15 to

Current mar

cent within

of women wh

of women wh

of women wh

of women whabortions.

o 44 who hav

rital status.

each sub-po

ho are marri

ho are divor

ho are separ

ho have nev

ve ever been

pulation wh

ied and have

ced and hav

rated and ha

er been mar

n pregnant.

ho had one or

e ever been p

ve ever been

ave ever been

rried and hav

r more abort

pregnant ha

pregnant ha

n pregnant h

ve ever been


ad one or mo

ad one or mo

had one or m

n pregnant h






Page 41: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 82• 13• 3


tion: Women

ed: Distribu

2.9 percent o3.2 percent o.9 percent ofimes.

n aged 15 to

ution by num

of women whof women whf women wh

o 44 who hav

mber of times

ho had one oho had one oo had one or

ve ever been

s married.

or more aboror more aborr more abort

n married and

rtions have rtions have tions have b

d had one or

been marriebeen marrie

been married

r more abort

d once. d twice.

d three or mo




Page 42: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 16on

• 18on

• 26h

tion: Women

pulations: N

ed: The perc

6.5 percent one or more a8.7 percent one or more a6.2 percent oad one or m

n aged 15 to

Number of t

cent within

of women whabortions. of women whabortions. of women wh

more abortion

o 44 who hav

imes married

each sub-po

ho have been

ho have been

ho have beenns.

ve ever been


pulation wh

n married on

n married tw

n married th

n married and

ho had one or

nce and have

wice and hav

hree times an

d have ever

r more abort

e ever been

ve ever been

nd have ever

been pregna


pregnant ha

n pregnant ha

r been pregn






Page 43: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 17• 40• 25• 16


tion: Women

ed: Distribu

7.4 percent o0.5 percent o5.9 percent o6.1 percent oimes.

n aged 15 to

ution by num

of women whof women whof women whof women wh

o 44 who had

mber of coha

ho had one oho had one oho had one oho had one o

d one or mor


or more aboror more aboror more aboror more abor

re abortions.

rtions have rtions have rtions have rtions have


never cohabcohabited oncohabited twcohabited th

bited. nce. wice. hree or more



Page 44: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 1or

• 19m

• 29m

• 40p

tion: Women

pulations: N

ed: The perc

1.1 percent or more abort9 percent of

more abortion9 percent of

more abortion0.9 percent oregnant had

n aged 15 to

Number of c

cent within

of women whtions. women who

ns. women who

ns. of women wh

d one or more

o 44 who hav


each sub-po

ho have nev

o have cohab

o have cohab

ho have cohe abortions.

ve ever been


pulation wh

er cohabited

bited once an

bited twice a

abited three

n pregnant.

ho had one or

d and have e

nd have ever

and have eve

e or more tim

r more abort

ever been pre

r been pregn

er been preg

mes and have


egnant had o

nant had one

nant had on

e ever been



e or

ne or

Page 45: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One


Page 46: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 37of

• 32of

• 18ou

• 1th

tion: Womens.

ed: Distribu

7.7 percent of-wedlock bi2.5 percent of-wedlock bi8 percent of ut-of-wedloc1.8 percent ohree or more

n aged 15 to

ution by the

of women whrths. of women whrth. women who

ck births. of women whe out-of-wedl

o 44 who hav

number of o

ho had one o

ho had one o

o had one or

ho had one olock births.

ve ever given


or more abor

or more abor

more abort

or more abor

n birth and h

ck births.

rtions and h

rtions and h

ions and hav

rtions and h

have had on

have given bi

have given bi

ve ever given

have ever giv

ne or more

irth had no

irth had one

n birth had

ven birth had



e out-



Page 47: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 2w

• 22w

• 2ab

• 12

tion: Women

pulations: N

ed: The perc

1.5 percent owell. 2.4 percent o

well. 1.6 percent obortions as w2.8 percent o

n aged 15 to

Number of o

cent within

of women wh

of women wh

of women whwell. of women wh

o 44 who hav


each sub-po

ho had one o

ho had two

ho had three

ho had no ou

ve ever given

ck births.

