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1  Introduction to Oracle 9i Data Guard Manager Prepared by the Oracle High Availability Product Group June, 2001

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Introduction to Oracle 9i Data Guard Manager

Prepared by the Oracle High Availability Product Group

June, 2001

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Table of Contents

ORACLE DATA GUARD MANAGER............................................................................8

Welcome to Oracle Data Guard Manager ................................................ ................................ 8

How Does Oracle Data Guard Manager Work? ................................................ .......................9

What are Configuration, Site, and Resource Objects?................................ .............................. 10

Getting Started.................................................. ........................................................ ............ 11

Before You Get Started.............................................................................................................................................11

Discovering Nodes .....................................................................................................................................................12

To discover nodes: ................................................................................................................................................12

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................12

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................12

Discovering Data Guard Configurations ...............................................................................................................13

To discover Data Guard configurations: .............................................................................................................13

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................13

Create Configuration Wizard Setup Requirements............................................................................................14

Requirements for All Configurations..................................................................................................................14


Additional Requirements When Creating a New Standby Database................................................................14

Creating a Data Guard Configuration....................................................................................................................16

To start the Create Configuration Wizard:..........................................................................................................16

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................16

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................16Connect to a Data Guard Configuration.................................................................................................................17

To connect to a Data Guard configuration: .......................................................................................................17

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................17

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................17

Enabling or Disabling Configuration Objects ......................................................................................................18

To enable or disable a configuration or an object in the configuration:..........................................................18

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................18

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................18

Using Data Guard Manager....................................................................................... ............ 19

Change the Database that you Connect Through.................................................................................................19

Changing the Health Check Interval......................................................................................................................20

To edit the health check interval:........................................................................................................................20

Changing the State of a Data Guard Configuration.............................................................................................21

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................21

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................21

Changing the State of a Database Resource .........................................................................................................22

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To change the state of a database resource:.........................................................................................................22

To change the standby database resource to be read-only:..................................................................................22

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................22

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................22

Changing the State of a Site .....................................................................................................................................23

To change the state of a site: ................................................................................................................................23

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................23

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................23

Checking the Log Transport Status (LogXPTStatus) Property .......................................................................24

To check the status of the LogXPTStatus property: .............................................................................................24

Checking Which Log Files Have Not Been Shipped...........................................................................................25

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................25

Checking Which Logs Have Been Received.........................................................................................................26

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................26

Deleting a Data Guard Configuration ....................................................................................................................27

To delete a Data Guard configuration:...............................................................................................................27Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................27

Disconnecting from a Data Guard Configuration................................................................................................28

Editing a Configuration.............................................................................................................................................29

To edit a Data Guard configuration:..................................................................................................................29

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................29

Editing a Database Resource....................................................................................................................................30

To edit a database resource: .................................................................................................................................30

Editing a Site ...............................................................................................................................................................31

To edit a site: ........................................................................................................................................................31

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................31Refreshing the View..................................................................................................................................................32

Registering Events.....................................................................................................................................................33

Removing a Configuration from Data Guard Manager .......................................................................................34

To remove a Data Guard configuration:.............................................................................................................34

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................34

Verifying a Data Guard Configuration ..................................................................................................................35

To verify a Data Guard configuration:...............................................................................................................35

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................35

Displaying Information about Objects ................. ............................ ............................ ............ 36

General Tab - Database Resource ...........................................................................................................................36Usage Notes: ...................................................................................................................................................36

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................36

General Tab - Data Guard Configuration ..............................................................................................................37

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................37

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................37

General Tab - Site ......................................................................................................................................................39

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................39

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Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................39

Properties Tab - Data Guard Configuration..........................................................................................................40

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................40

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................40

Properties Tab - Database Resource ......................................................................................................................41

Log Files Tab - Database Resource.........................................................................................................................42

To display Log Files tab for the primary database:.............................................................................................42

To display Log Files tab for the standby database: .............................................................................................42

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................42

Standby Instance Dialog............................................................................................................................................43

To enter an alternate name for the standby instance: .........................................................................................43

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................43

View Initialization Parameter File Dialog .............................................................................................................44

View LISTENER.ORA Dialog ..................................................................................................................................45

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................45

View Log Dialog .........................................................................................................................................................46To start the View Log dialog: ...............................................................................................................................46

To temporarily stop the updating of log text in the window:..............................................................................46

To close the View Log dialog:..............................................................................................................................46

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................46

Creating and Managing the Configuration ........... ............................ ............................ ............ 47

Create Configuration Wizard - Welcome .............................................................................................................47

Create Configuration Wizard - Configuration Name .........................................................................................48

To name the Data Guard configuration: ............................................................................................................48

Create Configuration Wizard - Primary Database..............................................................................................49

To select a primary database: ...............................................................................................................................49

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................49

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................49

Create Configuration Wizard - Connect to Primary Database .........................................................................50

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................50

Create Configuration Wizard - Add Existing Standby Database.......................................................................51

To select a standby database:................................................................................................................................51

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................51

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................51

Create Configuration Wizard - Summary Page...................................................................................................52

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................52Create Configuration Wizard - Standby Database Creation Method...............................................................53

If you choose to create a new standby database:..................................................................................................53

If you choose to add an existing standby database: ............................................................................................53

Create Configuration Wizard - Standby Database Type .....................................................................................54

Create Configuration Wizard - Standby Oracle Home.......................................................................................55

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................55

Create Configuration Wizard - Datafile Copy Method........................................................................................56

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Choosing the Recovery Manager (RMAN) method: ...........................................................................................56

Choosing the operating system (OS) method: .....................................................................................................56

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................56

Create Configuration Wizard - Datafile Copy Location .....................................................................................57

Information Required for the RMAN copy method.................................................................................................57

Information Required for Both the OS and the RMAN copy methods ...................................................................57

Create Configuration Wizard - Options................................................................................................................58

Standby instance name ........................................................................................................................................58

Standby initialization file...................................................................................................................................58

Standby LISTENER.ORA file ............................................................................................................................58

Standby database SYSDBA password ..................................................................................................................59

Shutdown primary database prior to datafile copy checkbox .............................................................................59

Create Configuration Wizard - Progress Dialog ................................................................................................60

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................60

Events..................................................... ........................................................ ..................... 61

Data Guard - Actual Apply Delay.............................................................................................................................61

Data Guard - Data Not Applied.................................................................................................................................62

Data Guard - Logs Not Applied ................................................................................................................................63

Data Guard - Logs Not Shipped................................................................................................................................64

Data Guard - Potential Data Loss ............................................................................................................................65

Data Guard - Status....................................................................................................................................................66

Reference Topics ....................................................... ....................................................... ... 67

Configuration States .................................................................................................................................................67

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................67

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................67

Configuration Status .................................................................................................................................................68

Connect Information Dialog Box.............................................................................................................................69

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................69

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................69

Critical Database Resource Properties .................................................................................................................71

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................71

Database Resource States ........................................................................................................................................72

Usage Notes ..............................................................................................................................................................72

Related Topics ..........................................................................................................................................................72

Exit Command.............................................................................................................................................................73

To exit from Data Guard Manager: ....................................................................................................................73

File Menu.....................................................................................................................................................................74

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................74


Help Menu....................................................................................................................................................................76

Data Guard Main Window.........................................................................................................................................77

Navigator Menu ..........................................................................................................................................................78

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Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................78

Noncritical Database Resource Properties ...........................................................................................................79

Related Topics ..........................................................................................................................................................79

Object Menu................................................................................................................................................................80

Setting Preferred Credentials .................................................................................................................................81

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................81

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................81

Site States ....................................................................................................................................................................82

Using the Operating System (OS) Method............................................................................................................83

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................83

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................83

Using the Recovery Manager (RMAN) Method....................................................................................................84

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................84

Valid Oracle Identifiers ............................................................................................................................................85

Troubleshooting ................................................ ........................................................ ............ 86

Cleaning Up After A Failed or Canceled Configuration Creation....................................................................86

On the primary node: ...........................................................................................................................................86

On the standby node: ...........................................................................................................................................86

Error and Status Messages ......................................................................................................................................87

Progress Dialog When Creating a New Standby Database................................................................................88

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................88

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................88

Progress Dialog When Adding an Existing Standby Database .........................................................................89

Usage Notes.....................................................................................................................................................89

Related Topics ................................................................................................................................................89

ARCHIVEDESTDEPENDENCY PROPERTY..............................................................90

Usage Notes ..............................................................................................................................................................90


Usage Notes ..............................................................................................................................................................91

CONFIGURING THE STANDBY ENVIRONMENT..................................................92

COPYING DATAFILES...................................................................................................93

CREATING THE DATA GUARD CONFIGURATION ...............................................95

FALCLIENT PROPERTY...............................................................................................96

Usage Notes ..............................................................................................................................................................96

FALSERVER PROPERTY..............................................................................................97

Usage Notes ..............................................................................................................................................................97

LOGARCHIVEDESTOPTIONS PROPERTY...............................................................98

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Usage Notes ..............................................................................................................................................................98

LOGARCHIVETRACE PROPERTY.............................................................................99

Usage Notes ..............................................................................................................................................................99

LOGXPTSTATUS PROPERTY.....................................................................................100

MOUNTING PRIMARY DATABASE.........................................................................101

OPENING PRIMARY DATABASE.............................................................................102


Usage Notes ............................................................................................................................................................103

RENAMING DATAFILES............................................................................................104

RETRIEVING LISTENER CONFIGURATION FILE...............................................105

SHUTTING DOWN PRIMARY DATABASE.............................................................106

STANDBYARCHIVEDEST PROPERTY....................................................................107

Usage Notes ............................................................................................................................................................107

STANDBYFILEMANAGEMENT PROPERTY..........................................................108

Usage Notes ............................................................................................................................................................108

STARTING THE PHYSICAL STANDBY DATABASE..............................................109

VERIFYING PRIMARY ENVIRONMENT................................................................110

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Oracle Data Guard Manager

Welcome to Oracle Data Guard Manager 

Oracle9i Data Guard is the most commonly used and most effective means of achieving fast and safe

disaster recovery and recovery from user errors and mistakes. A key component of Oracle9i Data Guard is

Oracle9i Data Guard Manager, an easy-to-use graphical user interface that automates many of the tasks

involved in creating, administering, and monitoring one or more Oracle9i Data Guard configurations. 

Oracle9i Data Guard Manager is a part of the Data Guard component called the broker, which is the

management framework that centralizes and automates many of the tasks involved in configuring and

maintaining an Oracle9i Data Guard configuration. 

As the figure shows, Oracle9i Data Guard Manager works through the broker to easily create and monitor

a two-node Data Guard environment from a single management interface. Oracle9i Data Guard Manager: 

Automates the tasks involved in setting up and managing a standby database environment. 

Is integrated with Oracle Enterprise Manager to provide enhanced monitoring, alert, and control

mechanisms for all systems in a Data Guard configuration 

Allows you to change the state of a Data Guard configuration. For example, you can enable or disable

the sites and database resource objects in the configuration. 

Provides a way to change the value of database resource properties. For example, you can change

some of the attributes of the log transport services such as the location of archived redo log files

arriving from a primary database. 

Once configured, Data Guard Manager provides monitoring capabilities so you can oversee the entire

configuration from a single management interface. Plus, you can use the Oracle Enterprise Manager JobScheduling services to automate standard and repetitive tasks, such as executing a SQL script or running

an operating system program on your primary and standby databases.

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How Does Oracle Data Guard Manager Work? 

The purpose of the Data Guard Manager is to configure, monitor, and control site objects and resource

objects within a Data Guard configuration. The graphical-user interface makes it easy for you to manage

all the objects in a Data Guard configuration. Database administrators can use it to create a Data Guardconfiguration, and then control and monitor the entire configuration and all of its resource objects from any

site in the configuration. 

Data Guard Manager automates and simplifies the configuration of the primary and standby sites and

databases, and transmittal of archived redo logs. It groups together two or more sites to form a

configuration that is manageable by the Data Guard broker. Once configured, Data Guard Manager

provides automatic monitoring capabilities of all sites and resources in the configuration. For example,when you are ready to control a database resource with Data Guard Manager, you enable that resource in

Data Guard Manager. An enabled resource is one that is actively controlled and monitored by the broker.

Through Data Guard Manager, you can enable resources, sites, or the entire configuration.

Once you place the primary and standby databases into a Data Guard configuration, be sure to use only

Data Guard Manager (or the Data Guard command-line interface) to perform standby-related

management operations. This will ensure the configuration state remains consistent. However, there may

be times when you need to disable an object in the Data Guard configuration to make the brokerrelinquish its control of a site, a resource, or the entire configuration itself. For example, you would disable

a database to perform routine maintenance on it. Through Data Guard Manager, you can disable

resources, sites, or the entire configuration.

