ddx (tevor) rest api - amazon web services...ddx (tevor) rest api adder technology ddx (trevor) rest...

Auth GET /auth/local Authenticate User using Local strategy (Username/Password) and return JWT. Model Model Schema Model Model Schema Try it out! Computers GET /computers Return a list of Computers DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password supplied over clear text (HTTPS should be used). A JSON Web Token is returned (JWT) which can be passed in the Authorization header of each subsequent API call. Response Class (Status 200) { "token": "string" } Response Content Type application/hal+json Parameters Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type body (required) Parameter content type: application/hal+json User login credentials body { "username": "string" , "password": "string" } Click to set as parameter value Response Messages HTTP Status Code Reason Response Model Headers 401 Unauthorised. Invalid or no credentials provided. Response Class (Status 200)

Upload: others

Post on 28-Jul-2020




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Page 1: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password


GET /auth/local Authenticate User using Local strategy (Username/Password) and return JWT.

Model Model Schema

Model Model Schema

Try it out!


GET /computers Return a list of Computers

DDX (Tevor) REST APIAdder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API.

Implementation NotesThis endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password supplied over clear text(HTTPS should be used). A JSON Web Token is returned (JWT) which can be passed in theAuthorization header of each subsequent API call.

Response Class (Status 200)

{ "token": "string"}

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

body (required)

Parameter content type:


User logincredentials


{ "username": "string", "password": "string"}

Click to set as parameter value

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

Response Class (Status 200)

Page 2: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Model Model Schema

[ { "id": 0, "primaryConsole": 0, "connectedConsoles": [ 0 ], "currentAccessMode": "VIEWONLY", "name": "string", "description": "string", "ports": [ 0 ], "thumbnail": true, "computerNo": 0, "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" }, "ports": { "href": "string" }, "primaryConsole": { "href": "string" }, "consoles": { "href": "string" } } }]

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

Page 3: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

POST /computers Add a new Computer

Model Model Schema

Try it out!

DELETE /computers/{id} Delete Computer from system.

403 Forbidden.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON WebToken(JWT).Format:Bearer JWT

header string

body (required)

Parameter content type:




{ "name": "string", "description": "string", "ports": [ 0 ], "thumbnail": true, "computerNo": 0}

Click to set as parameter value

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

201 Resource Created.

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Page 4: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

GET /computers/{id} Get details of a single Computer.

Model Model Schema

id (required) Computer ID path double

if-match (required) ETAG thatrepresents thecurrent Computerstate

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

409 Conflict.

412 Precondition Failed.

Response Class (Status 200)

{ "id": 0, "primaryConsole": 0, "connectedConsoles": [ 0 ], "currentAccessMode": "VIEWONLY", "name": "string", "description": "string", "ports": [ 0 ], "thumbnail": true, "computerNo": 0, "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" }, "ports": { "href": "string"

Page 5: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

PUT /computers/{id} Update a Computer

Model Model Schema

}, "primaryConsole": { "href": "string" }, "consoles": { "href": "string" } }}

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

id (required) Computer ID path double

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON WebToken(JWT).Format:Bearer JWT

header string

id (required) Computer ID path double

body Computerattributes to


Page 6: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!


DELETE /consoles Delete multiple Consoles from system.


Parameter content type:


be updated.{ "name": "string", "description": "string", "ports": [ 0 ], "thumbnail": true, "computerNo": 0}

Click to set as parameter value

if-match (required) ETAG thatrepresentsthe currentComputerstate

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

409 Conflict.

412 Precondition Failed.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

ids (required) Comma seperatedlist of Console IDs

query string

Page 7: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

GET /consoles Return a list of Consoles

Model Model Schema

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

Response Class (Status 200)

[ { "id": 0, "connectedComputer": 0, "currentAccessMode": "VIEWONLY", "computerAccess": [ { "id": 0, "access": "VIEWONLY" } ], "currentUser": 0, "name": "string", "description": "string", "ports": [ 0 ], "userLogin": true, "computerPermissions": [ null ], "autoLogoutTime": 1, "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" }, "ports": { "href": "string" },

Page 8: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

POST /consoles Add a new Console

Model Model Schema

"accessList": { "href": "string" }, "computer": { "href": "string" }, "user": { "href": "string" } } }]

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

body (required)

Parameter content type:




{ "name": "string", "description": "string", "ports": [ 0 ], "userLogin": true, "computerPermissions": [ null ],

Page 9: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

DELETE /consoles/{id} Delete Console from system.

