david & olga lund - charis bible college...the grace of god is god's favor given to every...

1 Dear Friend, Thank you for your interest in Charis Bible College. We would like to invite you to be a part of a wonderful journey in discovering God’s amazing love for you. We are forever grateful for the life-changing teaching we received as students at Charis Bible College. Investing two short years has yielded a personal relationship with God beyond measure. Charis Bible College offers teachings by Andrew Wommack, Wendell Parr, Barry Bennett and our other excellent instructors. They have accumulated decades of experience in ministry, which will help you in developing your personal relationship with God. Relationship with God is everything and is the “why” behind all we do here at Charis Bible College. Life giving teachings, immersion in the Word, intimate praise and worship, mentoring and modeling by staff and leadership create an environment for learning and transformation. Many students enroll for personal development and growth, others to gain the practical knowledge and experience required to succeed in ministry. Whatever God is leading you to do, preparation time is never a waste of time! Attending Charis Bible College will equip you to step out in the unique way God has called You and change your life and the lives around you forever. Peace and Grace, David & Olga Lund David & Olga Lund Directors of Charis Bible College Wisconsin

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Page 1: David & Olga Lund - Charis Bible College...The grace of God is God's favor given to every believer who by faith puts his or her trust in Jesus Christ. Grace is multiplied in your life


Dear Friend,

Thank you for your interest in Charis Bible College. We would like to invite you to be a

part of a wonderful journey in discovering God’s amazing love for you. We are forever grateful

for the life-changing teaching we received as students at Charis Bible College. Investing two

short years has yielded a personal relationship with God beyond measure.

Charis Bible College offers teachings by Andrew Wommack, Wendell Parr, Barry

Bennett and our other excellent instructors. They have accumulated decades of experience in

ministry, which will help you in developing your personal relationship with God. Relationship

with God is everything and is the “why” behind all we do here at Charis Bible College. Life

giving teachings, immersion in the Word, intimate praise and worship, mentoring and modeling

by staff and leadership create an environment for learning and transformation.

Many students enroll for personal development and growth, others to gain the practical

knowledge and experience required to succeed in ministry. Whatever God is leading you to do,

preparation time is never a waste of time! Attending Charis Bible College will equip you to

step out in the unique way God has called You and change your life and the lives around you


Peace and Grace,

David & Olga Lund David & Olga Lund Directors of Charis Bible College Wisconsin

Page 2: David & Olga Lund - Charis Bible College...The grace of God is God's favor given to every believer who by faith puts his or her trust in Jesus Christ. Grace is multiplied in your life



The Scriptures: We believe that all of Scripture (both the Old and New Testament) is verbally inspired by God and is our final authority in all matters pertaining to doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness (II Tim. 3:16-17). God: We believe in only one true God; One in essence, nature, and attributes, but existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (I Jn. 5:7). Jesus Christ: We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, of His shed blood on Calvary for the forgiveness of our sins, of His bodily resurrection and ascension to the Father’s right hand. We do not believe that He is a way to the Father, but rather the only way through which we can receive righteousness, regeneration, sanctification, and glorification. He is, in fact, our salvation (I Cor. 1:30-31). Holy Spirit: We believe in the baptism with the Holy Spirit, expressed with speaking in tongues according to Acts 1:8, 2:4, 9:17, 10:44-46, 11:15-16, and 19:6. We believe this experience is distinct from, and subsequent to, the new birth, and can be received by faith (Gal. 3:2). Salvation: We believe that all who, in repentance and faith, receive the Lord Jesus as Savior and Lord are born again (Acts 20:20-21; Rom. 10:9-13). Healing: We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the cross has provided healing for the human body (Mt. 8:16-17; Isa. 53:4; I Pet. 2:24). The Resurrection: We believe in the resurrection of the just and the unjust; one to everlasting life and one to everlasting damnation (Mt. 25:46). The Second Coming: We believe in a literal, physical second return of the Lord Jesus Christ (I Th. 1:10, 4:16-17). The Church: We believe that the universal church is comprised of all true believers who have received salvation through Christ (Eph. 1:22-23). We also believe in and encourage fellowship with a local church (Heb. 10:25). Gifts of the Spirit: We believe that spiritual gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit are for the common good and building up of others today (I Cor. 12:7).