pulation wh



e or more ou


n birth.

ho had one or

ock birth had

ock births ha


ck births had

r more abort

d one or mor

ad one or mo

k births had

d one or mor


re abortions

ore abortion

one or more

re abortions.



ns as



Page 48: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 42in

• 24in

• 23in

• 10th

tion: Women

ed: Distribu

2.1 percent on-wedlock bi4.3 percent on-wedlock bi3 percent of n-wedlock bi0.6 percent ohree or more

Out‐of‐Births O



n aged 15 to

ution by the

of women whrths. of women whrth. women whorths. of women whe in-wedlock

‐Wedlock nly, 42.1%

ber of in] Births aMore Ab

NSFG, Female

o 44 who hav

number of in

ho had one o

ho had one o

o had one or

ho had one obirths.

Three or M10.6%

n‐Wedlocamong Wbortionse Respondents, 20

ve ever given

n-wedlock b

or more abor

or more abor

more abort

or more abor

More, %

ck [WithWomen s, If Ever006‐2010; Scott Ta

n birth and h


rtions and h

rtions and h

ions and hav

rtions and h


h out‐of‐Who Har Given Balkington, PhD; M

had one or m

have ever giv

have ever giv

ve ever given

have ever giv

ne, 24.3%

Two, 2

‐Wedlocad One oBirthMARRI

more abortio

ven birth had

ven birth had

n birth had

ven birth had


ck or 



d no

d one



Page 49: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 18• 14• 10

ab• 22

tion: Women

pulations: N

ed: The perc

8 percent of 4.5 percent o0.6 percent obortions. 2.2 percent o

n aged 15 to

Number of in

cent within

women whoof women whof women wh

of women wh

o 44 who hav

n-wedlock bi

each sub-po

o had one in-ho had two ho had three

ho had only

ve ever given


pulation wh

-wedlock birin-wedlock be or more in-


n birth.

ho had one or

rth had one births had on-wedlock bir

ock births h

r more abort

or more abone or more arths had one

had one or m


ortions. abortions. e or more

more abortion



Page 50: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One


Religious Practice

Page 51: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 5on

• 12w

• 9th

• 6m

• 13ti

• 2tw

• 30

tion: Women

ed: Distribu

.5 percent ofnce a week. 2.7 percent o

week. .9 percent ofhree times a .9 percent of

month. 3 percent of imes a year. 1.3 percent owice a year. 0.6 percent o

n aged 15 to

ution by curr

f women wh

of women wh

f women whmonth.

f women wh

women who

of women wh

of women wh

o 44 who had

rent religious

o had one or

ho had one o

o had one or

o had one or

o had one or

ho had one o

ho had one o

d one or mor

s service atte

r more abort

or more abor

r more abort

r more abort

more abort

or more abor

or more abor

re abortions.


tions attend

rtions attend

tions attend

tions attend

ions attend

rtions attend

rtions never


religious ser

d religious se

religious ser

religious ser

religious ser

d religious se

attend relig

rvices more

ervices once

rvices two to

rvices once a

vices three t

ervices once

gious service






to 11



Page 52: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 10ev

• 12p

• 15h

• 17p

• 2h

• 28b

• 29h

tion: Women

pulations: C

ed: The perc

0.4 percent over been pre2.1 percent oregnant had5.9 percent oave ever bee7.5 percent oregnant had1.6 percent oave ever bee8.9 percent oeen pregnan9 percent of ad one or m

n aged 15 to

Current relig

cent within

of women whegnant had oof women wh

d one or moreof women when pregnant of women wh

d one or moreof women when pregnant of women wh

nt had one orwomen who

more abortion

o 44 who hav

gious service

each sub-po

ho attend reone or moreho attend ree abortions.ho attend rehad one or mho attend ree abortions.ho attend rehad one or mho attend rer more aborto never attenns.

