daily iowan (iowa city, iowa), 1905-11-07dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/di/1905/di1905-11-07.pdf · daily...

DAILY IOWAN PUBLISHED BY THE TUDENTS OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Vol. 5 IOWA CITY, IOWA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1905 No 34. Ghosts Run Riot. ZETAGATHIAN8 AT HOME. Can Play 8all. GrinnelJ played its best ball, but the onslaughts of the Iowa team were ir· resslstlble. Every man played foot· They Irvings and Erodelphlans Commune ball and helped In every play. The With Spooks And Talk About Ime held like a stone wall. "Ger- Entertained the Hesperlans The Boys And Chalmers All Right, Last Nnight. They Say. Them. many" Schwinn showed that It was "hard to pull a good man down," even Irvlng-Ero halJ was the scene of If they did tackle him around the neck much festivity last Saturday evening. around the body and bang on to both Promptly at half past s even In the legs. "Cresco" White and Streff are "dim religious light" from candlcs star ends. No Grinnell man got and jack lanterns, the Irvings and around them. "Andy" Chalmers play· Eros' assembled to hear a program ed a great game with a "game" foot. given by ghosts. The opening num· Allen and Tupper are hard to stop. ber was a cornet solo .by Miss Barry. What Heston Thinks. Ghost Brans on gave a most interest· "WllIie" Heston, Drake's coach, wit· Ing account of the origin of Hallo· nessed the game Saturday and 181d we'en. Miss Showalter's "Medley" all kinds of gOOd things about the was especially 'Ilppropriate /for the Iowa team. In an Interview he said occasion. that he believed Iowa would win from The debate, "Resolved, That ghosts Ames again this season. "Cre8co are visible at midnight upOn Hallo· White Is playing a great game for we'en," affirmed by Ghosts Knerr and Iowa," said he. " Chalmers, A_len Shedd and denied by Ghosts McNeel- and a good many others are good on ey and Lawl\on, was handled in a very the otr ense and the whole bunch is Cl ever manner. fella.ble authorl- built for football. Schwfnn, I think, ties as Mr. stearns, Mr. Goodwin and is their best groundgalner. The big Hamlet' {athin' were quoted to prove left tackle would have no trouble in the existence of ghosts. making the team at Michigan and Miss Olive Chase read, in a very would help theil' squad materially. manner, an original poem Iowa is In fin e shap e now and I thin k written by Alice C. WlJson, anu Miss wlll keep on Improving. I would Mil dred Price very Int erestingly r eo ntb er not jll'e dlc. the result ot the vi wed "Old Time . pralte-Iow g,.me ., We will do our The violin ,8010 j}y Mr. Vince nt and 'best to win." I , the 'P lano solo by Miss McKnigllt Mlnnesou wn And. were heartily encored. . For ' lb lll tirst time in ral year s Tbe r emainder of the eve ning was Minnesota can · lay no claim to the spent in pee ring into the future by western championship. The Wlscou- sailing walnut sh ell· boats, blowing sin " Badgers" certainly did things. candles, paring apples or by the help Melzner, an old Iowa.. man, won. the of th e witch fortune teller. Refre ah- game by a. kick and "Pat" Dono· appropriate to the occasion, van, another old S. U. 1. boy at _Wis· were served. consln, helped batter down the Goph- er Jlne. Freshmen ancf Iowa City. The Iowa freshme d' may play the Iowa City high school next Saturday 'Varlity Shows Fine Helping Spirit, as a curtain raiser to the Iowa.·Des and the is, in Fine ..• It will be a tood Working Order. game. IOWA PLAYS BEST GAME OF THE SEASON. drJllneU came, she saw, IIbe was conquered. With band playing, stream'erll fiylng and rooters yelling, Ames and Grinnell. A «Teat many eyes will look for ,the result of the GrlnneJI-4roes game- I}ext Saturday. . A number will go to ·Grln· the' Scarlet and Black enthulasts nell from here to witness the contest. came, but fn the' stillness of defeat, they departed. It might heen BIG NINE PEOPLE NOT worse than 46 to O. SQUARE. If was a ' great, glorious game. TM Iowa team has at last reached Its real torm. Iowa always gets better as the A prominent member of the facvlty ma(1e the following remark: season progresses . The way lIeems open. now to an unbroken line of vic- tories tor the reat of the season. Kent Shows his Prowe .. Kent so far out-played Valerius that ther!l was no compntlson between the two. Kent directed the team'S plays agalnlft the heretofore impregnable line: of Bergen's team, untH it crum· bled to pieces, and then Circled the ends at wiil. Valerius and Kent were both candidates for sub- quarter last yea., lind Kent won out. Valerius was 'DetUe(l, alUl left the univerSity, going to Grinnell. Valerius showell hlmielf Saturday as not being in I Kenra clasil at all. ! The Old Gold Team. It Is a team to be proud of. It has a coach to be proud ot, and tt bas a school It to be proud of. "Wben one reads the expose of foothall methods practiced by the great UDlversities of the middle west, which appears In the current number of Collier's Magazine, there is IWme consolation In not occupyIng one of the foremost positions In the 'Big Nine: We can better afford to listen to the epithet 'poor old Iowa,' and to submit to similar gibes from our sltl· ter Institutions than to be convicted ot the practLces describeJ by Mr. E. S. Jordon In his article on 'Buying Foot- ball Victories,' in the above mention- ed magazine." Teacher in hlstory-"How long was Xerxes in Greece?" . "Bright boy-"About two pages."