demantra sop ebs integration process v1.0

Demantra SOP-EBS Integration

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Demantra SOP-EBS Integration


  • Demantra SOP-EBS Integration

  • Table of Contents

    Demantra SOP-EBS Integration ........................................................................................................................ 1 1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 1 2 Real Time Sales & Operations Planning .................................................................................................. 1

    Real Time Sales and Operations Planning (RTSOP) Data Requirement ................................................ 1 Real Time Sales and Operations Planning (RTSOP) General Configurations ........................................ 1 Real Time Sales and Operations Planning (RTSOP) Users and User Groups ....................................... 2 Sales and Operations Planning (SOP) Process Demand Plan Review ................................................ 3 Real Time Sales and Operations Planning (RTSOP) Consensus Forecast Integration .......................... 5 Advanced Supply Chain Planning (ASCP) Plan Data Integration ........................................................... 6 Import Status Messages .......................................................................................................................... 8 Demand Class and Sales Channel Usage ............................................................................................... 9 Troubleshooting Methods ....................................................................................................................... 10 Supply Chain Intelligence Data .............................................................................................................. 11 Sales and Operations Planning (SOP) Process Supply Plan Review ................................................ 13

    3 SNO, ASCP & Demantra Integration ..................................................................................................... 13 Importing SNO and ASCP Plans ............................................................................................................ 13 Demantra and Strategic Network Optimization (SNO) Integration Specific ........................................... 14 Downloading Plan Scenarios ................................................................................................................. 15 Resource Capacity Series Considerations ............................................................................................ 15 Single Signon ......................................................................................................................................... 15 Setting up the location of SNO files on the Demantra server ................................................................ 15 History Collections.................................................................................................................................. 15 Changes in SNO publish logic ............................................................................................................... 16 Downloading Plan Data .......................................................................................................................... 16 Considerations about SNO Supply Plan data volume ........................................................................... 16 Diagnostics ............................................................................................................................................. 16 Forecast Constrained Series In Demantra Production .......................................................................... 16

    4 Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 17 5 EBS Demantra SQL Diagnostics MyOracleSupport Notes ................................................................. 18

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    1 Overview Sales and operations, S&OP, planning is a formal management process that creates a unified business plan based on a consensus between an organization's sales, marketing, manufacturing and financial functions and which the members of the executive team hold themselves accountable to execute. A properly implemented S&OP process routinely reviews customer demand and supply resources and re-plans quantitatively across an agreed-upon rolling horizon. The re-planning process occurs at least monthly. It helps the management team to understand how the company achieved its current level of performance but is primarily focused on future actions and anticipated results. This document provides details related to out-of-the-box integration available between the Oracle Demantra S&OP application and Oracle Supply Planning module called Value Chain Planning (VCP). The details provided are referenced from Demantra 7.3.1 version and applies to newer versions. This document applies to out-of-the-box integration available between the Oracle Demantra and Oracle Supply Planning module called Value Chain Planning (VCP). The details provided are referenced from Demantra 7.3.1 version and applies to newer versions.

    2 Real Time Sales & Operations Planning

    Oracle Demantra provides a platform called Real Time Sales and Operations Planning (RTSOP) to support the S&OP process. It hosts a collaborative planning environment that is driven by exceptions and workflows. The technology supports granular forecasting levels that are both scalable and flexible.

    Real Time Sales and Operations Planning (RTSOP) Data Requirement

    Oracle Demantra Sales and Operation Planning module works on the same data model as Demantra Demand Management module. If you are using Demantra Demand Management module then the hierarchy and sales data would already be present. Otherwise, the S&OP Administrator can initiate, either manually or scheduled, the collection and downloading of data required by S&OP.

    Real Time Sales and Operations Planning (RTSOP) General Configurations

    The levels and hierarchies that are seeded in Oracle Demantra Sales and Operations planning are a super set of those seeded in Demantra Demand Management. The following is the unique hierarchies seeded in Sales and Operations Planning. Levels: hierarchy roll-up sequence

    Plan Scenario: Plan Scenario > Scenario Status Resource: Scenario Resource > Resource Supplier: Site > Supplier

    "sop" user is the Demantra Sales and Operations Planning component owner. Time Scaling for the EBS Integration Interface Data Profiles The integration interfaces supporting the integration between ASCP to Demantra S&OP are designed for a weekly time scale. If your Demantra model requires a time scale other than weekly, you can change to monthly or daily. This change would need to be made to all the import and export integration interface data profiles you plan to use.