In addition to configuring and monitoring resources, Data Guard Manager allows you to control resources,

such as turning on or shutting off the log transport services on the primary database. This is known as

changing a resource’s state. A state represents a mode of operation. Each resource can be in two

general states, OFFLINE or ONLINE: 

If a resource’s state is OFFLINE, the resource has been turned off. 

If a resource is ONLINE, the resource is operating and performing a designated activity.  

Through Data Guard Manager, you can change the state of resources, sites, or the entire configuration.

See the Oracle9i Data Guard Broker documentation for complete information about managing objects in

a Data Guard configuration.

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What are Configuration, Site, and Resource Objects? 

A Data Guard configuration represents a logical grouping of objects—sites and resources —that can be

configured, controlled, and monitored with Data Guard Manager. 

A configuration is a named collection of sites and the resources that those sites contain. It is at thehighest level in the hierarchy of objects managed by the Data Guard Manager. 

A site is a logical collection of resource objects. Minimally, a site contains one Oracle database

resource. A site is at the middle level in the hierarchy of objects managed by the Data Guard

Manager. Two sites can be grouped together to form a Data Guard configuration. However, only

one site can operate in the primary role and one site can operate in the standby role. A site does

not include physical objects, such as hardware platforms and networks. 

A resource corresponds to a primary or standby database. Each resource is predictably and

consistently managed by Data Guard Manager. The broker uses the database resource object to

manage and control the state of a single database, and the log transport and log apply services.A resource is at the lowest level in the hierarchy of objects managed by Data Guard Manager.

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Getting Started

Before You Get Started  

Before you begin using Data Guard Manager, make sure the hardware and software environment is set

up as follows: 

If you already have a configuration to manage, ensure the Data Guard configuration meets the

operational requirements specified in the Oracle9i Data Guard Concepts and Administration  


If you are going to create a new configuration, set up the primary database according to the

instructions in the Oracle9i Data Guard Concepts and Administration documentation. 

Also, see Setup Requirements for a checklist that will help you ensure the environment is properly


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Discovering Data Guard Configurations  

You can use the Discovery Wizard in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console to discover existing Data

Guard configurations; then refresh the Data Guard Manager window to see them in the tree view. 

To discover Data Guard configurations:  

From the Navigator menu In the Enterprise Manager Console, choose Discover Nodes. The Console

starts the Discovery Wizard. 

Follow the steps in the Discovery Wizard, adding nodes that contain the configurations you want to

discover and subsequently access with Data Guard Manager. Click Finish. 

From the Data Guard Manager console, collapse and expand the Data Guard Configurations

container in the tree view: 

To collapse the tree view, click the '-' to the left of Data Guard Configurations. 

To expand the tree view, click the '+' to the left of Data Guard Configurations. 

By refreshing the window in this way, all accessible Data Guard configurations on the nodes you

specified are displayed in Data Guard Manager. 

Related Topics 

For more information about Enterprise Manager and discovering nodes, see the Oracle Enterprise

Manager help. 

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Create Configuration Wizard Setup Requirements  

Before the Create Configuration wizard steps you through the process of creating a Data Guard

configuration, you must ensure some basic configuration requirements have been met on the primary

and standby nodes. 

Requirements for All Configurations  

Whether you plan to have the wizard create a new standby database or add an existing standby

database, the following tasks must be completed to ensure a successful configuration creation: 

Task  Comments 

Verify the software release  The primary and standby databases must be Oracle9i Enterprise

Edition release 9.0.1 or later: 

If you plan to add an existing standby database, it must be an

Oracle9i Enterprise Edition database. 

If you plan to create a new standby database, you must have

installed Oracle9i Enterprise Edition on the standby node. Configure the primarydatabase 

The primary database must be configured with a remote loginpassword file so you can connect to it from Enterprise Manager

with SYSDBA privileges. The wizard requires that you connect to the

primary as a user with SYSDBA privileges. In order to do this, there

must be an Oracle Net listener running on the primary node that is

listening for the primary database on a TCP address. 

Configure the standby

database, if necessary If you plan to add an existing standby database, the standby

database must meet the same requirements above for the primary

database. If you plan to have the wizard create the standby, you do

not need to do this step. 

Start the Intelligent Agent

on the primary and standby


See the Oracle Enterprise Manager documentation for more


Discover the primary and

standby nodes using the

Discovery Wizard 

Discovering the primary node identifies the primary database.

Discovering the standby node identifies either the standby

database (if it exists) or the Oracle home where you plan to create

the standby database (if creating a new standby). See DiscoveringNodes. 

Additional Requirements When Creating a New Standby Database  

If you plan to have the wizard create a new standby database, ensure the following additional

tasks have been performed: Task  Comments 

Verify the

location of thelistener.ora file

on the standby


The wizard automatically modifies the standby node's listener

configuration file. The wizard assumes that it will find a listenerconfiguration file in the default location

($ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora on UNIX platforms)

of the standby Oracle home that you choose for the new standby

database. While this is the standard s ituation for a Oracle

installation, ensure that the file exists in the standby Oracle home

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prior to beginning. 

Set Preferred

Credentials on

the primary and

standby nodes 

See Setting Preferred Credentials. 

Decide on a

method forcopying datafiles

to the standby


Part of the creation process involves copying the primary database

datafiles to the standby node. There are two methods to do this: theOracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) or an operating system (OS)

copy. Each method has its own setup requirements that apply only

when the primary and the standby are on different systems. 

If you use RMAN (the default method), verify the RMAN

copy preparation. See Using the Recovery Manager

(RMAN) Method. 

If you use OS copy, verify the remote access. See Using

the Operating System (OS) Method. 

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Creating a Data Guard Configuration  

Creating a configuration is the first thing you must do before you can manage or monitor Data Guard sites

and resources. Data Guard Manager provides the Create Configuration Wizard to help you create a Data

Guard configuration that includes a primary database and one standby database. Before you start the Create Configuration Wizard, make sure the Data Guard environment is properly

prepared. See Before You Get Started. 

To start the Create Configuration Wizard:  

Use any one of the following methods: 

Click the Create Configuration Wizard icon on the toolbar. 

In the tree view, right-click the Data Guard Configurations container and select Create Configuration


On the Object menu, select Create Configuration Wizard. See Create Configuration Wizard -

Welcome for more information about providing input to the wizard. 

Usage Notes 

You can create multiple Data Guard configurations in the same Data Guard Manager window. Eachconfiguration must have a unique primary database and standby database. There is no limit on

the number of Data Guard configurations that you can configure and monitor from Oracle Data

Guard Manager. 

When you complete the Create Configuration Wizard, Data Guard Manager opens a window to

display the progress of the operation. 

When the Create Configuration Wizard completes, you must connect to the Data Guard configuration.

See Connect to a Data Guard Configuration. 

When the Create Configuration Wizard completes, the Data Guard configuration is disabled. You

must enable it to start managing the Data Guard configuration. See Enabling or Disabling

Configuration Objects. 

When the Create Configuration Wizard completes, a To Do list is displayed that contains several

tasks that you must complete. 

Related Topics 

Before You Get Started 

Create Configuration Wizard - Welcome 

Create Configuration Wizard - Setup Requirements  

Cleaning Up After A Failed or Canceled Configuration Creation 

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Connect to a Data Guard Configuration  

You must be connected to a Data Guard configuration to control and monitor it.

To connect to a Data Guard configuration:  

Create the configuration with the Create Configuration Wizard. 

Invoke the Data Guard Configuration Connect Information dialog box. There are several ways to

invoke the dialog box:  

Click the '+' to the left of the configuration to which you want to connect. 

Or, select the configuration to which you want to connect and click the Connect button on the

property page that pops up in the right-hand pane. 

Or, double-click the configuration to which you want to connect. 

Or, select the configuration to which you want to connect, and then on the Object menu, click


The Data Guard Configuration Connect Information dialog box pops up in which you supplyinformation to make a connection. 

Enter the data required by the Data Guard Configuration Connect Information Dialog Box to connect to

the configuration. 

Usage Notes 

You can connect to multiple configurations concurrently in the same Data Guard Manager window. 

You can reconnect to the Data Guard configuration to which you are already connected in order to

change the database that you connect through. For example, if you want to change your

connection to be through the primary database instead of through the standby database, or vice


If the configuration to which you are connecting was discovered using the Enterprise Manager

Console Discovery Wizard, and you saved your connection credentials by checking the EnterpriseManager Preferred Credentials check box, then the connection will be automatic. The Data Guard

Configuration Connect Information dialog box will not pop up; you will not need to specify a user

name, password, or configuration. Once set, you can modify or remove the Preferred Credentials

through the Enterprise Manager Console Configuration Preferences menu. 

To connect to configurations that were not created in your current Enterprise Manager repository, you

must discover those configurations using the Enterprise Manager Discovery Wizard. See the

Oracle Enterprise Manager online help for more information. 

Related Topics 

Starting the Create Configuration Wizard 

Data Guard Configuration Connect Information Dialog Box 

Change the Database that you Connect Through 

Disconnect from a Data Guard Configuration 

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Enabling or Disabling Configuration Objects  

You must enable the objects in a Data Guard configuration before you can manage or monitor the

configuration with Data Guard Manager. Conversely, you disable a configuration if you no longer want to

manage it with Data Guard Manager. When you disable a configuration, all of its site objects and resourceobjects are also disabled. 

To enable or disable a configuration or an object in the configuration:  

You can enable or disable the entire configuration, or each site and resource individually, as follows: 

Right-click the object (configuration, site, or database resource) in the tree view and selectEnable/Disable from the menu. Or, select the object that you want to enable/disable, and

then on the Object menu, click Enable/Disable. 

Click Yes in the pop-up dialog to confirm the enable or disable operation. Data Guard Manager

displays the progress of the operation as it proceeds. 

Data Guard Manager displays its progress as it enables or disables a Data Guard configuration,

a site, or a database resource. You can click Show Details to display detailed information

as the operation proceeds. The progress dialog window expands and displays all of the

output from the Data Guard configuration log as the server performs the enable or disable

operation. Click Hide Details to hide the details of the operation. 

Click Close when processing has completed to close the progress dialog. 

Usage Notes 

You cannot individually enable or disable a primary site. 

Click Cancel to cancel the progress dialog window; clicking Cancel does not cancel or stop an

enable/disable operation that is in progress. The server continues and completes the

enable/disable operation. 

The Cancel button changes to be the Close button when processing completes. 

Verify the new enabled or disabled state of the configuration by viewing the Summary section. To

view the configuration summary, click the configuration name and click the General Tab. 

If a problem occurs during an enable or disable operation, click Show Details to view the error

messages that are displayed in the progress dialog window. See the Oracle9i Error 

Messages and the Oracle9i Data Guard Broker documentation for more information about

ORA error messages. 

Once you enable a configuration, you can access and manage it from any site in the

configuration. Once you access and manage objects, be sure to use only Data Guard

Manager (or the Data Guard command-line interface) to perform Data Guard related

management operations on the primary and standby databases. This is necessary so that

your configuration is updated appropriately. 

When you enable a configuration for the first time, it will be put into the online state. 

Related Topics 

Configuration States 

Database Resource States  

Site States 

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Using Data Guard Manager

Change the Database that you Connect Through  

You do not have to disconnect in order to reconnect through a different database. 

For example, if you are already connected through the standby database and you want to connect through

the primary database: 

Use any of the methods described to Connect to a Data Guard Configuration. 

In the Data Guard Configuration Connect Information dialog box, select the database from the

Connect Through menu. 

Specify the username and password for the database you selected 

Click OK. 

Data Guard Manager automatically connects you to the database you selected.

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Changing the Health Check Interval  

You can change the health check interval to specify how frequently the Data Guard broker should check

the actual status of the sites in the configuration. 

To edit the health check interval:  

In the tree view, select the configuration. 

In the right-hand pane, click the Properties tab. 

Specify a value in units of seconds, minutes, or hours. By default, Data Guard Manager sets the

health check interval to 1 minute. You can specify any value between 15 seconds and 168 hours

(which is the equivalent of 7 days), or you can disable it by clicking to remove the checkmark in

the check box. 

Click Apply.

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Changing the State of a Data Guard Configuration  

To change the state of the Data Guard configuration: 

Make sure that you are connected to the Data Guard configuration through the primary database. See

Change the Database that you Connect Through. In the tree view, select the configuration. 

In the right-hand pane, select the desired configuration state. 

Click Apply. If you are changing the state to offline, Data Guard Manager displays a pop-up dialog to

confirm that you want to change the state of the configuration. 

Click Yes to apply the change. (Note that this operation may take awhile.) 

