daily journals. #1 january 20th day 3 in paragraph form answer the following questions: what are you...

Download Daily Journals. #1 January 20th Day 3 In paragraph form answer the following questions: What are you looking forward to in this class? What topics do

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  • Daily Journals
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  • #1 January 20th Day 3 In paragraph form answer the following questions: What are you looking forward to in this class? What topics do you hope to learn about? What have you heard about my class from other individuals? Was what you heard good or bad? What do you hope this class will be like? What do you hope I will be like?
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  • #2 January 21 st Day 4 In your journal respond to the following questions in a well developed paragraph: - What is psychology? - Is psychology common sense? - What benefits can the study of psychology have for you and society?
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  • #3 January 22 Day 5 Pick up a copy of the article Motherhood And Murder and read the article. Andrea Yates committed a horrendous act when she murdered her children. Different reasons have been suggested for why Andrea behaved the way she did. Dr. Diamond writes: Was it the shadow that made her do it? The devil? Demonic possession? Or was it, as mainstream psychiatry dogmatically maintains, aberrant biochemistry that made her mad, post-partum depression, a "broken brain" and raging hormonal imbalance to blame for her evil deeds? How can we make sense of such senseless acts? How much responsibility must we bear for "negative" feelings, thoughts, impulsions, and dealing with them? Could ongoing intensive psychotherapy and closer monitoring have foreseen and possibly prevented this tragedy? Or was this evil inevitable? Complicated questions. You be the jury. In your journal respond to Dr Diamonds question. What reasoning do you give for why Andrea Yates behaved the way she did? Was it inevitable?
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  • #4 January 23 Day 6 Read the article 10 Great Reasons to Earn a Psychology Degree. Identify the three reasons you find to be the most compelling reasons for earning a degree in psychology. Then tell me if you have ever considered a degree in psychology. If you have not has this article changed your mind?
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  • #5 January 26th Day 7 Judge the impact the individuals we have discussed have had on the field of psychology. Who do you think has been the most influential in the development of psychology? Wundt, James, Freud, etc.. Explain in your journal who you picked and why.
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  • #6 January 27Day 8 Pick up the sheet on the cart. Read the ACT passage and then answer the question that follow in your journal.
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  • #7 January 28 th Day 9 Pick up the sheet on the cart. Look at the graphs and then answer the questions that follow regarding careers in psychology.
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  • #8 January 29 th Day 10 In paragraph form in your journal tell me three things you learned about your field of psychology from your research yesterday. Do you think this is a field you would like to work in? Why or why not?
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  • #9 January 30 th Day 11 Yesterday you concluded part 1 of Domain 1. In your journal write a summary of what you learned. Use the following questions to help guide you: What did you find most interesting? What did you have trouble learning? What was your favorite part of this section? What was your least favorite part of this section? What reasonable recommendations do you have for making this part of the domain a better learning experience for future students?
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  • #10 February 2 nd Day 12 FREE WRITE Write a well developed paragraph or paragraphs about anything that you would like. Remember that I may read what you wrote so dont write about anything you do not want me to know.
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  • #11 February 3 rd Day 13 Read the ACT passage and then answer the questions that follow in your journal. ***Hold on to the passage because we are going to go over it together***
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  • #12 February 4 th Day 14 Lately we have seen rising societal concern regarding the use of animals and humans in psychological research. In your opinion, is it okay to utilize animals and humans for psychological research? If yes, under what conditions? If no, why not?
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  • #13 February 5 th Day 15 Listen to the audio of Christopher Brownings story of the Reserve Police Battalion 101's first killing mission in the village of Jozefow in Poland. Then listen to the back ground information that Mrs. McElveen has for you. After listening to the audio and the background information write a paragraph in your journal in which you address the following questions: Why do you think these men participated in these massacres? Was it peer pressure? Anti-Semitism? Or was there other factors? Browning writes of the men who took part in the murders, A few who admitted that they had been given the choice and yet failed to opt out were quite blunt. One said that he had not wanted to be considered a coward by his comrades. Another more aware of what truly required courage said quite simply: I was cowardly What is your definition of cowardly? Do you think being cowardly explains why these people participated in these horrific acts? Audio
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  • #14 February 6 th Day 16 Yesterday we discussed the Milgram experiment. In paragraph form write a summary of the experiment and then explain how this experiment sheds light on the atrocities that occurred during the Holocaust.