Try it out!

"autoLogoutTime": 1}

Click to set as parameter value

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

201 Resource Created.

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

id (required) Console ID path double

if-match (required) ETAG thatrepresents thecurrent Consolestate

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

409 Conflict.

412 Precondition Failed.

Page 10: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

GET /consoles/{id} Get details of a single Console.

Model Model SchemaResponse Class (Status 200)

{ "id": 0, "connectedComputer": 0, "currentAccessMode": "VIEWONLY", "computerAccess": [ { "id": 0, "access": "VIEWONLY" } ], "currentUser": 0, "name": "string", "description": "string", "ports": [ 0 ], "userLogin": true, "computerPermissions": [ null ], "autoLogoutTime": 1, "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" }, "ports": { "href": "string" }, "accessList": { "href": "string" }, "computer": { "href": "string" }, "user": { "href": "string" } }}

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Page 11: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

PUT /consoles/{id} Update a Console

Model Model Schema

Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

id (required) Console ID path double

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON WebToken(JWT).Format:Bearer JWT

header string

id (required) Console ID path double

body (required)

Parameter content type:


Consoleattributes tobe updated.


{ "name": "string", "description": "string", "ports": [ 0 ], "userLogin": true, "computerPermissions": [ null ], "autoLogoutTime": 1}

Click to set as parameter value

Page 12: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

POST /consoles/{id}/switch Switch Console to a Computer.

Model Model Schema

if-match (required) ETAG thatrepresentsthe currentConsolestate

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

409 Conflict.

412 Precondition Failed.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON WebToken (JWT).Format:Bearer JWT

header string

id (required) Console ID path double

body (required)

Parameter content type:


Computer andswitch mode.


{ "computerId": 0, "mode": "VIEWONLY"}

Click to set as parameter value

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

Page 13: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!


GET /diagnostics/faults Return a list of Diagnostic faults.

Model Model Schema

Try it out!

GET /diagnostics/events Return a list of Diagnostic events.


401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

Response Class (Status 200)

[ { "name": "string", "description": "string", "time": "string" }]

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

Response Class (Status 200)

Page 14: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Model Model Schema

Try it out!

GET /diagnostics/temperatures Return a list of Diagnostic temperatures.

Model Model Schema

[ { "name": "string", "description": "string", "time": "string" }]

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

Response Class (Status 200)

[ { "name": "string", "value": "string" }]

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token header string

Page 15: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

GET /diagnostics/supplies Return a list of Diagnostic supplies.

Model Model Schema

Try it out!


(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

Response Class (Status 200)

[ { "name": "string", "value": "string" }]

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

Page 16: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

GET /edids Return a list of Edids

Model Model Schema

Try it out!

POST /edids Add a new Edid

Model Model Schema

Response Class (Status 200)

[ { "id": 0, "edidName": "string", "clonedEDID": 0, "originatingPort": 0, "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" } } }]

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

body Edid attributes. body

{ "port": 0

Page 17: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

DELETE /edids/{id} Delete Edid from system.


Parameter content type:



Click to set as parameter value

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

201 Resource Created.

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

Implementation NotesDelete's a cloned EDID from the system.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

id (required) Edid ID path double

if-match (required) ETAG thatrepresents thecurrent Edid state

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

Page 18: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

GET /edids/{id} Get details of a single Edid.

Model Model Schema

Try it out!

404 Document Not Found.

409 Conflict.

412 Precondition Failed.

Response Class (Status 200)

{ "id": 0, "edidName": "string", "clonedEDID": 0, "originatingPort": 0, "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" } }}

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

id (required) Edid ID path double

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

Page 19: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password


GET /groups Return a list of Groups

Model Model Schema

Try it out!

