datasheet tms atm management & monitoring portfolio … · fast, real-time automation of...

Transaction Management is a unique and versatile ‘all-in-one’ pack that includes Electronic Journal (EJ) Retrieval and Transaction Investigation Console with the option of Camera Image Retrieval. Fast, real-time automation of time-consuming manual processes results in efficient and reliable insight into transactions to support customer enquiries, fraud investigations and audits. Transaction Management: “Electronic journal and camera image intelligence” Time to read 5 min. Datasheet Transaction Management Transaction Management pack includes the following modules: • Electronic Journal (EJ) Retrieval EJ data is uploaded to the central server, either streamed in real- time or scheduled at regular intervals, according to the bank’s requirements. The EJ data is then scanned automatically, split into transaction fields and converted into an easy-to-read format and securely stored so that it can be located quickly and easily with a user-friendly search facility. EJ data is a very intelligent source of information on its own, but EJ data combined with camera images taken during the transaction provides a valuable record of ATM transactions. EJ Retrieval supports all types of network ranging from low to high bandwidth. TMS’s unique data transfer protocol tailors how the data is compressed, packaged and transferred to ensure maximum speed and efficiency for each individual ATM network bandwidth. It also TMS ATM Management & Monitoring portfolio Dashboard + Diagnostics + Analytics & Reporting + Issues Management + Mobile App Inventory Management Electronic Journal (EJ) Retrieval Software Distribution Cash Level Monitoring Security Kit Monitoring ATM Monitoring Camera Image Retrieval Media Management Cash Forecasting Profile Management Incident Management Transaction Investigation Console Cash Balancing Cash Reconciliation Access Security ATM Location Analysis ATM Fraud Detection & Response Log Centre ATM Management Transaction Management Cash Management Security Management Software Software Delivery Management Electronic Journal (EJ) Retrieval Camera Image Retrieval Transaction Investigation Console Transaction Management 1 © TMS ATM Software 2018. All Rights Reserved.

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Page 1: Datasheet TMS ATM Management & Monitoring portfolio … · Fast, real-time automation of time-consuming manual processes results in effi cient and reliable insight into transactions

Transaction Management is a unique and versatile ‘all-in-one’ pack that includes Electronic Journal (EJ) Retrieval and Transaction Investigation Console with

the option of Camera Image Retrieval.

Fast, real-time automation of time-consuming manual processesresultsinefficientandreliableinsightinto

transactions to support customer enquiries, fraud investigations and audits.

Transaction Management:“Electronic journal and camera image intelligence”

Time to read 5 min.

DatasheetTransaction Management

Transaction Management pack includes the following modules:

• Electronic Journal (EJ) Retrieval EJ data is uploaded to the central server, either streamed in real-timeorscheduledatregularintervals,accordingtothebank’srequirements. The EJ data is then scanned automatically, split into transactionfieldsandconvertedintoaneasy-to-readformatandsecurelystoredsothatitcanbelocatedquicklyandeasilywithauser-friendly search facility.

EJdataisaveryintelligentsourceofinformationonitsown,butEJdatacombinedwithcameraimagestakenduringthetransactionprovidesavaluablerecordofATMtransactions.EJRetrievalsupportsalltypesofnetworkrangingfromlowtohighbandwidth.TMS’s unique data transfer protocol tailors how the data is compressed, packaged and transferred to ensure maximum speed andefficiencyforeachindividualATMnetworkbandwidth.Italso


Dashboard + Diagnostics + Analytics & Reporting + Issues Management + Mobile App

Inventory Management

Electronic Journal (EJ) Retrieval

Software Distribution

Cash Level Monitoring

Security Kit Monitoring

ATM Monitoring

Camera Image Retrieval

Media Management

Cash Forecasting

Profile Management

Incident Management

Transaction Investigation Console

Cash Balancing

Cash Reconciliation

Access Security

ATM Location Analysis

ATM Fraud Detection & Response

Log Centre

ATM Management

Transaction Management

Cash Management

Security Management


Software Delivery


© TMS ATM Software 2019. All Rights Reserved.

