decision - i kaf

Republika e Kosoves Republika Kosova – Republic of Kosovo Qeveria – Vlada – Government Autoriteti Kombetar i Kualifikimeve Nacionalni Autoritet za Kvalikacije National Qualification Authority Number: 1-465 Date: 16.11.2016 In support of articles 6 and 16 of Law no. 03/L-060 on National Qualifications of date November 2008 and Administrative Directive no. 35/2014 of date 20.11.2014 on the criteria and procedures of validation and approval of national qualifications and accreditations of institutions that provide qualifications in Kosovo by article 4, 7, 10, 11, 16 and 17, The Steering Council of the National Qualifications Authority by date 26.05.2016 issue this: DECISION 1. For accreditation of Institute of Accounting, Auditing and Finance in Prishtina, for a period of three years, from 26.05.2016 until 26.05.2019 for this approved qualifications: 1.1 Technician Accountant, NQF Level (IV) 1.2 Certified Accoutnant, NQF Level (V) 1.3 Certified Auditor, NQF Level (V) 1.4 Qualification validation and institution accreditation is approved with the following conditions: Conditions: Financial Plan for the next three years, The engagement plan of regular lecturers, Individuals with special needs to be afforded a reasonable approach to certification. Signalizing signs in the object as well as firefighting devices should be certified with validity. To develop monitoring and mentoring procedures (Time period: 31.12.2016)

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Republika e KosovesRepublika Kosova – Republic of KosovoQeveria – Vlada – Government

Autoriteti Kombetar i KualifikimeveNacionalni Autoritet za KvalikacijeNational Qualification Authority

Number: 1-465Date: 16.11.2016In support of articles 6 and 16 of Law no. 03/L-060 on National Qualifications of date November2008 and Administrative Directive no. 35/2014 of date 20.11.2014 on the criteria and proceduresof validation and approval of national qualifications and accreditations of institutions that providequalifications in Kosovo by article 4, 7, 10, 11, 16 and 17, The Steering Council of the NationalQualifications Authority by date 26.05.2016 issue this:


1. For accreditation of Institute of Accounting, Auditing and Finance in Prishtina, for aperiod of three years, from 26.05.2016 until 26.05.2019 for this approvedqualifications:1.1 Technician Accountant, NQF Level (IV)1.2 Certified Accoutnant, NQF Level (V)1.3 Certified Auditor, NQF Level (V)1.4 Qualification validation and institution accreditation is approved with the followingconditions:Conditions: Financial Plan for the next three years, The engagement plan of regular lecturers, Individuals with special needs to be afforded a reasonable approach to certification. Signalizing signs in the object as well as firefighting devices should be certified withvalidity. To develop monitoring and mentoring procedures

(Time period: 31.12.2016)

2. Reasoning:Based on institutions request on 25.06.2016, the AKK Steering Council take this decisionbased on the given recommendation from Panel Evaluation Report of Experts over theInstitution Accreditation which offers and/or values and issues approved qualifications,and this recommendation is based in facts and documentation as follows: Application for the Qualification/Module Validation; Application for Institution Accreditations as Provider and/or Evaluator and issuer ofQualification: Self-assessment Report; Visit to the Provider/Evaluator Institution, and Other Additional Documents.2.1 The party dissatisfied with this decision has the right to appeal to the secondinstance bodies.The appeal is made through the first instance body.

3. The conditions for approval and accreditation have to be fulfilled within the deadlineset by the AKK, in case the institution/provider does not meet these criteria, the AKKhas the right to withdraw approval and accreditation.4. The decision enters into force on the date of its signature.5. The decision is sent: Institute for Accountancy, Auditing and Finance in Prishtina, and AKK

Attached: Original Document in Albanian