dch to dca conversion

7/23/2019 DCH to DCA Conversion http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/dch-to-dca-conversion 1/42 1/ Offence bonuses This is just a matter of identifying the AVs in the DCH entry for the various attacks, then converting to get an idea of DCA vaues! Common AVs " The D#$ attribute is a %retty safe bet as to the base AV of the character &ea%onry in the 'kis is armed AV! (suay there)s a term in %arentheses after it to s%ecify *hich *ea%ons + though in DCH it is %ossibe to be com%etent *ith a *ea%ons if nothing in s%ecified in %arentheses artia Artist -AV. or artia Artist -*ithout %arentheses after it. in the 'kis is, if higher than D#$, a good unarmed AV! ote that in DCH artia Artist can aso ao* for accuracy *ith *ea%ons, *hich may be im%ortant if you see an armed character *ith no &ea%onry 'ki There e0ists an Accuracy 'ki, usuay for a s%ecific %o*er, used as AV 'ometimes, you *i see a mention in the onuses and 2imitations of such+and+such  %o*er 3being its o*n AV3, *hich shoud be sef+e0%anatory! DCH AV 4ough 5 Offence bonus 67 86 or 81 69 87 to 8: 6: 8; or 8< 6; 8= or 8> 6< 8? or 816 6= 811 6> 817 or 819 6? 81: or 81; 16 81< or 81= 11 81> or 81? 17 876  ote that for ranged attacks, some Advantages -notaby @m%roved Aim, A+Out Attack, recise 'hot. %rovide bonuses -or negate %enaties. that are not usuay avaiabe to meee combatants! A rue of thumb *hen transating AVs to offence bonus for a ranged attacked is to ao* recise 'hot an A+Out Attack to each re%ace one %oint of Offence onus, and @m%roved Aim to re%ace three %oints of Offence onus, if you decide that the character had one or more of these

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1/ Offence bonuses

This is just a matter of identifying the AVs in the DCH entry for the various attacks, thenconverting to get an idea of DCA vaues! Common AVs "

The D#$ attribute is a %retty safe bet as to the base AV of the character• &ea%onry in the 'kis is armed AV! (suay there)s a term in %arentheses after it to

s%ecify *hich *ea%ons + though in DCH it is %ossibe to be com%etent *ith a *ea%onsif nothing in s%ecified in %arentheses

• artia Artist -AV. or artia Artist -*ithout %arentheses after it. in the 'kis is, ifhigher than D#$, a good unarmed AV! ote that in DCH artia Artist can aso ao* for accuracy *ith *ea%ons, *hich may be im%ortant if you see an armed character *ith no&ea%onry 'ki

• There e0ists an Accuracy 'ki, usuay for a s%ecific %o*er, used as AV• 'ometimes, you *i see a mention in the onuses and 2imitations of such+and+such

 %o*er 3being its o*n AV3, *hich shoud be sef+e0%anatory!

DCH AV 4ough 5 Offence bonus

67 86 or 81

69 87 to 8:

6: 8; or 8<

6; 8= or 8>

6< 8? or 816

6= 811

6> 817 or 819

6? 81: or 81;

16 81< or 81=

11 81> or 81?

17 876

 ote that for ranged attacks, some Advantages -notaby @m%roved Aim, A+Out Attack, recise'hot. %rovide bonuses -or negate %enaties. that are not usuay avaiabe to meee combatants! Arue of thumb *hen transating AVs to offence bonus for a ranged attacked is to ao* recise'hot an A+Out Attack to each re%ace one %oint of Offence onus, and @m%roved Aim to re%acethree %oints of Offence onus, if you decide that the character had one or more of these

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Advantages! Doing a straight conversion then adding one or more of these Advantages *i resutin over+vaued offence bonuses!

7/ @nitiative

Determine 5 @nitiative normay, add one rank of @m%roved @nitiative if the Character inDCH has 2ightning 4efe0es! The #nhanced @nitiative o*er might be convertibe at one 4ange %er three As, but there)s no data yet!

Bor Characters *ho are ceary s%eedsters -%referaby *ith a '%eed Borce connection, in thecase of DC( characters., buying enough ranks of @m%roved @nitiative to bring them cose to ?6of the DCH @nitiative might *ork, based on the Bash)s stats!

9/ Damage

Binding the base #V in the DCH *riteu% is sim%e + for unarmed combat it)s 'T4 -a 'T4 of 17

has an #V of 17., for o*ers it)s the o*er)s As -Bame %roject" 6? has an #V of 6? E a gun*ith rojectie *ea%on" 6: has an #V of 6:. and in some cases it)s straightfor*ard #V -a knife*ith #V 69.!

Fou can see that most meee *ea%ons have notes for greater #V based on the *ieder)s 'T4,artia Artist score and such + don)t *orry about that and just use an eGuivaent DCA meee*ea%on, it usuay *orks out fine!

artia Artist is tad more com%icated, but in DCA terms doesn)t affect unarmed damage directy!The e0ce%tion is those fe* characters *ith something caed 'chtick -(nfettered Bist. in theirAdvantages + those treat their artia Artist score has #V!

This document incudes an aternative, 3unca%%ed)3 damage eGuivaency tabe that doesn)tconstraint vaues on a 6+76 scae as the DCA ruesbook does + see the TOC!

DCH #V 4ough 5 damage bonus

67 86

69 81 or 87

6: 87 or 89

6; 8:

6< 8;

6= 8<

6> 8= or 8>

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6? 8> or 8?

16 816

11 811

17 817

19+1: 819

1;+1< 81:

1=+1> 81;

1?+76 81<

71+77 81=

79 81>

7:+7; 81?

:/ Dodge and arry defences

This is just a matter of identifying the OVs in the DCH entry for the various attacks, thenconverting to get an idea of DCA vaues! Common OVs "

• The D#$ attribute is a %retty safe bet as to the base OV of the character• artia Artist -OV. or artia Artist -*ithout %arentheses after it. in the 'kis is, if

higher than D#$, a good unarmed OV for the %ur%ose of cacuating arry• Acrobatics -Hard Target. in the 'kis is the correct OV, if %resent, to cacuate Dodge!

The much rarer Acrobatics -#vasion. is the correct OV for both arry and Dodge!• Acrobatics -Aeria., or Acrobatics -Aeria su%eriority. is the correct OV to cacuate

Dodge *hie fying! 'ince it is defensive ony, the traditiona a%%roach is to make it an#nhanced Trait -Dodge. *ith the 2imited Ba* -ony *hist fying.! @t is often @nnate andermanent!

• The other entities affecting OV are dis%arate and some*hat rare -'u%ers%eed, 'chtick

-Bashing ade., etc!.

DCH OV 4ough 5 Dodge or arry defence

67 6 or 1

69 7 to :

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6: ; or <

6; = to ?

6< 16

6= 11

6> 17

6? 19

16 1:

11 1;

17 1<

;/ &i defence

DCH estabishes a difference bet*een s%iritua and menta attacks, so to com%ute the &idefence *e) average t*o Attributes, caed @ and '@!

odifiers are not terriby common and best modeed as o*ers! These incude ind Bied andagic Bied, es%eciay *hen they are 'ef Ony and/or A*ays On! @ron erves can aso %ay aroe, see the Advantages section!

 ote that if there is a arge difference bet*een @ and '@, the character is consideraby moreresistant to menta/%sychic -@. or s%iritua/magica -'@. damage! Fou may *ant to considerusing the o*er score as the baseine &i defence and using a %o*er to boster defences againstthe ty%e of assaut the character is most resistant to*ard!

DCH average 4ough 5 &i defence

67 6 or 1

69 7

6: 9 to ;

6; < or =

6< > or ?

6= 16

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6> 11 or 17

6? 19

16 1:

11 1:

17 1;

19 1<

1: 1=

1; 1>

</ Bortitude defence

Bortitude is generay indicated by ODF, *hich in DCH is the base 4V against a things %hysica!

y far the most common modifier is a o*er caed 'ystemic Antidote, *hich adds straight toODF! A Character *ith ODF 6> and 'ystemic Antidote" 6: *oud be considered to have a4V of 17 for the %ur%ose of com%uting a rough Bortitude save!

DCH 4V 4ough 5 Bortitude defence

67 6 or 1

69 7 to :

6: ; to =

6; = or >

6< ?

6= 16

6>+6? 11

16+19 17

1:+1; 19

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1<+1= 1:

1> 1;

=/ Toughness defence

ODF is again going to be our baseine for this one, being the base %hysica 4V! There are Guitea fe* %otentia modifiers -'kin armour, #nergy Absor%tion, inetic absor%tion, Borce fied!!!. butthey tend to be better modeed as rotection effects and the ike, since they normay *ork onyagainst certain categories of descri%tors!

/ODF/ is an im%ortant modifier! A %iece of eGui%ment *ith it -usuay an advanced suit of bodyarmour. uses this score in ieu of the *earer)s ODF!

@f artia Artist -4V. or artia Artist -*ith nothing in %arentheses., minus four, is higher thanthe character)s ODF, it might be considered for Toughness %ur%oses -though this ty%e of

a%%roach is amost a*ays a s%ecia case.!

Of course, the scores beo* are the fina defence score! Bor tough human characters that *ioften mean eves in Defensive 4o to bridge the ga% bet*een 'tamina and Toughness, *hich isstandard in DCA! There)s no rea *ay to derive @m%erviousness, though!

DCH 4V 4ough 5 Toughness defence

67 6 or 1

69 7

6: 9 or :

6; ; or <

6< = or >

6= > or ?

6> 16

6?+16 11

11+17 17

19+1: 19 or 1:

1; 1; or 1<

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1< 1= or 1>

1=+1> 1> or 1?

