debtfree digi aug 2011

28 Debtfree South Africa’s debt counselling magazine August 2011

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SA's FREE Debt Counselling Industry Magazine. Collett v FRB not going to the Constitutional Court -What does this mean for the consumer? Debt Counselling News, reviews and advice. An excellent service directory to help you find what and who you need.


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DebtfreeSouth Africa’s debt counselling magazine

August 2011

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NCR accredited payment distribution agency

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Wouldn’t it be nice if when a consumer entered debt review and started to responsibly pay back their debt as best they can, that their creditors would say: “thank you for trying we really appreciate your effort”. Well, in many cases creditors, through their debt review departments, are doing just that. They reduce interest rates and make concessions above what the National Credit Act requires and have really helped consumers make plan. For some banks the debt review process has seen a definite increase in recovery of funds on


CoNtENtSEditors notes


Collett v FRB

Two sides to every story

Debt Counsellors meet

DCASA Western Cape

Service Directory








accounts which have in the past been erratic or non payers. However in amongst this happy collection process there is a dark side. Some creditors have started to try to stop negotiating through their debt review departments and have been sending out letters called “termination” letters or sect 86(10) letters. Basically these letter complicate things a lot for all parties involved. If you want to get all the latest news about that please read the article about Collett V FRB at the Constitutional Court in this issue.

This issue we also look at local debt counselling news as well as tips for consumers and DC’s in regard to collection practices. Read on to make sure no one is taking advantage of you.

Can you believe it we find ourselves in August already? The year is slowly winding down. Are you saving for those end of the year expenses? Are you getting ready for next years school book and school clothes costs? Now would be the time to be saving toward that. Don’t leave things too late. One thing is for sure, if you want to get debt free you have to plan ahead and stay informed so... enjoy the issue and keep chipping away at that nasty debt.

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CoLLEtt AppEAL to CoNStitUtioNAL CoUrt diSMiSSEdThe Constitutional Court has now decided not to hear the application of Mz Collett in regard to the 86(10) issue as ruled on in her case by the Supreme Court of Appeal. The NCR has also been turned away.

While the decision is very disappointing from the view of consumers who are currently facing frivolous “terminations” from creditors it does not mean that their rights under debt review are negated.

The Collett v FNB ruling does set out very specific conditions where a Credit Provider can terminate a debt review. Two conditions being: That the account was in a default status at the time of applying for debt review and two where the proposal made will not lead to the eventual satisfaction of the debt. [Section 103(5) would lead to eventual satisfaction under law.

FNB have made the following statement: “FNB will act responsibly and will only seek a termination of a debt review when we have explored all possible alternatives. FNB’s policy is that we will not take this step if we can see the customer is making a sincere effort to normalise their credit agreements.” - CEO of FNB Home Loans, Jan Kleynhans

While this may seem untrue in view of FNB’s recent actions it may indicate that in the near

future they will not be simply terminating because “60 days” have past. This promise of Mr Kleynhans can be quoted in the many 86(11) applications that FNB are now forcing consumers to make at High Court.

Creditors can send a 86(10) letter which says we don’t want to help through debt review and then when they begin legal action the consumer can make a 86(11) application to have a court say they must be involved with the debt review.

So while consumers rights are still protected under section 86(11) of the NCA, Credit Providers will probably continue in their campaign to cause consumers more unnecessary costs by “terminating their participation in the debt review” and approaching other courts, trying to get judgments and making extra costs that troubled consumers can ill afford.

In regard to the Constitutional Courts decision not to hear Ms Collett’s appeal of the ruling by the SCA one DC commented: “I think the court has let everyone (except creditors) down with the dismissal. The dismissal in effect chops the head off many consumers. The justice system is somewhat in shambles. In effect the dismissal will now increase legal costs because terminations will sky rocket and when a debt restructuring case is heard, the creditor will just oppose. The man on the street always seems to suffer.”

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This decision is somewhat a blow for over indebted consumers who will now have to part with more funds defending their assets. This will probably remain the case until the Amendments are made to the wording of the NCA which will hopefully address this matter.