- The Radlull. The Hesperlans e xtend to the Zet· agathlans their hearty congratula- tions lor ' having given one of the most successful social functions of the seallon, at the Majestic hall, last night. Dancing was the most Impor- tant feature of the evening. Allout eleven o'clock the Zets were sent into one room and the Heps Int oanother. Each one dr ew a cal'd upon which was a number. After each had drawn. they then matched the numbers on the cards drawn by the Ze ts with the numbers on those of the Hes perians. Having found their partne rs they r e- paired to the Burkley Impe ri!Ll where a three course lun'cheon was After the luncbeon all r eturn ed to the hal and r es umed th e ir fun. Al l out 12: 30 eaoh Zet drew a card upon which was writen the name of a Hes- perian. Thi ll meant th at he was to her hom e when 811 was over. Frolic and f un reigned supre me \I ntll one o'clock, wil en all went to their respective hornes, feeling glad tJiat they had b ee n there. Th e Heps ' de· ei re to con gr a tu late Messrs. Fr a'uli. Meyers an(1 Ci!lre ll Ce Lambert, wlJo In of the Ze ta g thian i5ociet y. 1>18. ,. a4 DR. &EASHORE LECTURES. Tells Political' Science Club About Hypnotism, The Pol1t1cal Science club met la st evening l"t the home of Judge . Emlin Mccrain. Tli e paper was read by Prof. C. E. Seashore, on the subject, "Hypp.ot\sm." Prof. Seashore has mad e a careful and exhaustive study or hypnotism and assocfated Hn es' of abnormal psychology, and his paper set forth strongly and clearly some of his conclusions. Those who last sum· mer ileaI'd hIs lectures on suggestion, perl'lonallty, h$notfsm and thQUgb t ' trllnsfer ence, bim one qualffled to speak with authority these subjects. FRESHMEN CALL POLICE. Freshmen at Syracuse university called the police to protect them (rom the wicked sophomores on the occa- sion of theIr banquet. they have lost favor with faculty and upper classmen too. In speaking of the affair, tbe chan· cellor condemned the freshman class fol' so violating the college preced- en ts in the matter of police omcers and stamped the act as lacking col· tege or class spirit. The seniors by resolution demanded that the president of the lreshman class apologize publicly on behal! of the class to the authorities and to the student body of t be university at cbapeJ. The UniverSity ot Colorado Is or- ganizing a graduate school. The following telegram was receiv- ed by Mr. Max Mayer after the Iowa Grinnell game: "Grinnell, Iowa, Nov. 4, 1905. Mr. Max Mayer, Iowa City: "Show me the man that said John Chahneril walil no coach.- "E. C. Harris." RESOLUTIONS. The lollowlng resolutions were passed at the last meeting or the medical faculty: " Where as; Dr . J. C. Shrader has presen ted to this lacul ty to hang 'In the ulver s ity hospital a photograph of the old faculty of the College or Medicine, " The refore be it resolved, that we he reby accept of bl8 generous gUt and a lilO e xpress OUf esteem and ap. Ilre clation of his act. "Resolved, That a copy ot these rllsolutlons be spread upon the rec- ords ot this faculty and published In tile college and daily papers of th e city." RANKIN'S TALK. HOll . G, 11811kin Blloke to tbe young men SI11lila-y In Smith armory . His lecture' was · ti. ' 8ttong one.' H carrie.} his audience ' pl';el' th e scene. pt, h13 and.. xplalned how the old "swimmin' hole" pre pared hltil for his fubiie alve Spirit Lake, Iowa. Hfs' ldeM were 'clear; and were presented fn such vivid · and1Jtriking waya , that everyone . was. int.eJ!iistEl/l His gestures were unlQ.ue and ful and he presented the truth of the Bible In convincing terms. EVIDENCE IN CASE AT KENYON COLLEGE, MT. VERNON, OHIO. Burled beneath a culvert, two hun· dred teet from the spot where Stuart Pierson, a Kenyon college student, was killed by a train, the authorities found three lengths of blood- atalned rope and a wad of ablilorbent cotton, also I8turated with blood. County Prosecutor Stillwell ex- presses the firm bellet tbe boy was chloroformed, the cotton saturated and bound across his face, and that then he was tfed acrostl the tracks as a part of his InWaUon into a colJege fraternity. A uthorl tles believe the cotton was removed later and the boy left stlq>i. tJed. On these gronnds the prose- cutor will carry the case to the grand .lury on Nov. 13. president Spaulding of the Amerlc· an Amateur union has Ii clded to rul., out the records of Arthur Duffey. Thia will make Fay Moulton, who made the 100-yard record here In !t '-Ii secoods In, 1899, world's ams.Wur cha.t1lpLon. Moulton Is now loeated ill Kansaa City, and will probably do some coa<:hiDg on the traek here next "pring.-Kansan.

