dedicated to h. wielandt on the occasion of his 90th birthday

On the Group of Autoprojectivities of a Nonperiodic Modular Group Dedicated to H. Wielandt on the occasion of his 90th birthday M. COSTANTINI and G. ZACHER* Dipartimento di matematica pura ed applicata, Universita' di Padova, via Belzoni 7, 35131 Padova (Italy). e-mail: {costantini, zacher} (Received: 26 October 1999) Communicated by K. Strambach Abstract. We determine some relevant structural properties of the group of lattice auto- morphisms of a nonperiodic modular group. Mathematics Subject Classi¢cations (2000). 20D30, 20Kxx, 06Cxx. Key words. modular group, autoprojectivity A given group G is called modular if its subgroup lattice LG is a modular lattice. In [1] and [2] we investigated the structural properties of the group PG of autoprojectivities of a periodic modular group G. In the present paper, we will be concerned with a similar problem in case G is a nonperiodic modular group. It is well known that in such a group, the set T of all periodic elements is a torsion subgroup, while G=T is an Abelian group: actually G itself is Abelian as soon as the rank of G=T is greater than 1 ([10]), in which case PG coincides with the group PAG of linear autoprojectivities of G, i.e. of autoprojectivities induced by auto- morphisms ([1]). Our investigation is reduced to the nonperiodic modular groups G with G=T (Abelian) of rank 1; since such groups are projective to Abelian groups ([13]), we may assume, without loss of generality, that G is Abelian. In our situation, there exists a subgroup R of the additive group Q of the rationals with Z W R and an isomorphism Z of R onto G=T ([8]). Since the structure of PR has been determined in [7], in what follows we shall always assume that: G is an Abelian group with a nontrivial torsion subgroup T and with G=T of rank 1. *The authors are grateful to the MURST for the financial support during the preparation of this paper. Geometriae Dedicata 85: 197^216, 2001. 197 # 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

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On the Group of Autoprojectivities of aNonperiodic Modular Group

Dedicated to H. Wielandt on the occasion of his 90th birthday

M. COSTANTINI and G. ZACHER*Dipartimento di matematica pura ed applicata, Universita© di Padova, via Belzoni 7,35131 Padova (Italy). e-mail: {costantini, zacher}

(Received: 26 October 1999)

Communicated by K. Strambach

Abstract. We determine some relevant structural properties of the group of lattice auto-morphisms of a nonperiodic modular group.

Mathematics Subject Classi¢cations (2000). 20D30, 20Kxx, 06Cxx.

Key words. modular group, autoprojectivity

A given group G is called modular if its subgroup lattice L�G� is a modular lattice. In[1] and [2] we investigated the structural properties of the group P�G� ofautoprojectivities of a periodic modular group G. In the present paper, we willbe concerned with a similar problem in case G is a nonperiodic modular group.It is well known that in such a group, the set T of all periodic elements is a torsionsubgroup, while G=T is an Abelian group: actually G itself is Abelian as soon asthe rank of G=T is greater than 1 ([10]), in which case P�G� coincides with the groupPA�G� of linear autoprojectivities of G, i.e. of autoprojectivities induced by auto-morphisms ([1]). Our investigation is reduced to the nonperiodic modular groupsG with G=T (Abelian) of rank 1; since such groups are projective to Abelian groups([13]), we may assume, without loss of generality, that G is Abelian. In our situation,there exists a subgroup R of the additive groupQ of the rationals withZWR and anisomorphism Z of R onto G=T ([8]). Since the structure of P�R� has been determinedin [7], in what follows we shall always assume that:

��� G is an Abelian group with a nontrivial torsion subgroup T and with G=T ofrank 1.

*The authors are grateful to the MURST for the financial support during the preparation ofthis paper.

Geometriae Dedicata 85: 197^216, 2001. 197# 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

We shall refer to groups with the property ��� simply as �-groups.The paper is divided into four sections. Section 1 contains, as preliminary, several

lemmata of general nature on projectivities, which shall ¢nd their application in thesuccessive paragraphs.

Given a �-group G with torsion subgroup T , the following two normal subgroupsof P�G� will play a relevant role in our investigation:

F �G=T � � fw 2 P�G� j wjG=T � 1g; F �T � � fw 2 P�G� j wjT � 1g:

It turns out that P�G� � F �G=T �F �T � (Theorem B).In our analysis, we are mainly interested in producing nonlinear autoprojectivities

and, more precisely, pointing out particular subgroups H of P�G� such thatP�G� � H � PA�G�, i.e. a description of P�G� modulo PA�G�. Since the structureof the automorphism group of an indecomposable �-group G is still not well under-stood, our most satisfactory results concerning P�G� are obtained under someadditional splitting assumption of G over certain Hall subgroups of T .

Section 2 deals with the group F �G=T �. Besides some general reduction steps givenin Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2, we show (Theorem A) that this group contains some relevantpro¢nite subgroups which are inverse limits of ¢nite groups of autoprojectivitiesalready studied in [3].

In Section 3, we analyse the group F �T �whose main structural properties are givenin (13) and Theorem C. Finally, in Section 4, Theorem D gives a fairly good descrip-tion of P�G�modulo PA�G�, in the case where G is a �-group satisfying some splittingcondition.

Our notation and terminology is standard, relying essentially on that used in [14].P is the set of all primes. For m=n 2 Q� with �m; n� � 1, we put

u�m=n� � fp 2 P j pjm or pjng:

C�G� is the semilattice of cyclic subgroups and PH �G� the group of autoprojectivities¢xing the subgroupH ofG. IfRW �Q;��,R� denotes the set of positive elements.Rn

is the local ring Z=pnZ. t�A� is the torsion subgroup of an Abelian group A.

1. Given a �-group G with torsion subgroup T , set p � p�T � � fpi 2 P j Tpi 6� 0g.Due to the existence of the isomorphism Z, it will be useful to recall some knownfacts concerning the group P�R� ([7, 14]). Given s 2 SymZ�, the permutationpi 7!pis of P extends in a unique way to an automorphism ~s of the semigroup�Q;��, by de¢ningY


pnii 7!Yi

pniis; 0 7!0:

~s induces an autoprojectivity of the group �Q;��, which is singular exactly at thoseprimes pi for which is 6� i. We have ZWR ~s and R ~s � R if and only if the type


typ�R� of R is preserved by s, i.e. typ�R�s � typ�R�. For ; � o � P, we set

S�o� � fs 2 SymZ� j typ�R�s � typ�R� and is � i for i 2 og:

Moreover, if hpi �1� � mi is the pi-height of 1 in R and s 2 S�o�, we set

Ds � fi 2 Z� j mis 6� mig;as �


pÿmii 2 R �1 ifDs � ; �; qs � as=a ~s


For every r 2 Q� we denote by r the automorphism x 7!xr of �Q;��. SinceR ~sqs � R ~s, the map cs � ~sqs induces an autoprojectivity cs of R and, sinceqst � q~t

sqt, one gets

(1) the position j: s 7!cs de¢nes a monomorphism of S�o� into P�R� such that

acss � as; cÿ1s rcs � r ~s; P�R� � �S�;��j j� PA�R�

and, for

P1�R� � fp 2 P j hp�1� � 1g;

PA�R� � hr 2 R� j u�r� � P1�R�i:

Given c in P�R�, then c is induced by the map sjq, where s 2 S�;� is uniquelydetermined by the singularities of c.