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    Caution: Data from ASCP and SNO are imported into Demantra in telescopic fashion. For example a few weeks in days, and then aggregated in weeks, followed by months. If the time scale is changed to a day level, this could result in performance scalability issues for medium to large customer models. Approved Supplier List The Approved Supplier List is used to specify supplier capacities and this information flows down to supply planning applications such as SNO/ASCP. To properly configure to support S&OP, the Supplier Site must be setup in the Approved Supplier List. Integration Workflows and Interface Profiles Multiple workflows and integration interface profiles facilitate the integration between EBS and Demantra S&OP. Workflows can be launched in multiple ways. In some cases, workflows are started by a method and in some cases by another workflow. Also, workflows can be started directly from the Demantra Workflow Manager. For the integration between EBS and Demantra S&OP, workflows include transfer steps that execute integration interface profiles. These integration interface profiles define the data, levels and intermediary tables involved with the integration. Some workflows include multiple transfer steps that are run in a specific order. Although these workflows and integration interface profiles are preconfigured, both the workflows and integration interface profiles can be modified to better suit your integration requirements. The following information is transferred between EBS and Demantra S&OP during the integration process.

    Real Time Sales and Operations Planning (RTSOP) Users and User Groups

    Oracle EBS has two pre-seeded user responsibilities for Demantra Sales and Operations Planning to control security and access:

    1. Sales and Operations Planner responsibility has access to Collaborator Workbench and worksheets.

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    2. Sales and Operations Planning Administrator responsibility has the ability to maintain the system, run collections, access the Workflow Manager, open the Business Modeler, and so on. The options available for this responsibility are same as "Demand Management System Administrator".

    These responsibilities provide single sign-on access to Demantra Sales and Operations Planning. EBS users can have both Demand Management and Sales and Operations Planning responsibilities and therefore access both Demantra Demand Management and Sales and Operations Planning. If an EBS user already has access to Demantra Demand Management, then the user name in Demantra Sales and Operations Planning includes the suffix "_SOP". There is also a seeded user group SOP in the Business Modeler. The SOP group members can share forecast notes in worksheets.

    Sales and Operations Planning (SOP) Process Demand Plan Review

    S&OP process has various stages: Demand Plan Review

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    Supply Plan Review Financial Plan Review Reconciliation Executive Review

    Prior to the demand review, demand analysts should have made forecast changes and saved the data in the Demand Management Demand Analysis worksheet. Note: When using the Demand Analysis worksheet in conjunction with S&OP, the Approval and Final Approval check boxes that are used to accept the forecast are omitted. This is necessary when using S&OP, because selecting the Approval check box in Demand Management makes all worksheet series read-only. During the demand plan review meeting, participants use the Consensus Forecast worksheet that contains the separate stakeholder forecasts. Each stakeholder may assign weights to each series, as well as an override to the calculated, weighted, consensus plan. Any assumptions, for example, regarding causal factors, can be recorded in the worksheet's Notes section. Once the forecast has been agreed-upon, the S&OP manager, or other final approver, approves the consensus forecast by product category. After reviewing and approving all product categories, the S&OP manager indicates that the forecast is ready for export using the "Demand Review Process" workflow. This workflow notifies an administrator that the forecast is available for export to the supply plan step. The following diagram illustrates the Demantra SOP process:

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    Real Time Sales and Operations Planning (RTSOP) Consensus Forecast Integration

    Here is a list of workflows available to export the S&OP consensus forecast to EBS applications like ASCP.

