date laimers from the prinipal - … were all thankful for the ... the flip side is the humility of...

Web: Email: [email protected] Absentee Line: (07) 3900 9166 PO Box 37 Phone: (07) 3900 9100 Carina QLD 4152 Fax: (07) 3843 0065 21 st February 2018 Term 1 Week 5 OFFICE HOURS - 8.00am – 3.30pm UNIFORM SHOP – TUESDAYS 8.15am – 9.15am & THURSDAYS 2.30pm – 3.30pm SCHOOL HOURS – 8.30am – 2.50pm TUCKSHOP – WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY FINANCE HOURS – 8.00am – 3.30pm BANKING – TUESDAYS (with the excepon of every second Thursday) FROM THE PRINCIPAL We are now half way through Term 1 and school routines are well and truly established for the students. Thank you to the parents of all our new students including Preps, for making such a great adjustment to school life at St Martin’s. It has been great to have some cooler weather this week after such a hot one last week. We were all thankful for the air-conditioning at school recently. We are currently looking at options for improving the air flow in the Dominic Centre with some big fans. Lent We are reminded during the season of Lent that this time is really about a change of mind and heart, not just about changing some habits we may have picked up along the way. On Monday, our community heard about the great work of Caritas Australia, the international aid and development organisation of the Catholic Church in Australia and its yearly fundraiser called Project Compassion. Information is available at Something to consider in Lent… The power of three little words. I’LL BE THERE—Being there for the other person is the greatest gift we can give. MAYBE YOU’RE RIGHT—This phrase diffuses an argument and restores frayed emotions; the flip side is the humility of admitting “maybe I’m wrong”. PLEASE FORGIVE ME—Many broken relationships could be restored and healed if people would admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness. I THANK YOU—Gratitude is an exquisite form of courtesy. COUNT ON ME—A friend is one who walks in when others walk out. Loyalty is an essential ingredient for true friendship. DATE CLAIMERS Swimming Connues for Years 3 & 4 – Monday 26 th February 2018 Year 5 Camp at Tallebudgera – Monday 19 th March – Wednesday 21 March Swimming Carnival Years 3-6 – Friday 23 rd March 2018 Literacy Soluons Parent Informaon Evening – Tuesday 27 th March, 6:30pm – 8:00pm Last day of Term 1 – Thursday 29 th March 2018 Term 2 commences for students - Tuesday 17 th April 2018 Anzac Day Liturgy – Monday 23 rd April 2018 at the School Assembly Anzac Day Public Holiday – Wednesday 25 th April 2018

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Page 1: DATE LAIMERS FROM THE PRINIPAL - … were all thankful for the ... the flip side is the humility of admitting ^maybe Im wrong

Web: Email: [email protected] Absentee Line: (07) 3900 9166

PO Box 37 Phone: (07) 3900 9100

Carina QLD 4152 Fax: (07) 3843 0065

21st February 2018 Term 1 Week 5

OFFICE HOURS - 8.00am – 3.30pm UNIFORM SHOP – TUESDAYS 8.15am – 9.15am & THURSDAYS 2.30pm – 3.30pm SCHOOL HOURS – 8.30am – 2.50pm TUCKSHOP – WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY FINANCE HOURS – 8.00am – 3.30pm BANKING – TUESDAYS (with the exception of every second Thursday)


We are now half way through Term 1 and school routines are well and truly established for the students. Thank you to the parents of all our new students including Preps, for making such a great adjustment to school life at St Martin’s. It has been great to have some cooler weather this week after such a hot one last week. We were all thankful for the air-conditioning at school recently. We are currently looking at options for improving the air flow in the Dominic Centre with some big fans. Lent We are reminded during the season of Lent that this time is really about a change of mind and heart, not just about changing some habits we may have picked up along the way. On Monday, our community heard about the great work of Caritas Australia, the international aid and development organisation of the Catholic Church in Australia and its yearly fundraiser called Project Compassion. Information is available at Something to consider in Lent… The power of three little words.

I’LL BE THERE—Being there for the other person is the greatest gift we can give.

