dated thisday of2011 -  ·...

Hak Cipta Terpelihara Setiap bahagian daripada penerbitan ini tidak boleh diterbitkan semula, disimpan untuk pengeluaran atau dipindahkan ke dalam bentuk lain sama ada dengan cara elektronik, gambar, rakaman dan sebagainya tanpa izin terlebih dahulu daripada penulis. Had Liabiliti Ebook ini diterbitkan dengan sebaik mungkin bagi tujuan panduan dan pendidikan untuk pembaca. Namun, segala maklumat dan tip-tip yang diceritakan di dalam Ebook/buku ini mungkin tidak sesuai bagi sesetengah individu. Penulis tidak memberi jaminan bahawa tip-tip yang diceritakan di dalam Ebook ini akan memberikan hasil yang tertentu. Segala nasihat, idea dan cadangan di dalam Ebook ini ditulis sebagai panduan umum dan anda mungkin memerlukan khidmat nasihat daripada pakar yang profesional di dalam bidang berkenaan untk sesuatu keputusan yang bersifat khusus untuk diri anda. Tiada jaminan sama ada tersurat atau tersirat diberikan oleh penulis terhadap ketetapan, kecukupan maklumat, kesesuaian, kebolehpercayaan maklumat yang terkandung di dalam Ebook ini. Penulis, penerbit serta wakil-wakil mereka menafikan segala tanggungjawab atau liabiliti terhadap segala kerugian, kerosakan atau risiko kepada individu atau mana-mana pihak yang berlaku akibat penggunaan isi kandungan Ebook ini. Amaran Ebook ini adalah hak cipta terpelihara. Anda tidak boleh sama sekali mengubah, mengedarkan atau menjual Ebook/buku ini kepada pihak lain tanpa kebenaran bertulis daripada penulis. Sebarang kegiatan yang menyalahi etika penerbitan boleh dikenakan tindakan undang-undang. Anda hendaklah melaporkan kepada penulis sekiranya anda menerima Ebook/buku ini secara tidak sah. Hubungi email [email protected] atau [email protected]. Tindakan anda amatlah dihargai bagi membanteras kegiatan-kegiatan yang tidak sah dari segi undang-undang Terima Kasih Hakcipta Terpelihara Ross Aziz Page 1

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Page 1: DATED THISDAY OF2011 -  · Web viewPastikan anda keluarkan senarai ... the expression “the said property”

Hak Cipta Terpelihara

Setiap bahagian daripada penerbitan ini tidak boleh diterbitkan semula, disimpan untuk pengeluaran atau dipindahkan ke dalam bentuk lain sama ada dengan cara elektronik, gambar, rakaman dan sebagainya tanpa izin terlebih dahulu daripada penulis.

Had Liabiliti

Ebook ini diterbitkan dengan sebaik mungkin bagi tujuan panduan dan pendidikan untuk pembaca. Namun, segala maklumat dan tip-tip yang diceritakan di dalam Ebook/buku ini mungkin tidak sesuai bagi sesetengah individu. Penulis tidak memberi jaminan bahawa tip-tip yang diceritakan di dalam Ebook ini akan memberikan hasil yang tertentu.

Segala nasihat, idea dan cadangan di dalam Ebook ini ditulis sebagai panduan umum dan anda mungkin memerlukan khidmat nasihat daripada pakar yang profesional di dalam bidang berkenaan untk sesuatu keputusan yang bersifat khusus untuk diri anda.

Tiada jaminan sama ada tersurat atau tersirat diberikan oleh penulis terhadap ketetapan, kecukupan maklumat, kesesuaian, kebolehpercayaan maklumat yang terkandung di dalam Ebook ini.

Penulis, penerbit serta wakil-wakil mereka menafikan segala tanggungjawab atau liabiliti terhadap segala kerugian, kerosakan atau risiko kepada individu atau mana-mana pihak yang berlaku akibat penggunaan isi kandungan Ebook ini.


Ebook ini adalah hak cipta terpelihara. Anda tidak boleh sama sekali mengubah, mengedarkan atau menjual Ebook/buku ini kepada pihak lain tanpa kebenaran bertulis daripada penulis.

Sebarang kegiatan yang menyalahi etika penerbitan boleh dikenakan tindakan undang-undang.

Anda hendaklah melaporkan kepada penulis sekiranya anda menerima Ebook/buku ini secara tidak sah. Hubungi email [email protected] atau [email protected].

Tindakan anda amatlah dihargai bagi membanteras kegiatan-kegiatan yang tidak sah dari segi undang-undang

Terima Kasih

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Page 2: DATED THISDAY OF2011 -  · Web viewPastikan anda keluarkan senarai ... the expression “the said property”

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,

Terlebih dahulu saya ingin rakamkan jutaan terima kasih dan tahniah kerana sudi membeli dan membaca Ebook saya ini. Anda adalah pengguna bijak kerana sanggup melabur untuk ilmu yang bermanfaat. Seronok rasanya berkongsi ilmu dengan orang yang serius mahu belajar. Mudah-mudahan dengan ilmu yang akan anda pelajari dari Ebook ini dapat membantu anda mencapai matlamat anda untuk menjual rumah anda dalam

masa yang singkat. Seterusnya anda boleh meneruskan perancangan kehidupan anda.

Izinkan saya perkenalkan diri saya dan sedikit latar belakang saya. Bak kata orang , tak kenal maka tak cinta. Ross Aziz adalah gabungan dua nama iaitu Ross atau nama penuhnya Rosila Binti Muji dan Aziz atau nama penuhnya Abdul Aziz Bin Ahmad. Ross dan Aziz adalah gandingan usahasama yang begitu intim dalam merealisasikan impian mereka berdua. Maka terbentuklah nama Ross Aziz yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Ross Aziz membahasakan dirinya Saya, bukannya ‘Kami’ kerana kesatuan hati mereka. Jadi ‘Saya’ yang dinyatakan di dalam Ebook ini merujuk kepada Ross dan Aziz.

Ross Aziz merupakan ejen hartanah berdaftar dengan Lembaga Penilai, Pentaksir dan Ejen Hartanah atau lebih dikenali sebagai LPPEH, di bawah Kementerian Kewangan. Ross Aziz bernaung di bawah syarikat hartanah bernama RESCOM Realty. Ross Aziz juga dikenali sebagai Ross Rescom atau Aziz Rescom atau Ross Aziz Rescom. Dengan pengalaman lebih lima tahun di dalam bidang hartanah, Ross Aziz telah melalui pelbagai pengalaman yang sungguh bermakna dalam membantu pemilik rumah menjual rumah mereka dan membantu pembeli membeli rumah idaman mereka. Pengalaman ini tidak dapat dinilai dengan wang ringgit. Ross Aziz telah berbelanja berpuluh ribu ringgit dan meluangkan masa bertahun-tahun mengumpul pengalaman berharga dalam urusan transaksi hartanah.

Kini segala pengalaman berharga ini dibukukan untuk menjadi panduan berguna kepada pemilik-pemilik rumah seperti anda yang bercadang untuk menjual rumah mereka. Maka lahirlah Ebook ini dengan kandungan yang informatif dan praktikal berdasarkan pengalaman sebenar Ross Aziz. Ebook ini adalah hasil daripada kesilapan, kejahilan dan kejayaan mereka yang telah menjual rumah. Gambar-gambar ilustrasi dan cerita pengalaman sebenar diselitkan juga supaya anda lebih mudah faham dan mendapat gambaran sebenar apa yang berlaku di sepanjang transaksi jualan hartanah. Semoga segala maklumat di dalam Ebook ini boleh dipraktikkan sepenuhnya untuk anda mencapai hajat anda menjual rumah anda secepat mungkin.

Selain itu, saya meminta agar anda subscribe dan selalu melawat blog dan Like Banyak tip-tip hartanah yang saya tulis di sana. Semoga anda mendapat manfaat daripadanya.

Kandungan Muka Surat

Hakcipta Terpelihara Ross Aziz Page 2

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Pendahuluan 4Prosedur Jual Rumah 6

Kos-kos yang perlu ditanggung untuk menjual rumah 8Tip Hartanahguru # 1 10Tip Hartanahguru # 2 11Tip Hartanahguru # 3 12Tip Hartanahguru # 4 13Tip Hartanahguru # 5 14Tip Hartanahguru # 6 15

Dokumen PentingDokumen yang diperlukan untuk menjual rumah 17

Persediaan Menjual RumahPerkara-perkara yang perlu anda lakukan sebelum pembeli 35

datang melawat rumahPerkara-perkara yang perlu anda lakukan semasa pembeli 36

datang melawat rumahPerkara-perkara yang perlu anda lakukan selepas pembeli 37

datang melawat rumahPerjanjian Jual-Beli

Perkara-perkara yang perlu anda lakukan sebelum sessi 39Menandatangani Perjanjian Jual-Beli

Perkara-perkara yang perlu anda lakukan semasa sessi 40Menandatangani Perjanjian Jual-Beli

Perkara-perkara yang perlu anda lakukan selepas sessi 41Menandatangani Perjanjian Jual-Beli

Tip Hartanahguru # 7 42Contoh Surat Perjanjian Jual-Beli 44Kesimpulan 75Penghargaan 77


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Sebelum anda memulakan proses menjual rumah anda, kenal pasti dahulu apa sebab dan matlamat anda menjual rumah anda.

1. Adakah anda menjual rumah kerana tidak serasi dengan rumah anda atau jiran anda atau persekitaran rumah anda ?

2. Adakah anda terdesak dan memerlukan wang segera untuk meneruskan perancangan kewangan anda ?

3. Adakah anda terpaksa berpindah tempat kerja dan membeli rumah di tempat kerja baru anda ?

4. Adakah anda dalam proses mencairkan semua aset-aset anda untuk meneruskan kehidupan? 5. Adakah anda memang pada awal-awal lagi berniat untuk melabur dalam hartanah dan

menjualnya pada masa yang sesuai ?

Apa pun sebab anda menjual rumah anda, tetapkan matlamat anda.

1. Berapa cepat anda perlu menjual rumah anda ?2. Berapa target harga yang anda inginkan? 3. Sudahkah anda mendapat rumah baru sebagai ganti rumah yang anda jual ini ? 4. Bila anda perlu berpindah ke rumah baru ?

Setelah anda mengenalpasti matlamat anda dengan jelas, barulah anda mulakan proses menjual rumah anda. Ketika inilah Ebook ini memainkan peranannya untuk memandu anda ke destinasi matlamat anda. Anda perlu tahu tentang prosedur jual rumah, kos, dokumentasi dan cara mempromosi rumah anda dengan berkesan.

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Anda boleh menjual sendiri rumah anda atau melantik ejen hartanah berdaftar dan berpengalaman untuk menjualkannya. Prosedurnya adalah seperti berikut :

1. Apabila pembeli setuju membeli rumah, mereka akan membayar 3% duit booking atas nama agensi ejen hartanah anda. Agensi ejen hartanah anda bertindak sebagai pemegang amanah sehingga Perjanjian Jual Beli rumah anda ditandatangi oleh pembeli dan penjual.

2. Selepas pembeli membuat bayaran booking, mereka akan menandatangani Letter Offer to Purchase atau surat tawaran untuk membeli yang disediakan oleh ejen hartanah anda. Anda juga perlu menandatangani surat tersebut tanda persetujuan urusan jual beli dengan terma dan syarat yang terkandung di dalam surat tersebut.

3. Seterusnya ialah pembeli dan penjual akan menandatangani Surat Perjanjian Jual Beli dalam masa 14 hari. Ketika ini, pembeli akan membayar 7% deposit kepada penjual melalui pihak peguam. Anda akan menerima surat perjanjian tersebut selepas ianya dimatikan stem.