>/ Attributes

 o* that a the combat stuff is out of the *ay -combat stuff is %retty im%ortant in the genre., *ecan do the Attributes "

>!1/ 'trength "Iust use the damage tabe in section 9, barring some strange cases! The officia DCA %rofies addsome 2ifting+Ony strength at the high end E based on these vaues here are some numbers toconsider for characters *ith very high 'trength! 'ee aso the 3(nca%%ed3 s%ecia section at theend!

DCH 'T4 ossibe 5 2ifting+ony 'trength

19+1: 86 to 87 ranks

1;+1< 81 to 89 ranks

1=+1> 87 to 8: ranks

1?+76 89 or 8: ranks

71+77 8: ranks

79+7: 8: ranks

7; 8: ranks

>!7!/ 'tamina"

DCH ODF 4ough 5 'tamina

67 6

69 1 or 7

6: 7

6; 9

6< :

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6= ; or <

6> < or =

6? = or >

16 ? or 16

11 11

17 17

19 19

1: 1: or 1;

1;+1< 1: to 1<

1=+1> 1; to 1?

Of course, make sure that the 'tamina doesn)t e0ceed Toughness and/or Bortitude + this is %ossibe at a fe* %oints of the tabe if you chose high 'tamina and o* defences among the %ro%osed ranges!

>!9/ Agiity"&e) use Acrobatics -Athetics. 'ki in the DCH *riteu%s, since it)s a good a%%raisa of DCAAgiity! There are a fe* tricks "

• @f the *riteu% just says Acrobatics in the 'kis, *ithout anything in %arentheses, use thatnumber

• @f the *riteu% has Acrobatics *ith 'ubskis in %arentheses, but Athetics is not istedamong those, use that vaue minus t*o

• @f the *riteu% has no Acrobatics *hatsoever in the 'kis isting, use D#$ minus four 

DCH vaue 4ough 5 Agiity

 egative 6

6 1

1+9 7

: 9

;+< :

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=+> ;

? <

16 =

11 >

17 ?

>!:/ De0terity"The best inde0 for that one is a bit more com%icated! Average the foo*ing t*o vaues "

• Highest vaue for the Vehice 'ki! @f there)s no such 'ki, use D#$ +: instead! ote thatVehices -'ea. does count for this s%ecific com%utation!

• Highest vaue for a ranged &ea%onry 'ki! &ea%onry *ithout anything in %arenthesesafter it is a vaid vaue, as are such &ea%onry 'ubskis as Birearms, issie, Heavy,#0otic, @nfantry &ea%ons, oice &ea%ons, Co*boy &ea%ons, ('C &ea%ons and theike! @f there are no reevant &ea%onry 'kis, use D#$ +: instead!

DCH vaue 4ough 5 De0terity

6 6

1+9 1

: 7

; 9

< :

=+> ;

? <

16 =

11 >

>!;/ Bighting "The arry defence and the offence bonuses have aready been cacuated, so the Bighting score isnot going to %ay a roe! Bee free to just base it on a vaguey simiar character + at this %oint it)sentirey cosmetic!

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>!</ @nteect " o cean *ay to dra* an eGuivaence *as found! A %ossibe a%%ro0imation is to start at 7,subtract one %oint if you think that the character is im%usive, and add one %oint for every fivefu %oints in the Jadgetry 'ki or the 'cientist 'ubski! That ends u% resembing the DCAcurve!

>!=/ A*areness "Average the @T and &@2 in the DCH attributes "

DCH vaue 4ough 5 A*areness

67+69 6

6:+6; 1

6< 7

6= 9

6> :

6?+16 ;

11 <

17 =

19+1: >

1; ?

>!>/ resence"Average the @B and A(4 in the DCH attributes and use the tabe! One thing to be a*are of isthat, in DCH, mystics, magicians and the ike tend to have high @B and A(4 for mechanicareasons, that often do not refect their ra* socia %ro*ess! Bor such characters *e recommendhaving the resence score this tabe %roduces, adjusting u% or do*n based on kno*edge of thecharacter -or u% if you have no idea.!

DCH vaue 4ough 5 resence

67 6

69+6: 1

6;+6< 7

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6= 9

6> :

6? ; or <

16 =

11 or 17 >

19 or 1: ?

1; 16

?/ 'kis

This section is a bit different, in arge %art because the %hioso%hy of skis management isdifferent bet*een DCA and DCH! 4ather than take a DCA vaue and find the DCH eGuivaent, ittes you *hat the 'kis in DCH transate to in DCA!

This *i not create a 5 skis section, since %art of those differences is that 5 characterstend to have a 3coud of sma skis3 at 9 or : ranks, *hich in DCH tend to be roed intoAttributes and broader 'kis and Advantages!

This section aims to %roduce the fina ski bonus, not the ski ranks! The ranks can bedetermined by the ga% bet*een the Attribute bonus and the ski bonus, though of course cornercases might resut in odd situations -or even an Attribute bonus greater than the ski bonus.!

This section e0tensivey uses the DCH notion of 'ubskis! There are t*o eves for 'kis inDCH + the main 'ki and its 'ubskis! &hen the 'ki is isted aone -e!g!, Acrobatics" 6<. it isassumed to come *ith the standard %ackage of 'ubskis! &hen something is s%ecified in %arentheses -e!g! Acrobatics -Cimbing, Dodging." 6<. it means that the Character doesn)t havethe standard %ackage, but a s%ecific seection of 'ubskis instead! A DCH 'ki by itsef is just asort of Array for the 'ubskis, a container!

This section assumes that you)re using the 'ki '%eciaity o%tiona rue from 5 7nd edition,*hich is essentiay ao*ing for 'kis to have the 2imited Dra*back *ithout bothering to makethem a #nhanced Trait! A 'ki *ith 2imited 7 costs 1 %oint %er four ranks -rather than 7. and a

'ki *ith 2imited 1 costs 1 %oint %er three ranks!

?!6/ Jenera ski tabes'evera subsections beo* refer to these here Jenera ski tabes, *hich is used for a rougheGuivaency bet*een the As of certain 'ubskis in DCH and fina ski bonuses in DCA!

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There is one coumn for most skis, and one coumn for #0%ertise skis! The first version of this*ork had individua tabes for most skis to ook at the distributions, but the vaues are coseenough for a generic tabe! &hich is a ot more convenient, too!

As in DCH 'ubski DCA non+#0%ertise 'ki bonus DCA #0%ertise bonus

61 81 81 to 89

67 87 or 89 8: or 8;

69 8: 8< or 8=

6: 8; or 8< 8> or 8?

6; 8= or 8> 816 or 811

6< 8? 817

6= 816 819

6> 811 81:

6? 817 or 819 81;

16 81: 81< or 81=

11 81; or 81< 81> or 81?

17 81= or 81> 876 or 871

19 81? 877

1: 876 879

?!1/ AccuracyThis some*hat rare 'ki is %urey an AV, and *i thus normay ma% to an offence bonus ase0%ained in the offence bonus section!

?!7/ AcrobaticsThe fu ist of 'ubskis *ithin Acrobatics is Aeria 'u%eriority, Athetics, Cimbing, Dodging,Jymnastics, Hard Target, #vasion!The standard %ackage is Athetics, Cimbing, Dodging!

• Aeria su%eriority + see the Dodge and arry Defences section• Athetics + ma%s to both Acrobatics and Athetics in 5

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• Cimbing + ma%s to the Cimbing a%%ication of Athetics in 5! A Character *ho onyhas Acrobatics -Cimbing. in DCH *i %robaby have Athetics

• Dodging + ma%s to the Defensive Attack, #vasion and @m%roved Defences Advantages!This sometimes means a three Advantages, but fee free to be ess generous + es%eciayif the DCH As in that 'ubski are five or ess

#vasion + see the Dodge and arry Defences section• Jymnastics + usuay corres%onds to an #0%ertise in gymnastics %erformance, see the

Jenera ski tabes above• Hard target + see the Dodge and arry Defences section

Acrobatics -Athetics. + or Acrobatics in genera + can thus be checked against the genera skitabe and treated as the average bet*een the character)s Athetics and Acrobatics in DCA! Adjustaround this mean! Do note that in DCA the Athetics ski is based on 'T4 + for characters *ithsu%erhuman strength that can mean sur%risingy high scores in com%arison to the DCH vaue!

@t is rare for %hysicay ade%t heroes not to have about 9 4anks in Athetics, even if they don)t

have any Acrobatics in DCH!

?!9/ Anima HandingThe fu ist of 'ubskis *ithin Anima Handing is 4iding and Anima Training!The standard %ackage is both 'ubskis!

• 4iding transates as an #0%ertise -4iding mounts., though you shoud use the non+#0%ertise coumn

• Anima training transates as an #0%ertise -Anima training., see the Jenera ski tabesabove

• Occasionay you *i see a non+standard 'ubski such as Anima Handing -Horses.,

*hich indicates both 4iding and Training, but ony *ith these animas! Turn that into an#0%ertise -say, #0%ertise -Horse riding/training.. and see the Jenera ski tabes above

?!:/ ArtistThe fu ist of standard 'ubskis *ithin Artist is Actor, Dancer, Jra%hic Designer, usician,ainter, hotogra%her, 'cu%tor and &riter, though there are various non+standard 'ubskis thatare sef+e0%anatory!There is not usuay a standard %ackage!

Jeneray these are treated as #0%ertises, see the Jenera ski tabes above!

