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    British Journal of Sociology of Education

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    The Two Traditions in Educational Ethnography sociology and

    anthropology compared

    Sara Delamonta; Paul Atkinsonaa Department of Sociology, University College, Cardiff 

    To cite this Article Delamont, Sara and Atkinson, Paul(1980) 'The Two Traditions in Educational Ethnography: sociologyand anthropology compared', British Journal of Sociology of Education, 1: 2, 139 — 152

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    British Journal of


     of Education, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1980

    The Two Traditions in Educational Ethnography:

    sociology and anthropology compared*

    S AR A D E L A M O N T & P A U L A T K I N S O N ,  Department  of Sociology, University

    College, Cardiff

    There is a vigorous, and possibly growing, research interest in the 'ethnography' of

    schooling. That is, broadly speaking, research on and in educational institutions

    based on participant observation and/or permanent recordings of everyday life in

    naturally occurring settings. We welcome this interest (cf. Delamont, 1978) and

    have attempted to make some contribution to it (e.g. Delamont, 1976; Atkinson,

    1976; Atkinson & Delamont, 1977). We believe, however, th at there is some danger

    that 'ethnographic' research may come to be taken as a self-justifying activity. In

    other words, there is a potential—and very serious—pitfall involved in identifying

    such research activity solely or primarily in terms of the method.

    'Ethnographic' research approaches


     have affinities with particu lar theoretical

    schools or traditions. The rationale for participant observation, for example, or for

    the analysis of naturally occurring talk, can be found within a number of so-called

    'interpretative' sociologies. Ethnographic research reflects the epistemological com-

    mitments or presuppositions of such theoretical perspectives. But there is not a hard-

    and-fast, determinate relationship between ethnographic work on the one hand and

    any particular theoretical position on the other. Ethnography can be conducted

    under the auspices of a range of theories. It is in this sense that we wish to warn

    against the premature identification of an 'ethnographic' approach which might lose

    sight of its theoretical possibilities. Many of those who have adopted an ethnogra-

    phic approach to educational research have done so in reaction to 'positivism',

    'mindless em piricism' (or whatever epithets are invoked in the same vein). The re is a

    present danger that some of them at least may find themselves contributing to a

    novel variety of the same inadequate work: an em piricism mindless of its' theoretical


    We wish to highlight this general theme by documenting how 'ethnography' can

    serve several masters: in particular, we wish to contrast the use of such research

    * This is a revised version of a paper presented to the SSRC/Open University conference on the

    ethnography of schooling, St H ilda's College, Oxford, 10th-12th September 1979.

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    14 0  S. Delamont P. Atkinson

    procedures in the study of schools in Britain and the United States. To a

    considerable extent this means that we are also led to reflect on differences between

    the anthropology and the sociology of education. In the course of this exploration

    we also hope to draw together much of the literature from the respective countries

    and disciplinary fields. Our reading of the literature suggests very strongly that

    despite having—apparently—common concerns, scholars in the respective countries,

    and those who work in the two different disciplines, have little awareness of each

    other's work. This underlines our basic point. T he 'ethnograph y' of schooling seems

    to be going on within more or less watertight academic boundaries. Despite a

    common approach to the conduct of inquiry there seems to be little in the way of

    shared interests or theoretical perspectives. Having indicated the existence of

    contrasting 'schools' and briefly characterised their content, we shall then go on to

    describe their abiding concerns and attempt to relate them to more general national

    and disciplinary preoccupations.

    Our starting point is a more particular one, however. Although we have both

    carried out ethnographic research in educational settings, and both originally

    studied social anthropology, it is only recently that we have turned our attention

    systematically to the anthropological tradition in educational research. We had

    been content merely to incorporate a diffuse sympathy for qualitative research into

    our sociological work. The occasion for our more recent reflection was the

    development of an undergraduate course on the Sociology of Wales, in which we

    were committed to a component on 'language, identity and education'. We turned

    therefore to the literature on bilingualism, biculturalism and 'culture clash' in

    schools. The language issue in Welsh education is as contentious as anything in

    Montreal, or among any other of the North American ethnic minorities. It was to

    the North American literature that we turned, therefore. (Not that such educational

    issues are confined to North America, of course, and this was not our exclusive area

    of interest.) There we found a large corpus of published ethnographies of education

    which seems to be generally overlooked by British sociologists ofeducation [1].

