democratic sga proposed constitution

Piedmont Virginia Community College Student Government Association Constitution We, the students of Piedmont Virginia Community College of the Virginia Community College System in order to promote cooperation among all students at this institution, to form an effective student government and to formulate those policies essential to the functioning of the government, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Student Government Association of Piedmont Virginia Community College. ARTICLE I: GENERAL Section 1: Name The name of this organization shall be the Student Government Association of Piedmont Virginia Community College. Section 2: Purpose As students of Piedmont Virginia Community College and members of the Student Government, we have six primary purposes. 1. To facilitate channels of communication between students, faculty/staff, and administration. 2. To provide funding for activities deemed to be of student interest and benefit. 3. To provide educational, leadership, and cultural opportunities for students. 4. To provide student representation for college committees. 5. To incorporate the college’s strategic plan into student activities. 6. To ensure that student interests and concerns are clearly communicated. Section 3: Authority The authority of the Student Government Association is derived from the consent of the students of the Piedmont Virginia Community College. Section 4: Non-Discrimination The Student Government Association of Piedmont Virginia Community College will not restrict membership and/or activity by reason of age, citizenship, color, disability, gender, race, religion, national origin, political affiliation, or sexual orientation. ARTICLE II: SGA BODY STRUCTURE 1

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Post on 15-Nov-2015




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This is the proposed replacement constitution, drafted by Democratic SGA at PVCC.It will give every student a vote, and enable democratic elections open to all students.


  • Piedmont Virginia Community CollegeStudent Government Association


    We, the students of Piedmont Virginia Community College of the Virginia Community College System in order to promote cooperation among all students at this institution, to form an effective student government and to formulate those policies essential to the functioning of the government, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Student Government Association of Piedmont Virginia Community College.

    ARTICLE I: GENERALSection 1: Name

    The name of this organization shall be the Student Government Association of Piedmont Virginia Community College.

    Section 2: Purpose

    As students of Piedmont Virginia Community College and members of the Student Government, we have six primary purposes.

    1. To facilitate channels of communication between students, faculty/staff, and administration.

    2. To provide funding for activities deemed to be of student interest and benefit.3. To provide educational, leadership, and cultural opportunities for students.4. To provide student representation for college committees.5. To incorporate the colleges strategic plan into student activities.6. To ensure that student interests and concerns are clearly communicated.

    Section 3: Authority

    The authority of the Student Government Association is derived from the consent of the students of the Piedmont Virginia Community College.

    Section 4: Non-Discrimination

    The Student Government Association of Piedmont Virginia Community College will not restrict membership and/or activity by reason of age, citizenship, color, disability, gender, race, religion, national origin, political affiliation, or sexual orientation.



  • The Student Government Body shall consist of Voting Members, Club Representatives, Executive Board Members, Senators, and Department Members. The Senators, Club Representatives and Executive Board Members shall act as the Legislature Body of SGA.

    Section 1: Voting Members

    1. Members of the student body shall include all enrolled students at Piedmont Virginia Community College.

    2. The voting membership shall consist of all students enrolled in credit courses.

    Section 2: Clubs Representatives

    Each recognized clubs should elect its Club Representatives within nine days after Club Day.

    1. The quantity equal to 30% of the number of recognized Clubs, rounded up, shall be filled through At-Large member recruitment.

    2. The quantity equal to 100% of the number of recognized Clubs shall be reserved for Club Representatives for nine (9) days after Club Day.

    3. After nine (9) days, unfilled Club Representative positions may be filled through At-Large member recruitment. At-Large recruits shall be selected through an application and interview process conducted by the Executive Board.

    Section 3: Executive Board

    An Executive Board comprised of six Executive Board Members shall lead the SGA. The Boards term of office shall commence at the beginning of the fall semester and last for one year. The President and Vice President of the Student Government Association shall be elected by receiving the majority of votes of the student body at the annual elections held each year. The SGA Legislature Body shall elect directors of Events, Public Relations, Student Voice, and Secretary.

    A. Members of the Executive Board.

    1. President: The President shall be responsible for representing the views and concerns of the Student Body to the College administration and the community, and for leading efforts to improve student life and resolve student grievances. The President shall serve on the Student Government Body as the presiding officer, and he/she shall have voice but no vote, except in the case of a tie and in Executive Board Meetings.

