de2 function library - vincent · 2006-10-18 · altera...

A A L L T T E E R R A A D D E E 2 2 F F u u n n c c t t i i o o n n L L i i b b r r a a r r y y V Ve e r r s s i i o o n n 1 1 . . 0 0

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DE2 Function Library Manual

Celoxica, the Celoxica logo and Handel-C are trademarks of Celoxica Limited. Altera, Quartus are trademarks and/or service marks of Altera Corp.

All other products or services mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. Developed by CF Lai

Table of Contents

Introduction .............................................................................. 1 About This Manual ..........................................................................1

Using the board support library .......................................................2

Installing the Library .............................................................................. 2

Setting up DK........................................................................................ 2

Specifying header files .......................................................................... 3

Setting up Quartus II ............................................................................. 4

Compiling and Running the design ........................................................ 5


Flash Memory Driver ................................................................ 7 Overview .........................................................................................7

Setting up the Flash Memory Driver ................................................7

Reading from and Writing to Flash Memory ....................................7

Reading from Flash Memory ................................................................. 8

Writing to Flash Memory........................................................................ 8

SRAM....................................................................................... 9 Overview .........................................................................................9

Setting up the SRAM Driver ............................................................9

Reading from and Writing to SRAM ................................................9

Reading from SRAM ............................................................................. 9

Writing to SRAM.................................................................................. 10

SDRAM .................................................................................. 11

Overview .......................................................................................11

Setting up the SDRAM Driver........................................................11

Reading from and Writing to SDRAM............................................11

Reading from SDRAM......................................................................... 12

Writing to SDRAM ............................................................................... 12

PS/2 Mouse Driver ................................................................. 13 Overview .......................................................................................13

Setting up a Mouse Driver .............................................................13

VGA Display Generation ........................................................ 15

Overview .......................................................................................15

VGA Video Driver ..........................................................................15

Setting up the Video Driver ...........................................................15

Useful Marco expressions .............................................................16

LCD Display Module............................................................... 18 Overview .......................................................................................18

Writing to the LCD Module ............................................................18

Displaying Hexadecimal number ...................................................19

Useful Marco expressions .............................................................19

Switches................................................................................. 20

Accessing the Toggle Switches.....................................................20

Accessing the Pushbuttons Switches............................................20

7-Segment Displays & LEDs .................................................. 21 Overview .......................................................................................21

Using the 7-Segment Displays ......................................................21

Writing a specified bit pattern .............................................................. 21

Displaying hexadecimal numbers ........................................................ 22

Disabling a particular display ............................................................... 22

Driving the LEDs ...........................................................................23

Expansion Header.................................................................. 24

Overview .......................................................................................24

Assessing the Expansion Headers................................................24

Index ...................................................................................... 25

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 1


About This Manual

The DE2 Function Library, is a library of Handel-C macros and functions designs that enable you to produce Handel-C design on the DE2 board easily. The instructions on this manual are based on Quartus II and DK4.

The DE2 Library contains the following functionality:


� Macros to access the 8 Mbyte, 8 bit wide Flash memory.

� Macros to access the 512 Kbyte, 16 bit wide SRAM.

� Macros to access the 8 Mbyte, 16 bit wide SDRAM.

PS/2 port

� Generic PS/2 mouse driver


� Driver for the Video DAC on the board for generating VGA display on a standard monitor.

LCD Display

� Driver for the 16x2 LCD module for displaying ASCII characters.


� Driver for the 18 toggle switches and the 4 pushbutton switches.

7-Segment Displays & LEDs

� Macros to display hexadecimal characters on the 7-Segment Displays and drive the LEDs on the board.



Chapter 1: Introduction

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 2

Expansion Header

� Driver for the two 40-pin expansion headers on the board.

Further information about the DE2 board can be found in the DE2 User Manual1.

Using the board support library

Installing the Library

1. Download the DE2 library

2. Unzip the contents into your working directory (e.g. H:\de2project).

Setting up DK

1. Start DK (Select Start>Programs>Celoxica>DK Design Suite>DK)

2. Create a new project (Select File>New) specifying the device (chip name), project name and location as shown below:

3. Include the de2lib library files (Select Tools>Options, under the Directories tab add the unzipped de2lib folder, e.g. H:\de2project\de2lib and click OK).