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Page 1: Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1905-11-07dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1905/di1905-11-07.pdf · daily iowan published by the tudents of the state university of iowa vol. 5 iowa city,



Ghosts Run Riot. ZETAGATHIAN8 AT HOME. Can Play 8all. GrinnelJ played its best ball, but the onslaughts of the Iowa team were ir· resslstlble. Every man played foot· They

Irvings and Erodelphlans Commune ball and helped In every play. The With Spooks And Talk About Ime held like a stone wall. "Ger-

Entertained the Hesperlans The Boys And Chalmers All Right, Last Nnight. They Say.

Them. many" Schwinn showed that It was "hard to pull a good man down," even

Irvlng-Ero halJ was the scene of If they did tackle him around the neck much festivity last Saturday evening. around the body and bang on to both Promptly at half past seven In the legs. "Cresco" White and Streff are "dim religious light" from candlcs star ends. No Grinnell man got and jack lanterns, the Irvings and around them. "Andy" Chalmers play· Eros' assembled to hear a program ed a great game with a "game" foot. given by ghosts. The opening num· Allen and Tupper are hard to stop. ber was a cornet solo .by Miss Barry. What Heston Thinks. Ghost Branson gave a most interest· "WllIie" Heston, Drake's coach, wit· Ing account of the origin of Hallo· nessed the game Saturday and 181d we'en. Miss Showalter's "Medley" all kinds of gOOd things about the was especially 'Ilppropriate /for the Iowa team. In an Interview he said occasion. that he believed Iowa would win from

The debate, "Resolved, That ghosts Ames again this season. "Cre8co are visible at midnight upOn Hallo· White Is playing a great game for we'en," affirmed by Ghosts Knerr and Iowa," said he. "Chalmers, A_len Shedd and denied by Ghosts McNeel- and a good many others are good on ey and Lawl\on, was handled in a very the otrense and the whole bunch is Clever manner. S~lCh fella.ble authorl- built for football. Schwfnn, I think, ties as Mr. stearns, Mr. Goodwin and is their best groundgalner. The big Hamlet' {athin' were quoted to prove left tackle would have no trouble in the existence of ghosts. making the team at Michigan and

Miss Olive Chase read, in a very would help theil' squad materially. plea~lng manner, an original poem Iowa is In fine shape now and I think written by Alice C. WlJson, anu Miss wlll keep on Improving. I would Mildred Price very Interestingly reo ntber not jll'edlc. the result ot the vi wed "Old Time Sllp~rstitlons." .pralte-Iow g,.me., We will do our The violin ,8010 j}y Mr. Vincent and 'best to win." I ,

the 'Plano solo by Miss McKnigllt Mlnnesou wn And. O~ were heartily encored. . For' lb lll tirst time in ral years

Tbe remainder of the evening was Minnesota can· lay no claim to the spent in peering into the future by weste rn championship. The Wlscou­sailing walnut shell· boats, blowing sin "Badgers" certainly did things. candles, paring apples or by the help Melzner, an old Iowa.. man, won . the of the witch fortune teller. Refreah- game by a. ~r9P kick and "Pat" Dono· men~s, appropriate to the occasion, van, another old S. U. 1. boy at _Wis· were served. consln, helped batter down the Goph-

er Jlne. Freshmen ancf Iowa City.

The Iowa freshmed' may play the Iowa City high school next Saturday

'Varlity Shows Fine Helping Spirit, as a curtain raiser to the Iowa.·Des and the 1~~~ ;Machine is, in Fine · Molnes; ~game . . • It will be a tood

Working Order. game.


drJllneU came, she saw, IIbe was conquered. With band playing, stream'erll fiylng and rooters yelling,

Ames and Grinnell. A «Teat many eyes will look for ,the

result of the GrlnneJI-4roes game- I}ext Saturday. . A number will go to ·Grln·

the ' Scarlet and Black enthulasts nell from here to witness the contest. came, but fn the' stillness of defeat,

they departed. It might hav~ heen BIG NINE PEOPLE NOT ALW~YS worse than 46 to O. SQUARE.

If was a ' great, glorious game. TM Iowa team has at last reached Its real torm. Iowa always gets better as the A prominent member of the facvlty

ma(1e the following remark: season progresses. The way lIeems open. now to an unbroken line of vic­tories tor the reat of the season.

Kent Shows his Prowe .. Kent so far out-played Valerius that

ther!l was no compntlson between the two. Kent directed the team'S plays agalnlft the heretofore impregnable line: of Bergen's team, untH it crum· bled to pieces, and then Circled the ends at wiil. Valerius and Kent were both candidates for sub-quarter last yea., lind Kent won out. Valerius was 'DetUe(l, alUl left the univerSity, going to Grinnell. Valerius showell hlmielf Saturday as not being in

I Kenra clasil at all.

! The Old Gold Team. It Is a team to be proud of. It has

a coach to be proud ot, and tt bas a school baekin~ It to be proud of.

"Wben one reads the expose of foothall methods practiced by the great UDlversities of the middle west, which appears In the current number of Collier's Magazine, there is IWme consolation In not occupyIng one of the foremost positions In the 'Big Nine: We can better afford to listen to the epithet 'poor old Iowa,' and to submit to similar gibes from our sltl· te r Institutions than to be convicted ot the practLces describeJ by Mr. E. S. Jordon In his article on 'Buying Foot­ball Victories,' in the above mention-ed magazine."

Teacher in hlstory-"How long was Xerxes in Greece?" .

"Bright boy-"About two pages."­The Radlull.