    2. Vice President: The Vice President shall coordinate the transition process and implement training procedures for new members, as well as assist the President in any or all of his/her duties, and assume the duties of the President in cases of absence, resignation, or impeachment.


  • 3. Director of Events: The Director of Events shall lead and manage the Events Department, which organizes and runs SGA-hosted social events across the campus and the community.

    4. Director of Public Relations: Director of Public Relations shall lead and manage the Public Relations Department, which develops and maintains SGA media, broadcasts SGA meeting via YouTube and Facebook, outreach, administration-specific polling, and appreciation processes.

    5. Director of Student Voice: The Director of Student Voice shall lead and manage the Student Voice Department, shall submit SGA-approved project proposals to the appropriate college staff, and shall communicate the results of projects to the SGA body.

    6. Secretary: The Secretary documents the actions of the SGA, manages general attendance records, and records general meeting minutes.

    B. Within Executive Board meetings, a quorum shall be present to conduct business requiring a vote. A quorum shall consist of five Board Members. Decisions shall be made with at least a five-vote approval. Executive Members shall not vote by proxy.

    Section 4: Senators

    The voting members shall elect three senators to participate in the College Senate. The senators and SGA President meet with President of the College once a month with to report SGA and students opinions of pertinent topics. The President of the SGA shall appoint one alternate senator.

    Section 5: Departments

    All members not serving as a senator, alternate senator, or on the Executive Board shall join one of three departments: The Events Department, the Public Relations Department, or the Student Voice Department. The Vice President shall coordinate the assignment of Members to Departments.

    1. The Events Department manages and primarily runs SGA social events and initiates advertising for those events.

    2. The Public Relations Department creates and distributes SGA promotional media, broadcasts SGA meeting via YouTube and Facebook, manages SGA outreach/recruitment programs, and conducts on-demand student polling for issues and decisions that are currently being reviewed by college administration.

    3. The Student Voice Department maintains the Student Voice Initiative, edits proposals, prepares project proposals for submission to the college administration, and conducts any necessary polling to determine student opinion of or interest in proposed or potential plans.


  • Section 6: SGA Legislature Body

    A. The Senators, Club Representatives and Executive Board Members shall act as the legislature of SGA. Only SGA Legislature members meeting Member Requirements may cast votes. Decisions shall be made by majority vote. Legislature Members shall not vote by proxy. The Student Government Legislature Body shall have the following powers:

    1. To make formal proposals to administration regarding any student issue.2. To create and modify amendments to the SGAs Constitution.

    B. Requirements for SGA Legislature Members.

    1. All members must be enrolled at the College and must hold a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative GPA and be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours at the College. First-semester freshmen may join, provided that their GPA is verified upon conclusion of the first semester.

    2. Attendance and participation in SGA meetings is mandatory for all members. Two unexcused absences from general SGA meetings or department meetings may result in a review by the Executive Board for consideration for removal from the SGA. An SGA member may be

    Section 7: College Committee Representatives

    A. Twelve members will be elected from the Student Government Legislature Body to serve on the following committees:

    1. Administrative Services: One main representative one alternative representative2. Curriculum and Instruction: Two main representatives3. Student Services: Six main representatives4. Sustainability: One main representative5. Enrollment: One main representative

    B. Their responsibilities on these college committees will be in addition to their departmental, senatorial, or executive duties.C. College Committee Representatives shall be elected by majority vote of the Student Government Body (see Article III, Section 2).

    1. In the case of vacancy during the academic year, an election by the SGA voting body for the pertinent position shall be held.

    2. In the case of a vacancy and an absence of an SGA voting body, appointments shall be made by the Executive Board.


  • ARTICLE III: ELECTIONSSection 1: QualificationsA candidate for a Student Government Association office shall be a registered credit enrolled student at the time of election. He or she must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 in all scholastic work. All elected officers must be credit enrolled as a student in the fall or the spring semester of the year they are elected and/or are appointed to office.Section 2: NominationsEligibility for President, Vice President, and SenatorsTo qualify, a candidate preferably must have at least one semester of SGA experience unless there is no qualified candidate running for the office.

