decision session executive member 10 november 2016 ... to...3. annex a (parts 1 to 4) includes the...

Decision Session Executive Member 10 November 2016 Transport and Planning Report of the Corporate Director of Economy & Place Haxby to Strensall Speed Limit Petition Summary 1. To report the receipt of a petition requesting the reduction of the speed limit on the rural roads between Haxby and Strensall and the introduction of traffic calming measures such as chicanes. Recommendation 2. It is recommended that: The petition is noted and that the issue be considered as part of the annual accident and prevention measures across the city. Reason: To respond to residents concerns in a practical manner whilst prioritising the resources available to the reduction of injury on the highway in the authority area. Background 3. Annex A (parts 1 to 4) includes the petition covering letter and attachments received. Annex B shows the online front page of the petition indicating 148 signatures. Annex C is a plan showing the location of the 4 injury accidents recorded by the police in the last 5 years (1 in each of 2011, 12, 13 and 14). 4. In addition to the online petition set up by the lead petitioner a “” e-petition was set up that received no signatures. 5. The character of the roads that link Haxby to Strensall is rural with a few properties (business and residential) having direct access on to them and they are used by horse riders, cyclists and walkers. The roads are mainly long straights with good visibility linked by sharp bends where forward visibility is obviously greatly reduced.

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Page 1: Decision Session Executive Member 10 November 2016 ... to...3. Annex A (parts 1 to 4) includes the petition covering letter and attachments received. Annex B shows the online front

Decision Session – Executive Member 10 November 2016 Transport and Planning Report of the Corporate Director of Economy & Place

Haxby to Strensall Speed Limit Petition


1. To report the receipt of a petition requesting the reduction of the speed limit on the rural roads between Haxby and Strensall and the introduction of traffic calming measures such as chicanes.


2. It is recommended that:

The petition is noted and that the issue be considered as part of the annual accident and prevention measures across the city.

Reason: To respond to residents concerns in a practical manner whilst prioritising the resources available to the reduction of injury on the highway in the authority area.


3. Annex A (parts 1 to 4) includes the petition covering letter and attachments received. Annex B shows the online front page of the petition indicating 148 signatures. Annex C is a plan showing the location of the 4 injury accidents recorded by the police in the last 5 years (1 in each of 2011, 12, 13 and 14).

4. In addition to the online petition set up by the lead petitioner a “[email protected]” e-petition was set up that received no signatures.

5. The character of the roads that link Haxby to Strensall is rural with a few properties (business and residential) having direct access on to them and they are used by horse riders, cyclists and walkers. The roads are mainly long straights with good visibility linked by sharp bends where forward visibility is obviously greatly reduced.

Page 2: Decision Session Executive Member 10 November 2016 ... to...3. Annex A (parts 1 to 4) includes the petition covering letter and attachments received. Annex B shows the online front

The plan and pictures in Annex D indicates the existing traffic signs in place that are intended to warn approaching drivers, particularly those unfamiliar with the area, of the bends in the road and other potential hazards.

6. There is national guidance on the setting of speed limits and for rural roads of this type the national speed limit (60mph) is applied. It is important to note that whilst the maximum speed limit is 60mph it is the drivers duty to drive according to the prevailing road conditions, hence when the light or the weather is poor, works taking place, bends or blind summits, etc or if there are other more vulnerable road users about a driver would be expected to reduce their speed accordingly. In fact the speed that a driver chooses to travel at is greatly influenced by their surroundings rather than by a posted speed limit. Hence, reducing a speed limit without introducing something that would compel a driver to reduce their speed is very unlikely to have a significant impact on the speed of traffic. This is particularly relevant in this case where the roads link two local communities and it can reasonably be assumed that a significant number of the users are local and familiar with the roads.

7. It would be unusual to introduce traffic calming measures of the type requested in this location, but there may be other features that could be considered if further investigation is carried out and resources are available.