Given a �-group G, a j of P�G� has no singularities at the primes of p ([16], 3.1),hence the s relative to jjG=T belongs to S � S�p�. Notice that for g 2 G n T(2) the relation�zx � g is satis¢ed for an x 2 G and a z 2 Z if and only if the relation�z ~s ~x � ~g holds for h~gi � hgij, h ~xi � hxij.

We also recall that if the �-group G splits over T , i.e. G � R� T , then for a givens 2 S the map

�3� js � r� t 7!rcs � �rcs=r�t; for r 6� 0;t 7!t;

�with r 2 R, t 2 T , de¢nes an element of PR�G� such that jsjR � cs � ~sqs andjsjT � 1 ([12, 14], 2.6.16), while, by (1), the position s 7!js de¢nes a monomorph-ism of S into PR�G�. Finally, we remark that

(4) if G=T is cyclic, then js is independent of the complement R.

For suppose R0 is another complement of T , and let j0s be the corresponding map.We show that js � j0s. We have R � hri, R0 � hr0i, with r0 � er� t0, for certaine � �1, t0 2 T . Let x 2 G. If x 2 T , then xjs � x � xj0s. So assume x 62 T , hence


x � mr0 � t. Then

xjs � �mer�mt0 � t�js � �me�csr� �me�cs

me�mt0 � t� � mcser�mcs

m�mt0 � t�

� mcs�er� t0� �mcs

mt � mcsr0 �mcs

mt � �mr0 � t�j0s � xj0s;

and we are done.We are now going to collect a series of propositions useful in the study of P�G�,G a�-group.

Given a directed index set �L; W �, we call a family fUlgl2L of subgroups of agroup U a local system for U if U �Sl Ul and, for l, m 2 L with lW m we haveUl WUm. Clearly if S is any co¢nal subset* of L, then also fUZgZ2S is a local systemfor U .

LEMMA 1.1. Let fUlgl2L be a local system for a given group U and for each l 2 L letjl be a projectivity of Ul onto a subgroupU

jll of U, such that

Sl U

jll � U. Then there

exists a j 2 P�U� such that jjUl � jl for all l 2 L if and only if for l, m 2 L withlW m the relation

jmjUl � jl ����

holds. Moreover, j is uniquely determined by fjlg.If each jl, for l 2 L is a linear projectivity induced by a ¢nite number of

isomorphisms, then j 2 PA�U�.Proof. Uniqueness: let j, j0 be in P�U� with jjUl � j0jUl for each l 2 L. Now,

given X 2 C�U�, there exists a l 2 L such that X WUl; but then Xj0 �Xjl � Xj, so that j � j0.

Necessity: since Ul WUm one has

jl � jjUl � �jjUm�jUl � jmjUl:

Existence. Take an X 2 C�U� and let l 2 L be such that X WUl. De¢ne a map t onC�U� by setting t:X 7!X t � Xjl . Due to the condition ����, t is a well de¢nedinclusion preserving map. Since fUjl

l gl is also a local system of U , with the helpof fjÿ1l g we may de¢ne similarly a t0 on C�U�; but then clearly tt0 � t0t � 1, i.e.t 2 AutC�U�. Finally, suppose X , Y , Z in C�U� are such that X W hY ;Zi; then thereexists a l 2 L such that hY ;ZiWUl, so that

X t � Xjl W hY ;Zijl � hYjl ;Zjli � hY t;Zti

and conversely. Hence, t extends to a j 2 P�U� ([14], 1.3.2) and jjUl � jl.

*See [5] for a definition.


Finally, assume that for each l 2 L, jl is linear. Let j be the projectivity ofU suchthat jjUl � jl for each l. Since jl is induced by a ¢nite number of isomorphisms, by[14], 1.3.6, j is linear. &

Given a �-group G, let g, g0 be elements of G n T . Set C � C�hgi� n f0g,C0 � C�hg0i� n f0g and let ~C, ~C0 be co¢nal subsets of C, C0 by inverse inclusion,respectively. Consider two local systems fLX gX2 ~C , fL0X 0 gX 02 ~C0 for G such thathgiWLX , hg0iWLX 0 . With this notation in mind, we prove

LEMMA 1.2. Assume that there is given an isomorphism w of ~C onto ~C0 and a familyfjX gX2 ~C of maps with jX a projectivity of �LX=X � onto �LXw=Xw�. Then there exists aunique j 2 P�G� such that jj�LX=X � � jX if and only if

jX � jY j�LX=X � for every X ;Y 2 ~C with Y WX : �� � ��

Proof. For j, c in P�G� and X in ~C, let jj�LX=X � � cj�LX=X �. If 0 6� D 2 C�G�,there exists an X0 2 ~C with DWLX0 , and X0 WD if D 6WT . We have

Dj �\X2 ~C


�X �D�



�\X2 ~C


�X �D�j �\X2 ~C


�X �D�jX

�\X2 ~C


�X �D�cX �\X2 ~C


�X �D�c � Dc

which proves the uniqueness. For the necessity of the condition, notice that

jX � jj�LX=X � � �jj�LY=Y ��j�LX=X � � jY j�LX=X �:To prove the suf¢ciency, one sees as a consequence of �� � �� that jX preserves thep-indices and that for X WHWLX , H is in¢nite cyclic if and only if such isHjX , where HjX =X w � �H=X �jX . It follows that H � X � �H \ T � if and only ifHjX � XjX � �HjX \ T �. We are now going to de¢ne a t 2 AutC�G� realted tothe family fjX gX . For D 2 C�G�, there exists an X 2 C such that DWLX and alsoX WD if D 6WT . De¢ne

Dt � �D� X �jX \ T ; if DWT ;DjX ; if X WD:


We claim that t is a well de¢ned map. Assume, to begin, DWT , and let Y WX . Bysetting DX � �X �D�jX \ T , DY � �Y �D�jY \ T , using �� � �� one gets

XjX �DX � �X �D�jX � �X �D�jY � �Y �D� X �jY

� �Y �D�jY � XjY � �YjY �DY � � XjX � XjX �DY ;


hence DX � DY , i.e. DX � Dt � DY . Assume now D 6WT ; from Y WX WD and�� � �� we get XjX � X t � XjY .

Clearly the map t preserves inclusions and the same holds for the map t0 de¢ned onC�G� relative to the family fjÿ1X 0 gX 02 ~C0 . Since tt0 � t0t � 1, t lies in AutC�G�.

Let nowD, Y , Z be elements of C�G�withDWY � Z. There exists an X 2 C suchthat Y � ZWLX and with X contained in each of the groups D, Y , Z which is ofin¢nite order. To see that Dt WY t � Zt, we distinguish several cases.

�a1� Y � ZWTXjX �DX � �X �D�jX W �X � Y � Z�jX � �XjX � YX � � �XjX � ZX �, thus Dt �DX � �XjX �DX � \ T W �XjX � YX � ZX � \ T � YX � ZX � Y t � Zt.�a2� D� ZWT , Y 6WT .DWZ � Y implies DWZ, hence Dt WZt WZt � Y t.�a3� DWT , Y 6WT, Z 6WTX �DWY � Z implies XjX �DX WYjX � ZjX , hence Dt WY t � Zt.�a4� ZWT , D 6WT, Y 6WTSince DWY � Z � X � Z � Y we get Dt � DjX W �X � Z�jX � Y t � XjX � ZX�YjX � ZX � YjX � Zt � Y t.�a5� D 6WT , Y 6WT, Z 6WTDWY � Z implies Dt � DjX WYjX � ZjX � Y t � Zt.