Response Class (Status 200)

[ { "id": 0, "name": "string", "description": "string", "computerPermissions": [ null ], "autoDisconnectTime": 1, "admin": true, "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" }, "users": { "href": "string" }, "accessList": { "href": "string" } } }]

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

Page 20: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

POST /groups Add a new Group

Model Model Schema

Try it out!

DELETE /groups/{id} Delete Group from system.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON WebToken(JWT).Format:Bearer JWT

header string

body (required)

Parameter content type:




{ "name": "string", "description": "string", "computerPermissions": [ null ], "autoDisconnectTime": 1, "admin": true}

Click to set as parameter value

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

201 Resource Created.

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

id (required) Group ID path double

Page 21: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

GET /groups/{id} Get details of a single Group.

Model Model Schema

if-match (required) ETAG thatrepresents thecurrent Groupstate

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

409 Conflict.

412 Precondition Failed.

Response Class (Status 200)

{ "id": 0, "name": "string", "description": "string", "computerPermissions": [ null ], "autoDisconnectTime": 1, "admin": true, "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" }, "users": { "href": "string" }, "accessList": { "href": "string" } }}

Page 22: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

PUT /groups/{id} Update a Group

Model Model Schema

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

id (required) Group ID path double

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON WebToken(JWT).Format:Bearer JWT

header string

id (required) Group ID path double

body (required)

Parameter content type:


Groupattributes tobe updated.


{ "name": "string", "description": "string", "computerPermissions": [ null ], "autoDisconnectTime": 1, "admin": true}

Click to set as parameter value

Page 23: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!


GET /system/network Get network settings.

Model Model Schema

if-match (required) ETAG thatrepresentsthe currentGroup state

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

409 Conflict.

412 Precondition Failed.

Response Class (Status 200)

{ "dhcp": true, "ipAddress": "string", "netMask": "string", "gateway": "string", "httpServer": true, "networkServiceDiscovery": true, "macAddress": "string", "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" } }}

Response Content Type application/hal+json

ParametersParameter Value Description Parameter

Type Data Type

Page 24: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

PUT /system/network Update network settings.

Model Model Schema

Type Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON WebToken(JWT).Format:BearerJWT

header string

if-match (required) ETAG thatrepresentsthecurrentNetworksettingsstate

header string

body (required)

Parameter contenttype:




{ "dhcp": true, "ipAddress": "string", "netMask": "string", "gateway": "string", "httpServer": true, "networkServiceDiscovery": true}

Click to set as parameter value

Response Messages

HTTP Status Reason Response Model Headers

Page 25: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!


GET /system/osd Get OSD settings.

Model Model Schema

HTTP StatusCode

Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

409 Conflict.

412 Precondition Failed.

Response Class (Status 200)

{ "thumbnails": true, "layoutAuto": true, "displaySysInfo": true, "remoteOsd": true, "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" } }}

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or no

credentials provided.

Page 26: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

PUT /system/osd Update OSD settings.

Model Model Schema

Try it out!


credentials provided.

403 Forbidden.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON WebToken (JWT).Format:Bearer JWT

header string

if-match (required) ETAG thatrepresentsthe currentNetworksettingsstate

header string

body (required)

Parameter content type:




{ "thumbnails": true, "layoutAuto": true, "displaySysInfo": true, "remoteOsd": true}

Click to set as parameter value

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

409 Conflict.

412 Precondition Failed.

Page 27: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

GET /ports Return a list of system ports.

Model Model Schema

Try it out!

GET /ports/{portNumber} Get details of a single Port.

Response Class (Status 200)

[ { "id": 0, "type": "TRANSMITTER", "computerConsoleId": 0, "computerConsoleName": "string", "status": "DISCONNECTED", "validType": "TRANSMITTER", "uptime": 0, "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" }, "console|computer": { "href": "string" } } }]

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

Response Class (Status 200)

Page 28: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Model Model Schema

Try it out!