Page 3: David & Olga Lund - Charis Bible College...The grace of God is God's favor given to every believer who by faith puts his or her trust in Jesus Christ. Grace is multiplied in your life



Standards of Progress Charis Bible College has three basic standards by which students' progress is measured: grace, servanthood, and character. Detailed below are "guideposts" by which the working out of these truths may be measured, not a formula by which these qualities may be attained. As a believer we already posses everything we need in Christ, but must yield our souls and bodies so that these qualities are manifested in our thoughts and actions.

Grace: Second Peter 1:2-3, "Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, according as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue." Charis is the Greek word for grace. The grace of God is God's favor given to every believer who by faith puts his or her trust in Jesus Christ. Grace is multiplied in your life as you relate with other people. The grace of God, His ability working in you, is manifested as you are willing to listen and understand the heart of your teachers and fellow students, as you exercise forgiveness, as you see the best in people and overlook human faults, and as you are enabled to work with those you may disagree with.

Servanthood: As disciples of Jesus Christ, students at Charis Bible College value and walk in humility and servanthood. They are willing to put the needs of others ahead of their own desires, and find opportunities on their own to serve the school, staff, fellow students, and others.

Character: It is defined by the example of our Lord Jesus Christ and further explained by the writers of the Bible. This is measured by your attendance record, faithfulness in paying tuition, obeying rules, and living by the highest moral and ethical standards.


We expect all students of Charis Bible College to conduct themselves to the best of their abilities, in agreement with the teachings of Jesus, both on and off campus, at all times while enrolled as students.

Dress Code Modesty and good taste are considered the principle guidelines for all students while on campus.

Business-casual dress for men and women that is clean and neat is appropriate for classes and daily campus activities. Occasionally, circumstances may dictate a more formal dress. On such occasions,

dresses for ladies are appropriate. Suits, or sport coats with ties, are considered formal for men.

Page 4: David & Olga Lund - Charis Bible College...The grace of God is God's favor given to every believer who by faith puts his or her trust in Jesus Christ. Grace is multiplied in your life


SAMPLE COURSE DESCRIPTIONS This is a sample of the courses offered and does not include every required course. Courses are subject to

change without notice.


Relationship with God Series I-IV This is a 16-lesson study that emphasizes four important truths about God and man’s relationship with Him. The Nature of God is a study of God that distinguishes between His character and His acts, contrasting the Old Testament with the New Testament. Hardness of Heart deals with one of the major barriers that keeps us from accepting all of God’s truth. Authority of the Believer helps us receive the blessings God has for us and shows us how to stop Satan from robbing us. God’s Not Guilty shows us from Scripture that God is not the author of our problems, nor does He cause bad things to happen to us. The Basics of Righteousness I & II This class teaches about our Spirit, Soul, and Body and Identity in Christ. Spirit, Soul, and Body is a study that explains how our spirits are complete in Jesus if we are born again and how our souls and bodies should relate to our spirits. The Identity in Christ study shows us from Scripture who we are in Christ—our righteousness and justification. Receiving from God I-IV This class covers the subjects of Prayer, Healing, Blessings and Miracles, and Harnessing Your Emotions. Introduction to the Bible In this course you are introduced to how our Bible came into being, the manuscripts and documents of the Bible, the Bible and its translation, and the Bible and recent discoveries. Galatians Foundational and doctrinal truths found in this book will be studied. Students will learn about righteousness: how Jesus provided it and why it can’t be earned, only received. They will also learn about grace: God’s grace extended toward us and how that applies to our lives. Romans This course is designed to provide an exegetical overview and in-depth study of Paul's epistle to the Romans. Timeless theological messages are discussed. “Discipling Through Romans” discipleship material is utilized in a classroom situation. A Sure Foundation I & II Two subjects are covered in this class. The Integrity of the Word expounds on the truth, surety, and infallibility of God’s Word. Christian Philosophy shows us that we all have a system of thought, but challenges us to examine if it is according to the Word or the world.

Page 5: David & Olga Lund - Charis Bible College...The grace of God is God's favor given to every believer who by faith puts his or her trust in Jesus Christ. Grace is multiplied in your life


Bible Covenants I & II The purpose of this study is to learn about the nature of God as revealed in the covenants He has made with men, in order to develop our faith in God as a way of life today. We will begin with God’s covenants with Adam, Abraham, and Israel, and then we will consider the new covenant fully revealed in the New Testament. Prosperity This study begins with proof that God wants all of us to prosper in every area of our lives. The study continues with the laws of prosperity. This is a first- and second-year class.


