daily bulletin - evols at university of hawaii at...

w ill (h n i I UVl ffy Bt A "V S .i fiA'vi & . . fBw ' Wfl lUktwfM.nMJMaHIMMwa Tin, flu imw wnwtwwmwtw" - DAILY BULLETIN yM t ; oNov 250 UONOLtXLU, II. I., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1882. CO OENTB 8UD80RIPTION PER MONTH. Thc Daily Bulletin Is published every morning by the ' 15aII?Y BUM.KTIN PUMJSIUXO Co., nnd circulated throughout (lie town, and forwarded to thc other Islands by every opportunity. Subscription, 50 cts. per month, i 0. Caiibon KknyoNj Editor. 'AH business communications to bo nil. drescd. Manager Dully Bulletin, Post OIllcu Box No. 14. Telephone 250. t. Q. Cuivioit, Manager. ROMANCE IN REAL LIFE. Novelists nro credited with evolv- ing from their inner consciousness extraordinary incidents in the lives of tho characters of their books; incidents that arc boleivcd to bo im- possible ones. Sometimes they picture! a limn faithful to his first vows of fidelity nnd affection, nnd ' many pcoplo who read such scoff at it 'as too absurd for credence. Man is generally considered to bo n creature of ophomoral passions. And perhaps justly so too. But there aro brilliant exceptions to tins rono- - . rulity. An exceptional instance is thc caso of a certain "Welshman who was for some years resident iti Ballarat, and hero realised a com- petency. Nearly half a century ago in Wales he1, then a collier, and another, an overseer in tho same .colliery, became enamoured of ono young woman living in their neigh- bourhood. They both sought her' Iudul, and she bestowed it upon tho ono that was thc better off tho overseer much to thc sorrow of tho other. The overseer with his wife, left 'Wales and came to Australia. Their wedded lifo lasted 15 years, (vli(m,tlip husband died, leaving his; widow with a family of 10 children. Theso she reared as well as she could, and in about 19 years she had them settled, but ' her means were oxbaubted, and sho lived witlivoup ,or other of her married ' cliiltlr'cn, as thoj' mado her welcome. Ono day, walking in Sturt-strec- t, some 154 years after tho time she was married, she encountered the man who, then simple, collier, had been a candidate Xor her hand. Ho was now an old man, had been fortunate, and was well to do. Though neither had heard, qf ,or from tho other for 81s' ''years' ' 'their1 recognition ' was mutual. He, in a kindly, grave way, inquired.. after her husband, her family, and her fortunes- - On hearing them ho told her that ho had remained singlo because ho had neve? csircd for another woman. In a few days, having mado inquiries which resulted in his finding that tho, lady was anything but well off ho renewed his suit, offering her the Jovo sho had formerly refused, and a comfortable, if not luxurious home. Ho was accepted, tho inarringo was soon celebrated, and tho two settled down in a neighbouring colony. Just at present tho "widow is: again in Ballarat, her faithful lover and mosTkindly hqsband haying died a fowycars after ho married his first and only love. This brief cpitomo of tlioir protty but pathetic history (says tho Jiallarat Courier) has tho raro merit (for such narratives) of truthfulness. Melbourne Age. flOy-100- yards of Qucchco all wool flannel, from 25 cts. up, at Clias. J. Fishol's Leading Millnery House. 233F Good unbleached cotton 11 yards, for only $ 1.00, at Clias. J. Fishol's LcadingMillincry House. UlJg - - - ElegantlyTurnistied Rooms , TO LET, FAMILIES or SINGLE GEN. FOIl with all tho eonvenien ccs and comforts of a home, with Use of Parlor. lopnfa'Jjirp' large 'and well ventilated? Ter;ns,Striotly Modotato, MRS. SOHHADERv Corner of Hotel, and Alakca streets. ' m- 172 Sm Tho Anglican Church Chronicle 1 a- - ,3Wtontlily.l?iiioi For circulation in tho Christian Family, , , will ho Issued pn tho 2nd of Dec, Under tho management f tho Rev. A. JuacKUiiosn unci tua uov Geo. Wallace. , . Tho paper will contain news from t)ic Churches in Great Britain and her Colon- ies, tliu United Stntcs and tho Hawaiian Islands, as well as Gcncrnl News, toge. ther with Notes on Educational, Liter-nr- y and Scientific Toplcifr Tho subscrli)-Ho- n prlca will bo, H' $2.50 per annum, payable in advance. , . .P.O. Box, 10. A limited number of ndvcrtHomcnts ...111 1... l.to.tvl.wPrtl tlin tiutlul nil i' ( B. if. EHLERS & Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, 411 tho Latest Novolties in Fancy Goods 7t Received steamer DELIGHTFUL NEWS! TO THE LADIES QF HONOLULU ,:,, AND THE VARIOUS ISLANDS. MRS. A. M. MELLIS who Is admitted to bo the leading Millinery mill Drew, maker, modeste in the Kingdom, begs leave to say to her ninny numerous Lady friends That her new .lock ot Beautiful goods recently ordered nro now beginning tonrrlvc, which include all tho very latest French and American fashions, in Ladles' and Chlldien's lints and bonnets and dress patterns of nod rare designs. MRS. MELLIS Mrlctly superintends nil work, nnd being always so thoroughly competent and particular with her patrons' orders, it is not strnngo that all Ladles of fashion nud tnstc nre her customers. " Ladles with their children aro invited to call nnd sec sample? of the new Fall nnd AVinter styles In her Millinery department, nnd nlo to sec the new nnd latest plumes, feathers, trimmings, etc. Evory pains taken to please tho most fnstedious nnd nil work guaranteed in qvory respect. HONOLULU CLOTHING EMPORIUM, A. 31. 3IJELLIS, Proprietor, Bargains 'will be sold at tho above Estab- lishment previous to tho arrival of the Holiday Goods ! A. M. MELLIS, 101 To the IiiulicM ! ELEGANT FANCY WOBK For THE 1I0I.1DAV8. taken and lessons rlven in O1 Chenille, Silks, nnd Crewel Em broidery. "Work to bo seen every day from 10 a. m. to 2 n.m.. nt 181'Fort street ,(riq.t door to Dr. lirodlc). 242 Jim A. KKATT, J EWELER, JlOPTICI ANf Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities.' Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 1 lug, opposite thu Bar1;. Chits D. Gemsch, Praotical Watchmaker. BSf" Hotel Street, opposltu tho 12J :tm International Hotel. "a D. W. CLAEK, Watoh Maker and Jeweler, Always on hand n nice stock of KWatches, Clocks and Jewelry.T3 ItepalrliiK Vntches nnd Clocks a SixjcI- - nlty, No. C Hotel Street. U2 Telephone, No. 240. Artesian Ice Works ICE DELIVERED to all parts of tho city and suburbs. )rders from tho other Islands proinpU ly attended to. Olllee at V. E. Fostt.u's, Saddler, Foit sticel. t 150 Tclcphono No. 111. 2m ICE MANUFACTORY. Ico delivered to all pin ts of thu City. Shipping supplied in quantities to suit. Telephone, No. C8. Olllee at Wilder & Co.'s. 18 Just Received ex Kaiaknua, Table niul Pio Fi'ults, Nice Breakfast Goods, such as Candle Fish, Salmon and l'Jir Pork In 51b. This, .Suitable for families. For salo by 00 A, S. Cluuuouh Co. by ovory ricli Fost street, Honolulu. H. S. THEGLOAN,' TAILOH, 201 FORT, ST. Kobort Lcnote, O. K. Cooke. T EWERS & COO KE , (succcsors to Lowers & Dickson. Importers and Dealers in Lumber nnd all kinds of Utnhlin Materials, Fort street, Houoliiln 1 W ILDER & Co., Dealers m Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt "and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort niul Queen tts., Honolulu. 1 ALLEN & ROBINSON, Dealers in and nil kinds of Building Materials, Paint-- , Oils, Nails, etc. 71 & PHILLIPS, Practical Plumbcis, GnsFlttcrsnud Copper- smiths, No. 18 Nuuauiist., Honolulu. Houso and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 OUR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st. imnor'cr nnd d6nler m Gent's, Ladles' and Children's boots, nhoesnud slippers. 03 BROWN & CO., Importers nnd in Ales, Wines and Spirits, No. t) Merchant st., Honolulu. 12 A HONOLIJ LU IRON (L& Works Co. Steal engines, sugar r mills, boilers, coolers, iron, urass nnd lead castimrs: machinery of every description made to onler. Particular attention paid to ship's blacksmlthlng. Job work executed on short notice. 