december 2015 division 1 news · grade 1 team: mrs. hundal, mrs. konrad, and ms. kaur kindergarten...

Congratulations for Putting First Things First The students were working hard on Habit #3, Put First Things First. Be- low are a list of this months student of the month! Congratulations and Great work!!! KHALSA SCHOOL CALGARY Important Dates December 3– PAC Meeting 4—Tribute to Manmeet Bhullar 9– Items due for helping fami- lies in need 11– Christmas Concert 11– Last day of School before Winter Holidays School Closed Dec 14th to Jan 8th. Students Back from holi- days January 11th. Division 1 News Preserving the Past...Preparing for the Future December 2015 Student of the Month 1 Helping Families in Need 2 Tips for Parents 3 Teachers’Corner Kindergarten and Grade 1 4 Teachers’Corner Kindergarten and Grades 2 and 3 5 Teacher’s Corner Punjabi department 6 December Calendar 7 Inside this issue: Kindergarten Z: Muskaan Gill Kindergarten P: Udhay Sidhu Grade 1H: Gurnoor Boparai Grade 1K: Shabadjot Singh Grade 1Kaur: Surpreet Doad Grade 2G: Irshan Dhillon Grade 2K: Gurkeerat Sahi Grade 3H: Gurtegh Golan Grade 3R: Sukhraj Kaler

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Page 1: December 2015 Division 1 News · Grade 1 Team: Mrs. Hundal, Mrs. Konrad, and Ms. Kaur Kindergarten As November comes to a close and December is nearly upon us, it is hard to believe

Congratulations for

Putting First Things First

The students were working hard on Habit #3, Put First Things First. Be-

low are a list of this months student of the month! Congratulations and

Great work!!!


Important Dates


3– PAC Meeting

4—Tribute to Manmeet Bhullar

9– Items due for helping fami-

lies in need

11– Christmas Concert

11– Last day of School before

Winter Holidays

School Closed Dec 14th

to Jan 8th.

Students Back from holi-

days January 11th.

Division 1 News

Preserving the Past...Preparing for the Future

December 2015

Student of the Month 1

Helping Families in



Tips for Parents 3


Kindergarten and

Grade 1



Kindergarten and

Grades 2 and 3


Teacher’s Corner

Punjabi department 6

December Calendar 7

Inside this issue:

Kindergarten Z: Muskaan Gill

Kindergarten P: Udhay Sidhu

Grade 1H: Gurnoor Boparai

Grade 1K: Shabadjot Singh

Grade 1Kaur: Surpreet Doad

Grade 2G: Irshan Dhillon

Grade 2K: Gurkeerat Sahi

Grade 3H: Gurtegh Golan

Grade 3R: Sukhraj Kaler

Page 2: December 2015 Division 1 News · Grade 1 Team: Mrs. Hundal, Mrs. Konrad, and Ms. Kaur Kindergarten As November comes to a close and December is nearly upon us, it is hard to believe

This holiday season we are teaching Khalsa

school students about caring and giving.

Students will be synergizing to collect es-

sential items to fill up hampers to the “Even

Start for Children Foundation of Calgary”. Please send the items to school by

Wednesday, December 9th, 2015.

We Thank You Kindly for your


Khalsa School Calgary will be paying tribute to the life of Manmeet

Singh Bhullar on Friday, December 4th @ 1:00p.m

We will be conducting an assembly in the main gymnasium and we

would invite all parents to share in the celebration of Manmeet’s


Helping Families in Need

Tribute to Manmeet Bhullar

Page 2 Division 1 News

Let’s Make a



Page 3: December 2015 Division 1 News · Grade 1 Team: Mrs. Hundal, Mrs. Konrad, and Ms. Kaur Kindergarten As November comes to a close and December is nearly upon us, it is hard to believe

Wash Your Hands- Germs are everywhere! Good hand washing is the

best prevention against picking up unwanted viruses.

Get enough sleep- We are all-sleep deprived in this country. Sleep

allows the immune system time to regenerate it’s resilient powers to

protect us. Make this a priority during flu season.

Avoid drafts- Dress your child properly for abrupt changes in temper-

ature especially when going outside. This can shock the immune sys-

tem and make it work let effectively.

Wash your hands- Germs are everywhere !Good hand washing is the

best prevention against picking up unwanted viruses.

