ddma / goodmail: datakwaliteit

Event: DDMA Seminar Thema: Datakwaliteit in Emailmarketing Spreker: Jos Burger - Goodmail Datum: 2 april 2008 – Pakhuis de Zwijger, A’dam www.ddma.n

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Jos Burger, general manager van Goodmail Systems Europe, gaat in op de rol van ISP’s bij e-mailmarketing. De ISP bepaalt of de deur open of dicht is en voor hoelang dit dan het geval is.


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Event: DDMA Seminar

Thema: Datakwaliteit in Emailmarketing

Spreker: Jos Burger - Goodmail

Datum: 2 april 2008 – Pakhuis de Zwijger, A’dam


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Jos BurgerInternational GM, Goodmail Systems

March 2008

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European ISP’s send more than 20% of permission based emails to the junk/bulk folder* matching US ISP rates

European ISPs had the highest percentage increase in junk/bulk filter delivery at 20.4% over the previous quarter at 7.6%

ISPs are moving towards blocking images by defaultPhishing schemes are increasingly sophisticated –subtle differences make it difficult for consumers to tell legitimate apart from the fake

Source: Lyris ISP Deliverability Report Card Q2 2007

The State of Email Today





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Dear sir, We recently have determined that different computers have loggedonto

your eBay account, and multiple password failures were present before

the logons. We strongly advice CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD. If this is not completed by

, we will be forced to suspend your account indefinitely, as it may have been used for fraudule


purposes. Thank you for your cooperation. Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. Click here to Change Your Password

Consumer Perception of Email

70% of consumers are concerned about email scams and fraud

69% of consumers regularly delete email without reading it

55% delete all bank messages

56% of consumers agree that unwanted email makes it hard to find wanted emailMarch 11, 2006

Password change required!

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CertifiedEmail: The industry’s first trusted-class email that positively identifies good email

Individually accredited, permission based, qualified volume senders

Use software to specially mark CertifiedEmail

Partner with ISPs and mailbox providers to specially handle

Visually mark messages as authentic, legitimate, and safe

The result?100% assured inbox delivery

Links and images automatically rendered by default

Non-spoofable inbox and message labeling conveys trust

Improved program metrics

Introducing CertifiedEmail™§









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CertifiedEmail iconConveys trustDifferentiates message / brand71% of consumers more likely to open, 54% more likely to buy from a CertifiedEmail (2007 survey)

Users see links and imagesNo blocking of links and images

100% delivery of all messagesBypass all spam filters: content, volume, rate limiters

No restrictions on copyCan use words like “free”

Delivery confirmation

CertifiedEmail – Sender Benefits§






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See Images Blocked



Delete Immediately




Michael Della Penna

Blocked Images Impact Results

If you’re a retailer and you’re doing all-image email, you're in for a rude awakening.





”Epsilon Interactive

Vizu/GMS, 0906

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With CertifiedEmail, turn blocked images into a thing of the past.

Images are Worth a Thousand Words

The difference is clear. CertifiedEmail messages with images active are more effective!

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Blue Trust Seal Difference

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71% of consumers said they’re more likely to open a CertifiedEmail.

59% of consumers said they’re more likely to sign-up to receive email from companies that use CertifiedEmail.

54% of consumers said they’re more likely to purchase from companies that use CertifiedEmail.

CertifiedEmail Is Good For Business




Results based on 2007 survey of AOL, Yahoo! and Comcast customerResults based on 2007 survey of AOL, Yahoo! and Comcast customers.s.

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Assured 100% delivery No revenue loss due to undeliverability of up to 20% of list (avg)

Regain control of copyUse same copy @ site, print, packaging, and POS

Maintain brand integrityBrand identity mirrors offline presentation

Enhanced message effectivenessLinks & images enabled = proven lift on CTR and revenue per email

Stand out at the inboxBlue ribbon icon provides immediate visual differentiation

Key Benefits to Marketers






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Reliable delivery = lowered paper delivery back-up100% list coverage means lower cost of having to provide paper backup delivery (e.g., eLynx delivery of mortgage papers)

Enhance conversion to electronic transactionsTrusted class email = reliable platform for paper suppression

Reduced cost in post-phishing support costsFewer successful phishing attacks = reduced telephone support

Enhanced message effectivenessGreater chance customers can complete email-based transactions if links and images are presented and operational

Key Benefits to Financial Services§§




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Easily identify real email messages that are safe to open and act upon

The Blue Trust Seal tells them it’s real

Feel more secure opening messagesAll CertifiedEmail senders must go through a 10-step accreditation process

Key Benefits to Consumers




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Increase of 38% in click-though rate during trial

Increase of 40.5% in click-through rate after launchIncrease of 3.54¢ in profit per email

CertifiedEmail provides us with this flexibility because we can be sure that every message is delivered promptly and completely intact .

John LazarchicVice President of e-CommercePETCO Animal Supplies, Inc.

Case Study: PETCO




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Ernie Vickroy,

Trusted CertifiedEmail messages result in higher click-through rates and improved program response rates.

Case Studies: Time Inc.Controlled tests prove dramatic value creation

Time Inc. Overstock.com



”32% 30%

Time Inc.

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Email campaign educating customers about CertifiedEmail

Use of CE branding elements at site

Doing longitudinal customer survey

Case Study: KeyBankAccelerating paper suppression and improving customer security





What is tendency of customers to be phished pre-CertifiedEmail exposure

What is tendency of customers to be phished post-CertifiedEmail exposure