    There is an obvious and striking difference between British and American school

    ethnography. Whereas the American research on schools and classrooms has been

    conducted primarily by applied anthropologists, that in Britain has been done

    overwhelmingly by researchers who see themselves as sociologists. It is noticeable

    that several researchers now working as sociologists were trained as anthropologists,

    or began work in anthropology departments. Both of the present authors fall into

    the former category, while the classic Manchester-based studies of Hargreaves


     Lacey (1970) and Lam bart (1976) were undertaken in a joint departm ent of

    sociology and anthropology. The Manchester department was, at the time of these

    educational research projects, turning attention more generally to research on

    contemporary British society (including industrial settings); several of the British

    'community studies' discussed later in this paper also emanated from the Manches-

    ter department. While there was a strong anthropological impetus and an

    ethnographic approach to this work, it is apparent that the school studies are more

    strongly sociological in flavour. Since these initial studies both Lacey and

    Hargreaves have looked increasingly to sociological paradigms such as symbolic

    interactionism. Similarly, several members of the Centre for Research in the

    Educational Sciences at Edinburgh, including ourselves, had backgrounds in

    anthropology. But the published work associated with CRE S shows a much stronger

    sociological orientation (e.g. Stubbs & Delamont, 1976).

    Where British research has looked to North America it has been to American

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    Two Traditions in Educational Ethnography  141

    sociology in general—especially symbolic interactionism and, more recently, ethno-

    methodology [2]. The comparatively few empirical studies of schooling in these

    traditions are referred to much more frequently than the more numerous anthropo-

    logical studies. The small numbers of American and Canadian school ethnographers

    who see themselves as sociologists actua lly look to Britain to find inspiration an d an

    audience for their w ork [3]. Th e different perspectives and tradition s on either side

    of the Atlantic are exemplified by our own experience vis-a-vis schooling in Wales.

    When we searched the literature for ethnographic research on Welsh education, we

    found only one observational study of a Welsh-speaking school. This had been

    undertaken by an American fieldworker  (Khleif,  1976), and he treated the Welsh

    pupils precisely as if they were North American Indians. At the same time he paid

    scant attention to British work on education.

    This Welsh example therefore exemplifies the first of our themes. We shall go on

    to examine the literature in more detail. In this next section we shall attempt to

    establish that the Atlantic really does divide school ethnographers into differing

    traditions. Our first task, then, must be to establish the truth of our claim that

    school and classroom ethnography in America and Canada is predominantly

    anthropological in orientation, while that in Britain is more sociological. To do this

    we need to show four things: a relatively large amount of educational anthropology

    in North America; a small amount of sociologically inspired work there; the absence

    of educational anthropology in Britain; the sociological orientation of British

    ethnographic work.

    It seems incontrovertible that there is a great deal of American and Canadian

    work in educational anthropology. With very little effort, in our preliminary survey

    of the field we 'discovered' that there exist a specialist journal, numerous special

    issues of other journ als, man y text-books and collections of pape rs an d several major

    review articles, as well as numerous monographs and journal articles [4]. Although

    there are many workers in the field, there are several major figures who have been

    particularly influential in developing it, in sponsoring other researchers through

    their edito rial w ork an d so on [5]. T he field is not w itho ut its critics: the collection

    of papers edited by Weaver (1973) attests this. But it is undeniable that it is

    remarkably homogeneous, characterised by a common style, tone and recurrent

    concerns. It has been going strong for at least the last twenty years. It is therefore a

    well-established and thriving research tradition: at least in terms of the quantity of

    material published and the number of active researchers involved it dominates

    North American educat ional ethnography.

