danyelle's ppt guitars

Who made the first Who made the first guitars guitars How to play the How to play the guitar guitar Myth and Tales about the guitar Myth and Tales about the guitar

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Post on 16-Jul-2015



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Page 1: Danyelle's PPT Guitars

Who made the first Who made the first guitarsguitars

How to play the How to play the guitarguitar

Myth and Tales about the guitarMyth and Tales about the guitar

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this is an lutethis is an lute

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This is  Les Paul He died because of a heart attack.

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First I had to multiply 9 and the 600 and that gave me 5,400.Second I  multiplyed 9 and 70 I then got 630.      Third I multipled 9 and 2 and i got 18Fourth I multiplyed 7 and 600 and got 4,200.Fifth I multiplyed  7 and 70 and got 490last I multiplyed 7 & 2 & got 14.

After that I  added all the numbers on the right up and I got 10,752.

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