GET /receivers Return a list of Receivers

{ "id": 0, "type": "TRANSMITTER", "computerConsoleId": 0, "computerConsoleName": "string", "status": "DISCONNECTED", "validType": "TRANSMITTER", "uptime": 0, "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" }, "console|computer": { "href": "string" } }}

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

portNumber (required) Port Number path double

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

Response Class (Status 200)

Page 29: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Model Model Schema

[ { "port": 0, "consoleId": 0, "firmware": "string", "firmwareAvailable": "string", "uniqueId": "string", "monitorNo": 0, "monitorInfo": { "model": "string", "serialNo": "string", "width": 0, "height": 0, "refreshRate": 0, "edidName": "string" }, "recoveryMode": true, "video": true, "usbEnable": true, "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" }, "console": { "href": "string" }, "operations": { "href": "string" } } }]

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or no

credentials provided.

Page 30: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

GET /receivers/{portNumber} Get details of a single Receiver.

Model Model Schema

credentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

Response Class (Status 200)

{ "port": 0, "consoleId": 0, "firmware": "string", "firmwareAvailable": "string", "uniqueId": "string", "monitorNo": 0, "monitorInfo": { "model": "string", "serialNo": "string", "width": 0, "height": 0, "refreshRate": 0, "edidName": "string" }, "recoveryMode": true, "video": true, "usbEnable": true, "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" }, "console": { "href": "string" }, "operations": { "href": "string" } }}

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Page 31: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

PUT /receivers/{portNumber} Update a Receiver

Model Model Schema

portNumber (required) Receiver's Portnumber

path double

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON WebToken (JWT).Format: BearerJWT

header string

portNumber (required) Receiver ID path double

body (required)

Parameter content type:


Receiverattributes tobe updated.


{ "usbEnable": true}

Click to set as parameter value

if-match (required) ETAG thatrepresents thecurrentReceiver state

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or no

credentials provided.

Page 32: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

GET /receivers/{portNumber}/upgradeSync Get the status of the firmware sync update operation

Model Model Schema

Try it out!

POST /receivers/{portNumber}/upgradeSync Sync-upgrade the System firmware

credentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

409 Conflict.

412 Precondition Failed.

Response Class (Status 200)

{ "state": "IN_PROGRESS", "info": "string", "error": 0}

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

portNumber (required) Receiver ID path double

Implementation NotesSynchronising allows Transmitters / Receivers to be upgraded (sync'ed) to the System firmwareversion


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

portNumber (required) Receiver ID path double

Page 33: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

GET /receivers/{portNumber}/reboot Get the status of the reboot operation

Model Model Schema

Try it out!

POST /receivers/{portNumber}/reboot Reboot the Receiver

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

Response Class (Status 200)

{ "state": "IN_PROGRESS", "info": "string", "error": 0}

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

portNumber (required) Receiver ID path double


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

portNumber (required) Receiver ID path double

Page 34: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

POST /receivers/{portNumber}/recover Recover the Receiver

Try it out!

POST /receivers/{portNumber}/cancelRecover Cancel Receiver recovery

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

Implementation NotesPrepares the Receiver so that it may boot into a special recovery mode


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

portNumber (required) Receiver ID path double

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.


Parameter Value DescriptionParameterType Data Type

Page 35: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!


GET /system/systemInfo Return the System information.

Model Model Schema

Parameter Value Description Type Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

portNumber (required) Receiver ID path double

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

Response Class (Status 200)

{ "firmware": "string", "swVersion": "string", "webVersion": "string", "imageType": "PRIMARY", "description": "string", "location": "string", "ignoreFirmwareMismatch": true, "edidId": 0, "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" } }}

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Page 36: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

PUT /system/systemInfo Update the System information.

Model Model Schema

Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON WebToken(JWT).Format:BearerJWT

header string

body (required)

Parameter contenttype:


Systeminformationattributesto beupdated.


{ "description": "string", "location": "string", "ignoreFirmwareMismatch": true, "edidId": 0}

Click to set as parameter value

if-match (required) ETAG thatrepresentsthe currentSysteminformationstate

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (No

Page 37: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

GET /system/systemInfo/uptime Return the System uptime.

Model Model Schema

Try it out!