1 O. WEST, Carriage Builder, Buggies, Carriages, Express "Vngons and every kind of vehicles manufactured. Blacksmithing, liorse-shoein- g, and all kinds of repairing done. Wilson BrothcvH, NERAL BLACKSMITHS. G,: Horso Shoeing a sjicclalty A llrst-clas- s man liclng speclalfy engaged for that work. Ship and Wagon work faithfully attended to. Shop on tho Esplanade, op. IIoppcr's.201 THE Hawaiian Journal, "Ko Par Aixa," owned and edited by Kawaiuui Bros. ; has a weekly edition of 3,20Q copies, nnd is tho beat advertising medium. Of-lic-e, No. 0 Merchant ut. 1 FORT STREET. Commission Merchants. Geo. W. Maufarlane. II. It. Macfarlanc. Q. W. MACFAItLAWE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MElt. CHANTS ami Siijar Factors, Fire-Proo- f Building, 52 Queen slicet, Honolulu. II. I. AOK.NTS for Tho AVnlknpu Sugar Plantation, Maul, Tho Spencer Sugar 1'lantatiou, Hawaii, The llecln Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Mui, Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maul, Piiutoa Sheen Hunch Co., Hnwiiii, J. Fowler & Co. Stc.im Plow and Port- able Tramway "Wot k, Leeds, Mirrlccs. Wnl-so- & Co's Sugar Mnchin cry, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. 185 v. s. rn.vrr. I J. I.KVKY. 7 S. PRATT & CO. J? Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Heaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. Special attention given to the Sale of Ileal Estate and Personal Property. Advances made oil consignments 240 Clans Win. O. Irwin. 7" Q. IRWIN & COMPANY, 1 V Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 HHAOKPELD (Sb COMPANY, Commission Agents, Queen street, Honolul'i. 1 OLEQHORN & CO. AS. Importers and Commission Merchant's dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Kanhumamt sts., Hono- lulu. 78 II. A. 1. Cnrlcr. I'. C. Joncc, Jr. C BREWER & COMPANY, ' Shipping nud Commission Iercliaiit, Queen t., Honolulu. 1 rpHEO. H. DAVIE8 & COMPANY, X Importers and Commission Merchants; agents for Lloyd's and tho Liverpool Underwriters, Britlsii nnd Foreign in. company, Tina rjoruiurn Assurnnco Company. 71 JOHN' T. WATERHOUSE, and' Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen ft., Honolulu. 1 M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., Importers of Genornl Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu. 1 .S. GRINBAUM & CO., Commission Mereliants, 121 Califoinin street, Sau Francisco, Cai. i T k fc t - F t U a IN I'j tV iV iM K wu ., Importers and Cominlsslon Mer chants, Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Catlc. J. D. Atlicrton. C ASTLE & COOKE. Slihmlinr and Commltsiun Mir. chants. Importers nnd Dealers in Gen- eral Merchandise, No. 80 King street, Honolulu. l w ING "WO CHAN & Co., Impoi tors and General Dealers in English, Amciicnunnd Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Tea and, General Supplies. Also, white and colored con- tract matting, nil iiualltlcs nud prices. OST No. 22 Nuuiuiu Street, oppolto Mr. Afong's. HI No Bush Whacking Here. UIVIiSSAVi-iDb- pur. -- k-. chasing your Horse Equipment From W. FENNELL. A2, Practical Mechanic, 03 King street. tffiNo Peter Funk stock here. 200 A. S. GLEGHORN & Co. Have received a largo assortment of Colonial Saddles, to suit all classes of purchasers, per B. S. 181 Australia. A. CUBiVtUXJa 3113 DA1. DK. Do FltlES, ETERINARY SURGEON, res!. V dcuco and Medical Rooms and Stables, near the corner of Victoria st., on Bcretnnia street. Cures nil kinds of Dumb Animals. All Horses and Cattle perfectly cured or no compensation asked. My Diploma was irritated by tho "Loy. den" University, at Holland. CSiTLeavo orders at J. E. Wiseman's Oillcc, Merchant street, or at my resi- dence. 2;i0 lm JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Hiiniljor, Giih Fitter, &c, Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock and metals, .Houso Furnishing Goods, 77 Chandeliers, Lumps, &oj Professionals. SARAH H PEIROE, M. D., and Children's Physician. Oillcc nnd iesdcncc,No. 5 8cliool street, (between Fort nnd Emma). Olllee hours 10:00 to ll;30a. m. ' 210 l:30toU:IJ0p. m. DR. EMERSON, lesldeiieo nud rooms nt No. 2 Kukul st.. coiner oil oi t. Telephone No. 1 19. 50 2m Dlt. G. TROUSSEAU begs to notify fi lends that he lias resumed practice in Honolulu, Residence nnd consulting rooms, No. 711 Punchbowl st, uppo-dl- tho makiit gate of tho Queen's Hospital. Consulting hours from 0 n.m to 12. Telephone No. 103. 50 lm TT AUSTIN WHITING, Attorney T T mm counsellor nt Law. Agent to take acknowledgments of Instruments. Knahumnnu t., Honolulu. 20 J. M. MONSARRAT, , ArroRNKY AT LAW nnd Noliiry Real Estate m any part of the Klngdo bought, Mld and leased, 'on commission. ,'- - Loans negotiated, Legnl Documents Drnwn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazelle Bloek), 1110 Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands SB. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Tub- - No. l'i Knaliitmauu st. 11 JM. DAVinsON.Attorncy ntLart Merchant sticet. 10 IRANCIS M. HATCH, Attorney 15 Kmihumaiiu st. 23 JOHN RUSSELL, Attorney at Law, coiner of Fort and Merchant streets (up stairs') 1156m TMCHARD F. R1CKERTON, ' Attorney nud Councollnr nt Law. i... II. lend .ii. Mm i .'Mires of Free Holds Olllco, No. JM Mcu-linntBt- . 1 PKOIL BltON, AvrrORNET V' and Coiineliir at Law. No'ary Pub- lic, and Agent for taking Acknowledg- ments of liistriuheiits for tho Hand 'of Oahu. NoraTOInhtlfilaiTirsYrect, Hono-lul- u, vj 1 , , ".ii 1 1LLIA.M O.' -- SMITH, Attor- ney nt w, No. U(J Meroliant Btrget. , , , , 73 lm t ,f ) r 'o. bergsr, KAAUUMAKU BTJIEKT, ' General Agent for TheN.Y. Life Insui unco Company, I The City of London FIro In. Co(llmlt'd) Macnealo & Uih.in Safes, I f Tiic Celebrated Spri'nglicld Gas Machine Gus Fixtures of Mitchell, Vonco & Co. 0 J. "WILLIAMS & Co. ' 120 Fort Street, - - Honolulu, Portrait and Landscapo iw iy .,,. ,.. .s QHARLKS t. gulick, NOTARY PUBLIC, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts, AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. Olllee, InMakcc'H Block, coiner Queen and Kanhumamt sti'-sts- , Honolulu. 21. AULD, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Cop. tracts for Labor for the District of Kons Island of Oahu, nt tho ollke of tho Hono- lulu Waterworks, foot of Nuuanu st. 180 tf JOHN A. I1AS&INGER, Agcut to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior 'Jfllce, Honolulu. 7 w.v- - AKANA, Chinese and Hawaiian Trnu's- - liltor and Interpreter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. ,, , Translations of cither of the above languages made with accuracy nud dis- patch, and on reasonable terms. 209 II. BRUN8. Cooper and Ganger, , , Water Tanks of any dimensions. Cooperage, No. 10 Fort street, ' ' Honolulu. i Oil' Casks, Shooks and Hoop Iron con. 221 stantly on hand mid . for sale, ly " " t3" Gent's Eveiting Dress Coals and Suits to bo had at the Honolulu Cloth. lug Emporium of A. M. Mkm.is, No. 101 Fort si reel. 203 2w PIONEER STEAM , CAMQY FACTORY AND BAKERY., F. HORN, Practical Confootionej, Pastry Cook mid Baker. No. 71 Hotel at. TelophVo 7'4 G. II," ROBERTSON, Dniyiimu best teams lu town, i Tolcph'jiic No. 05. IS 4 t,, -- 1 J i t j r : : 1 "i -" t"3, M ' ! 1 V. i.-- i

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Page 1: DAILY BULLETIN - eVols at University of Hawaii at …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/6836/1/1882112001.pdf · DAILY-BULLETIN yM t; ... caso of a certain "Welshman who

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lUktwfM.nMJMaHIMMwa Tin, flu imw wnwtwwmwtw" -





Thc Daily BulletinIs published every morning by the '

15aII?Y BUM.KTIN PUMJSIUXO Co.,nnd circulated throughout (lie town, andforwarded to thc other Islands by everyopportunity.