Similarly, one concludes that DWY � Z implies Dtÿ1 WY tÿ1 � Ztÿ1 ; hence fromDt WY t � Zt follows DWY � Z. But now by [14], 1.3.2, t extends to aj 2 P�G�. From the de¢nition of t one then sees that for an X 2 C,jj�LX=X � � jX . &

Let G be a nonperiodic Abelian group and 0 6� Tp a primary component of itstorsion subgroup T . If one sets s2�Tp� � hOn�Tp� j On�Tp�=pOn�Tp� noncyclici, it isknown ([1, 14], 2.6.6) that

(5) if j 2 P�G� then jjs2�Tp� 2 PA�s2�Tp��.We have s2�Tp� 6� Tp if and only if Tp has the structure Tp � K � C, where K � Cpm ,1Wm 2N [ f1g, expC � ps, 0W s < m. In this case s2�Tp� � Cps � C. We noticethat T 0WTp implies s2�T 0�W s2�Tp�.

DEFINITION 1.1. We call an Abelian p-group of the formM � H � C, whereH �hai �hbi with 1 6� pn � j a jX j b j � pm X ps � expC, sX 0, mX 1 and s < m ifm � n a generalized �n;m; s�-group (if s 6� 0 an �n;m; s�-group, [3]) of ¢nite exponentpn, while A � �hai; hbi� is called the frame of H.


LEMMA 1.3. LetM � H � C be an �n;m; s�-group, C0 a subgroup of C of exponent ps

and M0 � H � C0. Let

~R�M0� � fr 2 P�M0� j Hr � H; rjC 0 � 1g;~R�M� � fr 2 P�M� j Hr � H; rjC � 1g:

Then c: ~R�M� ! ~R�M0�, r 7!rjM0 is an isomorphism.Proof. Let r be in ~R�M�. Since rjOs�M� 2 PA�Os�M��, rjOs�M� is induced by an

automorphism of the form �a; 1�, a 2 Aut�Os�H��; thus rjOs�M0� � �a; 1�. It followsthat if r 2 kerc, then a � 1 and rjH � 1, i.e. r � 1 by [2], 1.6: hence c is amonomorphism. Take now a w 2 ~R�M0�: there exists an �a; 1� 2 AutM0 such thatw0 � w�a; 1� 2 R�M0�. Now, as a consequence of [2], 5.5, one sees that w0 extendsto a ~w0 2 R�M�; but then ~w0�aÿ1; 1� � ~w 2 ~R�M� and ~wjM0 � w, i.e. c is alsosurjective. &

LEMMA 1.4. Let M � H � C be a generalized �n;m; s�-group with 0W sWm < n 2N, ~M � ~H � C a generalized �~n; ~m; s�-group with HW ~H, ~n 2N and where~m � s if m � s, ~A � �h~ai; h~bi� a frame of ~H, A � �hai; hbi� one of H with a 2 h~ai,b 2 h~bi. For mW t < n, set Nt � hptai and Mt �M=Nt � H � C. ChooseA � �hai � ha�Nti; hbi � hb�Nti� as a frame of H and let c be an element ofPA�Mt�* with cjhpmÿsb;Ci � 1. Then there exists a ~c 2 P ~A� ~M� such that

~cjhpmÿsb;Ci � 1 and ~cjMt � c.Proof. Due to Lemma 1.3, for the construction of ~c we may assume C ¢nite. Let

M� � Hom�M;Q=Z� be the group of characters of the Abelian group M; onM �M� consider the bilinear form given by hm; wi � w�m�. It de¢nes a duality dof M onto M�. Let �a; b; ci�i be a basis of H � C, �a�; b�; c�i �i the dual basis ofM� ([8], 13.2); then d induces a duality of �M=Nt� onto �Nt=0�, with

Ndt � hpnÿta�; b�; c�i jii � hpnÿta�; b�i � C�:

Now j� � dÿ1cd is an element of P�Ndt � ¢xing the frame �hpnÿta�i; hb�i� of

hpnÿta�; b�i; moreover j�jC� � 1. By [3], Theorem A, 1.7(a) and (18), j� extendsto a ~j� of PA��M��, A� � �ha�i; hb�i�. Set c � d ~j�dÿ1; then c 2 Pj�M� withCc � C, hence also hpmÿsb;Cic � hpmÿsb;Ci and cjMt � c. Moreover, for the samereasons quoted above, c extends to ~c 2 P ~A� ~M�. Since ~cjhNt; pmÿsb;Ci=Nt �cjhNt; pmÿsb;Ci=Nt � 1, we get ~cjhpmÿsb;Ci � 1. &

2. Given a �-group G and a nonempty subset x of p, set Tx �L

p2x Tp and de¢ne

F �G=Tx� � fr 2 P�G�j rj�G=Tx� � 1g; F �Tx� � fr 2 P�G�j rj�Tx=0� � 1g:


*PA�Mt� the stabilizer of hai and h�bi in P�Mt�:


(6) F �G=Tx� and F �Tx� are normal subgroups of P�G�; moreover every element ofF �G=Tx� is strictly index preserving.

It is enough to show that j preserves the indices of the cyclic subgroups [15] and thisis certainly the case on the periodic subgroups ([16], 3.1). So let g be nonperiodic andp a prime; then

hgi=hpgi � hg;Ti=hpg;Ti � hg;Tij=hpg;Tij � hgij=hpgij:

Assume that for a certain x � p, G splits over Tx, i.e. G � A� Tx. Then we have thefollowing obvious factorization:

�7� F �G=Tx� � FA�G=Tx��F �Tx� \ F �G=Tx� \ PA�G��

Clearly j 2 FA�G=Tx� implies jjA � 1.To deal with FA�G=Tx�, we point out a useful reduction step. For p 2 x, set

Gp � A� Tp; thenG �P

p2x Gp and, for p1, p2 2 x and p1 6� p2,Gp1 \ Gp2 � A. UsingOre's criterion for intersection distributive pairs [11], one gets

(8) given any X WG, one has the decomposition X �Pp2x X \ Gp.

LEMMA 2.1. Given the �-group G of the form G � A� Tx �P

p2x Gp, x � p, forj 2 FA�G=Tx� set jp � jjGp. Then the map g:j 7!�jp�p2x is an isomorphism ofFA�G=Tx� onto F � Qp2x FA�Gp=Tp�.