MAYBE YOU’RE RIGHT—This phrase diffuses an argument and restores frayed emotions;

the flip side is the humility of admitting “maybe I’m wrong”.

PLEASE FORGIVE ME—Many broken relationships could be restored and healed if people

would admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness.

I THANK YOU—Gratitude is an exquisite form of courtesy.

COUNT ON ME—A friend is one who walks in when others walk out. Loyalty is an essential

ingredient for true friendship.


Swimming Continues for Years 3 & 4 –

Monday 26th February 2018

Year 5 Camp at Tallebudgera – Monday

19th March – Wednesday 21 March

Swimming Carnival Years 3-6 – Friday 23rd

March 2018

Literacy Solutions Parent Information

Evening – Tuesday 27th March,

6:30pm – 8:00pm

Last day of Term 1 – Thursday 29th March


Term 2 commences for students -

Tuesday 17th April 2018

Anzac Day Liturgy – Monday 23rd April

2018 at the School Assembly

Anzac Day Public Holiday – Wednesday

25th April 2018

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Year 6 Leaders

Last Friday, our Year 6 students were inducted as Student Leaders of St Martin’s for 2018. The students co-

constructed this pledge as leaders of the student body:

We are the Year Six leaders; a strongly connected, positive, hardworking and forward- thinking group of


We pledge to be responsible role models for the younger children. To teach them to be respectful and kind

to whoever they meet. We promise to take on any challenge and persist without giving up. We will set a

good example by wearing the correct school uniform and remembering to carry out our leadership

responsibilities efficiently. We believe in teamwork as on our own we will achieve very little, but together

we can achieve greatness. By carrying out our leadership year in the image of Jesus, we will be able to live

the truth, love the truth, and speak the truth. This is our pledge to the whole St Martin’s community.

We certainly look forward to the positive contribution of our St Martin’s Student Leaders this year and hope

that this experience will be a life-giving experience for the students and all in our community.

Working Bee

We had 15 people participate in the working bee last Saturday. I thank all who attended for assisting with

the many tasks that were completed on that morning. Your time and effort was really valued and


Lenten Pilgrimage to Holy Land

I will be travelling to Jordan and Israel on 3rd March to take part in a two-week pilgrimage in the Holy Land

with a group of principals from Brisbane Catholic Education schools. Ms Kylie Anderson will be Acting

Principal from 5-20 March and Miss Chloe Adams step into the role of Acting Assistant Principal during this

time. Mrs Tamara Tutkaluk will be teaching 3D during this time.

Best wishes for the week ahead.

Geoff Sullivan (Principal)

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On-Line Permission Forms

We recently have started using on-line permission slips for excursions and other events. A couple of weeks

ago, I sent via email, a permission form for the upcoming swimming carnival and a form to communicate

your child’s medical requirements. Could I ask you to please check your email and reply to the email ASAP.

If you have not received it, it could be that your work email has security settings not allowing it or we have

the wrong email address in our system. Please update your email or contact us if you have not received

these emails.

Class Covenants

Today the Prep to Year 2 classes gathered to share their Class Covenants. Over the past few weeks there

have been many discussions in classrooms, as to how the students and teachers would like their classes to

look, sound and feel. Discussion about school wide expectations, what does good learning and getting

along look like, guided the children to create their final covenant. It is believed that if each child stays true

to the class promise, then the classroom will be a place of great learning and fun.

St Martin’s Beautification Project

We all feel so blessed to be part of the St Martin’s School community. This school has so much to offer

academically, socially and spiritually. Not many schools have the beautiful surrounds that we do. This year

and next, we are taking on a few projects around the school to improve the appearance of our school. The

P&F are helping fund a few of these exciting improvements. Below is a list of some of the things we are

looking at doing, with some examples from other schools.

