debugging java from dumps

© 2011 IBM Corporation Chris Bailey – Java Support Architect Debugging from Dumps Debugging Applications and Products from Dumps

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Page 1: Debugging Java from Dumps

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Chris Bailey – Java Support Architect

Debugging from DumpsDebugging Applications and Products from Dumps

Page 2: Debugging Java from Dumps

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Debugging Strategies

■ Two common strategies for debugging:–

■ Debugging from Trace: Log or print relevant data at runtime– Typical approach used on distributed platforms– Pros: History is available, showing how the failure point was reached

Collected data usually has context via the trace point– Cons: only specified data is collected, often resulting in multiple iterations

ongoing performance overhead to running application

■ Debugging from “Dumps”: Collect all available data on failure– Used widely on on System Z– Pros: All available data is collected

No ongoing performance overhead to application– Cons: Very limited history of how the failure point was reached: only current thread stacks

Limited context around data: only Object or structure types

■ Using a combination of the two provides powerful debugging capabilities– Note: in-memory trace buffers are in the dumps, so can aid with trace data collection!

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Dump Types

■ Three different dump types:

Dump Format

Approx. Size on Disk

Objects, Classes, Class Loaders

Thread Details

Field Names

Field and Array References

Primitive Fields

Primitive Array Contents

Accurate GC Roots

Native Memory and Threads


20% of Java heap size

with Javacore*

HPROF Java heap size

System dump

Java heap size + 30%

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Dump Generation

■ Interactive Methods– Using a SIGQUIT or Ctrl-Break:

● When a Ctrl-Break or SIGQUIT (usually generated using "kill -3") is sent to the IBM runtime

● a "user" event is generated in the IBM dump engine● can however be configured to generate either a PHD format dump, or a System dump

using the following command line options to the Java application● -Xdump:heap:events=user (PHD Heap Dump)● -Xdump:system:events=user (System dump)

– Using the operating system to produce a system dump:● AIX: gencore (or the destructive kill -6 or kill -11)● Linux/Solaris: gcore (or the destructive kill -6 or kill -11)● Windows: userdump.exe● z/OS: SVCDUMP/Console Dump

– Using IBM Monitoring and Diagnostics Tools for Java - Health Center:● The Health Center tool provides a menu option to request dumps from a running Java

process● can request either a PHD or system dump

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Dump Generation

■ Interactive Methods– Using the wsadmin scripting client: (using Jython with the -lang jython option):

● Thread dump: AdminControl.invoke(AdminControl.completeObjectName("type=JVM,process=server1,*"), "dumpThreads")

● System dump: AdminControl.invoke(AdminControl.completeObjectName("type=JVM,process=server1,*"), "generateSystemDump")

● Portable heap dump (PHD): AdminControl.invoke(AdminControl.completeObjectName("type=JVM,process=server1,*"), "generateHeapDump")

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Dump Generation

■ Event Based Methods– Using the IBM dump engine:

● The dump engine provides a large number of events on which you can produce a "heap" or "system" dump

● Exceptions can also be filtered on throwing method using '#'– -Xdump:system:events=throw,filter=java/lang/NullPointerException#com/ibm/example/Example.bad

Event Description Filtering Example

gpf GPF (Crash) -Xdump:system:events=gpf

user User generated signal (SIGQUIT or Ctrl-Break)


vmstop VM shutdown, including call to System.exit()

exit code -Xdump:system:events=vmstop,filter=#0..#10

load Class load class name -Xdump:system:events=load,filter=com/ibm/example/Example

unload Class unload class name -Xdump:system:events=unload,filter=com/ibm/example/Example

throw An exception being thrown exception name -Xdump:system:events=throw,filter=java/net/ConnectException

catch An exception being caught exception name -Xdump:system:events=catch,filter=java/net/ConnectException

systhrow A Java exception is about to be thrown by the JVM

exception name -Xdump:system:events=systhrow,filter=java/lang/OutOfMemoryError,range=1..4

allocation A Java object is allocated size of object -Xdump:system:events=allocate,filter=#5m

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Generating Dumps

■ Event Based Methods– Using the IBM trace engine:

● the trace engine allows PHD and system dumps to be triggered on method entry or exit● achieved using the following command line option to the application:● produces a system dump when the Example.trigger() method is called

– -Xtrace:maximal=mt,trigger=method{com/ibm/example/Example.trigger,sysdump}● produces a PHD dump when the Example.trigger() method is called

– -Xtrace:maximal=mt,trigger=method{com/ibm/example/Example.trigger,heapdump}● set a range so that you don't create dumps every time the method is called

– -Xtrace:maximal=mt,trigger=method{com/ibm/example/Example.trigger,sysdump,,5,1}

■ Programmatic Methods:● provide a class with three methods:

– javaDump(), heapDump() and systemDump()

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Generating Dumps

■ Memory Analyzer also provides an "Acquire Heap Dump" option that allows you to trigger and load a snapshot dump from a Java process running on the same machine as Memory Analyzer.

■ On HotSpot based runtimes the Memory Analyzer generates the dump using JMap.

■ For the IBM runtimes the dump is generated using the "late attach" functionality and the the programmatic API.

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RAM Disk

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Core Size (bytes)


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Dump Generation

■ Dump writing speed is relatively quick:– ~10s per GB providing physical memory is available– Otherwise dictated by disk write speed– Can be minimized by good configuration of system:

● Memory assigned to file caching● Use of ramdisks

■ System dumps compress very well:– Usually to 10% of original size

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IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java – Memory Analyzer

■ Originally a tool for identifying memory leaks in Java applications

■ Works with dumps from all major Java vendors: IBM and HotSpot (Oracle, HP-UX, Mac OSX)

■ Provides a number of functions:– Memory leak detection and footprint analysis– Memory efficiency analysis– Thread stack traces with Object references–

■ Provides extension points to write analysis plugins– Used by IBM Extensions for Memory Analyzer

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IBM Extensions for Memory Analyzer (IEMA) ■ Goal:

build product and subject matter expert knowledge into Memory Analyzer to allow users and support to visualize and debug IBM SWG product applications

■ Development project that extends Memory Analyzer– Individual plug-ins for each product–

■ Adoption from multiple products:– Java SE– WebSphere Application Server– WebSphere ESB– WebSphere Portal Server– CICS Transaction Gateway– 40 query plug-ins/custom reports created– many more name resolvers (object annotations)

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IBM Extensions for Memory Analyzer – WebSphere Application Server

■ WebSphere Application Server Overview:– Install information

● Version, build level, install directory– Server information

● Server, Node and Cell name, startup and dump times– Applications status

● Applications status: started/stopped/leaking– Memory breakdown

● Applications, HTTP Sessions, WAS Runtime, SIB etc

■ Thread Pool Analysis:– All threads

● WebSphere thread pools and Java thread groups– Thread pool configuration

● Min and max sizes, ability to grow– Current thread count– Presence of hung threads

■ Plus a number of other reports, including:– Application Class Loader Leaks and Hung Thread Analysis– HA Manager status, HTTP Session details, Web Containter Analysis, Cache status, etc

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Memory Analyzer Extension Points

■ See:

■ org.eclipse.mat.api.nameResolver– Provides readable description of an object in some of MAT's view (like toString())– Annotates object types with detail about an object

● eg. hostname and port for a Socket object

■– Adds a menu item that executes your plug-in code– Creates report style output in any form you want: Tree, Text, HTML, Pie Charts, etc.

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Memory Analyzer API

■ ISnapshot – Represent one dump– Each object and class has a unique Integer ID. Most methods will return an int or array of ints.

Then you can call snapshot.getObject with the int to get an IObject representing the item–

– getGCRoots – List of all GC roots– getClasses – List of all classes (or search by name)– getInboundRefererIds – List of incoming references– getOutboundReferentIds – List of outgoing references– getHeapSize – Shallow heap size of the object– getRetainedHeapSize – Retained heap size of the object–

■ IObject – represents an item in the heap– getObjectAddress – This is the address of the object in the Java heap– getClazz – Get the class of an object– getUsedHeapSize/getRetainedHeapSize – Same as ISnapshot– getDisplayName – The class, address, and name resolver– resolveValue – For an IBM system dump or HPROF dump, given a name of a field, find the

object representing that field. This identifier can have periods which separate going down that tree of items.