    In contrast to the abundance of anthropological work, there appears to be a

    relative lack of fieldwork in schools and classrooms which is recognisably sociological

    in style and orientation. That is, there are few studies which explicitly ally

    themselves to sociology, with citations of sociological literature. It is hard for us to

    prove a negative in this context, but the search procedures which generated the

    volume of citations of anthropological work failed to produce anything like the same

    amount of material . We doubt very much whether anyone could find enough

    sociological work from North Am erica to m atch the list of ethn ogra phic research

    given by Burnett (see below). The list of sociological school ethnographies we know

    of is relatively small [6]. Even the once buoyant and seminal symbolic interactionist

    tradition of studying occupa tional socialisation seems, in the 1970s, mo ribu nd an d

    negative (see Atkinson, forthcoming). The lack of material available for review by

    Lightfoot (1974, 1979) also lends support to our conclusion.

    Several years ago one of us pointed out the lack of British research in the

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    14 2  S. Delamont P. Atkinson

    anthropological tradition, and an apparent lack of interest in the possibility of such

    work (Delamont, 1975a, b). With the exception of one or two isolated individuals

    (e.g. Driver, 1979) it is clear that, in the 'boo m ' of obse rvatio nal, eth nog rap hic

    research, anthropological perspectives have had little direct influence. British

    researchers have certainly not been influenced by the American work of this sort.

    Nor does there appear to be much cross-fertilisation in the opposite direction. Only

    two British scholars appear in any of the American collections or in the Burnett

    (1974) bibliography for educational fieldwork (as opposed to work on child

    socialisation). Musgrove (1973) is included for his work in Uganda, and Lacey

    (1973) has a paper on his Hightown Grammar research. Even these two authors

    have not drawn on the American research with which they were once anthologised

    in their subsequently published work.

    One of the most striking pieces of evidence in this context is provided by a survey

    by Landman (1978) of applied anthropologists in Britain, carried out in 1975 and


      Landman comments that because there is no professional organisation for

    applied anthropologists in the United Kingdom, she had to find her target

    population by combing publications and using respondents' personal networks. She

    claims to have found nearly all those people who are working as 'applied

    anthropologists' , and her total numbered sixty; of these ten were working on

    education. Landman found that:

      The specific label 'applied anthropologist' is generally avoided by them

    because of its frequently negative connections in Britain today. '

    Some of her respondents reported feelings of inferiority, because of the low status of

    the applied field and its lack of theoretical development. Others acknowledged the

    low status, bu t argu ed that this was the result of prejudice an d ha d no reason to feel

    themselves in any way inferior. A minority felt that applied anthropology was a

    legacy of colonialism and that it should therefore die away. Landman herself

    thought that the subject had lost ground in Britain since the demise of the Colonial

    Social Science Research Council and the lapse of the Applied Anthropology chairs,

    readerships and lectureships at the London University Institute of Education and at

    the London School of Economics. Of course, work on schooling does not have to be

    designated 'applied' but our feeling is that if a search like Landman's can find only

    ten people who are anthropologists working on education, then we can be confident

    in our claim that the speciality is underdeveloped in the United Kingdom.

    In contrast to the almost complete absence of anthropology, when we turn to

    sociological work in Britain it is apparent that recent years have witnessed a good

    many ethnograp hic studies [7], Th ey derive from a numb er of different theoretical

    perspectives—although the theoretical underpinnings are not always explicitly

    acknowledged. Some of this work has been inspired by American sociology—especi-

    ally the Chicago school of symbolic interactionism. The cognate formal sociology of

    Goffman has likewise been draw n on in the same overall program me of research.

    The relative lack of


      development in this context, however, has moved

    Hargreaves to inquire in a recent paper 'Whatever happened to symbolic

    interactionism?' (Hargreaves, 1978). There has been fresh impetus to such observa-

    tional work from the so-called 'new sociology of education', in which varieties of

    phenomenological and Marxist analyses have been combined, with particular

    emphasis on the organisation and reproduction of knowledge (Karabel & Halsey

    (1977), indeed, have quite erroneously seen this tendency as the only inspiration for

    ethnographic research in educational settings.) This British movement has appeared

    in some few American studies (e.g. West, 1975). Th e ethnomethod ological approa ch

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    Two Traditions in Educational Ethnography

      14 3

    has also led to number of sudies of naturally occurring interaction in educational

    settings: this is, of course, true for the United States as well [8]. Although it is not,

    strictly speaking, a work of educational ethnography , W illis' (1977) recently published

    monograph has also occasioned considerable interest in ethnographic research. The

    fact that Willis allies this approach to a Marxian analysis only serves to underline

    the fact that ethnography is not a theoretical perspective in


      but can be

    employed in varying theoretical frameworks. (Although we cannot elaborate the

    point here, we also believe that the attem pt to m arry ethnography a nd Marxism has

    led Willis into some pitfalls w hen it comes to the interpretation of his data.)