The Hesperlans extend to the Zet· agathlans their hearty congratula­tions lor ' having given one of the most successful social functions of the seallon, at the Majestic hall, last night. Dancing was the most Impor­tant feature of the evening. Allout eleven o'clock the Zets were sent into one room and the Heps Int oanother. Each one drew a cal'd upon which was a number. After each had drawn. they then matched the numbers on the cards drawn by the Zets with the numbers on those of the Hesperians. Having found their partners they re­paired to the Burkley Imperi!Ll where a three course lun'cheon was ser~ed. After the luncbeon all returned to the hal and resumed their fun. Allout 12: 30 eaoh Zet drew a card upon which was wri ten the name of a Hes­perian. Thill meant tha t he was to .~scort her home when 811 was over. Frolic and fun reigned supreme \I ntll one o'clock, wilen all went to their respective hornes, feeling glad tJiat th ey had been there. The Heps ' de· eire to congratulate Messrs. Fra'uli. Meyers an (1 Ci!lrellCe Lambert, wlJo In ~half of the Zetag thian i5ociety. 1>18. ,. a4


Tells Political ' Science Club About Hypnotism,

The Pol1t1cal Science club met last evening l"t the home of Judge . Emlin Mccrain. Tlie paper was read by Prof. C. E. Seashore, on the subject, "Hypp.ot\sm." Prof. Seashore has made a careful and exhaustive study or hypnotism and assocfated Hnes' of abnormal psychology, and his paper set forth strongly and clearly some of his conclusions. Those who last sum· mer ileaI'd hIs lectures on suggestion, du~l perl'lonallty, h$notfsm and thQUgbt ' trllnsference, c~sit\,er bim one qualffled to speak with authority o~ these subjects.


Freshmen a t Syracuse university called the police to protect them (rom the wicked sophomores on the occa­sion of theIr banquet. ~0W' they have lost favor with faculty and upper classmen too.

In speaking of the affair, tbe chan· cellor condemned the freshman class fol' so violating the college preced­ents in the matter of police omcers and stamped the act as lacking col· tege or class spirit.

The seniors by resolution demanded that the president of the lreshman class apologize publicly on behal! of the class to the authorities and to the student body of tbe university at cbapeJ.

The UniverSity ot Colorado Is or­ganizing a graduate school.

The following telegram was receiv­ed by Mr. Max Mayer after the Iowa Grinnell game: "Grinnell, Iowa, Nov. 4, 1905. Mr. Max Mayer, Iowa City:

"Show me the man that said John Chahneril walil no coach.-

"E. C. Harris."


The lollowlng resolutions were passed at the last meeting or the medical faculty:

"Whereas; Dr. J . C. Shrader has presen ted to this lacul ty to hang ' In the ulversity hospital a photograph of the old faculty of the College or Medicine,

"Therefore be it resolved, that we hereby accept of bl8 generous gUt and a lilO express OUf esteem and ap. Ilreclation of his act.

"Resolved, That a copy ot these rllsolutlons be spread upon the rec­ords ot this faculty and published In tile college and daily papers of the city."

RANKIN'S TALK. H Oll . • G, 11811kin Blloke to tbe

young men SI11lila-y In Smith armory. His lecture' was · ti. '8ttong one. ' H carrie.} his audience 'pl';el' the scene. pt, h13 chl\d~~d and.. xplalned how the old "swimmin' hole" prepared hltil for his fubiie alve i~ Spirit Lake, Iowa. Hfs' ldeM were 'clear; and were presented fn such vivid · and1Jtriking waya ,that everyone. was. int.eJ!iistEl/l His gestures were unlQ.ue and f9rc~.

ful and he presented the truth of the Bible In convincing terms.


Burled beneath a culvert, two hun· dred teet from the spot where Stuart Pierson, a Kenyon college student, was killed by a train, the authorities ha~e found three lengths of blood­atalned rope and a wad of ablilorbent cotton, also I8turated with blood.

County Prosecutor Stillwell ex­presses the firm bellet tbe boy was chloroformed, the cotton saturated and bound across his face, and that then he was tfed acrostl the tracks as a part of his InWaUon into a colJege fraternity.

A uthorl tles believe the cotton was removed later and the boy left stlq>i. tJed. On these gronnds the prose­cutor will carry the case to the grand .lury on Nov. 13.

president Spaulding of the Amerlc· an Amateur union has Ii clded to rul., out the records of Arthur Duffey. Thia will make Fay Moulton, who made the 100-yard record here In !t '-Ii secoods In, 1899, world's ams.Wur cha.t1lpLon. Moulton Is now loeated ill Kansaa City, and will probably do some coa<:hiDg on the traek here next "pring.-Kansan.

Page 2: Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1905-11-07dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1905/di1905-11-07.pdf · daily iowan published by the tudents of the state university of iowa vol. 5 iowa city,


T~E DA,ILY IOWAN VOiUME 5 =I. ==I Every Afterllao'u Exc pt

Of tbe Vldette-Rcporter tbe tblrty- eventb ye'ar aDd of the . U. 1. Onlll the fourteentb year


J.' . L . DOUG LA






1. PE'l'r-:R P. HEALEY F. S. COOK




Address all communications to


Entered a ecolld-class ntall mailer. No­vember Il. 1903. at the post'office at Iowa City, Iowa, uudllr litO act of Con.rre 8 of March 3, 1879.


The following course at halt·hour lectures . will be given under the au· spices of the physical department, at sev n o'clock, on Tuesday evening, in the general lecture room of the Hall of Libera£' Arts. It Is d Sign d as a popular cOllrse for all men of the Uni­v rsl ty, Interested In physical train-Ing. - .