ABSA have distributed the following email contact addresses to be used(these new addresses replace all previous ones announced)

Transfers:The [email protected] mail box is solely to cater for the transfer of consumers from one Debt Counsellor to another.

Urgent Court Applications:The [email protected] is ONLY for urgent court applications

ABSA’S NEW SECt 129 LEttEr StirS Up A HorNEtS NESt

ABSA new format letters in regard to Section 129 have not been met with much love from the Debt Counselling community. In an open letter (as below) Munnik and Associates have lead the way in trying to get ABSA to amend the new wording.OPEN LETTER TO ABSA – SECTION 129 NOTICES It has come to our attention that you have revised the content of your Letter of Demands in terms of Section 129 of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005. This has caused great uproar in the debt

counselling community and grievances have come to light.

In your Section 129 notices, with specific reference to clause 2.1, you state as quoted:

‘‘2. We propose that you refer the above credit agreement to: 2.1 a debt counsellor (however if you have not applied for debt review you will not be able to include this credit agreement under any future debt review proceedings),’’

The grievance lies with the fact that you do not advice the consumers that if they bring the default with regards to the credit agreement up to date, meaning pay the arrears, that they are within their rights to again apply for debt review in terms of Section 86 of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 with a debt counsellor.

All consumers have the right to be informed of their rights in a COMPETANT manner.

Your Section 129 notice as it is not in good business practice and insinuated that he consumer will never be able to include the agreement with your office in a debt review proceeding should they wish to apply.

ABSA as a bank is governed by the Code Of Banking Practice (COBP), as a code of conduct. As a result a code of ethics must always be held by ABSA.

1.We ask your office to amend your current Section 129 notices to a more consumer friendly one that agrees with your code of ethics.

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2. We ask that you include a clause that informs the consumer that should they cover(pay) their default in the credit agreement, that the agreement may once again fall part of a debt review application should they wish to apply for debt counselling with a debt counsellor.

If no resolve can be achieved, we feel it in the best interest of the consumers to escalate the matter to the National Credit Regulator (NCR), Ombudsman For Banking Services (OBSSA) for dispute resolution.

We thank you for your friendly workings thus far.

Munnik & Associates Mr. Paul Nieuwoudt

BSA has confirmed they are now escalating this matter to higher management.

Section 85 of the NCA also mentions that a court may include an account in a debt review essentially no matter what. When asked about this Mr. Nieuwoudt commented: “ We discussed the Section 85 inclusion, but we felt that from a creditors point of view, they are not obliged under Section 129 or Section 130 to report anything in relation to Section 85. “ We anticipate that ABSA will amend the wording on these forms slightly so as to present a more balanced view.


It is well known that Bayport do not wish to make any rate reductions for troubled consumers and oppose court applications where this is suggested. (they are within their legal rights to do so). It is interesting to note that Bayport have not accepted either the Task Team Agreement or the Code of Conduct which most other large industry players (and smaller ones similar to Bayport) have accepted.

tHE SooN to BE ForM 17.7 (CoNt.) The DCASA, NDMA and PDASA have tabled a detailed voluntary process to deal with the transfer and withdrawal of consumers who are under debt review to DRAC for approval. It may soon be that there will be a recognised process in place to address this common situation that is not dealt with in the NCA itself.

AFriCAN BANk pdA - No MorE African Bank who have operated a Payment Distribution Agency (PDA) which distributes funds for consumers who are under debt review has fought an up hill battle to try gain acceptance in the industry. It seems that battle has now been lost and African Bank have sent out the following notice to DC’s who have been using them as a PDA for their clients:

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Dear Debt Counselors,African Bank has after careful consideration made a commercial and strategic decision not to continue with the PDA operations. Attached please find formal notice. We also would like to thank you for using AB-PDS as your PDA. Please note that AB.PDS will continue with operations in providing the PDA services to you until such time that all the consumers has been placed with another PDA.

Please do contact us at any given time for assistance.

AB-PDS focus is to “wind down “ the business over the next four months. African Bank will within the next 3 weeks come back to all the DC’s regarding a potential hand over agreement to an alternative PDA and Front end solution.

The following operation procedures going forward:

New Applications:

African Bank will not accept any new applications after 31 August 2011.