    In making these remarks we are not unaware of the fact that the American

    literature contains several outstanding works of sociological research. Nor are we

    confusing quality of research with quantity. (A thorough critical review of all the

    relevant literature would be quite beyond th e scope of this essay.) Overall, however,

    we believe that we have been able to indicate that sociologically oriented

    ethnographic research is much more lively and active in Britain than it is in the

    United States and Canada. In very general terms, then, it can be concluded that

    'ethnography' in North America and in Britain is being carried out under the

    auspices of rather different traditions. W hile the labels 'sociology' and 'anth ro-

    pology' are not absolute they do indicate the different styles of the respective

    traditions—their characteristic concerns, substantive, methodological and theoreti-

    cal. We shall continue with a more detailed examination of these concerns.

    We shall do so first by ou tlining some salient aspects of the American educa tional

    anthropology. We begin by outlining the general substantive concerns of the

    research. This discussion is based on the contents of the 157-page annotated

    bibliography compiled by Burnett (1974). We have chosen this as a convenenient

    summary of the field, and the parameters it suggests square with our wider reading

    in the area in journals, text-books and edited collections. Table I shows the ethnic

    and linguistic groups which have been studied inside the North American continent,

    and Table II shows the other areas of the world which have been studied. It is clear

    from Table I that the number of studies focused on an ethnic group bears no

    relation to their proportionate place in the total population. Indians are numerically

    insignificant, but have received the bulk of the research attention. Research

    attention has been concentrated on groups who are a 'problem' in educational


     because they are seen to be 'failing'. T he studies of Indians, Blacks, Chicanos

    and Puerto-Ricans together make up the vast bulk of the published work.

    Table II shows that the bulk of the work has been done in Africa, with lesser

    amoun ts in Asia, and in the Pacific Islands and Australasia. The African studies are

    TABLE I. Ethnic groups studied in the North American Continent

    Ethn ic group No. of published studies

    Indians (in USA and Can ada) 89

    Wasps/Anglos 40

    Negroes 38

    Chicanos (in USA and Mexico) 23

    Pue rto Ricans (in USA and Puerto-Rico) 14

    Eskimo 8

    Rur al Deprived (Ozarks, Appa lachians etc.) 6

    Orientals (mainly Japane se) 5

    Oth er (e.g. Italians) 2

    Tot al no. cited 225

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      S. Delamont


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    Two Traditions in Educational Ethnography  14 5

    groups. Despite the very visible presence of different ethnic groups in many British

    schools, this has not been the subject of ethnographic school studies. Naturally

    enough young British pupils from West Indian, Indian, Pakistani, Cypriot and other

    ' immigrant ' backgrounds appear among the dramatis personae  of some studies. They

    are not normally treated as the focus of the research, however. Of course, the

    situations differ as between the two countries. Amongst other things there exist in

    North America schools which are exclusively Indian, Eskimo and so on, and to that

    extent, perhaps, may appear to offer more 'obvious' research potential.

    If that aspect of Britain's colonialism has been overlooked, then it is also the case

    that the so-called 'internal colonies' have received little explicit attention. The

    peripheral areas of the 'Celtic fringe', for intance, have not attracted field research

    to any extent. (As we pointed out in introducing this paper, the only substantial

    study of a Welsh rural school is in the style of Am erican a nthropology .) I ndeed there

    has been no significant British work on the ethno grap hy of rural schooling which, in

    the American style, might investigate the school in the context of its rural

    'community ' set t ing.

