data coilection form titw d @ 2

-4- DATA COILECTION FORM titW d @ 2 GENERAL [NFORMATION ON THE FACILJTY ' Dateoflr4egtlon;. Nameofsenlorrnspdngofflcer: Facility riame; I Name a,ndposlUon(s) of all inspecting officer's) prese=nt: Type of Inspectlon: alnitiBi Dateoflast+nspectfon: [3 RouUne 0 Follow-up (incaseswinzatscgpanciasorrzmmmies,serecteuuringaprevtmn ht5pectbn,remalnoutstandrng} Facllq trading riame(s): Facility address ond contactmformatlon; ---7------1- i Ye8rthE) fFIClltt'l WeS establlshed: -- 2 832-'-- How many staff are currently employed atthe feclllty? Full t(me n Parttime heme andJob titleof faclllty sbfl accompanying Inspectlng officer(s): D.oesthis company keep animals at any other locatle+n(s) //3r6,nmke amm;) €unefltS to bspdct the gOtdtB$) aESoon OS possibM NO r NO

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Post on 28-Mar-2022




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' Dateoflr4egtlon;. Nameofsenlorrnspdngofflcer:
Type of Inspectlon: alnitiBi Dateoflast+nspectfon: [3 RouUne
0 Follow-up (incaseswinzatscgpanciasorrzmmmies,serecteuuringaprevtmn ht5pectbn, remalnoutstandrng}
---7------1- i
Ye8rthE) fFIClltt'l WeS establlshed: -- 2 832-'-- How many staff are currently employed atthe feclllty?
Full t(me n Parttime
D.oes this company keep animals at any other locatle+n(s)
//3r6,nmke amm;) €unefltS to bspdct the gOtdtB$) aE Soon OS possibM
NO €
NO €
AC30 Doc. 13.1 Addendum to Annex 2B Macaca fascicularis - Cambodia
:"Date'5pecle! flr5f aCqUlre(l? _f_____________ Spu;ce and life'S'(age _L g_ B3 4,3_>i g______%_ I ' oflnltla}stock? -f---I
Nunabersoflnltlalstockiandsaxes,(fknoiivn ff____-.------- Malas? smales?
'Have adaltlonai animals beeri obtained sln> you acquked the tnltrarstock? If gb; from hvhere?
- , -..----_-0,.__-_-_-.----._-----,_----_---------------_-------_---__l-
.ooyouthisspecies? Yes .lNo [1 When did you startbrsedlng? )(H) '7 .
#'lltters,/clutches' per year?
# offsprihg/eggs in litter7clutch?
xumberofaduits't+resent? I lth'4 I I li
' mumberofmalapresent? I 4jr I I 11
vumbgroftemalas? I F'C')2 I I I
What%offemalesbreedeachyear? I I . I
Whatdo'toufeedadultanimels? ;'vtrytJ_h_L@e__'[40_j_jj3rt_c-5_[I!_4s-yl3)e_J?ayu3_4-,__.I I- - a
ryumber ofjuvenlres present? I / (1 r7! I ffl -I a
Age atsexual maturity lyeirs)? I ,V 5-' I I I
Size or mass atsexual makurFty (cm or g)? II S, r_ , 0,d4 I -' I
,S{ze,atsale(cmorg) !_g.l07,1,v,,Jl . I
%lndmBt_,lp::t,neantt:,ge,eOeffegJugVsethrfallt:S dSnuyvlt hVg:h-beyond 2Weeks? ,, q,,,, ,l, .
Dateof inspection: Nameof senlor rnspeeting offioer:
Facility name:
Type of Tnspection:
[1 Foliow-up (tncaseswaiseepmciesoranamaiies.oetecteaauringaprevious
FaoRty tradtng name(s)
tfyes,makemangemmstompecttlekxabon(sl asswnmpassThle
,Do you B) this species? Yes No €
When did you startbreedtng? ---2 Q(;)% L , #litters/ciutches peryear? /
# offspring/eggs in (itter/crutch? /
uproduced Inthe prevtous year? 3 Z r C ADULTBREE)lNGsrO € * Facility Inspectorcount
tnrormation (vthereprissibie) As d Numberofadultspre5ent? 4GIT4a( 2 (
What % of females breed eachyear?
information (vihetepms}hle)
NumberofJuvenilespresent? m Age atsexua( maturity (years)? ffi e ( J
Size or mass atsexual maturity (cm or g)? 3 ,3, J h.i (;
