dangerous liaisons

Dangerous Liaisons Nom: Jorge Nuñez y Adrian ………………………………………………..Herraiz

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Post on 07-Mar-2016




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Respuestas sobre la pelicula


Page 1: Dangerous liaisons



Nom: Jorge Nuñez y Adrian


Page 2: Dangerous liaisons

1.You've got the technical details of the film in Valencia. Translate

………in into English, so you can learn/revise the basic vocabulary

………related to audovisual prodductions.

Techinical details:

Length: 119 min

Nationality: United Kingdom and EEUU

Year: 1988 (Color)

Address: Stephen Frears

Production: Warner Bros

Producer: Norma Heyman and Hank monjean

Guion: Christopher Hampton (Based on the work of Choderlos de Laclos)

Photographs: P.Rousselot

Muntatge: Mick Ausdley

music:George Fenton

Art DirectionStuart Craig I Gérard James

Wardrobe: James Acheson.

2.Write about 3 of the main characters (Madame de Merteuil,

Viscount of Valmont Madame de Tourvel, and Cecile de

Volanges). Incude their physicals and personality description.

Viscount of Valmont: He is a short man, with dark hair and eyes. It is also

sexist, womanizing and extroverted. Is our favorite character

Cecile de Volanges: is the daughter of Madame de Volanges one child

I Innocent and affected by Viscount Valmot. She became pregnant and had a

…………. miscarriage.

Madame de Tourvel: She is young, beautiful, beautiful hair, slim, average

height and very shy. She is a good person who did not lie and she falls in love

with the Viscount of Valmont. She is married

3. - Write a description of the most representative locations of the age,

like the lounges ( livign room ), the bedrooms or the gardens.

The gardens: The gardens in the movie were quite spacious for walks, and colorful

flowers as both grass

The Living room: The halls of the movie halls were great to have gatherings, and well


The Bedrooms: The rooms were very luxurious, according to the . The rooms are

what we liked owner

Page 3: Dangerous liaisons

4. - Do you think they are genuine people? What do Madame de Merteuil

and the Viscount of Valmont use to dress up in front of the people? Which

physical or material elements do they use to build their social identity?

They are genuine people trying to fool everyone because. Viscount helps her dress and

Madame supplements helps using.

5. - In the film you can find people who aren’t what they are supposed to

be. The society of that age was based on rules, conventions and

traditions which stopped people from being what they really were. What

are the objectives that each character wants to meet? What means do

they use to use to get those objectives? Are they really happy?

Viscount of Valmont: Hisobjective was to have more and more power with women.

Madame de Merteuil: She is very wrong with people, and has many men for her.

Madame de Tourvel: She was in love with the Viscount

We do not think that will be happy because they do not show

6- Quina dona de les que hi apareix a la pel-lícula et sembla més

moderna, més atrevida, més d’acord a l’esperit del Segle de les Llums

reflectit a l’expresió Sapere aude? Madame de Merteuli, Madame de

Tourvel, Cécile de Volanges, sa mare…? Justifica la teua resposta.

Pensem que la dona mes moderna es Cecile de Volanges perque te els pensaments

menys antics, i per els seus actes.

7- Diríeu que Madame de Trouvel és una persona “major d’edat” d’acord

a l’ètica de Kant? Hi ha algún canvi en aquesta situación al llarg de la

pel-lícula? Justifica la teua resposta utilitzant els teus coneiximents.

Nosaltres pensem que si que es major de edat ja que afronta el problemas com si el fora .


8- La és una crítica a la moral i els costums de l’aristocràcia durant el segle

XVIII. Elabora tú aquesta crítica. Un element molt important tés l’escena

final de Madame de Merteuli, el desenllaç de Valmont, etc.

Em pareix una pel-lícula que crea una expectativa molt influient de l’epoca,

personalment creguem que l’escena final la veguem molt justa ja que acaben vegent

com es ella de veritat fora de corsets i de jardins.

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