Chapter 1: Introduction

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 3

4. Add the DE2 library (Select Project>Settings, under the Linker tab add de2.hcl to the Object/library modules, path: de2lib\de2.hcl)

5. Set the file type for the Handel-C output files which will be used in Quartus II. (Select Build>Set Active Configuration, highlight EDIF and click OK)

Specifying header files

You need to create a new source file for your project. (Click on and select Handel-C Source File, give it a file name of your choice) You should now see the following in your File View window.

Figure 1 – screenshot of the object window in DK after the initial setup

In the new source file (xxx.hcc) that you have just created, add the following to specify the clock rate and include the DE2 library.

1. Specify the clock rate: set clock = external "N2";

2. Include the DE2 library: #include "DE2.hch"

The DE2 provides two fixed clocks that are connected as follows:


Fixed clock 27 MHz D13

Fixed clock 50 MHz N2

Example library instantiation

set clock = external "N2"; //use the 50 MHz clock

#include "DE2.hch" //include the DE2 library

void main(void)


//some code


Chapter 1: Introduction

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 4

Your code does not do anything yet, but compile the project and check that it returns with no error and a folder EDIF is created under your working directory.

Setting up Quartus II

In the last section, you have created the EDIF file which contains the hardware descriptions of your design. This section will explain how you can synthesis this design and load it on to the DE2 board.

1. Locate the .edf file which was created by DK under the EDIF folder. (e.g. H:\de2project\EDIF\de2project.edf)

2. Start Quartus II (Select Start>Programs>Altera>Quartus II)

3. Start a new project (Select File>New Project Wizard)

4. Select your working directory, it is recommended that you choose the EDIF folder created by DK i.e. H:\de2project\EDIF, otherwise you will need to copy the .edf file to your working directory every time you make changes to your Handel-C project.

5. After you click next, select the .edf file and add that to your project. Also add the de2lib folder using the User Libraries button.

6. Specify the device: Choose Family>Cyclone II and EP2C35F672C6 and leave the other settings as default. You can find the EP2C number on the FPGA chip on the DE2 board.

7. Click Finish and you should see the following under your Project Navigator window.

Chapter 1: Introduction

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 5

8. Specify options for synthesis (Select Assignments>Settings, under EDA Tool Settings click on Design Entry/Synthesis). Set the options as shown in the following screenshot.

Figure 2 – Setting for Design Entry/Synthesis for a Handel-C design

9. Setting unused pins to tri-stated: (Select Assignments>Device, click on the Device & Pin Options button and select the Unused Pins tab). Set the unused pins As inputs, tri-stated as shown in Figure 3 and click the OK button to confirm.

Figure 3 – Settings for unused pins

Compiling and Running the design

You only need to perform the steps mentioned above once which set up both DK and Quartus. The steps mentioned in this section are essential and need to be run every time you change your Handel-C design in DK.

1. As the Handel-C source code does not contain any function, replace the void main section of your code with the following if you want to see action on the DE2 board.

Chapter 1: Introduction

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 6

void main(void)


DE2_SW_MASK SW; //declare variable SW as type DE2_SW_MASK



DE2SW(SW); //read input from the toggle switches

DE2SetLEDRs(SW); //shows the switches input on LEDs

} while(1);


2. Assign pins (Select Tools>Tcl Scripts, highlight the one under Project e.g. de2project and click Run). This .tcl file stores the pin assignments of your design to the actual FPGA pins.

3. Start Compilation , this builds everything necessary for loading your design on to the DE2 board.

4. Turn on the DE2 board and make sure that the RUN/PROG switch is switched to RUN. (Please refer to the DE2 user menu for more details)

5. Program the FPGA – Click on the programmer button to invoke the programmer dialogue box. Make sure it is connected and choose JTAG mode, add the .sof file and click on Program/Configure check box then click Start.

6. When the programming finishes, you can toggle the switches on the DE2 board and you should see the red LEDs are set by the switch right below it.