    Upload Consensus Forecast-Org,Week: Uploads the Consensus Forecast from Demantra S&OP to EBS using the Organization and Week Dimensions. Integration Export Profile Used: Consensus Fcst(Org, Week)

    Upload Consensus Forecast-Org,Period: Uploads the Consensus Forecast from Demantra S&OP to EBS using the Organization and Fiscal Period Dimensions. Integration Export Profile Used: Consensus Fcst(Org, Fiscal)

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    Upload Consensus Forecast-Zone,Week: Uploads the Consensus Forecast from Demantra S&OP to EBS using the Zone and Week Dimensions. Integration Export Profile Used: Consensus Fcst(Zone, Week)

    Upload Consensus Forecast-Zone,Period: Uploads the Consensus Forecast from Demantra S&OP to EBS using the Zone and Fiscal Period Dimensions. Integration Export Profile Used: Consensus Fcst(Zone, Fiscal)

    Upload Consensus Forecast-Org,Demand Class,Week : Uploads the Consensus Forecast from Demantra S&OP to EBS using the Organization, Demand Class and Week Dimensions. Integration Export Profile Used: Local Consensus Fcst(Item,Org,DC,Week)

    Upload Consensus Forecast-Zone,Demand Class,Week: Uploads the Consensus Forecast from Demantra S&OP to EBS using the Zone, Demand Class and Week Dimensions. Integration Export Profile Used: Global Zone Consensus Fcst(Item,Zone,DC,Week)

    You may need to choose demand_class related workflow as per your requirement. Please see section Demand Class and Sales Channel Usage below for details.

    Advanced Supply Chain Planning (ASCP) Plan Data Integration

    The consensus forecast, exported from Demantra SOP, can be used to generate ASCP plans. While generating plans in ASCP, you need to make sure that whichever ASCP plan data you would like to see during S&OP process, all those plans should have "Use for Sales and Operations Planning" plan option selected. The Demantra S&OP to ASCP integration supports all three ASCP plan types: Master Plan, Production Plan, and Manufacturing Plan.

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    The "Download Plan Scenarios" workflow collects these S&OP eligible ASCP plans and then populates the plan IDs in S&OP (SUPPLY_PLAN table). In order to pull actual plan data, the "Load scenario data" method must be run from within S&OP for a specific plan ID. Note: If a plan member has already been collected in S&OP using the "Download Plan Scenarios" workflow and the "Use for Sales and Operations Planning" check box is then deselected in Plan Options, you must delete the plan manually from within S&OP. In other words, the "Download Plan Scenarios" workflow adds new members but does not delete existing plan members. Here is a brief definition of SOP series, which we get from ASCP along with order types associated with each of them:

    1) Production Plan / Planned Production: This includes PO and in transit information from ASCP

    Production Plan = WIP + Purchase Orders + Requisitions + In Transit + Payback Supply + In Receiving + Planned Orders + Purchase order + Purchase requisition + Work order + Suggested aggregate repetitive schedule + Planned order + Non-standard job + PO in receiving + Intransit shipment + Intransit receipt + Work order co-product/by-product + Nonstandard job by-product + Repetitive schedule by-product + Planned order co-product/by-product + Flow schedule + Flow schedule by-product + Payback Supply + Current repetitive schedule + Maintenance Work Order + Planned Repair Work Order

    2) Constrained (Shipment) Forecast: This indicates how much of the consensus demand can be

    filled given supply chain constraints.

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    Constrained Forecast = Sales order MDS + Forecast MDS + Manual MDS + Other independent demand + MDS independent demand + Production forecast + Forecast + Sales Orders + User Demand

    3) Planned Shipments: Planned shipments out of a location (forecast only). These are Planned

    Order Demands that peg in the downstream direction to Planned Orders in another organization.

    Planned Shipments = Planned order

    4) Dependent Demand: Internal demand for items those are both saleable and consumed in other routings (e.g. service parts). This includes planned order demand excluding planned shipments.

    Dependent Demand = Planned order + Non-standard job demand + Work order + Repetitive schedule demand + Sales order MDS + Interorganization order + Flow schedule + Sales Orders

    5) Beginning On-Hand: Usable available on-hand only Beginning On-Hand = On Hand Dependent Demand and Planned Shipments are used in conjunction with Beginning On-Hand and Constrained Forecast to calculate Projected On-Hand inventory where Projected On-Hand Inventory = Beginning On-Hand + Production Plan - Constrained Forecast - Planned Shipments DependentDemand + ProjectedOnHandAdjustment

    6) Safety Stock: Safety stock level (history and forecast).

    7) Available Standard (Resource) Capacity: Regular, planned resource capacity.