Usage Notes 

You must be connected through the primary database to change the state of a Data Guard

configuration, primary site, or primary database resource from online to offline. 

Taking the configuration, primary site, or primary database resource offline will perform a shutdown

immediate and a startup nomount of the primary database. 

You cannot change state if the configuration is disabled. 

Related Topics 

Change the Database that you Connect Through 

Change the State of a Data Guard Configuration 

Configuration States 

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Changing the State of a Database Resource  

You can change the state of any database resource. 

To change the state of a database resource:  

In the tree view, select the database resource. 

In the right-hand property sheet, click Online, Paused, or Offline , as desired, and click Apply. 

If you are changing the state of the primary database resource to offline, click Yes in the pop-up dialog

box that displays to confirm that you want to change the state of the database resource. 

To change the standby database resource to be read-only:  

In the tree view, select the standby database resource. 

Change the state to Paused. This stops the log apply services. 

In the Read-Only dialog box, click the down arrow and select Yes. 

Click Apply. 

Usage Notes 

Taking the primary database resource offline will perform a shutdown immediate and a startup

nomount of the database. 

You cannot change the state of a database resource that is disabled. 

Related Topics 

Database Resource States  

Editing a Site 

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Changing the State of a Site  

To change the state of a site:  

In the tree view, select the site. 

In the right-hand property sheet, click Online or Offline, as desired, and click Apply. 

If you are changing the state of the primary site to offline, click Yes in the pop-up dialog box that

displays to confirm that you want to change the state of the site. 

Usage Notes 

You must be connected through the primary database to change the pr imary site to an offline state. 

Taking the primary site offline will perform a shutdown immediate and a startup nomount of the

site's database. 

You cannot change state if the s ite is disabled. 

Related Topics 

Site States 

Editing a Site 

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Checking the Log Transport Status (LogXPTStatus) 


To check the status of the LogXPTStatus property:  

In the tree view, select the primary database resource. 

Click the Properties tab. 

Check the Value column for status or error information. For example, you might see an ORA error

such as the following: 

: oracle_site=ORA-16058: standby database instance is not mounted:

Check the Alert log and the Data Guard log on the site in question for more information.

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Checking Which Log Files Have Not Been Shipped  

In the tree view, select the primary database resource. 

In the right-hand pane, click the Log Files tab. 

Related Topics 

Refreshing the View 

Properties Tab - Database Resource 

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Checking Which Logs Have Been Received  

To check which logs have been received, but have not been applied to the standby database: 

In the tree view, select the standby database resource. 

In the right-hand pane, click the Log Files tab. 

Related Topics 

Refreshing the View 

Properties Tab - Database Resource 

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Deleting a Data Guard Configuration  

You can delete a Data Guard configuration by selecting the Delete option from the Object menu. Deleting

a configuration: 

Does not affect the underlying operations of the standby database, the log transport services, or thelog apply services. Operations such as log shipping and log applying continue to run; however,

these services are no longer manageable through Data Guard Manager. 

Destroys all configuration information in the Data Guard configuration file and the configuration is

then unknown to the broker and can no longer be managed from the Data Guard Manager. 

Warning: Use the Delete option with caution. This option deletes all configuration information

from the Data Guard configuration file. The configuration information is not recoverable once you

delete it. 

To delete a Data Guard configuration:  

Make sure that you are connected to the Data Guard configuration through the primary database. See

Change the Database that you Connect Through. 

In the tree view, select the configuration. 

In the Object menu, select Delete. (Or, select Delete from the right-click menu.) See Object Menu -


Click Yes in the pop-up dialog box that Data Guard Manager displays to confirm that you want to

delete the Data Guard configuration. 

Usage Notes 

To remove a configuration from the Data Guard Manager console without destroying its information

from the Data Guard configuration file, choose the Remove from Navigator option from the Object

menu. See Removing a Configuration from Data Guard Manager. You can rediscover the

configuration later. 

If you delete a Data Guard configuration, you should also de-register any associated events, if


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Disconnecting from a Data Guard Configuration  

There are several ways to disconnect from a Data Guard configuration: 

Right-click the configuration in the tree view and select Disconnect from the menu. 

Or, select the configuration from which you want to disconnect, and then on the Object menu, click


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Editing a Configuration  

You can edit a Data Guard configuration to change its state from online to offline or from offline to online. 

To edit a Data Guard configuration:  

In the tree view, select the configuration. 

In the Object menu, select Edit. (Or, select Edit from the right-click menu.) See Object Menu -


Related Topics 

Change the State of a Data Guard Configuration 

Configuration States 

Changing the Health Check Interval 

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Editing a Database Resource  

You can edit a database resource to change i ts state, change the value of the resource properties, or view

log file information. 

To edit a database resource:  

In the tree view, select the database resource. 

In the Object menu, select Edit. (Or, select Edit from the right-click menu.) See Object Menu -


Related Topics 

Change the State of a Database 

Database Resource States  

Properties Tab - Database Resource 

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Editing a Site  

You can edit a site to change its state from online to offline or from offline to online. 

To edit a site:  

In the tree view, select the site. 

In the Object menu, select Edit. (Or, select Edit from the right-click menu.) See Object Menu -


Related Topics 

Change the State of a Site  

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Refreshing the View  

You can request that the tree view and property pages be refreshed on demand using any of the following


Click the refresh icon on the toolbar. 

On the Navigator menu, click Refresh. 

Press CTRL/R. 

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Registering Events  

Data Guard provides the ability to monitor the status of a configuration as well as the redo log activity of

the primary and standby databases to ensure that the configuration is running properly.  

In addition to being able to view the status and redo log activity using Data Guard Manager, you canregister Enterprise Manager event tests to monitor Data Guard so that you will be notified of any problems.

By taking advantage of the event tests, you do not have to be connected to Data Guard Manager to receive

problem notification. 

There are six predefined events tests that will monitor the Data Guard configuration. Using Enterprise

Manager Console, you can register all of the Data Guard event tests against both the primary and standby

databases. The Status event test monitors the status of the Data Guard configuration, and the remainder

of the event tests monitor the redo log activity on the primary and standby databases. You can set up thePaging /Email services to notify you via your pager or e-mail if any of the event tests are triggered. 

In addition to registering the Data Guard event tests, you should also register the Node UpDown eventtest against the node where the Intelligent Agent is running. This event test will monitor the node as well

as the Intelligent Agent. This event test will be triggered if any problems occur with the node or agent; such

problems may prevent other event tests, including Data Guard event tests, from running. 

For more information about Enterprise Manager Event framework and Paging/Email services, see the

Oracle Enterprise Manager help.

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Removing a Configuration from Data Guard Manager  

You can remove a Data Guard configuration so that it is no longer visible from the current Data Guard

Manager window. When you remove a configuration, the actual Data Guard configuration, sites, and

resources are still operational and the configuration information still exists in the Data Guardconfiguration file. 

To remove a Data Guard configuration:  

In the tree view, select the configuration. 

In the Object menu, select Remove from Navigator. (Or, select Remove from Navigator from theright-click menu.) See Object Menu - Configuration 

Click Yes in the pop-up dialog box to remove the selected Data Guard configuration from the tree viewonly. 

The actual Data Guard configuration is still operational. You can add the Data Guard configuration backinto the Data Guard console by using the Oracle Enterprise Manager Discovery Wizard to rediscover any

one of the nodes on which one of the sites is located. 

Usage Notes 

For more information about the Oracle Enterprise Manager Discovery Wizard, see the Oracle

Enterprise Manager help. 

Use the Enterprise Manager Discovery Wizard to discover a configuration that was removed. See

Discovering Data Guard Configurations. 

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Verifying a Data Guard Configuration  

The Verify command performs a series of validation checks on the Data Guard configuration, including a

health check of each site and resource in the configuration. 

To verify a Data Guard configuration:  

Right-click the configuration name in the tree view and select Verify from the menu. 

Click Show Details at the bottom of the progress dialog window to see the progress of the Verify


Usage Notes 

The Data Guard configuration must be enabled to perform a Verify operation. 

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Displaying Information about Objects

General Tab - Database Resource  

The General tab for a database resource displays information about the selected database resource,

including information about the state and status of the database resource. The database resource

controls the state of the database, the log transport services, and the log apply services. 


Indicates the current state of the selected database. When enabled, a database resource can be in

one of three general states: offline, paused, or online: 

When a primary database resource is in the online state, the database is read/write; log transport

services started. 

When a primary database resource is in the paused state, the database is read/write; log transport

services stopped. 

When a standby database resource is in the online state, the database is mounted, log apply

services started. When a standby database resource is in the paused state, the database is mounted; log apply

services stopped. 


Displays the name of the database resource, its status, whether or not the database resource is

enabled, whether it is in the primary or standby database role, the host system, and database name. 

When a standby database resource is online, you can change the standby database state to be

opened, read-only. See Changing the State of a Database Resource. 

Usage Notes: 

Data Guard Manager uses a stoplight icon to give a visual indication of the state. The database resource is enabled automatically when you enable the Data Guard configuration or

the site on which the database resource is located. 

You can also view resource information on the General tab for the site or the General tab for theconfiguration. 

This page does not refresh automatically. You might need to refresh the view to see changes. SeeRefreshing the View. 

The Last Refreshed Message at the bottom of the property sheet displays the date and time when

you last refreshed Data Guard Manager. 

Related Topics 

Database Resource States  Changing the State of a Database Resource 

Properties Tab - Database Resource 

Refreshing the View 

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General Tab - Data Guard Configuration  

The General tab for a Data Guard configuration displays information about the configuration, including

information about the state of the Data Guard configuration, and summary information about its sites and

resources. State 

Indicates the current state of the Data Guard configuration. You can change the state of a Data Guard


Offline: The sites and resources in the configuration are offline, and the log transport services stop

sending archived redo logs to the standby database. If you take a configuration offline, all of its

dependent sites and resources are also taken offline. 

Online: The Data Guard configuration is being managed through Data Guard Manager, database

resources in the configuration are online and the log transport services ship and apply archived redo

log files to the standby database. (If any of the database resources have an error status, the log

transport services may not have started correctly.) 

Data Guard Manager uses a stoplight icon to give a visual indication of the state. Note: It is important to check the configuration status to verify that it is operating properly. 


Displays the name of the Data Guard configuration, its status, and whether or not the configuration is



Displays a summary table of all sites in the Data Guard configuration. The summary table includes

the list of sites in the configuration and the current state, status, and role of each site. You can

optionally display both the sites and resources configured on each site: 

Select Show Sites Only to display a summary table of the sites in the configuration. 

Select Show Sites and Resources to display a summary table of the sites and resources in the

configuration. Position the mouse over the icon in the Status column to display the text of any error message. See

Configuration Status. 

Usage Notes 

A login dialog pops up to establish a connection to the Data Guard configuration, if necessary. See

Connect to a Data Guard Configuration. 

When you change the state of the Data Guard configuration, it effects the state of all of the sites and

resources in the configuration. 

You can make configuration changes when the configuration is offline, such as property changes.

However, the configuration changes will take effect only after you change the state of a Data

Guard configuration to the online state. See Change the State of a Data Guard Configuration. This page does not refresh automatically. You might need to refresh the view to see changes. See

Refreshing the View. 

The Last Refreshed Message at the bottom of the property sheet displays the date and time when

you last refreshed the window. 

Related Topics 

Configuration States 

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Configuration Status 

Database Resource States  

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General Tab - Site  

The General tab for a site object displays information about the s ite and its resources, including

information about the state and status of the site, and summary information about its resources. 


Indicates the current state of the site. Data Guard Manager uses a stoplight icon to give a visual

indication of the state. You can change the state of a site from offline to online and from online to

offline. See Change the State of a Site. 


Displays the name of the site, its status, whether or not the site is enabled, and whether it is in the

primary or standby role. 


Displays a summary table of all resources on the site. The summary table includes the list of

resources in the site and the current state, status, and type of each resource (primary or standby).

You can position the mouse over the icon in the Status column to display the text of any error


Usage Notes 

All sites are enabled automatically when you enable the Data Guard configuration. 

You can also view site and resource information on the General Page for the configuration. See

General Tab - Data Guard Configuration. 

This page does not refresh automatically. You might need to refresh the view to see changes. See

Refreshing the View. 

The Last Refreshed Message at the bottom of the property sheet displays the date and time when

you last refreshed Data Guard Manager. 

Related Topics 

Configuration States 

Configuration Status 

Site States 

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Properties Tab - Data Guard Configuration  

The Properties tab for a Data Guard configuration lets you specify how frequently the Data Guard broker

should check the actual status of the sites in the configuration. 

You can specify a value in units of seconds, minutes, or hours. By default, Data Guard Manager sets thehealth check interval to 1 minute. You can specify any value between 15 seconds and 168 hours (which is

the equivalent of 7 days), or you can disable it by clicking to remove the checkmark in the check box. 

