del santo · 2019. 9. 19. · the way of the heart we pray that all those who suffer may find their...

Pastor/Padre: Fr. Joshua Stengel [email protected] (Aſter hours emergency—leave message at 501-280-0772) (Después de horas de oficina si ene una Address/Dirección 1321 S. Van Buren Street Lile Rock, AR 72204 Telephone/Teléfono: (501) 666-5073 Fax: (501) 664-1964 Email: [email protected] Church Office Hours/ Horario de Oficina Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am- 4:00 pm Friday: 8:30 am - 3:00 pm The office is closed for lunch from 11:30-12:30 pm de 11:30-12:30 pm. Masses/Misas Saturday: 4:30 pm Vigil Sunday: 10:30 am Domingo: 7:45 am Español 2:00 pm Español Weekdays/Días de la semana: 8:00 am - Tues, Thurs, & Fri 6:00 pm - Wed / miércoles (Bilingual / bilingüe) Holy Days: To be announced Días Santos: Se anunciará Confession/Confesiones: Saturday/sábado: 3:004:00 pm Wednesday/miércoles: 5:005:45 pm (or anytime by appointment) Adoration/Adoración 24 hours, 7 days a week 24 horas, 7 días a la semana Bulletin deadline/Fecha límite Para el boletín Monday 12 noon lunes al mediodía Email: [email protected] June 23, 2019 ʹ Parish Registraon: Registraon forms are located at all entrances to the church. Please fill one out and return it to the church office or drop it in the collecon basket. Registro Parroquial: Los formularios de registración se encuentran en todas las entradas a la iglesia. Por favor, llenar un formulario y devuélvalo a la oficina de la iglesia o depositelo en la ca- nasta de la colecta.

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Page 1: del Santo · 2019. 9. 19. · The Way of the Heart We pray that all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus. Oración

Pastor/Padre: Fr. Joshua Stengel [email protected] (After hours emergency—leave message at 501-280-0772) (Después de horas de oficina si tiene una

Address/Dirección 1321 S. Van Buren Street Little Rock, AR 72204 Telephone/Teléfono: (501) 666-5073 Fax: (501) 664-1964 Email: [email protected]

Church Office Hours/ Horario de Oficina Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am- 4:00 pm Friday: 8:30 am - 3:00 pm The office is closed for lunch from 11:30-12:30 pm de 11:30-12:30 pm.

Masses/Misas Saturday: 4:30 pm Vigil Sunday: 10:30 am Domingo: 7:45 am Español 2:00 pm Español Weekdays/Días de la semana: 8:00 am - Tues, Thurs, & Fri 6:00 pm - Wed / miércoles (Bilingual / bilingüe) Holy Days: To be announced Días Santos: Se anunciará

Confession/Confesiones: Saturday/sábado: 3:00—4:00 pm Wednesday/miércoles: 5:00—5:45 pm (or anytime by appointment)

Adoration/Adoración 24 hours, 7 days a week 24 horas, 7 días a la semana

Bulletin deadline/Fecha límite Para el boletín Monday 12 noon lunes al mediodía Email: [email protected]

J u n e 2 3 , 2 0 1 9


Parish Registration: Registration forms are located at all entrances to the church. Please fill one out and return it to the church office or drop it in the collection basket.

Registro Parroquial: Los formularios de registración se encuentran en todas las entradas a la iglesia. Por favor, llenar un formulario y devuélvalo a la oficina de la iglesia o depositelo en la ca-nasta de la colecta.

Page 2: del Santo · 2019. 9. 19. · The Way of the Heart We pray that all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus. Oración

The Way of the Heart We pray that all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus.

Oración por las intenciones del Santo Padre en junio Estilo de vida de los sacerdotes Por los sacerdotes para que, con la sobriedad y la humildad de sus vidas, se comprometan en una solidaridad activa hacia los más pobres.

+Maria Dung Nguyen By Henry Nguyen

Intenciones parroquiales

+Maria Than Nguyen By Henry Nguyen

/ S bado

Intenciones parroquiales

Stewardship / Colecta semanal“They all ate and were satisfied. And when the leftover fragments were picked up, they filled twelve wicker baskets.” (Luke 9:17) The story of the Loaves and Fishes shows us that when we share what we have, even if it doesn’t seem like that much, miracles can happen! Do not think that your gift is too small or insignificant! God blesses all the gifts we offer and makes them wondrous.