Dashboard + Diagnostics + Analytics & Reporting

Electronic Journal (EJ) Retrieval

Camera Image Retrieval

Transaction Investigation Console

Transaction Management

Dashboard + Diagnostics + Analytics & Reporting + Issues Management + Mobile App

Inventory Management

Electronic Journal (EJ) Retrieval

Software Distribution

Cash Level Monitoring

Security Kit Monitoring

ATM Monitoring

Camera Image Retrieval

Media Management

Cash Forecasting

Profile Management

Incident Management

Transaction Investigation Console

Cash Balancing

Cash Reconciliation

Access Security

ATM Location Analysis

ATM Fraud Detection & Response

Log Centre

ATM Management

Transaction Management

Cash Management

Security Management


Software Delivery


© TMS ATM Software 2019. All Rights Reserved.


Page 2: Datasheet TMS ATM Management & Monitoring portfolio … · Fast, real-time automation of time-consuming manual processes results in effi cient and reliable insight into transactions

tracks and monitors all transmission processes to ensure successful completion of the EJ data upload.

• Camera Image Retrieval CameraImageRetrievalsupportsuptofourcamerasononeATM(includingfasciaandcashslot)andlinksuptotwentyATMcamerapictures per transaction to the EJ transaction data for fast and accurate resolution of customer enquiries, fraud investigations and audits.Eachcameraimageisembeddedwithinthetransactioninformation, with transaction ID, date and transaction step. Camera Image Retrieval can also instantly and remotely send a commandtotakeaphotographattheATManduploadittothecentral server for analysis and investigation.

• Transaction Investigation Console The Transaction investigation console presents the EJ data, togetherwithembeddedcameraimagesifrequired,inaveryuser-friendly,readableformat.Thereisaneasy-to-usesearchfacilityusing any transaction information such as Customer Name, Card Number(whichissecurelymasked)andATMID.Thishelpsthebankto reduce the time and resources needed to provide fast customer service.

Features included in all Transaction Management modules:

• Dashboard Centralised ‘one-look’ dashboard views of the real-time status of allATMsinthenetwork,withsecureaccessandaudittrail.Viewsdependonthepacksinstalled,andcanincludeATMsinservice,ATMcashlevels,ATMincidents,ATMrankingbytransactionvolume,ATMtransactionhistoryandATMsecurityalerts.

• Diagnostics CommandsaresenttotheATMtocheck the status of a device or

re-set the device.

• Analytics&Reporting Accurateanddetailed information on ATM status, uptime, performanceandtransactionscombinedwitheasy-to-usesearchfacility and data export.

• Issues Management Automaticallygenerates alertsonincidentsforfastandefficient

escalation and tracking until resolution.

• MobileApp In addition to alerts via email and SMS, real-time monitoring and


Datasheet Transaction Management

2© TMS ATM Software 2018. All Rights Reserved.

Page 3: Datasheet TMS ATM Management & Monitoring portfolio … · Fast, real-time automation of time-consuming manual processes results in effi cient and reliable insight into transactions

Datasheet Transaction Management

‘One-look’ dashboard views with accurate and detailed information on the real-time status of all ATMs

Mobile notifi cation of a specifi c ATM event

Overview alert: location, type, history




Page 4: Datasheet TMS ATM Management & Monitoring portfolio … · Fast, real-time automation of time-consuming manual processes results in effi cient and reliable insight into transactions

TMS GlobalRandstad21–391314BGAlmereThe Netherlands

Phone:[email protected]

Embrace control.

Datasheet Transaction Management

Operationalefficiencyandcostsavings• Centralised,‘’onelook’’dashboardviewofEJdataandcameraimages• Automatedinformationretrievalreplacestheneedfortime-consumingmanualprocesses• AuthorisedaccesstoEJdataandcameraimagesaccordingtoneedsorprivileges.Forexamplebyheadoffice orbranch;byregion,zoneorcity

Optimal customer service• AutomatedEJdataandcameraimageretrievalresultsinfastandreliableresolutionofcustomerenquiries

Fastandreliabledataandimageupload• Data compression, packaging and transfer tailored for each individual network

Security and Compliance• Data Encryption Standard (DES) encrypts EJ data and camera images• MessageAuthenticationCode(MAC)protectsdataintegrity• AutomaticmaskingofcardnumberssupportsPCI-DSScompliancerequirements• TMSATMSoftwarehasbeenpenetrationtestedandcertifiedby


4© TMS ATM Software 2018. All Rights Reserved.