Size atsaie (cm or g) 2 3 , i. a ( k What percentage of juveniles survive beyond 2 weeks?
lrutudesmrirtalttiesqeggsttmtdfdn'thmeh 9f2f'/ , rytO- I
Dateof Inspection: Name of senior inspecting officer:
Facility riame:
Whendidyoustart!>reeding? 2o a(%a
j# litters/cfutches per year?
Number of juveniles ptesent?. (( 8 r ageatsexuaimatur:tylyeaisB' I /, z- 1
Size or mass atsexual maturity (cm or gj?
Wliatpercentageofjuvenilessarvivebeyond2weeks? 4- InttUd'-S mOrta(l{feS Of EGGS that dldrlt hakeh.
ff As Jo €7
0 Follow-up (incaseswheremscrepanciesoranomaues,rietecteddurtnHprevious nSpeCffan, remain (HjtStandfng
Howmanystaffarecurrentfyemployed atthefactlity?
Fulltime Parttime
- , , - z - ll Jil ' - f- -
(fyesywhatisthenameandaddressofvet? v
Y=.- [ff' N- €
Yes []
If yes, make armngeinents to inspect tlie iocatLry(s} OS soon as possible
SPECJES lMOR(VIATIO(ll%tobecompletedseparatelyforeachspeclesheldatthefa6iity}
Numbers ofinitialstock,andsexesjfknown 2)S(A?
"Have additional anirnals been obtaTned since you acquired tlie initial stock? Ifso, from where?
.ooyou thrsspecies? Yes m NO @
When did you startbreedrng? J511 iM .
#litters/clutches peryear? 1
Numberofjuvenilespresent? b Age atsexual maturity (years)
Size or n'iass atsexual maturity (cm or g)
Size at sale (cm or g)
Wl'iat percentage of juveniles survive beyond 2 weeks?
, inspector count
(vihere possible)
Dateof Inspection: 25 -SEP-201'7 Name of senlor InspecUng officer:
FacllJ namei
(n5pection, remainoutstandfng}
,.. .......l.coiii
HC+w many staff are currently employed at the facility?
pull time El Parttime
Does the operation have access to professfone) veterinary services? Yes [2] No []
If yes, what Is the name and address ofvet? .,
Doesthlscompanykeepanlrnelsatanyotherlocatron(s)? Y,S z Ifyes, ivhere?
If yes, make arrangement.r; to Inspect the locatkn(s) assrxm as possible
NO m
of tnltiat stock?
Have nut
# produced In the ptevrous year?. 3034iieads
WFlai da VOII feed adult anlmels? Niiliiiunl siiuiiliii'd cNl+crmtenlnl niitiikcy rtill price rccil till(I local ('ritit ntitl vegclnliles.
Rwtusasrccx(axpweso:oasossciicocouaihm) FaCllih/ InSPeCforcount
. St;xe at sale (cm org) m
WhetpercentegeofJuwnlles survive beyond 2weeks? ,llhl,fill,l,V. Includes mondiyies of eggs that d(dn't /iatcfi.
What i:lo '/all feed rearing and JuVenile anima(s? Nailniinl itiifftliird ctperlmcrt+iil iitoiikcy htllprlcc rccil 111111 Itienl trnll uil rcgc+nhlet.
DateoflnSpectiOn:. October.2.20l7 NameofsenlorJnspdngofflcer.
Tape ofmspectlon: a Initial Dateoflasttnspect[on: September.2.20'i7 (v Routine
[3 Follow-up (insseswtiereatscrepanclestanomaties,*tecteuudngaprevbus inspeaion, remain6mtandrng}
Facility trading name(s}:
Doestheoperation haveaccesstoprofasstonal veterinaryservices? Yes [3
If yes, what is the name and address of vet?
Does thts company keep animals at any'other rocation(s)? Yet a Ifyes,where?
if yes, make amngements to Inspect the hcutkiQs) asisoon aspossibfe
NO lIa
Faciiftyname: Species:
IHave additlonat anlmals beenobtalned since you acquired the initrsJstock? Ifso, from where?
,Do you B thls species? Ye3 .tv No € Whendidyoustartbreedrng? February.2007
#litters/clutches peryear?
,Slze atsale (cm org)
Whatdo yau feed rearing andJuveniJe anima(s?