    8) Required (Resource) Capacity: Amount of resource capacity required to meet demand. All

    make type supplies. Required Resource Capacity = Work order + Planned order + Non-standard job + Flow schedule

    9) Available Standard Supplier Capacity:

    10) Required Supplier Capacity: All buy-type supplies Required Supplier Capacity = Purchase Order + Purchase requisition + Planned order + Planned inbound shipment

    The data is primarily dimensioned by item and organization. Production Plan comes from MSC_DEMANDS table and Constrained Forecast, Planned Shipments and Dependent Demand comes from MSC_SUPPLIES table of ODS schema.

    Import Status Messages

    The following status messages are used during the ASCP plan data import: New: When loading supply plan members and the member does not already exist in S&OP, the

    Supply Plan name is added and the status set to "New".

    Importing: While a Supply Plan scenario is importing, its status is set to Importing. For example, the S&OP Manager logs into Collaborator workbench, opens a worksheet and there is no data for a particular supply plan scenario. Opening the scenario properties, the scenario status appears as "Importing" and it is understood why there is no data.

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    Detect Exceptions: After importing a supply plan scenario, exception detection workflow runs automatically and scenario status changes to "Detect Exceptions". Any scenarios with this status will be included in the exception worksheets.

    Not Approved: The Complete Exception Review level method is run manually and changes the supply plan status from "Detect Exception" to "Not Approved". It is also possible for the S&OP Manager to "unapprove" a scenario using the Complete Exception Review level method.

    Approved: S&OP Manager runs level method to approve plan scenario. Scenario Status changes from Not Approved to Approved.

    Demand Class and Sales Channel Usage

    Some customers might be using Demand Class and/or Sales Channel as part of their Demantra hierarchy. As part of the standard integration between ASCP and SOP, ASCP output will have "unassociated" demand_class and "unassociated" sales_channel. Therefore, you need to be careful while bringing ASCP data into Demantra as this may lead to new combinations. Since, ASCP can use demand_class information while generating the plan; you have an option to export ASCP plan output with demand_class information. However, with respect to sales_channel, this is not very straight-forward as ASCP does not use sales_channel information at all. Therefore, ASCP plan data can be imported into Demantra either with unassociated sales_chaneel or without sales_channel information. Here are various scenarios and appropriate recommendations: 1. If you are not using sales_channel or demand_class in Demantra hierarchy, then try to keep the "unassociated" member in the hierarchy as it is, do not change or delete it. 2. If you are using demand_class as part of Demantra/SOP hierarchy, export Demantra forecast with demand_class ids and make sure that MSC_DEMAND_CLASSES table gets populated with that information. 3. If you are using sales_channel as part of Demantra/SOP hierarchy and do not want ASCP data to come with unassociated sales_channel, then you will need to make some changes in the "Download Plan Scenario Data" workflow. These are: Step1: In "Plan Data" integration interface, create another import data profile similar to 'Other Plan

    Data' profile but without the sales channel level. Specify the import data profile staging table as BIIO_OTHER_PLAN_DATA_2

    Do not make any changes to the existing 'Other Plan Data' data profile inside the "Plan Data" integration interface as we do not want to make changes to seeded profile as sales_channel is mandatory for this data profile.

    Step2: Add one more step in the "Download Plan Scenario Data" workflow, just after "CollectData"

    step, to transfer (move) data from BIIO_OTHER_PLAN_DATA table to BIIO_OTHER_PLAN_DATA_2 table without sales_channel, do not keep any data in BIIO_OTHER_PLAN_DATA table after moving the data

    Keep the "DownloadData" transfer step as it is - it will run all data profiles inside "Plan Data" interface. Since there won't be any data in BIIO_OTHER_PLAN_DATA table, the "Other Plan Data" profile will not do anything instead the new data profile will get the data into supply_plan_data table without sales_channel

    Step3: Re-start the web server

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    Step4: Run the workflow again Note: All these changes should be tried out in a TEST environment first before making them in Production environment.