Proof. Take j 2 FA�G=Tx�. By (8), for X WG we get Xj �Pp�X \ Gp�j �Pp�X \ Gp�jp , and one concludes that g is a monomorphism. Take now any�jp�p 2 F For X WG set

j:X 7!Xp

�X \ Gp�jp ; j0:X 7!Xp

�X \ Gp�jÿ1p :

Then j and j0 are inclusion preserving maps with jjA � j0jA � 1. Consider anX WG. Then X=X \ A is a x-group and one gets

Xj=�X \ A� �Xp

�X \ Gp�jp=�X \ A� �Mp

��X \ Gp�jp=�X \ A��;

i.e. �Xj=�X \ A��p � �X \ Gp�jp=�X \ A�. On the other hand, since Xj \ A � X \ Awe have �Xj=�X \ A��p � Xj \ Gp=�X \ A�. Thus Xj \ Gp � �X \ Gp�jp . SimilarlyXj0 \ Gp � �X \ Gp�jÿ1p . But now Xjj0 � �Pp�Xj \ Gp��jÿ1p �Pp��X \ Gp�jp�jÿ1p �P

p�X \ Gp� � X . Similarly, one sees that Xj0j � X . Therefore j is bijective andsince it preserves inclusions in both directions, j 2 P�G�. Moreover, jjGp � jp, thatis j 2 FA�G=Tx� and jg � �jp�p. &

In case that G splits over a Hall subgroup Tx of T , the investigation of F �G=Tx� isso, by Lemma 2.1, reduced, modulo F �Tx� \ PA�G�, to that of FA�Gp=Tp�, p 2 x.So, without loss of generality, we shall assume x � fpg.


Fix an a0 2 A n t�A�, and 0 6� n 2N. Set Cn � C�hna0i� n f0g; then Cn is, by inverseinclusion, a directed set. Let fLX gX2Cn

denote a local system of G � A� Tp such thatLX � AX � TX with ha0iWAX WA, TX WTp so, for X , Y in Cn, we have AX WAY ,TX WTY as soon as Y WX . By setting LX � LX=X � AX=X � �TX � X �=X �AX � TX , we have TX � TX and AX � PX � P0X is a periodic group where thep-primary component PX is quasi-cyclic or cyclic, depending upon whether thep-height of a0 � T in G=T is in¢nite or ¢nite; we rewrite LX � P

0X �MX , with

MX � PX � TX � �AX \MX � � TX the p-primary component of LX . In our inves-tigation we are going to take advantage of the results obtained in [2] and [3]. Inthis context we shall, moreover, assume that the given local family fLX g has thefollowing properties:

Case 1. If expTp <1, or expTp � 1 and s2�Tp� 6� Tp, then we have Tp � K � C,with expK � expTp, and K cyclic or quasicyclic. Then we assume LX �AX � TX , TX � KX � C, with KX � K \ TX .

Case 2. If expTp � 1 and s2�Tp� � Tp, then we choose LX such that s2�TX � � TX .It is clear that such local systems exist (for instance we may take LX � G for every

X ). We now introduce

~FA�G=Tp� � fr 2 P�G� j rjA � 1; rjs2�Tp� � 1 and rjK � 1 if s2�Tp� 6� Tpg:

For a given j 2 ~FA�G=Tp� we get

jX � jjLX � �j0X � jjP0X � 1;j00X � jjMX �;

so jjLX is completely determined by jjMX . Set

S�MX � � fr 2 P�MX � j rjPX � 1; rjs2�TX � � 1 and rjKX � 1 if s2�TX � 6� TX g:

Taking into account (5) one may derive the following properties:

(9) �a� F �G=Tp� � ~FA�G=Tp��PA�G� \ F �G=Tp���b� for X, Y 2 Cn and Y WX , pYX :S�MY � ! P�MX �, r 7!rjMX is a homo-

morphism into S�MX �,�c� ~FA�G=Tp�XFA�G=Tp� \ F �Tp� and equality holds if and only if s2�Tp� � Tp,�d� if j 2 ~FA�G=Tp�, then j00X � jjMX 2 S�MX � and j00X � jY jMX if Y WX.

Notice that given in a �-group an element a 2 G n T and a j 2 F �G=T �, there existsan a0 2 hai, a0 6� 0, such thatjjha0i � 1. In fact we have haij � ha� ti for some t 2 Tso, by (6), ha0 � j t jaij � j t jhaij � j t jha� ti � ha0i. Now, for T WHW ha0;Ti, wehave Hj � H, hence �ha0i \H�j � ha0i \H, that is jjha0i � 1.

LEMMA 2.2. Given the �-group G, assume that G splits over Tp: G � A� Tp, and letC be a co¢nal subset of Cn. Then �a� given a family fj00X 2 S�MX �gX2C, there exists oneand only one j 2 ~FA�G=Tp� such that for X 2 C jX � jjLX � �j0X � jjP0X � 1;


j00X � jjMX � if and only if for X, Y in C

Y WX implies j00X � j00YjMX:

�b� The restriction map r:FA�G=T � ! P�A�, j! jjA is an epimorphism ontoF �A=t�A��, and FA�G=T � splits over ker r � FA�G=Tp�.

Proof. �a� if one applies Lemma 1.2 to C1 � C, w � 1 and to the familyfjX � �j0X � 1 on P

0X ;j

00X on MX�gX2C of autoprojectivities of f�LX=X �gX , the con-

clusion follows.�b� given any d 2 F �A=t�A�� there exists, as noted before, an a0 2 A n t�A� such that

djha0i � 1. De¢ne, for X 2 Cn, jX 2 P�LX � by jX � �j0X � djP0X ;j00X � 1 on MX�.Since for Y WX , jX � jY jLX , by Lemma 1.2 there exists a unique jd 2 P�G� suchthat jdjLX � jX , i.e. jdj�AX=X � � dj�AX=X � and jdjMX � 1. Hence jdjA � dand jdjTp � 1, in particular jd 2 FA�G=T � and since r is a homomorphism intoF �A=t�A��, we conclude that r is actually an epimorphism onto F �A=t�A��. Moreover,j 2 ker r if and only if jjA � 1, that is ker r � FA�G=Tp�. The mapj:F �A=t�A�� ! FA�G=T �, d 7!jd, is a monomorphism, hence FA�G=T � splits overker r with �F �A=t�A���j as a complement. &

In studying ~FA�G=Tp�, it will be convenient to separate the case expTp � 1 ands2�Tp� � Tp from the remaining cases. We deal ¢rst with the situation

Case 1. expT is either ¢nite, or in¢nite with s2�T � 6� T .One has Tp � K � C with K � Cpm , 0 < m 2N [ f1g, expK � expTp, expC � ps

¢nite with 0W s < m if s2�Tp� 6� Tp. In order to use the structure theory developedin [2] and [3] for R�MX �, MX a generalized �n;m; s�-group of ¢nite exponent, weshall make reference to a convenient local system fLX gX2Cn

of G. Starting withthe trivial local system fLX gX where, for every X , LX � G, LX � P

0X � PX � Tp,

we construct a new local system which we still call fLX gwith the following procedure:�a1� A=t�A� � G=T � R is not p-divisible.For X 2 C1 � C�ha0i� n f0g, let pnX be the p-index of X in A; set LX �LX=X � P0X � OnX �PX � Tp�; then fLX � AX � TX gX2C1

is a local system witha0 2 AX and the p-component MX � PX � TX of LX has exponent pnX . Choose now

n � pm�1 if expT � pm; finiteps�1 if expT � 1 :

�Then forX 2 Cn, LX � P

0X �MX withMX � PX � TX � PX � KX � C � HX � C,

where KX � LX \ K , KX � �KX � X �=X , and MX is a generalized �nX ;mX ; s�-groupwith nX > mX � mX sX 0 if expTp � pm, m <1, while MX is a generalized�nX ; s�-group if expTp � 1.