Collections on existing consumers will continue as normal until the consumer has been placed with another PDA

Revised Applications:

Repayment plan maintenance will continue on the consumer until the consumer has been placed with another PDA

Account enquiries:

All account enquiries must be referred to [email protected]. A dedicated consultant will be allocated to deal the query

Portfolio Consultants:

You will no longer have a dedicated portfolio consultant: If you do experience a delay in any enquiries please escalate to:

Operations Manager – Johan Breedt – 011 564 6674 – [email protected]

Accounting Manager – Petra Muller - 011 564 6735 – [email protected]


1. Communication has been done to the following parties: NCR / PDASA / NDMA

2. We will communicate to the consumers as of the end of August 2011 ( If any communication is required prior the date please inform us)

3. We will continue to communicate to all parties as the wound down process continues

4. A dedicated team will remain even after all consumers has been placed to assist with queries, the mail address and telephone numbers will also remain in place

All Queries can be refer to:[email protected] centre number:0860 227 3560Fax: 087 807 4267

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Or escalation process,

Team Leader Operations: Adri Kuhn – 011 564 6737 – [email protected] Leader Support and Maintenance – Liezl Du Toit – 011 564 6887 – [email protected]

Operations Manager – Johan Breedt – 011 564 6674 – [email protected] Manager – Petra Muller - 011 564 6735 – [email protected]

NCr QUAtErLY rEportS For dC’S dUEDC’s are reminded of the return date in August for their form 42’s (15 Aug) to the NCR. These reports are for the period from 1st April till 30 June 2011. Lucky Ngobeni of the NCR: “The NCR has an obligation in terms of the NationalCredit Act to report on the credit industry. Debt Counsellor returns form an integral part of this reporti ng. Unfortunately a large number of Debt Counsellors have not been sending their forms in and we (the NCR) are appealing to all Debt Counsellors to urgently come up to date.” He warns: “If the situation continues like this much longer then the NCR will have to start enforcement action.

StAtSCurrently there are 110 000 active DebtReview cases.29 000 cases have been resolved in thecourts with a further 30 447 on the roll which is big increase over previous figures.The number applying for Debt Review has reduced. The NCR reports around 6 000 applications are now being received per month which is 1000 less than was previously been seen.

dCrS StAtS:June proposals submitted via DCRS : 1074solve rate achieved : 77%.However integration of the DCRS system as an option for solving proposals has only recently been implemented on most of the PDA interface systems so these figure will soon look to change as more proposals are processed in this manner. The lack of section 103(5) not being built into the rules engine which makes the proposals has also caused concern. Programmers are currently working on this feature.

For more regularly updated news follow us on twitter

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In recent months there have been several developments at court about the debt review process. Particularly about Creditors deciding they do not want to wait for the outcome of consumers applications to the Magistrates Courts for their debt review. Creditors have been using part of the National Credit Act (NCA) namely Section 86(10) which allows a

creditor to withdraw from the debt review in regard to a particular account. There has been much debate about when a creditor could or should do so.

In one big case in the Western Cape (Wesbank v Papier) the Court said that creditors could not do this and then run to another court

AppLiCAtioN to CoNStitUtioNAL CoUrt Not goiNg to BE HEArd, WHAt tHiS MEANS For YoU


CoLLEtt v FrB

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about the matter if the consumer had already approached the Magistrates Court to make a ruling. However soon after that an even higher court (the Supreme Court of Appeals or SCA ) heard an appeal in regard to a ruling which said that FRB could send the client (Ms Collett - in this case) such a letter and then could apply to the High Court to ask to get a judgment so they could then force an auction. The SCA said that creditors could do so.In the wake of that ruling, some credit providers got very carried away and sent out thousands of such letters to consumers and then started to send out summonses (it is thought that Nedbank sent out over 65 000 of these letters to different consumers). The SCA ruling set out very specific conditions as to when a creditor could do so and be successful. The creditors have largely ignored those conditions since the ruling did not say they could not do so, merely that if they did so consumers could use another piece of the NCA to have the debts referred back to the Magistrates Court where the consumer was making his application (Section 86(11)). This would mean that it was all one big waste of time and money and in the end was back where it began.