ve ever been

e attendance

pulation wh

eligious serviabortions.

eligious servi

eligious servimore abortioeligious servi

eligious servimore abortioeligious servitions. nd religious s

n pregnant.


ho had one or

ices more tha

ices once a w

ices two to tons. ices once a m

ices three to ons. ices once or

services and

r more abort

an once a w

week and hav

three times a

month and h

eleven time

twice a year

d have ever b


eek and hav

ve ever been

a month and

have ever bee

es a year and

r and have e

been pregnan









Page 53: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 38th

• 29im

• 5th

• 26

tion: Women

ed: Distribu

8 percent of heir daily life9.6 percent omportant in .7 percent ofheir daily life6.6 percent o

n aged 15 to

ution by the

women whoe. of women whtheir daily lf women whe. of women wh

o 44 who had


o had one or

ho had one olife. o had one or

ho had one o

d one or mor

of religion in

more abort

or more abor

r more abort

or more abor

re abortions.

n their daily

ions conside

rtions consid

tions conside

rtions have


y life.

er religion ve

der religion s

er religion no

no religion.

ery importan


ot importan


nt in

t in

Page 54: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 15ab

• 20m

• 32ab

• 3

tion: Women

pulations: I

ed: Percent

5.1 percent obortions. 0.5 percent o

more abortion2.9 percent obortions. 1.3 percent o

n aged 15 to

Importance o

of women w

of women wh

of women whns. of women wh

of women wh

o 44 who hav

of religion in

within each s

ho consider

ho consider

ho consider

ho have no r

ve ever been

n daily life.


religion very

religion som

religion unim

religion had

n pregnant.

on who had

y important

mewhat impo

mportant in

one or more

one or more

in daily life

ortant in dail

daily life ha

e abortions.

e abortions.

had one or

ly life had on

ad one or mo



ne or


Page 55: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One


Sexual Activity

Page 56: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 4yo

• 7• 18• 19• 2• 12• 7• 4• 5

tion: Women

ed: Distribu

.2 percent ofounger. .2 percent of8 percent of 9.7 percent o1.3 percent o2.4 percent o.3 percent of.9 percent of.0 percent of

n aged 15 to

ution by age

f women wh

f women whwomen who

of women whof women whof women whf women whf women whf women wh

o 44 who had

at first inter

o had one or

o had one oro had one orho had one oho had one oho had one oo had one oro had one oro had one or

d one or mor


r more abort

r more abortmore abort

or more aboror more aboror more aborr more abortr more abortr more abort

re abortions.

tions first ha

tions first haions first hartions first hrtions first hrtions first htions first hations first hations first ha


ad intercours

ad intercoursad intercourshad intercouhad intercouhad intercouad intercoursad intercoursad intercours

se at 12 or

se at 13. se at 14. urse at 15. urse at 16. urse at 17. se at 18. se at 19. se at 20 or o



Page 57: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 35p

• 33on

• 37on

• 27on

• 22on

• 17on

• 12on

• 1on

• 6p

tion: Women

pulations: A

ed: The perc

5.9 percent oregnant had3.7 percent one or more a7.9 percent one or more a7.1 percent one or more a2.9 percent one or more a7.1 percent one or more a2.8 percent one or more a1.5 percent one or more a.2 percent ofregnant had

n aged 15 to

Age at first

cent within

of women whd one or moreof women whabortions. of women whabortions. of women whabortions. of women whabortions. of women whabortions. of women whabortions. of women whabortions. f women wh

d one or more

o 44 who hav


each sub-po

ho first had e abortions.ho first had

ho first had

ho first had

ho first had

ho first had

ho first had

ho first had

o first had ine abortions.

ve ever been

pulation wh









ntercourse a

n pregnant.