�a2� R is p-divisible.For X 2 C1, let pnX be the p-index of X in ha0i. With the same procedure used in a1�,de¢ne LX � LX=X � P

0X � O2nX �PX � Tp�; then �LX � AX � TX �X2C1

is a local sys-


tem of G with a0 2 AX . By choosing n as before, one sees that for X 2 Cn, ifexpTp � pm is ¢nite, MX is a a generalized �2nX ;mX ; s�-group with nX > mX �mX sX 0, if expT � 1, MX is a generalized �2nX ; s�-group.

In conclusion, for a given j 2 ~FA�G=Tp�, we have jjLX � �j0X � 1;j00X � jjMX �,where j00X 2 S�MX � and, for Y WX , j00X � jY jMX with j00X ¢xing the frameAX � �PX ;KX � of HX , being KX � K \ LX . If s � 0, S�MX � appears as the groupPAX�HX �, which has been described in []; if s 6� 0, an element j00X of S�MX � is related

to an element cX of RAX�MX � by means of a convenient elation �1; lX ; lX � where

lX 2 U�RmX �. Thus if one considers the group LX � f�1; l; l� j l 2 U�RmX �g �U�RmX �, one has

(10) RAX�MX � /S�MX � � RAX

�MX �LX ; RAX�MX � \ LX � ker r,

where r:U�RmX � ! U�Rs� is the natural projection.

LEMMA 2.3. For X, Y in Cn and Y WX, the restriction map pYX :S�MY � ! P�MX �,r 7!rjMX is an epimorphism onto S�MX �.

Proof. Let pt be the p-index of Y in X . If t � 0, we have MX �MY , and we aredone. Thus assume t > 0 and, without loss of generality, Y � ptX . Take a c inS�MX �. By Lemmas 1.3 and 1.4 there exists a ~c 2 S�MY � such that ~cjMX � c.&

THEOREM A. Let G be a �-group and, for a p 2 p, assume that G � A� Tp withs2�Tp� 6� Tp if expTp � 1. Then there exists a positive integer n such that forany X 2 Cn � C�hna0i� n f0g, MX is a generalized �nX ;mX ; s�-group. Moreover,

�a� for X, Y, Z in Cn and ZWY, �S�MX �; pZY � is an inverse system*

�b� the map j:j 7!fj00X gX2Cn0, �jX � jjLX � �j0X � 1;j00X � jjMX � is an isomorph-

ism of ~FA�G=Tp� onto the inverse limitlim ÿX2Cn

S�MX �.�c� for any X 2 Cn, the restriction map rX : ~FA�G=Tp� ! S�MX �, w 7!wjMX is an


Proof. The existence of n has already been discussed, and statement �a� followsfrom (9) �b�.�b�: take a j 2 ~FA�G=Tp� and for X 2 Cn set, as usual, jX � �j0X � 1;j00X jMX �.

Then for ZWY , j00Y � j00ZjMY , i.e. fj00X gX2Cn2 lim ÿ

X2CnS�MX �, being j00X 2 S�MX �

by (9)d. Conversely let fj00X gX2Cn2 lim ÿ

X2CnS�MX �. Then by 2.2 there exists one (and

only one) j 2 ~FA�G=Tp� such that jjMX � j00X , i.e. jj � fj00X gX2Cn

, and the con-clusion follows.�c� is a consequence of Lemma 2.3. &

COROLLARY 2.4. The group ~FA�G=Tp� is a residually ¢nite group and evenresidually solvable as soon as Tp is either not locally cyclic or p < 5.

*see [4] for a definition of inverse system.


Proof. If c 2TCnker rX , then c ¢xes every cyclic subgroup of G, hence c � 1.

Moreover, S�MX � is, by [2] and (10), a ¢nite group and, by [3] even solvable sinceif Tp is not locally cyclic, MX is an �nX ;mX ; s�-group with s 6� 0. In case Tp is locallycyclic, from [9] one deduces that S�MX � is solvable if and only if p < 5. &

Before we proceed to examine the case 2, i.e. expTp � 1 and s2�Tp� � Tp, let usconsider in more details the particular situation in which expTp � pm is ¢niteand s2�Tp� � Tp, so that Tp � hbi� C, with j b j � pm � expC � ps. Here by (9) (c),we know that ~FA�G=Tp� � FA�G=Tp� \ F �Tp�:� L. Our considerations in [3], Section1, now allow us to get a more explicit description of the group L.

�a1� A=t�A� is not p-divisible.Set n � ps�1; then for X 2 Cn,MX is an �nX ; s; s�-group, where nX is the p-index of Xin A. We know by Theorem A, that a j 2 L is completely determined by the familyfj00X g, where j00X � jjMX 2 S�MX �. There exists a unique l0 2 U�Rs� such thatcX � j00X �1; lÿ10 ; lÿ10 � 2 RAX

�MX �, where AX � �PX ;KX �: actually if one setsL � f�1; l; l� j l 2 U�Rs�g � U�Rs�, then S�MX � � RAX

�MX � j�L. Take anyY 2 C�G� n C�T �, so Y � ha� ti with a 2 A, t 2 Tp, and let pk be the p-index ofhai in A. Without loss of generality we may assume X < Y and that0W k < nX ÿ s. Thus, by [3], ha� ticX � ha� m0kti, with m0k � 1 psÿ1Rs, henceha� tij00X � ha� mkti, where mk � m0kl0 and for 0W k1; k2 < nX ÿ s, we getmk1 � mk2 psÿ1Rs. In conclusion, given a j in L, then for c � jjC�G� 2AutC�G�, we have cjC�T � � 1 and cjC�G� n C�T � is de¢ned by ha� ti 7!ha� mkti where mk 2 U�Rs� depends only on the p-index of hai in A, while forki 2N, mk1 � mk2 psÿ1Rs.

Conversely, suppose we are given a sequence fmkgk2N in U�Rs� satisfying the con-dition mk1 � mk2 psÿ1Rs. We claim that c: ha� ti 7!ha� mkti lifts to an auto-projectivity j in L. Note that c preserves inclusion, and that if we de¢ne c0

starting from fmÿ1k g, we get cc0 � c0c � 1, so that c 2 AutC�G�. Takehyii 2 C�G� and assume that hy1iW hy2; y3i. We show that hy1ic W hy2ic � hy3ic.There exists an X 2 Cn such that hy2; y3iWLX and with X contained in each ofthe groups hyii which is of in¢nite order. Note that Xc � X . SupposeMX � < a > �Tp, a � a� X , a 2 A with p-index pk in A. By [3], theorem 1.5, thereexists a unique autoprojectivity ~c ofMX such that hpia� ti ~c � hpia� mk�iti (we notehere that formulas �c� and �c0� in [3], before Theorem 1.5, should read mnÿsÿk insteadof mk). Extend ~c to an autoprojectivity ~c of LX by de¢ning ~cjP0X � 1. We distinguishseveral cases:

�a01� hy2; y3iWT .

Then hyiic � hyii for every i, and we are done.

�a02� hy1; y3iWT , hy2i 6WT .

Then hy1iW hy3i, so that hy1ic W hy3ic W hy2ic � hy3ic.


�a03� hy1iWT , hy2i 6WT , hy3i 6WT .