Subscription, 50 cts. per month, i

0. Caiibon KknyoNj Editor.'AH business communications to bo nil.

drescd. Manager Dully Bulletin, PostOIllcu Box No. 14. Telephone 250.

t. Q. Cuivioit, Manager.

ROMANCE IN REAL LIFE.Novelists nro credited with evolv-

ing from their inner consciousnessextraordinary incidents in the livesof tho characters of their books;incidents that arc boleivcd to bo im-

possible ones. Sometimes theypicture! a limn faithful to his firstvows of fidelity nnd affection, nnd

' many pcoplo who read such scoff atit 'as too absurd for credence. Manis generally considered to bo ncreature of ophomoral passions. Andperhaps justly so too. But therearo brilliant exceptions to tins rono- -

. rulity. An exceptional instance is thccaso of a certain "Welshman whowas for some years resident itiBallarat, and hero realised a com-

petency. Nearly half a century agoin Wales he1, then a collier, andanother, an overseer in tho same.colliery, became enamoured of onoyoung woman living in their neigh-bourhood. They both sought her'Iudul, and she bestowed it upon thoono that was thc better off thooverseer much to thc sorrow of thoother. The overseer with his wife,left 'Wales and came to Australia.Their wedded lifo lasted 15 years,(vli(m,tlip husband died, leaving his;widow with a family of 10 children.Theso she reared as well as she could,and in about 19 years she had them

settled, but ' hermeans were oxbaubted, and sho livedwitlivoup ,or other of her married

' cliiltlr'cn, as thoj' mado her welcome.Ono day, walking in Sturt-strec- t,

some 154 years after tho time she wasmarried, she encountered the manwho, then simple, collier, had been acandidate Xor her hand. Ho wasnow an old man, had been fortunate,and was well to do. Though neitherhad heard, qf ,or from tho other for81s' ''years' ' 'their1 recognition ' wasmutual. He, in a kindly, grave way,inquired.. after her husband, herfamily, and her fortunes- - On hearingthem ho told her that ho hadremained singlo because ho hadneve? csircd for another woman. Ina few days, having mado inquirieswhich resulted in his finding thattho, lady was anything but well offho renewed his suit, offering her theJovo sho had formerly refused, anda comfortable, if not luxurious home.Ho was accepted, tho inarringo wassoon celebrated, and tho two settleddown in a neighbouring colony.Just at present tho "widow is: againin Ballarat, her faithful lover andmosTkindly hqsband haying died afowycars after ho married his firstand only love. This brief cpitomoof tlioir protty but pathetic history(says tho Jiallarat Courier) has thoraro merit (for such narratives) oftruthfulness. Melbourne Age.

flOy-100- yards of Qucchco all woolflannel, from 25 cts. up, at Clias. J.Fishol's Leading Millnery House.

233F Good unbleached cotton11 yards, for only $ 1.00, at Clias.J. Fishol's LcadingMillincry House.

UlJg- - -ElegantlyTurnistied Rooms

, TO LET,FAMILIES or SINGLE GEN.FOIl with all tho eonvenien

ccs and comforts of a home, with

Use of Parlor.lopnfa'Jjirp' large 'and well ventilated?

Ter;ns,Striotly Modotato,MRS. SOHHADERv

Corner of Hotel, and Alakca streets.' m- 172 Sm

Tho Anglican Church Chronicle1 a--

,3Wtontlily.l?iiioiFor circulation in tho Christian Family,

, , will ho Issued pn tho 2nd of Dec,Under tho management f tho Rev. A.

JuacKUiiosn unci tua uovGeo. Wallace. , .

Tho paper will contain news from t)icChurches in Great Britain and her Colon-ies, tliu United Stntcs and tho HawaiianIslands, as well as Gcncrnl News, toge.ther with Notes on Educational, Liter-nr- y

and Scientific Toplcifr Tho subscrli)-Ho- n

prlca will bo, H'

$2.50 per annum, payable in advance.

, . .P.O. Box, 10.A limited number of ndvcrtHomcnts

...111 1... l.to.tvl.wPrtl tlin tiutlul nili' (

B. if. EHLERS & Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,411 tho Latest Novolties in Fancy Goods7t

Received steamer



MRS. A. M. MELLIS who Is admitted to bo the leading Millinery mill Drew,maker, modeste in the Kingdom, begs leave to say to her ninny numerous Ladyfriends That her new .lock ot Beautiful goods recently ordered nro now beginningtonrrlvc, which include all tho very latest French and American fashions, inLadles' and Chlldien's lints and bonnets and dress patterns of nod raredesigns.

MRS. MELLIS Mrlctly superintends nil work, nnd being always so thoroughlycompetent and particular with her patrons' orders, it is not strnngo that all Ladlesof fashion nud tnstc nre her customers." Ladles with their children aro invited to call nnd sec sample? of the new Fallnnd AVinter styles In her Millinery department, nnd nlo to sec the new nnd latestplumes, feathers, trimmings, etc. Evory pains taken to please tho most fnstediousnnd nil work guaranteed in qvory respect.


Bargains 'will be sold at tho above Estab-

lishment previous to tho arrival ofthe Holiday Goods !

A. M. MELLIS, 101

To the IiiulicM !


taken and lessons rlven inO1 Chenille, Silks, nnd Crewel Embroidery. "Work to bo seen every dayfrom 10 a. m. to 2 n.m.. nt 181'Fort street

,(riq.t door to Dr. lirodlc). 242 Jim


Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities.'Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 1

lug, opposite thu Bar1;.

Chits D. Gemsch,Praotical Watchmaker.

BSf" Hotel Street, opposltu tho12J :tm International Hotel. "a

D. W. CLAEK,Watoh Maker and Jeweler,

Always on hand n nice stock of

KWatches, Clocks and Jewelry.T3ItepalrliiK Vntches nnd Clocks a SixjcI- -nlty, No. C Hotel Street. U2

Telephone, No. 240.

Artesian Ice Works

ICE DELIVERED to all parts of thocity and suburbs.

)rders from tho other Islands proinpUly attended to.

Olllee at V. E. Fostt.u's, Saddler,Foit sticel. t150 Tclcphono No. 111. 2m

ICE MANUFACTORY.Ico delivered to all pin ts of thu

City. Shipping supplied in quantitiesto suit. Telephone, No. C8. Olllee atWilder & Co.'s. 18

Just Receivedex Kaiaknua,

Table niul Pio Fi'ults,Nice Breakfast Goods, such as

Candle Fish, Salmon andl'Jir Pork In 51b. This,

.Suitable for families. For salo by

00 A, S. Cluuuouh Co.

by ovory


Fost street, Honolulu.


201 FORT, ST.

Kobort Lcnote, O. K. Cooke.

T EWERS & COO K E ,(succcsors to Lowers & Dickson.

Importers and Dealers in Lumber nnd allkinds of Utnhlin Materials, Fort street,Houoliiln 1

W ILDER & Co., Dealers mLumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt

"and Building Materials of every kind,cor. Fort niul Queen tts., Honolulu. 1

ALLEN & ROBINSON, Dealers inand nil kinds of Building

Materials, Paint-- , Oils, Nails, etc. 71

& PHILLIPS, PracticalPlumbcis, GnsFlttcrsnud Copper-

smiths, No. 18 Nuuauiist., Honolulu.Houso and Ship Job Work promptlyexecuted. 17

OUR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st.imnor'cr nnd d6nler m Gent's,

Ladles' and Children's boots, nhoesnudslippers. 03

BROWN & CO., Importers nndin Ales, Wines and Spirits,

No. t) Merchant st., Honolulu. 12

A HONOLIJ LU IRON(L& Works Co. Steal engines, sugar

r mills, boilers, coolers, iron, urassnnd lead castimrs: machinery of everydescription made to onler. Particularattention paid to ship's blacksmlthlng.Job work executed on short notice. 1

O. WEST,Carriage Builder,

Buggies, Carriages, Express "Vngons

and every kind of vehicles


Blacksmithing, liorse-shoein- g,

and all kinds of repairing done.