Artist -Actor. is in DCH is used for the Disguise a%%ication of the 5 Dece%tion ski andmight be used for uffing, so there)s usuay some correation bet*een the t*o! Bor characters*ith Artist -Actor. in their DCH stats, use that number %us five as their rough Dece%tion bonusin DCA! ot having Artist -Actor. certainy doesn)t im%y a ack of Dece%tion, though K

?!;/ CharismaThe fu ist of 'ubskis *ithin Charisma is @ntimidation, @nterrogation, ersuasionThe standard %ackage is a three 'ubskis

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• Charisma -@ntimidation. ma%s to @ntimidation• Charisma -@nterrogation. doesn)t Guite ma%! @f the Character has DCH @ntimidation, ro

their DCH @nterrogation into DCA @ntimidation E if the Character has DCH ersuasion,ro it into their DCA ersuasion E if the character ony has Charisma -@nterrogation. makeit an #0%ertise in interrogation or %erha%s a %art of an #0%ertise -2a* #nforcement. that

ha%%ens to be roughy on he same eve!• Charisma -ersuasion. ma%s to ersuasion

The DCH vaues for these 'ubskis can be used as DCA vaues *ithout any modification, forsome reason + do not use the genera skis tabes!

?!</ DetectiveThe fu ist of 'ubskis *ithin Detective is Cue Anaysis, Counterfeit 4ecognition,@dentification systems, 2a*, 2eg*ork, oice rocedureThe standard %ackage is no* understood to be everything but 2a* -thus you) often see the 'kiisted as 3Detective -A but 2a*.3.!

• Detective -Cue Anaysis. ma%s to @nvestigation, mosty + but you shoud use the#0%ertise coumn in the Jenera 'kis Tabe!

• Detective -Counterfeit recognition. can usuay be ignored -but may hint to*ard an#0%ertise in 2a* #nforcement or 'ecurity.

• Detective -@dentification systems. can usuay be ignored -but may hint to*ard an#0%ertise in 2a* #nforcement or 'ecurity.

• Detective -2a*. is an #0%ertise as a Defence 2a*yer, see the Jenera ski tabes above• Detective -2eg*ork. ma%s to DCA @nvestigation if the character aso has Cue

Anaysis! @f the character has 2eg*ork but no Cue Anaysis it ikey indicates a fe*ranks in ersuasion -if the character aso has Charisma -ersuasion., ignore that.

Detective -oice rocedure. best ma%s to an #0%ertise in 2a* #nforcement, see theJenera ski tabes above

?!=/ JadgetryThe fu ist of Jadgetry 'ubskis is @dentify Jadget and uid Jadget The standard %ackage is both 'ubskisThere are some non+standard 'ubskis that ao* to both @dentify and uid Jadgets in as%ecific fied -e!g! Jadgetry -Chemistry..!

• @f the character ony has Jadgetry -@dentify Jadget., consider it a Technoogy 'ki thathas 2imited 7 -can ony do the O%erations a%%ication.

Jadgetry -uid Jadget. ma%s to Technoogy, but ony %artiay! @n itsef is essentiay a2imited 1 Technoogy ski that can ony %erform O%eration, Iury+4igging, uiding and4e%airing!!! %us the @nventor Advantage! 'ome Characters may ha%%en to have DCHiitary 'cience -Demoition. and DCH Thief -'ecurity systems. to re%resent the)missing) com%onents of Technoogy, but that *oud be a stroke of uck! Decide ho*detaied you *ant to get!

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There are sight differences in the distribution com%ared to the genera skis tabe, so @ suggestusing the foo*ing "

DCH Jadgetry As DCA Technoogy

6: 8> or 8?

6; 816

6< 811

6= 817 or 819

6> 81: or 81;

6? 81<

16 81= or 81>

11 81?

17 876

19 871 or 877

1: 879

1; 87:

?!>/ artia ArtistThe fu ist of artia Artist 'ubskis can be summed u% as AV, #V, OV, 4VThe standard %ackage is a four 'ubskis

• artia Artist -AV, aka Assaut. " see offence bonuses• artia Artist -#V, aka attery." the character ikey has o*er Attack• artia Artist -OV, aka ocking." see Dodge and arry Defences• artia Artist -4V, aka Defence." see Toughness Defence

?!?/ edicineThe fu ist of artia Artist 'ubskis is Birst Aid, rain*ashing, Borensics, edica Treatmentand 'urgeryThe standard %ackage is generay understood to be everything but rain*ashing

• y far the most common isting of edicine is edicine -Birst Aid.! @n game terms thisis Treatment *ith 2imited 7 -2imited to 4evive and 'tabiise. E see the Jenera skitabes

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•  eary a other situations can be a%%roached as being just the Treatment 'ki E see theJenera ski tabes

?!16/ iitary scienceThe fu ist of iitary 'cience 'ubskis is Camoufage, Cartogra%hy, Tracking, Cry%togra%hy,

Danger 4ecognition, Demoition and Bied CommandThe standard %ackage is a 'ubskis, but in %ractice that often is too broad so treat iitary'cience *ith nothing in %arenthesis *ith some caution! o*adays *e)re more s%ecific than that, but some oder materia sti have a generic iitary 'cience!

Brom a DCA %oint of vie*, iitary 'cience 'ubskis are scattered a over the %ace"

• Camoufage! A s%ecific version of the Hiding a%%ication of the 'teath ski! (suay, it*i just be roed into either a genera 'teath score or a #0%ertise -iitary. score E inthe ater case see the Jenera ski tabes!

• Cartogra%hy! An #0%ertise! (suay it can be roed into an #0%ertise -iitary. score,

though in some cases it)s an #0%ertise of its o*n! 'ee the Jenera ski tabes!• Tracking! The Tracking Advantage!• Cry%togra%hy! An #0%ertise E see the Jenera ski tabes!• Danger 4ecognition! The character ikey has the (ncanny Dodge Advantage!• Demoition! This one usuay transate as a 2imited 7 version of the Technoogy 'ki

-imited to the Demoition a%%ication.! (se the Jadgetry tabe to transate the number!• Bied Command! Can usuay be roed into #0%ertise -iitary. E see the Jenera ski


?!11/ OccutistThe fu ist of Occutist 'ubskis is Create Artefact, @dentity Artefact, Occut no*edge,

entor, remonition, 4itua agicThe standard %ackage is a 'ubskis!

• Create Artefacts! The character ikey has the Artificer Advantage!• @dentify artefact, Occut kno*edge, entor are a roabe into #0%ertise -agic.,

though you may o*er the score from the Jenera ski tabes if a three 'ubskis are not %resent -say, +7 %er missing 'ubski.

• remonition is essentiay the abiity to %ay one Hero oint to foresee the future -notnecessariy in a %recise *ay., and coud be considered an Advantage that does just that!

• 4itua agic is the eGuivaent of the 4ituaist Beat

?!17/ 'cientistThe fu ist of 'cientist 'ubskis is Anaysis, 4esearch, Dra*ing ans and ObservationThe standard %ackage is a 'ubskis!

This skis set doesn)t Guite have an eGuivaent in 5! Dra*ing ans *i usuay get roedinto a Technoogy 'ki! The rest can just be treated as #0%ertise" 'cience using the same tabe asJadgetry!

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@f 'cientist -4esearch. is isted aone, it)s an #0%ertise in information research!

?!19/ Thief The fu ist of Thief 'ubskis is Conceament, #sca%e Artist, 2ocks and 'afes, ick%ocketing,'teath, Borgery and 'ecurity 'ystems

The standard %ackage is a 'ubskis

2ike iitary science, this is a bit dis%ersed in DCA terms"

• Conceament is just ike the Conceaing a%%ication of 'eight of Hand• #sca%e Artist is just ike the #sca%ing a%%ication of 'eight of Hand, though Contorting

can aso be safey assumed!• 2ocks and 'afes and 'ecurity 'ystems together corres%ond to the 'ecurity a%%ication of

the Technoogy ski E use the Jadgetry tabe to estimate the number! @f the charactercannot use other a%%ications of the Technoogy ski it)s a 2imited 7 version of the ski!

• ick%ocketing is the eGuivaent of the 'teaing a%%ication of 'eight of Hand•

'teath corres%onds to the 'teath 'ki• Borgery is best treated as an #0%ertise E see the Jenera ski tabes

De%ending on ho* many Thief 'ubskis are %resent, the character may have a 2imited 1 or2imited 7 version of 'eight of Hand + or you may end u% just using the 'eight of Hand 'kis asa *hoe! (se the Jenera 'ki tabe, *ith the non+#0%ertise coumn!

?!1:/ VehicesThe fu ist of Vehices 'ubskis is 2and, 'ea, Air and '%aceThe standard %ackage is a 'ubskis, though you *i often see the '#A2 notation -standing for'#a, Air, 2and and thus eaving '%ace out.

2eaving '%ace vehices out is %robaby not, in most cam%aigns, enough of an issue to *arrant a2imited! Having ony one 'ubski in DCH is the eGuivaent of a 2imited 7 in DCA, and havingony t*o of a 2imited 1!

(se the non+#0%ertise coumn of the genera skis tabe, of course!

?!1;/ &ea%onry'ee the offence bonus section!

16/ Advantages

Here are the rough eGuivaencies encountered so far!