Then �hy1i � X=X � ~c W �hy2i=X � ~c � �hy3i=X � ~c, so that hy1ic W hy2ic � hy3ic.�a04� hy3iWT , hy1i 6WT , hy2i 6WT .

Then �hy1i=X � ~c W �hy2i=X � ~c � �hy3i � X=X � ~c, so that hy1ic W hy2ic � hy3ic � X .But X W hy2ic, hence hy1ic W hy2ic � hy3ic.�a05� hy1i 6WT , hy2i 6WT , hy3i 6WT .

Then �hy1i=X � ~c W �hy2i=X � ~c � �hy3i=X � ~c, so that again hy1ic W hy2ic � hy3ic, andwe are done.

Since an analogous conclusion holds for c0, one concludes that c lifts to anautoprojectivity of G, which actually belongs to L. We note that the elements of~FA�G=Tp� \ PA�G� correspond to the families fmkgk such that mk1 � mk2 , hence~FA�G=Tp� \ PA�G� is isomorphic to L. Denoting by K�G� the group of auto-projectivities corresponding to the families fmkg with m0 � 1, we get

(11) ~FA�G=Tp� \ F �Tp� � K�G�� ~FA�G=Tp� \ PA�G�� with K�G� \ PA�G� � 1 andK�G� �Qi2N Hi, being Hi � Cpÿ1 if s � 1, Hi � Cp if sX 2.

�a2� A=t�A� is p-divisible.

Consider an ascending chain ha0; t�A�i � A0 < A1 < � � � < Ak < � � �, of subgroups ofA such that Ak=t�Ak� is not p-divisible and with [Ak � A. Set Gk � Ak � Tp andlet pnk be the p-index of A0 in Ak. Using �a1� one sees that ~FAk�Gk=Tp� is isomorphicto the subgroup �Qÿnk W i<�1Hi�L of �Qÿ1<i<�1Hi�L. Since G � [Gk one con-cludes that

�12� ~FR�G=T � � lim ÿ


Yÿnk W i<�1


0@ 1AL � Yÿ1<i<�1



After this digression, let us deal with

Case 2. expTp � 1 and s2�Tp� � Tp.ForX 2 C1, the groupMX as de¢ned in Case 1, is a group of ¢nite exponent pn

0X*, for

which s3�MX �:� hOi�MX � j jOi�MX �=pOi�MX � jX p3i �MX . Hence by [1, 14], wehave S�MX �WPAAX

�MX �; more precisely, since for r 2 S�MX �, rjTX � 1, r isinduced by an automorphism of the form �1; lX ; lX �, lX 2 U�RmX �. SincePotTp � Up, the multiplicative group of p-adic units, one concludes thatS�MX � � U�RmX �; in particular, for Z, Y in C1 with ZWY , the restriction mappZY :S�MZ� ! S�MY � is an epimorphism.

*n0X stands for nX in case �a1�, for 2nX in case �a2�.


THEOREM 2.5. Let G be a �-group and assume that, for a p 2 p, G splits over Tp.Then F �G=Tp�WPA�G� if and only if expTp � 1 and s2�Tp� � Tp.

Proof.Necessity. Assume expTp ¢nite or expTp � 1 but s2�Tp� 6� Tp. Then, from[3], we know that for most X W hna0i we have S�MX � 6WPA�MX �. But now, bytheorem A, there exists a j 2 ~FA�G=Tp� such that jjMX � j00X 62 PA�MX �. Hencej 62 PA�G�.

Suf¢ciency. By (9)(a), it is enough to show that ~FA�G=Tp�WPA�G�. From what wehave seen in Case 2, for X 2 C1 and j 2 ~FA�G=Tp�, j00X � jjMX is induced by anautomorphism of the form �1; lX ; lX �, lX 2 U�RmX �. Since for Y WX ,�1; lY ; lY �jMX � �1; lX ; lX �, we get lim ÿ lX � l 2 Up. Let c 2 PA�G� be inducedby 1� l. Then c 2 ~FA�G=Tp� and cjMX � jjMX ; so by Lemma 2.2 we getc � j and we are done. &

3. Given a �-group G, assume that G splits over Tx, x a convenient nonempty subsetof p�T �: G � A� Tx. From (7), Lemma 2.1, (9), (10), Theorem A, (11), (12) andCorollary 2.4 we get a fairly good structural description of FA�G=Tx� moduloPA�G�. We bring now our attention to the group F �T �.

LEMMA 3.1. Let G be a �-group which splits over T, i.e. G � R� T, whereZWRWQ. Then there exists a monomorphism j:S � S�p� ! FR�T �, s 7!js suchthat

jsjR � ~sqs;FR�T � � ��FR�G=T � \ F �T �� j�Sj��FR�T � \ PA�G��:

Proof. By (3), j: s 7!js de¢nes a monomorphism of S into FR�T � and by (1)jsjR � cs � ~sqs. Given now a j 2 FR�T �, there exists a unique s 2 S, determinedby the singularities of jjR, such that jÿ1s jjR 2 PA�R�; hence there exists am 2 PA�G� \ FR�T � such that

mÿ1jÿ1s j � r 2 F �G=T � \ FR�T � /FR�T � /FR�G�;

therefore j � jsmr � jsr0m; moreover Sj \ �FR�G=T �PA�G�� � 1. &

Note that a m of FR�T � \ PA�G� is induced by an automorphism of the forma�Qp lp, a 2 PA�R� � hr 2 R� j u�r� � P1�R�i, and lp 2 Lp � AutCpm ifexpTp � pm, m <1, lp 2 Lp � Up if expTp � 1. Therefore

(13) FR�T � \ PA�G� � PA�R� � �Qp2p Lp�.Let G be a �-group and m a ¢xed isomorphism of R onto G=T ; for r 2 R�, choose a

representative gr in rm, hence rm � gr � T . Clearly fLgr � hgr;Tigr2R� and fhr;Tigr2R�are local systems, respectively, of G and ~G � R� T . Take a s 2 S � S�p� and, using(3), pick the corresponding js in FR� ~G�. Consider an element r 2 R� such thathaiW hri, where a stands for the positive rational number as de¢ned in Section


1. Then a � nr for a unique n 2 Z�. Assume now u�n� � p; then given theisomorphism Wr: hr;Ti ! hgr;Ti, mr� t 7!mgr � t,

(14) the map ws;r � Wÿ1r jsWr is an autoprojectivity of Lgr

since hrijs � h�1=n�aijs � h�1=n� ~sai � h�1=n�ai � hri and, by (4), ws;r does not dependon the choice of the representative gr in Lgr . Moreover one also checks that

(15) for hriX hr0iX hai, ws;rjLgr0 � ws;r0, hgriws;r � hgri and, for s, t in S, wst;a � ws;awt;a.

Take a g 2 G n T and assume that for X 2 C � C�hgai� n f0g, the index n �jhgi: hgi \ X j is a p0-number. If hg0i � �hgi \ X �ws;a , then by (2) there exists a unique~g 2 G n T such that

(16) g0 � n ~s ~g, while hmgi 7!hm ~s ~gi extends ws;ajhgi \ X to a unique projectivity cs;X ofhgi onto h~gi and, for s, t 2 S, cst;X � cs;Xct;X .