GET /system/upgrade Get the status of the firmware update operation

Model Model Schema

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

409 Conflict.

412 Precondition Failed.

Response Class (Status 200)

{ "uptime": 0}

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

Response Class (Status 200)

{ "state": "IN_PROGRESS",

Page 38: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

POST /system/upgrade Upgrade the System firmware

Try it out!

GET /system/upgradeSync Get the status of the firmware sync update operation

Model Model Schema

Try it out!

"info": "string", "error": 0}

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

File N…Choose File Firmware imagefile

formData undefined

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

Response Class (Status 200)

{ "state": "IN_PROGRESS", "info": "string", "error": 0}

Response Content Type application/hal+json

Page 39: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

POST /system/upgradeSync Sync-upgrade the System firmware

Try it out!

GET /system/restore Get the status of the System restore configuration operation

Model Model Schema

Try it out!

POST /system/restore Restore the System configuration from a backup file

Implementation NotesSynchronising allows Transmitters / Receivers to be upgraded (sync'ed) to the System firmwareversion


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

Response Class (Status 200)

{ "state": "IN_PROGRESS", "info": "string", "error": 0}

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value DescriptionParameterType Data Type

Page 40: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

GET /system/reboot Get the status of the System reboot operation

Model Model Schema

Try it out!

POST /system/reboot Reboot the System

Parameter Value DescriptionParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

File N…Choose File Configurationbackup file

formData undefined

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

Response Class (Status 200)

{ "state": "IN_PROGRESS", "info": "string", "error": 0}

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Response Messages

HTTP Status

Page 41: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

POST /system/backup Backup (download) the System configuration file

Try it out!


GET /transmitters Return a list of Transmitters

Model Model Schema

HTTP StatusCode

Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

Response Class (Status 200)

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

Response Class (Status 200)

[ { "port": 0, "computerId": 0, "firmware": "string", "firmwareAvailable": "string",

Page 42: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

GET /transmitters/{portNumber} Get details of a single Transmitter.

Model Model Schema

"uniqueId": "string", "monitorNo": 0, "recoveryMode": true, "video": true, "usbModeType": "NONE", "useSystemEdid": true, "edidId": 0, "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" }, "computer": { "href": "string" }, "operations": { "href": "string" } } }]

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

Response Class (Status 200)

{ "port": 0, "computerId": 0,

Page 43: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

PUT /transmitters/{portNumber} Update a Transmitter

"firmware": "string", "firmwareAvailable": "string", "uniqueId": "string", "monitorNo": 0, "recoveryMode": true, "video": true, "usbModeType": "NONE", "useSystemEdid": true, "edidId": 0, "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" }, "computer": { "href": "string" }, "operations": { "href": "string" } }}

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

portNumber (required) Transmitter's Portnumber

path double

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.


Page 44: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Model Model Schema

Try it out!

GET /transmitters/{portNumber}/upgradeSync Get the status of the firmware sync update operation

Model Model Schema

Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON WebToken (JWT).Format:Bearer JWT

header string

portNumber (required) TransmitterID

path double

body (required)

Parameter content type:


Transmitterattributes tobe updated.


{ "usbModeType": "NONE", "useSystemEdid": true, "edidId": 0}

Click to set as parameter value

if-match (required) ETAG thatrepresentsthe currentTransmitterstate

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

409 Conflict.

412 Precondition Failed.

Response Class (Status 200)


Page 45: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

POST /transmitters/{portNumber}/upgradeSync Sync-upgrade the System firmware

Try it out!

GET /transmitters/{portNumber}/reboot Get the status of the reboot operation

"state": "IN_PROGRESS", "info": "string", "error": 0}

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

portNumber (required) Transmitter ID path double

Implementation NotesSynchronising allows Transmitters / Receivers to be upgraded (sync'ed) to the System firmwareversion


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

portNumber (required) Transmitter ID path double

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

Page 46: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Model Model Schema

Try it out!

POST /transmitters/{portNumber}/reboot Reboot the Transmitter

Try it out!