    Troubleshooting Methods

    In order to troubleshoot "Download Plan Scenarios" or "Download Plan Scenario Data" workflows, which brings ASCP plan data into Demantra; you can try some of these approaches: Problem: 'Download Plan Scenario Data' workflow does not complete - it hangs! Solution Approach> The last step in the "Download Plan Scenario Data" workflow calls another workflow called "SupplyPlanExceptionDetection". This step does not complete if it generates any exceptions like resources overused, based on plan data. So, you need to login into Collaborator Workbench using S&OP admin id, or the one you are using inside workflows to send tasks, and cleared those exceptions for Download Plan Scenarios Data workflow to complete. Problem: 'Download Plan Scenario Data' workflow completes but do not see any data in RTSOP worksheets. Solution Approach-1> Ensure that the Item(s) has mdp_matrix.is_fictive = 0. Is_Fictive flag is flipped to 0 when real sales are loaded during EP_LOAD process. If the item does not have an is_fictive = 0 then it will be removed from the staging table during the "CollectData" step of "Download Plan Scenario Data" workflow. Solution Approach-2> Try running Download Plan Scenarios workflow first and then check if the plan was loaded into SUPPLY_PLAN table or not. After running 'Download Plan Scenarios' workflow, look for error records in the following tables in the Demantra schema - select * from BIIO_SUPPLY_PLANS_err; select * from BIIO_SUPPLY_PLANS_POP_err; Solution Approach-3> If there is data in SUPPLY_PLAN table then log into the Collaborator Workbench and on the right side in "Dashboard Supply Review", right click on your Plan and click "Load Scenario Data". Look for errors in the following table: select * from BIIO_OTHER_PLAN_DATA_ERR; Solution Approach-4> If still no errors are observed in any of the above mentioned tables then check the Demantra Collaborator.log and/or Demantra db_exception_log table for any errors during either solution approach #3 and/or #4. We only care about the time/date in these logs that match up to when you were running these processes. Solution Approach-5> If you believe that your Items meet the eligibility rules and you believe that the data did make it into Demantra but is not displaying on the worksheet then please run the SQLs mentioned in MyOracleSupport Doc ID 969874.1 to make sure you are not encountering issues with the From_Date and Until_Date columns

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    Supply Chain Intelligence Data

    Supply Chain Intelligence (SCI) data is required when you would like to see information related to Backlogs orders which were booked but have not been delivered to the customers. Also, it helps to calculate compliance, adherence %, to the planning nos. The source for SCI data is your Production source system. The SCI data can be collected using the "Collections of SCI Data" menu available in Sales and Operations Planning administrator responsibility and bring SCI data into Demantra through the seeded integration profile called by the Download SCI Data workflow.

    SCI Input Series The following input series are collected from SCI:

    Series Loaded Level

    Total Backlog PRD: Item; TIM: Day; ORG: Org; GEO: Customer; DCS: All Demand Class

    Past Due Backlog PRD: Item; TIM: Day; ORG: Org; GEO: Customer; DCS: All Demand Class

    Actual Onhand PRD: Item; TIM: Day; ORG: Org; GEO: All Geo; DCS: All Demand Class

    Actual Production PRD: Item; TIM: Day; ORG: Org; GEO: All Geo; DCS: All Demand Class

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    Total Backlog: These are orders that have been booked but not fulfilled. This is used in conjunction with the Shipments Forecast, from Demand Management, and the Bookings Forecast (in S&OP) to calculate Projected Backlog.

    ProjectedBacklog (n) = TotalBacklog (n-1) + BookingsForecast (n) - ShipmentsForecast (n) where: ProjectedBacklog (n) = Projected backlog for the period n TotalBacklog (n-1) = Total backlog for the period n-1 BookingsForecast (n) = Forecast of booking history for the period n. Now, the question would be how to generate a statistical forecast for bookings. Shipping history represents actual demand. History, therefore, the statistical forecast is the shipping forecast. We need to be able to generate a forecast for bookings in order to calculate projected backlog in this worksheet and user customization will be required to support this capability. There is a "Booking Forecast Generation" workflow in SOP, which will generate booking forecast based on bookings history. ShipmentsForecast (n) = Forecast of shipping history for the period n.

    Past Due Backlog: This is imported but not currently used in any worksheet. This series can be

    used to understand how much of the Total Backlog is overdue, that is, booked orders that are still open beyond the scheduled ship date. You can compare Past Due Backlog with Total Backlog to understand the percentage of past due orders.

