defining job performance


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Post on 14-Nov-2015




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Defining Job Performance



  • Learning ObjectivesDefine and describe job performance Describe how to use job performance information to determine which assessments to useLearn how to use competencies to define job successDiscuss how to monitor assessments over time to ensure they optimally predict key aspects of job performanceDiscuss the process for designing and implementing a staffing assessment systemExamine the guidelines for evaluating assessment vendors

  • Understanding Performance Defined as the total expected value to the organization ofthe discrete behavioral episodes that an individual carriesout over a standard period of time.

    Source: Handbook of Psychology, Volume 12

  • Understanding Performance What is. Behavior?



    Source: Handbook of Psychology, Volume 12

  • AttributesPersonality & AbilityMotivationKnowledge, Skills & ExperienceCompetenciesListeningInitiating ActionManaging TimePresenting IdeasResultsNew ContractsSales LeadsCustomer SatisfactionRenewed ContractsEnvironmental Influences and ConstraintsComponents of Job PerformanceWho you areWhat you doWhat you achieveWhat assessmentsmeasure

  • Work Backward from results Defining Talent Requirements

  • Effective Staffing Assessment SystemStep 1.Identify key performance outcomes

  • Identify Key Performance OutcomesUse of assessments depend on the desired business outcomesEmployee Retention Increase ProductivityCandidates who excel in one aspect of a job will invariably be less effective in other areasDesired business outcomes should be realisticDesign good jobs and competitive total compensation

  • Effective Staffing Assessment System

    Step 2.Use job analysis to define and describe critical employee behaviors

  • Step 2: Using Job Analysis to Define Employee Critical BehaviorsSystemic process to identify knowledge, skills, abilities and otherQuick and accurate job-analysis used to define behaviorsJob-analysis methods require the participation of subject-matter expertsSubject-matter experts provide examples of effective and ineffective behaviors = critical incidentsDecrease legal exposure

  • What Are Competencies?Describe a set of behaviors that reflect a unique combination of knowledge, skills, abilities, and motivations associated with exceptional performance in an organizational role.

  • Competency Model A competency model refers to a complete set, or collection, of different competencies. Competencies

  • Sample Competency Library Action-orientedInterpersonalIntellectual CompetenciesCompetenciesCompetencies Driving resultsSetting directionsThinking commercially Following proceduresBuilding RelationshipsInterpreting complex information Taking decisive actionDisplay ethical behaviorApplying technical knowledge Dealing with ChangeInfluencing Others Analyzing problems Managing stressCommunicatingThinking creatively information Planning and Working acrossDeveloping strategies Organizing cultures

  • Job Analysis Key ConsiderationBalance different types of performance- to focus on one behavior

    Attend to the changing nature of performance- Job performance can change across work situations overtime

    Distinguish between maximal and typical performance- Understand the behaviors for top performers and average performer

  • Effective Staffing Assessment System

    Step 3.Choose an assessment that is valid for predicting critical employees behaviors

  • Choose An Effective AssessmentDoes it predict employee behaviorsDoes it predict the right performance outcomes that drive job success Carefully interview and selection assessment vendors Let vendors determine the best toolObtain evidence on utilization of the toolExamine what matters the most, criteria validity !

  • Quality Assessment Vendors ProvideSummaries of Criteria Validity studies of tools testedTypes of jobs, descriptions and companies in the study Number of employees and candidates used Performance criteria used to validate the assessmentStatistics indicating relationships between scores and relevant job performance criteria Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) statistics addressing scores across various demographics

  • Quality Assessment Vendors ProvideSummaries of Content Validity studies of tools testedWhat processes were used to ensure the right questions are used on the assessments relevant to qualifications, knowledge and experience What actions are used to keep the content up-to-date and reflect current qualifications, knowledge and experience What questions have been collected to ensure the assessment questions are at an appropriate level of difficulty

  • Assessment Meeting Key Operational RequirementsWill hiring Managers accept the assessment?Use assessment with higher level of face validity Use assessment managers have experience Communicate how an assessment was selectIs the assessment easy to administer?Is the assessment easy to interpret?Is the assessment affordable?How well will candidates react to the assessment?

  • Effective Staffing Assessment System

    Step 4.Appropriately collect and interpret assessment data

  • Appropriately Collect and Interpreting Assessment Data Make sure assessment are used effectively Systematically Collect and Interpreting AssessmentsUse computer-based systems that automatically administer and score assessments (self-report measure and KSA test)Make sure all candidates go through the same processTracking and Improving Assessment Performance Over Time Establish ongoing criteria validation process to test existing assessments

  • Exercise Break into assigned groups

    Read the job description

    Read the list of competencies and select the top six that will drive the right employee behavior for job success

  • Exercise UnnecessaryUseful, but not necessaryEssentialAbsolutely EssentialCompetency maybe useful in the rolebut not necessary for Job successCompetency not necessary for job successCompetency is essential to perform the job successfullyA person could not survive in this roleWithout this competency

  • Study Guide Different types of validity

    Different staffing assessments and what the measure

    Different types of interview questions

    Behavioral Versus Direct Assessments

    Performance Variance

    ***Performance is the property of behavior. It is an aggregated property of multiple, discrete behaviors that occur over some span of time. *Behavior, Performance and Results are not the same!