Let �m1;m2; . . .� be the height-vector of hga � Ti in G=T . If for X 2 C,

nX � jhgai:X j �Yi

pni;Xi ;


`i;X � ni;X ; if ni;X ; Wmi;

mi; if ni;X > mi;fX �


p`i;Xi :


Given X 2 C there exists in �G=T � a unique rX 2 R� such that jLgrX:Lga j � fX ; fLgrX

gis a local system of G and, forY WX , LgrY

XLgrX. We have the direct decomposition

LgrX=X � L�p�grX =X � L�p

0�grX=X ;

respectively in its p and in its p0-components. Notice that L�p0�

grX� hgX i is cyclic and

L�p�grX XT . Let r 2 R� be such that Lgr � hL�p�grX ; gai; then by (14), on Lgr there is de¢nedthe autoprojectivity ws;r where, by (15), ws;rjLga � ws;a. Since jhgX i:X j is a p0-number,there exists by (16) a unique projectivity cs;X of hgX i onto h~gX iXX ws;a which extendsws;ajX :X ! Xws;a . For the given X 2 C and s 2 S, we are now in the position tode¢ne a projectivity js;X of the interval �LgrX

=X � onto �LgrXws;a=X ws;a � by setting

(17) js;X � �j0s;X ;j00s;X �, wherej0s;X � cs;X j�hgX i=X �: �hgX i=X � ! �h~gX i=X ws;a �,j00s;X � ws;rj�L�p�grX =X �: �L

�p�grX=X � ! �L�p�grXws;a

=X ws;a �.

We have, for Y WX

(18) js;Y j�LgrX=X � � js;X .

THEOREM 3.2. [7] Let G be a �-group. Then there exists a monomorphism j: s 7!js

of S � S�p� into F �T �.


Proof. Take a s 2 S and, for X 2 C � C�hgai� n f0g, consider the projectivityde¢ned in (17). With reference to the automorphism w � ws;ajC and to the familyfjs;X gX of projectivities, 1.2 applies since (18) holds. Therefore there exists a uniquejs 2 P�G� such that jsj�LgrX

=X � � js;X : thus js 2 F �T �. Finally with the help of (15)and (16) one concludes that j is a monomorphism. &

Remark. Assume G � A� Tx for a certain x � p. Then Sj leaves A stable. In fact,since A=t�A� � G=T , we may choose each representative gr in A. But then, givens 2 S, our costruction of ss;X shows that gX and ~gX are in A. Hence�A \ LgrX

�js;X WA, and we are done.

THEOREM B. Let G be a �-group. Then P�G� is the product of its two normal sub-groups F �G=T � and F �T �.

Proof. Take a j 2 P�G�; then jjG=T determines a unique s 2 S�p� in correspon-dence to the p-singularities of j on R. By Theorem 3.2, we may considerjs � sj 2 F �T �; then jÿ1s jjG=T 2 PA�R�, hence it is induced by the automorphismx 7!xq, q a convenient element of R (see (1)). Set x � p \ u�q�. If x � ;, x 7!xqde¢nes a w 2 PA�G� \ F �T �; if x 6� ;, [7], proposition 4, tells us that G splits overTx: G � A� Tx. Then the map

g:x 7!xq; if x 2 A;x 7!x; if x 2 Tx

is an automorphism of G inducing a w of F �T � \ PA�G�, and we havejÿ1s jjG=T � wjG=T , i.e. r � wÿ1jÿ1s j 2 F �G=T �. Thereforej � jswr 2 F �T ��F �T � \ PA�G��F �G=T � � F �T �F �G=T �. &

We observe that our proof shows that

(19) Given a �-group G and a j in F �T �, there exists a unique s 2 S�p�, a w inF �T � \ PA�G� /PA�G� and a r 2 F �G=T � \ F �T � /P�G� such thatj � jsrw 2 �Sj j� n�F �G=T � \ F �T ����F �T � \ PA�G��.

Combining (19) with Theorem B one gets

(20) P�G� � �F �G=T � j�Sj��F �T � \ PA�G��;

i.e. P�G�, modulo PA�G�, is completely determined by the group of autoprojectivitiesF �G=T � j�Sj . In case that the �-group G splits over Tp, G � A� Tp, one may even saythat P�G�, modulo PA�G�, is determined by FA�G=T � j�Sj . According to Lemma2.2(b);

(21) FA�G=T � � F �A=t�A��jFA�G=Tp� � F �A=t�A��j ~FA�G=Tp��PA�G� \ FA�G=Tp��,~FA�G=Tp� being described by Theorem A.


Moreover, one has

FA�G=Tp� \ F �T �WFA�G=Tp� \ F �Tp�W ~FA�G=Tp�WFA�G=Tp�:

Taking into account (11), (12) and Theorem 2.5, to determine F �T � \ FA�G=Tp�inside the inverse limit

lim ÿX2Cn

S�MX � (see Theorem A), we are left to investigate

the situation in which s2�Tp� 6� Tp.For a j 2 FA�G=Tp� \ F �T � and an X 2 Cn, one has jX � jjLX � �1;j00X �, with

j00X 2 Q�MX � � fr 2 S�MX � j rjTX � 1g. Since for Y WX , TX WTY , the restrictionmap pYX :Q�MY � ! P�MX � is a homomorphism into Q�MX �. Hence

(22) �Q�MX �; pZY � is an inverse system, with Q�MX � � RA�MX �U�RmX � .RA�MX �,where A � �PX ;KX �. In particular for s > 0, Q�MX � is a ¢nite soluble group [3].

PROPOSITION 3.3. Given a �-group G of the form G � A� Tp with s2�Tp� 6� Tp,

consider the isomorphism j: ~FA�G=Tp� ! lim ÿX2Cn

S�MX �; then the restriction map

j0 � jjFA�G=Tp� \ F �T � is an isomorphism ontolim ÿX2Cn

Q�MX �.

Proof. Given fj00X g 2lim ÿX2Cn

Q�MX �, let j 2 ~FA�G=Tp� be such that jj � fj00X g Sincej00X jTX � 1, where TX � TX WT , and [TX � T , one concludes that jjT � 1, i.e.j 2 ~FA�G=Tp� \ F �T � � FA�G=Tp� \ F �T �, and the conclusion follows. &

Recall that according to [3], G�M� is the subgroup of R�M� consisting of elementsfor which �m� � �1�. We are going to prove

LEMMA 3.4. Let M � H � C be an �n;m; s�-group with nXm > s > 0 andA � �hai; hbi� a frame of H. Then RA�M� \Q�M� � GA�M�.

Proof. Let j:R�M� ! Fn;m;s be the isomorphism as de¢ned in [2], 5.5, with ref-erence to the frame A, and let c 2 RA�M� \Q�M�. Then cjOs�1�M�=O1�H� ��1; m; m� � �1; 1; l�, where l, m 2 U�Rs�. It follows that m � 1, henceRA�M� \Q�M�WGA�M�. Conversely let �s0; s1; . . . ; snÿm; tnÿm� 2 GA�M�j. Onehas htiW hbi� C if and only if hti � hpk�ia� b� � ci with i � 0; but now forc � �s0; s1; . . . ; snÿm; tnÿm�jÿ1 , htic � hpk�0tnÿma� b� � ci � hpkb� ci � hti, hencecjhb;Ci � 1, so GA�M�WRA�M� \Q�M�. &

LEMMA 3.5. Under the assumption of 3.3, pYX :Q�MY � ! Q�MX �, r 7!rjMX is anepimorphism.