    Actual Inventory/Onhand: This is used to calculate Inventory Adherence %. Demantra compares

    the planned inventory with the actual inventory for the percentage, Actual / Planned.

    Actual Production: This is used to calculate Production Adherence %. Demantra compares the planned production with the actual production for the percentage, Actual/Planned.

    The collection parameters for the "Collections of SCI Data" menu are:

    Parameter Name Parameter Desc

    Instance This is the Instance code of the source instance, as defined in the Instances form.

    Collection Group This is a group of Organizations to support line of business-specific collections. The default value is 'All', which implies data for all ASCP and all Demand Planning-enabled organizations available for the specified instance are to be collected. User-defined values can be specified if user-defined collection groups have been created in the Instances form.

    Collection Method

    Valid options are: 'Complete' or 'Net-Change'. Both clears the data from Demantra staging table; 'Complete' collects all available records from the EBS source whereas 'Net-Change' collects data by applying the specified date filters, and then inserts them into the staging table. Typically, 'Complete' used for the first time collection of history data whereas 'Net-Change' for regular collection of history data, say on a weekly basis.

    Date Range Type

    For 'Net-Change' collection, Date Range Type can be either 'Rolling' or 'Absolute'. Not valid for 'Complete' collection method. 'Rolling' implies collection of history data from the system date up to the number of days in the past as specified in the 'History Collection Window Days' field. 'Absolute' requires values in the Date From and Date To fields to specify the date range for which collection is to be done.

    History Collection Windows Days This field is valid if the 'Rolling' date range type has been chosen. Specify the number of days in the past from the system date for which history data is to be collected.

    Date From and Date To These fields are valid if the 'Absolute' date range type has been chosen. Specify a date range for the collection of history data. If no dates are specified then all available records in source are collected without applying any date filters.

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    Sales and Operations Planning (SOP) Process Supply Plan Review

    A supply plan from ASCP is a company's forecast of how to meet demand based upon manufacturing constraints and inventory targets. The supply review determines the company's ability to meet the consensus-based demand, measures past performance and projects future performance. Once Supply plan data and SCI data have been imported to Demantra, the S&OP manager and strategic planner(s) are informed via a workflow that the consensus forecast is available for supply planning. The stakeholders review consolidated demand, supply and inventory plans worksheet as well as production and inventory levels by product category or family. By using exception alerts, the S&OP manager can identify any exceptions that arise from comparing the supply plan with any specified supply metric(s) thresholds. Finally, the S&OP manager approves the revised supply plan scenario by product family. After supply plan review, financial review and executive review will happen.

    3 SNO, ASCP & Demantra Integration

    Importing SNO and ASCP Plans

    We have the ability to import SNO and ASCP plans that are marked as S&OP enabled in EBS workbench.

    - SNO plan enabled for use in S&OP as specified in Plan Options - Similar selection for ASCP plans Which supply planning tool to use? - Use SNO for rough-cut supply planning (tactical), Fast simulation - Use ASCP for more detailed supply planning (operational) - Integration supports either one! SNO round-trip - Strategic Planner loads SNO plan that is S&OP enabled - New SNO Publish Profile for S&OP and its associated SNO queries are downloaded with the plan data - After solving and performing analysis in SNO, publish the following SNO output to S&OP - Constrained Forecast Production Plan - Planned Shipments and Dependent Demand - Beginning On-Hand Inventory - Safety Stock - Available/Required Resource Capacity - Available/Required Supplier Capacity - SNO plan scenario is loaded from within S&OP - Workflow downloads list of eligible SNO/ASCP supply plan scenarios as observed by S&OP Manager in the Collaborator Workbench - S&OP Manager parks on a plan scenario and runs Load Scenario Data method - Scenario status changes to Importing Upon completion of loading scenario data, status changes to Detect Exceptions and automatically runs exception workflow If exceptions are detected, S&OP Manager receives task notification to review exception worksheets. - For example, Poor production adherence

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    Demantra and Strategic Network Optimization (SNO) Integration Specific

    Program Name Feature Area Brief Description of Change MSCSCPINTEG Collections For "S&OP" type concurrent requests, export ODS DB BLOB

    containing SNO supply plan data into flat files. Launch EP LOAD Collections The Launch EP LOAD program runs as part of the Shipment and

    Booking History request group. It will launch the EBS Full Download workflow instead of running the EP_LOAD procedure in the database.