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14 Hari

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4. Selepas tandatangan surat perjanjian jual beli, proses seterusnya bergantung kepada status Geran anda. Pihak peguam akan menyelesaikan dahulu status-status yang berkenaan di dalam geran anda. Status-status ini termasuklah status Freehold (Pegangan Bebas) atau Leasehold (Pajakan), Master Title atau Individual / Strata Title, Malay Reserved (Resab Melayu) dan status-status lain.

o Bagi geran Leasehold, pihak peguam perlu mendapatkan kebenaran (consent) daripada exco kerajaan negeri. Bagi Master Title atau Individual / Strata Title yang belum dibuat Perfection, mungkin perlu dibuat Double Transfer. Tempoh masa ini sangat bergantung kepada banyak pihak yang terlibat. Antaranya ialah pihak pemaju, pejabat tanah, exco kerajaan negeri dan beberapa pihak lagi yang berkaitan. Biasanya 1-6 bulan.

5. Selepas isu geran tadi diselesaikan, pihak pembeli atau bank pemberi pinjaman pembeli perlu menjelaskan baki 90% harga jualan rumah anda dalam masa 90 hari. Semua urusan ini diuruskan oleh peguam.

6. Sekiranya pihak pembeli tidak dapat menyelesaikannya dalam masa 90 hari, maka pembeli akan diberi tambahan masa selama 30 hari, tetapi penalti sebanyak 8-10% setahun dikenakan ke atas pembeli.

7. Sebelum kunci diserahkan secara rasmi oleh pihak peguam kepada pembeli, pihak peguam akan memastikan yang semua baki pinjaman penjual telah dilunaskan dan semua bil-bil dan cukai-cukai yang di bawah tanggungan penjual dilunaskan terlebih dahulu. Kemudian baru kunci diserahkan secara rasmi.

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14 Hari

14 Hari

14 Hari 1-6 Bulan

1-6 Bulan

1-6 Bulan

90 Hari

90 Hari

30 Hari

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1. Tax RPGT ( Real Property Gain Tax)/ CKHT ( Cukai keatas Hartanah )RPGT ialah tax yang perlu dibayar kepada Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri sekiranya rumah anda dijual kurang daripada lima tahun. Tax ini dikira daripada untung bersih hasil daripada jualan rumah anda. Untung bersih ini dikira setelah mengira untung kasar ditolak dengan semua kos-kos yang berkaitan seperti bayaran guaman, penalti bank, komisen ejen hartanah, kos ubahsuai dan sebagainya. Kadar tax ini berubah-ubah dari tahun ke tahun. Kadang-kadang kerajaan memberikan rebet untuk ditolak daripada kiraan itu. Jadi tanya peguam anda berapa kadar terkini dan cara kiraannya.

Pada ketika buku ini ditulis, kadar RPGT adalah seperti berikut :Tahun Pertama 15%Tahun Kedua 15%Tahun Ketiga 10 %Tahun Keempat 10%Tahun Kelima 10%Rebet RM 10K

Contoh : Rumah anda dijual pada Tahun KetigaHarga beli RM200,000Harga jual RM400,000Guaman ketika beli RM 5,000Guaman ketika jual RM 3,000Komisen Ejen RM 12,000Kos ubahsuai rumah RM 90,000Kiraan RPGT

Harga jual - Harga beli = RM 400,000 – 200,000 = RM 200,000(-) Rebet = RM 200,000 – 10,000 = RM 190,000(-) Guaman ketika beli = RM 190,000 – 5,000 = RM 185,000(-) Guaman ketika jual = RM 185,000 – 3,000 = RM 182,000(-) Komisen Ejen = RM 182,000 – 12,000 = RM 170,000(-) Kos ubahsuai = RM 170,000 – 90,000 = RM 80,000(-) Penalti bank = RM 80,000 – 5,000 = RM 75,000

Tax RPGT = 10 % x RM 75,000 = RM 7,500

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2. Penalti bankPenalti bank bergantung kepada apa yang tertulis di dalam Surat Tawaran daripada bank ketika anda menerima surat tawaran kelulusan pinjaman anda. Di dalam surat ini ada dinyatakan jumlah penalti yang dikenakan dan berapa lama Lock-In period iaitu jangkamasa yang sekiranya anda menjual atau Refinance pinjaman tersebut, anda akan dikenakan penalti. Biasanya Penalti ialah 2% - 5% dan Lock-In Period ialah 1-5 tahun. Sila rujuk Surat Tawaran pinjaman anda.

3. Bayaran guamanJika rumah anda sudah ada pembeli, anda ada pilihan sama ada untuk melantik peguam bagi pihak anda atau tidak. Ini adalah untuk menjaga kepentingan anda dalam proses jual-beli tersebut. Sekiranya anda tidak mahu melantik peguam, anda boleh tumpang peguam pembeli. Peguam ini akan memastikan pinjaman anda yang masih berbaki dilunaskan dahulu sebelum anda mendapat baki duit bayaran pihak pembeli kepada anda. Kos untuk ini selalunya dalam lingkungan beberapa ribu ringgit sahaja bergantung kepada harga jualan. Sekiranya anda melantik peguam untuk menjaga kepentingan anda dalam urusan jual beli ini, kos nya adalah dalam lingkungan 3% daripada harga jualan. Sila rujuk kepada peguam anda untuk kos yang tepat dan terperinci. Bayaran guaman ini adalah termasuk bayaran peguam, duti setem (jika berkaitan) dan segala kos yang berkaitan dengan proses tukar hakmilik.

4. Komisen Ejen HartanahKomisen ejen hartanah adalah berdasarkan kadar yang ditetapkan oleh Lembaga Penilaian, Pentaksir dan Ejen Hartanah (LPPEH). Pada ketika buku ini ditulis, kadar komisen ejen hartanah adalah 3% daripada harga jualan. Selain itu, GST – Government Service Tax, sebanyak 6% daripada komisen 3% tadi juga dikenakan.

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Kenapa perlu buat Perfection ? Kalau tak buat, tak boleh ke ? Itu antara soalan yang saya terima daripada pemilik rumah. Ramai juga yang tak ambil kisah untuk buat Perfection apabila dapat surat daripada peguam meminta pemilik membuat Perfection. Tambah-tambah lagi kena bayar peguam ribuan ringgit untuk menyempurnakan proses Perfection ini. Buat apa nak bayar kalau proses Perfection ini tidak penting atau tidak wajib ? Itulah yang sering bermain di fikiran pemilik rumah.

Apabila pemilik rumah ini mahu menjual rumah mereka baru mereka sedar akan kepentingan melakukan Perfection ini. Ini kerana jika Geran Individu penjual rumah itu masih lagi ketuanpunyaannya atas nama pemaju, proses tukar hakmilik rumah tersebut akan bertambah panjang. Biasanya akan bertambah 1-3 bulan lebih panjang berbanding jika penjual rumah itu sudah membuat Perfection dan nama ketuanpunyaan di dalam Geran Individu itu adalah atas nama pemilik itu sendiri.

Kenapa proses jualan jadi lebih panjang ? Kerana proses tukar hakmilik rumah itu akan melibatkan Double Transfer, yang bermaksud perlu menukar ketuanpunyaan daripada nama pemaju kepada pemilik pertama dan selepas itu perlu menukar pula ketuanpunyaan daripada nama pemilik pertama kepada pemilik kedua (pembeli baru). Setiap penukaran nama pemilik akan mengambil masa 1-3 bulan. Bayangkan kalau perlu buat Double Transfer, proses jualan akan menjadi semakin panjang.

Walaubagaimanapun tidak semua kes yang pemilik pertamanya belum buat Perfection perlu melalui proses Double Transfer. Ada sesetengah kes tidak perlu Double Transfer. Kes itu boleh dibuat Direct Transfer, bermaksud menukar ketuanpunyaan daripada nama pemaju terus kepada pemilik kedua tanpa perlu menukarkannya kepada pemilik pertama dahulu. Ini bergantung kepada pihak pemaju. Sekiranya pihak pemaju membenarkan Direct Transfer, Alhamdulillah, anda jimat masa 1-3 bulan.

Sekarang anda dah tahu kepentingan membuat Perfection. Sekiranya anda belum lagi membuat Perfection atas Geran Individu rumah anda, saya nasihatkan agar anda berbuat demikian. Walaupun anda tidak berniat untuk menjual rumah anda, sekurang-kurangnya anda boleh tidur lebih lena mengenangkan rumah yang anda diami sekarang sudah ada Geran Individu dan nama anda sebagai ketuanpunyaannya.

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Apabila tiba waktu terbaik untuk Refinance rumah, ramai pelanggan saya berjumpa saya dan minta saya uruskan permohonan Refinance mereka. Antara soalan yang saya tanya mereka ialah, “Encik/Puan dah dapat Geran Individu ke ?” Kalau mereka jawab “Ya”, saya akan tanya “Encik/Puan dah buat Perfection ?”. Mereka tergamam dan tanya “Perfection ! Apa tu ?” Saya kata “Kalau Geran Individu encik/puan masih lagi atas nama pemaju, encik/puan kena buat Perfection untuk tukar nama ketuanpunyaan dalam Geran Individu encik/puan kepada nama encik/puan.” Oooo gitu ke.

“Kalau tak buat Perfection, tak boleh ke ?” Jawapannya, kalau tak buat lagi tak apa, sebab pihak peguam akan buat Perfection sebagai sebahagian daripada proses Refinance. Dan proses Refinance akan jadi lebih lama. Jika anda Refinance pinjaman rumah anda untuk mendapatkan wang tunai, maka anda akan dapat wang tunai itu dalam jangkamasa yang lebih lama. Kalau anda betul-betul terdesak dan memerlukan wang segera, anda mungkin jadi lebih resah menunggu dan menunggu lebih lama.

Perfection bukan hanya perlu jika kita ingin menjual rumah kita, tetapi juga perlu jika kita hendak refinance rumah kita. Walaupun kita mungkin tidak berniat untuk menjual atau Refinance rumah kita dalam masa terdekat, jangan abaikan proses Perfection ini. Lakukannya segera. Kita tidak tahu bila kita akan perlu untuk menjual atau Refinance nanti. Tetapi jika tiba masanya dan kita masih belum lagi buat Perfection atas Geran Individu kita, kita akan jadi lebih terdesak dan tak sabar menunggu.

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Apabila tiba waktu terbaik untuk Refinance rumah, ramai pelanggan saya berjumpa saya dan minta saya uruskan permohonan Refinance mereka. Antara soalan yang saya tanya mereka ialah, “Encik/Puan dah dapat Geran Individu ke ?” Kalau mereka jawab “Ya”, saya akan tanya “Encik/Puan dah buat Perfection ?”. Mereka tergamam dan tanya “Perfection ! Apa tu ?” Saya kata “Kalau Geran Individu encik/puan masih lagi atas nama pemaju, encik/puan kena buat Perfection untuk tukar nama ketuanpunyaan dalam Geran Individu encik/puan kepada nama encik/puan.” Oooo gitu ke.

“Kalau tak buat Perfection, tak boleh ke ?” Jawapannya, kalau tak buat lagi tak apa, sebab pihak peguam akan buat Perfection sebagai sebahagian daripada proses Refinance. Dan proses Refinance akan jadi lebih lama. Jika anda Refinance pinjaman rumah anda untuk mendapatkan wang tunai, maka anda akan dapat wang tunai itu dalam jangkamasa yang lebih lama. Kalau anda betul-betul terdesak dan memerlukan wang segera, anda mungkin jadi lebih resah menunggu dan menunggu lebih lama.

Perfection bukan hanya perlu jika kita ingin menjual rumah kita, tetapi juga perlu jika kita hendak refinance rumah kita. Walaupun kita mungkin tidak berniat untuk menjual atau Refinance rumah kita dalam masa terdekat, jangan abaikan proses Perfection ini. Lakukannya segera. Kita tidak tahu bila kita akan perlu untuk menjual atau Refinance nanti. Tetapi jika tiba masanya dan kita masih belum lagi buat Perfection atas Geran Individu kita, kita akan jadi lebih terdesak dan tak sabar menunggu.