If everything compiled but the board does not function as expected, it is very likely that you forgot to run the tcl script. This script must be run before compiling the project.


� DE2 Development and Education Board User Manual

� Handel-C Language Reference Manual

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 7

Flash Memory Driver


The DE2 board has one 8-bit wide, 1-Mbyte Flash Memory, it is ideally for storing data after powering off. To write to the Flash memory, you must erase it first. Erasing sets all the bits to 1, this is necessary because during programming, 1 can be set to 0 but 0 cannot be set to 1.

Setting up the Flash Memory Driver

In order to use the Flash memory, you must first set up the driver by:

1. Initialize the Flash Memory Driver by calling the DE2FLASHDriver()


2. Pass a pointer of type DE2FLASH to the macro as a parameter.

Example: Setting up the Flash memory Driver

set clock = external "N2";

#include "DE2.hch"

void main(void)


DE2_FLASH FLASH; //Create a FLASH Driver structure

DE2FLASHDriver(&FLASH); //Passing a pointer - type DE2_FLASH


Reading from and Writing to Flash Memory

There are two macros for reading from and writing to the Flash memory. You must ensure that you do not read and write to the Flash memory at the same time.



Chapter 2: Flash Memory

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 8

Reading from Flash Memory

� macro proc DE2ReadFLASH(Address, Data, FLASH)


Address Contains the address of the memory location unsigned 22

Data Value at the location specify but the address unsigned 8

FLASH Pointer for the FLASH Memory Driver DE2_FLASH

Writing to Flash Memory

� macro proc DE2WriteFLASH(Address, Data, FLASH)


Address Contains the address of the memory location unsigned 22

Data Value at the location specify but the address unsigned 8

FLASH Pointer for the FLASH Memory Driver DE2_FLASH


It is the user responsibility to ensure that the Flash memory is not being written to and reading from at the same time. The Flash memory is 1-Mbyte in size which is enough to store a 640x480 24-bit RGB image (921600-byte), however it is not fast enough to be used for displaying the image in a pixel by pixel basis.

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 9



The DE2 board has one 16-bit wide, 512-Kbyte SRAM, it is ideally for caching data for fast access.

Setting up the SRAM Driver

In order to use the SRAM, you must first set up the SRAM Driver by:

3. Initialize the SRAM Driver by calling the DE2SRAMDriver() macro.

4. Pass a pointer of type DE2SRAM to the macro as a parameter.

Example: Setting up the SRAM Driver

set clock = external "N2";

#include "DE2.hch"

void main(void)


DE2_SRAM SRAM; //Create a SRAM Driver structure

DE2SRAMDriver(&SRAM); //Passing a pointer of type DE2_SRAM


Reading from and Writing to SRAM

There are in total three separate macros for reading from and writing to the SRAM. You must ensure that you use the correct one and you must not read and write to the SRAM at the same time.

Reading from SRAM

� macro proc DE2ReadSRAM(Address, Data, SRAM)



Chapter 3: SRAM

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 10


Address Contains the address of the RAM location unsigned 18

Data Value at the location specify but the address unsigned 16

SRAM Pointer for the SRAM Driver DE2_SRAM

Writing to SRAM

There are two types of macros for writing to the SRAM, the first type writes Data to all 16-bit of the SRAM:

� macro proc DE2ReadSRAM(Address, Data, SRAM)

With the second type macro, individual bytes of the SRAM can be written indicated by the type DE2_SRAM_MASK.

� macro proc DE2ReadMaskSRAM(Address, Data, Mask, SRAM)


Address Contains the address of the RAM location unsigned 18

Data Value at the location specify but the address unsigned 16

Mask 2-bit mask indicating which bytes should be updated


SRAM Pointer for the SRAM Driver DE2_SRAM


It is the user responsibility to ensure that the SRAM is not being written to and reading from at the same time. The SRAM is 512-Kbyte in size which is enough to store an 800x600 8-bit grayscale image (480-Kbyte) for display, consider using the SDRAM for displaying a color image.

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 11



The DE2 board has one 16-bit wide, 8-Mbyte SDRAM, which can be used for frame buffer. The SDRAM is clocked at 100 MHz and this library support using the SDRAM as a SRAM.