Soft fall under the P-2 adventure playground (This term)

Painting of poles around school

New paint murals outside Year 1

Deck around the Wishing Tree

Painting the toilet doors

Digging patch in the Valley

Student created art murals

Painting of the steps leading to the library

Labyrinth in the Peaceful Garden

Astro Turf in the Old Assembly Areas

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Some of these projects will happen over the next two terms and the more expensive ones will take a little

longer. So, look out for the new and improved facilities around the school. (Please note, these are just

examples from other schools, not necessarily the designs we will use)

Kylie Anderson (Assistant Principal)


Dear Parents & Carers,

This week, during Monday’s assembly, the Year 6 Spirit Committee,

launched Project Compassion. This is an initiative of Caritas, an

International Aid Organisation for the Catholic Church of Australia. The

theme of Project Compassion this year is A Just Future – focusing on

providing an education for all young people, so that they will be able to

have a quality future. We can support Caritas‘ mission of providing love and compassion by raising money

in our school. To help us do this, our Spirit Committee have created two large displays, in the Dominic

Centre, one an empty classroom, the other a shed in a field. The classroom representing the right to an

education for all and the shed and field representing the opportunity to learn skills, enabling people to

build a better future for themselves. We ask that students do a few extra jobs around the house to earn

some money and then kindly donate it to Project Compassion or perhaps give up having a treat from

tuckshop and donate that money. Every little bit counts. Each week the amount raised will buy certain

objects to fill the classroom and the shed/field. This week, we will endeavour to buy a teacher ($350),

some students ($15 each) and some chickens ($5 each). We thank you in advance for your support.

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Professional Development

Yesterday the staff undertook some professional development in Religious Education with a focus on

Alignment and Assessment. Our Education Officer- Religious Education, Mrs Elizabeth Fort, shared with the

teaching staff, a variety of new resources and gave us a ‘sneak peek’ at a draft copy of a revised addition of

the Achievement Standard.


Learning about Jesus’ life, includes learning about his Jewish background and therefore, each year level

covers an aspect of Jewish life, such as, the Torah and High Holy Days, which are both part of how faith is

lived and celebrated in the lives of believers. Students in Catholic schools are challenged by the increasing

globalisation of today’s world. Through a study of the major world religions, students are given the

opportunity to explore the interrelationships between religion and society, and deepen their understanding

of the home tradition. The study of Judaism in particular,

introduces students to the connections between the

monotheistic religions and encourages dialogue that can lead

to tolerance and understanding. (Brisbane Catholic

Education) This Thursday, our Year 5 students and teachers

are very fortunate to have the opportunity to listen to Dr Ari

Lander, a presenter from the Sydney Jewish Museum. Dr Ari

will speak to the students about the Synagogue and the


Upcoming Masses

Wed 7th March – 3C will attend the 9am Parish Mass

Wed 14th March – 1C will attend the 9am Parish Mass

Family Mass – Thank you to the students and families who attended the Family Mass at Our Lady of Graces

Parish last weekend. It was great to see many of you there.

Sacramental Program

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Just a reminder to those children who will be preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation the workshops

will be as follows:

Session 1: Christian Life & Choices

Option 1: Wed, 28 February, 4pm-6pm

Option 2: Sun, 4 March, 2pm-4pm

Session 2: Forgiveness & Penance Preparation

Option 1: Sun, 11 March, 2pm-4pm

Option 2: Thurs, 15 March, 4pm-6pm.

Have a wonderful week.

Jen Cran (Assistant Principal Religious Education)


Respect for Self

Respect for Others

Respect for Learning

Respect for Property and Place We show respect by speaking and acting with courtesy. We treat others with dignity and

honour the rules of our family, school and nation. Respect yourself, and others will respect



Term 1 Fee Statements were issued Friday 9th February. The due date for payment is the 28th of February.

Thank you to those parents who have already paid their fees, established payment plans or who have

taken the opportunity to pay the year’s fees in advance and obtain the discount being offered. Remember,

this year the School is offering a discount of $100 when all fees and levies are paid in advance for the

year, however, to qualify for the discount, the payment must be received by February 28, 2018.

As always, if parents believe it will be difficult to meet their financial obligation, we ask that you make

contact with me or the Principal to discuss your circumstances as soon as possible. We can then formulate

a plan to assist you in managing your fee payments.

Have a great week.