Usage Notes 

For more information about Data Guard configuration properties, see the section on properties in the

Oracle9i Data Guard Concepts and Administration Guide . 

Related Topics 

Changing the Health Check Interval 

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Properties Tab - Database Resource  

The properties tab provides a table of properties that map directly to several of the database initialization


Database Properties Each of the following properties (except for LogXptStatus) corresponds to an Oracle database

initialization parameter: 

Property . . . .  Critical or

Noncritical Corresponds to . . . . 

LogArchiveDestOptions   Critical  LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_ n parameter 

ArchiveDestDependency  Critical  dependency attribute of the

LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_ n parameter 

StandbyArchiveDest  Critical  STANDBY_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter 

LogArchiveTrace  Noncritical  LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE parameter 

FalServer  Noncritical  FAL_SERVER parameter 

FalClient  Noncritical  FAL_CLIENT parameter 

StandbyFileManagement  Noncritical  STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT parameter 

ArchiveLagTarget  Noncritical  ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET parameter 

LogXptStatus  Noncritical  Not applicable 

Usage Notes 

The LogArchiveDestOptions, ArchiveDestDependency, StandbyArchiveDest properties are

critical properties that must be set with Data Guard Manager in order for the configuration tofunction properly. See Critical Database Resource Properties  

If you create the configuration with Data Guard Manager, the LogArchiveDestOptions,ArchiveDestDependency, and StandbyArchiveDest properties are set automatically to default

values that will enable the log transport services and log apply services. You should tunethese properties according to local circumstances. See the Oracle9i Data Guard Concepts 

and Administration documentation for more information about setting standby database


The StandbyArchiveDest parameter is used only by the standby database; it is automatically set

to the value you specify in the Create Configuration wizard when you create a new standby

database. If you choose to add an existing standby database when you run the Create

Configuration wizard, you must set the StandbyArchiveDest property to the proper value


Setting a database resource property value with Data Guard Manager causes the underlying

parameter value to be changed in the corresponding database. However, the value for the

changed parameter is not changed in the initialization parameter file. Thus, if the database

is shut down and restarted outside of Data Guard Manager, the database will revert to the

original values that were in the initialization file and the properties properties maintained byData Guard will be inconsistent with the actual database values. 

Although you can change a property whether or not the database resource is enabled or

disabled, the change does not take effect unless the database resource is enabled.

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Standby Instance Dialog  

This dialog displays a warning during the Create Data Guard Configuration progress dialog when Data

Guard Manager is creating a new standby instance. The Standby Instance Dialog warns that the name

selected for the new standby instance is already in use on the standby node by an existing instance, andprompts you to enter an alternate name for the new standby instance. 

To enter an alternate name for the standby instance:  

Enter a new name for the standby instance, ensuring the new name is unique on the standby node. Ifthere is any doubt about the uniqueness of the standby instance name that you choose, manually

check the Oracle home that you selected for the new standby instance to determine what instances

are currently located in the directory.  

Usage Notes 

The check used by Data Guard Manager to detect an existing instance is not foolproof; it only checks

to see if an initialization file corresponding to the selected instance name exists in the default

location in the Oracle home on the standby node. (For example, on UNIX:$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initinstance_name .ora.) 

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View Initialization Parameter File Dialog  

This dialog displays when you click the View/Edit initialization file button on the Options page during the

Create Data Guard Configuration Wizard. The dialog shows the content of the initialization file for the new

standby database, as produced by Data Guard Manager. If the modifications look correct, you do not needto modify anything in this dialog. If you edit the buffer to make changes to the content, the changes will not

be verified for correctness by Data Guard Manager. 


There should be no problems with this dialog. Any problems with the actual initialization file content will

not become apparent until the new standby database is started on the standby node.

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View LISTENER.ORA Dialog  

This dialog displays when you click View/Edit listener.ora on the Options page during the Create Data

Guard Configuration Wizard. The dialog shows the contents of the listener.ora file retrieved from the

standby node, as modified by Data Guard Manager. If the modifications to the listener.ora file look correct, there is no need to modify anything in this dialog. If

you edit the file to make changes to the content, the changes will not be verified for correctness by Data

Guard Manager. 


The listener.ora file is fetched through an Enterprise Manager Job. If the job fails, an error dialog will pop

up. You use the error output to diagnose the problem. However, the error output will also be available in

the job’s history entry in the Jobs History pane. To examine the job’s history:  

The entry will be called GetListenernnn , with nnn being a sequence number. 

Look for the most recent sequence number if there is more than one GetListenernnn entry. (Only

failed jobs display in the Jobs History pane; successful jobs are not kept in the history list.) 

View the job. Examine the failed entry in the job log for an explanation of what failed. Potential reasons why the job

may have failed: 

The listener.ora file is not present in the default location in the primary database Oracle Home.

For example, on UNIX systems this would be the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin


The View/Edit listener.ora dialog may have timed out waiting for the job to complete. This will be

apparent if an error is signalled but there is no output in Job History indicating a job failure. It

is possible the job was never submitted (the Intelligent Agent may not be running on thestandby node), or the job may have been submitted but it never started due to a problem

with either the Intelligent Agent or the Oracle Management Server (OMS). 

The listener.ora file may have been successfully retrieved from the standby node, but Data Guard

Manager may not have been able to automatically edit the file to add the required new entry for the standbydatabase. In this case, there will be no fatal error, but a dialog box will pop up flagging this problem and

the text of the unchanged listener.ora file will be presented in the View/Edit listener.ora dialog. Continue

the creation process after manually adding the required information to the listener.ora content provided in

the dialog. 

Usage Notes 

For more information about Jobs and the Jobs History pane, see the Oracle Enterprise Managerdocumentation and online help. 

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View Log Dialog  

The View Log dialog displays the database Alert logs and/or Data Guard configuration log files for the

primary and standby sites. 

To start the View Log dialog:  

In the tree view, right-click a configuration and select View Log. 

Select the log file that you want to view from the list of Alert and configuration files. Select File in the

menu bar, then click New to display a list of files. The logs in the list are displayed in the format:

<Site name > <LogType >. 

Repeat these steps to view additional log files in the same View Log dialog. By default, Data Guard

Manager tiles the visible windows horizontally. 

To temporarily stop the updating of log text in the window:  

The log data display is routinely updated by Data Guard Manager. You can use either of the following

methods to stop updating the log text: Press the CTRL/S keys to stop the Data Guard Manager from updating of the log text. Then, press the

CTRL/Q keys to resume the updating of log text. 

Or, minimize the window to stop the updating of log text. Then, maximize the window to resume the

updating of log text. 

To close the View Log dialog:  

On the File menu in the View Log dialog window, click Close to close the View Log dialog. 

Usage Notes 

The Alert log and the Data Guard configuration log are always available for the primary site. If the

standby site is disabled, then the View Log menu items for the standby site are disabled (grayed


By default, the View Log dialog displays a window containing the primary site configuration log. The

window first fills up with the last lines of the configuration log file and continuously updates the

window with information from the log file. 

The View Log dialog displays the logs in the following format: 

Data Guard configuration log: <Date> <Log Text> 

Database Alert log: <Log Text> 

If you display more than one log at a time, Data Guard Manager tiles the visible windows horizontally

by default. You can change the View Log to tile the visible windows horizontally or vertically, or

cascade the visible windows: 

On the View Log Window menu, select Tile Horizontally/Vertically menu item to tile the visiblewindows horizontally or vertically, respectively. 

On the View Log Window menu, select Cascade from the pulldown menu item to cascade the

visible windows.

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Creating and Managing the Configuration

Create Configuration Wizard - Welcome  

Creating a configuration is the very first thing you must do before you can manage or monitor Data Guard

sites and resources. Data Guard Manager provides the Create Configuration Wizard to help you create a

Data Guard configuration that includes a primary database and one standby database. 

The Create Configuration Wizard takes you through the following steps. 

Ensure the Data Guard environment is set up properly 

Provide a configuration name 

Choose a primary database 

Choose whether to create a new standby database or add an existing standby database (If youchoose to create a new standby database, the wizard also takes you through additional steps to

select the Oracle home for the database and to move datafiles to the standby site.) 

Verify the information you supplied to the wizard and make changes, if necessary 

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Create Configuration Wizard - Configuration Name  

On this page, you provide the name of the new Data Guard configuration. Each configuration name must

be unique among the configurations that you have created with Data Guard Manager. 

To name the Data Guard configuration:  

In the Configuration Name box, enter a valid Oracle identifier that is unique across the s ites in the


Click Next. 

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Create Configuration Wizard - Primary Database  

The list of discovered database instances listed on this page contains all databases that have been

discovered through the Enterprise Manager Console Discovery process. (If you have not already

discovered the primary and standby databases, discover them using the Enterprise Manager ConsoleDiscovery Wizard. See Discovering Nodes.) 

To select a primary database:  

Select the Oracle9i database instance that you want to serve in the role of a primary database for thisData Guard configuration. Note: The discovery process might include both Oracle9i database

instances and older instances (such as Oracle8i ) . For compatibility, you can select only Oracle9 i  

instances from the list. 

Enter a valid Oracle identifier you want to use for the primary site. 

Click Next. 

The wizard attempts to connect to the chosen primary database. If the wizard cannot make a

connection, Data Guard Manager displays the Connect to Primary Database page. 

Usage Notes 

The database instance you choose must meet the following conditions or the wizard displays an

error dialog and prompts you to choose another database instance: 

The database instance must be release 9.0.1 or greater. 

The database instance must be a primary database (that is, the CONTROL_FILE_TYPE in

V$DATABASE is equal to CURRENT). 

If the DRS_START initialization parameter is set to True, it indicates that the Data Guard broker DMON

process is running. The wizard displays a warning dialog to indicate the instance may be part of

an existing Data Guard configuration. 

If you do not have Preferred Credentials for the primary node, an error dialog displays a message

informing you to quit the wizard, set node credentials (see the Enterprise Manager online help),

and restart the wizard. 

Related Topics 

Connect to a Data Guard Configuration 

Discovering Nodes 

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Create Configuration Wizard - Connect to Primary 


Supply login credentials to connect to the database in the SYSDBA role. 

Usage Notes 

This page displays only when: 

There is no current Enterprise Manager connection to the database that you chose in Step 2: Create

Configuration Wizard - Primary Database. 

Preferred Credentials have not been established. See the Enterprise Manager online help for more


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Create Configuration Wizard - Add Existing Standby 


The list of discovered databases listed on this page contains all instances that have been discovered

through the Enterprise Manager Console Discovery wizard. (If you have not already discovered the standby

database, discover it using the Enterprise Manager Console Discovery Wizard. See Discovering Nodes.) 

To select a standby database:  

Select the Oracle9i database that you want to serve in the role of a standby database for this Data

Guard configuration. (Note that the discovery process might include both Oracle9i databases and

older databases (such as Oracle8i ). For compatibility, you can select only Oracle9i databasesfrom the list.) 

Enter a valid Oracle identifier you want to use for the name of the standby site. 

Click Next. 

The wizard attempts to connect to the chosen standby database. If the wizard cannot make a

connection, Data Guard Manager displays the Connect to Standby Database page. 

Usage Notes 

The database instance you choose must meet the following conditions or the wizard displays an

error dialog and prompts you to choose another database instance: 

The database version must be greater than, or equal to, the primary database version. 

The database must be a physical standby database (CONTROL_FILE_TYPE in v$database

must be equal to STANDBY). 

The database ID in V$DATABASE must match the primary database ID. 

If any of these conditions are not met, an error dialog is shown and you are prompted to choose

another instance. In addition, the wizard performs the following supplementary checks: 

If the DRS_START initialization parameter is set to True, the Data Guard broker DMON process is

running. The wizard displays a warning dialog to indicate the instance may be part of an

existing Data Guard configuration. 

If all checks pass, an attempt is made to connect to the chosen standby instance. If a connection

cannot be made, Data Guard Manager displays the Connect to Standby Database page. 

Related Topics 

Progress Dialog When Adding an Existing Standby Database 

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Create Configuration Wizard - Summary Page  

This page summarizes the properties you have set with the Create Configuration wizard. If the summary

information is correct, click Finish. Otherwise, click Back to find the page or pages in the wizard on which

you want to change entries. When you click Finish, Data Guard Manager opens a window to display the progress of the create

configuration operation. 

Related Topics 

Discovering Data Guard Configurations 

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Create Configuration Wizard - Standby Database Creation 


You can choose to create a new standby database and add it to the configuration, or add an existing

standby database. 