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Pelanggan saya minta saya tolong jualkan rumah Semi-D nya di Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi, Sepang. Sebelum saya mulakan proses jualan itu, saya terangkan kepadanya tentang prosedur penjualan rumah dan proses tukar hakmilik. Saya periksa Geran Individunya masih atas nama pemaju sebagai ketuanpunyaan. Saya kata kepadanya, rumahnya tak ada masalah untuk dijual tetapi proses tukar hakmilik akan jadi lebih lama bergantung sama ada pihak pemaju memberi kebenaran untuk buat Direct Transfer atau tidak. Jika pihak pemaju tidak memberi kebenaran, maka terpaksalah buat Double Transfer.

Oleh kerana rumahnya cantik, saya berjaya mendapatkannya pembeli yang membeli secara tunai dalam jangkamasa yang singkat. Semua orang teruja kerana dapat pembeli tunai. Tetapi saya ingatkan kembali kepada penjual rumah itu yang proses tukar hakmilik ini tidak secepat yang disangkakan kerana mungkin perlu buat Double Transfer iaitu menukar nama ketuanpunyaan dalam Geran Individu daripada nama pemaju kepada pembeli pertama dan kemudiannya menukarkannya daripada nama pembeli pertama kepada pembeli kedua.

Sangkaan saya memang betul. Apabila pihak peguam yang menguruskan proses tukar hakmilik ini meminta kebenaran daripada pihak pemaju untuk melakukan Direct Transfer, pihak pemaju tidak setuju. Maka terpaksalah buat Double Transfer dengan menukar nama ketuanpunyaan daripada nama pembeli pertama dahulu dan selepas itu menukar pula nama ketuanpunyaan daripada nama pembeli pertama kepada pembeli kedua. Proses ini memanjangkan masa 1-3 bulan lagi berbanding proses Direct Transfer.

Proses Direct Transfer atau Double Transfer hanya boleh ditentukan oleh pihak pemaju. Ada sesetengah pemaju membenarkan Direct Transfer tetapi kebanyakannya tidak membenarkan Direct Transfer. Untuk selamat, nasihat saya ialah lakukan Perfection secepat mungkin supaya nama ketuanpunyaan di dalam Geran Individu ialah nama anda sendiri.

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Pemilik rumah Seksyen 3 Bandar Baru Bangi ini memang baik orangnya. Dia telefon saya dan minta saya jualkan rumahnya yang disewa oleh staff GMI yang sudah berkeluarga. Rumahnya jenis Lot Tepi dengan tanah 10 kaki di tepi dan 12 kaki di belakang. Penyewanya pun jaga rumah itu macam rumahnya sendiri.

Setelah mendapat pembeli, tiba masa untuk proses tukar hakmilik yang dilakukan oleh peguam yang dilantik oleh pembeli. Memandangkan pemilik ini belum lagi membuat Perfection atas Geran Individunya, pihak peguam mungkin akan melakukan Double Transfer untuk menukar nama ketuanpunyaan daripada nama pemaju kepada pembeli pertama dan seterusnya menukar daripada nama pembeli pertama kepada pembeli kedua.

Setelah pihak peguam memohon kebenaran daripada pemaju untuk membuat Direct Transfer, Alhamdulillah pihak pemaju membenarkan Direct Transfer. Alangkah gembira dan bersyukurnya pemilik rumah itu kerana boleh buat Direct Transfer. Ini bermakna dia boleh jimat 1-3 bulan menunggu proses penukaran hakmilik jika dibandingkan dengan proses Double Transfer.

Keputusan menentukan sama ada penukaran hakmilik rumah itu boleh dibuat melalui Direct Transfer ataupun Double Transfer adalah hak pihak pemaju. Sekiranya pemaju bersetuju membenarkan Direct Transfer, maka beruntunglah pemilik rumah itu. Bukan sahaja proses penukaran hakmilik menjadi lebih cepat, tetapi kos guaman juga menjadi lebih murah.

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Rumah bungalow di Kg Abu Bakar Baginda, Sg Merab, Bangi berstatus FREEHOLD Malay Reserved. En Hamid minta saya jualkan bungalownya dengan harga RM1.2 Juta dengan segera. Saya pun terus mempromosikan bungalow beliau di internet.

Tidak lama selepas itu saya dapat panggilan dari seorang wanita bernama Pn Safinaz. Saya pun buatla temujanji untuk menunjukkan bungalow itu kepada Pn Safinaz. Beliau datang dengan suami dan anaknya. Setelah melihat bungalow itu, beliau begitu berkenan dan tak sabar nak bayar booking. Saya kata kepadanya, sebelum saya ambil booking, biar saya terangkan kepada dia tentang prosedur beli rumah.

Antara perkara yang saya terangkan kepada Pn Safinaz ialah beliau sebagai pembeli dan En Hamid sebagai penjual perlu tandatangan surat tukar hakmilik di depan D.O atau A.D.O di pejabat tanah memandangkan status bungalow itu adalah Malay Reserved. “Pn Safinaz melayu kan ?” Tanya saya tanpa ragu-ragu. “Saya India Muslim. Boleh ke ?” Jawabnya. Saya terkedu seketika. Muka macam Melayu, cakap macam Melayu, suami Melayu, pakaian macam Melayu. Tak sangka dia India Muslim (mamak) rupanya. Saya kata kepadanya, “Nanti D.O atau A.D.O akan tengok surat beranak puan untuk pastikan yang puan keturunan Melayu”. “Dalam surat beranak puan tertulis bangsa apa “? Tanya saya. Dia kata “India Muslim”. Kalau macam tu, memang confirm tak boleh nak tukar hakmilik sebab status geran Bungalow itu adalah Malay Reserved

Saya pun mencadangkan kepadanya untuk beli atas nama suaminya kerana suaminya Melayu, tetapi suaminya mencelah dan menerangkan yang dia sudah di blacklist dan tidak boleh buat pinjaman bank lagi. Oleh sebab itu, Pn Safinaz dan suami tidak boleh beli Bungalow impian itu.

Nasib baik saya pastikan dulu keturunan pembeli ini. Kalau tak....akan ada masalah untuk menukar hakmilik bila tiba masanya nanti.

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1. Surat Perjanjian Jual-BeliSurat Perjanjian Jual-Beli adalah dokumen yang ditandatangi oleh penjual dan pembeli semasa mula-mula anda membeli rumah. Sekiranya anda membeli rumah daripada pemaju, penjual adalah nama pemaju itu. Sekiranya anda membeli rumah daripada orang perseorangan (rumah second hand atau sub-sale), penjual adalah nama orang perseorangan tersebut.Pada muka hadapan surat perjanjian jual-beli ini, biasanya akan tertera nama penjual, pembeli dan peguam yang menguruskan urusan jual-beli rumah anda. Surat perjanjian ini memang tebal. Berpuluh muka surat, tapi anda cuma perlu kemukakan muka surat yang penting sahaja iaitu :

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a- Muka hadapan – Menunjukkan nama penjual, pembeli dan peguam

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b. Muka pertama atau kedua – Menunjukkan muka surat yang di “Stamp”

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c. Muka surat pelan rumah – Menunjukkan pelan rumah beserta dimensinya

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d. Muka surat yang ditandatangani oleh penjual dan pembeli

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e. Muka surat yang menunjukkan maklumat terperinci rumah anda

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2. Surat Perjanjian PinjamanSurat Perjanjian Pinjaman adalah dokumen yang ditandatangi oleh pemberi pinjaman dan peminjam (pembeli). Pemberi pinjaman ini boleh jadi pihak bank, Bahagian Pinjaman Perumahan atau syarikat and bekerja. Sekiranya anda meminjam daripada bank, nama pemberi pinjaman ialah nama bank. Sekiranya anda membuat pinjaman kerajaan, nama pemberi pinjaman ialah Bahagian Pinjaman Perumahan, sekiranya syarikat anda memberikan pinjaman untuk kakitangannya, nama pemberi pinjaman ialah nama syarikat anda.Pada muka hadapan surat perjanjian pinjaman ini tertera nama pemberi pinjaman, peminjam dan peguam yang menguruskan urusan perjanjian pinjaman ini.Dokumen ini memang tebal, tapi anda cuma perlu kemukakan muka surat penting hadapan sahaja seperti berikut yang menunjukkan nama pemberi pinjaman dan alamat, peminjam, peguam, jumlah pinjaman dan alamat rumah yang dibeli

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3. Geran penuh atau Geran Sementara individu atau strata

Geran penuh atau Geran Sementara individu atau strata adalah dokumen yang dikeluarkan oleh pejabat tanah setelah pihak pemaju membuat proses pecah geran daripada Geran “Master” kepada Geran Individu bagi hartanah yang bertanah seperti rumah teres, Semi-D atau banglo, dan Geran Strata bagi hartanah yang tidak bertanah seperti condominium, flat, pangsapuri dan kedai bertingkat.Sekiranya anda tidak memiliki geran ini, sila rujuk kepada pihak peguam yang menguruskan urusan jual-beli rumah anda dahulu. Mereka menyimpan satu salinan geran ini. Pihak bank juga menyimpan satu salinan geran ini. Sila rujuk peguam yang menguruskan urusan perjanjian pinjaman bank anda.Geran ini selalunya mempunyai dua atau tiga muka surat seperti berikut:

a. Muka surat 1 – Menunjukkan maklumat terperinci lot hartanah

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b. Muka surat 2 – Menunjukkan ketuanpunyaan hartanah dan perkara-perkara yang melibatkan hakmilik hartanah itu

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c. Muka surat 3 – Menunjukkan pelan hartanah

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4. Surat Perjanjian sewa (sekiranya ada)

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Sekiranya rumah anda sedang disewakan, anda perlu kemukakan dokumen perjanjian sewa antara anda dan penyewa.Oleh kerana pembeli anda perlu tahu terma dan syarat-syarat yang telah anda persetujui antara anda dan penyewa, anda perlu kemukakan semua muka surat perjanjian sewa ini untuk diteliti oleh pembeli. Daripada dokumen ini, pembeli boleh tahu apa yang perlu dibuat sekiranya mereka ingin meneruskan sewaan itu atau menamatkan kontrak perjanjian sewa ini.Berikut adalah beberapa contoh muka surat perjanjian sewa :a- Muka hadapan – Menunjukkan nama tuan rumah dan penyewa

b- Muka surat kedua – Menunjukkan muka surat yang sudah di “Stamp”

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c- Muka surat tandatangan – Menunjukkan tandatangan tuan rumah dan penyewa

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d- Muka surat yang menunjukkan maklumat terperinci sewaan rumah

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5. Cukai pintu

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Cukai pintu adalah cukai yang dikenakan oleh Majlis Perbandaran Tempatan. Cukai pintu ini dikeluarkan setiap enam bulan. Sekiranya anda belum melunaskan cukai pintu ini, lebih baik anda berbuat demikian untuk memudahkan urusan jual-beli rumah anda. Berikut adalah contoh cukai pintu yang sudah dibayar. Anda Cuma menyimpan keratan atasnya sahaja:

6. Cukai tanah

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Cukai tanah adalah cukai yang dikenakan oleh Pejabat Tanah. Cukai tanah ini dikeluarkan setiap enam bulan. Sekiranya anda belum melunaskan cukai tanah ini, lebih baik anda berbuat demikian untuk memudahkan urusan jual-beli rumah anda. Berikut adalah contoh cukai tanah yang sudah dibayar. Anda Cuma menyimpan keratan atasnya sahaja:

7. Salinan kad pengenalan

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Sekiranya pemilik rumah itu tertera lebih daripada satu nama di dalam Surat Perjanjian Jual-Beli, semua salinan kad pengenalan pemilik perlu dikemukakan.

