dangerous liasions

TECHNICAL DETAILS Length duration: 119 min. Nationality: UK and EEUU Years: 1988 Direction: Stephen Frears Producer: Warner Bros Producer: Norma Heyman and Hank Moonjear. The script: Christopher Hampton. Photograph: P. Rousselot. Mounting: Mick Audsley. Music: George Fenton. Artistic Direction: Stuart Craig and Gérard James. Wardrobe: James Acheson. Sinopsi/Plot summary: France, XVIIIth Century. Fascinating and perverse Marchioness of Merteuil is planning revenge against her latest love with the help of an old friend, the Viscount of Valmont, who is an immoral and deprive seducer like she is. A virtuous married woman, Madame de Tourvel, who Valmont wants to conquer, will become involved in the dangerous machinations of the Marchioness.

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Post on 08-Apr-2016




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Length duration: 119 min.

Nationality: UK and EEUU

Years: 1988

Direction: Stephen Frears

Producer: Warner Bros

Producer: Norma Heyman and

Hank Moonjear.

The script: Christopher


Photograph: P. Rousselot.

Mounting: Mick Audsley.

Music: George Fenton.

Artistic Direction: Stuart Craig

and Gérard James.

Wardrobe: James Acheson.

Sinopsi/Plot summary:

France, XVIIIth Century. Fascinating and perverse Marchioness of Merteuil is

planning revenge against her latest love with the help of an old friend, the

Viscount of Valmont, who is an immoral and deprive seducer like she is. A

virtuous married woman, Madame de Tourvel, who Valmont wants to

conquer, will become involved in the dangerous machinations of the



1- You’ve got the technical details of the film in Valencià. Translate

in to English, so you can learn/revise the basic vocabulary

related to audiovisual productions.

2- Write about 3 of the main characters (Madame de Merteuil,

Viscount of Valmont, Madame de Tourvel, and Cecile de

Volanges). Include their physical and personality description.

Viscount of Valmont

He has long dark hair and isn’t very tall, his eyes

are dark and his nose is big, he is handsome, but

their personality is ugly.

The viscount is so selfish and ambitious, and

obsessed with the sex, he plays with the feelings

of other people. In the film he exudes confidence

and seduces the women. When he met Madam de

Tournel, he loves her, but he’s afraid to make


Madame de Merteuil

She has long blonde hair, his eyes are blue and

very bright, he isn’t tall but is very beautiful.

Madame de Merteuil has a strong character and

personality, he is portrayed as a cunning,

manipulative and immoral woman because she

plays with the feeling of the other people.

Madame de Touvel

She has long blonde hair and blue eyes, she is

very beautiful and strong woman, but in the

end of the film she becomes a weak woman.


3- Write a description of the most representative locations of the

age, like the lounges (living rooms), the bedrooms or the


The bedrooms in the age were very

big and spacious. In the rooms

were a big bed, a dressing table

with the makeup, jewelry,

perfumes and were very lighting

because there were picture

windows, opposite to the garden.

The picture windows were

decorated with luxurious curtains. There were upholstery chairs and

ample wardrobe for the dresses. Usually was a bath in the middle of

the room.

4- Do you think that they are genuine people?

What do Mme de Merteuil and the Viscount of Valmont use to

dress up in front of the people? Which physical or material

elements do they use to build their social identity?

No, they are false and cruel people, they dress up with luxurious

dresses and jewelry. He wears a shirt with a bow, a long jaquet and

bermuda, with corset, it’s fall of, precious stones and jewelry, and her

hair was upsweep.

They used while make up because in the age, the white skin

represented the aristocracy.


5- In the film you can find people who aren’t what they are

supposed to b. The society of the age was based on rules,

conventions and traditions which stopped people from being

what they really were. What are the objectives that each

character wants to meet? What means do they use to get those

objectives? Are they really happy?

In the film many characters are very liars and false with the people.

Mme de Merteuil and the Viscount of Valmont wanted to break the

wedding of Cecile and her boyfriend.

The Viscount of Valmont want seduce, and play with Mme de Tourvel

because is a challenge for her, but in the end of the film he falls for


They get those objectives but aren’t happy because the people know

that they are bad persons, and Valmont loses to Mme de Tourvel

because she’s angry and disappointed with he.

6- Quina dona de les que hi apareix ala pel·lícula et sembla més

moderna, més d’acord a l’esperit del Segle de les Llums reflectit a

l’expressió Sapere aude? Mme de Merteuil, Mme de Tourvel,

Cécile de Volanges, sa mare...? Justifica la teua resposta.

La dona que més moderna y que més s’assembla a l’esperit del Segle

de les Llums és Mme de Merteuil, perquè es una persona que es guia

per la raó i no per els seus sentiments ni el seu cor.

És una dona que manipula a tots els homes per a que facin la seua

voluntat, ella esta acostumada a fer-ho tot d’una forma en la que sols

ella puga aconseguir tot el que vol.


7- Diríeu que Mme de Tourvel és una persona “major d’edat”

d’acord a l’ètica de Kant? Hi ha algun canvi en aquesta situació al

llarg de la pel·lícula? Justifica detingudament la teua resposta

utilitzant els teus coneixements.

Segons l’ètica de Kant, pensem que Mme de Merteuil no es “major

d’edat” ja que les seua accions són roines.

Per a ser “major d’edat” tens que canviar els teus ideals i principis a

millor, no sols per ella sinó, per les demés persones.

La historia va avançant i ella és va donant compte de com és i vol

canviar però es massa tard perquè tot el mon sap el que ha fet.

8- La pel·lícula és una crítica a la moral i els costums de

l’aristocràcia durant el segle XVIII: Elabora tú aquesta crítica. Un

element molt important és l’escena final de Mme de Merteuil, el

desenllaç de Valmont, etc.

En la pel·lícula es mostra con les persones amb diners tenen una gran

pressió per part de la societat en la que viuen.

Lo que la pel·lícula critica de l’aristocràcia es que per molts diners que

puguen tindre no tenen perquè enganyar, ser egoistes y mentir a les

altres persones.

La mort de Valmont no ha sigut merescuda perquè ell estava més trist

per perdre al seu amor que per estar morint, per una part la seua

mort ha sigut bona perquè gracies a ella han pogut desemmascarar a

Mme de Merteuil, ella sentia molt vergonya quant tot el mon sabia el

que ella havia fet.

Els dos finals del protagonistes han sigut justos amb els seus actes.