    There has been an important research tradition in Britain which does span

    'anthropology' and 'sociology'—and that is the collection of 'community studies'. At

    one time a flourishing approach, this style of intensive study of small-scale (usually

    rural) communities is now rather in abeyance. But here perhaps one might have

    found something which approximated the concerns of the American anthropolo-


      Remarkably, however, those authors who contributed to this



    precious little time to the discussion of schools and schooling as such. The topic is

    not ignored altogether, we must admit. Emmett (1964), for example, in her account

    of life in a rural Welsh community, points out that school was a distinctively

    'English' enclave. In a similar vein Littlejohn (1963), in his study in the Scottish

    border country, comments on attitudes to schooling on the part of farmers and other

    members of the local population. He comments on the extent to which the school

    at tempted to inculcate 'middle class ' language and manners. While these and

    similar community studies include some remarks on local schools as part of their

    'holistic' ethnographic accounts, there is little or no evidence that the schools

    themselves were ever the topic of systematic observation and inquiry. Unique in this

    respect among European community studies appears to be that of Wylie (1957).

    This is a study of a village in southern France which included some specific

    attention to education in the ethnographic data collection. Interestingly enough, the

    author was an American.

    If we were to characterise the British ma terial, the n, in terms of the sort of schools

    studied, their location and so on, we would be forced to conclude that it is

    predominantly urban in character. By and large secondary schooling has predomi-

    nated over other segments of the education system. Although by no means

    homogeneous in their subject-matter, then, the British studies of schooling

    concentrate on a fairly consistent and limited range of types of schooling. While

    neither the British nor American traditions are uniform, they do have distinctive

    emphases, then. (They also have blind-spots in common—such as a neglect of

    gender as an organising theme; but this is hardly restricted to school ethnographies.)

    The relative homogeneity of the American research certainly does not mirror

    cultural and geographical uniformity in the schools and cultures which have been

    investigated. There is a world of difference—on the surface at any rate—between,

    say, the school in a remote K wakiutl village on the northwe st Pacific coast (W olcott,

    1967) and one catering for Puerto Rican adolescents in Chicago (Burnett, 1973).

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    14 6  S. Delamont P. Atkinson

    What unites so much of this apparently diverse research is a consistent preoccupa-

    tion with issues of cultural variation and 'culture clash'. This indeed is a theme of

    much American educational writing, and it is to this more general theme that we

    now turn.

    Over the past ten years or so there has been considerable interest in ideas about

    'multiculturalism', 'biculturalism', 'bilingualism', 'bidialectism' and similar notions,

    all connoting a preoccupation with cultural pluralism and a stance of cultural

    relativism. This enthusiasm has followed the widespread rejection of the ideas

    implicit in those now infamous calls for assimilation of all ethnic and cultural

    groups into mainstream WA SP Am erican culture (e.g. Glaser & Mo ynih an, 1954).

    In contrast there have been celebrations of all kinds of non-W ASP cultures (see, e.g.

    Dworkin & Dworkin, 1976). In education this has led to a flood of books and special

    issues of jou rna ls on cultu ral plu ralism [9]. Th e calls for Spanish lang uag e schools

    for Chicanos and Puerto Ricans, for example, and the resulting struggles for

    political and linguistic control of the schools have produced a climate of interest in

    which anthropological studies celebrating Amish, Cherokee and Ijaw culture are

    likely to be read and used as texts in teacher training.

    The American ethnographies thus have this in common. They serve to document

    one of two things. Either they celebrate the cultural uniqueness of the researcher's

    chosen setting, or they go on to stress the 'clash' between th at culture a nd that of the

    school, which is representative of white urban middle-class America. The school

    therefore is portrayed (implicity or explicitly) as an arena where the diverse cultural

    backgrounds and assumptions of teachers and ta ught , of school and com mu nity

    impinge on one another and conflict.

    If the anthropological perspective is in harmony with the American obsession

    with cultural pluralism, educational interests are also congruent with the more

    general concerns of American anthropology. The American tradition of cultural

    anthropology, in contrast to British social anthropology, has always accepted, and

    indeed welcomed, considerable influence from other social sciences—not least from

    social psychology. The sub-discipline of 'culture and personality' studies has a long

    and respectable history in American anthropology. The subject has therefore been

    committed to the investigation of socialisation and enculturation. Childrearing, for

    example, has for long held ac en tra l p lace in the anthropological literature (see, e.g.