Student Absences

If your child is sick or

will be away from school for

any reason, please call the

school office and let the secre-

tary know. The school phone

number is 403-293-


Important information for parents


We want to remind all parents



NIGHT. We send the agendas

home every night. It is a tool

that we communicate with par-

ents about what is going on at

school. We appreciate your

involvement in this way.

Page 3

Tips to Help Prevent a Cold

Healthy Eating

It is very important to pack your

child a healthy lunch with 2

healthy snacks. Food such as pop,

kool-aid, chips, candy, choco-

late, wagon wheels, and dun-

karoos are not allowed to be eat-

en at school. These items will be

sent back home! Thank you for

your cooperation.

Bana Day

On Fridays, students are permitted to wear Bana in-

stead of their school uniform. This is optional; how-

ever, if students choose not to wear Bana, they must

wear their uniform. Fridays are not casual dress

days!! Only the last Friday of the month is a Caus-

al Day.

Page 4: December 2015 Division 1 News · Grade 1 Team: Mrs. Hundal, Mrs. Konrad, and Ms. Kaur Kindergarten As November comes to a close and December is nearly upon us, it is hard to believe

The grade ones have been super busy over the last couple of months. In language

arts, we have begun looking at long vowel sounds. We are using rhymes and songs to help us remember the

long-vowel rules. We know that bumper words and mouse words help us make the long vowel sounds. We are

also learning all about bears! We are reading, researching, labeling and writing about different bears including

black bears, grizzly bears and polar bears. If you have any questions about bears, take a walk down the divi-

sion one hallway and we’ll help you out. We’re becoming experts! In the beginning of December, we will have

our annual “Teddy Bear Sleep-Over.” We can’t wait!

In math, we’re continuing to work on our numerical skills. We are mastering our skip-counting skills. We know

how to count to 100 by 10s, 5s and 2s. We know that repetition is important for us! The more we practise some-

thing, the better we will get. We are also looking at place value. We are learning how to represent numbers

using ten-base and one blocks.

In social studies, we are finishing up our discussions about rights and responsibilities. These were difficult con-

cepts, but we worked hard to learn them. We will now begin to look at citizenship and what it means to be a

good citizen.

In science, we continued to explore the world of colours. We discovered how to mix and blend colours to

make new colours. We loved painting! Now, we are learning about natural and manufactured colours.

Grade 1 Team: Mrs. Hundal, Mrs. Konrad, and Ms. Kaur


As November comes to a close and December is nearly upon us, it is hard to believe that the first term of

the school year is over. It has been an exciting first term in Kindergarten. The kindergarten teachers have

seen such great progress in the kindergarten students in regards to them becoming familiar with their class

-room routines and expectations, seeing them become more independent, and seeing the youngest stu-

dents at KSC become little leaders in their own ways. They have continued to learn about fall weather,

activities and holidays. Letter recognition and sounds have also been a focus in literacy as well as express-

ing their ideas through journal entries. The kindergarten students have studied what Remembrance Day is

and have learned poems that teach about the poppy. In Math, kindergarten continues to work on recog-

nizing and writing numbers from zero to ten. Pattern recognition, pattern building and sorting objects

based on a single attribute have also been a focus. In Citizenship and Identity, the students are learning

about the origin and significance of their given names as well as learning what each other’s interests are.

Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind has been taught and demonstrated through various children’s stories

which teach the kindergarten students how to plan ahead, set goals, do things that make a difference,

and how to be a good citizen through following their Classroom Mission Statements.

Mrs. Parhar and Mrs. Zaseybida

Grade 1

Page 4

Page 5: December 2015 Division 1 News · Grade 1 Team: Mrs. Hundal, Mrs. Konrad, and Ms. Kaur Kindergarten As November comes to a close and December is nearly upon us, it is hard to believe

Reading and Writing:

The grade two students have just been introduced to the Explanation genre. Explanatory texts tell the reader how and

why things are the way they are, or how things work. Students will learn how to research on a topic of choice by using

different forms to collect information such as books, internet, videos, etc.


In math we are focusing on our addition and subtraction strategies unit. In this unit students will be able to develop

number sense and represent algebraic expressions in multiple ways. Students will demonstrate an understanding of ad-

dition(limited to 1- and 2 digit numerals) with answers to 100* and the corresponding subtraction by using personal strat-

egies for adding and subtracting with and without the support of manipulatives.