Setting up the SDRAM Driver

In order to use the SDRAM, you must first set up the driver by:

5. Initialize the Flash Memory Driver by calling the DE2SDRAMDriver() macro.

6. Pass a pointer of type DE2SDRAM to the macro as a parameter.

Example: Setting up the SDRAM Driver

set clock = external "N2";

#include "DE2.hch"

void main(void)


DE2_SDRAM SDRAM; //Create a SDRAM Driver structure

DE2SDRAMDriver(&SDRAM); //Passing a pointer of type DE2_SRAM


Reading from and Writing to SDRAM

There are two macros for reading from and writing to the SDRAM. You must ensure that you do not read and write to the SDRAM at the same time.



Chapter 4: SDRAM

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 12

Reading from SDRAM

� macro proc DE2ReadSDRAM(Address, Data, SDRAM)


Address Contains the address of the memory location unsigned 22

Data Value at the location specify but the address unsigned 16

SDRAM Pointer for the SDRAM Driver DE2_SDRAM

Writing to SDRAM

� macro proc DE2WriteSDRAM(Address, Data, SDRAM)


Address Contains the address of the memory location unsigned 22

Data Value at the location specify but the address unsigned 16

SDRAM Pointer for the SDRAM Driver DE2_SDRAM


It is the user responsibility to ensure that the SDRAM is not being written to and reading from at the same time.

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 13

PS/2 Mouse Driver


The DE2 library contains driver for PS/2 compatible mouse which can be connected to the PS/2 port on the board. A Genius NetScroll + mouse (a three button mouse) was used to test the driver. The driver does not support the scrolling wheel on mouse device with wheels.

Setting up a Mouse Driver

To set up a mouse driver, you need to:

1. Install the mouse driver by calling the macro procedure DE2MouseDriver().

2. Pass a pointer of type DE2_PS2_MOUSE to the macro as a parameter.

The type DE2_PS2_MOUSE has the following structure:

typedef struct


signal unsigned 10 PointerX;

signal unsigned 10 PointerY;

signal unsigned 1 LeftButton;

signal unsigned 1 MiddleButton;

signal unsigned 1 RightButton;

signal unsigned 10 MaxX;

signal unsigned 10 MaxY;



PointerX Current X coordinates of the mouse pointer

PointerY Current X coordinates of the mouse pointer



Chapter 5: PS/2 Mouse Driver

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 14

LeftButton State of the left button on the mouse (1 = pressed, 0 = released)

MiddleButton State of the middle button on the mouse (1 = pressed, 0 = released)

RightButton State of the right button on the mouse (1 = pressed, 0 = released)

MaxX Maximum value of the mouse pointer on the screen in the X-direction

MaxY Maximum value of the mouse pointer on the screen in the Y-direction

The default position of the mouse pointer (PointerX,PointerY) are being set to the middle of the screen on the default resolution 800 x 600 pixels. And the MaxX and MaxY are by default set to 799 and 599 respectively.

Example – Displaying a mouse pointer

set clock = external "N2";

#include "DE2.hch"

macro proc Pointer(VideoPtr, MousePtr)


… //find the code in the file called pointer.hcc2, this //code uses the mouse button to switch between two backgrounds


void main(void)


DE2_PS2_MOUSE Mouse;









2 File pointer.hcc is located under the folder sample code within the de2lib folder

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 15

VGA Display Generation


The DE2 board can generate a VGA display on LCD / CRT monitor, the DE2 library uses the 30-bit color video DAC to generate the required signals.

The DE2 library contains:

� DE2VideoDriver800x600, a video driver macro

� Macro expressions to provide information of the display

VGA Video Driver

The DE2VideoDriver800x600 macro generates all the signals required for a monitor using the VGA 800x600 video standard, including the horizontal and vertical sync signals.

The driver output the current x and y coordinates of the scan on the screen and you must assign the desire RGB (30bits) value on a pixel by pixel basis.

The screen scan from the top left pixel, starting from (0,0) and finishes at (799,599) for the visible region. The invisible part of the scan is called the blanking region, you can find out if you are in the visible region by check the parameter Visible.