Now you might ask why would a creditor want to spend money taking the consumer to court over an account when the consumer

has already asked a court to look at that same account (and is already paying toward their debt each month)? Well, there are many potential reasons. In the case of big debts like bonds and cars, the bank can then try get some money right away through a sale on auction. Sure, this is vey much to the detriment of the consumer and the economy in general but it could help the banks recover some cash right now, which might help see them through the near bankruptcy which is threatening their very existence.

Another more complicated reason has to do with insurance claims which the bank can make in regard to those accounts and accounting practices which are quite complicated.

The reason that most DC’s point to however, is that many of the banks are trying to prevent consumers from getting cheap protection through the NCA. Could it be that the banks are trying to drive the legal costs up and ensure that cash strapped consumers can be pressurised to pay them more money each month rather than another bank? (Debt review sees that all creditors are treated equally, proportionately and fairly) Debt Counsellors will quickly point out (much like common sense) that consumers only have so much money available to pay

“in the wake of that ruling, some credit providers got very carried away and sent out thousands of such letters to consumers...”

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toward debt. Even where consumers have judgements or garnishing orders these can be adjusted through assistance by Debt Counsellors (and consumers themselves) by the courts to more realistic amounts (e.g. MCA Sect 73)

However since the creditors have been sending out so many of these 86(10) letters saying they don’t want to handle the debt through negotiation with their specialised debt review departments but rather want to have their normal collections departments or legal departments handle the matters Ms Collett (with the help of her DC and potentially the National Credit Regulator) asked the Constitutional Court to hear an appeal to the ruling given in regard to these letters. Most parties felt sure the application would be heard and some clarity on the matter would finally be established by South Africa’s highest court. This is not going to happen. The Constitutional Court has decided not to hear the matter at all.

There may be several factors which influenced this decision. One factor may be the looming changes or amendments to the NCA which look to be made next year. For the moment however, what this decision means is that the highest court ruling about sending out these letters says it is fine for credit providers to do so as long as 60 days have past since a consumer applied for debt review and that when they applied for debt review the account was already in default. The ruling warns credit providers to only expect another court to make a ruling on the matter if the proposal of the consumer (through the debt review) will not pay off the debt eventually. Otherwise that

court will probably refuse to hear the case and refer it back to the Magistrates Court. Wasting time in such a manner could and has already cost several credit providers, such as Nedbank, quite a bit of money in cost orders for not acting in good faith in these matters.

Only time will tell if creditors will still really try to help consumers through debt review or if they will try to make life difficult for consumers by ducking and diving trying to delay matters and making consumers and their debt counsellors deal with many different departments to try negotiate payment arrangements. Since this will simply prolong recover times and reduce collection income it is unlikely that it will be a long term strategy.

One advantage to creditors may be that they could now reduce the amount of staff in their debt review departments and the money they need to spend training people in these departments to negotiate, since they can try wait and then refer these matters back to their collection or legal departments after a short period. It is doubtful that that will be a winning strategy however since, by law and according to the courts, creditors have to engage in negotiations during (and after) a debt review.

If you get such a letter from a creditor, inform your debt counsellor, work closely with them and resign yourself to now having to potentially fight for your rights in two courts at the same time.

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So Debt Counsellors want specialised ATTORNEYSwho can sort out all their DEBT COUNSELLING needs...

RM Brown& associates

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Recently some consumers may have read articles about Debt Counsellors and folk from the NCR getting together for wild parties. In the mind of many the account has hinted at improper business practice and implied that some DC’s may be using any means to get business handed their way by staff at the NCR. Does this mean that there are problems brewing in the industry that may effect consumers who are in debt review?Debtfree decided to dig a bit further and see what was really going on.First off, we have to say that when approached the DC in question was quite friendly and willing to part with information which would help give a clearer picture of the situation. The DC even made the emails regarding the proposed bachelor party (back in 2009) available for our information.Ok so, after a read through the emails of the plans it does seem like the first draft of the script for the popular movie “the Hangover” was being put into place. No doubt all those invited had a good time. We will not comment on the plans other than to say that each individual involved was asked to cover their own costs as regards accommodation, food and entertainment. No one individual seems to have been paying for the whole thing and those invited (from the Dept of Education, the NCR and DC’s etc) all had to carry their own financial weight and contribute in small ways like bringing music etc. Perhaps the