Wilson BrothcvH,

NERAL BLACKSMITHS.G,: Horso Shoeing a sjicclaltyA llrst-clas- s man liclng speclalfy engaged

for that work.Ship and Wagon work faithfully

attended to.Shop on tho Esplanade, op. IIoppcr's.201

THE Hawaiian Journal, "KoPar Aixa," owned and

edited by Kawaiuui Bros. ; has aweekly edition of 3,20Q copies, nndis tho beat advertising medium. Of-lic-e,

No. 0 Merchant ut. 1

FORT STREET.Commission Merchants.

Geo. W. Maufarlane. II. It. Macfarlanc.Q. W. MACFAItLAWE & Co.


Siijar Factors,Fire-Proo- f Building, 52 Queen slicet,

Honolulu. II. I.AOK.NTS for

Tho AVnlknpu Sugar Plantation, Maul,Tho Spencer Sugar 1'lantatiou, Hawaii,The llecln Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Mui,Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maul,Piiutoa Sheen Hunch Co., Hnwiiii,J. Fowler & Co. Stc.im Plow and Port-

able Tramway "Wot k, Leeds,Mirrlccs. Wnl-so- & Co's Sugar Mnchin

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.


v. s. rn.vrr. I J. I.KVKY.

7 S. PRATT & CO.J? Auctioneers and GeneralCommission Merchants,

Heaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu.Special attention given to the Sale of

Ileal Estate and Personal Property.Advances made oil consignments 240

Clans Win. O. Irwin.7" Q. IRWIN & COMPANY,

1 V Sugar Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

HHAOKPELD(Sb COMPANY,Commission Agents,

Queen street, Honolul'i. 1

OLEQHORN & CO.AS. Importers and CommissionMerchant's dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kanhumamt sts., Hono-lulu. 78

II. A. 1. Cnrlcr. I'. C. Joncc, Jr.


Shipping nud CommissionIercliaiit, Queen t., Honolulu. 1

rpHEO. H. DAVIE8 & COMPANY,X Importers and CommissionMerchants; agents for Lloyd's and thoLiverpool Underwriters, Britlsii nndForeign in. company, Tina rjoruiurnAssurnnco Company. 71

JOHN' T. WATERHOUSE,and' Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen ft., Honolulu. 1

M. S. GRINBAUM & CO.,Importers of Genornl Mer

chandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu. 1

.S. GRINBAUM & CO.,Commission Mereliants, 121

Califoinin street, Sau Francisco,Cai. i

T k fc t -F t U a IN I'j tV iV iM K wu .,Importers and Cominlsslon Mer

chants, Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Catlc. J. D. Atlicrton.

C ASTLE & COOKE.Slihmlinr and Commltsiun Mir.

chants. Importers nnd Dealers in Gen-eral Merchandise, No. 80 King street,Honolulu. l

w ING "WO CHAN & Co.,Impoi tors and General Dealers

in English, Amciicnunnd Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and, GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored con-tract matting, nil iiualltlcs nud prices.

OST No. 22 Nuuiuiu Street, oppoltoMr. Afong's. HI

No Bush Whacking Here.UIVIiSSAVi-iDb- pur. --k-.chasing your

Horse EquipmentFrom W. FENNELL. A2,

Practical Mechanic, 03 King street.tffiNo Peter Funk stock here. 200

A. S. GLEGHORN & Co.Have received a largo assortment of

Colonial Saddles,to suit all classes of purchasers, per B. S.

181 Australia.

A. CUBiVtUXJa 3113 DA1.DK. Do FltlES,

ETERINARY SURGEON, res!.V dcuco and Medical Rooms and

Stables, near the corner of Victoria st.,on Bcretnnia street.

Cures nil kinds of Dumb Animals.All Horses and Cattle perfectly cured

or no compensation asked.My Diploma was irritated by tho "Loy.

den" University, at Holland.CSiTLeavo orders at J. E. Wiseman's

Oillcc, Merchant street, or at my resi-dence. 2;i0 lm

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Hiiniljor, Giih Fitter, &c,

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals,.Houso Furnishing Goods,

77 Chandeliers, Lumps, &oj


SARAH H PEIROE, M. D.,and Children's Physician.

Oillcc nnd iesdcncc,No. 5 8cliool street,(between Fort nnd Emma).

Olllee hours 10:00 to ll;30a. m. '

210 l:30toU:IJ0p. m.

DR. EMERSON, lesldeiieo nudrooms nt No. 2 Kukul st..

coiner oil oi t.Telephone No. 1 19. 50 2m

Dlt. G. TROUSSEAU begs to notifyfi lends that he lias resumed

practice in Honolulu, Residence nndconsulting rooms, No. 711 Punchbowl st,uppo-dl- tho makiit gate of tho Queen'sHospital. Consulting hours from 0 n.mto 12. Telephone No. 103. 50 lm

TT AUSTIN WHITING, AttorneyT T mm counsellor nt Law.Agent to take acknowledgments of

Instruments.Knahumnnu t., Honolulu. 20


ArroRNKY AT LAW nnd Noliiry

Real Estate m any part of the Klngdobought, Mld and leased, 'on

commission. ,'- -

Loans negotiated,Legnl Documents Drnwn.

No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazelle Bloek),1110 Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands

SB. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Tub- -No. l'i Knaliitmauu st. 11

JM. DAVinsON.Attorncy ntLartMerchant sticet. 10

IRANCIS M. HATCH, Attorney15 Kmihumaiiu st. 23

JOHN RUSSELL, Attorney at Law,coiner of Fort and Merchant

streets (up stairs') 1156m

TMCHARD F. R1CKERTON,' Attorney nud Councollnr nt Law.

i... II. lend .ii. Mm i .'Mires of FreeHolds Olllco, No. JM Mcu-linntBt- . 1

PKOIL BltON, AvrrORNETV' and Coiineliir at Law. No'ary Pub-lic, and Agent for taking Acknowledg-ments of liistriuheiits for tho Hand 'ofOahu. NoraTOInhtlfilaiTirsYrect, Hono-lul- u,

vj 1 , , ".ii 1

1LLIA.M O.' -- SMITH, Attor-ney nt w, No. U(J Meroliant

Btrget. , , , , 73 lmt ,f )r 'o. bergsr,KAAUUMAKU BTJIEKT, '

General Agent forTheN.Y. Life Insui unco Company, I

The City of London FIro In. Co(llmlt'd)Macnealo & Uih.in Safes, I f

Tiic Celebrated Spri'nglicld Gas MachineGus Fixtures of Mitchell, Vonco & Co.


J. "WILLIAMS & Co. '

120 Fort Street, - - Honolulu,Portrait and Landscapo

iw iy .,,.,...s


Agent to take Acknowledgments toLabor Contracts,

AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT.Olllee, InMakcc'H Block, coiner Queen

and Kanhumamt sti'-sts- , Honolulu. 21.

AULD, Agent totake Acknowledgments to Cop.

tracts for Labor for the District of KonsIsland of Oahu, nt tho ollke of tho Hono-lulu Waterworks, foot of Nuuanu st.

180 tf

JOHN A. I1AS&INGER,Agcut to take Acknowledgments to

Contracts for Labor. Interior 'Jfllce,Honolulu. 7

w.v- - AKANA,Chinese and Hawaiian Trnu's- -

liltor and Interpreter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu. ,, ,

Translations of cither of the abovelanguages made with accuracy nud dis-patch, and on reasonable terms. 209

II. BRUN8. Cooper and Ganger, , ,Water Tanks of any dimensions.

Cooperage, No. 10 Fort street, ' '

Honolulu. i

Oil' Casks, Shooks and Hoop Iron con.221 stantly on hand mid

.for sale, ly

" "t3" Gent's Eveiting Dress Coals and

Suits to bo had at the Honolulu Cloth.lug Emporium of A. M. Mkm.is, No. 101Fort si reel. 203 2w



F. HORN, Practical Confootionej,Pastry Cook mid Baker.

No. 71 Hotel at. TelophVo 7'4

G. II," ROBERTSON,Dniyiimu best teams

lu town, i Tolcph'jiic No. 05. IS



-- 1



j r:

: 1




M' !



i.-- i

Page 2: DAILY BULLETIN - eVols at University of Hawaii at …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/6836/1/1882112001.pdf · DAILY-BULLETIN yM t; ... caso of a certain "Welshman who

--. fc








Ul s' '

' K- -





MONDAY, NOV. 20, 1882.