“Todos comieron y quedaron satisfechos. Y cuando recogieron los fragmentos sobrantes, llenaron doce cestas de mimbre ". (LUCAS 9:17) La historia de Los panes y los peces nos muestra que cuando compartimos lo que tenemos, aunque parezca que no es mucho, ¡pueden ocurrir milagros! ¡No pienses que tus dones son demasiado pequeños o insignificantes! Dios bendice todos los dones que of-recemos y los hace maravillosos.

Regular Contributions / Las contribuciones regulares : The June 16th collection will be reported in next Sunday's bulletin. / La recolección del 16 de junio será reportada en el boletín del próximo domingo.

Liturgical Ministers / Ministros litúrgicos 6/29 & 6/30

4:30 pm—Saturday / Sábado Lectors: Margaret Domingo EM: Mary Nowack Dale Nowack Pam Humble

10:30 am - Sunday / Domingo Lectors: Margaret Zakrzewski John Breen EM: Lilian Felicitas Sheryl Banak Michael Smith Carol Miller Debbie Meiklejohn Augusto Divino Mary Kay Scott Servers: Julienne Medrano—Sr. Server

Gavienne Medrano Mika Santiago Mada Santiago Marko Santiago

2:00 pm - Sunday / Domingo Monaguillos: Jesús López Maria Duran Rashel Espinoza Daniel Espinoza Proclamadores: Primera Lectura: Laura Bahena Castillo Salmo: Henry Zelaya Segunda Lectura: Erendira Govea

Ministros de Eucaristía: Efrain Beza Adela Carrillo María Luna Rosa Benigno Ricardo Benigno Soledad Mendiola Enedelia Resendiz

Minibus Schedule

Carl Meurer Abba House No Bus Needed during Summer

Readings for the Week 6/23 Sunday: Gn 14:18-20/Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4 [4b]/1 Cor 11:23-26/Lk 9:11b-17 Monday: Vigil: Jer 1:4-10/Ps 71:1-2, 3-4a, 5-6ab, 15ab and 17 [6]/1 Pt 1:8-12/Lk 1:5-17. Day: Is 49:1-6/Ps 139:1b-3, 13-14ab, 14-15 [14]/Acts 13:22-26/Lk 1:57-66, 80 Tuesday: Gn 13:2, 5-18/Ps 15:2-3a, 3bc-4ab, 5 [1b]/Mt 7:6, 12-14 Wednesday: Gn 15:1-12, 17-18/Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9 [8a]/Mt 7:15-20 Thursday: Gn 16:1-12, 15-16 or 16:6b-12, 15-16/Ps 106:1b-2, 3-4a, 4b-5 [1b]/Mt 7:21-29 Friday: Ez 34:11-16/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [1]/Rom 5:5b-11/Lk 15:3-7 Saturday: Vigil: Acts 3:1-10/Ps 19:2-3, 4-5 [5a]/Gal 1:11-20/Jn 21:15-19. Day: Acts 12:1-11/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [5]/2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/Mt 16:13-19

Page 3: del Santo · 2019. 9. 19. · The Way of the Heart We pray that all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus. Oración

Traveling this summer? Find a Catholic Church near you by going to

¿Viajas este verano? Encuentra la iglesia católica más cercana en

Married Couples: A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is like Spring-time. It’s a weekend of fresh air, the rebirth of romance and new beginnings. If you’d like to make your marriage more special than it already is – apply now! The next weekends are in Arkansas at the Subiaco Coury House, September 6-8, 2019. Space is lim-ited. Apply online at or or email [email protected].