Attractive usually indicates a rank of Attractive

Connoisseur likely an Expertise of the same name for a final bonus of about +9

Credentias might indicate Benefit (Security Clearance and maybe Connected

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#0%ertise about ! ranks of Expertise in the sub"ect matter# usually

Bamiiarity about $%& ranks of Expertise in the sub"ect matter# usually

@nsta+Change2eadershi% 'nspire and eadership (but not al)ays both

2ightning 4efe0es maps to 'mproved 'nitiative as noted in the 'nitiative section

2uck might indicate uck

'choar ten or more ranks in the corresponding Expertise# usually

'har% #ye might indicate five extra ranks in *erception above initial estimates

@ron erves might indicate the earless Advantage

'tabiiLation ,iehard

(tra 2uck -ften )orks as t)o or three ranks of uck 

11/ Dra*backs

These no* generay ma% to Com%ications! Jeneray s%eaking, *hat DCH Dra*backs do is

fairy cear from the name, but there is a handfu of abbreviations"

• -/'/C.@A are @rrationa Attractions to*ard something or somebody• -/'/C.@H are @rrationa Hatreds to*ard destroying something/somebody• -/'/C/.@B are @rrationa Bears of something or somebody• -/'/C.@ are sychoogica @nstabiities, *ith an increasing chance to have an e%isode

O%tiona sections

(nca%%edThe *riteu%s in the DCA ruesbook essentiay foo* a 1+76 scae as a design choice! This has

some advantages -es%eciay if you *ant characters of different 2 to *ork together., but someJs may %refer to have a more o%en+to%%ed scae, not one soft+ca%%ed at 76! @f so, someguideines"

• for #Vs of 1: or more, ignore the damage eGuivaencies tabe and use DCH #Vs as a5 damage bonus *ithout any ateration! @f it)s 1> in DCH, it)s 1> in DCA E if it)s 7;it)s 7;!

• for 'T4 of 1: or more, same thing• dro% 3ifting ony3 strength rank bonuses, they)re no onger usefu + since you)re no*• if you get a Toughness and/or Bortitude of 19 or more using the OAC' @@

eGuivaencies, ater them as foo*s "

5 Toughness 4ough 5 Toughness -straight eGuivaency. -unca%%ed eGuivaency.19 191: 1: or 1;1; 1< or 1=1< 1> or 1?1= 76 or 711> 77 or 79

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1? 7: or 7;76 7<5 Bortitude 4ough 5 Bortitude -straight eGuivaency. -unca%%ed eGuivaency.19 191: 1<

1; 1?

 otes about benchmarks used for OAC' @@ + @ntroduction(nike OAC' @, OAC' @@ is chiefy based on com%arisons of scores bet*een DCH andDCA, to estabish correations and derive tabes that a%%ro0imate those! The good ne*s is thatthis endeavour is best conducted *ith a reativey o* number of data %oints, using )%ivot) heroes*ith *e+kno*n ca%abiities *ho have encountered and/or fought a vast number of ess %ivotacharacters! oth the DCA and the DCH *riteu%s use key characters as benchmarks, and thenumber of ikey scores for any attribute is fairy o*!

The bad ne*s is that such an e0ercise reGuires good kno*edge of both systems -so reading the

notes reGuire DCH kno*edge, unike OAC' @@ itsef. and, more im%ortanty, of the key heroesused as benchmarks + and of the im%icit hierarchies e0isting bet*een them! no*ing ho* goodan acrobat ight*ing is is im%ortant, but there aso has to be a sense of scae to determine ho*much better he)s at it than, say, ack Canary!

As a further note, the DCH rues *e) be using here is the one used on *riteu%s!org + ood ofHeroes '%ecia #dition *ith various additiona conventions and materia! Bor those *ho comefrom oder editions it)s roughy ike the 7nd and 9rd edition of DC Heroes, but *ith ne* stuff!'ee the BAM on *riteu%s!org for more about a of this!

 either set of officia *riteu%s is considered %erfect, and neither is our understanding of the

 %ivot characters) abiities! Thus, *henever *e)re anaysing scores for benchmark characters, *edon)t com%are things straight a*ay! &e use the DCH evauations to adjust the DCA scores andvice versa, using our kno*edge to assess *hat is going on! This means that the first resut ofOAC' @@ has been more %recise ideas about scores for the benchmark characters, both in DCAand DCH, because *e coud dra* average guesses from a greater %oo of highy informedguesses! Fou *i see that in action in the notes, and see ho* it %roduces a more coherent scae of *ho is better than *hom at *hat, ao*ing for more coherent com%arisons of Guantities acrossgame systems!

Of course, this *ork aso %roduces series of revised scores for the benchmark characters,ao*ing to im%rove their *riteu%s in both systems! The differences are not huge -aside from

some Guirks, both DCA and DCH have %retty good officia *riteu%s., but it)s a nice side+%roduct!There)s more on this at the end of the document, if you *ant!

This *hoe body of *ork is com%icated, there are inevitaby judgement cas, and it informsim%ortant *riteu%s! Thus @)ve decided to take e0tensive notes about the design of OAC' @@ so %eo%e can check the reasoning, see ho* some vaues they)re not sure they agree *ith *erearrived at, and et those *ho *ant to make changes kno* the too! Aso, some %eo%e ikereading about this stuff!

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.he .rinity and the Big /ed Cheese

These four characters are es%eciay im%ortant for benchmarks but "

the )iconic) versions of 'u%es and Ca%tain arve are consideraby different in DCA andDCH! DCH 'u%erman is sti informed by the 'iver Age as the an of Tomorro* *ith3su%er+inteigence3 E DCA 'u%erman is the ess brainy 7666s version! DCH Ca%tainarve *as the version right after the Crisis and a minor character, *hereas the DCAversion is the major character and %o*erfu version seen no*adays! This makes many,many scores %ointess to com%are + e0ce%t, thankfuy, for some keystone vaues such astheir strength! Burthermore, the vaues for 'u%erman)s and Ca%tain arve)s D#$ inthe DCH ruesbook have ong been debated by DCH %ayers, *ith the a%%arent majorityusing o*er vaues + making these DCH scores unsuitabe for benchmarking %ur%oses!

• atman is at the very east the version often nicknamed 3the bat+god3, and %robaby beyond! @t seems that he has been buid to 2 to some e0tend + once it has been

determined that ruce is 217, not %ushing his skis to 2 *oud indeed seem strange-he)s atman.! This resut in ski eves that are consideraby higher than characters inthe ne0t tier for that ski + in %art because atman is aso consideraby above charactersin the tier beo* him in terms of Attributes! There)s a considerabe range of vaues bet*een *hat a very skied hero can do and *hat atman can do, *hich @)ve come to ca3the atman Ja%3 because *hat the *ord needs is more soundbites!As you *i see, the reasoning in OAC' often has to adjust atman to eves that aresti markedy su%erior to other %eo%e)s but not outrageousy so in order not to *ar% thescae and infate numbers!

• The DCA version of &onder &oman is about accurate for Diana in most I2A books ormaking a guest a%%earance, the DCH version on &O4J is about accurate for Diana in

her book in the hands of her more enthusiastic and taented *riters -the su%reme *arriorde%icted by 4ucka, or the Guasi+goddess de%icted by 'imone.! As you) see from time totime *e adjust for that! Amusingy this often means that the more %o*erfu version of&onder &oman ends u% *ith the e0act same scores as atman does in the ruesbook,*hereas the at is toned do*n by a fe* %oints!

Jeneray, one may notice that the vaues *e use for benchmark DC characters are sightydifferent from those in the od ruesbooks as they *ere t*eaked a bit + but most of thesedifferences are but one A!

1/ Offence bonusesThe key vaues for the o*er end of the scae are covered, in this sections and a others, bychecking the su%%orting characters -DCA %% 7<<+7<>. and com%aring *ith simiar generic %rofies for DCH! @n this case *e have a high end at 8< for '&AT ty%es -sodiers and co%s are8;., thugs at about 87 and baseine civiians at 86!

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Jeneray s%eaking, 5 su%%orting characters stats are more aggressive, *ith trained generic Cs starting circa 2: E DCH kee%s these Cs at a more subdued eve and has thugs that arenot much *eaker than co%s! To adjust for this, 86 to 8< are ke%t on a DCH scae from one tofour!

DCA is more fine+grained than the basic rues for DCH for offence and defence %ur%oses -thoughthe DCH communities introduced a number of toos to dea *ith that., so in many cases @) use*hat DCH scores *oud be if there *ere DCA+ike granuarity!

ey offence bonuses in DCA"Ha Iordan, unarmed 8>artian anhunter unarmed 817AGuaman unarmed 819Cat*oman unarmed 8194obin unarmed 819&onder &oman unarmed 81:

Jreen Arro* archery 81; but see beo* ight*ing unarmed 81;ack Canary unarmed 81<atman unarmed 876 -%u0a K.

ey AVs in DCH"Ha Iordan, unarmed *oud be ; or <artian anhunter, unarmed *oud be =AGuaman, unarmed *oud be ?Cat*oman, unarmed *oud be >+? -de%! on era.4obin, unarmed *oud be =+> -de%! on era.

&onder &oman, unarmed is 17Jreen Arro*, archery is 11 or 17 -de%! on era. ight*ing, unarmed is 6? -during the udhaven era.ack Canary, unarmed *oud be about 16 no*adaysatman, unarmed is 816

Anaysis and DC( confrontation"Okay, there are %robems here! The adjustments *e are going to consider"

• Jreen Arro*! @t)s a tra% + his ranged combat Advantages *i usuay mean a higheroffensive bonus -say, via @m%roved Aim, recise Attack negating %enaties, %ossibe A+

Out Attack, etc!. on average than *ith a meee combatant! @t)s *iser to assume a 876Offence onus for Oie in actua game situations, based on those additiona bonuses he)sgoing to bring to bear!

• 4obin being that cose to 'eina or Dick is *eird, uness *e assume od versions of ight*ing and Cat*oman -say, in the 1?>6s. and Tim as 4ed 4obin! Other*ise it doesn)tmatch observed %erformance! 2et)s treat Tim as a 817, it)s credibe and it)s just one %oint!