If you choose to create a new standby database:  

Data Guard Manager checks the following when you click Next: 


If the primary database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode, Data Guard Manager warns you that the

primary database will be shutdown automatically, remounted, put into ARCHIVELOG mode, and

reopened during the standby creation process. 

Preferred Credentials 

If you do not have Enterprise Manager Preferred Credentials set for the primary database, Data

Guard Manager prompts you to save the login credentials you supplied in the Connect toPrimary Database step as preferred credentials. If you do not save the preferred credentials, the

Create Data Guard Configuration Wizard will exit. See Setting Preferred Credentials. 

If you choose to add an existing standby database:  

If the primary database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode, Data Guard Manager returns an error informing

you that this choice is not compatible with a primary database in NOARCHIVELOG mode. You must

exit the wizard and put the database in ARCHIVELOG mode.

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Create Configuration Wizard - Standby Database Type  

This screen performs various validation checks when you have chosen a logical standby database;

logical standby databases are not supported in Oracle9i release 9.0.1.

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Create Configuration Wizard - Standby Oracle Home  

The top of this page lists all Oracle homes that have been discovered through the Enterprise Manager

Console Discovery Wizard. You must select a discovered Oracle home in which you want to create the

standby database and provide a unique name for the standby site. Select an Oracle home: 

Select the Oracle home in which you want to create the standby database. Note: Do not select an

Oracle home that is earlier than Oracle9 i (and hence incompatible with Oracle9i Data Guard).

See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide for details about discovery.  

If the list of Oracle homes is empty (for example, after filtering for architecture, no Oracle homes are

left on the list), an error dialog is shown when the page displays and the wizard is automatically


Name the standby site: 

Enter a valid Oracle identifier for the standby site name. 

Validate the chosen Oracle home: 

After you click Next, the following checks are performed to validate the chosen Oracle home: Preferred Credentials: If you do not have Enterprise Manager Preferred Credentials for the standby

node (the node on which the Oracle home resides), an error dialog is shown informing you to

quit the wizard, set node credentials, and restart the wizard. (See the Oracle Enterprise Manager 

Administrator's Guide for details about node credentials.) 

Node credentials must be set to the username and password of a user with DBA privileges for the

selected Oracle home. If the node credentials do not meet this criteria, the standby database

creation will fail. 

Usage Notes 

For physical standby databases, the list of Oracle homes on this page is filtered to include only those

Oracle homes on nodes that match the already-selected primary database’s machine

architecture (this information is determined by the Intelligent Agent during discovery), becausecommon primary/standby architecture is a restriction of physical standby. Therefore, this list may

be a subset of all the available discovered Oracle homes. 

See the Oracle9i Administrator's Guide for details about the oratab file.

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Create Configuration Wizard - Datafile Copy Method  

Part of the creation process involves copying the primary database datafiles to the standby node. The GUI

offers two different ways to do this: the Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) or an operating system (OS)

copy. Each method has setup requirements that apply only when the primary and the standby are ondifferent systems. 

Choosing the Recovery Manager (RMAN) method:  

The default method is Recovery Manager (RMAN). The advantage of this method is that it is availableon all supported Oracle platforms. 

For the RMAN method, the standby node's datafile location must be network mounted on the primary

node. This is required so that the RMAN process on the primary node can copy the datafiles to their

final destination on the standby node. 

See Choosing the Recovery Manager (RMAN) Method for more information. 

Choosing the operating system (OS) method:  

The operating system (0/S) copy may not be available on all Oracle platforms. If the OS option is not

available on the (already-selected) primary’s operating system, it will be disabled (grayed-out) and

you must use the RMAN method. 

Consider using the OS copy method for the following reasons: 

The operating system method has the optional compression capability. For large databases,

using the OS copy with compression may result in a faster copy process. 

A network (NFS) mount of the standby node’s datafile file systems onto the primary node is not

required, as it is with the RMAN method. This pre-empts the need to manually set up

network file system (NFS) connectivity between the primary and standby.  

See Choosing the Operating System (OS) Method for more information. 

Related Topics 

Create Configuration Wizard - Setup Requirements  

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Create Configuration Wizard - Datafile Copy Location  

The Create Configuration wizard requires you to specify information about the location to which the

datafiles for the standby database will be copied. 

Information Required for the RMAN copy method 

The RMAN copy method requires that you specify the network directory on the primary host. This is a

pathname on the primary host that corresponds to the destination directory on the standby host that

will contain the datafiles. The pathname must begin with the mount point on the primary for the file

system exported from the standby. For example, this is a NFS mount point on UNIX, or a UFS

pathname for a network share on NT. 

You must set up the network share (for example, NFS on UNIX) prior to beginning the standby

creation process. For example, the following describes how to set up a UNIX system: 

On the standby host stbyhost , the datafiles will be put into the /standby/datafiles directory. Therefore,

the stbyhost native partition /standby is NFS exported to the primary host, prmyhost. 

On prmyhost , the NFS export partition stbyhost:/standby is NFS mounted as /mnt. Therefore, youwould specify the network directory on the primary host as /mnt/datafiles. 

Information Required for Both the OS and the RMAN copy methods 

Destination directory on standby host. 

The pathname of the actual (native) directory on the standby node to which the datafiles will becopied. In the above example, this is specified as /standby/datafiles, because that is the name

of the actual datafile location on the standby host (as opposed to the virtual name,

/mnt/datafiles, with which that location is accessed from the primary host). 

Note that as you type the destination directory, it is mirrored to the standby archived redo log file

directory area at the bottom of the dialog. 

Standby archived redo logs directory. 

This is the pathname of the actual (native) location on the standby host where the archived redo

logs shipped from the primary will be copied. These logs may take up a large amount of space

on the standby host. Thus, you may want to specify the exact destination location. The default

value for this field is the value specified in Destination directory on the standby host.

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Create Configuration Wizard - Options  

This page provides several last-minute tuning opportunities. Normally, no input is necessary on this page

because all parameters are automatically set. However, you can optionally change the following: 

Standby instance name Standby initialization file 


Standby database SYSDBA password 

Shutdown primary database prior to datafile copy checkbox 

Standby instance name  

This is defaulted to the primary’s database name with "_2" appended to it. Ensure that the default

name (or any name that you use for the standby instance name) is a unique instance name on the

standby host. 

Note: If it is not unique, and an existing instance of this name is detected on the standby node, youwill be interactively prompted to change the name during the creation process that follows the wizard.

However, the detection process used is not fool-proof; you should ensure the name is unique prior to

ending the wizard. 

Standby initialization file  

The content of this to-be-created file is automatically derived from a combination of the primary

database's current parameter settings and additional standby database settings. You can examine,

change, and add to the standby database's initialization parameter file. 

Note: The default settings are designed to enable automatic set up of the log shipment infrastructure

by the Data Guard broker. Changes and additions to the standby initialization file that you make at

this point will not be verified; incorrect modifications could potentially cause problems for primary and

standby database management by the Data Guard broker. 

Standby LISTENER.ORA file  

To enable the log shipment infrastructure between the primary and standby, you must configure thestandby host with a listener that services the new standby database and is listening on a TCP port.

The wizard automatically retrieves and edits the standby host’s listener.ora file to enable this

capability. The listener.ora modification algorithm is governed by the following assumptions and


Note: Refer to the Oracle Network Administration Guide for details about the content of listener.ora


An existing listener.ora file is assumed to be located in the standard location of the standby Oracle

home selected by the user. (For example, on UNIX:

$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora.) If a listener.ora file is not found at this location,the standby creation process will fail. Any listener.ora files located in other Oracle homes are

ignored; it is not possible to leverage existing listeners that may already be configured and

running from other Oracle homes. 

If a listener.ora file is successfully retrieved from the standard location, an entry for the new standby

instance is added, as follows: 

If there is an existing listener already configured to listen on a TCP port, the new standby

instance is added to that listener’s SID_LIST. If there is more than one listener already

configured to listen on a TCP port, the first one listed in the file will be us ed. An example of the

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kind of entry that will be added in this case: 

SID_DESC=(SID_NAME=rdbms2 )(ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle)) 

If no existing listeners are configured to listen on a TCP port, a new listener is added and

configured to listen on port 1521 (the default Oracle port), and the new standby instance is

added to the new listener’s SID_LIST. (Note: A check is not performed to ensure that port 1521

is available.) 

If an existing listener’s SID_LIST is modified to include the new standby instance, that listener will be

restarted during the creation process (if it’s currently running) to pick up the new instance. 

Other listeners that may be running out of other Oracle homes on the standby host are ignored. It is

assumed that any listeners running from the new database’s Oracle home will not collide with

these other listeners. 

Standby database SYSDBA password  

The creation process will attempt to create a remote login password file for the standby database to

enable remote connections to the database. (Note: A remote login password file is not necessary for

Data Guard operation; it is only needed to allow remote connections to the database from clients,such as other Enterprise Manager tools.) Following is the algorithm that is used by the creation

process to determine if a standby password file can be created: 

If you manually add a REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE entry in the standby initialization parameter

file (by editing the standby parameter file through the Options page), a remote login password file

will not be created by the standby creation process on the assumption that there is an existing

password file. 

If the password file does not exist in the standby Oracle Home, and it is possible to create it, it will be

created using the password you specified, or by using ‘change_on_install’ as the password if

none was specified. 

If there is a pre-existing password file in the standby Oracle Home and you did not add

"remote_login_passwordfile" to the standby initialization parameter file, you will be interactively

queried (during the creation progress dialog) on whether you want to use the existing file. If you

answer Yes, a REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORD=SHARED entry will be put in the standby

parameter file. If you answer No, no entry will be added, and you will be reminded to handle the

problem in the post-creation checklist dialog that displays after the creation progress dialog isclosed. 

Otherwise, there is no existing password file, it’s not possible to create one (for example, the orapwdexecutable was not found on the standby host), and you did not manually add the parameter to

the initialization file. Nothing is done and you will be reminded to handle the problem in the post-

creation To Do checklist. 

Shutdown primary database prior to datafile copy checkbox  

This checkbox displays only if the primary database is currently open. This results in a hot , or

inconsistent, backup of the datafiles. Normally, the standby creation process proceeds with the

primary remaining open. However, if you select this option, the primary database will be shut down

(with the immediate option) started, and mounted pr ior to performing the standby creation. This will

result in a cold (consistent) backup of the datafiles. Note: This checkbox displays only if the primary database is open and Data Guard Manager is not

going to automatically shut down the database for any reason.

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Create Configuration Wizard - Progress Dialog  

Oracle Data Guard Manager opens a window to display the progress of the operations after you finish

providing input to the wizard. The progress that is displayed varies depending on whether you are adding

an existing standby database or creating a new standby database: Progress Dialog When Adding an Existing Standby Database 

Progress Dialog When Creating a New Standby Database 

In addition, you must enable the configuration after the creation processing has completed. See Enabling

or Disabling Configuration Objects. 

Related Topics 

Cleaning Up After A Failed or Canceled Configuration Creation 

Discovering Data Guard Configurations 

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Data Guard - Actual Apply Delay  

This event test measures the difference (in number of archived redo logs) between the current log at the

primary database and the last log applied on the standby database. 


Number of occurrences: Number of consecutive occurrences where the difference exceeds

thresholds before a warning or critical alert is generated. The default is 1. 

Critical threshold: Threshold for critical Alert (logs). No default is provided. 

Warning threshold: Threshold for warning Alert (logs). No default is provided. 


The difference in the number of archived redo logs. 

Recommended Frequency 

Not applicable. It depends on how often redo logs are generated. 

User Action 

Check the Alert logs for the primary and standby database sites. 

Check the Data Guard configuration logs for the primary and standby sites. 

Check the status of the LogXPTStatus property.  

Check which log files have not been shipped, including the current log file. 

Check which log files have been received, but not applied. 

Check that the state of the standby database resource is online; it should not be paused.

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Data Guard - Data Not Applied  

This event test measures the time difference (in minutes) between the last archived redo log received and

the last log applied on the standby database. 

Parameters Number of occurrences: Number of consecutive occurrences where the difference exceeds

thresholds before a warning or critical alert is generated. Default is 1. 

Critical threshold: Threshold for critical alert (minutes). No default is provided. 

Warning threshold: Threshold for warning alert (minutes). No default is provided. 


The difference in the number of minutes. 

Recommended Frequency 

Not applicable. It depends on how often redo logs are generated. 

User Action 

Check the Alert logs for the primary and standby database sites. Check the Data Guard configuration logs for the primary and standby site. 

Check the status of the LogXPTStatus property.  

Check which log files have not been shipped, including the current log file. 

Check which log files have been received, but not applied.

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Data Guard - Logs Not Applied  

This event test measures the difference (in number of archived redo logs) between the last log received

and the last log applied on the standby database. 