About Second Year classes

Second-year courses such as New Testament Survey, Ministry of Excellence, Discipleship Evangelism, and Making of a Minister further progress your training. In addition to regular classes, students also engage in Inter-Action Groups (IAGs) – small workshops designed to help you fine tune and practice skills such as public speaking, preparing teachings, prayer, etc.

Missions All second-year students are required to go on a CBC planned mission trip as part of their requirements for graduation. We believe that mission trips are a valuable part of ministry training. Students learn how to function as a team in a foreign culture and unfamiliar surroundings, as well as, how to share the Gospel and communicate through an interpreter. These are life-changing trips. Even if you don’t plan to minister on foreign fields, these trips will expand your world vision and grant you insight to help those who are called to missions.

CBC mission trips are typically between 7-10 days in length. Trips are scheduled throughout the school year and require students to minister through teaching, evangelism, prayer, and drama to both adults and children of different nations. Locations change from year to year based upon hosts and scheduling restrictions. Previous locations for many of our CBC colleges have included: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Germany, Russia, India, Thailand, Uganda, Kenya, Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Belize, the Dominican Republic, Argentina and Ecuador. Mission trips are financed through school supported fund raisers that students organize throughout the year. Each student has the opportunity to earn “Mission Points” towards their trip. Any balance between the cost of a student’s trip and the “points” they have accrued will need to be paid by the student by a pre-determined date before they can graduate at the end of their second-year.

Page 6: David & Olga Lund - Charis Bible College...The grace of God is God's favor given to every believer who by faith puts his or her trust in Jesus Christ. Grace is multiplied in your life



WHEN TO APPLY: Please allow up to (2) weeks to review and process your application. REQUIREMENTS: Character: Students will be expected to live in accordance with godly principles as stated in the Dress Code and Conduct Information and the Student Handbook. Age: Applicants must be at least 17 years of age. Fee: A one-time, nonrefundable $100 application fee must be sent with your application. Your application will not be processed without payment. (A husband and wife may share this fee, i.e. $100 total, not $100 each.) To Begin the Process:

1) Application Form All questions on the application must be completed. If a question does not apply to you, write “N/A” (not applicable) in the space provided.

2) Essay Question Form Complete this form in your own words. Your statements will be held in confidence.

To Complete the Process:

3) Personal Recommendation This form should be completed by a high school or college teacher or counselor, an employer, or a friend. This person may not be a relative.

4) Two Recent Photographs Please include two (2) recent, passport-size photographs of yourself (head and shoulders).

Passport: As part of 2nd year. Charis Bible College requires a copy of a signed passport six (6) months prior to your going on a foreign mission trip. If you do not currently have a US passport please visit www.travel.state.gov for more information, locations to apply, and to download application forms. The US passport application process requires 6 weeks. Please plan accordingly.

Note: Please be sure to use sufficient postage when mailing application forms.

Page 7: David & Olga Lund - Charis Bible College...The grace of God is God's favor given to every believer who by faith puts his or her trust in Jesus Christ. Grace is multiplied in your life


Charis Bible College of Wisconsin APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION

Please complete and mail to:

Admissions Charis Bible College Wisconsin 7600 75th St Ste 123 Kenosha, WI 53140

Application for Bible College:

Start in: September Starting Year: _______________

First-year student Second-year student

Part-Time School Full-Time School

Day Night


Your Name: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______ Last Name First Name MI

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________

City: _____________________________________________ State: _______________ Zip: _________________

Home Phone: (__________)_________________________ Cell/Work Phone: (__________)__________________

E-mail Address: _______________________________________________________________________________


Gender: Male Female Marital Status: Single Married Separated Divorced Widow/Widower

Have you previously attended CBC or extension school? Yes No If yes, when and where? ______________

Date of birth: __________/__________/__________ Social Security Number: _____________________________

Are you a US citizen? Yes No If no, country of citizenship? _________________________________

If no, what type of visa have you obtained to live in the United States? ____________________________________

Spiritual: When did you accept Christ as your personal Savior? ________________________________________________

Have you been baptized in the Holy Ghost? Yes No Do you speak in tongues? Yes No

Are you a member of a church? Yes No

Current church / denomination name: ____________________________________________________________

Pastor’s name: _________________________________________________________

Church address:_______________________________________________________________________________

Place Photo Here

2″ x 2″


Date Rec’d ________________ Fee Rec’d _________________ Student ID # _______________

Page 8: David & Olga Lund - Charis Bible College...The grace of God is God's favor given to every believer who by faith puts his or her trust in Jesus Christ. Grace is multiplied in your life