The pixel clock for this driver runs at 50MHz yielding 800 horizontal pixels and 600 vertical pixels. Therefore your design must be run at 50MHz or faster for the RGB value to be loaded correctly.

Setting up the Video Driver

Steps for setting up the video driver:

� Call DE2VideoDriver800x600 macro procedure to install the video driver.



Chapter 6: VGA Display Generation

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 16

� Pass a pointer of type DE2_VGA_DRIVER to macro as a parameter.

The type DE2_VGA_DRIVER has the following structure:

typedef struct


signal unsigned 30 Output;

signal unsigned 10 ScanX;

signal unsigned 10 ScanY;

signal unsigned 1 Visible;



Output The 30 bits RGB signals to be displayed.

ScanX Current horizontal pixel being display.

ScanY Current vertical pixel being display.

Visible Stating whether the current scans coordinate is visible.

screensaver Indicate whether the screensaver is on or off. (1 for on, 0 for off)

Useful Marco expressions

There are three macro expressions that provide information of the display that comes with the DE2 library including:

� DE2VisibleCols – number of visible columns.

� DE2VisibleLines – number of visible lines.

Example – Installing the Video Driver

set clock = external "N2"; //use the 50 MHz clock

#include "DE2.hch" //include the DE2 library

macro proc ColourScreen(VideoPtr)


unsigned 10 temp;

macro expr sx = VideoPtr->ScanX;

macro expr sy = VideoPtr->ScanY;


Chapter 6: VGA Display Generation

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 17


if (VideoPtr->Visible != 0)


VideoPtr->Output = sx @ sy @ temp;






} while(1);


void main(void)









This sample code (colourscreen.hcc) generate a 800x600 VGA display with colour channel Red and Green set to Current X and Y resulting in a colour change from the left of the screen to the right of the screen.

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 18

LCD Display Module


The DE2 board has a 2 x 16 digits LCD Module which can be used to display text. The DE2 library contains macro that allows you to:

� Write ASCII characters to the LCD Module.

� Function to convert hexadecimal number into ASCII.

� Macro expressions for common characters, e.g. A-Z.

Writing to the LCD Module

You can write to the 7-segment display using the macro procedure:

� DE2LCDDriver(line)


line Line of characters in ASCII DE2_LCD_LINE

Please refer a ASCII table for the ASCII code for characters, the characters which are supported include:




Please note that you do not need to find the code for characters A-Z, a-z and space as the library contains macro expressions for these characters.



Chapter 7: LCD Display Module

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 19

Displaying Hexadecimal number

The DE2 library contains a macro expr for converting Hex number into ASCII:

� macro expr hex2ascii(hex)


hex A hexadecimal for converting into ASCII. unsigned 4

This function returns the ASCII code for the hexadecimal number that is inputted.

Useful Marco expressions

The DE2 library contains a few macro expressions that are useful for displaying text on the LCD module, these include:

� Characters A – Z and a – z

� sp for Space

� blank_line – for displaying a blank screen on the LCD module

Example – displaying a line of text on the LCD module

set clock = external "N2"; //use the 50 MHz clock

#include "DE2.hch" //include the DE2 library

void main(void)


DE2_LCD_LINE line;

line = hex2ascii(0x1<-4) @ sp @ H @ e @ l @ l @ o @ sp @

w @ o @ r @ l @ d @ blank_line<-152;



This sample code will display “1 Hello world” on the screen.

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 20


Accessing the Toggle Switches

You can obtain inputs from the 18 toggle switches with the macro procedure:

� DE2SW(mask)


mask Each bit corresponds to each toggle switches. unsigned 18

For example, if only SW0 is set to low (closest to the edge of the board), variable SW will return the following bit pattern: 111111111111111110 when you call DE2SW(SW).

Accessing the Pushbuttons Switches

There are 4 pushbuttons switches on the DE2 board marked as KEY0 to KEY3. Each switch provides a high logic level “1” when it is not pressed, and provides a low logic level “0” when depressed.