Parameters Number of occurrences: Number of consecutive occurrences where the difference exceeds

thresholds before a warning or critical alert is generated. Default is 1. 

Critical threshold: Threshold for critical alert (logs). No default is provided. 

Warning threshold: Threshold for warning alert (logs). No default is provided. 


The difference in the number of archived redo logs. 

Recommended Frequency 

Not applicable. It depends on how often redo logs are generated. 

User Action 

Check the Alert logs for the primary and standby database sites. Check the Data Guard configuration logs for the primary and standby site. 

Check the status of the LogXPTStatus property.  

Check which log files have not been shipped, including the current log file. 

Check which log files have been received, but not applied.

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Data Guard - Logs Not Shipped  

This event test measures the difference (in number of archived redo logs) between the current log on the

primary database and the last log shipped to the standby database. 

Parameters Number of occurrences: Number of consecutive occurrences where the difference exceeds

thresholds before a warning or critical alert is generated. Default is 1. 

Critical threshold: Threshold for critical alert (logs). No default is provided. 

Warning threshold: Threshold for warning alert (logs). No default is provided. 


The difference in the number of archived redo logs. 

Recommended Frequency 

Not applicable. It depends on how often redo logs are generated. 

User Action 

Check the Alert logs for the primary and standby database sites. Check the Data Guard configuration logs for the primary and standby site. 

Check the status of the LogXPTStatus property.  

Check which log files have not been shipped, including the current log file. 

Check which log files have been received, but not applied.

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Data Guard - Potential Data Loss  

This event test measures the time difference (in minutes) between the current redo log on the primary

database and the last log received on the standby database. 

Parameters Number of occurrences: Number of consecutive occurrences where the difference exceeds

thresholds before a warning or critical alert is generated. Default is 1. 

Critical threshold: Threshold for critical alert (minutes). No default is provided. 

Warning threshold: Threshold for warning alert (minutes). No default is provided. 


The difference in the number of minutes. 

Recommended Frequency 

Not applicable. It depends on how often redo logs are generated. 

User Action 

Check the Alert logs on the primary and standby database sites. Check the Data Guard configuration logs for the primary and standby site. 

Check the status of the LogXPTStatus property.  

Check which log files have not been shipped, including the current log file. 

Check which log files have been received, but not applied.

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Data Guard - Status  

This event test checks the status of the Data Guard configuration. Note: If the status is not SUCCESS,

then this event test is triggered. 

Parameters None. 


WARNING or ERROR along with the warning or error text. For example: 

The status of the configuration is WARNING. ORA-16608: one ore more sites have warnings. 

Recommended Frequency 

The frequency should be greater than or equal to value of the Data Guard configuration health check


User Action 

Check the Alert logs for the primary and standby database sites. 

Check the Data Guard configuration logs for the primary and standby site.

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Reference Topics

Configuration States  

When enabled, a configuration, site, or database resource can be in one of two general states: offline or


Offline: If you take a Data Guard configuration offline, the configuration and all its dependent sites

and resources are also taken offline. For example, the databases in the configuration will be closed

and not mounted, and the log transport services will stop sending archived redo log files to the

standby database. 

Online:The Data Guard configuration is online and its database resources are running the log

transport services and log apply services to ship and apply archived redo log files to the standby


Data Guard Manager uses a stoplight icon to give a visual indication of the state. 

Usage Notes 

When you change the state of the Data Guard configuration, it affects the state of all of the sites and

resources in the configuration. State transitions for the entire Data Guard configuration cascade

to the sites, which in turn cascade to the resources on each site. 

Related Topics 

Database Resource States  

Enabling or Disabling Configuration Objects 

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Configuration Status  

A Data Guard configuration can be in any of the following status modes: 

Status  Icon  Description 

Normal  The configuration, including all of the database resources configured in it, is

operating as specified by the user. All of the resources that are ONLINE are

operating properly without any warnings or errors. 

Error  One or more of the database resources in the configuration has failed and may

no longer be operating as specified by the user. To obtain more information,

locate each resource and examine its error status to reveal the source of the


Warning  One or more of the database resources in the configuration is not operating as

specified by the user. To obtain more information, locate each resource and

examine its warning status to reveal the source of the problem. 

Unknown  The configuration is disabled. Therefore the state is unknown. 

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Connect Information Dialog Box  

Administrators access a Data Guard configuration by connecting through the Data Guard Configuration

Connect Information dialog box. The connection is made using an Administrator account that has

SYSDBA privileges. User Name Type the user name for an account that exists for the database displayed in the Connect Through field. 

Password Enter the password for the account you specified in the User Name box. 

Configuration You cannot edit this field. It specifies the name of the Data Guard configuration that you selected in the

tree view when you invoked the Data Guard Configuration Connect Information dialog box.  

Connect as You cannot edit this field. Connecting to a Data Guard configuration requires the SYSDBA role. The

account specified in the User Name box must have SYSDBA privileges for the database displayed in the

Connect Through field. 

Connect Through In the Connect Through box, select the name of the primary or standby database through which you want

to connect. 

Save as Preferred Credential Click the check box to save your connection credentials. 

If the configuration to which you are connecting was discovered using the Enterprise Manager

Console Discovery Wizard, you can save your connection credentials by checking the Enterprise

Manager Preferred Credentials check box. 

If the configuration was not discovered, this option is not available and the Save as Preferred

Credentials check box is disabled. 

Usage Notes 

By default, you are connected to the primary database. You can change your connection from the

primary to a standby, and from a standby to the primary, without having to disconnect. 

If the configuration is disabled, you must connect to it through the primary database. In addition, you

cannot connect to a disabled standby site. 

If you have Preferred Credentials for the configuration to which you want to connect, Data Guard

Manager will connect you automatically. The Data Guard Configuration Connect Information

dialog box will not pop up; you will not need to specify a user name, password, or configuration. 

To perform most operations in a Data Guard configuration, you can be connected to either the primary

or the standby database. However, you must connect through the primary database if you need totake the configuration, the primary site, or the primary database resource offline. 

If Data Guard Manager cannot connect to a Data Guard configuration, it may be because: 

The DRS_START initialization parameter is not set to TRUE on all sites. The primary database or the standby database is down. 

You are trying to connect to a disabled configuration through a standby database. 

The listener is not running. 

Related Topics 

Starting the Create Configuration Wizard 

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Connect to a Data Guard Configuration 

Change the Database that you Connect Through 

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Critical Database Resource Properties  

A critical database property is one that must be set for the Data Guard configuration to function properly. 

If a critical property is not set for a database resource, then it (and other related database resources) may

not function correctly when the resources are in an online state. If a critical property is not set on thestandby database resource, then the log transport services on the primary database resource will not be

initialized properly, and the health check for the configuration will fail and return an error status to Data

Guard Manager. 

Related Topics 

Noncritical Database Resource Properties  

Properties Tab - Database Resource 

Editing a Database Resource 

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Database Resource States  

When enabled, a database resource can be in one of three states: offline, paused, or online: 

Primary Database  Log Transport


Standby Database  Log Apply

Services Offline  Started, nomount  Stopped  Started, nomount  Stopped 

Paused  Opened in read/write

mode Stopped  Mounted  Stopped 

Online  Opened in read/write

mode Started  Mounted  Started 

Usage Notes 

To change the standby database to be read-only; log apply services stopped, see Changing the State

of a Database Resource. 

When the log transport services are in the stopped state, the archived redo logs are not archived to

the standby database. When the log apply services are in the stopped state, the redo logs are not applied to the standby


Related Topics 

Enabling or Disabling Configuration Objects 

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Exit Command  

To exit from Data Guard Manager:  

Choose the Exit command from the File menu,

Or, press ALT/F4 , Or, click X on the title bar to close the window. 

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File Menu  

The File menu provides an Exit command to exit from Data Guard Manager. 

Related Topics 

Exit Command 

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A distributed management framework that automates and simplifies most of the complex operations

required to create, control, and monitor a Data Guard configuration. You can perform these operationsusing either of these interfaces: Oracle9i Data Guard Manager or the Data Guard command-line interface


critical property 

Properties for resources can be either critical and noncritical. A critical property is one that must be set for

the Data Guard configuration to function properly. 

Data Guard Configuration 

A collection of one or more sites and resources that you want to manage as a group. 

menu bar 

The menu bar provides commands that you can issue against the object you select in the tree view. The

menu bar appears at the top of the window, below the title bar. 

noncritical property 

Properties for resources can be either critical and noncritical. If a noncritical database property is not set,

then Data Guard uses the value that is in the initialization parameter file. 

property sheets 

Property sheets allow you to set parameters and display the status of Data Guard objects. Property

sheets appear on the right-hand side of the window when you select an object from the tree view. 


An Oracle9i database can be in one of two mutually exclusive roles: primary or standby. You can change

the roles dynamically, either via a pre-planned switchover transition or via a failover as the result of an

unplanned failure. 


The toolbar contains a subset of the most commonly used menu bar commands. The toolbar displays to

the left of the tree view pane. Place the mouse pointer over a toolbar icon to display a description of the

action that will be performed when you click the toolbar icon. 

tree view 

The tree view represents all objects and resources in the Data Guard configuration. The tree view

appears on the left-hand side of the Oracle Data Guard main window. The tree v iew is also known as the


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Help Menu  

The Help menu lets you issue commands to access help. 

Contents--Opens Oracle Data Guard Manager online help system and displays the first topic. 

Search for Help on--Displays the Contents and Search tabs for the Oracle Data Guard Manager help


Using Help--Provides general information about how to use the online help system. 

About Data Guard Manager--Displays the version number and copyright date for the Oracle Data

Guard Manager software you are using.

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Data Guard Main Window  

The main window is the window from which you initiate all Data Guard Manager tasks. This window

consists of the following elements: 

Tree view--Contains all objects in the Data Guard configurations being managed. The tree viewappears on the left-hand side of the Data Guard main window. 

Menu Bar--Provides commands that you can issue against the object you select in the tree view. The

menu bar appears at the top of the window, below the title bar. 

Toolbar--Contains a subset of the most commonly used menu bar commands. The toolbar displays

to the left of the tree view pane. Place the mouse pointer over a toolbar icon for a description of the

action that will be performed when you click the icon. 

Property sheets-Property sheets allow you to set parameters and display the status of Data Guard

objects. Property sheets appear on the right-hand side of the window when you select an object from

the tree view.

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Navigator Menu  

The Navigator Menu provides a Refresh command to update the display of information in the Data Guard

Manager window. 

Related Topics 

Refreshing the View 

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Noncritical Database Resource Properties  

Properties for database resources can be either critical or noncritical. If a noncritical database property is

not set, then the current database setting for that property is in effect and Data Guard does not manage

the parameter. Data Guard Manager uses the following icons to give a visual indication of the property settings: 

Icon  Description 

A blue check mark indicates that the property has been set by Data Guard. 

A blue dot indicates that the noncritical property (indicated above) has not been set. 

A red X indicates a critical property has not been set. 

A gray dot indicates a read-only property. 

Related Topics 

Properties Tab - Database Resource Critical Database Resource Properties  

Editing a Database Resource 

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Object Menu  

The following commands can appear on the Object menu or the right-mouse menu when an object is

selected. The options on the Object menu vary depending on what you have currently selected in the

navigation tree. When you select: 

Data Guard Configurations at the top of the tree view, the Object Menu allows you to invoke the

Create Configuration wizard. 

The configuration name in the tree view, the Object Menu provides the following options: 



Remove from Navigator 



Enable/Disable View Log 


A primary site in the tree view, the Object Menu allows you to edit the site. 

A standby site in the tree view, the Object Menu allows you to edit the site, or to enable or disable the


A database (primary or standby) resource in the tree view, the Object Menu allows you to edit the

database resource, or to enable or disable the database resource.

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Setting Preferred Credentials  

You must set Preferred Credentials (in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console) on both the primary and

standby nodes. These credentials are used when running jobs. If you do not set the Preferred Credentials

correctly, jobs may fail. (See the Enterprise Manager documentation for complete information aboutsetting Preferred Credentials.) 

Preferred Credentials are important in a Data Guard environment because the Create Configuration

Wizard runs jobs on both the primary and standby nodes to create the configuration. Also, the Intelligent

Agent authenticates the username and password when you register events on the primary and standby

nodes. To run these jobs and events, you must set the Preferred Credentials of the pr imary and standby

nodes to one of the following: 

The username and password of the operating system user who owns the respective primary andstandby Oracle home directories. 

Any other user that has full access to the primary and standby Oracle home directories. (This may ormay not be the same user on both nodes.) 

If you do not set these credentials properly, the job that creates a standby database will fail and any events

that you set up may fail. Usage Notes 

Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) uses Preferred Credentials to connect to the primary database and

move the datafiles to the standby node. 