ho had one or

at 12 or you

at 13 and ha

at 14 and ha

at 15 and ha

at 16 and ha

at 17 and ha

at 18 and ha

at 19 and ha

at 20 or older

r more abort

unger and ha

ave ever bee

ave ever bee

ave ever bee

ave ever bee

ave ever bee

ave ever bee

ave ever bee

r and have e


ave ever bee

en pregnant

en pregnant

en pregnant

en pregnant

en pregnant

en pregnant

en pregnant

ever been










Page 58: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 6p

• 4p

• 89se

tion: Women

ed: Distribu

.4 percent ofartner. .6 percent ofartners. 9 percent of exual partne

n aged 15-44

ution by num

f women wh

f women wh

women whoers.

4 who ever h

mber of lifeti

o have had a

o have had a

o have had a

had an abort

me partners

an abortion

an abortion

an abortion h



have had on

have had tw

have had thr

ne lifetime m

wo lifetime m

ree or more

male sexual

male sexual

lifetime mal



Page 59: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 6• 4• 6

p• 6

p• 16

p• 15

p• 12

p• 7

p• 6

p• 6

p• 8

p• 3


tion: Women

ed: Distribu

.4 percent of

.6 percent of

.9 percent ofartners. .6 percent ofartners. 6.1 percent oartners. 5 percent of artners. 2.4 percent oartners. .5 percent ofartners. .9 percent ofartners. .4 percent ofartners. percent of wartners. .2 percent ofartners.

n aged 15 to

ution by lifet

f women whf women whf women wh

f women wh

of women wh

women who

of women wh

f women wh

f women wh

f women wh

women who

f women wh

o 44 who had

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r more abort

or more abor

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or more abor

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r more abort

r more abort

more abortio

r more abort

re abortions.

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tions have h

tions have h

tions have h

ons have had

tions have h



had one malehad two malehad three ma

had four male

had five or s

ad seven to n

had 10 or 11

had 12 to 14

had 15 to 19

had 20 to 24

d 25 to 49 m

had 50 or mo

e sexual parte sexual partale sexual

e sexual

six male sexu

nine male se

1 male sexua

male sexual

male sexual

male sexual

male sexual

ore male sexu


tner. tners.








Page 60: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 6.m

• 8.m

• 12or

• 13or

• 18on

• 28ha

• 44on

• 45on

• 45on

• 41on

• 51on

• 41ha

tion: Women

pulations: L

ed: The perc

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more abortions.2.4 percent of r more abortio3.7 percent of r more abortio8.7 percent of ne or more abo8.5 percent of ad one or mor4.2 percent of ne or more abo5.3 percent of ne or more abo5.2 percent of ne or more abo1.1 percent of ne or more abo1.7 percent of ne or more abo1.8 percent of ad one or mor

n aged 15 to

Lifetime tota

cent within

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o 44 who hav

al number of

each sub-po

ave had one m

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have had three

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have had 10 or

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have had 15 to

have had 20 to

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have had 50 or

ve ever been

f male sexua

pulation wh

ale sexual par

male sexual par

e male sexual p

male sexual pa

or six male sex

n to nine male

r 11 male sexu

o 14 male sexu

o 19 male sexu

o 24 male sexu

o 49 male sexu

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and have eve


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been pregnant

been pregnant

been pregnant

been pregnant

r been pregna


ne or

one or

d one


nt had








Page 61: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



Page 62: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 0• 99

tion: Women

ed: Distribu

.8 percent of9.2 percent o

n aged 15 to

ution by cont

f women whof women wh

o 44 who had

traception u

o had one orho had one o

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re abortions.

tions have nrtions have


never used coused contrac




Page 63: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 10• 20

tion: Women

pulations: C

ed: The perc

0 percent of 0.2 percent o

n aged 15 to


cent within

women whoof women wh

o 44 who hav

ve use and n

each sub-po

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ve ever been


pulation wh

r used contrar used contr

n pregnant.