    1. Nominations for officers for the upcoming academic year shall be held at the first regular meeting in March during the spring semester. A student interested in the office can nominate himself/herself. Each candidate is required to submit a brief bio about himself/ herself and their goal for the SGA if they were to be elected to office. The bios of the candidates will be posted online on the SGA webpage.

    2. Announcement for seeking eligible candidates for SGA offices will be posted on all bulletin boards on campus, and via student mass emailing.

    Section 3: Elections1. Election for officers will take place online during September of the fall semester.

    Prior to the election, the candidates brief bios will be posted on the SGA webpage.

    2. An officer cannot hold another position in the Student Government Association while acting as the president, vice-president, or secretary, i.e.; SGA club representative for another club on campus.

    3. If an elected officer resigns or transfer after serving for the Fall semester, at the onset of the Spring semester, the process shall be as follows: 1) the vice-president will assume the presidents office 2) the secretary will step into the vice-president office 3) the SGA advisor will appoint a member of the SGA to fill the office by the recommendation of the SGA Legislature Body.

    4. In the rare case that only one (1) person is running for an office, he/she must be confirmed by three-fourths (3/4) of the entire association vote in session at that time. If the association does not confirm the candidate, the SGA advisor will make an administrative decision.

    5. In the rare case that there are no candidates running for the open offices in April, the SGA advisor/Student Activities Director will make recommendations for nominees and reschedule the election if time permits. The SGA advisor/Student Activities Director will preside over meetings until the offices are filled by election or appointment.


  • Section 4: Tenure of OfficeTenure of office for all elected offices shall be for one academic year from the date of installation. Members that held offices during one previous academic year can run for an office for the next academic year pending meeting the qualifications.


    A. Any elected or appointed member of the SGA may be impeached for malfeasance, gross incompetence, or for failing to fulfill the duties of their position.

    B. The procedure for impeachment and removal from position shall be as follows:

    1. The Student Government Legislature Body shall have the power to initiate the impeachment procedure of a member of the SGA by approving a written statement of charges by a majority vote.

    2. At the next regularly scheduled SGA meeting, there shall be an impeachment trial with the twelve randomly selected students from the student body serving as the jury.

    3. The impeached member shall be supplied with the written statement of charges within twenty-four hours after the vote. The impeached member may have another student to represent him or her and defend the accusation on his or her behalf. The impeached member may have a third-party testify on his or her behalf as to his or her character, and why he or she should not be removed from office.

    4. After a full hearing of the charges, a majority vote of the jury shall be necessary to vacate the position of the impeached member.

    Section 2: Resignation

    1. A member of Student Government Association may resign from his or her position at any time by submitting a written letter of resignation to the President.

    2. Any Member whose enrollment is terminated shall be considered to have resigned from his or her position.

    Section 3: Replacement

    1. A Presidential vacancy shall be filled by the Vice President. An election for a replacement Vice President shall be held within one month of the vacancy.

    2. A vacancy in the office of any other Executive Board Member shall be temporarily filled by the President. An election for a replacement Executive Board Member shall be held within one month of the vacancy.


  • ARTICLE V: AMENDMENTS AND RATIFICATIONSection 1: Proposal of Amendments

    A. Amendments to the SGA Constitution may be proposed by any member using any of the following methods:

    1. By a written petition of twenty-five students, submitted to the Student Government Body, and passed by a two-thirds vote of the Student Government Body.

    2. By a one half vote of the Student Government Legislature Body.3. By a unanimous vote of the Executive Board

    B. Amendments may not appropriate funds.

    Section 2: Amendment Passage

    Two-thirds of the present and voting SGA Legislature Body members must vote in favor of the amendment during elections.

    Section 3: Ratification

    1. For ratification of this Constitution, two-thirds of those voting must vote in favor of adopting this Constitution.

    2. This Constitution shall take effect upon its ratification.Clause I: Being that the Executive Board is directly affected by this new Constitution, the 2014 Executive Members shall maintain their positions during the winter break until re-elections can be held in September, 2015.

    3. The ratification of this Constitution shall supersede all previous Constitutions of the Student Government Association.