Verify the Preferred Credentials for the primary database by running a test job on the primary node.

For example, use the Run OS Command job (see the Oracle Enterprise Manager documentation

about jobs) that creates a file in a directory in the Oracle home where the primary database is

installed. If this command is successful, the Preferred Credentials are correct. 

Related Topics 

Discovering Nodes 

Create Configuration Wizard Setup Requirements  

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Site States  

When enabled, a site object can be in one of two general states: offline or online: 

Offline: If a site’s state is offline, the site has been turned off. If you take a site offline, all of its

dependent resources are also taken offline. Thus, the database instances on the site will be put intoa started, nomount state. If this is a primary database resource, then the log transport services will

stop sending archived redo logs to the standby database. If this is a standby database resource,

then the log apply services will stop applying the archived redo logs to the standby database. 

Online: If a site is online, the site is operating and performing a designated activity. The site is being

managed through Data Guard Manager and each database resource for the site will be put into its

appropriate state: 

The primary database will be open and the transport services will ship archived redo log files to the

standby database. 

The standby database will be mounted and the log apply services will apply archived redo logs to the

standby database.

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Using the Operating System (OS) Method  

The OS method is available only when the primary node is a UNIX system. If you use the OS copy method,

the operating system environment of the user specified in the primary node Preferred Credentials must

be properly configured to use the UNIX remote commands, such as rcp and rsh. (These commands areused by the Create Configuration wizard’s OS copy feature to copy the datafiles.) 

Specifically, this user must be able to use the rcp command to copy files from the primary node to the

datafile directories on the standby node. If there is any doubt about the setup, you should manually test it

by using rcp to perform a copy operation on the primary node. 

The following shows a UNIX example. User orcl has the same UNIX home directory on the primary node

called prmyhost and the standby node called stbyhost . A .rhosts file is located in orcl 's home directory that

allows the use of the rcp command between the two systems. Logged in as this user, you can copy a testfile to the standby datafile location using the following command: 

rcp testfile stbyhost:/tmp 

Usage Notes 

See the UNIX rhosts manual page for details about setting up the remote command environment. 

Related Topics 

Using the Recovery Manager (RMAN) Method 

Create Configuration Wizard - Datafile Copy Method 

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Using the Recovery Manager (RMAN) Method  

The Recovery Manager (RMAN) copy method is the default method used by the Create Configuration


If you use RMAN, each directory on the standby node that will contain datafiles for the standby databasemust be network mounted (NFS on UNIX) on the primary node. In addition, you must set permissions for

these directories so that the user specified in the Preferred Credentials for the primary node has write

access to the directories. 

For example, the following describes how to set up a UNIX system: 

On the standby host stbyhost , the datafiles will be put into the /standby/datafiles directory. Therefore,

the stbyhost native partition /standby is NFS exported to the primary host, prmyhost. 

On prmyhost , the NFS export partition stbyhost:/standby is NFS mounted as /mnt. Therefore, the user

would specify the network directory on the primary host as /mnt/datafiles. 

In this example, the primary and standby hosts are properly configured for the Create Configuration

Wizard. Both the standby node’s native pathname for the datafile directories (/standby/datafiles in the

example) and the name of the primary node’s mount point for that directory (/mnt/datafiles in the example)

is needed as input by the wizard. If there is more than one directory on the standby host where datafileswill be put for the standby database, follow the same guidelines for each datafile directory. 

Related Topics 

Choosing the Operating System (OS) Method 

Create Configuration Wizard - Datafile Copy Method 

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Valid Oracle Identifiers  

A valid Oracle identifier meets these requirements: 

Must be 30 characters or less 

Cannot contain quotation marks  

Must use only alphanumeric and ‘_’, ‘$’, and ‘#’ characters  

Does not contain spaces

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Cleaning Up After A Failed or Canceled Configuration 


If the Create Configuration wizard failed or was canceled when trying to create a configuration with a newstandby database, you may need to perform the following cleanup tasks before you can re-attempt the

process. Some, none, or all of the cleanup tasks may be necessary to clean up the results of the failed or

canceled operation. 

On the primary node:  

Stop the Data Guard broker processes. To stop the processes, connect to the primary database and

set the DRS_START system parameter to FALSE. 

Remove the Data Guard configuration files. For example, on a UNIX system, use the following


rm $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/dr1instance-name .dat 

rm $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/dr2instance-name .dat 

On the standby node:  

Shutdown the standby database. 

Remove the initialization file for the standby database. For example, on a UNIX system, use the rm

command: rm $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initinstance-name .ora 

Remove the entry pertaining to the standby database from the Oracle Net listener file

(LISTENER.ORA) in the Oracle home for the standby database. 

Stop and restart the Oracle Net listener. 

Remove the standby database data files and online log files. For example, on a UNIX system, use the

rm command: 

rm $ORACLE_HOME/datafiles/*.*

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Error and Status Messages  

Error and status messages are returned by Oracle Data Guard. Typically, you see informational status

messages when you enable or disable an object in the Data Guard configuration. 

The cause and suggested user action for error messages are documented in the Oracle9i Error Messages documentation.

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Progress Dialog When Creating a New Standby Database  

Data Guard Manager displays progress information during the following steps. Click on the link for

detailed information and troubleshooting tips: 

Step 1: Verifying Primary Environment Step 2: Retrieving Listener Configuration File  

Step 3: Shutting Down Primary Database (Not Always Visible) 

Step 4: Mounting Primary Database (Not Always Visible) 

Step 3(5): Copying Datafiles 

Step 6: Opening Primary Database (Not Always Visible) 

Step 4(7): Configuring Standby Environment 

Step 5(8): Starting Physical Standby Database 

Step 6(9): Renaming Datafiles 

Step 7(10): Creating Data Guard Configuration 

Usage Notes 

If you cancel the progress of this operation, see Cleaning Up After A Failed or Canceled Configuration


You can choose to display minimal information or detailed information as Data Guard Manager

creates the database. By default, detailed information about the operation is hidden. You can

optionally click Show Details to display detailed information as the operation proceeds. When

you select this option, the progress dialog window expands and displays detailed information as

the operation proceeds. 

You must click Close to close the progress dialog window. 

If an error occurs, an ORA error message indicating the problem usually displays in the progress

window. See the Oracle9i Error Messages documentation for more information about the ORAmessage. 

Related Topics 

Cleaning Up After A Failed or Canceled Configuration Creation 

Discovering Data Guard Configurations 

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Progress Dialog When Adding an Existing Standby 


Data Guard Manager displays the progress of the following steps: 

Step 1: Verifying Primary State 

Step 2: Creating Data Guard Configuration 

Usage Notes 

You can choose to display minimal information or detailed information as Data Guard Manager

creates the configuration. By default, detailed information about the operation is hidden. You can

optionally click Show Details to display detailed information as the operation proceeds. When

you select this option, the progress dialog window expands and displays detailed information as

the operation proceeds. 

You must click Close to close the progress dialog window. 

If an error occurs, an ORA error message indicating the problem usually displays in the progress

window. See the Oracle9i Error Messages documentation for more information about the ORAmessage. 

Related Topics 

Create Configuration Wizard - Add Existing Standby Database 

Cleaning Up After A Failed or Canceled Configuration Creation 

Discovering Data Guard Configurations 

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ArchiveDestDependency Property 

You must set this property on the standby site to specify the dependency attribute for the

LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_ n parameter. The site name can be the primary or a standby site name on which

this site depends for receiving archived redo log files. If this property is not set on the standby database,then the log transport services will not be enabled. 

For example, consider one primary site (Boston) and two standby sites (San Jose and Chicago

respectively). Suppose you want to specify that San Jose depends on Chicago for its archived redo log

files. Then, you update the property ArchiveDestDependency of the San Jose database resource to value


To edit the value of the ArchiveDestDependency property, see Editing a Database Resource. 

Usage Notes 

Use the LogArchiveDestOptions property to configure all other LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_ n parameters. 

The ArchiveDestDependency property is a critical database property. See Critical Database Resource


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You can optionally set this property on the primary site to update the attributes of the

ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET=seconds initialization parameter setting. This property limits the amount of data

that can be lost and effectively increases the availability of the standby database by forcing a log switchafter the amount of time you specify (in seconds) elapses. That way, the standby database will not miss

redo records generated from a time range longer than a value of the ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET parameter. 

To edit the value of the ArchiveLagTarget property, see Editing a Database Resource. 

Usage Notes 

The ArchiveLagTarget property is a noncritical database property. See Noncritical Database

Resource Properties. 

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Configuring the Standby Environment 

This step performs the following actions on the standby node to set up the new standby instance: 

Uses the orapwd utility to create the remote login password file in the default location within the

Oracle home where you installed the standby database. For example, on a UNIX system thename of the file is: $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapw. 

Installs the initialization file for the standby instance in the default location within the Oracle home. For

example, on UNIX the name of the file is: $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initinstance_name .ora. 

Installs the modified listener.ora configuration file in the default location within the Oracle home. For

example, on UNIX the name of the file is: $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora. 

Starts the Oracle Net listener (or restarts it, if it’s already running) that will listen for the new instance,

using the lsnrctl utility. 


Troubleshooting: All the actions in this step are accomplished by submitting a single Enterprise Manager job. If the job

fails, the error is displayed in the following places: Data Guard Manager progress dialog window. You should be able to diagnose the problem based

on the output in the progress dialog. 

Enterprise Manager job history entry in the Jobs History pane. To examine the job history, look for an

entry named CreateStandbynnn , where nnn is a sequence number. If there is more than one

CreateStandbynnn entry, look for the most recent sequence number. (Only failed Create

Configuration jobs are displayed in the Jobs History pane; successful jobs are not kept in the

history list.) View the job and examine the Failed entry in the jobs log for an explanation of whatfailed. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide for more information. 

Problem Solving: 

Problem: Action #1 failed. Solution:There may be a problem running the orapwd utility on the standby node. Verify the

permissions and accessibility of the utility on the standby node. It must be executable by the userspecified in the Enterprise Manager Preferred Credentials for the standby node. See Setting

Preferred Credentials. 

Problem: Action #2 failed. Solution:There may be a problem either locating or writing to the dbs subdirectory of the Oracle

home that was specified in the Create Configuration wizard. Verify the existence of, and, permissions

of the directory in the Oracle home on the standby node. The directory must have write permission for

the user specified in the Enterprise Manager Preferred Credentials for the standby node. 

Problem: Action #3 failed. Solution:There may be a problem either locating or writing to the network/admin subdirectory of the

Oracle home on the standby node. Verify the existence of, and, permissions of the directory in the

Oracle home on the standby node. The directory must have write permission for the user speci fied in

the Enterprise Manager Preferred Credentials for the standby node. 

Problem: Action #4 failed. Solution:There may be a problem running the lsnrctl utility on the standby node. Verify the

permissions and accessibility of the utility on the standby node. The lsnrctl utility must be executable

by the user specified in the Enterprise Manager Preferred Credentials for the standby node. 

Problem: Data Guard Manager may have timed out waiting for the job to complete. Solution:This will be apparent if the step fails but there is no output in the Jobs History indicating a

job failure. It is possible the job was never submitted if the Intelligent Agent was not running on the

standby node, or the job may have been submitted but it never started due to a problem with either

the Intelligent Agent or the OMS.

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Copying Datafiles 

This is the most time-consuming part of the creation process. In this step, the primary database datafiles

and controlfile are copied to locations on the node that will host the standby database. There are many

reasons why this step can fail. If it is successful, all datafiles and the standby controlfile have been copiedto the standby node. 

Cancelable:Yes. All copy processes in progress on the primary node will be stopped. A cancel will not,

however, remove any files that have been partially or completely copied to the standby destination. 


Data Guard performs this step by submitting an Enterprise Manager Job. If the job fails, the error is

displayed in the following places: 

Data Guard Manager progress dialog window. You should be able to diagnose the problem based

on the output in the progress dialog. 

Enterprise Manager job history entry in the Jobs History pane. To examine the job history, look for an

entry named Backupnnn for an RMAN copy, or OSCopynnn for an operating system (OS) copy. (In

both cases, nnn is a sequence number.) If there is more than one entry, look for the most recent

sequence number. (Only failed Create Configuration jobs are displayed in the Jobs History pane;successful jobs are not kept in the history list.) View the job and examine the Failed entry in the

job log for an explanation of what failed. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's 

Guide for more information. 

Problem Solving: 

Problem: The RMAN copy failed. Solution:A failed RMAN copy is probably due to an error encountered by the RMAN process. The

output from a failed RMAN process will be returned to the progress dialog, including any ORA errors

returned by RMAN. Consult the Oracle9i Recovery Manager documentation and the Oracle9i Error 

Messages documentation for an explanation of the error. 