Are you presently under the care of a physician? Yes No If yes, please explain: _________________________________________________________________________

Will your spouse or dependents be attending school with you? If so, please list their names and relationship. Name:_________________________________________ Relationship:_____________________________________

Name: _________________________________________ Relationship:_____________________________________

Parents: (please complete this section if under 18 years of age)

Name of father/guardian: ____________________________________ Phone: ____________________________

Address: _________________________________ City: ________________State: _______ Zip: __________

Name of mother/guardian: ________________________________________ Phone: _______________________

Address: ________________________________ City: ____________________ State: _______ Zip: __________

Education History:

High School: _______________________ Dates attended: _______________ Did you graduate? Yes No

College: ______________________Dates attended: ______________Course of study/degree conferred: ___________

Bible College: ________________Dates attended: _____________Course of study/degree conferred: ____________

Other: ________________________Dates attended: ______________Course of study/degree conferred: __________

Employment Experience: Present employer: _________________________________Address of employer: __________________________

Dates (from/to): _______________________________ Dates (from/to): __________________________________

Supervisor: __________________________________________

Do you speak any foreign languages? Yes No If yes, which ones?________________________________


I have carefully read the “Dress Code and Conduct Information,” and I agree to adhere to these

guidelines completely for as long as I am an active student at Charis Bible College.

I have carefully read the “Doctrinal Statement,” and I affirm my belief in each of the articles.

I have carefully read the “Financial Information” and the “Enrollment and Admissions Information,”

and I agree to abide by the financial policies set forth by CBC.

I understand that faithfulness is most important for success as a student at CBC. I will be faithful to

keep my appointments, fulfill my obligations, complete the tasks I have been assigned, and to do them

on time.

I understand that Charis Bible College is a non-accredited institution of higher learning.

I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that all of the answers and statements on this application are true, and give an accurate and adequate account of my background and beliefs.

Signature: __________________________________________________Date: _____________________________

Page 9: David & Olga Lund - Charis Bible College...The grace of God is God's favor given to every believer who by faith puts his or her trust in Jesus Christ. Grace is multiplied in your life



Please complete and mail to: Registrar Charis Bible College Wisconsin 7600 75th St. Suite 123, Kenosha, WI 53142

Please enclose a check/money order for your $100 application fee, or if you would like to charge the fee to your credit card, please provide the following billing information:

Visa MasterCard AMEX Discover Name on card: ____________________________________ Amount to charge: $____________ Signature of person named on the card: ________________________________________________________

Phone number of person named on the card: ___________________________________________________

Billing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________

Card #: _______________________________________________ Exp. Date: _______ / _______ 3 Digit Pin on Back of Card: ________________

Check/Money Order Enclosed - (make payable to: AWMI/CBC WI)

Check #: _____________________________

How do you plan to finance your education at CBC?

Pay in Advance Monthly

Page 10: David & Olga Lund - Charis Bible College...The grace of God is God's favor given to every believer who by faith puts his or her trust in Jesus Christ. Grace is multiplied in your life



1. $100.00 due at time of application.

2. Non-refundable, non-transferable

Husband and wife may share this fee (i.e.-$100.00 total, not $100.00 each)



1. Admin Fee - $50.00 (Due on or before first day of school)

2. Activity Fee - $155.00 (Due on or before first day of school)

3. Book Fee - $80.00 ( Due on or before first day of school. Couples may share books)


1. Full year - $2,124.00

2. Monthly payment - $236.00

Monthly Payment Family Member Discount - $216.00

(9 payments, 1st payment due on or before the first day of school)

3. Full year paid in advance (PIA) - $1761.00

Full Year PIA, Family Member Discount - $1,581.00

(payment must be made on or before first day of school)



1. Admin Fee - $50.00 (Due on or before first day of school)

2. Activity Fee - $155.00 (Due on or before first day of school)

3. Book Fee - $155.00 (Due on or before first day of school. Couples may share books)


1. Full year - $3,501.00

2. Monthly payment - $389.00

Monthly Payment Family Member Discount - $349.00

(9 payments, 1st payment due on or before the first day of school)

3. Full year paid in advance - $3,201.00

Full Year PIA, Family Member Discount - $2,841.00

(payment must be made on or before first day of school)

Page 11: David & Olga Lund - Charis Bible College...The grace of God is God's favor given to every believer who by faith puts his or her trust in Jesus Christ. Grace is multiplied in your life


APPLICATION ESSAY QUESTIONS Applicant’s Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________ Below are essay questions that will help us evaluate you as an applicant. Please answer the questions as completely as possible and attach to the application form. Please limit your answers to one page each, if possible.