For science, we are currently looking at our “Hot and Cold temperature” unit. In this unit our goal is to have students

recognize the effects of heating and cooling, and identify methods for heating and cooling.


For social studies, we have continued learning about Meteghan, Saskatoon and Iqaluit. We have expanded on a vari-

ous traditions and celebrations that are significant in each community. This term, students were to demonstrate an in

depth understanding of traditions and the way of life in each community.

Mrs.Kaur and Ms.Gill

Grade 2

Grade 3

Students have completed their Numbers to 1000 unit and have already started the Addition and Subtraction unit. Students are describing and applying mental mathematics strategies for both addition and subtraction problems. They are also applying estimation strategies to pre-dict sums and differences. We will hope to complete this unit when students return from their winter holiday. We are continuing to work on our Fractured Fairy Tales unit and making para-graphs in literacy. We will be starting an independent novel study soon so be on the lookout for some hard working readers at home! In science, we are continuing to work on our Hearing and Sound unit. We learned a lot about sound on our trip to the Telus Spark Centre. We have learned what sound is, how sound travels, what pitch is, and how to measure sound using a sound meter. In Social, we are well into our unit on Ukraine and we should be finishing that up after the long holiday break. We are learning all about the culture, food, people, clothing, envi-ronment, jobs and entertainment in Ukraine. In our homeroom classes we are beginning to work on our Christmas concert presentations! We hope you will all join us in December for the concert!

Ms. Rendell and Mr. Hasegawa

Page 5

Page 6: December 2015 Division 1 News · Grade 1 Team: Mrs. Hundal, Mrs. Konrad, and Ms. Kaur Kindergarten As November comes to a close and December is nearly upon us, it is hard to believe


Grades 1,2, and 3

Basic level classes: The students are learning to recognize different alphabets sounds so that they can get

ready for reading and writing Mukta words. They are getting one-on-one support to enhance their under-

standing. However, we request second helping hand from parents so that extra practice at home in the

form of homework could improve their progress. Please don't forget to send completed homework and oth-

er Punjabi materials in your child's backpack for every Punjabi class.

Advanced level classes: Our advanced Punjabi learners of G-1 and 2 are reading and writing different mat-

ra words from Baal Updesh. They are expected to read and write 2, 3 & 4 - letter words of that matra before

writing their matra test. The parents are requested to let them write mixed words test at home so as to give

them extra exposure to Punjabi practice at home. The advanced learners of G-3 are reading lessons and

stories from Punjabi Patth Mala and solve the given questions. Please make sure that they are writing their

answers in full sentences rather than some words.

Please feel free to call or have personal meeting with Punjabi teachers if you have any question regarding

your child's Punjabi progress. Your support and co-operation really makes a difference to your child's learn-

ing progress. Please feel free to call or have personal meeting with Punjabi teachers if you have any question regarding your child's

Punjabi progress. Your support and co-operation really makes a difference to your child's learning progress.

Our youngest Punjabi learners are doing great in their classes. They are learning reading and writ-

ing second line of Punjabi alphabets. Along with writing, they are learning to connect the names

of different objects with the first letter of their spellings and they can name 3-5 objects for every

letter they have learned. That 's a great strategy to make them familiar with different alphabets'

sounds. We will send their winter break homework and parents are requested to help them saying

next letters while writing one page everyday. We really appreciate the effort and interest parents

have shown in Punjabi learning for their children.

Punjabi Department Punjabi/Gurmat

Page 6 Division 1 News

Winter has Arrived!!

The winter weather has arrived! Please make sure

your child is properly dressed for the cold weath-

er. Keeping an extra pair of socks, pants and mitts

in their backpacks is a great idea for those extra-

snowy days. Please also be sure to write your

child’s name in all of their outdoor clothing so that

we can ensure that these items do not go missing.

Page 7: December 2015 Division 1 News · Grade 1 Team: Mrs. Hundal, Mrs. Konrad, and Ms. Kaur Kindergarten As November comes to a close and December is nearly upon us, it is hard to believe

December 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

PAC Meeting

@ 6:00 p.m


Assembly @



6 7 8 9 10



Concert @ 8:45


13 14

Winter Holidays


15 16 17 18


20 21 22


24 25


27 29 30 31

Page 7

School Closed December 14th to January 8th.

Students Back from holidays Monday, January 11th.