Arkansas only Pro-Life Camp Joshua 2019 planned for July 26-28! If you know a teen who has an interest in making a difference for life Camp Joshua is the place where they will spend a weekend learning about the issues of abortion, euthanasia, infanticide and embryonic stem cell research while enjoying Cross Heirs Lodge, eating great food, playing pool and meeting new friends from around the state who share their love for life! Cost per student is $100. Registration opens June 1ST. To register or for more information visit Limited scholarships available. Sponsored by Arkansas Right to Life 501-663-4237 or [email protected] LIVE THE LITURGY - INSPIRATION FOR THE WEEK How can we ever succeed at truly loving God and our neighbor and fully embrace Gospel living? Achieving this goal without an intimate connection with Christ is impossible. The Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ, connects us with God in a unique and most intimate way. His very life and presence is wedded with ours. Being forgiven and nourished, we are given the strength and conviction to pick up our wounded and broken lives and be living heralds of Good News. Our world is broken and needs authentic, living witnesses to bring it back to truth. Nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ, are you ready to be sent? VIVIR LA LITURGIA - INSPIRACIÓN DE LA SEMANA ¿Cómo podemos tener éxito en amar verdaderamente a Dios y al prójimo y abrazar completamente la vida del Evangelio? Lograr esta meta sin una conexión íntima con Cristo, es imposible. La Eucaristía, el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo, nos conecta con Dios de una manera única e íntima. Su propia vida y presencia está desposada con la nues-tra. Al ser perdonados y alimentados, se nos da la fuerza y la convic-ción para retomar nuestras vidas heridas y rotas y ser heraldos vivos de Buenas Nuevas. Nuestro mundo está roto y necesita testigos au-ténticos y vivos para devolverlo a la verdad. Alimentado por el Cuerpo

y la Sangre de Cristo, ¿estás listo para ser enviado?

Are you in love with God and your faith? Good with children? Free on the evenings of July 22-26? If you said yes to these then we ask you to consider being a Vacation Bible School teacher for this summer. We are looking for 2 volunteers ages 18 and up to lead games and our craft/experiment class. If you would like information on volunteering please contact Charlotte Self in the church office.

¡Se Necesitan Voluntarios! ¿Estas enamorado de Dios y tu fe? ¿Eres bueno con los niños? ¿Estas libre las tardes del 22 al 26 de julio? ¡Si contestaste si a estas preguntas, te pedimos que consideres ser maestro de la escuelita bíblica de verano! Estamos buscando 2 voluntarios mayores de edad para dirigir juegos y nuestra clase de manualidades y experimentos. Si quieres mas información, favor de contactar a Charlotte Self en la oficina parroquial.

In Our Parish / En Nuestra Parroquia

In Our Diocese / En nuestra diócesis

Prayer List for the Sick / Lista Oración por los Enfermos

GO TO: Access code NMY6WN

Accedan a traves de: Código de acceso NMY6WN

Page 4: del Santo · 2019. 9. 19. · The Way of the Heart We pray that all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus. Oración

Sat 6/22 Confessions / confesiones 3:00-4:00 pm Vigil Mass 4:30 pm

Sun 6/23 Misa Mass 10:30 am


Tues 6/25 Mass 8:00 am Comunidad Vicentina 7:00 pm-8:30 pm

Wed 6/26 Mass 6:00 pm

Thur 6/27 Mass 8:00 am

Fri 6/28 Mass 8:00 am Patriotic Rosary 3:00 pm Youth Movie Night 6:30 pm

Sat 6/29 Confessions / confesiones 3:00-4:00 pm Vigil Mass 4:30 pm

Sun 6/30 Misa Mass 10:30 am


Próximos eventos:

Escuelita Bíblica de Verano

Parish Calendar / Calendario de la parroquia

Contact Information / Información de contacto

Pastor: Fr. Joshua Stengel [email protected] After hours emergency—leave message at 501-280-0772

Ministerio Hispano: [email protected]

Parish Secretary: Carol Miller [email protected]

Director of Religious Education: Maria Luna [email protected]

Bookkeeper: Mary Murry [email protected]

Maintenance Engineer: Frank Zakrzewski [email protected]

Office Assistant: Hannia Bejarano [email protected]

Youth Ministry Coordinator: Charlotte Self [email protected]

Parish Pastoral Council President: Debbie Meiklejohn [email protected]

Organizations & Ministries: Contact the Parish Office at 501-666-5073

Sacraments / Sacramentos:

Infant Baptism / Bautismo de los niños: Call the Church office to register Llame a la oficina de la Iglesia para registrar


Featuring Fr. Noah Flood

Fiesta del Sagrado Corazón 28 de junio

Fiesta de los santos Pedro y Pablo 29 de junio