• The big %robem here is ruce vs! Diana! As it turns out it doesn)t match observedmateria + &onder &oman just stom%s atman in hand+to+hand s%arring even *hen

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adjusted for strength, as seen severa times in I2A or &onder &oman stories such as theandmark The Hiketeia E *e aso kno* that she)s technicay su%erior to even the currentack Canary -and much faster.!

'o!!! no major difficuties but the ruce/Diana one! ringing the at back to 81= and &onder

&oman u% to 876 *orks very neaty on a eves! @t *i create distortion for viains benchedagainst && and atman, but ruce)s offence being so much higher than fighters just under histier is reay odd and creates more distortion than our a%%roach! &e) assume these vaues-%robaby the biggest change *e) make to officia DCA stats. in the OAC' @@ tabe and ourrevised *riteu%s!

7/ @nitiative@n the %ubished *riteu%s, one rank of @m%roved @nitiative seems standard for accom%ishedfighters *ith fast refe0es E muti%e ranks seem reserved to s%eedsters but a agie/%recise*arriors have one -e0ce%t &onder &oman, *ho has a tremendous Agiity.!

arsing the heroes eads to the concusion that @nitiative shoud be determined as %er the normaDCA formua and the one thing that affects it -one rank of @m%roved @nitiative. is the eGuivaentof DCH)s 2ightning 4efe0es -in fact the match is amost %erfect.! '%eedster+*ise, *e have butone data %oint + the Bash)s @nitiative is :: in DCA and ;6 in DCH + so @)m *ary of dra*ingconcusions, es%eciay since o*er @nitiative scores have no correation bet*een the t*o games-fre0 DCH atman is a 9<, DCA atman is a 11 + ike *ith most things @nitiative in DCA ismuch more random than in DCH, es%eciay *ith the d76 rather than 7d16 distribution.!

9/ DamageAs noted during OAC' @ *ork, the t*o games seem to use a rather simiar scae for damage, but a gance at the DCA *riteu%s for %ivot characters im%ies that the to% of the scae got

sGuished + it)s soft+ca%%ed at 76! &hich is not sur%rising, as you may remember that OAC' @damage for the ry%tonian end of the scae *ere a bit higher than most estimates!

ey damage bonuses in DCA"Civiian, unarmed 86'odier, unarmed 81Co%, unarmed 87ack Canary, unarmed 87Jreen Arro*, unarmed 87Ha Iordan, unarmed 87?mm %isto, 89 ight*ing, unarmed 89atman, unarmed 8:!:: magnum revover, 8:'hotgun, 8;AGuaman, unarmed 816artian anhunter, unarmed 81<&onder &oman, unarmed 81<

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Ca%tain arve, unarmed 81?'u%erman, unarmed 81?

eh + @ have a big ga% in the midde of the scae! Damnit! On the other hand @ can see the curveaready!

ey #Vs in DCH"Civiian, unarmed 67'odier, unarmed 69Co%, unarmed 69ack Canary, unarmed 69Jreen Arro*, unarmed 6:Ha Iordan, unarmed 6:?mm %isto, 6: ight*ing, unarmed 6:atman, unarmed 6;

!:: magnum revover, 6;'hotgun, 6<AGuaman, unarmed 6? -but Guite %ossiby 16, reay!!! okay, 16.artian anhunter, unarmed 1?&onder &oman, unarmed 76Ca%tain arve, unarmed 7:'u%erman, unarmed 7;

The DCH curve is a bit smoother for human beings, but other*ise the t*o games have veryconsistent ratings! @)m a bit chagrined about the ack of data near the centre, but considering 16+17 as the segment *here the t*o ines overa% is a good guess, since that)s stretch *ere

differences in strength sti have %retty significant effects in the comics + after that it)s bricks+andand the differences %ay a ess drastic roe! Then the tabe *rites itsef *ith fe* irreguarities -butthen if there *ere no irreguarities @)d just do formuas.!

:/ Dodge and arry defencesThere too, base DCH doesn)t distinguish bet*een ranged and meee defences + so another good %oint for DCA! DCH has been modified -*ith the Acrobatics -Hard Target. 'ubski, in %articuar. to refect this, but it)s not very %resent in iconic characters! Thus, @)m again gonna usesome reiabe e0tra%oation on the DCH side!

ey dodge and %arry numbers in DCA"Civiian " 86 Dodge and arryThug" 81 Dodge, 87 arryoice officer" 87 Dodge, 8: arry'&AT officer" 8: Dodge and arry'odiers " 8; Dodge and arryHa Iordan" 816 arryAGuaman" 811 Dodge and arry4obin" 811 Dodge and arry

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ack Canary" 817 DodgeJreen Arro*" 817 arryHa Iordan" 817 Dodge ight*ing" 817 arryatman " 81: Dodge and arry

ack Canary" 81: arryJreen Arro*" 81: Dodge ight*ing" 81: Dodge&onder &oman " 81< Dodge and arry

ey OVs in DCH"Civiian " 67 eee and 4angedoice officer " 69 eee and 4anged'&AT officer" 69 eee and 4anged'odier" 69 eee and 4angedHa Iordan" *oud be 6; or 6< eee

Jreen Arro*" 6< meee4obin" *oud be 6= meee and rangedAGuaman" *oud be 6> eee and 4angedHa Iordan" 6> 4angedack Canary" *oud be 6> 4angedJreen Arro*" 6? 4anged ight*ing" 6? eeeack Canary" *oud be 16 eee ight*ing" 11 4anged&onder &oman" 17 eee and 4anged

Anaysis and DC( confrontation"#yebaing a straight ma%%ing bet*een the t*o sets %roduces very constrained resuts becausethe defensive vaues in DCA are very much sGuished! ost everybody ranges bet*een 811 and819, *ith daring outiers at, oh, 816 and 81:! This narro* distribution %retty much dictates theeGuivaencies tabe uness *e *ant to introduce overa% bet*een ines, *hich @)d rather avoid forsuch im%ortant numbers!

Jeneray the resuts are off by about one %oint in a random direction! That)s a very reasonaberange, am%y e0%ained by differences in o%inion about the characters! o rea confict bet*eenthe scores and observed %erformance, in fact the resuts of OAC' seem to ma% Guite nicey tothe characters in the comics! e0t!

;/ &i defenceThere)s more to it in DCH than @ and '@ -@T and @B often %ay a roe, and there are issues*ith the roe of &@2 in officia DCH stats., but this formua favours the )%urest) attributes + thosefor *hich the main consideration *hen deciding about the %ro%er scores *as resistance to mentaand s%iritua attacks, res%ectivey!

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ey &i defences in DCA"Bash 16Jreen Arro* 16AGuaman 11ack Canary 11

 ight*ing 17atman 19Ca%tain arve 1;artian anhunter 1;'u%erman 1;&onder &oman 1<Jreen 2antern 1>

ey averaged @/'@ scores in DCH"AGuaman =ack Canary *oud no* be at!!! no idea! Feah, = or so!

Bash =!;Jreen Arro* =!;Ca%tain arve > ight*ing >!;artian anhunter ?&onder &oman 16atman 11Jreen 2antern 17'u%erman 17!;

mmm!!! meh! @t)s a mess! 2et)s see the key averaged @/'@/&@2 scores in DCH, in case it

he%s"ack Canary et)s say = againBash =AGuaman =!9Jreen Arro* >!9Ca%tain arve >!= ight*ing >!=artian anhunter ?!=&onder &oman 11atman 11!9'u%erman 1;Jreen 2antern 1;!<

Anaysis and DC( confrontation"The t*o *ork together fairy nicey unti *e reach a res%ectabe 817 or so, and then it kinda goessouth! The DCA hierarchy seems to be a better re%resentation of the characters in the comics thanthe DCH one! &onder &oman is a tad over%o*ered this time around -too many *riters treat heras more vunerabe than that., and atman under%o*ered -his resistance to A%okoi%sian torture before the Omega 'anction shoud be an am%e demonstration of this + atman is one of the

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strongest minds in the DC( and has strong, so%histicated menta defences *ith backu% %ersonaities and *hatnot! And the orrisson take is %robaby the best+kno*n one at that %oint.!

'o *e) essentiay average the vaues + as ong as they refect broady com%arabe versions ofthe characters, of course! This averaging is done in both DCH and DCA, and favours DCA

vaues *hen in doubt since they seem better! Thus *e end u% *ith a smoother set of vaues -bydefinition., and one that ikey ends u% being more accurate in both systems!

'o *e)re in doube jeo%ardy here, and the ceanest soution @ have is to *rite do*n the DCH andDCA vaue as they shoud be! ecause @) essentiay be averaging the t*o sets of assessments-e0ce%t for Ca%tain arve *here @ ceary favour DCA., *hich is a*ays a good thing! This asoimits the drift of the scores of the benchmark characters in either system, *hich is good too!Okay, et)s do the modified target vaues"

odified key &i defences in DCA"Bash 16

Jreen Arro* 16ack Canary 16 -o*ered by one.AGuaman 11 ight*ing 17Ca%tain arve 1: -o*ered by one.&onder &oman 1: -o*ered by t*o.artian anhunter 1: -o*ered by one.atman 1; -u%%ed by t*o.'u%erman 1;Jreen 2antern 1>

odified key averaged @/'@ scores in DCH"ack Canary =Bash =!;Jreen Arro* =!;AGuaman > -u%%ed by one. ight*ing >!;artian anhunter 16 -u%%ed by one.&onder &oman 16Ca%tain arve 11 -u%%ed by three.atman 17 -u%%ed by one.'u%erman 17 -o*ered by !;.Jreen 2antern 1; -u%%ed by four, because @) aso fi0 the &@2 issue.