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    Downloading Plan Scenarios

    Plan Scenarios in Sales and Operations Planning correspond to ASCP and SNO plan names in MSC_PLANS. Only those plans that are marked as being enabled for S&OP are downloaded into Demantra by the Download Plan Scenarios workflow. A plan can be enabled for S&OP through the ASCP plan options form. Data for various series corresponding to a SNO or ASCP plan is downloaded by invoking the Download Plan Scenario Data workflow. This workflow is called through a level method on the Plan Scenario general level.

    Resource Capacity Series Considerations

    Resources are modelled in Sales and Operations Planning as members of the Resource general level. Resource capacity series, Required Resource Capacity and Available Resource Capacity, are dimensioned by Resource and Organization. For a particular resource-organization combination to be valid in the system, it is necessary that the organization already be part of an existing sales data combination. This means that a resource capacity series record with an organization that does not already exist in an item-location combination in the system will be considered as invalid. Such a case should be addressed in the ASCP or SNO plan set up prior to downloading plan related series data into S&OP.

    Single Signon

    Sales and Operations Planning integration with Oracle E-Business Suite supports single signon. EBS users with Sales and Operations Planning related responsibilities can navigate directly to Demantra from EBS without requiring further authentication. A Demantra user can only be associated with a single component. However, a single EBS user can have access to either Demand Management or Sales and Operations Planning. The mapping between EBS and Demantra users thus becomes one-to-many. An EBS user JDOE will correspond to two Demantra users: JDOE (associated with Demand Management) and JDOE_SOP (associated with Sales and Operations Planning). The single signon mechanism will automatically perform the translation from EBS user to Demantra user based on the EBS user's responsibility.

    Setting up the location of SNO files on the Demantra server

    The SNO CSV files will be extracted to a location defined in the database parameter UTL_FILE_DIR. The CSV files will then be used as external tables and their data will be mapped into the Demantra interface tables. Therefore the UTL_FILE_DIR database parameter has to be set up to contain a valid path on the database server, where all the SNO supply plans will be copied before the load into Demantra staging tables. The supply plans will be created in sub-folders of UTL_FILE_DIR, based on the plan ID.

    History Collections

    The historical data collections program for shipment and booking history now includes a step for launching the EBS Full Download Workflow. This is a change from release 7.1.1, where the EP_LOAD procedure was called in the database. The EBS Full Download workflow now has a step for purging series data for the collection time range. This purge feature will run automatically and will not require any explicit setup.

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    Changes in SNO publish logic

    All SNO publish profiles are stored in a file named sno.profile. This file is also passed to SNO by the EBS-SNO integration logic. The sno.profile will accommodate an extra entry hosting the new S&OP publishing profile. The additional publish profile is named: "Release to Sales & Operations Planning" and can also be viewed in the SNO "File | Publish" dialog. This profile will be displayed in read-only mode in the dialog. The "Release to Sales & Operations Planning" profile is used in SNO to generate the S&OP specific data, as multiple csv files. This is another change in the SNO publishing logic, which previously supported only single file XML output.

    Downloading Plan Data

    Items, locations and resources related to a supply plan (ASCP or SNO) are created in Sales and Operations Planning when plan related series data is downloaded. A base set of items and locations is downloaded into the system when history collections are run. Any items or locations from supply plan data that do not already exist in the system are added. This is a performance concern because an S&OP system with supply plan data may become much larger than a base Demand Management system that has only history data. Before downloading supply plan data into S&OP, implementers must take care to set up the related ASCP or SNO plan optimally so that only relevant items, locations and resources are loaded into Sales and Operations Planning.

    Considerations about SNO Supply Plan data volume

    To improve performance, the amount of data published from SNO is reduced by filtering the items. Since S&OP only needs to look at items that have independent or forecast demand (saleable items) and items that have a supplier (purchased items), the SNO publish output will be limited to these types of items. Also, for resource capacity S&OP is only interested in critical (bottleneck) resources, so the SNO output will be limited to resources with a finite maximum capacity (less than infinite in SNO terms).


