dear malcolm

Malcom you’re pretty rad for giving us permission to call you by your first name. I felt the need to tell you that for some reason. I was born in Charlotte, North Carolina on March 23 rd in the year 1996. My mom was 14 and my sperm donor, er, “father”, was 19. I was basically raised in a matriarchy with limited male role models. I come from an incredibly diverse background; teen parents, family members of different ethnicities, gay and lesbian, and regional differences. I believe this contributed to my open mindedness of people who differ from me. It’s hard to write a letter about myself because I’m still discovering myself, y’know? I’m almost 19 and sometimes I feel like I’m having a midlife crisis. I tend to go on long rants about nothing so I’ll try my best to refocus. I come from a relatively large family. My mom’s side comes from St. Louis, Missouri and is pretty small. Aside from my grandpa, and occasionally uncle, aunt, and cousin, I rarely talk to her side. My deadbeat dad’s family comes from Queens, New York and are very numerous. Although I have no relationship at all with my scum dad, I tend to spend a lot of time with his family, particularly my seven cousins. I have two sisters from my mom that I don’t get to see as often now that we had to split up. I have two sisters and two brothers from my dad (that I know of) from my father and I only get to see two of them every once in a blue moon. I have moved a total of 12 times in my 18 years of living. Through moving often I met many people and learned many things from them. I learned to be cautious of people, “make them believe you trust them, then don’t”. I also learned to become a safe haven for whoever I care about and protect them at all costs. Loyalty and honesty are what I value most and base everything on. This letter got really somber really fast. I am not a somber person, at least I try not to be. I’m a realist but I’m also a cheerful person. I’m a music addict and if I had it my way I would listen to music every second of every day. I will listen to anything you suggest to me except country. I hate it. Sorry not sorry. I even sing a little, but I’m not very good at it so I won’t sing for you. I dance for fun, mostly with friends, usually at the club. Here at UNCC I’ve made a few friends I care about deeply and see a possibility of long friendships with. I’ve been able to be more of myself around them than I ever have in my life with anyone else. I still love my best friends back home but UNCC is home to me now. To be honest, when I thought of what colleges to apply to I thought of University of Florida, Appalachian State, and UNC Charlotte last. Things happened but I love it here so it doesn’t matter now.

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Post on 16-Jan-2016




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My letter to you


Page 1: Dear Malcolm

Malcom you’re pretty rad for giving us permission to call you by your first name. I felt the need to tell you that for some reason. I was born in Charlotte, North Carolina on March 23rd in the year 1996. My mom was 14 and my sperm donor, er, “father”, was 19. I was basically raised in a matriarchy with limited male role models. I come from an incredibly diverse background; teen parents, family members of different ethnicities, gay and lesbian, and regional differences. I believe this contributed to my open mindedness of people who differ from me.

It’s hard to write a letter about myself because I’m still discovering myself, y’know? I’m almost 19 and sometimes I feel like I’m having a midlife crisis. I tend to go on long rants about nothing so I’ll try my best to refocus. I come from a relatively large family. My mom’s side comes from St. Louis, Missouri and is pretty small. Aside from my grandpa, and occasionally uncle, aunt, and cousin, I rarely talk to her side. My deadbeat dad’s family comes from Queens, New York and are very numerous. Although I have no relationship at all with my scum dad, I tend to spend a lot of time with his family, particularly my seven cousins. I have two sisters from my mom that I don’t get to see as often now that we had to split up. I have two sisters and two brothers from my dad (that I know of) from my father and I only get to see two of them every once in a blue moon.

I have moved a total of 12 times in my 18 years of living. Through moving often I met many people and learned many things from them. I learned to be cautious of people, “make them believe you trust them, then don’t”. I also learned to become a safe haven for whoever I care about and protect them at all costs. Loyalty and honesty are what I value most and base everything on.

This letter got really somber really fast. I am not a somber person, at least I try not to be. I’m a realist but I’m also a cheerful person. I’m a music addict and if I had it my way I would listen to music every second of every day. I will listen to anything you suggest to me except country. I hate it. Sorry not sorry. I even sing a little, but I’m not very good at it so I won’t sing for you. I dance for fun, mostly with friends, usually at the club.

Here at UNCC I’ve made a few friends I care about deeply and see a possibility of long friendships with. I’ve been able to be more of myself around them than I ever have in my life with anyone else. I still love my best friends back home but UNCC is home to me now. To be honest, when I thought of what colleges to apply to I thought of University of Florida, Appalachian State, and UNC Charlotte last. Things happened but I love it here so it doesn’t matter now.

So far my only qualm with this school is my own fault, I’m unsure of whether I want to keep my major now. I’m an English major currently but considering becoming an International Business Major, Anthropology and Spanish double minor. I don’t want to switch my major from English because I hate writing, I’m doing it to have a better chance at getting a job. I feel like the only job I can get being an English major is to become a teacher and they make shit pay. I need to make enough money to support myself and my mom because I always promised her I would.

I am not at all athletic, I am tiny and weak. Thank God for the internet. I am submerged in social media. I have a twitter with 800-900+ followers, a Facebook with 500-600+ friends, an Instagram with 400+ followers, and a Tumblr with 2.4k+ followers. I have too much yet not enough time on my hands to get involved with social media. I’ve done everything with my social media from ranting, giving advice, sharing funny/ inspirational posts, and on rare occasions “racy” photos. Letting you see my Tumblr would sum up everything you need to know about me but I’d never recommend looking at it because some of it is nsfw. Enough said.

I figured I’d close by telling you everything I love because I started off really morbid so why not finish with a happy ending because those are possible sometimes I was a theater kid so I’m not really afraid of putting myself out there. I love making people laugh intentionally and unintentionally. As my best friend Nina says, “I stay ready”. I am obsessed with turtles and quotes so if you leave me idle too long, expect to see turtles, doodles, and quotes all over my notes, work, etc. I love my immediate family with all my heart and my sister’s dad and little brother (even though he can be a major P.I.T.A…ask me about it if you can’t figure it out). I love my close friends and I am EXTREMELY protective over them as if they were my family. I believe Beyoncé should be queen of the world because she is amazing to me and I just love her. Although turtles are my favorite

Page 2: Dear Malcolm

animal, I love all animals even the ones I fear. I also love plants which is why more than anything I want a garden to tend to. I have many hippy like aspects despite being an extrovert.

Page 3: Dear Malcolm

Peace and Blessings, Taty