You can get the status of these pushbuttons switches with macro procedure:

� DE2Key(mask)


mask Each bit corresponds to each pushbutton switches. unsigned 4

For example, if only KEY3 is pressed, variable KEY will return the bit pattern 0111 when DE2Key(mask) is being called.



DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 21

7-Segment Displays & LEDs


The DE2 board has eight 7-segment displays, eighteen red LEDs and nine green LEDs. The DE2 library contains macros that allow you to:

� Write to the 7-segment displays.

� Display hexadecimal numbers on the 7-segment displays.

� Access eighteen red LEDs and nine green LEDs on the board.

Using the 7-Segment Displays

To use a 7-segment display, you can use macros to:

� Write a specified bit pattern to it.

� Write hexadecimal digits to it.

Writing a specified bit pattern

You can write to the 7-segment display using the macro procedure:

� DE2Set7Seg(SegN, Pattern)


SegN The display number (integer 0-8). unsigned 3

Pattern The pattern to be displayed on the display. unsigned 7

For the map of the bits pattern, please refer to Figure 4:



Chapter 9: 7-Segment Displays & LEDs

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 22

Figure 4 – position and index map of the 7-segment displays

The library also include a pre-define type DE2_7SEG for the pattern of the displays which is useful if you are writing a pattern to the displays.

Displaying hexadecimal numbers

The library also supports display of hexadecimal numbers, you can use the following macro procedure to display a hexadecimal number on the displays.

� DE2Set7SegDigit(SegN, hexdigit)


SegN The display number (integer 0-8). unsigned 3

hexdigit The hexadecimal number that you want to display. unsigned 4

Disabling a particular display

It is likely that you do not need to use all display and would like disable some of them, you may do this by calling the following macro procedure:

� DE2Disable7Seg(SegN)


SegN The display number (integer 0-8). unsigned 3


The display numbers are marked on the board from HEX0 to HEX7. You must not write and display a hex number on the same display at the same time.

Chapter 9: 7-Segment Displays & LEDs

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 23

Example – displaying numbers on the 7-Segment displays3

set clock = external "N2"; //use the 50 MHz clock

#include "DE2.hch" //include the DE2 library

void main(void)




par //run in parallel


DE2Set7SegDigit(0,0x1); //display digit “1” on HEX0

DE2Set7SegDigit(1,0x2); //display digit “2” on HEX1

DE2Set7SegDigit(2,0x3); //display digit “3” on HEX2

DE2Disable7Seg(3); //disable display HEX3


} while(1);


Driving the LEDs

The green and red LEDs on the DE2 board can be driven using different macro procedures described below:

� macro proc DE2SetLEDRs(mask)


mask Each bit corresponds to each red LEDs. unsigned 18

� macro proc DE2SetLEDGs(mask)


mask Each bit corresponds to each green LEDs. unsigned 9

The bits of the mask corresponds directly to the LEDs, e.g. to turning on only LEDG6, call DE2SetLEDGs(001000000).

3 Source code “7seg.hcc” is located at the “sample code” folder within the de2lib directory

DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 24

Expansion Header


The DE2 board has two 40-pin expansion headers / GPIO (General Purpose I/O). The DE2 Library includes macros that allow you to

� Write to or read from the expansion headers

Assessing the Expansion Headers

You can access the expansion headers using the macro procedure:

� DE2GPIO_0(PinN,IO,Data)

� DE2GPIO_1(PinN,IO,Data)


PinN Pin number of the expansion header (0-40) unsigned 6

IO Set the particular pin to input or output taking value 1 or 0. 1 for input and 0 for output.

unsigned 1

Data Data to be written to or read from the particular pin unsigned 1

For example, to read a value from pin 0 on the expansion header GPIO_0 (JP1), you would call DE2GPIO_0(0,1,data).



DE2 Function Library Manual ▪ 25


7-Segment Displays, 1, 21

Expansion Header, 25

Flash Memory, 7

LCD, 1, 17

LEDs, 1, 2, 21, 24

Memory, 1

PS/2 port, 1


SRAM, 7, 9

Switches, 1, 19

Pushbuttons Switches, 19

Toggle Switches, 19

VGA, 14

Video, 1