Nov. 7. Ex-ercls as a Vital Prln· clple, Prof. Glib rt L. Housel'.

Nov. 14. How ancl When to Exer· clse, Prof. Gilbert L. Houser.

Nov. 21. How and When to Study, Prof. F. E. Bolton.

Nov. 28. How und When to Sleep and Eat, Dr. J. T. McClintock.

Dec. 5. How and When to Avoid the Doctor's Services, Dr. F. W. Bai-ley. .

Dec. 12. How to Begin and How t.o Br al{ Training, Dr. ~. W. Bailey.

Dec. 19. Personal Hygiene, Dr. F. P. Lord.

Jan . 10. Types of Exercl~e-Thell' Err ct, E. A. Rule.

Jao. 17. Care of Sore Muscles. Jan. 24. Care of the Heart ancI

Lungs, Dr. W. L. Bierrlng. Jan. 31. Care of Bruises, Sprains

and Open Wounds. Feb. 6. Care of the Nerves. Feb. 13. Athletics in the Making

of a Man, C. L. Bryden. Feb. 20. Mental Life as A1fected

Per year. If paid before January 1st ........ $2.00 by a Phy~lcal Activity, Prof. C. E. Per year, If paid after January lst ...... .. 1.50 Seashore. Per Sel11e8t"r .......... .... .... , . . ........... 1.15

TAILORING I de ire to announce that I have a

complete line of the lat~st patterns

of Tailor Piece Goods" for. " Business Suits, Black Suits Full Dress Suits. 'and a full line of trou ering and overcoating

PRICES N\ED~UN\ No better work found anywhere. We know that we can sui~ you. Come in and examine our goods.

, ,.

JOS. SLAV AT A, Ta.ilor

Tabor, Iowa, Nov. 4.-Prof. John M.


Per montb .. ........... .. . .................... 40 Feb. 27. Significance of Physlcal All advertisement. ill tbls column must be paid for In advance at tbe rate of one cent

Redpath of Chicago university has ar­rived In Tabor, having been elected professor of Latin and Greek in Tabor college in place of Prof. R. D. Elliott, who went to fill a position in the University a fSouth Dakota.

Per 8ln.rle copy ........ ........... .. ..... ..... OS Proportions, Dr. D. J. H. Ward. per word per Insertion. No cbar.re loss tban Office- l18 Waabln.rtCln Street.

Telepbone, B ell. 36OJ.


- , Saturday's game has'been pronounc-

ed the only real football gare that

h.as been played hel16 this season, The

alumni game looked wtIl tuI this one

came to take Its place. Every ele·

March 13. Form and Posture, 1jJ. A. Rule.

Mar. 20. Skin Diseases, Dr. J. B. Kessler.

Mar. 27. Veneral Diseases. Aprll 3. Disease 'GerIhs-How tn

Avoid Them, Dr. Ij:e,q,ry Albert. AprIl 10. Care of the Feet, Dr. H.

J. Prentiss. April 17. Overwork and Underwork

Houser. April 24.

I Overwork and Underwork

lnent was present. The only fault -Mentally. was the Inability of Grinnell to put ----, up ~ good tight against her oppon- FIRST WOMAN LAWYER ' IN IOWA.

ents. But thls was beclllUse of Iowa'.

strength Instead of Grinnell's weak-


But the spirit Is the thing worth

while and of that there .was plenty.

Grinnell people are the right kind.

They are thoroughbreds, They came

down here hoping to win; hoping

against hope, knowlng the tendency

ot history to repeat Itself. They had

counted probablllties, and had looked

the matter square in the face. They

knew they had been defeated nine

,. . The late James C. Sav~ry haa be­

queathed to the ' Iowa hlitorical soc­Iety the graduating diploma of hia first wife from the State university law department. This diploma was the first one Issued to a woman in the state In the legal profession. Mrs. Savery was nearly forty years of age at the time of her gradua.tion, taking up the work late in her married Ufe. The heirs wlll make the presentation of the diploma soon in accordance with the bequest of Mr. Savery.­Des Moines News.

times out of thirteen. This did not Winter hosiery and underwear at frighten them. They were going H. A. Strub & Co. to win that game or lose it gloriously. And they did the latter. Winter wraps, furs and mlllinery at

The Grinnell rooters were the iJeal H. A .Strub & Co. klnd. They cheered the team in the face of defeat. They kept their The following resolution was passed teinpers sweet, and their courtesy at Illln~is: never failed . People that are all "The faculties and students of the )'ight' when being defeated are always University of IlUnois, in convocation all right. assmbled, extend to the faculties and

There may have been some betting students of the Russian universities but It was largely on the quiet and most cordial greeting with. hearty can­was not a feature of the game in any gratulations on the triumph of can­senBe. The game was played for the stitutional principles recently achiev­sake of 'the sport and this kind of ed by the great empire. With added thing is worth while. Uberty must come an added sense of

When two colleges come together responsibility and the academic bod­on the terms of friendly rivalry, such ies will surely do their part to secure as existed here Saturday, both re- for the new order liberty without 11-ceive good, the defeated no less than cense. Long live the czar and Rua-the victors. Bia."

ten cents .'

FOR RENT.-A pleasant room with furnace heat and use ot bath room .. Enquire at this omce.


LOST.-Red Muley cow, little grey. Telephone, or notify .J. Al40us.