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Anda seharusnya tahu bila pembeli akan datang melawat rumah anda supaya senang untuk anda membuat persediaan berikut :

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1. Rancang masa untuk memasak sebelum atau selepas pembeli datang melawat. Ini untuk mengelakkan dapur anda berminyak, bersepah dan berbau

2. Rancang masa untuk makan. Anda tidak mahu makan malam atau makan tengahari bersama keluarga anda terganggu

3. Rancang masa mandi anak-anak anda selepas pembeli datang melawat. Ini untuk mengelakkan bilik air anda basah. Kawasan di luar bilik air anda juga mungkin akan basah.

4. Sekiranya anak-anak anda sukar untuk dikawal, minta pasangan atau pembantu rumah anda bawa anak-anak anda bersiar-siar atau bermain di luar rumah sebelum pembeli datang melawat. Dikhuatiri anak-anak mengganggu proses lawatan itu nanti

5. Kemas dan susun kasut, pasu, basikal dan motorsikal. Parkir kereta anda di luar rumah. Pembeli akan rasa seperti dialu-alukan apabia melihat laman rumah anda kemas dan luas.

6. Angkat kain di jemuran. Keluarkan kain yang direndam di dalam bilik air. Berikan ruang kepada rumah anda


1. Anda duduk diam-diam sahaja. Serahkan segalanya kepada ejen hartanah anda (sekiranya anda melantik ejen hartanah). Anda boleh duduk sambil menonton TV

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(dengan suara yang perlahan) atau membaca surat khabar. Bukan kerana anda sombong, tapi ejen hartanah anda akan lakukan kerja lebih baik jika anda memberikan kepercayaan kepadanya untuk mempromosikan rumah anda.

2. Anda hanya menjawab jika ejen hartanah anda bertanya sesuatu untuk mendapat kepastian bagi menjawab persoalan pembeli kata ketika itu juga.

3. Jika pembeli bertanya kepada anda berkenaan harga, katakan kepadanya “En boleh berbincang kepada ejen saya berkenaan harga terbaik yang saya tawarkan”.

4. Jangan bertukar-tukar kad nama atau nombor telefon anda dengan pembeli. Ejen hartanah anda akan rasa yang anda tidak percaya kepadanya. Ini akan menjatuhkankan kredibiliti anda sebagai pemilik yang boleh dipercayai. Sebagaimana anda menilai kredibiliti ejen hartanah anda, mereka juga menilai kredibiliti anda.

5. Sekiranya anda sendiri yang menjual rumah itu, pastikan anda terangkan kelebihan-kelebihan rumah anda dan mengapa pembeli harus membeli rumah anda sekarang.


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1. “Follow Up” dengan ejen hartanah anda tentang keputusan pembeli. Jika pembeli kata dia perlukan sedikit masa, berikan masa terhad dan ingatkan terma “siapa cepat dia dapat”.

2. Jika pembeli setuju membeli dan membuat bayaran “Booking”, pastikan anda mendapat Letter Offer to Purchase (LOF) yang telah ditandatangi oleh pembeli beserta bukti bayaran.

3. Fahamkan isi kandungan terma dan syarat Letter Offer to Purchase sebelum anda menandatangani surat tersebut.

4. Jangan terlalu teruja dan beritahu satu taman yang rumah anda sudah dijual selagi anda belum tandatangan surat perjanjian jual-beli.

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1. Pastikan yang pembeli sudah mendapat kelulusan pinjaman bank. Ini bagi mengelakkan pihak anda atau pembeli kerugian kerana mungkin anda perlu menghanguskan duit deposit 10% pembeli atau anda perlu memulangkan duit deposit tersebut. 10% deposit !!!! Banyak tu... Mungkin boleh jadi gaduh nanti.

2. Pastikan anda tidak tersenarai muflis. Ini kerana pertukaran hakmilik tidak boleh dilakukan dan anda perlu memulangkan semua duit deposit pembeli. Anda juga mungkin dikenakan penalti

3. Pastikan anda mendapatkan bil cukai tanah, cukai pintu dan cukai pembetungan terkini

4. Pastikan anda keluarkan senarai kaveat di dalam geran anda sekiranya ada.

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1. Kenal pasti siapa peguam yang menyediakan surat perjanjian jual beli anda. Dapatkan nombor telefon, alamat pejabat dan nama peguam yang bertanggungjawab.

2. Minta peguam terangkan prosidur pertukaran hakmilik bermula selepas surat perjanjian jual beli anda ditandatangani. Tanya beliau apa proses seterusnya, dan seterusnya, dan seterusnya sehingga selesai serah kunci. Tanya juga berapa lama proses tersebut akan mengambil masa.

3. Minta peguam terangkan terma dan syarat penting yang terkandung di dalam surat perjanjian jual beli itu. Fahamkan apa akan jadi jika transaksi ini tidak dapat diteruskan atas apa sebab sekalipun. Apa penalti yang wujud. Kenapa dikenakan penalti. Siapa yang perlu membayar penalti. Bila penalti dikenakan.

4. Minta peguam terangkan apa akan berlaku sekiranya ada perkara yang tidak dijangka berlaku di antara tarikh tandatangan surat perjanjian itu dengan tarikh penyerahan kunci. Contohnya jika berlaku kebakaran atau rumah tersebut rosak dalam tempoh tersebut. Pastikan perkara ini tertulis di dalam surat perjanjian jual beli tersebut.

5. Sekiranya rumah anda dijual ‘semi-furnished’ atau ‘fully-furnished’, pastikan peguam tersebut menyenaraikan barang-barang yang akan ditinggalkan nanti. Senaraikan dengan terperinci. Ini sangat penting untuk mengelak perbalahan kemudian hari.

6. Minta peguam terangkan bagaimana anda akan mendapat duit anda, berapa banyak dan bila masanya. Ini memudahkan anda membuat perancangan kewangan anda.

7. Minta peguam terangkan bila anda boleh berhenti membayar ansuran bulanan bank, bil-bil, cukai tanh, cukai pintu, cukai pembentungan, yuran penyelenggaraan dan sebagainya.

8. Minta peguam terangkan bagaimana tax RPGT akan dibayar (sekiranya perlu bayar) dan berapa jumlahnya.

9. Minta peguam terangkan bagaimana bayaran guaman perlu dibayar dan berapa jumlahnya.

10. Minta peguam terangkan bila anda akan mendapat surat Perjanjian Jual Beli yang sudah di matikan stem nanti.

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1. Teruskan membayar ansuran bulanan anda sehingga anda mendapat surat daripada bank mengatakan yang pinjaman anda sudah dilangsaikan sepenuhnya. Ingat, perjanjian jual beli hanya mengesahkan yang transaksi jual beli rumah baru sahaja berlaku. Proses pertukaran hakmilik seterusnya memakan masa beberapa bulan. Selagi pihak bank pembeli belum melunaskan pinjaman rumah anda, anda masih perlu membayar ansuran bulanan kepada bank anda.

2. Teruskan membayar bil-bil elektrik, air, telefon, internet dan lain-lain sehingga pihak peguam nasihatkan anda untuk berhenti membayar.

3. Teruskan membayar cukai pintu, cukai tanah, cukai pembentungan, yuran penyelenggaraan dan lain lain sehingga pihak peguam nasihatkan anda untuk berhenti membayar.

4. Maklumkan kepada penyewa anda dan berikan notis secukupnya untuk mereka keluar dari rumah anda. Jangan lupa ucapkan terima kasih tanda penghargaan anda kepada mereka kerana sudi menyewa dan menjaga rumah anda.

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En Rahmat (bukan nama sebenar) minta saya jualkan rumahnya di Apartment Mentari Court di Bandar Sunway. Rumah ini berstatus Leasehold (pajakan). Lokasinya sangat strategik untuk pelaburan. Ia terletak berhampiran banyak kolej-kolej swasta di sekitar Bandar Sunway.

Tidak berapa lama setelah saya mengikankan rumah tersebut untuk dijual, saya mendapat panggilan daripada En Bahari. En Bahari sudah hampir pencen dan anaknya belajar di salah sebuah kolej swasta di Bandar Sunway. Beliau mahu membeli rumah berdekatan kolej anaknya untuk anaknya tinggal bersama-sama rakan-rakannya. Senang untuk anaknya berulang-alik ke kolej. Selepas tamat pengajian anaknya nanti, En Bahari bercadang untuk menyewakan rumahnya itu kerana kadar sewanya agak tinggi.

Urusan jual beli berjalan lancar. En Rahmat dan En Bahari telah diterangkan oleh peguam tentang perjalanan proses seterunya selepas perjanjian jual beli ditandatangani. Mereka nampaknya faham. Pihak peguam memohon kebenara (consent) daripada exco kerajaan negeri kerana status rumahnya Leasehold. Proses tukar hakmilik rumah berstatus Leasehold memakan masa lebih kurang 6 bulan.

Tiga bulan selepas menandatangani perjanjian jual beli, En Rahmat (penjual) menelefon peguam bertanyakan sebab mengapa pihak bank mengatakan yang beliau ada hutang tertunggak selama tiga bulan. Setelah disoal selidik, rupa-rupanya En Rahmat telah memberhentikan bayaran ansuran bulanannya kepada bank kerana menyangka yang rumahnya sudah dijual dan beliau tidak perlu lagi membayar ansuran bulanan. Ternyata yang En Rahmat tidak mengambil perhatian kepada apa yang diterangkan oleh peguam kepadanya tentang proses yang berkaitan selepas menandatangani surat perjanjian jual beli.

Surat Perjanjian Jual Beli hanyalah permulaan kepada proses tukar hakmilik daripada penjual kepada pembeli. Banyak lagi proses yang berkaitan yang harus dilakukan oleh pihak peguam sebelum rumah anda diserahkan kepada pembeli dengan rasminya. Selagi isu geran tidak diselesaikan dan selagi pihak bank pembeli tidak melunaskan lagi pinjaman rumah yang anda jual, anda masih lagi berhutang kepada bank anda. Oleh itu anda seharusnya meneruskan bayaran ansuran bulanan rumah anda kepada bank sehingga mendapat surat rasmi daripada bank untuk berhenti membayar.

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Purchaser’s SolicitorsAdvocates & Solicitors

Messrs Ali Ibrahim & CoSuite 206, Level 3, Block E, CBD Perdana

No.1 Jalan Multimedia 263000 Cyberjaya, Selangor

Tel.:03-4510 8786 Fax.:03-4510 8780Email.: [email protected]

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Ref .:


AN AGREEMENT OF SALE is made the day and year stated in Section 1 of the First Schedule hereto

between the party whose name and description and address are stated in Section 2 of the First Schedule hereto (“the Vendor”) of the one part and the party whose name and description and address are stated in

Section 3 of the First Schedule hereto (“the Purchaser”) of the other part.

WHEREAS:-A. The Vendor is the registered proprietor and the beneficial owner of the land described in the Second

Schedule hereto (“the said Property”).

B. The Purchaser has inspected and in any event is deemed to have inspected the said Property.

C. The Vendor has agreed to sell and the Purchaser agreed to purchase the said Property free from all

encumbrances on a “as is where is basis” and with possession but subject to the existing category of

land use and all express and implied conditions endorsed on the Issue Document of Title to the Property

and upon the terms and conditions contained in the General Conditions of Sale below and in the

Special Conditions of Sale contained in the Fourth Schedule hereto.

D. The said Property is charged to the party whose name and description and address are stated in

Section 4 of the First Schedule hereto (“the Vendor’s Financier”).

E. The name and description and address of the Solicitors for the Purchaser are stated in Section 5 of the First Schedule hereto (“the Purchaser’s Solicitors”).

F. The name and description and address of the Solicitors for the Vendor are stated in Section 6 of the First Schedule hereto (“the Vendor’s Solicitors”).



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1.1 The Vendor shall sell and the Purchaser shall purchase the said Property free from all encumbrances and with vacant possession on an “as is where is basis” upon the terms, conditions,

warranties and representations hereinafter contained and subject to the conditions and restrictions in interest

expressed and implied in the Issue Document of Title.