    Behavior = What people do.

    Performance = Is the expected organizational value of what people do.

    Results= states or conditions of people or things that are changed by what they do in ways that contribute to or detract from organizational effectiveness.*This figure shows how assessment tools predict partner performance. Ultimately our performance depends on the results we achieve. These depend on what we do, our behaviors, which in turn depend on who we are and what we know. For example, whether a Barista serves a customer in under 3 minutes (the results) depends in part on whether they carry out the steps to make the drinks correctly and in the right order, which in turn depends on whether they know what to do, if they are detail oriented, have good hand eye coordination and so forth.

    The relationships between attributes, behaviors, and results are imperfect because of the influence of the environment. For example, you can have an incredibly knowledgeable, fast Barista, but if she is asked to use an espresso machine that isnt functioning properly, she is unlikely to succeed in serving the drink in under 3 minutes.

    Attributes, behaviors, and results are each described and measured using different tools. Attributes can be assessed with a variety of staffing assessment tools. Behaviors are described using competencies. And results are described and evaluated based on performance development tools such as key responsibilities, bonusable goals, etc.

    Ultimately we want to establish clear links between assessment tools used for staffing and evaluations used for performance development. Staffing assessments should predict performance evaluations so that people who score high marks during staffing assessments also get higher performance evaluations.

    Competencies provide the link between these two tools. Assessment tools dont predict results directly, they predict competencies, which in turn are associated with results. This link is important because of the influence of the environment. It is very difficult to directly link assessment tools to results. For example, sales results depend both on the sales person as the market economy. Consequently, just because a sales person has a bad year doesnt mean that they werent displaying the competencies associated with effective sales.

    **Identify key performance outcomesDefine business outcomes you wish to improve through making better staffing decisions. For example, avoid accidents and sell more products

    Use job analysis to define and describe critical employee behaviorsDefine what behaviors actually drive the business outcomes. What does a high performing employee do on a job that makes them more effective at that job

    Choose an assessment that is valid for predicting critical employees behaviorsDevelop or use existing staffing assessments that predict the employee behavior for the desired business outcome

    Appropriately collect and interpret assessment dataUse assessment in a manner that ensures appropriate collection and interpretation of assessment data

    *Identify key performance outcomesDefine business outcomes you wish to improve through making better staffing decisions. For example, avoid accidents and sell more products

    Use job analysis to define and describe critical employee behaviorsDefine what behaviors actually drive the business outcomes. What does a high performing employee do on a job that makes them more effective at that job

    Choose an assessment that is valid for predicting critical employees behaviorsDevelop or use existing staffing assessments that predict the employee behavior for the desired business outcome

    Appropriately collect and interpret assessment dataUse assessment in a manner that ensures appropriate collection and interpretation of assessment data

    *Identify key performance outcomesDefine business outcomes you wish to improve through making better staffing decisions. For example, avoid accidents and sell more products

    Use job analysis to define and describe critical employee behaviorsDefine what behaviors actually drive the business outcomes. What does a high performing employee do on a job that makes them more effective at that job

    Choose an assessment that is valid for predicting critical employees behaviorsDevelop or use existing staffing assessments that predict the employee behavior for the desired business outcome

    Appropriately collect and interpret assessment dataUse assessment in a manner that ensures appropriate collection and interpretation of assessment data

    ******Identify key performance outcomesDefine business outcomes you wish to improve through making better staffing decisions. For example, avoid accidents and sell more products

    Use job analysis to define and describe critical employee behaviorsDefine what behaviors actually drive the business outcomes. What does a high performing employee do on a job that makes them more effective at that job

    Choose an assessment that is valid for predicting critical employees behaviorsDevelop or use existing staffing assessments that predict the employee behavior for the desired business outcome

    Appropriately collect and interpret assessment dataUse assessment in a manner that ensures appropriate collection and interpretation of assessment data

    ****Will hiring Managers accept the assessmentUse assessment with higher level of face validity Use assessment managers have experience Communicate how an assessment was selectIs the assessment easy to administer-should not be overly burdensome on candidates

    Is the assessment easy to interpret-think about who will receive the results and if any training is neededIs the information from the assessment highly complex to understand while others are specific in how it rate candidates

    Is the assessment affordable -important to understand the cost and details around licensing

    How well will candidates react to the assessment-take into account a candidates reaction and if it will be perceived as unfair*Identify key performance outcomesDefine business outcomes you wish to improve through making better staffing decisions. For example, avoid accidents and sell more products

    Use job analysis to define and describe critical employee behaviorsDefine what behaviors actually drive the business outcomes. What does a high performing employee do on a job that makes them more effective at that job

    Choose an assessment that is valid for predicting critical employees behaviorsDevelop or use existing staffing assessments that predict the employee behavior for the desired business outcome

    Appropriately collect and interpret assessment dataUse assessment in a manner that ensures appropriate collection and interpretation of assessment data
