data warehouse dss business intelligence [email protected]

Data Warehouse DSS Business Intelligence [email protected]

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Page 1: Data Warehouse DSS Business Intelligence Minder.Chen@CSUCI.EDU

Data Warehouse


Business Intelligence

[email protected]

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BI Evolution









History Legacy Current 2005+

•Hand coded •Report writers •OLAP •Dashboard/mining

•Single system data

•Joined operating data

•DW •Enterprise portals

Source: META Group Inc.

•Summary metrics •Statistical metrics

•Predictive metrics •Recommendations

•Extreme latency •Extreme cost •Extreme ‘infoglut’ •Extreme integration

Moving beyond one-way info delivery to true BPM

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BI Questions

• What happened?– What were our total sales this month?

• What’s happening?– Are our sales going up or down, trend analysis

• Why?– Why have sales gone down?

• What will happen?– Forecasting & “What If” Analysis

• What do I want to happen?– Planning & Targets

Source: Bill Baker, Microsoft

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Business Intelligence (BI) is the process of gathering meaningful information to answer questions and identify significant trends or patterns, giving key stakeholders the ability to make better business decisions.

“The key in business is to know something that

nobody else knows.”-- Aristotle Onassis


“To understand is to perceive patterns.”

— Sir Isaiah Berlin

"The manager asks how and when, the leader asks what and why."

— “On Becoming a Leader” by Warren Bennis

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BI Definition

• Business intelligence provides the ability to transform data into usable, actionable information for business purposes. BI requires:– Collections of quality data and metadata

important to the business

– The application of analytic tools, techniques, and processes

– The knowledge and skills to use business analysis to identify/create business information

– The organizational skills and motivation to develop a BI program and apply the results back into the business

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Increasing potentialto supportbusiness decisions (MIS) End User

Business Analyst




Data Presentation

Visualization Techniques

Data MiningInformation Discovery

Data ExplorationOLAP, MDA,

Statistical Analysis, Querying and Reporting

Data Warehouses / Data Marts

Data Sources(Paper, Files, Information Providers, Database Systems, OLTP)

Business Intelligence

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Inmon's Definition of Data Warehouse – Data View

• A warehouse is a

– subject-oriented,

– integrated,

– time-variant and – non-volatile

collection of data in support of management's decision making process.

– Bill Inmon in 1990


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Inmon's Definition Explain• Subject-oriented: They are organized around major

subjects such as customer, supplier, product, and sales. Data warehouses focus on modeling and analysis to support planning and management decisions v.s. operations and transaction processing.

• Integrated: Data warehouses involve an integration of sources such as relational databases, flat files, and on-line transaction records. Processes such as data cleansing and data scrubbing achieve data consistency in naming conventions, encoding structures, and attribute measures.

• Time-variant: Data contained in the warehouse provide information from an historical perspective.

• Nonvolatile: Data contained in the warehouse are physically separate from data present in the operational environment.

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The Data Warehouse Process

Data Marts Data Marts and cubesand cubes




Design theDesign the Populate Populate CreateCreate QueryQuery Data Warehouse Data Warehouse Data Warehouse Data Warehouse OLAP CubesOLAP Cubes DataData

33 44

Query ToolsQuery ToolsReportingReportingAnalysisAnalysis

Data MiningData Mining


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BI Architecture


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BI Infrastructure Components

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Key Concepts in BI Development Lifecycle




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Performance Dashboards for Information Delivery

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OLTP Versus Business Intelligence: Who asks what?

OLTP Questions

• When did that order ship?

• How many units are in inventory?

• Does this customer haveunpaid bills?

• Are any of customer X’s line items on backorder?

Analysis Questions• What factors affect order

processing time?

• How did each product line (or product) contribute to profit last quarter?

• Which products have the lowest Gross Margin?

• What is the value of items on backorder, and is it trending up or downover time?

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Classification of Entity Types

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Transaction Level Order Item Fact Table

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OLTP Questions

• When did that order ship?

• How many units are in inventory?

• Does this customer haveunpaid bills?

• Are any of customer X’s line items on backorder?

OLAP Questions• What factors affect order

processing time?

• How did each product line (or product) contribute to profit last quarter?

• Which products have the lowest Gross Margin?

• What is the value of items on backorder, and is it trending up or down over time?

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Dimensional Design Process

• Select the business process to model • Declare the grain of the business process/data

in the fact table • Choose the dimensions that apply to each fact

table row• Identify the numeric facts that will populate

each fact table row


Data Realities

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Star Schema

Source: Moody and Kortink, "From ER Models to Dimensional Models: Bridging the Gap between OLTP and OLAP Design, Part I," Business Intelligence Journal, Summer 2003, pp. 7-24.