    In case of unexpected results from the Download Plan Scenario Data workflow, please review the errors in the Demantra collaborator log. Logging and status the messages are also logged in the INTEG_STATUS table in the Demantra schema.

    Forecast Constrained Series In Demantra Production

    The numbers in the Forecast Constrained Series in Demantra Production do not seem to be correct. Constrained series gets populated with the S&OP integration between ASCP and Demantra? To generalize, Production Plan reflects supplies and Constrained Forecast is how much demand is satisfied. For example, Purchase Orders, Inbound Receipts and Planned Orders represent planned production levels whereas the amount shipped by/after due date to fulfil orders/forecasts is the constrained forecast. How this information is extracted differs by supply planning application. For seeded EBS-Demantra RTS&OP integration, we support Advanced Supply Chain Planning (ASCP) and Strategic Network Optimization (SNO) currently but will also support Rapid Planning (RP) in the near future.

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    Here are more details by supply plan type: ASCP:

    Production Plan = WIP + Purchase Orders + Requisitions + In Transit + Payback Supply + In Receiving + Planned Orders

    Constrained Forecast = (Qty by Due Date, Requested Ship Date)-tuples + (Qty - Qty by Due Date, Suggested Ship Date)-tuples for Forecast, Sales Orders

    As a simple example, assume there is an order due by the end of week 3 for 50 units whereas 10 units can be produced per week. Let us also assume the entire order quantity cannot be satisfied because of a critical component shortfall. Week 1: Production Plan = 10 Week 2: Production Plan = 10 Week 3: Production Plan = 10, Constrained Forecast = 30 Week 4: Production Plan = 10 Week 5: Production Plan = 8, Constrained Forecast = 18 Therefore, 30 units will ship by the due date and the remaining 18 units by the suggested ship date. References Advanced Supply Chain Planning and Strategic Network Optimization Decision Support, Maximum Profit MyOracleSupport Doc ID 1492096.1

    4 Summary

    Overall, the end-to-end integration process between ASCP and RTSOP is like this:

    1) Arrive at a proposed consensus forecast in S&OP.

    2) Upload the Consensus Forecast to ASCP. From the Demantra Workflow Manager, run the applicable Upload Consensus Forecast workflow. This workflow loads the consensus forecast to an intermediate Demantra file, msd_dp_scn_entries_denorm table, which is also used when publishing from Demand Management.

    3) In EBS, define the supply plan that consumes the forecast. Configure the plan options as "Use for Sales and Operations Planning".

    4) In EBS, run the ASCP plan.

    5) Download the ASCP plan data to Demantra S&OP. In the Demantra Workflow Manager, start the Download Plan Scenarios workflow.

    6) In the Demantra Collaborator Workbench, the Supply Review Dashboard lists the new plans from EBS including those from ASCP. Note: When scenarios are first downloaded from ASCP, they appear under "New" in the Supply Review dashboard.

    7) Right-click on the ASCP plan you want to download. Choose Methods, then Load Scenario Data. This launches the Download Plan Scenario Data workflow that populates the Demantra database with ASCP data. All the data from the ASCP plan is available in all the seeded supply review worksheets in S&OP.

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    8) Click Yes to confirm that you want to load scenario data.

    9) When the Download Plan Scenario Data workflow completes, the ASCP plan appears in the

    Supply Review Dashboard Detect Exceptions list.

    10) Right-click on the ASCP plan and click Open, then select the type of S&OP worksheet you want to use to view the ASCP plan data. Alternatively, you can open a pre-seeded S&OP worksheet directly from the Collaborator Workbench.

    5 EBS Demantra SQL Diagnostics MyOracleSupport Notes

    Load Data Issues Not Necessarily Error Code Related Assistant: Oracle Demantra (Search Helper) (Doc ID 1468884.2)

    Local Forecast from Demantra Is Not Visible In ASCP Plan Names as Demand Schedules for Organizations (Doc ID 1391625.1)

    EBS to Demantra Data Load / Import Diagnostics Investigation (Doc ID 809410.1)

    Demantra Configure to Order (CTO) Integration EBS Model BOM Example How To (Doc ID 1630040.1)

    VCP Product Suite 12.1.3 Demantra and Above - End to End Case Study Master Index (Doc ID 1270662.1)