ho had one or

aception hadaception had

r more abort

d one or mord one or mor


re abortions



Page 64: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 15u

• 45u

• 19u

• 20u

tion: Women.

ed: Distribu

5.3 percent osed birth con5.5 percent osed birth con9.1 percent osed birth con0.2 percent osed birth con

n aged 15 to

ution by age

of women whntrol when lof women whntrol when 1of women whntrol when 1of women whntrol when 2

o 44 who hav

at first use

ho have usedless than 15ho have used15 to 17 yearho have used18 or 19 yearho have used20 years old

ve ever used

of birth cont

d birth contryears old. d birth contrrs old. d birth contrrs old. d birth contror older.

birth contro


rol and have

rol and have

rol and have

rol and have

ol and have

e ever been p

e ever been p

e ever been p

e ever been p

ever been

pregnant firs

pregnant firs

pregnant firs

pregnant firs






Page 65: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 23th

• 53to

• 13or

• 9ye

tion: Womens.

ed: Distribu

3.3 percent ohan 15 years3.6 percent oo 17 years ol3.6 percent or 19 years ol.5 percent ofears old or o

n aged 15 to

ution by age

of women whs old. of women whld. of women whld. f women wholder.

o 44 who hav

at first use

ho had one o

ho had one o

ho had one o

o had one or

ve ever used

of birth cont

or more abor

or more abor

or more abor

r more abort

birth contro


rtions first u

rtions first u

rtions first u

tions first us

ol and had o

used birth co

used birth co

used birth co

sed birth con

one or more

ontrol when

ontrol when

ontrol when

ntrol when 2






Page 66: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 30h

• 23h

• 14h

• 9h

tion: Women.

pulations: A

ed: The perc

0.8 percent oave ever bee3.8 percent oave ever bee4.4 percent oave ever bee.5 percent ofave ever bee

n aged 15 to

Age at first

cent within

of women when pregnant of women when pregnant of women when pregnant f women when pregnant

o 44 who hav

use of birth

each sub-po

ho first usedhad one or mho first usedhad one or mho first usedhad one or mo first used had one or m

ve ever used


pulation wh

d birth contrmore abortiod birth contrmore abortiod birth contrmore abortiobirth contromore abortio

birth contro

ho had one or

rol when lessons. rol when 15 tons. rol when 18 oons. ol when 20 yeons.

ol and have

r more abort

s than 15 yea

to 17 years o

or 19 years o

ears old or o

ever been


ars old and w

old and who

old and who

older and wh






Page 67: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 89• 10

                  2 Note tha“emergenccalled emefertilizatioof the newLast Chan(accessed

tion: Women

ed: Distribu

9.2 percent o0.8 percent o

                       at we have adcy contraceptiergency contron effects” (i.ew human beinnce to PrevenJuly 12, 2013

n aged 15 to

ution by use

of women haof women ha

                   dded quotationion” (pages 65raception maye., inhibit the ng. See James nt Unintended3).

o 44.

of emergenc

ave never usave used eme

n marks arou5-67). We havy not only preimplantationTrussell and

d Pregnancy,”

cy “contracep

ed emergencergency “con

und the word “ve done so to event ovulation of a zygote i

Elizabeth G.7. http://ec.


cy “contracepntraception.”

“contraceptioindicate that

on or fertilizatin the uterine. Raymond, “

ption.” ”

on” as it is uset, in fact, whation but may e wall) that pEmergency Cu/questions/E

ed in the phraat is commonlalso have “po

revent the suContraception:EC-Review.pd


ase ly ost-

urvival : A df

Page 68: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One



• 8“c

• 18“c

                  3 Note tha“emergenccalled emefertilizatioof the newLast Chan(accessed

tion: Women

ed: Distribu

1.6 percent ocontraception8.4 percent ocontraception

                       at we have adcy contraceptiergency contron effects” (i.ew human beinnce to PrevenJuly 12, 2013

n aged 15 to

ution by use

of women whn.” of women whn.”