Feah, much more convenient! The t*o main changes in DCH are ong+overdue fi0es for HaIordan and the ig 4ed Cheese! The t*o main DCA changes are bringing &onder &oman andatman coser to the re%eatedy evidenced eves! ote to sef + consider an (timate #ffort-&i. for Diana, that may be the most interesting soution to mode her!

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The o*er eves of the scae are fied using the civiian, then the co%, then the distribution @ fet*as correct based on habit *ith the DCH distribution of those stats!

</ Bortitude defenceThis is an area *here DCA might be a tad too s%ecific + base %hysica resistance %us or minus

to%ica modifiers is sufficient, and the Bortitude grou%ing is a bit odd! Oh, *e! Again, the vauesfor the stock Cs -co%s, thugs!!!. in DCA are %retty aggressive, going as high as 8<, *hereas inDCH they are more subdued!

ey fortitude defences in DCA"Civiian 86Thug 8:Co% 8:'odier 8;'&AT officer 8<Jreen Arro* 8=

4obin 8= ight*ing 8>atman 8?ack Canary 8?Jreen 2antern 816AGuaman 811artian anhunter 819&onder &oman 81:Ca%tain arve 81;'u%erman 81;

ey 4Vs vs %oison/disease in DCH"Civiian, 67Thug, 69Co%, 69'odier, 69'&AT officer, 6:Jreen Arro*, 6;4obin, 6: ight*ing, 6;atman, 6<ack Canary, 6;Jreen 2antern, 6;AGuaman, 6?artian anhunter, 1;&onder &oman, 1:Ca%tain arve, 1<'u%erman, 1>

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Anaysis and DC( confrontation"@t sort of aigns, though Ha Iordan being more resiient to*ard %oison than atman is *eird!'ince in DCA)s Ha)s Bortitude is *ay, *ay higher than his ring+ess 'tamina, @ sus%ect some ofthe %rotective effects of the ring -*hich DCH modes as /ODF/. have been roed in buying u%his Bortitude defence! 'o @) ignore it right no*!

Jeneray things *ork out *ith the usua %us or minus one dither, and the DCA vaues arereasonabe for the characters as seen in comics! And TH it)s not a terriby im%ortant vaueany*ay uness the *hoe cam%aign is about fighting Dr! oison and Catayst, so smadifferences aren)t critica!

=/ Toughness defence o* that one is consideraby more im%ortant!

ey toughness defences in DCA "Civiian 6

Thug, no jacket 7'odier, no armour 7Co%, no armour 7Jreen Arro*, 7 -< */Defensive 4o.ack Canary, 9 -< */Defensive 4o. ight*ing, 9 -< */Defensive 4o.Bash, 9 -> */Defensive 4o.atman, : -> */Defensive 4o.AGuaman, > -11 */Defensive 4o.artian anhunter, 19Ha Iordan, 1: -*ith ring on.

&onder &oman, 1:'u%erman, 1>Ca%tain arve, 1?

ey 4Vs vs straight attacks in DCH"Civiian, 67Thug, 69Co%, 69'odier, 69'&AT officer, 6:Jreen Arro*, 6;4obin, 6: ight*ing, 6;atman, 6<ack Canary, 6;Bash, 6= -7 from 'kin Armour.AGuaman, 6?Jreen 2antern, 17 -*ith ring.artian anhunter, 1;

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&onder &oman, 1:Ca%tain arve, 1<'u%erman, 1>

Anaysis and DC( confrontation"

@)ve thro*n in the Defensive 4os based on *hat @ noticed in OAC' @, and it does make sense*hen ooking at the com%ared scaes! eo%e can a*ays fidde *ith defensive ros, thoughguideines shoud of course be %rovided!

&ith the Defensive 4os it fas in %ace fairy *e! @m%erviousness %ays a roe in ho* DCAtoughness defences are determined, but it)s going to be hard to e0%ain and this is a case *here@)d need a ot of data %oints rather than a fe* high+im%act ones!

Hs are key to durabiity in DC Heroes, but this is not going to matter! ecause DCH favoursoffence over defence and et the Hs buffer that deta, *hereas DCA as defence on the sameeve than offence -DCA is significanty more random than DCH in many *ays, not east

incuding the dice ty%e.!

DC(+*ise!!! DCH Jreen 2antern seems a bit o* com%ared to the DCA one but he actuay has a*ay to shunt energy into a higher 4V so it actuay *orks out! I)onn and Diana are fi%%ed around by one %oint + that)s just noise, though that and a vs! iy mean @ may %refer *ide ines on thetabe at the high end to ao* for that! Aso, DCH Ca%tain arve is under%o*ered -again. andshoud just have ODF 1> so *e)re done *ith it! oor Ca%tain arve + @ su%%ose it)s mostyicensing issues, since back in the DCH days iy coudn)t be as strong or tough as Cark byeditoria mandate!

>/ Attributes

These rarey %ay a roe in themseves, since *e concentrate on fina, effective bonuses ratherthan intermediary vaues! ut they)re nice+to+haves!

!012 Strength

ey 'trength scores in DCA"ack Canary 7Jreen Arro* 74obin 7 ight*ing 9atman :

AGuaman 16artian anhunter 1< -ift 'T4 is 76.&onder &oman 1< -ift 'T4 is 77.Ca%tain arve 1? -ift 'T4 is 79.'u%erman 1? -ift 'T4 is 79.

ey 'T4 As in DCH"ack Canary 6:

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Jreen Arro* 6:4obin 69 ight*ing 6:atman 6;AGuaman 16

artian anhunter 1?&onder &oman 76Ca%tain arve 7: but reay 7;'u%erman 7;

Anaysis and DC( confrontation"Bor 'T4 *e)re going to et any fuLLiness be arbitrated by the *eight+ifting %o*er ++ kee%ing inmind that there)s a kno*n knot *ith atman)s 'T4 -he)s not a fu 6; + just a hair above 6:.! Asof &eight in DCH and ranks of &eight in DCA are about the same thing, though, but *e)re notshooting for a straight conversion since DCA and DCH have different scaes for ho* humans*ork, and for the ry%tonian end of the scae!

Again, there)s a ack of data %oint in the midde %ortion, and @ use 198 as a break%oint *here bricks+and start and 'T4 differences become ess im%ortant! And it fas just right! AmaLing K2ifting 'T4 -to re%resent the fact that a DCA heavy*eights have it. is estimated to cover mostof the differentia bet*een DCH ma0 ift and DCA ma0 ift, *hich seems to be %retty much theintent in the DCA *riteu%s + though it may suggest bum%ing u% &onder &oman)s DCA strength by one -and her ift+ony strength do*n by one.!

!032 Stamina

This one is amost %urey going though the motions, since *hat counts is Bortitude and

Toughness!ey 'CA 'tamina scores"4obin 1Co% 7'odier 7Jreen Arro* 7Ha Iordan 7ack Canary 9Bash 9 -ooks!!! o*. ight*ing 9atman :Vanda 'avage ;AGuaman >artian anhunter 16'u%erman 1:&onder &oman 1:Ca%tain arve 1;Jrundy 76

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ey DCH ODF As"Co% 69'odier 694obin *oud be 6:Jreen Arro* 6: or 6;

Ha Iordan 6;ack Canary 6;Bash 6< ight*ing 6;atman 6<Vanda 'avage *oud be 6=AGuaman 6?&onder &oman 1:artian anhunter 1;'u%erman 1>Jrundy *oud be 1> in this version

Anaysis and DC( confrontation"There)s a fair bit of dither, but it)s not catastro%hic and @ reay don)t mind giving broader rangesthan usua since 'tamina is such a minor %resence + %eo%e adjusting it a bit based on their o*nguesses *on)t change anything in most cases! Jrundy is e0acty to 'tamina *hat atman *as tooffence bonuses, but since it)s just 'tamina -and his Toughness is not an outier. it)s not *orth itto suggest a change!

!0$2 Agility

This one is tricky because #J' D#$ -aka the Jreat Catcha 'tat. isn)t a good measure of

Agiity E in many instances the As of Acrobatics -Athetics. is a better measure, es%eciay in acomic book environment!

ey DCA Agiity scores"Ca%tain arve 7Ha Iordan 7artian anhunter 7'u%erman 7AGuaman :Bash :Jreen Arro* :4obin ;ack Canary ; ight*ing <atman =&onder &oman 16

ey DCH Acrobatics -Athetics. As, incuding (nskied use -counted as D#$ +: fore0%ediency %ur%oses."

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Ha Iordan 61Bash 698 -from 'u%ers%eed, so u% to 7; @ guess.artian anhunter 69AGuaman shoud be 6;Jreen Arro* 6<

4obin *oud be about 6= or 6>ack Canary 6> ight*ing 11atman 6? or 16&onder &oman 11 -shoud be u%%ed to 17, no* that @ think about it.

Anaysis and DC( confrontation"Birst observation + the DCA ratings are strange and off+%utting and do not seem to aign *ith theDC( hierarchy! @n fact @)ve reread the descri%tion of Agiity a fe* times to make sure *e *eretaking about the same thing! Our revised *riteu%s *i suggest Guite a fe* changes, but @)m okay*ith that + Agiity is a stat, not a fina score, so the im%act *i be discreet!

'econd + the a%%roach @ took *ith Acrobatics seems to *ork, actuay, in %roducing a distributionthat is not com%etey removed from the DCA one! 2et)s just run *ith it, since as noted Agiityscores are not that big a dea! @)m gonna be a bit aggressive *ith Acrobatics 11 -ight*ing orDaredevi. based on the ruesbook)s definition of *hat a = means re" %eak human eves, andre%roduce to a sma e0tend the mode at 7 that can be seen in the DCA distribution -and theesser one at : *hist @)m at it.!