2.1 The said Property shall be sold and purchased:-

(a) at the total purchase price as stated in Section 1 of the Third Schedule hereto (“the Purchase Price”) ; and

(b) free from all encumbrances ; and

(c) with the type of possession as stated in Section 6 of the Third Schedule hereto.


3.1 The Purchase Price shall be paid by the Purchaser to the Vendor in the following manner:-

(a) Prior to the execution of this Agreement, the Purchaser has paid a sum of monies as stated in

Section 2(a) of the Third Schedule (hereinafter referred to as “the Earnest Deposit”) to the

TEGUH CONSULTING INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD as stakeholder being payment for part

of the deposit and in the event of completion of the sale and purchase herein as part payment

towards the Purchase Price of the said Property.

(b) Upon execution of this Agreement , the Purchaser shall pay to the Purchaser’s Solicitor as

stakeholder a sum as stated in Section 2(b) of the Third Schedule (hereinafter referred to as

" the Balance Deposit " which together with the Earnest Deposit shall hereinafter be collectively

referred to as "the Deposit"). The Deposit Sum is stated in Section 2(c) of the Third Schedule

hereto, the receipt of which the Vendor hereby acknowledges being payment for the balance

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deposit and in the event of completion of the sale and purchase herein as part payment towards

the Purchase Price of the said Property.

(c) the balance of the Purchase Price as stated in Section 3 of the Third Schedule

hereto (“the Balance Purchase Price”) shall be paid to the Purchaser’s Solicitors as

stakeholders on the date stated in Section 4 of the Third Schedule hereto (“the Completion Date”) or earlier at the option of the Purchaser at the place stated in Section 5 of the Third Schedule hereto (“Place of Completion”). Any extension of time for payment of the Balance

Purchase Price and condition for the extension is stated in Section 4.1 of the Third Schedule


(d) the Balance Deposit shall be released to the Vendor by the Purchaser’s Solicitors on

the Unconditional Date pursuant to Clause 16.5 herein.

3.2 The parties herein expressly agree that the Purchaser’s Solicitors as stakeholder are expressly and

irrevocably authorized by the parties hereto to utilize and deal with the Balance Purchase Price together with

interest as stated in Section 4.1 of the Third Schedule upon receipt thereof in the following manner :-

(a) to pay any arrears of quit rent, assessments and other outgoings in respect of the said Property if the

same have still not been settled by the Vendor ;

(b) any arrears of water, electricity and telecommunication charges which have still not been settled by the


(c) if applicable, to retain a sum of RM12,600-00 together with any penalty imposed as a result of the

Vendor failure to comply with PU(A) 486/2009 for the purpose of Real Property Gains Tax pursuant to PU(A)

486/2009 and to remit the same to the relevant tax authority accordingly.

(d) PROVIDED ALWAYS that the Purchaser is in receipt of vacant possession of the said Property and all

apportioned outgoings have been duly settled by the Vendor, the remaining Balance Purchase Price

together with interest as stated in Section 4.1 of the Third Schedule shall be released to the Vendor

within ten (10) business days from the presentation of the Original Issue Document of Title, the discharge

documents (if applicable), all transfer documents relating to the transfer of the said Property and/or the legal

charge documents in favour of the Purchaser’s Financier (as the case maybe) simultaneously to the relevant

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Land Office / Land Registry for registration SUBJECT to the Vendor's Solicitors as stakeholder is in receipt of

the Balance Loan Sum (if any) from the Purchaser's Financier.

3.3 The Purchaser shall be entitled to stop the Purchaser’s Solicitors as stakeholder from releasing the

moneys referred to Clause 3.2 by written notice delivered before the expiration ten (10) business days if the

documents presented for registration to effect transfer of the Property are rejected or suspended by the

relevant Land Registry/ Land Office or are not adequate to effect transfer of the Property for any reason

whatsoever. If the defects or inadequacies in the documents are attributable to any party, that party shall

expediently do or cause to be done all acts and deeds required to remedy such defects or inadequacies and

the said monies shall not be released until seven (7) days after the defects or inadequacies in the documents

presented to the relevant Land Registry or Land Office for registration have been remedied.

3.4 For the purpose of this Clause 3.1, the payments made to the Purchaser’s Solicitors as stakeholder for

the Vendor shall be deemed to be payment made to and received by the Vendor under this Agreement.

3.5 The Purchaser’s obligation to pay the Balance Purchase Price under Clause 3.1shall be deemed to have

been fulfilled upon the Purchaser:

(a) depositing the difference between the Balance Purchase Price and the Purchaser’s Loan with the

Purchaser’s Solicitors as stakeholders; and

(b) the Purchaser’s Financier having released the Purchaser’s Loan to the Vendor’s Financier and the

Vendor’s Solicitors as stakeholders, as the case may be, pursuant to the Purchaser’s Financier’s



4.1 The Vendor hereby expressly agree that the following time period shall be disregarded in the

computation of the Completion Date or the extended Completion Date as the case may be :-

(a) the period exceeding fourteen (14) weeks from the date the Instrument of Transfer

together with the ad valorem duty forms are presented to the relevant stamp office for

adjudication of ad valorem stamp duty payable to the date of receipt by the Purchaser’s

Solicitors of the notice of assessment of the ad valorem duty to be paid on the transfer;

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(b) the period exceeding fourteen (14) days from the date of request by the Purchaser’s

Solicitors and/or the Purchaser’s Financier’s Solicitors the letter of undertaking from the

Vendor to the Purchaser’s Financier, to the date of receipt of the said letter of undertaking by

the Purchaser’s Solicitors and/or the Purchaser’s Financier’s Solicitors as the case maybe;

(c) the period exceeding fourteen (14) days from the date of request by the Purchaser’s

Solicitors and/or the Purchaser’s Financier’s Solicitors the current quit rent and current

assessment both duly settled, to the date of receipt of the last of the document(s) herein

mentioned by the Purchaser’s Solicitors and/or the Purchaser’s Financier’s Solicitors as the

case maybe;

(d) the period exceeding fourteen (14) days from the date of request by the Purchaser’s

Financier’s representative / appointed valuer to view the said Property for the purpose of

preparing the necessary valuation report for the Purchaser’s Financier.


5.1 Upon the execution of this Agreement, the Vendor shall deliver:-

(a) the original Issue Document of Title to the Purchaser’s Solicitors as stakeholder;

(b) an unstamped instrument of transfer of the said Property in the format prescribed under the

National Land Code properly executed by the Vendor as transferor and properly attested and

when stamped with the requisite ad valorem duty, is capable of being registered in favour of the

Purchaser as the transferee of the said Property free from all encumbrances at the relevant

Land Registry / Office to the Purchaser’s Solicitors as stakeholder;

(c) copies of the current original Quit Rent and current assessment receipts in respect of the

Property duly settled to the Purchaser’s Solicitors;

(d) Statutory declaration by the Vendor confirming that there are no bankruptcy proceedings

against the Vendor;

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(e) a copy of the certificate of fitness for occupation (if applicable);

(e) documentary evidence from the relevant authority consenting to the renovation works done on

the said Property (if applicable);

(f) any other document or documents which are necessary to enable the Transfer to be registered

in accordance with this Agreement to the Purchaser’s Solicitors as stakeholder.

5.2 Subject to clause 5.3 below, the parties herein authorized the Purchaser’s Solicitors as stakeholder to

forward the below mentioned documents to the Solicitors acting for the Purchaser’s Financier as the case may

be, for registration of the said Property from the Vendor to the Purchaser :-

(a) the original Issue Document of Title;

(b) the certified true copies of quit rent and assessment receipts; and

(c) all documents the presentation or registration or endorsement or sight of which are necessary

or required by the relevant Land Registry / Office for perfecting the registration of the said

transfer free from all encumbrances.

5.3 The documents mentioned in Clause 5.2 above shall be duly forwarded by the Purchaser’s Solicitors as

stakeholder to the Solicitors acting for the Purchaser’s Financier as the case may be upon :-

(a) payment of the full Balance Purchase Price together with interest , if any by the

Purchaser to the Purchaser’s Solicitors as stakeholder within the stipulated time period as

stated in Section 4 or Section 4.1 of the Third Schedule, as the case may be;


(b) where the Purchaser is taking a loan from a financial institution to part finance the

purchase of the said Property and the said Property is free from encumbrances, then upon

receipt by the Vendor’s Solicitors as stakeholder of the differential sum between the Balance

Purchase Price and the Loan Sum and the Purchaser’s Financier Undertaking in favour of the


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(d) where the said Property is encumbered, then, within 14 days from the date of receipt by the

Vendor’s Financier the Redemption Sum from the Purchaser or the Purchaser’s Financier as

the case maybe PROVIDED THAT the differential sum between the Balance Purchase Price

and the Loan Sum is received by the Purchaser’s Solicitors as stakeholder.

5.4 As adjudication of the ad valorem duty payable on the Instrument of Transfer is expected to take some

time, the Vendor shall upon execution of this Agreement, execute an Instrument of Transfer of the said

Property in escrow and ad valorem duty forms and have the same deposited with the Purchaser's Solicitors as

stakeholder for the purpose of enabling the same to be submitted in advance by the Purchaser's Solicitors as

stakeholder to the stamp office for adjudication of the ad valorem duty payable on the Transfer.

5.4A The Vendor agree and covenant with the Purchaser as follows:-

(a) to forthwith furnish within seven (7) business days from the said request by the

Purchaser’s Solicitors and/or to the Purchaser’s Financier’s Solicitors as the case maybe, an

undertaking to refund the Loan Sum to the Purchaser’s Financier in the event the Instrument of

Transfer and/or the Charge Documents cannot be registered in favour of the Purchaser and/or

the Purchaser’s Financier for any reasons whatsoever PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT the

difference between the Balance Purchase Price and the Loan Sum has been first deposited

with the Purchaser's Solicitors as stakeholder; and

(b) to forthwith supply such information and particulars as may be required by the Collector or Assistant Collector of Stamp Duty or any valuation officer of the Valuation Department in

connection with the said Property ascertaining the ad valorem duty to be paid on the Transfer.

5.5 If there is a delay for any reason by the Vendor in delivering or releasing any of the documents

referred to in Clause 5.2 or 5.4A as the case may be, to the Purchaser’s Solicitors or the Purchaser’s

Financier’s Solicitors, as the case may be, the Completion Date or the Extended Completion Date, as the

case may be, shall be deemed extended by a period of time equal to the period commencing from the day

after the expiry of the relevant time period stipulated in Clause 5.2 or Clause 5.4A, as the case may be,

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until the documents requested for have been received by the person who requested for the same. No interest

shall be payable on the Balance Purchase Price for the duration of the extension.


6.1 The Vendor shall against payment of the Balance Purchase Price, the said interest as stipulated in

Section 4.1 of the Third Schedule (if applicable) and the apportioned outgoings to the Purchaser’s

Solicitors as stakeholder deliver to the Purchaser possession of the said Property in the type as stated in

Section 6 of the Third Schedule hereto.

6.2 In the event the Vendor fail, refuse and/or neglect to surrender vacant possession of the said Property

within five (5) business days from the date of receipt of the Balance Purchase Price, the said interest as

stipulated in Section 4.1 of the Third Schedule (if applicable) and the apportioned outgoings by the

Purchaser’s Solicitors as stakeholder then the Vendor shall pay to the Purchaser interest on the total

Purchase Price at the rate of eight per centum (8%) per annum calculated on a day to day basis from the day

vacant possession is to be delivered to the Purchaser in accordance to Clause 6.2 herein until the actual date

of delivery of vacant possession .

6.3 In the event that possession of the said Property in the type as stated in Section 6 of the Third Schedule herein has been delivered to the Purchaser, then, legal possession shall be deemed to have

passed from the Vendor to the Purchaser upon receipt by the Vendor’s Solicitors as stakeholder the Balance

Purchase Price in accordance to the terms of this Agreement herein mentioned.