Harmony Lodge, I.O.O.F., 7:80Algnrohn Lodge, I.O.G.T., 7:!M).Hand Concert nt Emmn Square,

nt 7 :30, weather permitting. j

TIME RECORD OF THE RACE8.I. Yacht llnco, King's Cup:

Hi. fiOm. CIscc. ; IJestlcss,21i. 1 in. ; Small, 21i. dm. ; Knholomun, 2h. 11 in. 8scc.

', 2. Two-oare- Boats: QueenEmma, 10m. lace. ; Kaiiunvai, 10m.1 sec.

3. Liliuokalani Purse, Barge1'uce: Koahouhc, U2in. ;

. llauakcoki, 82m. Slscc. ; Knpiolai--,lcluut, 33m. llecc.

A. Six-padd- lc Canoe Race: Lelc-T.anu- e,

11m. ; Kokcauilmlacac, Mm.Msec.

kfc. "Whalcboat Race: Kckaa, 21m.f'Coscc.

C. Kululaiii Purse, Gigfe:

Bed, White and Blue, 22m. 5'Jhce. ,

Pualn, 23m. lOscc.7. Amateur Purse: noracc.8. Swimming Kacc, J mile: Opu

won in 3m. 1 lscc.0. 2nd class Yacht Waco : Pump-

kin Seed, 5'Jm. 3 Ibcc. ; Emma, lh.1m. 37 sec; Sea "Waif, 111. Cm.

, 38&CC.

10. Single Scull Bacc : Tcnekakc,Dili. 02 sec

II. Queen's Cup, Gigs:7'rKapuaala, 19ni. 27sec ; ililia, 19m.

5 Ibcc. ; Kanoclani, 20m. COscc. ; Kit-- ,

piolani, 20m. 57scc.(V 12. Sailing Canoe Bacc: Ivalani(v28m. 57scc. ; Keaumiki, 30m.'" 13. Likclikc Purse. Gigs:JCapuaala, 18m. 22scu. j Milia, 20m.

' Ab sec..Z, Id. Diviuc; Contest: Pclcliu rc-- t

maincd tinder water 2min. 30scc.

Y (,J8. Kalakaua'Pursc, Barge Bacc :

True Blue, 27inln., 31sec. 5



.,. on A ministeu's jitounr.K.)n(An unpublished drama in 5 acts.) '

11! Scene: The Premier's Office,' Char. : The Premier, and Assessor

G. B. (not Geo. Bex.)P. Will you, pray, be so oblig-

ing as to rcpc.it to mo that passage

I pointed out to you when you took

office, utteicd by that mumbling old

Hebrew to the great and illustrious.Sig. Antonio ?

A. (repents) Signor Antonio

many a time and oft on the Bialtohave you rated mo

P.' Stop there ! Have you fol- -' lowed in the loot stops of that great

man Antonio ? the necessity of w Inch

was' broadly intimated to you on a-- former occasion.

A. Your Highness' Excellency,

"I nave rated, assessed, and taxedover and over again, every tiling Icould lay my hands or eyes upon, or

heard of, or guessed at, 'till theicis not nothing left for to rate, and

, .nobody hasn't got no nioic moneyto pay with ; and if you still w antmore, you will have to go in for that

.pound of llcsh talked about furtheron in that story, and I don't knownny butcher in this country whowould uridcrtakc to cut it so line asrequired. Communicated.,itA FEW GERMS FROM IRENEUS.

(Cojlll'll fur till) IUTI.M.TIN.)

It is better to be stupid thanwitty, when wit, is out of time nudplace. It is better not to laugh at;ilj,t than 6 laugh when mirth ismodkory." " "lis pitiful to court a grin whenvoii should win a soul. So, did notPaul." No amount of preachinghowever cloquctit or serious, canalone for such an abuse of theBacYcd"offlce.

The men whose biiliiant jests andntnusing stories, entertain an audi-liiic- e

of iuimoital souls, arc not thepreachers who win the most Burnerslo'Savior, ' .


A friend calls our attention to thepresence bf mangy, leprous ciirs inthe Fish-Mnrke- l. They ought tobe ' seized and destroyed by thoDolfco', ' 'as ' tlicv are capable of

. ,JH.spreading disease,

pippW'1 v1"


cook's corrium AnEiitTiu: hack.You sporting men, both fnr niul nenr, be

cnreful what you do,Before you back tho'colorcd rncc ng.ilnst

tlic Nnvylllue,We'll inko tliein up for nil they are worth

though our backers they nro fow,Wo arc on the Heft heeled ynnkco bnrgc

nnd the boys that wear tlio blue.

Wo have tried them on the rncc course,they were not game to bet,

For well they knew that ynnkco musolcnccr weakened yet.

For where we've got the sen room withbout ltnd cim.nl cicw, ,

You cm bet your bottom dollar on ournavy cult of Blue,

And If they ictnllntc to hold nlofltheir nnme,

Wo w 111 excuse thclrnnllvc tricks, which)ov.cied their whnlu bout's fume,

Let them bring their fnsietl MiclLboatwith any nntlc crew,

They can chase tho ynnkco Heeler andthe boys that wear the blue.

Fiom n midship Orr,A Hoy in Ui.uk, U.S.N.

The nboc was forw aided to us forpublication, hyono of the Alaska's sea-me-

Ed.; . I

SHIPPING NOTES.The tern Joseph K. Buss, with a

cargo of lumber, nrrlved on Satur-

day, from Humboldt.The sleamei' Likclikc brought I00

bags of sugar.

THE WHALING FLEET.Cnpt. Pei'rcc furnishes us with the

following news from the whalingfleet, under date of Nov. Uth :

New Bedford Vessels:A. Pai kor 7 whalesArnolda 1 it

Atlantic I (i

Stmr. Belvidcrc 7 11

Bounding Billow 0 11

Eliza d 11

Electwing 11 11

N01 thorn Light 10 11

Ohio 4 11

Bniubow 10 11

Stnmhoul 2 11

Young Phoenix 2 it

George & Susan 4 11

Gazelle 2 i

Helen May 7 i'i

Hunter M 11

John Howland .18 U'

J. A. Howland 4 11

Josephine .......... 2 11

Louisa 5 11

Mabel 6 1.

Mary fcSusan, 1 it

San Francisco Vessels :

Stmr. Bowhend 17 11

Coral 9 11

Dawn , . 9 11

Sca-brc- 1G i11

Francis Palmer f 11

Hidalgo ,7 11

LOCAL ANO GENERAL ITEMS.M11. A. F. Cooicr. is building a

sail and rigging-lof- t on tho Ewa sideof the Fish-M- ai ket.

Tub rncc between the Alaska'screw and the King's crow did notcome off on Saturday. All bets arc



,Mn. A. W. Biciuitiiox has justreceived a splendid assorted stdckof Frcuch gaiters and straw and felthats, in all the latest and mostfashionable styles., . 1.

Tin: decisions of the Judges will

be made known this morning. Allbills and piizes will be paid at Mr.Cr O. Bciger's office, Knahumnnu


By Monday it is said the price of

the maps of Oahu issued by theSmvoy Department will be fixed,and they will be for salo at tho office

of the Interior Department.

Ox Saturday, a little after noon, aennoe rncc took place which causeda little, excitement. , .The Fiah-Maik- ct

crew got beaten. Olapaka-ho- c

1, Iwnlnni 2. "

Tiiu stalls round the Fish-mark- et

were finished on Saturday. Thebuilding is now going a credit to the

town. We take tho credit to our-

selves of first calling public atten-

tion to this needed improvement.

Wr. call the attention of our busi-

ness men tothc fact that nn extra ves-

sel of the Grossman's line of packetsis now lorfdlng nt New York to leave

for this plttec in Jnnunry. Furtherpaiticulars will bo found in ouradvertising cplunyu ( , , , '


Two fine oil paintings can be seenIn tho Bank pallors for n few flays.'Thoy nro dining-roo- m plcecsj one of

'papaya, fruit and tho other bread

fruit. They were painted ' fromnature by Mrs. Gillin of Maui, andbelong to Mr. J. H. Paly. Asspecimens of nature painting they,arc exquisite and nro well woithy ofa visit."' Vfr. 'note the deatli 6f Mr. Fred-cric- k

McCrellish, the senior pro-

prietor of tho Alta Ualifornia, onOct. 31st. Mr. McCicllish wns well-know-


on the Const since T2. In,'flt lie became Comma cinllKditor ofthe Altai lll'(l I" 'cc nc became itspropiietor. He has left ills impressou the minds of men.