tone of recent coverage has been somewhat misunderstood by readers. There seems little room here for improper business practice or blatant bribery. In another email regarding the matter and other allegations leveled against the DC mentioned an investigator for the NCR wrote: “ You are correct in your affidavit regarding my previous investigations into certain staff “irregularities” but I have tabled my final report in this aspect and no staff have been implicated in any wrongdoing or any activity that could either implicate you or the NCR” The Investigator did say that investigations into some staff members at the NCR were ongoing though. Whether this has anything to do with the “special leave” of certain parties at the NCR is unclear nor implied. Why this matter from way back in 2009 which seems to have already been investigated and then settled has popped up again is unclear other than the plans did seem a bit naughty and both NCR employees and DC’s were involved. What started as a boys night out has become public domain and perhaps given some consumers pause. While many questions do remain about how the NCR passes along consumers requesting help to DC’s and remains a bone of contention (for DC’s who would like the work) consumers should not be overly concerned since these matters are being investigated and any irregularities should be seen to in the near future without impacting on them.

tWo SidES to EvErY StorY

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Do you needan attorney who specialises in Debt Review matters?

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Debtplan is a niche based insurance service provider within the debt review industry. Our aim is not just to add value to consumers during their debt review process, by providing them with debt risk related products that can save them money, but also serving as the conduit between the debt counsellor and their client`s. Should you as a Debt Counsellor or consumer require further information on our products and services, please contact us on our toll free number 086 133 2875 or one of our relationship managers.

Western Cape & Eastern CapeSam Haasbroek T: 072 55 104 99E: [email protected]

Gauteng & Free StateBianca MaraisM: 084 491 0997E: [email protected]

Call us on 0861 33 2875 FSP 30490

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Debtplan is a niche based insurance service provider within the debt review industry. Our aim is not just to add value to consumers during their debt review process, by providing them with debt risk related products that can save them money, but also serving as the conduit between the debt counsellor and their client`s. Should you as a Debt Counsellor or consumer require further information on our products and services, please contact us on our toll free number 086 133 2875 or one of our relationship managers.

Call us on 0861 33 2875 FSP 30490

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dEBt CoUNSELLorS MEEt to Work

oN WordiNg AMENdMENtS to CrEdit ACt

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You could hardly look for a prettier backdrop to the recent workshop held in Wellington, just outside Cape Town where DC’s and PDA representatives (as well as many attorneys) met to discuss needed changes to the wording of the NCA. Recently there has been a lot of stirring in regard to the DTI looking at suggestions from various parties in regard to wording amendments to the NCA.It was good to see players from different facets of the industry as well as both DCASA and APDC members attending. Both the East and Western Cape regions were represented. The workshop held in the pleasant facilities at Kleine Valleij has been billed as a starting point for DC’s country wide to voice their suggestions in regard to needed amendments. There was a positive vibe to the meeting which started with a discussion with Hannatjie Pienaar from CPE PDA about the recent Collett v FRB ruling, Then followed a short presentation by Attorneys Ronel de Klerk and Larisa Smuts about section 103(5). Then it was down to the nitty gritty of primarily sections 86 and 87 of the Act. These are the sections about debt review and applications to court in this regard. There was a marked focus on balancing the needs of both credit providers and consumers since this is the role of a debt counsellor. Many suggestions were made and the general consensus taken and recorded. These proposals will next be shown to DC’s in other provinces who will make further contributions which will ultimately be available for download and review on the APDC site and Concerned Debt Counsellors forum. Later these suggestions will go to the DTI along with suggestions from various bodies. The meeting ended on a relaxed note with many expressing their optimism for the future of debt counselling in South Africa.

it was good to see players from different facets of the industry as well as both dCASA and ApdC members attending. Both the East and Western Cape regions were represented.

“ “

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Debt review and distribution software.Proud Software provider to DC Partner, Payment Distribution Agency.