6.4 For the purpose of clarification, vacant possession shall be deemed delivered upon receipt by the

Purchaser the key(s) giving access to the main door / entrance of the said Property.


7.1 All quit rents, assessments, sewerage charges, water and electricity charges and other outgoings shall

be apportioned between the parties hereto as at the date of delivery of vacant possession by the Vendor to

the Purchaser and any sum or sums due by virtue of such apportionment shall forthwith be paid by the party

from whom it is due to the other.

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7.2 The Vendor shall indemnify and keep the Purchaser indemnified against any penalties, fines, claim,

demand, loss, damages and proceedings which may arise as a result of any late payment or non-payment of

such aforesaid quit rent, assessments, and other outgoings thereto if such are incurred prior to delivery of

vacant possession.

7.3 the Vendor shall upon request by the Purchaser deliver to the Purchaser copies of all receipts as

evidence that quit rent, assessments, rates and other outgoings due in respect of the Property have been duly



8.1 In the event that the Purchaser has fulfilled his part of the terms and conditions herein contained and the

Vendor fails, refuses and/or neglects to complete the sale and purchase herein or had breached any of the

terms and conditions herein contained then the Purchaser shall be entitled to :-

(a) pursue an action for specific performance of this Agreement against the Vendor ; OR

(b) terminate this Agreement by notice in writing served to the Vendor and the Vendor on such

notification shall within fourteen (14) days :-

(i) refund free of interest to the Purchaser the forfeitable deposit and all monies paid by

the Purchaser to the Vendor towards the account of the Purchase Price, failing which

the Vendor shall pay the Purchaser interest at the rate of eight percent (8%) per

annum calculated on a day to day basis on the amount due and owing by the Vendor

to the Purchaser from the date the same is due until the whole sum thereof including

interest thereto is fully realized; and

(ii) pay a further sum as specified in Section 8 of the Third Schedule hereto only as

liquidated damages to the Purchaser, failing which the Vendor shall pay the Purchaser

interest at the rate of eight per cent (8%) per annum calculated on a day to day basis

on the said amount due and owing by the Vendor to the Purchaser from the date the

same is due until the whole sum thereof including interest thereto is fully realized;

and simultaneously with such refund, payments and interest in accordance to Clause 8.1(b)

herein, the Purchaser shall :-

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(i) withdraw or cause to withdraw any private caveat / lien-holder’s caveat (if applicable)

as lodged by the Purchaser or the Purchaser’s Financier against the said Property;

(ii) surrender possession of the said Property in the type as mentioned in Section 6 of the Third Schedule (if applicable); and

(iii) return all documents as mentioned in Clause 5 forwarded by the Vendor to the

Purchaser / Purchaser’s Solicitors / Purchaser’s Financier’s Solicitors as the case


and thereafter this Agreement shall be null and void and neither party hereto shall have any claim against the

other save for any antecedent breach of this Agreement and the Vendor shall be at liberty to deal with or

resell the said Property either by public auctions or by private contract and at such time and place and subject

to such conditions and in such manner as the Vendor shall think fit without the necessity of previously

tendering or offering to make any sale to the Purchaser.


9.1 In the event that the Vendor has fulfilled his part of the terms and conditions herein contained and the

Purchaser has fail, refuse and/or neglect to pay the Balance Purchase Price on or before the extended

Completion Date or within such extended period as may be agreed between the parties, then the Vendor shall

be entitled to terminate this Agreement by notice in writing served on the Purchaser and the following shall

ensue :-

(a) the forfeitable deposit as mentioned in Section 2(c) of the Third Schedule together with interest as mentioned In Section 4.1(a) of the Third Schedule shall be forfeited by the

Vendor as agreed liquidated damages; and

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(b) Subject to Clause 9.1(a) herein, the Vendor shall forthwith within fourteen (14) days upon

notification of the said termination, refund to the Purchaser free of interest all other

monies paid by the Purchaser to the Vendor towards the account of the Purchase Price,

failing which the Vendor shall pay the Purchaser interest at the rate of eight per cent (8%)

per annum calculated on a day to day basis on the amount due and owing by the Vendor to the

Purchaser from the date the same is due until the whole sum thereof including interest thereto

is fully realized;

(c) and upon receipt of such refund, payments and interest referred herein, the Purchaser shall :-

(i) withdraw or cause to withdraw any private caveat / lien-holder’s caveat (if applicable)

lodged by the Purchaser or the Purchaser’s Financier against the said Property;

(ii) surrender possession of the said Property in the type as mentioned in Section 6 of the Third Schedule (if applicable); and

(iii) return all documents as mentioned in Clause 5 forwarded by the Vendor / Purchaser’s

Solicitors / Purchaser’s Financier’s Solicitors as the case maybe;

and thereafter this Agreement shall be null and void and neither party hereto shall have any claim against the other save for any antecedent breach of this Agreement and the Vendor shall be at liberty to deal with or resell the said Property either by public auctions or by private contract and at

such time and place and subject to such conditions and in such manner as the Vendor shall think fit without

the necessity of previously tendering or offering to make any sale to the Purchaser.


10.1 The Purchaser shall be entitled at his own costs to lodge a private caveat against the Property. The

caveat shall be withdrawn by the Purchaser at his own cost if the sale and purchase herein is lawfully

terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

10.2 The Purchaser shall upon the execution of this Agreement execute and deposit with the Purchaser's

Solicitors a valid and registrable Withdrawal of Private Caveat in Form 19G of the National Land Code

1965. The Purchaser's Solicitors are hereby authorized by the Purchaser to use the said form to

withdraw the private caveat upon the lawful termination of this Agreement.

10.3 The Vendor consents to the Purchaser's Financier presenting as security any private caveat or charge,

as the case may be, against the Property as the Purchaser's Financier deem expedient to facilitate the

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release of the Purchaser's Loan PROVIDED THAT if this Agreement is lawfully terminated in

accordance with the provisions herein, the Purchaser shall cause such private caveat or charge to be

removed at the Purchaser's expense.


11.1 The parties agree that as from the date of this Agreement until the date of delivery of vacant possession,

the Property shall be at the sole risk of the Vendor with regard to loss or damage by fire, lightning, tempest,

flood, riot, civil commotion, earthquake, malicious acts, strike or any other cause. The risk in the Property shall

only pass to the Purchaser on the date of delivery of vacant possession.

11.2 In the event the said Property is damaged or destroyed by fire or other causes before the Purchase Price

is fully paid , the Purchaser shall be entitled to:-

(a) request the Vendor to restore the Property to its original state and condition before the

expiry of the Payment Deadline or the Extended Payment Deadline, as the case may be, at the

expense of the Vendor OR to reduce the Purchase Price by such amount as may be agreed

upon by the parties AND if the Vendor does not agree to the Purchaser's request within

fourteen (14) days from the date of the request being made, the Purchaser shall be entitled to

terminate this Agreement by written notice to the Vendor; OR

(b) terminate this Agreement and in such a situation, the Vendor shall forthwith within

fourteen (14) days refund the deposit and all sums of money paid to or on behalf of the Vendor

(if any), failing which the Vendor shall pay the Purchaser interest on all sums of money paid to

or on behalf of the Vendor at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum calculated on a day to

day basis until full settlement of the same. Upon receipt of the said sums of money, the

Purchaser shall withdraw any private caveat lodged by the Purchaser and return all documents

as mentioned in Clause 5 forwarded by the Vendor / Vendor’s Solicitors to the Purchaser /

Purchaser’s Solicitors.


13.1 The Vendor has acquired the said Property on 3rd June 2008. Therefore, pursuant to PU(A)

486/2009 the said Property is subject to real property gains tax payable . As such, the Purchaser’s

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Solicitors as stakeholder shall retain a sum of RM12,600-00 from the Balance Deposit (“the said

Retention Sum”) and shall deal with the said Retention Sum according to Clauses 13.3 and 13.5 herein.

13.2 Subject to Clause 13.1 above, both the Vendor and Purchaser shall submit the relevant CKHT forms to

the respective tax department / tax authority within the stipulated time period under PU(A) 486/2009.

13.3 The Vendor shall within 30 days from the date of this Agreement, submit the CKHT 1A & 3 forms with

the relevant tax authority. A copy of the CKHT 1A/ CKHT 3 forms together with evidence of submission of the

same (“the said tax documents”) will be forwarded by the Vendor to the Purchaser within 30 days from the date of

this Agreement. Upon receipt of the said tax documents by the Purchaser from the Vendor within 30 days from

the date of this Agreement, the Purchaser shall submit the CKHT 2A form together with the CKHT 1A/ CKHT 3

form and the said Retention Sum to the relevant tax department / authority within 60 days from the date of this


13.4 If the Vendor fails / omits / neglects to fulfil the Vendor’s obligations under Clause 15.1(c) herein then,

the Vendor’s Solicitors as stakeholder shall remit the Retention Sum together with any penalty stipulated in the

Act to the relevant tax authority / department.


14.1 The Vendor warrant and undertake to the Purchaser that as at the date of this Agreement the Vendor

has no knowledge nor any reason to believe that the said Property or any part thereof has been acquired or is

the subject of acquisition or intended acquisition by the Government or any other authority having power in

that behalf or that any advertisement in the Government Gazette of such intention has been published

pursuant to the Land Acquisition Act 1960.

14.2 In the event that prior to presentation of the transfer documents for registration with the relevant Land

Registry / Office, the Government or any other authority having power in that behalf acquire the said Property

or any part thereof for any purposes whatsoever , the Purchaser shall be entitled to either :-

(a) terminate this Agreement in which event the Vendor shall within fourteen (14) days

upon receipt of such termination notice refund to the Purchaser all monies paid by the

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Purchaser free of interest pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and thereafter

the Vendor shall be entitled to deal with the said Property in such manner as the Vendor shall

think fit;


(b) proceed with the purchase herein in which event the Vendor shall immediately notify

the Government or acquiring authority of the Purchaser’s interest in the said Property and the

terms of this Agreement subject to the payment of the Purchaser Price. The Vendor shall

forthwith upon receiving any compensation pay the same to the Purchaser. The Vendor shall in

all matter concerning such acquisition act upon the instruction and at the cost of the Purchaser

and the Vendor shall do all acts and things as may be reasonably required by the Purchaser for

the purpose of acquiring the highest compensation payable by the relevant authorities and such

compensation shall belong to and be paid to the Purchaser.


15.1 In the event the Purchaser intends to obtain a loan (“Loan Sum”) from a financial institution or from the

Ministry of Finance (“Purchaser’s Financier”) to finance the purchase of the said Property, the whole or

such part of the Loan Sum shall be utilized for the following :-

(a) to redeem the said Property from the Vendor’s Financier (if applicable);

(b) for payment of the Balance Purchase Price or the final part thereof as the case maybe.

15.2 The Vendor shall forthwith furnish within fourteen (14) days from the said request by the Purchaser’s

Solicitors and/or to the Purchaser’s Financier’s Solicitors as the case maybe, an undertaking to refund the

Loan Sum to the Purchaser’s Financier in the event the Instrument of Transfer and/or the Charge Documents

cannot be registered in favour of the Purchaser and/or the Purchaser’s Financier for any reasons whatsoever

Provided Always that the Purchaser first deposit the difference between the Balance Purchase Price and the

Loan Sum to the Vendor’s Solicitors as stakeholder;

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15.3 In the event the Purchaser is unable to obtain end-financing to finance the purchase of the said Property

and the Balance Purchase Price is not paid within the Completion Date or extended Completion Date as the

case maybe, then the same shall constitute a breach by the Purchaser and Clause 9 herein shall apply.

15.4 If the said Property is free from encumbrances, then the Purchaser’s Financier shall give to the Vendor a

written undertaking (“the Purchaser’s Financier’s Undertaking”) to pay the Loan Sum for payment towards

the account of the Balance Purchase Price on the Completion Date or extended Completion Date as the case

maybe .