!0&2 ,exterity

Of course, the first ste% is to check the definition, *hich bois do*n to 3shoot straight and drive

fast3! &hich in turns immediatey im%ies another 'kis+centric a%%roach, as *ith Agiity! 2et)suse reevant &ea%onry or Vehices skis, or an a%%ro0imation of (nskied eves!

ey DCA De0terity scores"AGuaman 7 -N.Ca%tain arve 7artian anhunter 7 -N.'u%erman 7 -N.ack Canary 9Ha Iordan 9 -NN.Jreen Arro* : -NNN. ight*ing : -N.4obin ; -N.atman =&onder &oman >

At this %oint *e) have an interude because @ need to come u% *ith a distribution that is not toodifferent of that one des%ite being com%etey %uLLed by the DCA hierarchy! (sing the highesta%%icabe score can)t *ork + ook at *hat ace %iot Ha Iordan got, or the *ord)s best archer!

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About the ony a%%roach that comes to mind is an average bet*een &ea%onry -ranged stuff. andVehices -but not 'ea., subbing D#$ +: -as an a%%ro0imation of (nskied eves. since thatshoud suitaby de%ress scores for %eo%e *ho are not atman *hie sti making a bit more sensethan the DCA distribution! This is going to im%act the hierarchy a fair bit but *e!!! it shoud! Asusua, Cark and iy are out of the running!

ey DCH indices using the formua in OAC' @@ for De0terity"AGuaman shoud be 6; -note to sef fi0 the current DCH 'kis, too *ide for Arthur.ack Canary *oud be 6; or 6<4obin *oud be 6<artian anhunter 6<Ha Iordan 6=Jreen Arro* 6> ight*ing 6> -note to sef u% his vehices -and. to 6>.atman 16&onder &oman 11 -not to sef add Vehices -air. at 6?

Anaysis and DC( confrontation"The DCH inde0 seems to do a good job at resembing the DCA distribution but *ith scores thatmake sense DC(+*ise! # bonita, P ega K And as it turns out it *as an e0ceent source ofideas to add more detai and coour to iconic DCH *riteu%s that are a bit bocky!

!042 ighting

That one is hard because it is essentiay the bedrock of your cose combat skis -that is, the oneyou)re the east good at + for the rest there)s ski eves and Advantages so you reach your targetoffence bonus.! The DCH D#$ is an interesting entity, but there are %enty of characters *ho

have &ea%onry or artia artist ski eves beo* D#$ -though not by much. because they)renot at (nskied eves -or because it)s a 'ubski that doesn)t ao* for (nskied (se.! And usingD#$ minus something *oud, in most cases, resut in a Bighting score that e0ceeds the %reviousy com%uted offence bonuses or %arry defence, *hich are the correct score!

Ho*ever, Bighting has an interesting characteristic + it)s ony ever used to com%ute offence bonuses and %arry! &hich *e aready have! 'o *e!!! don)t care about Bighting, reay, and canfreey invoke the 3%ick some number that makes sense3 rue *ith some guideines!

!052 'ntellect

Fou)d think it *as a cear eGuivaent of &@2, but noooo "ey DCA @nteect scores"Jreen Arro* 1Ha Iordan 1AGuaman 7ack Canary 7Ca%tain arve 7

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'u%erman 7&onder &oman 7artian anhunter 9 ight*ing 9Cat*oman 9

Bash :4obin ;Ioker <rometheus <atman >Darkseid >Joria Jrodd >2e0 2uthor 11

ey DCH &@2 As"Jreen Arro* 16 -might be a bit high though, et)s say > and revie* the *riteu%.

Ha Iordan 19AGuaman 6>!!! no need to go on, it *on)t gonna *ork! At a!

2ooking at the DCA scores, the actua metric seems to be 3@ do science K3! 'o et me go back andadd a fe* viains to have more data %oints! o* et)s grab some DCH tech+ty%e skis"

ey DCH tech+ty%e skis"AGuaman noneHa Iordan noneack Canary none, it)s Dinah

Ca%tain arve none&onder &oman noneCat*oman -identify gadgets. 6; -her 'ecurity 'ystems skis are a 11.Jreen Arro* -Cue Anaysis. 6< ight*ing -various. 6<Bash -'cientist. 6<4obin about 6= maybe 6>artian anhunter -Jadgetry. 16 -maybe not the same version of the character.rometheus -various. 16Ioker -Jadgetry. 11atman -various. 17Jrodd -various. 17Darkseid -'cientist. 1; -but it refects gody science.2uthor -various. 1;

Anaysis and DC( confrontation" ot ony am @ unabe to derive eGuivaency rues, but @ have no idea *hat 3@nteect3 means inDCA! T*o guys *ho are o*er than *hat seems the heroic baseine -7. are res%ectivey a ('ABca%tain *ith enormous, universe+s%anning ife e0%erience E and an e0ceent student *ith a

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A, e0tensive ife e0%erience incuding in+de%th internationa trave and *ho *as the mayor of a arge city! A notoriousy techno%hobic forist gets more than they do!

!062 A)areness

A*areness is an unhoy mi0 of at east three things + %erce%tion, common sense and *i%o*er +so *e) first try an average of @T and &@2 to confront scores!

ey DCA A*areness scores"ack Canary 7Jreen Arro* 7 -N @)m starting to think *e)re not takin) about the same guy here.AGuaman 9Ha Iordan 9Bash 9artian anhunter : ight*ing :

4obin :&onder &oman :atman =Ca%tain arve 16 -%u0a K.

These s%reads ook reay bottom+heavy across most attributes! The DCH curve is much moreeven so *e)re going to fudge *ith DCA scores a bit! Burthermore @)m getting a feeing that J4treats this score as something caed 3&isdom3 -hence miding scores for Oie and Dinah and astratos%heric score for the enhanced iy., but much ike &@2 in DCH it)s not *hat it does!

ey DCH averaged @T and &@2 As"

ack Canary 6<Jreen Arro* 6>!;'u%erman 1;!;AGuaman 6>Ha Iordan 16!;Bash 6<!;artian anhunter 16!; ight*ing 6>4obin about 6>&onder &oman 16!;atman 17Ca%tain arve 6=

Anaysis and DC( confrontation"The DCH scae seems much more sensibe for just about everyone! Fes, ah ah ah, Jreen Arro*is im%usive and radica, but he has a ot of *i%o*er and may be the shar%est hunter on #arth!&e)re going to use a rejigged DCA scae here, to aign a bit *ith the more observant DCH scoresand better re%resent the com%osite nature of the stat!

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Aternative DCA A*areness distribution"ack Canary 7AGuaman 9Bash 9Jreen Arro* :

 ight*ing :4obin :&onder &oman ;Ha Iordan ;artian anhunter ;atman ='u%erman =

The OAC' @@ tabe assumes this ater tabe! As you can see the differences are not massive andit %robaby a fas under the 3different versions of the character are considered to be iconic3umbrea!

!0!2 *resence

'houd be a straight match for an averaged @B and A(4, et)s try that"

ey resence scores in DCA"ack Canary 7Bash 7AGuaman 9Ca%tain arve 9Jreen Arro* 9

Ha Iordan 9artian anhunter 9 ight*ing :'u%erman :Qatanna :&onder &oman <atman =

@)m adding Qee -*hich is not usuay %art of the sam%e, since des%ite iking the character @haven)t read enough of her modern adventures. to get a first idea of ho* far off the DCH drift*i be -DCH has very strong socia attributes for mystic ty%es, and that doesn)t a*ays match*ith the source materia.!

ey averaged @B/A(4 As in DCH"ack Canary 6;!;Bash 6;!;Ha Iordan 6<!;Ca%tain arve 6<!; -but as usua for iy in DCH it)s under+stated.AGuaman 6=

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Jreen Arro* 6= ight*ing 6=!;artian anhunter 6>!;atman 6?&onder &oman 16

Qatanna 19 -as noted, DCH 3mystic drift3.'u%erman 1; -but it has a*ays seemed a bit ham+fisted.

Anaysis and DC( confrontation"The usua issues, *hich *e can easiy com%ensate for! Aso, another case of a scae that *orks better once &onder &oman and atman are s*itched around!

?/ 'kisost of the reasoning is aready e0%ained in the main document!

@f a character can ony %erform some of the a%%ications of the ski, the DCA a%%roach seems to

 be to give them ony a fe* ranks! This is streamined and more or ess *orks in %ractice, but it)s a bit!!! so%%y *hen one is used to s%ecifying domains *ithin broad skis!

?!6/ #0%ertises2et)s thro* a fe* scores into a set to see ho* they behave!!!

Character #0%ertise DCA vaue 4ough DCH eGuiv!Jreen Arr! oitics 8=Bash 2#O 8> :AGuaman Atantean 8? :Ca%t! arve 4adio host 8? :

&onder &o! ythoogy 816 ;Bash Borensics 817 <'u%erman Iournaism 817 <Qatanna erformance 817 < or = ight*ing Criminoogy 819 >Cat*oman urgar 819 11Qatanna agic 81; ?Circe agic 81> 1:2uthor usiness 81> 16atman Criminoogy 871 17

2uthor 'cience 879 1;Vanda '! History 879

The big thing is a difference of Cat*oman version -the DCH one on &O4J ikey is the bestthief in the *ord, the one in DCA isn)t! The difference for Circe ikey isn)t im%ortant + it may bean artefact of her Occut no*edge being roed into her genera Occutist score!