> '

Miss Flora Baldwin VOICE, PIANO ' .

and THEORY of' MVSIC Inol",clln. L ae.rmony

2. CounterpoInt !. Canon ' 4. Fu.ue

Ear Tralnln. anll 51.ht Sln.ln, STUDIO IN CLOSe: HALL

The freshman grieves; The sophomore blows;

" The junior growls, ' But ' the senior knows.-Ex.

Guns, rifiel and a gun smith tor rent at ThoDl&ll'.

"Iowa pillOWS, Iowa laundry bags, fancy 'cushion covers, cords and tas­sels at H. A. Strub & Co.

Best work. St. James barber shop.

MR. CHARLES B. HANFORD As "Shylock" in "The Merchant of Venice" at the Coldren Opera House

Tuesday, November 7.

Page 3: Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1905-11-07dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1905/di1905-11-07.pdf · daily iowan published by the tudents of the state university of iowa vol. 5 iowa city,

.T. H E D.A I L Y lOW AN

. . ' .. '.. - j.t, ~,

I~+ •• ".~' .++~ •••••••• 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

. i' 'pER'SON~L'. ~Q.CAL AND GENERAL : t ' Conduoted by P. E. MoCL1!:!NAH~N. " '... • r •• + ..... + ... +++++ •• + •• +~ ••••••• + ..... ~++ •• , •••

If you do not expect to win, you will be an easy loser.

••• , ,

. Messrs.. . Ly.man Bedford and E. H. McCoy of Waterloo, spent Sunday with friends in Iowa City. Mr. Bed­ford has been in .' ''' bank in Waterloo Miss Pearl Stone has gone to Bur­

lington for a short visit with. friends. sinc~ t!is gr.aduation.i n '04. ••• •••

M L . Who f Mr. A. O. Thomas, L A'04, of Well-. iss undy and MIss lOery 0 •

man, and wife were in the city visiting Grinnell, visited Miss Mae Anders.

friends. Mr. Thomas is superinten-••• dent of the' Wellman ' schools and· is Advice that has no value is the kind meeting with great sllccess in his

most people hand out gratis. hi" work . •••

Miss Helen Quaife has returned to Grinnell after a short visit with friends.

••• Lasf Friday even inK a number of

Heps and Zets enjoyed a very sumptu­ous "chicken feed" at the home of Miss Alta Sample on the West Side. Chick­en was the order of the evening, and a ll had a good time. ....



City Stearn. Dye Works

and Panitoriurn

113 Iowa Avenue

• Ladles'Sklrts. Wallfts and Jackets

Dry cleaned--Men's clothes Steam· cleaned .

Miss Jeanette Jamison entertained last Friday even ing, in honor of Miss Lon of Burlington . .

••• Panitorium Club Rates $1.00 Per Month

If you want to be sllre of good work

The Daily Iowan bas added another member to its staff- Miss Florence Mingus '06.

bring it to the Steam Laundry. . TOMS & RUPPERT.

••• Call up either phone

••• People'S Steam Laundry one ' block north of the post office. Guarantees

Mr. Dale Carroll of the Daily Iowan, all its work. Graham & Havard has returned f«rm a short visit in

PerC) , Iowa.

••• Dingley Gardner of Ottumwa, South

Dakota, is visiting a few days wlth his brother. R. L. Gardner, L. A. '06.

••• The Irvings and Erodelphia ns made

merry at a Hallowe'en party in the-ir aociety halls Saturday night.

I ••• Pestalo'zJi- Neither book, nor any

product of human skill, but life itself, yielda the basis of all education;

••• "How many ea-gs did you eat,

Caeaar?" . "Et tu, Brute."

••• Miss Inez Mitchell of Grinnell apent

Saturday and Sunday with Mils Flor­ence Mingus of this city.

••• Mill Viola Wallace of, Burlington is

visitlng with Dr. Patterson. Miss Wallace will remain in '[owa City for a ~onth.

••• . Miss Edith Merritt and Maude smith were over Sunday visitors. Both are successful teachers in West Liberty.

••• Miss Clara Vermillion spent Sunday

w.ith friends. Miss Vermillion teaches mathematics in the Wellman high school.

••• The regular meeting .of Y. M. C. A.'

wu not held Sunday afternoon owing to the men's meeting in Smith's Ai-­mory. addressed by Hon. A. C. Rankin.

••• 'Kappa Sigma's gave an informal

party at their College street home las t F~iday night. This is the second of a series of parties. They R'ive another on Nov. 18th. " ... '

••• Many readers of the Iowan will be

interested in noticing that Council Bluffs is talking of trying to have the meeeing of the Stat~ Teachers' Asso­ciation held in that city next year, in­stead of at Pes Moines, where it has met for several years.

Proprietors .



• • • • • •

••• Confectioner . Bank with Iowa City State, opposite

Inter-urban station. Palmetto Chocolates our specialty •••

All candies home ~ade Nail cpppeTs, match safe" revolvers

THOMAS' . ... Ic~ y~~m 1p~de in. all ~~apes and ,. ) .. . .. ' . ~. \ -- . ,-,.it

Dean Charles Noble Gregory of th~ college of law, will deliver an address W'e4.I.es~ay. eyell!inll' at M .. ilhalltown, before the meeting oi the Iowa State AssociLtion of Charitiea and Correc­tions. Prof. Byers will have charge of Dean Gregori's cr,,88es during his ab­lence .