Debt Wise Solutions

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As one of the five NCR accredited PDA’s (payment distribution agency’s) DC Partner has been part of the debt review industry since August 2008. Situated in George in the Western Cape, we are also the only PDA south of the Orange River.The systems, infrastructure and staff of DC Partner have been exposed to collection and distribution of payments for the past decade.DC Partner strives to render services of the highest standard to customers.DC Partner makes use of excellent software, provided by Debt – Wise. The PDA module is locally based and inherently linked to the Debt – Wise Debt Counseling software, which is internet based. Consumer information seamlessly passes from the Debt Counseling System to the Payment Distribution Agency.We are very excited to announce that we have integrated our PDA distribution system with the Debt-Wise front end software. The distribution system was developed to integrate into the Debt-Wise software in such a manner that the user will not need to change anything in their systems, but could just continue with their day to day work and would see the distribution side as an additional tab on their home screens.

At this stage we are systematically moving all our current clients to the new system and this goes hand in hand with in office training by one of our skilled training officers.Our main focus during the planning and creating of this system was to maximize data availability and accuracy. The DC can log into the system from anywhere in the country and with the click of a button he/she will be able to see what is going on in their dedicated PDA trust account, which clients made payments within the last 1, 2, 8 or even 24 hours, what fees are due to be paid to him/her, which files have distributed, which clients are in default. We do daily distributions on this system and it is therefore important to make the system as user friendly and interactive as possible as things happen very quickly.This will enable the DC to always see and be on top off what is happening to all of their clients and react, if needed, immediately.DC Partner offers free in house training at any location in the country and we will also give all interested DC’s free access to our system for a trial period of up to three months.

For any further queries please feel free to contact our offices at any time.dC partner george officeWillie Boshoff – [email protected] Steyn – [email protected] Joubert – [email protected] 873 4440, 044 873 4530, 044 873 4532dC partner gauteng officeFrancois Van Zyl – [email protected] De Vos – [email protected] 348 7624

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12 Sept - KwaZulu Natal Time: 10H00Location: the Westville Country Club.

14 Sept - Gauteng Time: 13H00 Location: the Kempton Park Golf Club.16 Sept - Western Cape Time: 11H00 Location: Parow Country Club.

16 Sept - Free State Time: 13H30Location: Tempe Golf Club.

For more information contact DCASA at [email protected] 086 143 2272.

Twitter link here


ApdC MEEtiNgS CoMiNg Up

18 Aug 2011 - W CapeTime: 09H00Location: Klienevalley, Wellington


For more regularly updated news follow us on twitter

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AA debt Counselling CentreAnthea JohannesNCRDC531Tel: +27 (0) 21 982 0522Cell: +27 (0) 84 402 7032

Alan Watts NCRDC 962NCR registered Debt Counsellor Tel: 084 4448439 Fax: 086

Central SA debt Counsellors082 950 7806Fax: 086 563 1621

Consumer AssistAndre Snyman Tel: 0861 628 628

Credit Matters021 431 [email protected]

CS debt CounsellingBernidene Smith NCRDC 764057 352 4115/352 5000Welkom - Free state

darran [email protected]

debtbusters0861 663 328 (NO DEBT)

debt Budgetph. 021 701 7744

debt Solve debt CounsellorsOffice: 033 397 0945

debtSafe0861 100 999

debt rehabColleen Van Wyk(BCom, LLB)Debt Counsellor NCRDC2619Tel: 083 290 0848Tel: 011 740 7374Fax: 086 716 9694Website:

debt rescueNeil RoetsNCR DC 474Cell: 083 644 7406Tel: 0861 800 009Fax: 086 523 0617E-mail: [email protected]

durban debt Counselling ServicesSuite 112, 1st floor Union Club Building353 Sm ith StreetDurban, 4001Tel: 031 301-7893Fax: 031 [email protected]

debt Counselling South AfricaCape Town BranchTel: 021 919 66 94Rod De WittNCRDC831Visit:

debt knowledge debt Counselling082 379 2337

debtonators041 585 0276

Fincorp debt Counsellors ccCecilia Zwarts [email protected]

Holistic debt [email protected]