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Identifying Measures and Dimensions

The attribute variescontinuously: •Balance•Unit Sold•Cost•Sales

The attribute is perceived asa constant or discrete value:



Performance Measures for KPI

Performance Drivers

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A Dimensional Model for a Grocery Store Sales


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Facts Table








The Fact Table contains keys and units of The Fact Table contains keys and units of measuremeasure

Measurements of business events.

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Fact Tables

Fact tables have the following characteristics:• Contain numeric measures (metric) of the

business• May contain summarized (aggregated) data• May contain date-stamped data• Are typically additive• Have key value that is typically a concatenated

key composed of the primary keys of the dimensions

• Joined to dimension tables through foreign keys that reference primary keys in the dimension tables

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Store Dimension

• It is not uncommon to represent multiple hierarchies in a dimension table. Ideally, the attribute names and values should be unique across the multiple hierarchies.

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Inside a Dimension Table

• Dimension table key: Uniquely identify each row. Use surrogate key (integer).

• Table is wide: A table may have many attributes (columns).

• Textual attributes. Descriptive attributes in string format. No numerical values for calculation.

• Attributes not directly related: E.g., product color and product package size. No transitive dependency.

• Not normalized (star schemar).

• Drilling down and rolling up along a dimension.

• One or more hierarchy within a dimension.

• Fewer number of records.

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Product Dimension

• SKU: Stock Keeping Unit

• Hierarchy: – Department Category Subcategory Brand Product

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Levels and Members

Year Quarter Month

1999 Quarter 1 Jan

1999 Quarter 1 Feb

1999 Quarter 1 Mar

1999 Quarter 2 Apr

1999 Quarter 2 May

1999 Quarter 2 Jun

1999 Quarter 3 Jul

1999 Quarter 3 Aug

1999 Quarter 3 Sep

1999 Quarter 4 Oct

1999 Quarter 4 Nov

1999 Quarter 4 Dec

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Operations in Multidimensional Data Model

• Aggregation (roll-up)

– dimension reduction: e.g., total sales by city

– summarization over aggregate hierarchy: e.g., total sales by city and year -> total sales by region and by year

• Selection (slice) defines a subcube

– e.g., sales where city = Palo Alto and date = 1/15/96

• Navigation to detailed data (drill-down)

– e.g., (sales - expense) by city, top 3% of cities by average income

• Visualization Operations (e.g., Pivot)

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We can drill down or up on attributes from more than one explicit hierarchy and with attributes that are part of no hierarchy.

Drilling down in a data mart is nothing more than adding row headers from the dimension tables. Drilling up is removing row headers.

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Avoid Null Key in the Fact Table• Include a row in the corresponding dimension table to identify that

the dimension is not applicable to the measurent.

Sales Fact Table

11: No Promotion

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Querying the Retail Sales Schema

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Dragging and dropping dimensional attributes and facts into a simple report

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ETL = Extract, Transform, Load

• Moving data from production systems to DW

• Checking data integrity

• Assigning surrogate key values

• Collecting data from disparate systems

• Reorganizing data

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Building The WarehouseTransforming Data

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Pivot Table in Excel

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Use of Data Mining

• Customer profiling

• Market segmentation

• Buying pattern affinities

• Database marketing

• Credit scoring and risk analysis

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OLAP and Data Mining Address Different Types of Questions

While reporting and OLAP are informative about past facts, only data mining can help you predict the future of your business.

OLAP  Data Mining 

What was the response rate to our mailing?  What is the profile of people who are likely to respond to future mailings?

 How many units of our new product did we sell to our existing customers?

 Which existing customers are likely to buy our next new product?

 Who were my 10 best customers last year? Which 10 customers offer me the greatest profit potential?

 Which customers didn't renew their policies last month?

 Which customers are likely to switch to the competition in the next six months?

 Which customers defaulted on their loans? Is this customer likely to be a good credit risk?

 What were sales by region last quarter? What are expected sales by region next year?

 What percentage of the parts we produced yesterday are defective?

 What can I do to improve throughput and reduce scrap?


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Improve Stakeholder Value

Revenue Growth Strategy Productivity Strategy

Build the Franchise Increase Customer Value

Improve Cost Structure

Improve Asset Utilization

A Motivated and Prepared Workforce

Stakeholder ValueROCE

New Revenue Services Profitability Cost per Unit Asset Utilization


Financial Perspective

Customer Perspective

Internal Perspective

Learning & Growth Perspective

Product/Service Attributes

Strategic Competencies

Strategic Technologies

Climate for Action

“Build the Franchise” “Increase Customer Value”

“Achieve Operational Excellence”

“Become a Good Neighbor”

(Innovation Processes)

(Customer Management Processes)

(Operations & Logistics Processes)

(Regulatory & Environmental


Customer Value Proposition


Operational Excellence

Customer Intimacy

Product Leadership

Customer Satisfaction

Customer Acquisition Customer Retention

Time Function Service Relations Brand

Relationship Image

�Customer Profitability

UA’s Existing Data Warehouse

Balanced Scorecard