Options for Consideration

8. Option 1 – To take no action. This is not the recommended option.

9. Option 2 – To approve the advertising of a reduced speed limit on these roads. This is not the recommended option.

10. Option 3 – To add this to the list of areas to be investigated to determine if there are practical accident reduction measures that could be put forward for consideration. This is the recommended option.


11. At this stage there are no consultation requirements. If this situation changes as a result of a potential accident reduction investigation details will be brought forward in due course.

Council Plan

12. The above proposal contributes to the City Council’s draft Council Plan of:

A council that listens to residents

Page 3: Decision Session Executive Member 10 November 2016 ... to...3. Annex A (parts 1 to 4) includes the petition covering letter and attachments received. Annex B shows the online front


13. This report has the following implications:

Financial – None

Human Resources – None

Equalities – None.

Legal – None

Crime and Disorder – None

Information Technology - None

Land – None

Other – None

Risk Management

14. . None.

Contact Details Authors: Chief Officer Responsible for the report: Alistair Briggs Traffic Management Team Leader Transport (01904) 551368

Neil Ferris Corporate Director of Economy & Place

Date: 1 November 2016

Specialist Implications Officer(s) None .

Wards Affected: Haxby and Wigginton, Strensall

For further information please contact the author of the report. Background Papers: None. Annexes:

Annex A Petition Covering Letter and Attachments

Annex B Online Front Page off the Petition

Annex C Injury Accident Location Plan

Annex D Existing signs

Page 4: Decision Session Executive Member 10 November 2016 ... to...3. Annex A (parts 1 to 4) includes the petition covering letter and attachments received. Annex B shows the online front

Annex A1

Petition Covering Letter and Attachments

Page 5: Decision Session Executive Member 10 November 2016 ... to...3. Annex A (parts 1 to 4) includes the petition covering letter and attachments received. Annex B shows the online front

Annex A2

Petition Covering Letter and Attachments

Page 6: Decision Session Executive Member 10 November 2016 ... to...3. Annex A (parts 1 to 4) includes the petition covering letter and attachments received. Annex B shows the online front
Page 7: Decision Session Executive Member 10 November 2016 ... to...3. Annex A (parts 1 to 4) includes the petition covering letter and attachments received. Annex B shows the online front

Annex A3

Petition Covering Letter and Attachments

Page 8: Decision Session Executive Member 10 November 2016 ... to...3. Annex A (parts 1 to 4) includes the petition covering letter and attachments received. Annex B shows the online front
Page 9: Decision Session Executive Member 10 November 2016 ... to...3. Annex A (parts 1 to 4) includes the petition covering letter and attachments received. Annex B shows the online front

Annex A4

Petitioners Plan Indicating Crashes from the Internet

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Annex B Online Petition (snapshot of front page 7/10/2016)

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Annex C Injury Accident Location Plan

Page 13: Decision Session Executive Member 10 November 2016 ... to...3. Annex A (parts 1 to 4) includes the petition covering letter and attachments received. Annex B shows the online front

Annex D Existing Signs

Sign 1 Pedestrians in carriageway

Sign 2 x 2 Bend and ridden horses

Sign 3 Bend and ridden horses

Sign 4 Bend NOTE: This has become partially overgrown and will be re-sited on the opposite side of the carriageway to improve conspicuity.

Page 14: Decision Session Executive Member 10 November 2016 ... to...3. Annex A (parts 1 to 4) includes the petition covering letter and attachments received. Annex B shows the online front

Sign 5 x 2 Bend x 2

Sign 6 Double bend

Sign 7 Double bend

Sign 8 Bend

Page 15: Decision Session Executive Member 10 November 2016 ... to...3. Annex A (parts 1 to 4) includes the petition covering letter and attachments received. Annex B shows the online front

Sign 9 Bend and road liable to flooding

Sign 10 Double bend

Sign 11 Bend

Sign 12 Double bend and road liable to flooding

Page 16: Decision Session Executive Member 10 November 2016 ... to...3. Annex A (parts 1 to 4) includes the petition covering letter and attachments received. Annex B shows the online front