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Memory Analyzer Extension Points: nameResolver

import org.eclipse.mat.SnapshotException;import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.extension.IClassSpecificNameResolver;import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.extension.Subject;import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IObject;

@Subject("")public class WebApp implements IClassSpecificNameResolver {

public String resolve(IObject object){String result = null;try {

IObject appName = (IObject)object.resolveValue("applicationName");IObject contextPath = (IObject)object.resolveValue("contextPath");if (appName != null && contextPath != null) {

result = appName.getClassSpecificName() + " at " +contextPath.getClassSpecificName();

}} catch (SnapshotException e) {

e.printStackTrace();}return result;


■ NameResolvers “annotate” objects with a line of text:

Select object type to “annotate”

Return String with text to annotate

Lookup field value

Get the String name of the object field

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Memory Analyzer API

■ IResult – What a query returns– TextResult – Plain text or HTML content– ObjectListResult – Grid of results with in/outbound refs– SectionSpec – Separate results into sections

● Add QuerySpecs– - Generate a pie chart– ListResult – Table of items– CompositeResult – Display results in separate tabs

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Memory Analyzer Extensions: query

import org.eclipse.mat.SnapshotException;import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.extension.IClassSpecificNameResolver;import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.extension.Subject;import org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.model.IObject;

@Name("Hung Thread Stacks")@Category(WASHelper.WAS_CATEGORY + WASHelper.HUNGTHREADS_SUBCATEGORY)@Help("List any threads that may be hung.\n\n")public class HungThreadsList extends BasePlugin {

public IResult execute(IProgressListener listener) throws Exception {int[] hungThreadIds = HungThreads.getHungThreadIds(snapshot);return new HungThreadsListOutgoingReferencesTree(

hungThreadIds, listener);}

■ Queries produce “reports” available from pull down menus:

Set name of query in menu

Set category in menu

Return “IResult” report

Find the Hung Threads

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Finding the Hung Threads

public static int[] getHungThreadIds(ISnapshot snapshot)throws SnapshotException {

int[] threadIds = findObjects(snapshot, "java.lang.Thread");

List<Integer> hungThreads = new ArrayList<Integer>();for (int thr : threadIds) {

IObject thrObj = snapshot.getObject(thr);if (isThreadHung(thrObj)) {



int[] hungThreadObjectIds = getArrayIntegers(hungThreads);return hungThreadObjectIds;


■ findObjects() makes it easy to find all objects of a give type

■ Returns a list of ObjectIds (ints) for the hung threads

Find all Threads

Check if the Thread is hung

Return the hung threads

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Checking if the Thread is hung

public static boolean isThreadHung(IObject thread) throws SnapshotException {

boolean result = false;boolean isHung = MATHelper.resolveValueBool(thread, "isHung");

if (isHung != null && isHung.booleanValue()) {result = true;


return result;}

■ Hung thread status found by checking boolean field “isHung”

Get isHung field

Check value of field

Return field value

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Displaying the Hung Threads

public class HungThreadsListOutgoingReferencesTree extends OutgoingReferencesTree {

private static final int sortIndex = COLUMN_INDEX_MAX_BUILTIN + 2;

public HungThreadsListOutgoingReferencesTree(ISnapshot snapshot, int[] roots, IProgressListener listener) throws SnapshotException {

super(snapshot, roots, listener);}

■ Customization used to add additional columns to output report:– Last Dispatch Time and Estimated Time Hung

■ Displays a Tree view of outgoing references, from the hung threads

Customized OutgoingReferencesTree

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IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java – IDDE

■ Interactive Diagnostic Data Explorer (IDDE)

■ Provides a visual representation of your set of dump files

■ An investigation log editor in which you run commands. This editor provides the following features:– Command assistance – Auto-completion of text – The ability to save commands and output, which you can then send to other people – Highlighted text and flagging of issues – The ability to add your own comments

■ An outline view to help you navigate the commands and output in the log editor

■ The ability to create your own commands, as plug-ins, and import plug-ins created by others