Proof. �a� s > 0.Write

MX � PX � KX � C; MY � PY � KY � C;


where KX WKY . SetM � PY � KX � C and take a c 2 Q�MX �; by Lemmas 1.3 and1.4, there exists a c 2 PPY ;KX

�M� such that cjMX � c; butcjKX � C �cjKX � C � 1, so c 2 Q�M�. Now there exists a lY 2 U�RnY � such thatr � c�lY ; 1; 1� 2 Q�M� \ RPY ;KX

�M� � GPY ;KX�M� by Lemma 3.4. With the help

of [3], Theorem A, one produces a ~r 2 GPY ;KY�MY � such that ~rjM � r. By 3.4,

~r 2 Q�MY �, hence also j � ~r�lÿ1Y ; 1; 1� 2 Q�MY �. But now ~r�lÿ1Y ; 1; 1�jM �r�lÿ1Y ; 1; 1� � c, and since cjMX � c, we have that for j 2 Q�MY �,jjMX � c 2 Q�MX �.�b� s � 0.

We have MX � PX � KX and Q�MX � � PAX�MX �. Using 1.4 one again reaches the

conclusion. &

With the notation so far introduced, we are going to prove

THEOREM C. Given a �-group G, assume that for a p 2 p, G splits over Tp,G � A� Tp, that s2�Tp� 6� Tp and that Tp is not locally cyclic. Then there exists afamily of normal subgroups fNX gX2Cn

of L:� FA�G=Tp� \ F �T � such thatTX NX � 1 and for X 2 Cn, L=NX � Q�MX �.Proof. By Proposition 3.3, L � lim ÿ

X2CnQ�MX � and, by Lemma 3.5,

rX :FA�G=Tp� \ F �T � ! P�MX �, r 7!rjMX is an epimorphism onto the ¢nite soluble

group Q�MX �. Set NX � ker rX ; if c 2 \XNX , then cj�LX=X � � 1 which implies

c � 1, being fLX gX2Cna local system of G. &

We remark that if G is a �-group which splits over T , then by Lemmas 2.1, 3.1 �b�,Theorem C and along with (11), (12), (13) and (19), one gets a quite satisfactorydescription of P�G� modulo PA�G�.

4. Given the �-group G, since our interest lies in the determination of non-linearautoprojectivities of G, we may restrict our considerations (due to formula (20))to the group F �G=T �, even assuming that G does not split over T . Recall the localsystem D � fLgr � hgr;Ti j r 2 R�; W g of G introduced in the previous section.

For d 2 D, by what has been said in the previous sections, the structure of P�d�modulo PA�d� is fairly well understood. For j 2 F �G=T � and d 2 D we setjjd � jd 2 F �d=T �: by (6) we know that jd preserves the heights of the elementsin G; it follows that the map rd :F �G=T � ! F �d=T �, j 7!jd is a homomorphisminto Fh�d=T � � fw 2 F �d=T � j w preserves the heights in Gg. Now one sees thatthe families �F �d=T �; pd2d1 �d2D, �Fh�d=T �; pd2d1 �d2D, �F �d=T � \ PA�d�; p

d2d1�d2D are inverse

systems. The following holds


�a� lim ÿd

F �d=T � � lim ÿd

Fh�d=T �


�b� j:F �G=T � ! lim ÿd

F �d=T �, w 7!fwdgd,�c� j:F �G=T � \ PA�G� ! lim ÿ

d�F �d=T � \ PA�d��, w 7!fwdgd

are isomorphisms.

Proof. �a� Let fwdgd 2lim ÿd

F �d=T � (fwdgd 2lim ÿd�F �d=T � \ PA�d��) (serve?), then

wd preserves the heights in d by (6) and since for d 0X d, wd � wd 0 jd, wd 2 Fh�d=T �, i.e.fwdgd 2

lim ÿd

Fh�d=T �.�b�, �c� The map j is clearly a monomorphism. Now given fwdgd 2

lim ÿd

F �d=T �(fwdgd 2

lim ÿd�F �d=T � \ PA�d��), taking into account that Pot d � f�1g, one sees by

using Lemma 1.1 that there exists a unique w 2 P�G� (a unique w 2 PA�G�) such thatwjd � wd ; thus w 2 F �G=T � (w 2 F �G=T � \ PA�G�). It follows that j is actually anisomorphism. &

Given the �-group G, set p1 � fp 2 p j G does not split over Tpg, ~p �fp 2 p j expTp � 1 and s2�Tp� � Tpg; from splitting criterions in Abelian groupswe have p1 � ~p and the following propositon holds

COROLLARY 4.2. Given the �-group G, set ~p0 � p n ~p and G � G=T ~p0 . ThenF �G=t�G��WPA�G�.

Proof. Without loss of generality we may assume T ~p0 � 1. By Theorem 2.5 andLemma 2.1, F �d=T �WPA�d�. Now, by Proposition 4.1 (c), w � fwdg 2 PA�G�; theconclusion follows. &

Given a �-group G, for any ; 6� x � ~p0, such that j x j <1, G splits over Tx. How-ever if j x j � 1, it may be the case that G does not split over Tx.

To prove the main theorem of this section, we need a result which actuallygeneralizes Lemma 2.1.

LEMMA 4.3. Given the �-group G of the form G � A� Tx, x � p, for j 2 FA�G=T �set jp � jjGp, where Gp � A� Tp, p 2 x. Then the map g:j 7!�jp�p2x is anisomorphism of FA�G=T � onto C � f�jp�p2x 2

Qp2x FA�Gp=t�Gp�� j jpjA � jqjA

for every p;q2xg.Proof.Given j 2 FA�G=T �, it is clear that jp 2 FA�Gp=t�Gp�� and that jpjA � jqjA

for every p, q 2 x. Now suppose we are given the family �jp� 2 C Then each jp isindex-preserving by (6) and, if we set w � jpjA, we get

Xj=�X \ A�w �Xp

�X \ Gp�jp=�X \ A�w �Mp

��X \ Gp�jp=�X \ A�w�;

i.e. �Xj=�X \ A�w�p � �X \ Gp�jp=�X \ A�w. On the other hand, since Xj \ A ��X \ A�w we have �Xj=�Xj \ A��p � Xj \ Gp=�X \ A�w. Thus Xj \ Gp ��X \ Gp�jp . Then one concludes as in the proof of Lemma 2.1. &


THEOREM D. Let G be a �-group and assume that G splits over T~p0: G � A� T ~p0 .Then

P�G� � �FA�G=T ~p0 � j�Sj�PA�G�:

Proof. By (20), P�G� � �F �G=T � j�Sj�PA�G�, from which it follows that P�G� ��FA�G=T � j�Sj�PA�G� by the remark after Theorem 3.2. By Lemma 4.3 we mayassume ~p0 � fpg. Now, by Lemma 2.2(b), FA�G=T � � FA�G=Tp�F �A=t�A��j , andby Corollary 4.2, F �A=t�A��j WPA�G�. The conclusion follows. &

One may notice that if j ~p0 j <1, in particular if j p j <1, the splitting conditionof Theorem D is satis¢ed.


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