Karen Merrin Finance Secretary

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Prep 2019

Enrolments for Prep 2019 are now being processed. If you have a sibling due to commence in Prep 2019 please enrol now. Enrol Here

Amanda Parker Enrolments Secretary

Phone: 3900 9101 Email: [email protected]


Congratulations to Kian San Jose who has made the Lytton District under 12’s Basketball Team. Kian will represent the Lytton District team at the Metropolitan East Regional Championships on Wednesday 21st March. Best of Luck Kian.

Lytton District 11 Years Boy’s Rugby League Trial

The Lytton District boy’s rugby league trial will be held Wednesday, 14th March. Trials will be held at the

Carina Leagues Club, Creek Rd from 12pm- 3:00pm. Students who play for a club outside of school, or

have played for a representative team within the last year are eligible to nominate. Students who meet

these requirements and would like to nominate please come and see Miss Maslin by Monday, 5th March.

Emily Maslin HPE Teacher


Last Tuesday the Dominic Centre was transformed into a colourful, vibrant festive piazza where the St

Martin’s community celebrated the highly anticipated Carnevale Day. The morning began with an

informative Carnevale presentation by our year 4, 5 and 6 students, where the community was able to

learn about the origins of Carnevale. Each class from Year 1 to Year 6 then paraded their amazing masks.

The morning continued with Mr O’Leary taking out the first ever St. Martin’s Gelati Eating Competition,

closely followed by Mrs Catalano. Looking around at all of the students, this part of the morning was by far

the most exciting part of our celebrations. It was fantastic to see the whole school community embracing

an aspect of Italian culture with all the smiling, dancing and prancing, which is what Carnevale is all about!

The day went on and the children who ordered Lasagne and Gelato enjoyed it with great gusto. The whole

day was a fabulous, fun-filled experience enjoyed by young and not so old.

I would like to take this opportunity to especially thank all of the parents and families who attended our

Carnevale Day celebrations and also a big thank you to Michelle Lewis and the group of mothers who

donated their time in making our special lunch run as smooth as possible.

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This week on Tuesday, the after school program commenced with our Prep and Year 1 students. I am very

excited to meet the Thursday afterschool group tomorrow.

Buona settimana a tutti

Signora Enza


Sacramental Program

Confirmation 2018 - On Tuesday the 27th of February at 7pm, we will be holding a

Parent meeting for those who would like to enrol their children into the

Sacramental Program and receive their Confirmation this year. The program is

open to all children from Year 3.

If you would like any more information on the Sacramental Program, please contact Shelly (Pastoral

Associate) as per the contact details below.

Kind regards,

Shelly Stone | Pastoral Associate

Our Lady of Graces Parish and the Dominican Fathers 100 Mayfield Road, Carina, QLD 4152 | PO Box 305, Carina, QLD 4152

Phone: 07 3398 2977 | Email: [email protected] | Website:


Please note that delicious “Fish Burgers” have been added to the tuckshop menu for the duration of lent. We have some more event days planned and you will see these shortly on flexischools:

16 March – St Patrick’s Day: lime jelly cups available for morning tea with a chocolate freddo 13 July – Bastille Day: Only ham, cheese & tomato croissants available for lunch

Tuckshop will operate from Wednesday to Friday each week (3 days) in 2018. Orders for Tuckshop are to be made via the Flexischools ordering system by 8.00am each day. All food is of the highest standard and prepared fresh every day, with the exception of Sushi, which is prepared off site.

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Please spread the word that we are in desperate need of volunteers. Please register at Code 67QDF. Lots of points are on offer and it’s a busy but happy atmosphere. I look forward to meeting all those that are willing to volunteer. Should you do so, please remember to tie long hair back and wear closed in shoes as this is a WH&S requirement. Also, please be sure to sign in at the office. IMPORTANT: As advised in flexi-schools, please do not order ice blocks if your child is in prep. Thank you.