Miss Montgomery's A88embly to­night .instead of Wednesday, in order to accom~odat~ the p'atron, of the As­sembly who wish to attepd Little John­nie Jones.

• •• Safety razors from $1.00 to $5.00.

THOMAS'. • ••

Get your gym .suit of W. M. Ram­sell. At the S. U. 1. gymnasium every afternoon. Special prices to students.

• •• , My friend, have you heard of the town

of Yawn, On the b~nks of the ~iver Slo"!,, Where blooms the waitawhile flower

tair, Where sometimeorot~er scents the air, And the soft goeasies grow? It lies in the valley of Whatstheuse, In the province of Letterslide, That tired feeling is native there, It's the home of listless Idontcare, Where the Putitoffs abide.- Ex.

fUr'Dl hed fdr partIes and recep-tions.

All latest drinks.


is never dear, so when you buy, buy the best your money can purcbase. You will find a splendid line of ele· gant bedsteads and luxurious mat­tresst:s in this store. We guarantee them to be the most substantial ever manufactured, comfortable and ele­gant, and modestly priced.

E. D. MURPHY • Furniture and Vnderte..klng.

South Clinton St.







COAST & SON The American Clothiers

D.F. ROSENKRANZ is now at his old stand, on Clinton street, opposite the Univeraity, where he bas for ' sal e borne-made over. alls and s hirts . Iron· clad hosiery for ladies, boy s and girlS. Goo d stock of hats, caps and underwear . Home-made cotton flan nel gloves and mittens.

Cottonade Pants

Three Bars Lennox Soap

The Black Bear



Store open until 9 o'clock every evenin,

ALBERT GRAHAM Charles H. Bailey, '95, of the Man n­

al Training department of the State Normal, is down from Cedar Falls for a few days visiting with relatives and friends.

••• . NOTICE I

C. O~ D. Steam Laundry

••• In the "Mathematische Annalen" of

LeipZlR', for September 5, 1905, ap­pears a careful article by Dr. E. L. Dodd, on tbe subject "Iterated Limits of Multiple Sequence •. "

MISS Montgomery's Assembly to­night instead of Wednesday, in order to accommodate the patrons of the As­sembly who wish to attend Little John­nie Jones.

••• Sale Agent. for Cluett & Monarch

Ihlrta. COAST & ION.

High Glpss or Domestic Finish

Laundry oet-lled for and delivered daily - Both Phones-


Page 4: Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1905-11-07dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1905/di1905-11-07.pdf · daily iowan published by the tudents of the state university of iowa vol. 5 iowa city,


Cedar Rapids ®. Iowa City Electric Railway.

luve Cedar Rapid, Dally:

5:3(1 a. m. 7:00 a. m. 8:30 a. m.

10:()(} a. m. 11:30 a. m.

1:00 p. m. 2:30 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 5:30 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 8:30 p. m.

10:00 p. m. 11:30 p. 111.

leave Iowa City Dally

5:10 a. m. 7:00 a. m. 8:30 a. m.

10:00 a. m. 11:30 a. m, 1:00 p. m. 2:30 p. 111. 4:00 p. m. 5:30 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 8:30 p. m.

10:00 p. m. 11:30 p. m.




. ....•. -...•.• ~ .............. . CIGARS PIPES TOBACCO i

IP VO~~M~~E~:: PINK I • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Chas. B. Hanford An Elaborate Production


Round Trip and Special Tickets Sold at ============================ "The Merchant

of Venice." Ticket Oftlcea 0017. Slnlrle Trip Tickets 80ld at station. Of' On care. Ban'alre. (ISO pound.) carried tree. Mllealre. (value $6.SO) 60ld (or $5.00 wltbout rebate.

Cedar Rapid. TlcQt Office, 324 S. 2d S .. Iowa City Ticket Offl,08, Cor. Clinton

and Collelle Street ••

People's Steam Laundry Cor. Iowa A'Ve. and Linn Sl.

OPPo Ite University Hospital.

Strictly High Grade Work ONLY Dome.tlc and Glo •• Finish

TOMS ®. RUPPERT Phone. Bell C-58: J. C. 85

Drs. Newberry & Bywater 01 EA liS OF



--OFFICE--Over JohllOn County Savinge .Bank.


DR. ' ,j. G. MUELLER, Phy ician and Surgeon.

Odd Fellows Block. 124~ COIA.EGE STREET.

W. R. WHITEIS. M. S .• M. 0. DI ases of tbe Eye. Ear. Nose and Tbroat.

General Sllrlrery. ':; OffICle, 21 South Ihlb ..... u. Stt_t.

Soara: 9~ll a ..... 1-.!5 p. 111. Both {'hones.

Capilal City COlIIIIMrcial CoIkgt, Dtt mollft, 1otPa. The recoiDlze<l. lender QIIlQJIi' bu Iness tralnlnlf schOOls. The larlfest and stronlrest faculty or nny commercial colleIre or the West Beautl· 1u\sohool bome with modem eouipmen~ Good boa.diJllr racUl'les aa low rates. ,tuden ts may work for board If necessary. Bllnd.Orches· tra. Glee Club. "'andoUn Club. Gymnasium. and Athletics. Good situations for IrTllduates. No vacations. Send tor eleran\ new cat&­Joaue. Ac1dl'll8S W. H. ~OOAULJIY Preslden~


Nov. ll.-Iowa plays Des Moines co)· lege at Iowa City.