    Wilbert, 1976).

    In contrast, British anthropologists have tended to hold themselves


      and to

    regard such psychological influences with some suspicion. British scholarship has

    fostered a more austere outlook, emphasising the structural-functional or structural-

    ist modes of analysis. With one or two exceptions, British social anthropologists have

    paid little explicit attention to issues of education and socialisation (except in so far

    as they are implied in issues of kinship and marriage, rituals of the life-cycle, descent

    and inheritance and so on). The one collection of papers on socialisation (Mayer,

    1970) quite clearly includes a number of 'afterthought' essays. It is perhaps

    indicative of the relative standing of such topics that several of the papers are also

    contributed by the female halves of researcher couples. It seems to be 'women's

    work'. (In making this point we recognise the sexual division of labour; we do not

    aim to endorse it.) In short, then, whereas American anthropologists can study

    education without appearing to abandon the confines of their 'pure' discipline, the

    subject in Britain is much less accommodating to such work. Furthermore, as we

    have noted already, there has been a far greater willingness to endorse an 'applied'

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    Two Traditions in Educational Ethnography

      14 7

    role for the subject in the United States and Canada. Applied anthropology had

    been viewed askance in Britain and has very few practitioners [10].

    As we have indicated, the North American anthropologists t reat as problematic

    the juxtaposition and incongruence of cultures, and the school as an arena for such

    conflict. On the other hand, the actual process of schooling tends to be glossed over.

    That is, the organisation and day-to-day accomplishment of social life in the schools

    and classrooms remains implicit. There is little or no systematic ethnographic

    material on the classrooms themselves, and such data that are presented tend to be

    rather scrappy and anecdotal. Burnett (1973) is rare in having an avowed aim of

    analysing critical events in the classroom. But the underlying assumption—that of

    culture clash between Puerto Rican youngsters and an Anglo school—dominates the

    analysis, while never being explicitly addressed or questioned  itself.  Remarkably ,

    Burnett, like other authors in the same style, makes no reference to earlier Chicago-

    school ethnographies. Howard Becker and Blanche Geer might never have existed

    for all the use she makes of their work.

    As we say, Burne tt is unusua l in this context in referring explicitly to the research

    methods employed. The ethnographer 's techniques usual ly remain implici t in the

    published works of educational anthropologists. It is often far from clear what they

    did and why they did it . It may not even be evident to the reader how long the

    researcher was in the field, what roles were adopted, or how data were collected and

    recorded. Most of the studies are also remarkably lacking in theory. This point has

    been made most forcefully by Foster (1972) in a review of the major collection

    edited by Wax  et al.  (1971). Foster launched a vigorous attack on the whole sub-

    discipline, arguin g that it was charac terised by a relative absence of conc eptua l

    advance and significant fieldwork , and that a large proportion of the authors were

    afflicted w ith an unw arra ntab ly roma ntic view— or, as he puts it , with sublim inal

    Rousseauianism .

    If we turn now to the sociological versions of 'ethnography', with particular

    reference to British work, then a rather different picture emerges. In contrast to the

    anthropological literature we have just described, there app ears to be a higher level

    of theoretical and methodological self-awareness. It clearly derives from a number of

    theoretical developments in sociology and th e ethnog raph y is informed by the m

    (al though, as we warned at-the beginning of this paper, there does appear to be

    some danger of the research coming adrift from the theoretical moorings). It is not

    our purpose in this brief review to outline and evaluate all the theoretical

    undercurrents. A useful summary is provided by Woods & Hammersley (1977), in

    their editorial introduction. They sketch out how various types of anti-positivistic

    and 'interpretative' approach became incorporated into the British sociology of

    education: symbolic interactionism, phenomenology, ethnomethodology and so on.