Michelle Lewis Tuckshop Convenor

[email protected]


UNIFORM SHOP Opening Hours Tuesday 8.15am – 9.15am – Thursday 2.30pm – 3.30pm Delivery of Uniform Shop orders placed on Flexi-schools - Orders made any time from Thursday 2.30pm until Monday 12.00am (midnight), will be packed for you when the shop is open on Tuesday morning. Items will be sent home with your child in the satchel either the same day or the following day. If you order any time from Tuesday 8.00am until Thursday 2.30pm, orders will be packed for you when the shop is open on Thursday afternoon. Items will be sent home with your child in the satchel either the same day or the following day. Uniform Shop open hours are Tuesday 8.15am - 9.15am AND Thursday 2.30pm - 3.30pm. Uniform Shop is located on the ground floor, behind the statue of St. Martin. PLEASE LABEL ALL UNIFORMS, LUNCH BOXES AND DRINK BOTTLES WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME SO THAT IF AN ITEM IS MISPLACED, IT CAN BE RETURNED TO ITS OWNER.

Michelle Lewis Uniform Shop Convenor

[email protected]


New School Banking rewards now available! Exciting new Term 1 rewards are now available, while stocks last!

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Twister Power Handball Secret Scratch Pad

For every deposit made at school students will receive an electronic Dollarmites token. Once students have individually collected 10 tokens they can redeem them for exclusive School Banking reward items in recognition of their regular savings habits. There are two new items released each term so be sure to keep an eye out for them!

Thank you for supporting the School Banking program and remember, School Banking day is every Tuesday.

Elena Power School Banking Coordinator

0407 764 864 We currently have the following unnamed items in Lost Property:

1 small size Seniors 2017 sports shirt

2 towels

4 small umbrellas

29 water bottles

1 pair of small Clarks school shoes with St Martin’s socks

10 baseball style caps

5 freezer discs

4 lunch containers

2 head bands and 1 scrunchie We also currently have the following items of lost property in the school office:

2 watches

1 necklace

1 pair of glasses


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Coles Sports for Schools

We are currently setting this up for our school and will provide more details in the

coming weeks. Please start collecting the vouchers.

SAVE THE DATE - Literacy Solutions

Tuesday March 27, 6:30 – 8:00pm

Literacy Solutions is an experienced team of early literacy experts based in Brisbane, who specialise in

supporting educators and schools to deliver quality instruction and improve teaching practice and student


They will be holding an information meeting for St Martins’ families on learning to read and literacy skills.

More information to be shared over the coming weeks!

Matthew Bloxsom President 2018

Anna Hussey

Communications Coordinator Email – [email protected]


If you are looking for a local business with a connection to our school and the community, please check our school website and look at our new St Martin’s Community Business Directory. You can also register your business on the directory by emailing our P&F email address at [email protected]


Facebook is a fantastic way for the P&F to deliver news and important reminders within our school community. Please ‘like’ the page, and also make sure you join our private Facebook year level GROUP pages. These pages were specifically set up for all parents and carers in each year level to share important information and plan social events. If you cannot find the individual page links, please email us and we will help you. The P&F Facebook page link is below…

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PPP POINTS - (Parent Participation Plan - CAREBOOKINGS)

Please don’t forget to regularly log on to the carebookings website to volunteer for Tuckshop, Uniform shop, Banking, Working Bees, Grandparent’s Day etc. There are many ways to earn your 100 points (100 volunteer points per year, per family is the goal). More choices will be added every week so keep checking if you cannot see your chosen event roster. Thanks so much!! Instructions below: - 1. Go to the website 2. Enter the St Martin's School booking code: 67QDF…. and click Go. 3. Click on your name or follow the prompts to enter your details. 4. Select a date and time from the roster and click Go. 5. A green highlighted tick will now be showing against the date and time you selected.


If you are a St Martin's family that is currently experiencing hardship due to a loss, serious illness or family crisis, please email our “P&F Family Care team”. We care deeply for all St Martin's families and would like you all to know that we are here for you if a situation arises that causes your family significant stress. We hope St Martin’s families feel that they can email our team when they need help. Our 2018 co-ordinators are Jen Foreman and Petrina Brown, and they will take appropriate action depending on each individual situation and offer you non-judgemental, confidential support. Email: - [email protected]