Helpdesk debt CounsellorsAllan HoffmanTel: 0861 000 754

Help-U-debt (vaal triangle) WanineTel: 082 445 3967

Help-U-debt (potchefstroom)Madra083 390 3275

Help-U-debt (parys)Marilouise082 920 6249

Help-U-debt (vanderbijlpark)Herma083 320 8303

Mg Consulting NCRDC 1403Strand - Helderberg AreaTelkom : 021 853 4537 Mobile Phone: 082 450 7459 / 082 782 0595 Fax Number: 0866 220 690E-Mail: info@mgconsulting / [email protected]

SErviCE dirECtorY

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NdA debt CounsellorsYour Trusted Debt CounsellorsGary Williams (NCRDC 143)Tel: 034 315 3880 Fax: 086 612 [email protected]

think green debt CounsellingSandi [email protected] : 012 991 6638Cell : 082 460 7800Fax : 086 219 2615incentive debt Counselling“Paving the way to a Debt Free Tommorrow”Darran Manikam NCRDC704Tel: (031) 409 9379Fax: (031) 409 1327Cell: 0845898286Branches: Phoenix and Shallcross

indigo debt counsellors CCTel: 087 808 9734 Fax: 086 580 8675 [email protected]

BordEr rEgioN:

DRS EAST LONDONOffice: 043 7212 656

DRS KING WILLIAMS TOWNHarry LightCell: 082 573 5803Office: 043 643 3024Email: [email protected]

drS BUFFALo CitY9 DERBY ROAD BEREAEAST LONDON043-721 0652082 378 [email protected]

drS QUEENStoWNHerman Marais Cell: 082 378 3743 Office: 045 838 9764Email [email protected]

drS MtHAtHAHerman Marais Cell: 082 378 3743 Office: 047-5323356Email [email protected]


DRS ALBANYOffice: 041 365 5857

DRS ALGOACraig WheetmanCell: 083 299 0311Office: 041 364 1888Email [email protected]

DRS BOND CHOICE P.E.Office: 041 393 7000

DRS CENTRAL041 586 2020Email [email protected]

DRS DESPATCHOffice: 041 933 1189DRS HUMANSDORPOffice: 042 291 0135

DRS KIRKWOOD EXPRESSOffice: 087 8080 500

DRS PORT ELIZABETHOffice: 041 453 8961

DRS SIDWELL EXPRESSOffice: 041 451 0474

DRS SOMMERSET EASTLuther De BruynOffice: 042 243 1107


MANGAUNGZune CoetzerOffice: 051 436 4515Email [email protected]

SOUTH FREESTATEOffice: 053 591 0734

gArdEN roUtE:

DRS GEORGEOffice: 044 874 2820Email [email protected]


drS prEtoriA CENtrALIvan MabuthuCell: 082 266 6210Office: 012 320 8304Fax: 012 320 [email protected]

DRS CENTURION EXPRESSOffice: 012 653 0127

DRS HARTEBEESPOORTOffice: 012 253 1231

DRS LIMPOPO CENTRALOffice: 015 297 1387

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DRS PRETORIA NOORDOffice: 012 546 2187DRS ROODEPOORT EXPRESSOffice: 011 472 4171

DRS RUSTENBURG 083 740 4620

DRS ZAMBESI EXPRESSOffice: 012 7555 225


drS MorNiNgSidEEricah MtshaliCell: 076 578 8660 Office: 031 301 5993 email [email protected] DURBAN NORTH EXPRESSOffice: 031 584 6305

DRS GREYVILLEOffice: 031 309 8716

DRS KOKSTADOffice: 039 727 1430DRS PHOENIX082 374 7040


DRS BELLVILLEOffice: 021 948 8523 / 4

DRS DIAMONDOffice: 021 421 8563

DRS TYGERBERGOffice: 021 945 4062

DRS WEST COASTMarius CoetzeeCell: 082 978 4407Office: 022 713 3766Email [email protected]

Debt DRS SALDANHAOffice: 022 714 3939

DRS SOLUTIONS084 586 5600

ramonti debt CounsellingJacob Ramonti - NCR DC 932Cell : 082 962 4537Fax: 086 658 7627Email:[email protected]

