day 5 john whyte course venice 2011

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  • 8/2/2019 Day 5 John Whyte Course Venice 2011


    5th day 15th April Friday

    0930-1230,Fermentation:Wines ,Sparkling wines(bisol prosecco) Rudy rinaldi,Gianluca Bisol.

    1330-1800,Finest call Marco Canova

    1/3 of Italys income comes for the sales of wine and sparkling wines.

    FermentationFermentation is a Biochemical reaction involving yeast.

    Yeast is a unicellar organism,needs to eat sugar to live and reproduce.

    Yeast doesnt eat dry sugars.

    What effects yeast

    Concentration of sugars

    PH of the solution.Too much water will kill the yeast.

    Presence of particular substances

    kind of yeasts

    kind of sugar

    preservatives also prevents fermentation.

    Philloxera-A phid eats vine roots originated from USA

    Solution Grafting vitis vinfera on root stocks of vitus lumbraska

    The Grape

    Skin-Color velvet texture,tanin content ,also carrier of natural yeast(Bloom).

    Pulp-sugar water and acid

    Grape seed-wood & tanin content.

    Three prominent component from Grape.


    Acid- fresh flavors, perservation

    Tanin-Perservation,Astringent sensation,color.

    Harvesting-Grasping and pressing(Grape stalk off )

    For red- need the must and marc(skin and seeds)

    For white-needs only the must (but some use the skin on,with the marc however will results in

    unbalanced and rich gold finish.


    Seperation-the Marc will float on the fermenting liquid.we need to decant away before maturation

    or bottling.

    Malolactic Fermentation

    Refers to a fermentation technique made by malolactic bacteria that transform malic and lactic .this

    results in lesser acidity in wine.

    Malolactic fermentation is used increase sharpness of red wine but rarly used in white wine.

    Maturation and wine aging.

    The microxidation that eat the tanin from the wine the longer u keep it

    the results will be young and vibrant or old and pale.

  • 8/2/2019 Day 5 John Whyte Course Venice 2011


    The three phases of degustation

    Visual examination



    -Consistancy of the swirls



    Olfactory Examination




    3 kinds of prominent aromas that differentiate the varietal can be found on the wine(but it take a

    long time to achive this level of olfactory senses)

    Olfactory taste examination

    Strength,blance,taste,and after taste.

  • 8/2/2019 Day 5 John Whyte Course Venice 2011


    Then we moved on to champagne

    we all know what champagne is but here are some key words that are very important.

    Remuage-Removal of dead yeast

    Pupitare-a place where you place the bottle for remuage.

    Matree remuier-the guy who turns the bottle.Bidule-the cap which used to seal the bottle during the whole process.

    Methode Champenoise is 2nd fermentation in the bottle.

    Methode Charmat-Martinotti is 2nd fermentation in large vats. Usually used for aromatic and

    semi aromatic wine.

    Pas dosage no sugar added during degorgement.


    Liquere de triage -sugar yeast mixture

  • 8/2/2019 Day 5 John Whyte Course Venice 2011


    The Ever Beautiful Ilaria Serving me a glass of Belstar.

  • 8/2/2019 Day 5 John Whyte Course Venice 2011


    And its lunch time.

  • 8/2/2019 Day 5 John Whyte Course Venice 2011


    The Finest call

  • 8/2/2019 Day 5 John Whyte Course Venice 2011


    Marco Canova and his buddy. Marco is one of the world renowned flairers of my time.

  • 8/2/2019 Day 5 John Whyte Course Venice 2011


    Seriously the best coconut cream i have ever tried.