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  • #15 February 9 th Day 17 FREE WRITE Write a well developed paragraph or paragraphs about anything that you would like. Remember that I may read what you wrote so dont write about anything you do not want me to know.
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  • #16 February 10 th Day 18 Yesterday you concluded part 2 of Domain 1. In your journal write a summary of what you learned. Use the following questions to help guide you: What did you find most interesting? What did you have trouble learning? What was your favorite part of this section? What was your least favorite part of this section? What reasonable recommendations do you have for making this part of the domain a better learning experience for future students?
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  • #17 February 11 th Day 19 Read the ACT passage and then answer the questions that follow in your journal. ***Hold on to the passage because we are going to go over it together*** 3 rd BLOCK JOURNALS DUE TODAY!!!
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  • February 12 th Day 20 Take the next 10 minutes to review over the material and ask any questions you may still have about the material. 4 th BLOCK JOURNALS DUE TODAY!!!
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  • #18 February 17 th Day 21 Read the ACT passage and then answer the questions that follow in your journal. ***Hold on to the passage because we are going to go over it together***
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  • #19 February 18 th Day 22 Draw me a picture or cartoon that explains one of the concepts that we discussed in this class so far. ***There are markers and colored pencils in the green container if you would like to make it colorful.***
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  • #20 February 19 th Day 23 Today you received your interim report for the first half of this quarter. Reflect on your current grade. Is it a grade you are happy with? If no, why do you think you have this grade? What do you plan to do to improve you grade. If yes, what made you successful this half of the quarter? How do you plan to maintain this grade?
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  • #21 February 20 th Day 24 CP Free Write Honors either free write or read from your book review book and write a short summary of what you read.
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  • #22 February 23 rd Day 25 Pretend that your friend Sally was absent due to an illness and really needs your help catching her up on how the neuron works. Write Sally a letter explaining how the neuron works. Include pictures in your letter if that will help.
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  • #23 February 25 th Day 27 In your journal tell me about your snow day.
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  • #24 February 26 th Day 28 Tell me in your journal about your favorite activity to do outside of school. Then identify at least three parts of the brain that are involved in this activity and explain in your journal how these parts of the brain help you to complete your activity.
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  • #25 February 27 th Day 29 Read the ACT passage and then answer the questions that follow in your journal. ***Hold on to the passage because we are going to go over it together***
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  • #26 March 2 nd Day 30 Write a tweet about Mrs. McElveens class. You can tweet about things we have learned. Things that have happened. Things that you did not understand. Make your tweet your own. Use the template below to help guide you if you have never tweeted before.
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  • #27 March 3 rd Day 31 Read the ACT passage and then answer the questions that follow in your journal. ***Hold on to the passage because we are going to go over it together***
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  • #28 March 4 th Day 32 CP Free Write Honors either free write or read from your book review book and write a short summary of what you read.
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  • #28 March 4 th Day 32 Yesterday we examined the case of Phineas Gage. Explain in your journal why his story is so important to psychology that it is discussed in almost every introductory psychology course. What does his experience tell us about the human brain? What other methods do we now have that help us learn about the brain?
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  • #29 March 5 th Day 33 Use of anabolic steroids among teenagers has decreased over the last 10 years. However, teens who continue to use steroids do not always know what can happen as a result. Review the chart to learn about the effects of anabolic steroids on teenagers. Then complete the following in a paragraph in your journal: Explain to teenagers why using anabolic steroid use to enhance athletic performance is a bad idea.
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  • #30 March 6 th Day 34 Yesterday you began working on a group project on endocrine disorders. Tell me everything that you learned about your disorder yesterday during your research.