At 1 :30 on Thmsdny morning, atthe corner of Merchant and Nuuanusticcls, 7 or 8 drunken natives were

standing and howling out the llllhiestlanguage possible. They, of course,woke all tile ncighbois. Some ofthem were cither police or liaek-diiver- s,

as it wns noticed they woiobadges. Comment is Unnecessary.

9Wr. have had laid on our tabic n

beautiful caul, issued by Messrs. E.O. Hnll & Son. It is really a workof nrt, both in tho printing and gen-

eral get up. It also contains anamed specimen of a Hawaiian fern.The list of goods suitable for Cinist-ma- s

gifts is very large, embracingbeautiful silver and plated ware, ofwhich illustrations are given. Wehave personally examined the Chinaand glass vastfs, S.c, and they 11 yo

the most beautiful ever seen here,being in the latest aesthetic and nrt- -istic styles., -- -

Pnor. W. D. Alexander returnedfrom Molokai on Saturday morning,where he had been trying to com-

plete 'the piimary triangulntion oftho islands. Bad weather, however,interfered with the complete successof the project. The ' signalling wasjdonc by means of heliographsstationed on Diamond Head -- andMokapu, on this island ; Matmaloa'on Molokai, nnd Kancpuu on Lnnni.These observations arc simply beingmade to verify those of former yearsnud it is satisfactory to know that,even .with the bad weather, thedifference in the observations isscarcely worth consideration.


6SF Ex Zealandin, Gonts 'fineTweed Suits, at Chas. J. Fishcl's.

BSfPlnin Sntccns all colors, atChas. J. Fishcl's Leading MillineryHouse. 233

BIRTH.In this oily. Nov. 10th. 1B82, to the

wife of Wm. II. Jnirctt, n Son.i itt u - ,1 i in m

Notice.W. II. CHOSS5IAN &, BROS'New York Lino willhuronbaik lccvlng for Honolulu3rtI.;oi cnrlv In Jnmi.irv.

All oidcrs sent by the "81107," of Nov.22nd, v ill reach Now-- York in time to boforwarded by her. 20 l)t

BREAKING HOUSESix auxuixK sTviii;.

fe WALLACE JACKSONtill llllllllll.l I, 1,111 .KillSam? od horio birAer.wiHhes

Nstho public to know Hint&S-- a

"ho is fully nicpaicd totake charge of block, and guiiruiitccjto bicak them thoioujihly on hitRanch, and attend (iircfully to feedingand docloilng hoiked. Helms now inhis chin go such cclebiated steeds asBlnck TJinin nnd other IhoioughbicdR,,nnd Um tho ccluslo chnrgo of till otJlr. Jaa. Cnnipbeirs stock. JAcellentri'comincndntlons. Charges niodcrnto.tSTOrdcrs left nt the Pantheon Stables

w 111 be piomptly nttendid to. 250 lm

ltoyal Hawaiian Agricul-tural Society. ,

110.M1I) OK maxaokmknt:President. . . v , ... .Ills Jlnjcsty tho KingYitcPicHldcnt. . .Hon. II. A. widemnnu

Hon. A.p. cicgiiom!."l'. Hon. A.-F.- J add

Committee.! ..Hon. L. McCnllymen: ...'i.....a. w.uumi

t..Ur. JloKllihln..it. ...Dr. Trouusenu

Ticnsurcr. . . ." , .,... 'A: JiicgcrSecietnri.i.i . .1'.'. ., r, ...J. a. wuuh

Tho ijonrd of ilnnngcmcnt Invite nilwL.0 nro lntcrcHtd in plnntntlons nndfnimlng pursuits ; in the rnlslng ofMock Tnllortloultuio nndto become niombers of this Society.

Subscription, $t per annum j ijiieMeiiibprshlp, 100.

Suhsfivl nitons mnv bo nnid to nnvmember of tho Board, or to tho SccietnryMr. J. S. Webb, from whom copies ofMilch may bo obtained,

By order of HieBonid,d.a- - wiiuucey.

Honolulu, Nov. 7, 1882. S It

A Good Speculation.

TO SELL, immediately, Two FrnmoBuildings, adjoining tho Pantheon

StnbRs, on Hotel street: Must bo re.moved right away, Suitable for cott.ages, btnblcs, &r. Apply nt tho Pnntli-- ,

con Smblcsur J.E.NyIBEJIAN, Gene-ral Business Agent, W7 IH

IN aid of 8t. Louis College, will beheld on tho

ArniNti'oiiK 1i'oiiiIhoh,ndjolnhig tho residence of His Eccl.

lcncy Gov. Doinints, fcV

OIV MONDAY,November STth, 1883:

Sale commence nt 2 p. m. .(

Also, li Grand Liiau'!' .

on tho following day.

Donations will bo thankfully receivedby tho indies holding tables;, ,



IMicahmciit Tables:MIIF. It. JtACfAltliAXi:, MltS. (I. WAIiI.mi,


3Ils Agnes Aylelt will lccclve for thoHawniinn Tabled.

AilmiNsinii to Vnir, 50 ccnlH.210 Children half price. lw

THE EVILS OP PAINTINGAnd their Jtciucrfy.

" It has been said with nfuch truth,loo. that house pnintinc nilcht. with.sludyand acipiiiciucirt of taste, resumeits Link as a liberal nit." Painters'Manual.

Relieving the nbovc to bo true, A. B.KLRR hns now bis systemof woikiiig tho business in Honolulu.In the llrst plncc he hns secured tho scr-vic-

of Hint celebrated nrtist, Mr. JhKoiix, formerly of Bnn Francisco, whocwork In the lino of plain nnd decornthepnpcr-liaugin- frescoing, &c, Is up tothe present time unsurpassed, and onthc.o Iidniids lins never been ccpinllcd.For house painting job? first-clas- s mechnnlcs only will bo employed. Infuture p.ition can depend upon my fill,ing every order on the mostbnsis known to tho tiade.

The Sign Painting and Lcttciing dcpailmcnt will bo peininnciitly picsldedover by Mr. Gto. SmvrMiiYi.n, (furthercomment uiuiccci-saiy.- ) ,

P.S. Send for designs offipscosforcelling and cmnici. Soinetlilng now;nnd if you want any glass put in call nt

"Tiger "Paint Store,2471 73 King Street.

FIRST . CLASS COOK (foreigner)employment. Local refer,

enecs; nlf.o, meat and pastry-coo-

ChlnchO Lnundrymnn, good oupoliahing'nlid Indies' finowoik; 'ocnl reference

will work by the day, week or month.Ciincso coo'ks and some smart natives

want employment.CAVENAGH'S AGENCY,

ti8 King street.1



FRAMK CERTZ.233 1U Fort Street. '3w

TENDERSWILL bo received nt tho olllco of the

until noon,tho 2oth of November, 1882,

for 11 lenso of ten years, from the 1st ofDecember, 1882, of the picmiscs in 1

Vnlloy, belonging to the estate ofChnrlcs Long, deceased. Otitis of termsof lenso may bo made for these picmiscscither ns 11 whole or separately, for one,two or three of the following divisionsof tho same, i. c:

1st Tho Homestead nnd Lot belong,ing thereto.

2nd The Ivuln Land, with the Bana-nas, nnd other Improvements thcicon.

3rd The Knlo and Rico patches, withher lice now glowing in them,

Possession to ho given Immediately.Surveys nnd deeds ns expense of leasee.

Rents payable in

The undersigned reserves to himselfiiiorigiuioiieciino nny or nil tenders,cither for tho whole ot tho pi onuses, orfor any or all of tho sopiirato lots, nsnbovc.

For further particulars apply toF. A. SCHAEFEll,

243 Admr. Estate of Clins. Long.

A. To"v XjoL oiDurham


S... Tobacco

: jfd "Cigarettes,Just Received nt

243 A. S. Clcgliorit & CqV. ,

Crem de la Creine,rpIIE Ico Fncloiics nro in full blast,X and so nio

IIAKT'SElite Ioe Cream Parlors!