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 Note: the individual calculations for the various skills has since been folded into a two-columns

model, since the differences were minimal. 

9032 Acrobatics

4ather straightfor*ard, et)s match a fe* data %oints -average of Athetics and Acrobatics bonuses. on the DCA side, Acrobatics -Athetics. on the DCH side. for noticeaby atheticcharacters

Character DCA vaue DCH vaueBash 8=!; ++Jreen Arro* 8? 6<ack Canary 816!; 6>AGuaman 811 ++4obin 811!; About 6>Cat*oman 819 16atman 81; 6? ight*ing 81;!; 11&onder &o! 81> 17

AGuaman seems to be an outier, but then @)m unsure about both DCA and DCH estimates!icking Arthur out, *e sti have a *obby scae and that seems to argey be a resut ofdifferences in estimations about the %ro*ess of these characters -and in some cases, odditiestriggered by averaging Acrobatics and Athetics, and/or su%er+strength.! The resuting tabe issomething of a murky com%romise, based on guesses about *hat the DCA vaues entai! eh!

90&2 Artist

The fuLLy one is Artist -Actor., so et)s match data %oints

Character DCA Dece%tion DCH Artist -Actor.Bash 8< ++ack Canary 8? ++Jreen Arro* 811 ++ ight*ing 817 6=Qatanna 817 ++Cat*oman 81: 6=atman 81; 16

&hie it ooks terribe, one has to remember that *e)re interested in ho* DCH stats can informDCA stats, not the other *ay around! 'o having Artist -Actor. says that you %robaby have agood Dece%tion -in DCH one can get by *ith high stats and (nskied (se., but havingDece%tion doesn)t im%y Artist -Actor.! 'ti, these DCA stats can motivate a fe* o* scores ofArtist -Actor. in DCH stats to soften (nskied enaties!

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9042 Charisma

2et)s do t*o tabes -the scaes seem Guite different, mosty because once again atman has anunearthy score.!

Character DCA @ntimidation DCH Charisma -@ntimidation.

Jreen Arro* 8= 6>artian a! 8> 6? (nskiedCat*oman 8> 6>AGuaman 8? 6> (nskied&onder &o! 816 16 (nskied ight*ing 817 6=atman 877 17Character DCA ersuasion DCH Charisma -ersuasion.Ha Iordan 8= 6<!; (nskiedartian a! 8> 6>!; (nskied

 ight*ing 816 6?Qatanna 816 ++ -@B is 6>.atman 817 17&onder &o! 817 17Cat*oman 81: -N. 6>

'o as it turns out the t*o DCA scaes are fairy simiar!!! %rovided that *e ignore atman)smassive score and Cat*oman)s difficut to e0%ain eve! The OAC' tabes *i do just that andassume a 816 for Cat*oman)s ersuasion and a 81< for atman)s @ntimidation so he *on)t scarethe Anti+onitor off the universe! There)s a difference of inter%retation of udhaven+era ight*ing, but @ think that the DCH vaues are better!

Once these outiers are out, *e can reach our unofficia target of %us or minus one by just usingthe same numbers! Ho* odd!

9052 ,etective

Ony one score to transate, though @ assume that atman *i be absurdy off the charts!

Character DCA @nvestigation DCH -Cue Anaysis.Ha Iordan 8; *oud be a 69 or so @ guess

Jreen Arro* 8= 6< -but be*are, different versions of character.ack Canary 8> 'ome 'ubskis at 6<, other*ise none&onder &o! 8> LichCat*oman 8> LichBash 817 6< 'cientist, @ guess! He reay shoud have C! An!artian a! 819 16 -but 2inked, so ikey not e0act. ight*ing 81; 6>4obin 81; 6?

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atman 877 16

2et)s assume atman at 876 for the sake of the OAC' scae, you kno* the dri! Having him be markedy above Tim and Dick -es%eciay Rdhaven+era Dick. is accurate, even *ith the'ki astery!

That one is cear as mud! Amost every singe score is unusabe! Fay! The bad ne*s is thus thatthe tabe in OAC' is based of seats+of+my+%ants evauations of ho* the DCA a%%roach *oud*ork in DCH E the good ne*s is that @)m %robaby the one *ith the most e0%erience to do this,and @)m buiding some dither in the numbers!

9062 7adgetry

That one is rather thorny due to different boundaries + and both the DCA mode and the DCHmode have their %robems! 'ti there)s %robaby a good correation bet*een DCA Technoogyand DCH Jadgetry! 2et)s check!

Character DCA Technoogy DCH JadgetryAGuaman 8; ++Cat*oman 8= 6; -@dentify Jadget.artian a! 8= 16 -different take, and 2inked. ight*ing 811 6<4obin 811 6<Bash 817 6: -but 6< 'cientist + and his 6: a*ays fet o*.atman 81; 17 -different take.2uthor 87: 1;

eargh! 'ti!!! *e can assume that this version of atman *oud have about a 6> Jadgetry-rather than his more 'iver Age+ish, 2inked score., assume arry is a high 6< or o* 6= -@ thinkhis DCH score is o* to re%resent the fact he sedom uses it!!! *e)d have a different a%%roach*ith a 6= and inor argina no*.!!! that and a cro*bar *i force+fit a curve some*here inthere! @t)s a dirty job, but somebody gotta do it + and it doesn)t ook too bad once it)s *ritten u%,actuay!

90132 Scientist

Characters that are heavy on Observation might best be re%resented by a ne* DCA Advantage! @

kno* it)s not the 'iver Age and its %i%e+smoking TV dad scientists s%outing science facts anymore, but sti!!! the absence of coverage in DCA is *eird!

901$2 .hief 

a%%ing eGuivaencies essentiay eaves us *ith the 'eight of Hand eGuivaencies, so et)s drafta Guick tabe!

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Character DCA 'oH DCH Thief -or 'ubskis.4obin 811 6> ight*ing 817 6>Qatanna 81: ++ -the od DCH Qatanna *riteu% is od.Cat*oman 81: 11 -but different versions of char!.

atman 81; 16

Be* vaues and mosty custered! &e) assume that the version of Cat*oman *ith a 11 in Thief*oud have a 81> in DCA and base the rest on oose eGuivaencies *ith other tabes, since thatone sim%y doesn)t have enough materia to dra* from!

901&2 8ehicles

A case *here you can)t avoid 2imited 'kis by arguing that foks *ith o* bonuses can)t succeedat the com%e0 a%%ications!

Character DCA Vehices DCH VehicesAGuaman 8; 6< -non+'ea shoud %resumaby be o*er.artian a! 8< 6= but 2inked so forget itJreen Arro* 816 6: -cear difference in estimates here.Cat*oman 816 6> -but is a tougher version.ack Canary 811 About 6= or 6>4obin 811 About 6= or 6> ight*ing 817 6< but 2and shoud be 6>&onder &o! 817 'houd have 6> or 6?atman 81; 16

Ha Iordan 81; 16 -air.

Another mess *ith reativey fe* useabe %oints, though the co% and the re%orter %rofies %rovideus *ith %recious bottom+of+the+scae targets!


/.:E/ ;-.ES < .ransversal analysis

@f you)ve read that far, you must be %retty determined, so @ su%%ose @ can thro* in one morecomment about this *ork! @n %articuar + *hy *as this *ork on iconic heroes im%ortant ins%arking modified *riteu%s in DCA and DCH N The ans*er is transversaity!

 ormay, *riteu% anaysis -or, more commony, just *riting the thing. is centred on thecharacter itsef, *ith stats being benched against documented %erformance to make them morecorrect! 'o one ooks at the &onder &oman *riteu% and confront that to a germane body of

Page 42: DCH to DCA Conversion

7/23/2019 DCH to DCA Conversion

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/dch-to-dca-conversion 42/42

&onder &oman materia + and to some menta benchmarks about *hat sort of score is needed to %erform -or fai to %erform. such and such feat!

&hat *as done here is different -and more tedious, aas. ++ @t)s matching series of vaues andcom%aring them bet*een characters! &hat you get from this is com%etey different vie*! The

*ork is not to check scores in isoation but to check conformity to something very im%ortant inthe genre + hierarchies!

@n this conte0t, a rating that may have seemed O in isoation may starts ooking off + &onder&oman coud have such+and+such score since it is com%atibe *ith her observed %erformance, but *hen com%aring to other benchmark characters it starts ooking too high or too o*! @nessence, it)s a further dimension to contro estimates from!

One ast *ay to ook at it is as a meta+study! #ach researched abiity score is the concusion of aot of data + it)s data com%ressed into a number -or an Advantage, or *hichever.! y com%aring*riteu%s transversay, it)s ike thro*ing these huge sets of data a in the same %oo and *orking

on a of them at once!

/.:E/ ;-.ES < se of e=uivalency system

One of the key %oint of the OAC' system for &O4J contributors "

• there is a ot of research )ocked) into the DCH scores and stats in *riteu%s!org, and theidea is to ta% it *ithout running the research

the %recision of the memories associated *ith this research coa%ses sur%risingy Guickyonce the research is done, es%eciay for %ersons doing a ot of research and *riting!&ithin months + %erha%s even *eeks + the memories based on the research are starting to become unreiabe, barring %eo%e *ith As of 4eca! The DCH data, on the other hand,doesn)t change and can sti be used as %erfecty fresh memories in encoded form!

• it is easy to change a vaue based on comments that disagreed *ith one)s assessments E itis ess easy to remember *hat the disagreement *as! ost %eo%e tend to have their vie*of the character revert to *hat it *as as they forget the dissonant argument! The modifiedstats do not!