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  • #31 March 9 th Day 35 CP Free Write Honors either free write or read from your book review book and write a short summary of what you read.
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  • #32 March 10 th Day 36 What do you think determines your likes, dislikes, personality, intelligence, etc.? Are these genetically inherited traits or the result of your environment? Explain your answer to these questions in your journal. Be sure to support your answer using evidence.
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  • #33 March 11 th Day 37 Read the ACT passage and then answer the questions that follow in your journal. ***Hold on to the passage because we are going to go over it together***
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  • #34 March 12 th Day 38 Yesterday you concluded part 1 of Domain 2. In your journal write a summary of what you learned. Use the following questions to help guide you: What did you find most interesting? What did you have trouble learning? What was your favorite part of this section? What was your least favorite part of this section? What reasonable recommendations do you have for making this part of the domain a better learning experience for future students?
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  • March 13 th Day 39 Take the next 10 minutes to review over the material and ask me any questions you may still have about the material.
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  • #35 March 16 th Day 40 Tell me about your sleep habits. Consider the following questions: - How many of hours sleep do you generally need per night? - What time do you usually go to bed? -What time do you usually wake up? -Do you manage to sleep as much as you need? If not, why not? -Are you a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? -What keeps you awake at night? (e.g. worrying too much about stuff, too much coffee, your neighbors' parties, an uncomfortable bed, a hot summer) -Do you use, or have you ever used, any special methods that help you get to sleep? -Do you snore?
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  • #36 March 17 th Day 41
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  • #37 March 18 th Day 42 Look at this photo. Analyze the photo, make assumptions about the photo and produce five questions you have about the photo.
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  • #38 March 19 th Day 43 Draw an image in your journal depicting one of the disorders that we discussed yesterday or that you researched. Be creative. There are markers and colored pencils available at the front of the room for you to add color to your drawings. After completing your drawing write a few sentences to share what you know about that disorder.
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  • #39 March 20 th Day 44 In your journal give you opinion on the following questions: Why do we dream? Do dreams have a function or "purpose"? After addressing these questions write down a minimum of 3 questions you have about dreams that you hope to address during this section of the unit.
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  • #40 March 23 rd Day 45 Doctors and therapists sometimes use altered states of consciousness, such as hypnosis, meditation, and biofeedback, to help their patients manage stress and pain, change behaviors, and overcome phobias. Now psychologists and physicians are taking hypnosis into the operating room! Pick up one of the articles on hypnosis, read it and answer the following questions in your journal: Who was the author of the study, and what are the author's qualifications? What did the study try to find out? How does the author of the study define hypnotism? Describe the results of the study. Imagine you are a physician and have heard of this study. Although you have not used hypnosis or other altered states of consciousness in your work with patients, you think about possibilities. What other new ways can you think of to use hypnosis? What other ways could hypnosis, biofeedback, or other relaxation techniques might be able to help physicians?
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  • #41 March 24 th Day 46 Watch the video at the following link: http://www.mhpracticeplus.com/act.php (I will begin the video when the bell rings) http://www.mhpracticeplus.com/act.php After watching the video pick up the ACT questions and answer them in your journal. Be sure to hold on to the questions as we will go over the answers together.
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  • #42 March 25 th Day 47 Pick up one of the infographics, Look over the information and then answer the following questions: What surprises you about this info graphic? What does not surprise you? What questions on these statistics raise? What are your thoughts on these statistics?
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  • #43 March 26 th Day 48 In paragraph form respond to the following questions in your journal: Do you think alcohol is a drug? Is alcohol addictive? What is alcoholism? What makes someone an alcoholic?
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  • #44 March 27 th Day 49 In your journal respond to the following questions in paragraph form: How is drug use is portrayed in the media? For example, what do the people drinking or smoking look like? Are they well dressed and attractive? Are they engaged in an appealing activity, such as picnicking in the park, or laying on the beach? Do you think these images make drug use more attractive to young people? If so, do you think that the media contributes to drug use in our society?
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  • #45 March 30 th Day 50
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