Problem: The OS copy failed. Solution:A failed OS copy may be due to errors encountered running the UNIX operating system

commands required for the job to perform the actual copy. On UNIX, the rcp utility is used for non-compression copies, and the rsh utility is used for compression copies. 

To successfully run either of these utilities, you must correctly configure the UNIX environment on the

primary node. Then, the owner of the Oracle Enterprise Manager job (specified in the Enterprise

Manager Preferred Credentials for the primary node) can use UNIX r-commands (for example, rcp

and rsh). See the rhosts manual page on the UNIX operating system for details about the setup


Also, the following conditions may result in the failure of rsh and rcp commands: 

A UNIX r-commands environment that was set up incorrectly may result in the rcp or rsh utility

failing with a permission denied error. 

An incorrectly specified destination directory (for example, a nonexistent directory or one for

which you do not have write permission) may result in the rcp utility failing with a permission 

denied error. If you have output generated by your UNIX .profile/.cshrc file, this may cause the rcp utility to

behave unpredictably. (See the UNIX rcp manual page for details.) In this case the O/S copy

job may complete successfully even though it did not actually copy the datafiles and/or

controlfile to the standby location. The standby creation process will likely fail during a later

step because of missing datafiles and/or the controlfile. 

Problem: Standby database file system is out of space. Solution:A destination file system that is out of space is a potential cause of job failure. 

Problem: OS copy fails when copying the control file. 

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Solution: If an OS copy successfully copies all datafiles, but fails at the point where the standby

control file is being copied (as indicated in the progress dialog), the command to create the standby

control file may have failed in the primary database. The copy step actually creates the standby

control file immediately prior to copying the file to its destination. Examine the primary database Alert

log to see if the ALTER SYSTEM CREATE STANDBY CONTROLFILE command resulted in an error. 

Problem: Data Guard Manager may have timed out waiting for the job to complete. 

Solution:This will be apparent if the step fails but there is no output in Jobs History pane (EnterpriseManager Console) indicating a job failure. It is possible the job was never submitted if the Intelligent

Agent is not running on the standby node, or the job may have been submitted but it never started

due to a problem with either the Intelligent Agent or the Oracle Management Server (OMS).

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Creating the Data Guard Configuration 

This step creates the Data Guard configuration, adds the primary and standby sites to the configuration,

and adds the primary and standby databases (respectively) to the sites. You must enable the

configuration after the standby database is created in this step. Cancelable: If you are creating a new standby database, this step cannot be canceled. If you are adding

an existing standby database, this step can be canceled. 

Troubleshooting:The following lists possible problems that can occur during this step: 

Problem: Data Guard Manager has timed out while waiting for Data Guard broker to start. Solution:There is a 60 second time l imit in which the broker must start before Data Guard Manager

times out. Check the Alert log and Data Guard configuration log for more information. 

Problem: The Oracle home on the standby site is not an Oracle9i (or later) installation. Solution:The primary and standby databases must be Oracle9i Enterprise Edition release 9.0.1 or


If you are adding an existing standby database, it must be an Oracle9i Enterprise Edition database. 

If you are creating a new standby database, you must have installed Oracle9i Enterprise Edition onthe standby node. 

Problem: Data Guard Manager returns the Duplicate Configuration error message. Solution:A Data Guard configuration with the same name already exists or a configuration was

created that is using the same primary database. (Typically, a warning would have been displayed

earlier during the Create Configuration wizard to inform you that the chosen primary may be part of aData Guard configuration.)

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FalClient Property 

You can optionally set this property to update the attributes of the FAL_CLIENT parameter. This property

updates the FAL_CLIENT=OracleNet_Service_Name initialization parameter setting, which is the Oracle

Net service name used by the primary database to refer to the standby database. To edit the value of the FalClient property, see Editing a Database Resource. 

Usage Notes 

The FalClient property assigns the FAL (Fetch Archive Log Server) client name used by the FAL serverto refer to the FAL client. 

The FalClient property is a noncritical database property. If you never change the FalClient propertyand the current FAL_CLIENT parameter for the standby database is empty, then the database

resource automatically sets the value to the net service name for the standby database. See

Noncritical Database Resource Properties. 

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FalServer Property 

You can optionally set this property to update the attributes of the

FAL_SERVER=OracleNet_Service_Name initialization parameter setting. Set this on the standby

database resource to assign the FAL (Fetch Archive Log Server) server for the standby database. Set this property to an integer value to see the progression of the archiving of redo logs to the standby

database. Oracle database server writes an audit trail of the archived logs received from the primary

database into a trace file. 

To edit the value of the FalServer property, see Editing a Database Resource. 

Usage Notes 

The FalServer property is a noncritical database property. If you never change the FalServer property

and the current FAL_SERVER parameter for the standby database is empty, then the database

resource automatically sets the value to the net service name for the primary database. See

Noncritical Database Resource Properties. 

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LogArchiveDestOptions Property 

You must set this property to specify the attributes of the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_ n parameter (for

example, "optional, reopen=30"). If this property is not set, the Data Configuration will not function properly.

Data Guard Manager initially sets the value to an empty string. To edit the value of the LogArchiveDestOptions property, see Editing a Database Resource. 

Usage Notes 

You cannot specify the service and location attributes with the LogArchiveDestOptions property,because these attributes are maintained automatically by the Data Guard broker. 

You cannot specify the dependency attribute with the LogArchiveDestOptions property. Use theArchiveDestDependency property to configure the dependency attribute of the

LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_ n parameter . 

The LogArchiveDestOptions property is a critical database property. See Critical Database Resource


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LogArchiveTrace Property 

You can optionally set this property to specify the attributes of the LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE= integer  

initialization parameter. 

Set this property to an integer value to see the progression of the archiving of redo logs to the standbydatabase. Oracle writes an audit trail of the archived logs received from the primary database into a trace


To edit the value of the LogArchiveTrace property, see Editing a Database Resource. 

Usage Notes 

The LogArchiveDestOptions property is a noncritical database property. See Noncritical DatabaseResource Properties. 

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LogXptStatus Property 

This is a read-only property that contains the error status (if any) of the log transport services for each of

the currently enabled standby sites. The error status can be an empty string that indicates no error.

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Mounting Primary Database 

This step is shown only if the primary database must be shutdown, or if you selected the shutdown option

in the Create Configuration wizard. This step starts and mounts the primary database. 

Cancelable:Yes Troubleshooting: If this step fails, there is probably a problem connecting to the primary database: 

Ensure a connection exists to the database by attempting to connect to it through the Enterprise

Manager Console. 

Verify the state of the database; it should be shutdown. (The database should have been shut down

in the previous step: Shutting Down Primary Database.)

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Opening Primary Database 

This step is shown only if the primary database must be shutdown or if you selected the shutdown option

in the Create Configuration wizard. This step opens the primary database. 

Cancelable:No Troubleshooting: 

If this step fails, there is most likely a problem connecting to the primary database. Ensure a

connection exists by attempting to connect to it through the Enterprise Manager Console. Verify

the state of the database; it should be mounted (as performed by Step 4 Mounting Primary


An ORA error message indicating the problem encountered during the open operation is usually

displayed in the progress dialog. See the Oracle9i Error Messages documentation for more

information about the ORA message.

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Progress Dialog During a Switchover Operation 

Data Guard Manager displays its progress as it performs a switchover of a database resource. You can

choose to display minimal information or detailed information as the operation proceeds. 

Show Details / Hide Details By default, detailed information about the operation is hidden. 

Click Show Details to display detailed information as the operation proceeds. The progress dialog

window expands and displays all of the output from the Data Guard console log as the server

performs the enable or disable operation. 

Click Hide Details to hide the details of the operation. 

Cancel / Close 

Click Cancel to interrupt an enable operation or a disable operation that is in progress. The Cancel

button becomes the Close button when processing completes. 

Click Close when processing has completed to close the progress dialog and allow Data Guard

Manager to manage the object. 

Usage Notes 

A switchover operation switches the role of the primary database and standby databases. The

chosen standby database becomes the primary database. The original primary database thenbecomes a standby database. There is no need to re-instantiate any of the databases in the

switchover operation. There is no data divergence between the original and the new primary

database after the successful completion of the database switchover. 

Verify the new roles of the databases by viewing the Summary section. To view the configuration

summary, click the configuration name and click the General Tab. 

If a problem occurs during an enable or disable operation, click Show Details to view the error

messages that are displayed in the progress dialog window. See the Oracle9i Error Messages  

and the Oracle9i Data Guard Broker documentation for more information about ORA error


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Renaming Datafiles 

This step is accomplished by the same Enterpr ise Manager job that performed Step 4 (Configuring the

Standby Environment) and Step 5 (Starting the Physical Standby Database). The job completes the

standby setup process by performing the following actions on the standby instance: Renames the standby instance datafiles to correspond to the datafile location on the standby node. 

Creates online redo log files for the standby instance. 



Check the ORA error messages shown in the progress window. See the Oracle9i Error Messages  

documentation for more information about the ORA message.

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Retrieving Listener Configuration File 

This step retrieves the Oracle Net listener configuration file (listener.ora) and automatically edits it to add

an entry for the new standby database. 

Cancelable:Yes Troubleshooting: Data Guard retrieves the listener file by submitting an Enterprise Manager job. If the job fails, the error is

displayed in the following places: 

Data Guard Manager progress dialog window. You should be able to diagnose the problem based

on the output in the progress dialog. 

Enterprise Manager Console job history entry in the Jobs History pane. To examine the job history,

look for an entry named GetListenernnn , where nnn is a sequence number. If there is more than

one GetListenernnn entry, look for the most recent sequence number. (Only failed Create

Configuration jobs are displayed in the Jobs History pane; successful jobs are not kept in the

history list.) View the job and examine the Failed entry in the job log for an explanation of what

failed. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide for more information. 

Problem Solving: Problem: The listener.ora file is not present in the default Oracle home directory on the standby

node. Solution:Ensure the listener.ora file is in the default location that is assumed by Data Guard

Manager during the creation process. (For example, on UNIX the default location is:

$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin.) See Create Configuration Wizard Setup Requirements. 

Problem: Data Guard Manager may have timed out waiting for the job to complete. Solution:This will be apparent if the step fails but there is no output in the Jobs History pane

indicating a job failure. It is possible the job was never submitted (the Intelligent Agent may not be

running on the standby node), or the job may have been submitted but it never started due to a

problem with either the Intelligent Agent or the Oracle Management Server (OMS).  

Problem: The listener.ora file was successfully retrieved from the standby node, but Data Guard

Manager was unable to automatically edit the file to add the required new entry for the standbydatabase. Solution: In this case, the step should not fail. Rather, a dialog pops up flagging the problem and

displaying the text of the unchanged listener.ora file. Continue the creation process after manually

adding the required information to the listener.ora content provided in the dialog.

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Shutting Down Primary Database 

This step is shown only if the primary database must be shutdown or if you selected the shutdown option

in the Create Configuration wizard. This step shuts down the primary database using the immediate 

option. Cancelable:Yes 

Troubleshooting: If this step fails, it is most likely because of a problem connecting to the primary database: 

Ensure a connection exists to the primary database by attempting to connect to it through the

Enterprise Manager Console. 

Verify the state of the database to ascertain whether the shutdown actually succeeded. An ORA error

message indicating the problem encountered during shutdown is usually displayed in the

progress window. See the Oracle9i Error Messages documentation for more information about

ORA messages.

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StandbyArchiveDest Property 

You must set this property to specify the attributes of the STANDBY_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter. If you do

not set this property, the Data Configuration will not function properly.  

To edit the value of the StandbyArchiveDest property, see Editing a Database Resource. 

Usage Notes 

The StandbyArchiveDest property is a critical database property. See Critical Database Resource


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StandbyFileManagement Property 

You can optionally set this property to update the attributes of the STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT[ AUTO |

MANUAL ] parameter setting. Set this property on standby database resources to indicate whether or not

the file names on the standby database are the same as those on the primary database. Set to AUTO onlyif the COMPATIBILITY parameter is set to 9.0.n . 

To edit the value of the StandbyFileManagement property, see Editing a Database Resource. 

Usage Notes 

The StandbyFileManagement property is a noncritical database property. See Noncritical Database

Resource Properties. 

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Starting the Physical Standby Database 

This step is accomplished by the same job as Step 4 (Configuring the Standby Environment); it mounts

the standby database. 

Cancelable:No Troubleshooting: 

Check for ORA error messages shown in the progress window. See the Oracle9i Error Messages  

documentation for more information about the ORA message. 

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Verifying Primary Environment 

This step performs several checks to verify the primary database environment. 


Troubleshooting:Problems are unlikely to occur during this step.

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