16.1 In the event that the said Property is subject to a restriction in interest and the approvals / consents from

the relevant authority and/or Land Registry / Office are required to effect the transfer of the said Property from

the Vendor to the Purchaser as mentioned in Section 4.2 of the Third Schedule (“the Approval”), then the

Vendor shall on his own accord apply and/or take the necessary steps to obtain the said approvals / consents

to transfer from the Vendor to the Purchaser from the relevant authority and/or Land Registry / Office.

16.2 The Purchaser and/or the Vendor shall upon request within fourteen (14) days furnish and execute all

relevant documents pertaining to the application for consent to transfer / consent from the Vendor to the

Purchaser from the relevant authority and/or Land Registry / Office.

16.3 All costs, expenses and/or penalty imposed by the relevant authority and/or Land Registry / Office

pertaining to the Approval shall be borne by the Vendor.

16.4 In the event that the Approval from the relevant authority and/or Land Registry / Office to effect the

transfer of the said Property from the Vendor to the Purchaser, are not obtained within the period of three (3)

months from the date of this Agreement (“the Approval Period”), then the Vendor shall within fourteen (14)

days from the date of notification refund free of interest the Deposit as mentioned in Section 2(c) of the Third Schedule to the Purchaser and upon receipt of such refund, payments and interest referred herein, the

Purchaser shall :-

(a) withdraw or cause to withdraw any private caveat lodged by the Purchaser against the

said Property;

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(b) surrender possession of the said Property in the type as mentioned in Section 6 of the Third Schedule (if applicable). If there is any damage done to the said Property while in the

possession of the Purchaser, the Purchaser shall bear and upon demand forthwith pay and

reimburse the Vendor and shall keep the Vendor fully reimbursed for any costs reasonably

incurred by the Vendor for repairing and/or rectifying and/or making good the said Property; and

(c) return all documents as mentioned in Clause 5 forwarded by the Vendor / the Vendor’s

Solicitors to the Purchaser / Purchaser’s Solicitors as the case maybe;

and thereafter this Agreement shall be null and void and neither party hereto shall have any claim against the

other save for any antecedent breach of this Agreement and the Vendor shall be at liberty to deal with or

resell the said Property either by public auctions or by private contract and at such time and place and subject

to such conditions and in such manner as the Vendor shall think fit without the necessity of previously

tendering or offering to make any sale to the Purchaser.

16.5 The obligation of the parties to complete the sale and purchase of the Property under this

Agreement shall be unconditional on the day when the Approval has been obtained unconditionally

or upon terms, if any, acceptable to the parties (“the Unconditional Date”).


17.1 The Vendor hereby declare, represent, warrant and undertake to the Purchaser as follows :-

(a) that as at the time of execution of this Agreement, the Vendor is the legal and beneficial

of the said Property and have full power and authority to sell the said Property;

(b) the Final Certificate for Occupation in respect of the property has been issued by the

Appropriate Authority/ the certificate of Completion and Compliance has been issued

respect of the Property;

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(c) that to the best of the Vendor's knowledge, as at the time of execution of this Agreement,

there is no pending suit, legal proceedings or claim against the Vendor which may affect in any way the

rights of the Vendor to dispose of the said Property;

(d) no bankruptcy proceedings have been commenced against the Vendor as at the date hereof;

(e) that as at the time of execution of this Agreement, there are no outstanding notices, orders,

requirements or schemes or any Federal, State, Local Government Authority or Statutory Body which

have been served on the Vendor and which will or may prejudicially or adversely affect the present or

continued use and enjoyment of the said Property by the Vendor or expose the Purchaser and the

Purchaser’s heir personal representatives successors in title to any onerous charge or liability;

(f) that as at the time of execution of this Agreement, the Vendor has not entered into any

subsisting agreement with any person, firm or company to sell the said Property or any part thereof or

granted any lease, option, licence, easement or any other right whatsoever over or in respect of the said

Property or any part thereof to any person, firm or company ;

(g) that to the best of the Vendor's knowledge, the Vendor is not prohibited nor restricted by any

law or regulation from entering into this Agreement and completing the same in the manner as contemplated


(h) that upon full payment of the Balance Purchase Price by the Purchaser to the Vendor in

accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Purchaser shall be entitled to vacant possession and

the uses and enjoyment of the said Property without any disturbance or interruption or interference by the

Vendor or any other person or party claiming under or from the Vendor;

(i) that there are no persons who may have any rights of whatsoever nature to the said

Property whether as a donee of a power of attorney granted by the Vendor or any other person(s) in

respect of the said Property or otherwise ;

(j) that to the best of the Vendor's knowledge, there is no bankruptcy proceedings and/or

winding up proceedings and/or execution proceedings have commenced and/or is threatened or pending

against the Vendor or any one of them;

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(k) that the sale and purchase herein agreed will confer on the Purchaser a good, clean and

undisputed title to the said Property;

(l) that the Redemption Sum is less than the Balance Purchase Price (if applicable);

(m) the Vendor shall be responsible for any late penalty imposed by the relevant Land

Registry / Office with respect to the presentation of the Memorandum of Transfer in respect to the

said Property in the event the delay is attributable to the Vendor;

17.2 The Purchaser hereby represents warrants and undertakes with the Vendor as follows:-

(a) that to the best of the Purchaser's knowledge the Purchaser is not a bankrupt and no

bankruptcy petition has been presented against the Purchaser; and

(b) that the Purchaser has full power and authority to execute, deliver and perform the terms of this


17.3 In the event that there is a breach by either party of any representations, warranties, covenants or

undertakings contained in Clause 14.1 or 14.2, as the case may be, the non-defaulting party shall,

without prejudice to its rights under Clause 14.4, be entitled to exercise its rights under Clause 8.1

or 9.1, as the case may be.

17.4 Each party shall indemnify and keep the other indemnified against all actions, proceedings, claims

and demands, damages, penalties, costs, charges and expenses which may be brought or made

against or incurred by the other party by reason of or arising out of any breach of or non- compliance with

any of the representations, warranties, covenants or undertakings herein by the first-mentioned party (including

the other party’s solicitors’ fees and costs on a solicitor and client basis).

17.5 The representation and warranties herein shall survive the completion of the sale and purchase of

the Property.

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17.6 Where a defaulting party has been required to rectify a breach of any of the representations,

warranties, covenants or undertakings herein, all obligations of the non-defaulting party under this

Agreement shall be suspended pending rectification of the breach by the defaulting party.


18.1 Each party shall be responsible for its own solicitors' costs of and in connection with the preparation and

completion of this Agreement.

18.2 The Purchaser shall be responsible for and shall pay all stamp duty and registration fees payable on this

Agreement and the Transfer.


19.1 Time wherever mentioned in this Agreement shall be of the essence of this Agreement.


20.1 Knowledge or acquiescence by either party hereto of or in any breach of any of the terms conditions or

covenants herein contained shall not operate as or be deemed to be a waiver of such terms, conditions or

covenants or any of them and notwithstanding such knowledge or acquiescence each party hereto shall be

entitled to exercise their respective rights under this Agreement and to require strict performance by the other

of the terms conditions and covenants herein.

20.2 The failure of a party to insist in any one or more instances upon the performance of any provision of this

Agreement shall not be construed as the waiver or relinquishment of that party’s right to future performance of

such provision and the other party’s obligation in respect of such future performance shall continue in full force

and effect.


21.1 It is hereby expressly agreed and declared by the parties hereto that notwithstanding any of the

provisions of this Agreement to the contrary, the provisions and terms of this Agreement may at any time and

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from time to time be varied or amended by mutual consent of the parties hereto by means of mutual exchange

of letters and thereupon such amendments and variations shall be deemed to have been amended or varied

accordingly and shall be read and construed as if such amendments and variations have been incorporated in

and had formed part of this Agreement at the time of execution hereof.


22.1 In the event that any one or more of the terms conditions stipulations provisions covenants or

undertaking contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be illegal void prohibited or

unenforceable or otherwise invalid in any respect under the law governing this Agreement or its performance,

such terms, conditions stipulations, provisions, covenants or undertaking shall be ineffective to the extent of

such illegality, voidness, prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof

and any such illegality, voidness, prohibition or unenforceability shall not invalidate or render illegal, void or

unenforceable any other terms, conditions, stipulations, provisions, covenants or undertakings


22.2 Each and every of the agreement, covenants and undertakings of the party contained in this Agreement

shall survive the lawful termination of this Agreement and each and every of the agreements, covenants and

undertakings of such party contained in this Agreement shall continue to be binding upon such defaulting

party and shall take effect and tenure for the benefit of the other party notwithstanding any lawful termination

of this Agreement by such other party as a result of any breach by the defaulting party of any of the provisions

of this Agreement.


23.1 Any notice, demand, Summons or legal process required to be served pursuant to this Agreement by

either party to the other party will be in writing and may be served by hand delivery or sent by registered mail

to the address stated herein or at the last known address of the party. Any notice or demand where sent by

registered mail will be deemed served at the expiry of three (3) days from the date of posting.

24 Definition and Interpretation

24.1 In this Agreement unless there is something in the subject or context inconsistent with such construction

or unless it is otherwise expressly provided:-

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(a) words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural include the singular;

(b) words importing any gender include any other gender;

(c) words applicable to natural persons include any body corporate, unincorporate, sole-

proprietorship and partnership;

(d) the words “hereof”, “herein”, “hereon”, “hereinafter” and “hereunder” and words of similar

import, when used in this Agreement, shall, where the context requires or allows, refer to this

Agreement as a whole and not to any particular provision of this Agreement;

(e) the expression “the said property” or “the property” shall have the meaning assigned to the

word “land” under the National Land Code 1965;

(f) any reference to statutes shall include all rules and regulations made thereunder and all

amendments which maybe enacted from time to time;

(g) where an act is required to be done or where payment is required to be made within a specified

period from or after a specified date, that date is excluded and the period begins to run on and

inclusive of the following date, and if the following date is a public holiday then the period

begins to run on and inclusive of the date immediately following the public holiday;

(h) “business day” shall mean any days except for Sunday and Public Holiday(s) in the state of

Selangor and Kuala Lumpur

24.2 In this Agreement the expression “the Vendor” shall mean and include his heirs, next-of-kin, personal

representatives and successors in title and the expression “the Purchaser” shall mean and include his heirs,

next of kin, personal representatives, successors in title, nominees and assigns.

24.3 In this Agreement the expression “Completion Date” shall include the extended Completion Date or such

extended period of time mutually agreed by the parties.

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24.4 In this Agreement, where the Vendor is not legally represented, then, the expression Vendor’s Solicitors

shall mean and refer to the Purchaser’s Solicitors where the context is applicable.

24.5 The Clause and Section headings and sub-headings in this Agreement are inserted for ease of reference

only and are to be ignored when construing the provisions of this Agreement.

24.6 The terms and conditions contained in the Schedule(s) hereto form part of this Agreement and shall be

taken read and construed as an essential part of this Agreement and in the event of any conflict or

inconsistency between the terms and conditions contained hereinabove and those contained in the

Schedule(s), it is hereby expressly agreed that the terms and conditions contained in the Schedule(s) shall


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written.