                   dded quotationion” (pages 65raception maye., inhibit the ng. See James nt Unintended3).

o 44 who had

of emergenc

ho had one o

ho had one o

n marks arou5-67). We havy not only preimplantationTrussell and

d Pregnancy,”

d one or mor

cy “contracep

or more abor

or more abor

und the word “ve done so to event ovulation of a zygote i

Elizabeth G.7. http://ec.

re abortions.


rtions have

rtions have

“contraceptioindicate that

on or fertilizatin the uterine. Raymond, “


never used e

used emerge

on” as it is uset, in fact, whation but may e wall) that pEmergency Cu/questions/E



ed in the phraat is commonlalso have “po

revent the suContraception:EC-Review.pd


ase ly ost-

urvival : A df

Page 69: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One




• 44p

• 17b

                  4 Note tha“emergenccalled emefertilizatioof the newLast Chan(accessed

tion: Women

pulations: E

ed: The perc

4.7 percent oregnant had7.8 percent oeen pregnan

                       at we have adcy contraceptiergency contron effects” (i.ew human beinnce to PrevenJuly 12, 2013

n aged 15 to

Emergency “

cent within

of women whd one or moreof women wh

nt had one or

                   dded quotationion” (pages 65raception maye., inhibit the ng. See James nt Unintended3).

o 44 who hav


each sub-po

ho have usede abortions.ho have nevr more abort

n marks arou5-67). We havy not only preimplantationTrussell and

d Pregnancy,”

ve ever been

on”4 use or n

pulation wh

d emergency

er used emertions.

und the word “ve done so to event ovulation of a zygote i

Elizabeth G.7. http://ec.

n pregnant.


ho had one or

y “contracept

rgency “cont

“contraceptioindicate that

on or fertilizatin the uterine. Raymond, “

r more abort

tion” and ha

traception” a

on” as it is uset, in fact, whation but may e wall) that pEmergency Cu/questions/E


ave ever been

and have eve

ed in the phraat is commonlalso have “po

revent the suContraception:EC-Review.pd




ase ly ost-

urvival : A df

Page 70: Demographics of Women Who Report Having an Abortion · Current Marital Status of Women Who Had One or More Abortions ...37 By Current Marital Status: Percent of Women Who Had One


Appendix: Notes on the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG)

The 2006-2010 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) is a large national survey of over 20,000 respondents procured by National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), which is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The population included in this analysis is the female population aged 15 to 44, which consists of 12,279 respondents. (There is a parallel section of the survey restricted to men.) Regarding our use of the data, a few observations are in order: This survey, like any national survey dealing with abortion, suffers from underreporting. Women may underreport past abortions for a variety of reasons. Hence, the prevalence of abortion is likely higher than represented across all measures considered here, but this is the survey best available. A typical survey question elicits valid responses as well as non-responses and, in some cases, a response of “don’t know” or “don’t care.” This is also true of this 2006-2010 NSFG. In some surveys, a small number of responses might necessitate interpreting the results of value questions as “neutral,” in order to maintain their credibility. However, because the NSFG uses a very large sample, including oversamples (extra respondents) for some demographics, we chose to simply exclude any such “none” or “don’t know” responses from our analysis. We also excluded people for whom a given question was not relevant. For instance, we omitted those who had never engaged in sexual intercourse from questions about sexual experience, pregnancy, etc. The other consideration that deserves mention is the employment of “weights.” Since some demographics were oversampled (to provide statistically meaningful results for some smaller demographics), rather than exclude these “oversample” respondents from analysis, we “weighted” them according to their expected frequency in the general population. The results of this adjustment for both point and significance estimates were then normalized back to the survey sample size so that frequencies and percentages would make sense to the lay reader. The weights used in all cases were those suggested by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which compiled the survey.