    In some contexts they were mixed with other more structurally based perspectives,

    including the Marxist, in the heady brew normally referred to as the 'new sociology

    of educat ion' . Woods & Hamm ersley co mm ent:

    Central to this 'new approach' was a focus on teacher and pupil

    experiences as revealed in teachers' and pupils' own accounts, their

    interpretations and feelings merging, changing, developing, converging,

    blurrin g, clarifying and so on in the course of everyday life in schools. This

    carried implications for the significance of the impact of schooling, for

    example, on the pupil 's conception of self and his construction of identity

    within the society of which he is part.

    Thus the recurrent preoccupation of the British sociologists has been the

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    148  S. Delamont  P. Atkinson

    organisation and negotiation of everyday life in schools and classrooms. Although

    the American literature is rather sparse, sociological research on both sides of the

    Atlantic draws on common sources and inspiration—a great deal of it American in

    origin. Whereas the anthropologists tend to treat the process of schooling as

    unproblematic, the sociological approach has treated that process as the topic of

    research in its own right. Hence the sociologists are, to that extent, more

    sophisticated in their analyses of schooling as such. The anthropologists would do

    well to adopt this perspective, at least in part: their work would benefit enormously

    from the inclusion of more detailed and systematic ethnography of schooling, from

    the sort of 'micro-ethnographic' research presently current in some sociological


    At the same time there is little room for complacency on the other side. The

    sociologists' apparent ignorance or disregard of the anthropological literature is

    hardly praiseworthy. We find it regrettable that those bodies of work should be

    developing in almost total isolation. The anthropologists may well have something

    to contribute. Whatever their theoretical, methodological, and indeed ideological

    shortcomings, they do display the varieties of cultural setting in which schooling is

    conducted. As we have indicated already, we find the present range of studies

    unnecessarily and regrettably limited. There has been little enough attention paid to

    the schooling of minority groups, or in rural and peripheral regions. There has,

    perhaps, been a disproportionate amount of attention paid to the educational

    experiences of urban working-class children in secondary schools. Cer tainly they a re

    important, but they are not the be-all and end-all. The contrast between the

    anthropology from the United States and the sociology of the United Kingdom

    reflects an abiding difference: between a preoccupation with race and culture on the

    one hand, and with social class on the other. At the same time, the anthropologists

    have much to teach on the location of schools within cultural milieux. The

    sensitivity of British sociologists to the negotiation of everyday life within schools

    and classrooms has tended to obscure relationships between schooling and local

    culture, local social structure and so on (rather than the very broadest categories of

    social structure ).

    In conclusion, therefore, we wish to commend to researchers in the two academic

    disciplines in the different countries a g reater awareness of each other. We believe

    that each body of research would benefit greatly thereby. We hope that the

    bibliographic material embodied in this paper, as well as the arguments we have

    put forward, will contribute to this  rapprochement.  We have also attempted to

    demonstrate how 'ethnographic' research can be conducted under the auspices of

    different theories and traditions, and hence cannot in and of itself subs titute for

    theory as such.


     Sara Delamont & Paul Atkinson, Department of Sociology, Universi-

    ty.College, PO Box 78, Cardiff CF1 1XL, Wales.


    [1] We are grateful to our colleagues in the Sociology of Wales teaching team for inspiring us to

    struggle with the literature discussed. We are also grateful to Shelagh Pollard and her assistants on

    the Inter-Library Loan desk at University College, Cardiff's Arts and Social Science Library who

    rustled up most of the studies we used.

    [2] British ethnographers cite the Chicago school symbolic interactionists (e.g. Becker

      et al.,


  • 8/19/2019 Delamont y Atkinson (1980)


    Two Traditions in Educational Ethnography  14 9

    Becker  et al.,  1968) and their imitators (e.g. Werthman, 1963) or the work of Sacks (e.g. 1972),

    Garfinkel (1967) and Aaron Cicourel (e.g. 1968).

    [3] This is noticeable in the special issue of


      (1976) on school observation, and the way in

    which over the last ten years Louis Smith, Ann and Harold Berlak, Robert Stebbins and others

    have found more interested audiences in the United Kingdom than at home.