They nrp jnsl frcolng, wlileluis

What you mint in this Weather,nnd don't you forget it I

Ico Cieani can bo had from 11 a. m.to 11 p. nt. at

HART BROS.,,, lillto lee Cream Parlors,

177 80 Hotel street.


nUDICTMAO Tvnnio ifiAc h 1 1


J. T. WaterhouseHas specially imported n largo quantity

of goods,

Suitable for Presents'for both old nnd young.

Beautiful Plcturos In splendid gilt frames,

Gilt Brackets nnd Rack,Chlppendnlo Wbnt.nots,

mine Boxes and Baskets, 1

Desks. Dressing Casus, Inkaiiuids, IGlove and Handkerchief Boxes,,

Book Slides, Satchels,Minors, Bronm,

Smokers' Tallies,Caid Tables,

Album Stands,Christmas Cards, wood and mcttil,


Bows nnd Arrows, 81 Ton Cnnnon, "1Papier Macho Card Trays,

From f cents to $25, dressed & undrcss'dDoll's Tiousscnuv nud every requisite,

Pnrlor Games,Compcndlums, Stnr Rlngolcttc,

Triple Bowling, Balunco Gnmcs, &c

C31" Everything will be found to pienfethe most fastidious taste, and no

stocking need go empty forwant of 11 present.

No. 10 Fort Street.212 :

A SMART ACTIVE YOUNG MAN(white, American) wants a situn-tlit- n

as Teamster, Coachman or ExpressDriver. Good references.


If you want to sco tho

Largest Stock of LeatherIn the Kingdom,

Jo to 4 lucen Street.

If you wnnt to sco

Tho Best Quality of LeatherIn the Kingdom,

ila to 48 queen Mtreet.

If you wnnt to

Buy Leather at tho Lowest, Prices in tlie Kingdom,

iio to 4 luccu Street.1.

If you want to Buy the '

Best Quality of GroceriesIn the Kingdom, " '

I Ho to 48 queen Street.

If you wnnt '"

More for your Moneythan you can buy elsowhero in

tho Kingdom, ' '

G--o to 42 Queen St.M. W. McCIIESNEY & SON.

syo tf

otW THE -- ao-




Millinery & Fancy Articles

Received by oveiy steamer. '


Old Eslablishod Millinery Establishment,

181 103 Fort street. ly



OWNERS of Real Estate will nlwnysto their advnutnga to pined

their houses nnd lnnds in my enre fordisposal, 118 I nm tho only acknowledgedReal Estate Rroker 911 thq Islands,

Agents nndPlnntcis, nnd nil other cm.ployers of meehnnics nnd laborers willdo well to notify mo when vacancies oc-

cur.Lenses, deeds, bonds, mortgages, nnd

all other legal paqers drawn in properform,

lUllN Collected,Books nnd nccounts kept, ,

Custom entries,Letters nnd Engrossing done, ,

and general business olHco work ofevery description attended to and alwaysou tho most reasonable terms. v '

JOSEPH E. WISEMAN;Office 27 Merchant Street, Honolulu.

Tclenlioao 172, P. O. BoMl5-- Js '

.& t 4. .Ci J. iii- - - jUJiAi- - u- j . I ji a

Page 3: DAILY BULLETIN - eVols at University of Hawaii at …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/6836/1/1882112001.pdf · DAILY-BULLETIN yM t; ... caso of a certain "Welshman who




Dlmonil Ilcnil, Nov. SO, 0:i)tf n.mLight N. K. wind.H.W. City of Sydney 5 miles off

' ARRIVALS.Nov. 19

Stinr Likcllko from windward portsSchr Gcn.Scigcl from KoolmtSehr Jvnmoi from LatipahocliobSclir Kckntiluohi from KnuaiSchr Wnlchu from Onotncn ,

SehrWnioli from I'nnttlinuSchr Khukni from WnlnlimStint- - Wniinannlo from WnlmaloHohr Mnry K Foster from IlonunpoSolir Lukti from KolinlaSchr Knluna from Ivolmln

Nov. 20Stmr. City of Sydney from Australia


Sclir Knnlu for WainunoSchv Nutliu Merrill for Lahaiim

: uu--!, VESSELS LEAVING THIS DAY.Stmr City of Sydney for San Fran.Stmr Lclma for Molokai and MaulStmr Kilauca lion for KalmluiBark Knlaknua for San FranciscoSchr Hnlcaknln for PcpcckeoSclir Frincc for Kckalia

PASSENGERS.Fromvliidwartl ports, Nov 19

Ilis l$x;K;'FilCBton, Judge L Mc-Ctill- y,

A Gripn, C Drown, Ado SCanaro, S Roth, II Von Holt, GeoKies, Miaa K A Ludgntc, W CSproull, Miss J C Ilartin, D Quid,Cnpt Uoylc, A 1) Marshall, W CAkaua, K Amu, Miss K Kaliuila,Bliss N Kahuila," Miss A Mills, MrsJ J, HnyscUlenf L Asqu,Ti Ahlo, J Hinds, Dr L S Thompson,Miss Ilanaia, C Sylvn, F Itidlc, MrsK West and child, .Mrs. D Taylorand 5 children. Geo C lkeklcy,Purser.

VESSELS IN PORT.U. S. S. Alaska, 0. E. Belknap '

Brit stm Suez, Dodd,Am schr Clans Spreckclslluw brig Niulto, CameronBrig W.Gv Irwin.Atu liark Hope, Aspolct -

Tern Kit SapBktno Ella, BrownBktno EurekaBark Kalakaua, SillierTern Joseph E. Buss .

' i i ii j

VESSELS EXPECTED.Jllg Name From ' DaeBktno Emma Augusta, fm Ft Gamble for

Knhulni, Oot 7Stmr Kealandln, from S. P, Nov" 20Htmr City of Byduoy.'fmiiydncy, No'v'20Bk Altlcn Bcssc, from Portland, dueBark Ll.zlo Marshal, fm 1't GambleBr bk Ullock fm Liverpool, DecBk Aber Aman fm Glasgow, DecBktno .Discovery, fm S P., Nov 14Afn bktno Klikitat,Bk NortH Stat, from NewcastleBr ship Ambassador, fm NewcastleBark Amy Turner from BostonGcr bk Livingston from HongkongAm bktno Amelia from Port GambleBk Jjhnma,, from Pugct Sound, Aug 18

Thanksgiving Turkeys 1

FOR SALE,V LOT OF PRIME YOUNGlife TURKEYS. ApplyRear of No. 20 School Street.

242 lw

TWO OFFICES TO LET, on thelloor of the building occupied

by J. W. nobcrtson & Co 181)

,and Purchasers wantedPARTNERS In various lines of busi-no.s-

(old established). Principals mayexamine list. Apply at

OAVENAGH'S AGENCY,24'J 88 King street.

A. G. ELLIS,TOOK BROKER, will buy or soil$ 11 uA.tlln.4 li rtmlm Fnililnt 1 IIIIUIIIIUU Qiuui, jouimn, mm

Other Marketable Securities.At their market value for cash.

15 Ofllco with E. P. Adams. Auct'r." '" ''WILLIAM O, SMITH,

STOCK BROKER,L."ilLL..'- - , . , ,

U. lib jiiurciinnt Direct,Honolulu, II, I

Sugar Plantation, Railroad,Telephone, and other Corporation Stock,

Bonds" had Similar Securities Bought--arid Sold on Commission.

Money loaned on Stock Securities.

Honolulu, Oct. 1st, 1882. 214

Notice.URING the temporary absence of: Mi m G. Irwin from this King,

elom, Mr. W. M. Gikkaiib will attend tothe business of our house.

220 2nr, - WM, tt. IRWIN & ,CO.

Having purchased fromNOTICE. W. Bush, all his right, titlenndjutcrcst In the Grocery Business, onFortrcct, it is my lutentlon to carryon the same tinder the firm namo of S.

J. LEVEY & Co., and I hope, by strictattention to business, and the wants ofmy customers, to merit a share of theliberal patronago bestowed upon mypredecessor, Mr. A. W. Bush.

235.1111 S. J. LEVEY.

I hereby give notlco thatNjOTIOE. disposed of my GroceryBusiness to Mr. 8. J. Levey. All ae.counuduo said business are to be paid

Tlianklng the public for the liberalpntrduago they have been pleased to beutow upon me, I would respectfully askfor a contlnuanoo of the same to mysuccessor. A. W. BUSH.