U-Win debt CounsellorsCoreli Roos - NCR DC 509Aliwal North, Burgersdorp, Bethulie, GariepDam, Smithfield, SpringfonteinCell:079 626 [email protected] debt Counselling(012) 804 50 57

SUpport SErviCES

Staff Line Ndizani Executive recruitmentCell no: 083 3028163Direct Line: (011) 468 - 2150E- Mail: [email protected]

Blank designFor all design and marketing needs including websites, brochures, business cards etc.Steve [email protected] 700

designtimesSouth Africa’s creative


ABSA Customer debt repair Line0860 356 356

Credit ombudsman0861 662837

Experian011 799-3400 [email protected]

Eric StresoFinancial PlannerB Juris LL B CFP MBATel: 0833273358Fax: 086 612 7912Fair debt0829019788 or [email protected]

pACFiN Financial Solutions Head OfficeTel: +27 11 9757445Fax: 086536878336 Van Riebeeck roadKempton Park [email protected] Carlo BuildingNo 8 VoortrekkerstreetKempton Park 1619

Kempton ParkContact: Reyno CoetzeeTel: +27 11 3945363Fax: 0866048002Cell: +27 73 [email protected]

Boksburg / GermistonContact: Armand PosthumusTel: +27 11 8921911Fax: 0865620378

Page 26: Debtfree DIGI Aug 2011

NelspruitContact: Ann BakerTel: +27 13 7415559Fax: 0880 1374 15559Cell: +27 82 [email protected]

SpringsContact: Wynand MclachlanTel: +27 11 8113728Fax: +27 11 8113728Cell: +27 83 2754014/[email protected]

gooseberry Business AdvisoryTel: 012 644 0589

NedbankDebt Rehabilitation & Recoveries Services0860 109 279

Std BankDebt review HelplineTelephone: 0861 111 402

transUnion0861 482 482thinkmoneyFinancial comparison websiteContact: Gareth MountainTel: 079 0996 vereeniging Making Mortgage MagicWanine SmitTel:+27 16 454 1132Fax:+27 86 686 3678 Cell:+27 82 445 3967


Eric StresoFinancial PlannerB Juris LL B CFP MBATel: 0833273358Fax: 086 612 7912


Brett Carnegie AttorneysTel: +27 (21) 4470332 Fax: +27 (21) 4470338 Mobile: +27 (0)82 320 6099 23(B) Unit 8 Waverley Business Park Mowbray 7700

Scheepers AttorneysGerhard [email protected]

LUCid AttorneysTel: 011 880 1100Fax: 011 880 1101Email: [email protected]/attorney

Ludick [email protected]

prinsloo & AssociatesAttorneys and conveyancersNanika Prinsloo Farm Bergamot, Paarl 7620P O Box 6199, Paarl 762014 Laing Street, Barrydale 6750Cell: 072-8558-106Fax: 086-623-5986

[email protected]

rM Brown and Associates 601 Pier House, 13 -17 Heerengracht, Cape TownDocex 138 Cape Town t: 021 431 9127 f: 021 425 0875 e: [email protected] CCColleen Van Wyk(BCom, LLB)Tel: 083 290 0848Tel: 011 740 7374Fax: 086 716 9694Website:


Compuscan 0861 514

Computer profile Bureau0861 28 0861 63 60 70 Consumer- 0861 10 5665 Micro Lenders Credit Bureau 0861 28 7328

transUnion 0861 886

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XdS 0860 937 000


Association of debt recovery Agents: 011 781 3337

Banking ombud0860 800 900

Credit Bureau Association011 463

Credit providers Association011 789 6825

department of trade and industry0861 843 384

Financial Advisory and intermediary Services ombud012 470 9080

Financial Services Board012 428 8000 traders Association 011 789 6770

Legal resources Centre011 836 9831

Long term insurance ombud

021 657 5000

Micro Finance South Africa012 345 0809 www.mfsa.netMotor industry ombud012 841 2945

National Credit regulator0860 627 627 for Short term insurance011 726 8900

pension Funds Adjudicator021 674 0209 African Fraud prevention0860 101 248

the Banking Association011 370 3500

SA FrAUd protECtioN SErviCE (FrEE SErviCE) 101 248

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DebtfreeSouth Africa’s debt counselling magazine

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