Signed by the Vendor )

In the presence of :- )

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Signed by the Purchaser )

In the presence of :- )




(which is to be taken read and construed as an essential part of this Agreement)

Section 1 Date of AgreementThis Agreement is dated :


Section 2 Particulars of Vendor(s)ROSLAN BIN ROSLI

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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 3 Particulars of Purchaser(s)


Section 4 Particulars of Vendor’s FinancierNIL

Section 5 Particulars of Purchaser’s SolicitorsMessrs Ali Ibrahim & CoSuite 206, Level 3, Block E, CBD Perdana No.1 Jalan Multimedia 263000 Cyberjaya, Selangor

Section 6 Particulars of Vendor’s SolicitorsThe Vendor elects not to be legally represented and represent that she has read and understand the terms and conditions herein contained and its legal implications

THE SECOND SCHEDULE(which is to be taken read and construed as an essential part of the Agreement)

Mukim/Township Title No. Lot No. Area Building / Agriculture

Dengkil / HS(D) 165493 PT 1234 145 meter 21, Jalan Mutiara 1,

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Sepang persegi Taman Mutiara Damai, Dengkil 48000 Sepang,

Selangor and held under individual title HS(D)

165493 No PT 1234 Mukim Dengkil, Daerah Sepang,

Negeri Selangor

THE THIRD SCHEDULE(which is to be taken read and construed as an essential part of this agreement)

Section 1 Total Purchase PriceThe Total Purchase Price of the said Property is :

Ringgit Malaysia Six Hundred Thirty Thousand (RM630,000-00) only-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 2(a) Earnest Deposit

Ringgit Malaysia Eighteen Thousand Nine Hundred (RM18,900-00) only

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Section 2(b) Balance DepositRinggit Malaysia Forty Four Thousand One Hundred (RM44,100-00) only

Section 2(c) DepositRinggit Malaysia Sixty Three Thousand (RM63,000-00) only

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 3 Balance Purchase Price

The Balance Purchase Price is :

Ringgit Malaysia Five Hundred Sixty Seven Thousand (RM567,000-00) only______________________________________________________________________________________

Section 4 Completion Date (Clause 16)The Completion Date is :-

Three (3) months from the Unconditional Date

Section 4.1 Extension and Interest(a) The Purchaser shall be entitled to an extension of One (1) months commencing on the

date following the expiry of the Completion Date (“Extended Completion Date”) to pay

the Balance Purchase Price upon the condition that the Purchaser shall pay to the

Vendor interest at the rate of eight (8 %) per centum per annum on the remaining

balance of the Purchase Price outstanding to be calculated on a daily basis

commencing on the first day of the Extended Completion Date and ending on and

inclusive of the day in which the balance of the outstanding purchase price together

with the accrued interest is paid.

(b) If the Purchaser fails refuse and/or neglect to pay the balance purchase price together

with interest as mentioned in Section 4.1(a) of the Third Schedule within the stipulated

time of Section 4 or Section 4.1(a) of the Third Schedule as the case may be, then

Clause 9 shall come into effect.

THE THIRD SCHEDULE (Continuation)(which is to be taken read and construed as an essential part of this Agreement)

Section 4.2 Restriction-In-Interest (Clause 16)NIL

Section 5 Place for payment of Balance Purchase PriceThe place for payment of the Balance Purchase Price is at the office of:-

Messrs Ali Ibrahim & CoSuite 206, Level 3, Block E, CBD Perdana No.1 Jalan Multimedia 2

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63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 6 Type of Possession

The type of possession to be delivered to the Purchaser is :-

With vacant possession in a good and tenantable condition (fair wear and tear excepted)


List of Fixtures & Fittings All existing fixtures & fittings of the said Property in a good and tenantable

condition (fair wear and tear excepted)

Section 7 Particulars of Collective Parcels (if applicable)

- Nil -

Section 8 Non-Performance by VendorIn accordance to Clause 8.1(b)(ii), the Vendor shall pay a further sum of

RM63,000-00 to the Purchaser as liquidated damages.

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THE FOURTH SCHEDULE(which is to be taken read and construed as an essential part of this Agreement)


1. In the event the said Property is charged to the party as stated in Section 4 of the First Schedule, the

following shall apply:-

(a) The Vendor shall cause to be issued within fourteen (14) days (hereinafter referred to as “Period for

Redemption Statement”) from the date of request by the Purchaser’s Solicitors or the Purchaser’s

Financier’s Solicitors and deliver to the relevant aforementioned parties, a redemption statement cum

letter of undertaking by the Chargee (hereinafter referred to as “the said Redemption Statement”)

favoring the Purchaser / Purchaser’s Financier:

(i) setting out the redemption sum payable to redeem the said Property (hereinafter referred to as

"Redemption Sum"); and

(ii) undertaking to deliver to the Purchaser/ Purchaser’s Financier the original Issue Document of

Title, Discharge of Charge duly executed by the Vendor’s Financier and such other documents

as may be required or reasonably necessary to ensure that the registration of the Instrument of

Transfer can be perfected with the relevant Land Registry / Office (hereinafter referred to as

"Discharge Documents")

failing which the number of days in excess of the said fourteen (14) days shall be added to the

Completion Date or the Extended Completion Date as the case may be, free of interest.

(b) In the event the Balance Purchase Price is insufficient to redeem the said Property, the Vendor hereby

undertakes to pay the deficit sum to the Purchaser’s Solicitors as stakeholder within fourteen (14) days

from the date of notification failing which, the number of days in excess of the said fourteen (14) days

shall be added to the Completion Date or the Extended Completion Date, as the case may be, free of

interest. However, in the event the Vendor fails to do so, the Purchaser has the option to determine this

Agreement at any time prior to the receipt by the Purchaser’s Solicitors or the Purchaser’s Financier’s

Solicitors of documentary proof that the difference between the Redemption Sum and the Balance

Purchase Price has been duly received by the Purchaser’s Solicitors as stakeholder. Upon the

determination of this Agreement by the Purchaser exercising this option, Clause 8 shall apply


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Saya telah sampai ke penghujung bicara nampaknya. Mari kita kembali kepada apa yang telah anda pelajari di dalam Ebook ini. Di permulaan Ebook ini, saya terangkan tentang prosedur untuk menjual rumah daripada saat pembeli sudah bersetuju untuk membeli rumah anda sehinggalah anda menyerahkan kunci rumah anda secara rasminya kepada pembeli. Saya juga terangkan segala kos-kos yang berkaitan di sepanjang proses menjual rumah ini. Kemudian saya kongsikan tip-tip berdasarkan pengalaman sebenar saya menjual rumah.

Seterusnya saya terangkan semua dokumen-dokumen penting yang perlu anda sediakan untuk menjual rumah. Saya sertakan sekali contoh-contoh dokumen yang diperlukan itu untuk senang dirujuk.

Kemudian saya terangkan apakah persediaan yang perlu anda lakukan sebelum, semasa dan selepas pembeli datang melawat rumah anda.

Setelah pembeli bersetuju membeli rumah anda, saya terangkan apakah yang perlu anda buat sebelum, semasa dan selepas sessi menandatangi surat Perjanjian Jual-Beli.

Akhir sekali, saya sertakan contoh surat Perjanjian Jual-Beli untuk rujukan anda.

Semoga anda mendapat manfaat daripada kandungan Ebook ini dan semoga anda dapat mencapai matlamat anda untuk menjual rumah anda dengan cepat dan meneruskan kehidupan anda seperti yang dirancang

Penghujung bicara, jangan lupa untuk subscribe dan selalu melawat dan Like Banyak maklumat dan tip-tip hartanah terkini yang saya tulis di sana.

Saya doakan anda berjaya dan sejahtera selalu


Ikhlas daripada,

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Jutaan terima kasih saya ucapkan kepada Azizi Ali yang telah memberi inspirasi kepada saya untuk menghasilkan eBook ini. Azizi Ali menjadi ikon kepada saya untuk mula berkecimpung di dalam bidang hartanah. Pengalaman beliau yang luas di dalam bidang hartanah saya korek melalui buku-buku tulisan beliau dan seminar-seminar yang dianjurkan oleh beliau.

Ternyata Azizi Ali tidak lokek dalam berkongsi ilmu dan pengalaman. Ini terbukti melalui buku-buku beliau yang banyak menyentuh tentang bidang hartanah, dunia pelaburan dan kewangan. Bermula dengan membaca buku berjudul ‘Bagaimana Hendak Menjadi Jutawan Hartanah’, ianya menjadi pemangkin untuk saya terus membaca buku-buku beliau yang lain. Daripada bekerja dengan syarikat gergasi, kini saya telahpun menukar kerjaya dan bekerja sendiri. Semuanya atas rasa Yakin yang saya dapat dan pupuk hasil daripada ilmu yang dikongsi oleh Azizi Ali.

Azizi Ali ialah penulis, penceramah dan jurulatih kewangan No 1 di Malaysia. Azizi Ali telah menulis lebih daripada 30 judul buku yang berkaitan dengan dunia kewangan. Judul-judul ini termasuklah Jutawan Dari Planet Jupiter, Lahirnya Seorang Jutawan, Jutawan Hartanah dan Masa Untuk Emas.

Layari untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut mengenai Azizi Ali.

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Jutaan terima kasih juga saya ucapkan kepada Dr Shah Razali atau lebih dikenali sebagai DSR yang telah memberi inspirasi kepada saya untuk menghasilkan eBook ini. Dr Shah Razali menjadi ikon kepada saya untuk menjadi pelabur hartanah dan ejen hartanah yang berjaya. Pengalaman beliau yang luas di dalam bidang pelaburan hartanah saya korek melalui produk audio, buku-buku tulisan beliau dan seminar-seminar yang dianjurkan oleh beliau.

Ternyata Dr Shah Razali suka berkongsi ilmu dan pengalaman beliau dalam bidang hartanah dan kewangan. Ini terbukti melalui buku-buku beliau dan seminar-seminar yang banyak menyentuh tentang bidang hartanah, dunia pelaburan dan kewangan. Bermula dengan membaca buku berjudul Jejak Pelabur Hartanah, ianya menjadi pemangkin untuk saya terus membaca buku-buku dan mendengar produk audio beliau yang lain. Dr Shah Razali tunjukkan cara bagaimana hendak mula melabur dalam hartanah walaupun gaji kita serendah RM2000 sahaja. Bukan itu sahaja, beliau juga membimbing saya bagaimana untuk membiaya semula pinjaman rumah untuk memaksimakan pulangan pelaburan saya.

Dr Shah Razali adalah seorang self-made millionaire dan mempunyai pengalaman luas di dalam bidang perbankan konvensional dan perbankan islam. Dr Shah Razali ialah penulis, jurulatih dan ahli perniagaan yang berjaya. Antara seminar yang sering dianjurkan oleh beliau ialah Seminar Thriller Pelaburan Hartanah.

Layari untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut mengenai Dr Shah Razali.

Hakcipta Terpelihara Ross Aziz Page 78

Page 79: DATED THISDAY OF2011 -  · Web viewPastikan anda keluarkan senarai ... the expression “the said property”


Jutaan terima kasih juga saya ucapkan kepada Tuan Bri yang telah memberi inspirasi kepada saya untuk menghasilkan eBook ini. Tuan Bri menjadi ikon kepada saya untuk menjadi pelabur hartanah dan ejen hartanah yang berjaya. Pengalaman beliau yang luas di dalam bidang pelaburan hartanah saya korek melalui seminar-seminar yang dianjurkan oleh beliau.

Tuan Bri suka berkongsi ilmu dan pengalaman beliau dalam bidang pelaburan hartanah. Ini terbukti melalui seminar-seminar beliau yang banyak menyentuh tentang cara-cara praktikal dan boleh dilakukan oleh semua orang yang mahu berjinak-jinak dalam bidang pelaburan hartanah. Bermula dengan Seminar 4 Langkah ke Arah Jutawan Hartanah, peserta-peserta dibimbing untuk berjaya dalam pelaburan hartanah. Peserta-peserta seminar Tuan Bri juga mempunyai rangkaian networking yang kuat dan luas. Ini adalah kekuatan yang diperlukan untuk berjaya sebagai pelabur hartanah

Tuan Bri adalah seorang motivator dan Jutawan Hartanah yang berjaya. Antara seminar yang sering dianjurkan oleh beliau ialah Seminar 4 Langkah ke Arah Jutawan Hartanah.

Layari untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut mengenai Tuan Bri.

Hakcipta Terpelihara Ross Aziz Page 79