1. Why are you applying to Charis Bible College? _____________________________________________________________________________________________











2. (a) What are your beliefs about the Bible ? (b) What are your beliefs about salvation? _____________________________________________________________________________________________











Page 12: David & Olga Lund - Charis Bible College...The grace of God is God's favor given to every believer who by faith puts his or her trust in Jesus Christ. Grace is multiplied in your life


3. Please write a brief testimony of your Christian experience, including details of your conversion, call to the ministry, and any other significant events that have contributed to your Christian growth.



















4. How did you learn about CBC?





Page 13: David & Olga Lund - Charis Bible College...The grace of God is God's favor given to every believer who by faith puts his or her trust in Jesus Christ. Grace is multiplied in your life


Charis Bible College Wisconsin


Note: This section must be completed by applicant.

TO THE APPLICANT: Each applicant to Charis Bible College of Wisconsin is required to submit a personal recommendation for review by the Registrar. Please complete this entire section, and then give this form to the person (teacher, employer, or friend) you choose to have complete it. Date ______________________________

Phone ________________________________________



City _________________________________ State __________ Zip Code ___________________

TO THE PERSON COMPLETING THIS RECOMMENDATION: The above-named individual is applying for admission to Charis Bible College of Wisconsin. Serious consideration will be given to your comments. Thank you for your assistance. Once you have completed the form, please mail it to the

CBC Registrar at: Charis Bible College Wisconsin, 7600 75th St Ste 123, Kenosha, WI 53142

1. How long have you known the applicant? __________________________________________________

2. What is your relationship to the applicant?(cannot be a family member}

High school teacher/counselor College teacher/counselor

Employer Friend Other: _______________________________

3. How well do you know the applicant? Name/sight Casually Fairly well Very close 4. To your knowledge, has the applicant made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ?

Yes No I don't know

5. Which characteristic(s) best describes the applicant? Please check all that apply.

Critical Enthusiastic Loving Passive Rebellious

Respectful Sympathetic Tolerant Warmhearted

6. To your knowledge, what Christian service is the applicant involved in (such as Sunday school teacher, youth leader, nursery worker)?

7. Please indicate what you consider to be the applicant's strengths. ______________________________


Page 14: David & Olga Lund - Charis Bible College...The grace of God is God's favor given to every believer who by faith puts his or her trust in Jesus Christ. Grace is multiplied in your life


8. Please indicate what you consider to be the applicant’s weaknesses. ____________________________


9. The applicant's influence on his or her peers is: positive neutral negative I don’t know

10. Please evaluate the applicant in regard to the following categories. (Please circle one.) Excellent Above Average Below Poor No Chance Average Average to Observe Christian commitment 1 2 3 4 5 6 Social adaptability 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cooperativeness 1 2 3 4 5 6 Integrity and honesty 1 2 3 4 5 6 Responsibility 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mental ability 1 2 3 4 5 6 Physical health 1 2 3 4 5 6 Initiative 1 2 3 4 5 6 Christian character 1 2 3 4 5 6 Emotional stability 1 2 3 4 5 6 Personal appearance 1 2 3 4 5 6 Leadership 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reliability 1 2 3 4 5 6

11. Please add any further comments you may have that would help in our evaluation. ____________________



Please Check One:

I highly recommend I recommend

I recommend with reservation I cannot recommend

Please print or type the information below: Name _______________________________________ Phone (______) _____________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________ Signature _______________________________________________ Date ___________________

Page 15: David & Olga Lund - Charis Bible College...The grace of God is God's favor given to every believer who by faith puts his or her trust in Jesus Christ. Grace is multiplied in your life


AFTER YOU APPLY: When the Admissions Office has received your application, fully completed, and the $100 application fee, your application for admission will be evaluated. You will then be notified by the Admissions Office as to the status of your application. Please allow up to (2) weeks to review and process your application.

Checklist for Completed Application: Must be completed upon applying and received at least three (3) weeks prior to your start date:

____ Completed application form

____ Completed essay questions form

____ Signature and date on application

____ Application fee of $100 (one-time, nonrefundable)

The following must be received by the school prior to your start date:

____ Two (2) recent, passport-size photographs

____ Completed Personal Recommendation Form

The following must be received six (6) months prior to your foreign missions trip (2nd year students):

____ Copy of signed passport (please see passport paragraph)