Nov. 17.-Flrst quarter end •.

Nov. 18.-Iowa plays Drake at Iowa City.

Nov. 24.-Iowa plays Ames at Ame •.

Nov. aO.-Thankllgivlng races.. All exercises suspended for the day. Iowa plays St. Louis university In St. Louis.

Dec. 14.-8. U. I. lecture course. Mr. and Mrs. Day, humorists.

Dec. 21.-Hollday recess begins.

Jan. 18.-S. U. I. lecture course. Earl Drake Concert ComplUlY.


I necessary to leave the University.

either tor a few days or permanently,

he should notify . the oMce before he

leaves; or, In case this is not possible,

os soon as practicable thereafter.

Fresh cut Bowers. Aldous &; Son. Grenhouse, corner Church and Dodge streets; store, 122 Iowa avenue.


The adsembly wl1l not be held Wed­nesday, the 8th, but wUl be post· poned tiII Friday, November 10th.

Three tlrst class men to walt on you. Sutton's, barber shop.

Try Thomas for datety razors, reo volvers and natl cUpperl, · .

Tomorrow .Night

The Big Musical Success

"Little Johnny jones."

Good seats may still be had.


Mr. Tim Murphy In His New Comedy

"A CQrner in Coffee."

Try Thomas for lanterns, globes. A " f R C Until fW'tber DO$ioe tae oftloe of the and pocket lights. dramatIzatlOn, e ev. yrns

registrar wl11 be open each forenoon

from 8 to 12: 16, and ea,bh' afternoon, ... - , except Saturtlay littel'llbll, fiom ~: 30

I.e/and Stanford university is build­ing the largest gymnasiUm In Amer· ica. It wlIl be 298 by 178 feet and a

Townsend Brady's Book.

.. Seat sale open this evening. ,

lo 4.00. Those who deaJre. to' see Mr. Dorcas are renllellted to caH. b,etween covered quarter mile tracl{ wlII sU\'- Thos. C. CarsOIi. Pre.. Wm. ,M ~(.Y .. Gaslller

.. round the building, J. C. Cotbran. V.Pres. G. L.Falk. Asst. Cashier

2:30 und 3:30 any' afternoon, except Johnso~ County savings Bank Saturday afternoon, or between 11 and Dolly laughed at Charlre'li whiskers. IOWA CITY. IOWA.

Peter' A. 0.7. Pretl. Lovell SWisher. Cubler J 2 Saturday forenoon . Cap I tal. - - • $125.000.00

When he asked her why her glee, Surplus and Undlv!d'id P-rofits. $65.000.00 G. W.,JaIl. Vlce·~. J. U. Plank. Ass't Casb. In view of a forthcoDltng ofliclal1ist

FIRST NATIONAL BANK or all ot the students In the Unl"er-She said, "Well, they're not so DlIISCTORS: - Thos. C. Carsqa. 10bn T. J'0d,e8.

funny M. J. Moon. E. F. Bowman. C. F. Lovelace.f. C.

Cafital11oo,OOO Sarplul $50,000 Dlrec:tora- Peter A. 1>e7. C.S. Wel~h.

lira. ~. E. Parsoas. J. L. Turner.

slty, with Iowa City addresses, every

student In the University Is earnestly

But somehow they tickle me."



CoclLtaa.Mu: Mayet. E.P.'W bitacre. S. :r..,Cw.

Geo. W. Koont1-. Pres. Alonzo Browa .. V·Prea. RE· J. E. Switzer. Cashier

CITIZENS PARMERS LOAN 8r TRUST CO. requested to lee to it at once that the registrar has his present city ad­

Peter A. De7. P.~ .• C. S. Welcb. Vice Pres. x-ell Swl.ber. Treasurer lireu. Each .tu~nt Shollld promptly The Novemb:-;eVlew of He- SA VINGS AND 'TRUST CO.

Capital $5O,()OO Surplus 131,000 report to the oftlce any change in his latarest Paid on DeposIts

views" has a multltu.de of good artl­c/ed covering man¥ things of interest to the student and man of science.

BANKERS Capital. $50.000.00 Surplus. $15.000.00

The Clinton Street Panitorium 15 pieces of clotbeli cleaned, preMed

and repaired and 20 shinel! for 1.00 per month.

2U South Clinton St. Phone 305



Just received at I

D.C. ABRAMS Shoe Store.

See them and you will buy a pair.

address. If a student should find It

.................................................... Do You \Alent


• • • • •

H4 South Clinton Street.

~he St. James. . Leading First-class Hotel of Iowa City.

~h:~v~or 80 p::!!ts up to $5,00 . .OTTO A. DEHNER'~ .• 1: .• ~' •.• ~ .~.~ ..• :::~ ~!o:: ... ~~~.~~~~~:~~~~.~.t~.~ Bowling. Alleys

Reliable Footwear. Unsurpassed in QUAUTY, VARIETY and very realODAble prices at ~ ~ ~

MORTON'S SHOE STORE Comer Clinton and Washington Sts., iOvfa City; Iowa.

Remodeled a,nd refitted.

Ladies Bowling, Monday afternoon from one to six.

Alleys let to private parties.

113 JOlNS Avenue' ~aq~ 'iq names for big Bo.'rliQC