POST /transmitters/{portNumber}/recover Recover the Transmitter

Response Class (Status 200)

{ "state": "IN_PROGRESS", "info": "string", "error": 0}

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

portNumber (required) Transmitter ID path double


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

portNumber (required) Transmitter ID path double

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

Page 47: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

POST /transmitters/{portNumber}/cancelRecover Cancel Transmitter recovery

Implementation NotesPrepares the Transmitter so that it may boot into a special recovery mode


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

portNumber (required) Transmitter ID path double

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

portNumber (required) Transmitter ID path double

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

Page 48: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!


GET /users Return a list of Users

Model Model Schema

404 Document Not Found.

Response Class (Status 200)

[ { "id": 0, "consoles": [ 0 ], "connectedComputers": [ 0 ], "username": "string", "forenames": "string", "surname": "string", "computerPermissions": [ null ], "autoDisconnectTime": 1, "groupIds": [ 0 ], "admin": true, "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" }, "group": { "href": "string" }, "consoles": { "href": "string" }, "accessList": { "href": "string" }, "computer": { "href": "string" }, "keyShortcuts": { "href": "string" }

Page 49: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

POST /users Add a new User

} }]

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

body (required)

Parameter content type:


User attributes. body undefined

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

201 Resource Created.

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

Page 50: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

GET /users/me Get details of an authenticated in User.

Model Model Schema

403 Forbidden.

Response Class (Status 200)

{ "id": 0, "consoles": [ 0 ], "connectedComputers": [ 0 ], "username": "string", "forenames": "string", "surname": "string", "computerPermissions": [ null ], "autoDisconnectTime": 1, "groupIds": [ 0 ], "admin": true, "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" }, "group": { "href": "string" }, "consoles": { "href": "string" }, "accessList": { "href": "string" }, "computer": { "href": "string" }, "keyShortcuts": { "href": "string" } }}

Page 51: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

DELETE /users/{id} Delete User from system.

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

404 Document Not Found.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

id (required) User ID path double

if-match (required) ETAG thatrepresents thecurrent User state

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

409 Conflict.

412 Precondition Failed.

Page 52: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

GET /users/{id} Get details of a single User.

Model Model Schema

412 Precondition Failed.

Response Class (Status 200)

{ "id": 0, "consoles": [ 0 ], "connectedComputers": [ 0 ], "username": "string", "forenames": "string", "surname": "string", "computerPermissions": [ null ], "autoDisconnectTime": 1, "groupIds": [ 0 ], "admin": true, "_links": { "self": { "href": "string" }, "group": { "href": "string" }, "consoles": { "href": "string" }, "accessList": { "href": "string" }, "computer": { "href": "string" }, "keyShortcuts": { "href": "string" } }}

Page 53: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

PUT /users/{id} Update a User

Model Model Schema

Response Content Type application/hal+json


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON Web Token(JWT). Format:Bearer JWT

header string

id (required) User ID path double

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON WebToken(JWT).Format:Bearer JWT

header string

id (required) User ID path double

body (required)

Parameter content type:


Userattributes tobe updated.


{ "username": "string", "forenames": "string", "surname": "string", "computerPermissions": [ null ], "autoDisconnectTime": 1, "groupIds": [ 0 ],

Page 54: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!

PUT /users/{id}/password Update a User's password.

Model Model Schema

"admin": true}

Click to set as parameter value

if-match (required) ETAG thatrepresentsthe currentUser state

header string

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

409 Conflict.

412 Precondition Failed.

Implementation NotesA controllers that updates a User's password. The new password is passed in clear text (HTTPSshould be used).


Parameter Value Description ParameterType Data Type

Authorization (required) JSON WebToken(JWT).Format:Bearer JWT

header string

id (required) User ID path double

body NewPassword.


{ "newPassword": "string"

Page 55: DDX (Tevor) REST API - Amazon Web Services...DDX (Tevor) REST API Adder Technology DDX (Trevor) REST API. Implementation Notes This endpoint allows a user to be authenticated by username/password

Try it out!


Parameter content type:



Click to set as parameter value

Response MessagesHTTP StatusCode Reason Response Model Headers

204 Successful Operation (NoContent).

401 Unauthorised. Invalid or nocredentials provided.

403 Forbidden.

404 Document Not Found.

[ BASE URL: /api , API VERSION: 3.0.16 ]