    [4] The specialist journal is the

     Anthropology an d Education  Quarterly,

     which has reached Volum e 10. Ther e

    are special issues on Anthropology and Education of  Human Organization  (Vol. 27, No. 1, 1968 and

    Vol. 34, No. 2, 1975), Journal of Research  an d Development  in Education (Vol. 9, N o. 4, 1976), School

    Review  (Vol. 79, No. 1, 1970) and  Youth an d Society  (Vol. 8, No. 4, 1977).

    There are text-books by Kneller (1965) and Spindler (1955, 1963), and collections of papers by

    Calhoun & Ianni (1976), Chilcott

      et al.

      (1968), Fischer (1970), Gearing & Sangree (1979), Gruber

    (1961), Holmes (1967), Ianni & Storey (1973), Kimball & Burnett (1973), Lindquist (1970),

    Midd leton (1976), Roberts & Akinsanya (1976), Spindle r (1974), W ax

      et al.

      (1971) and Weaver


    Bibliographies include Burnett (1974), Lindquist (1971) and Storey (1971).

    Review articles of the state of the field include Brameld & Sullivan (1961), Shunk & Goldstein

    (1964), Wolcott (1967) and Sindell (1969) in  Review of Educational  Research, La Belle (1972) in

    Teachers College

     Record, Foley (1977) and Ma sema nn (1976) in

      Comparative  Education Review,


    Gmelch & Zenner (1978) in

      Urban  Anthropology.

    [5] Foremost among such arbiters of fashion are George and Louise Spindler, who are the general

    editors of the series

      Case Studies in Education and Culture

     (Holt , Rinehart & Winston). There are

    seventeen titles in this series: they include eight books in North America and Mexico (three Indian

    groups, two Negro schools, one Eskimo group; The Amish, and one on school principals); five books

    on Africa (Kpelle, Sisala, Ijaw, Kanuri and Neoni); and one each on the Philippines, Borneo,

    Germany and Japan. Murray and Rosalind Wax enjoy a similar position as senior authors and

    editors in the field.

    [6] We w ould include Stinchco mbe (1964), Jackso n (1968), Smith & Geoffrey (1968), Rist (1970),

    Cusick (1973), Stebbins (1975), Martin (1976), Berlak

      et al.

      (1976) and the work of Silvers, West &

    Heap (1975) published in


    [7] The re are sociological ethnographers represented in C han an & Delam ont (1975), Stub bs &

    Delamo nt (1976), Hammersley & Woods (1976), Woods & Ham mersley (1977). At an individual

    level there a re sociological ethno graphies arou nd by Ball (1978), Bellaby (1977), Denscombe (1978),

    Hannan (1978), Andy Hargreaves (1977), David Hargreaves et al.  (1975), King (1978), Willis (1977)

    and Woods (1979).

    [8] E.g. Cicourel

      et al.

      (1974), McHoul (1978), Mehan (1978) and Payne (1976). Torode (1976) takes a

    not dissimilar—although idiosyncratic—view.

    [9] A cursory look at

      Current Contents

      for the last four years revealed special issues of the following

    journals : Compare  (Vol. 8, No. 1, 1978); Education


     Urban Society  (Vol. 10, No. 3, 1978); Educational

    Leadership  (Vol. 33, No. 3, 1975);  Educational Research Quarterly  (Vol. 2, No. 4, 1978);

     Eng lish Journal

    (Vol. 66, No. 3, 1977); Florida  FL Reporter  (Vol. 7, No. 1, 1969); Human Organization  (Vol. 29, No. 1,

    1970); Interchange  (Vol. 9, No. 1, 1979); International Review of Education  (Vol. 21, No. 3, 1975); Journal

    of Research  and Development  in Education  (Vo l. 11 , No. 1, 1977); Journal of Social Issues (Vol. 33 , No. 4,

    1977);  Th e Journal of Teacher Education  (Vol. 28, No. 3, 1977); Language  Arts  (Vol. 33, No. 3, 1976);


     (No. 198, Oc t. 15, 1977);

      Th e Personnel a nd Guidance Journal

     (Vol. 55, No. 7, 1977);


    (Vol. 6, No. 3, 1976); and

      Social Problems

      (Vol. 23, No. 5, 1976).

    [10] Th e collection edited by Jam es W atson (1977) may be the begin ning of a change of direction h ere.


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     A . &


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