37" Orders for the Union Feed Comp-

any will be received ils uuid, andprompt dellY'jry guaranteed. 223 lut


,1'ACIFIO MAIL Steam- -

ship Compuny. .

FOR SAN FRANCISCO,The Splendid St camshlpCity of Sydnoy,

Dearborn - Commander,

Will leave Honolulu for Snn Franciscoon or about Nov. 20.

FOR SYDNEY via AUCKLANDThe Splendid Steamship

Zoalandia,Webber, . Commander,

On or about Nov. 20,For freight or pasagc apply to

11. llAcurEM) & Co., Agents.

Oceanic Steamship Comp'y.-J-, THIS A 1

L. WJili" .sesasiesasj iron Btpamor suoz,UOUl), - - - COJ1MAXUKII

Will leave HonoluluFOR SAN FRANCISCO

November 22nd.For freight or passage, having superioraccomodations, apply to121 Wm. G. Inwi.v & Co., Agents.


SES- - Tlieellppcr barkEalakaua,

Miller, .... master,Will have quick dispatch for the aboveport. For-freigh-t or passage apply to

- f V. A.i SuiiAi'.i'iui & Co., Agents.,

FOR SAN FRANCISCO.&m. The clipper bgtnc.

W. G. Irwin,Turner, - master,

Will have quick dispatch for the aboveport. 1'or freight or passage apply to

Wm. G. Iiswin & Co., Agents.

For nonjjlcoiiff.The cllp)er Bark

"Alden Bosso,"A. Noycs, Master,

Is daily expected from Portland, boundfor Hongkong direct. AVill take a fewChinese passengers at a low rate.

For particulars apply to Boi.lkb & Co.

iv, Steamor Likplike,zrmmj-ti- : " miiBier.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday nt4 p.m., touching at Lalinlnn, Man-lac- a

Bay, Makeua, Muhukonu,Laupahoehoe and Hlio.

'Returning, will touch nt all thenlove ports, nrrivlug at Honolulueach Sunday n.m. 1

T. R. FOSTER & Co.'s

Line of .Steamers

The Iwalani,Batkh, ..... Commander

Runs regularly to Konn and Knu,ns per following Time Tabic:

Leaves Hoxoi.ur.u at i p.m. onThursday, Oct. 5 Monday, Nov. 27Monday, Oct. 10 Thursday, Dec. 7Thursday, Oct. 20 Monday, Dec. 18Monday, Nov. 0 Thursday, Dec. 28Thursday, Nov. 10

AnniVES at Honolulu:Friday, Oct. 10 Friday. Nov. 24Tuesday, Oct. 24 Tuesday, Dec. 5Friday, Nov. 3 Dec. 15Tuesday, Nov. 11 Tucsil;lay, Dec. 20

The O. R. Bishop,Berry, Commander

Lkavks Honolulu rvkiiyJonday, nt 5 l'.jt., for Nnwiliwili,Koloa, Elcclc, and Waimen, Kauai.

RETUUNINd LEAVESNawiliwiii ov.cry Friday evening.


Sohooner Ehukaiwill run icgularly

TO AVAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning on Thursday, weather

permitting.For freight or passage apply to the

Captain on board, or to181 A. F. Cooke, Agent.

Sohoonor JAVIiVs, " Emma,"Will leave Honolulu EVERY TUE8- -


Roturnlug Saturdays.For freight or passage, having superiorcabin accommodations, apply to

154 MACKAltiaXE & Co.

.A.FI1.ANKC00KE, ,

OfIlce,'cornerNutinnuand Queen streets,Honolulu, 11. I.,

Agent for tho following Packets;Wailel'c, , Jj-J- d Wnloli,AVnlchu, SsP$t Walmalu.Malolo, &fflffi)!l Kaluna,Mana, 3s!aa& Julia,

Ka Moi, and Ehukai.Red Flag, with Whito Ball.


A SPLENDID Opportunity Isnow offered to buy tho Popu.Illr T.rwlrlltn Iffllmr. rnnnfitlt

occupied and contfuctcd by Mrs. White,at 123 Fort street. Tho premises contain1 stare, 17 bedrooms, kitchen, dining andbath room. The rooms arc all nicelyfurnished and in perfect order. Forfurther particulars apply to present r,

F. W. WALLACE, i23 Fort st.,Honolulu, 215


Franklin Stove Coal !

In nny quantity,

Wholesale or Iteluil,11Y

203 Wilder & Co. im

S!250-0ialleuge-- Sa50.

J HEREBY CHALLENGE (on behalfof the Ivanoehinl's crew) lite crew

entered for tiie Milia in tho AmateurPurse race last Monday, to row over thecourse laid out for that race, for the sumof 2o0.241) CLARENCE MACFARLANE.



WALL PAPERS,Celling Decorations,




A splendid and varied assortment


121 LHWER3 & COOKE--

Manila Cigars,Ex stmr "Madras,"

TVoav XjaiicHiig",Cases of those lino Manila Cigars, 250 in

the box.

Something Superiorto what Is usually Mild In this market.

Cases of Manila Cigars, COO in a box,nil of which wc gunrantcc to bo

tho Genuine ManilaHindu article.

For Snlo by230 lm BOLLES & Co.




WARE-ROOM- Nos. 50 and 58



FUENITUREIn the Kingdom,

Which will bo

Sold at the Lowest Bates,




Made to order at short notice.


,; Agent.- iff.



Ex biuic Kulukuun' And bktno Ella,

Goldon Gato Extra FamilyAND

ELDORADO FLOUR.Cases Brawn, Cases Bacon,

Casks WhittakcrV Star llttms,llalcH ef liny, Ac., At.,

Just to hand, and for sale by2M lm BOLLES & Co.



bxi aoa3R'iCl



Ladies' mid Gent's

Gold mid Silver "Watches

Just to linnd.

Every "Watch warranted nsrepresented.

sstzzn'SWS" .W&rJSfTpj.i-gJKipF- l

.muancimnrrrtntilefMwMwuMt wn

fcwrsinwnntaj sanrsniooo fli

Fftc-simil- u of tiilvur Cases.


Actual WBlghfc.

of Goldi

GtcusWp- t- "J




A Lsrgc Stock of Fine Furniture will be cleared out

to make room for our

Largo Stock of Holiday Goods to arriyeper steamer. This well

Parlor and BedroomEasy Chairs, Turkish Chairs, "Wardrobes,

Spring Mattresses, Ofllcc and Dining-roo- Chairs, &c, &c,

All of which will be sold at auction prices, or lew.Call and examine at

Wells' Music Store,177 103 and 107 Fort Street, Honolulu.



75 FORT!H7



Clarltlers,Fire Clay,



Hoes, Pickaxes,

and Smith Hammers,'Shovels, Axes,


Patent Sleam-plp- o Covering,.Lubricating Oil,

Cement,and Coal Hags,

&fc., &e.

HAOKFEL1) &10th

Xottcv.my temporary

this Mr., Gautkmikiuiact for nto a Power

Attorney,340 FISHEL.

' &

f .MBufrv- ' ;



M. Mclucruy,Agent tn'ii Kinyihnu

N. 1J. ofns I hnvc discovered

silver watches bear-ing the name of " WnlthainWatclics," which arc of SwissManufacture, are sold asgenuine Waltluuu watches.

.THAMiUUI n.w "W.

JV r3K5.jxxrt ,.fr,ik "Va

TMS&&i23toi ' iiMtrxL 'i7j.je carsriJ

iuid h tnnUhii nrconnnlri!iiOjiampodailJUixtiitTiioc T4ahk7

V " inwniiiicnv.UNITED ITATX9 WlrU ASSAY

ivFacsimile of Cold Cases



Fumitiure, Lounges,, .1



A Large Assortment,.' Of T11K


Fine Wall Papers

BORDERS!Jiist;tecelvcd, nnd for solo by

WILDERfigjU Call and examine. 147 '

Water Notice.Onico Kup't Water Works, J

i Honolulu, July ',!,

LL Water Privilegesurn Hull tllnlr

arc payable seini-aunuall- in advance,at tliu olllco of the Siipcrlntondoiit ofWater foot of Mrect,upon tho 1st day of January and July ofeach year. B.WILSON,

Water Works.8. K. Kaai, of 201 l

UNION FEED COMPANY, A. W.Manager, Sco tulvertlsv.

oi) page, i

BKOGLIE, SPEAR & CO.Call attention io their Complete Stock ol Jcwclcry ol all kinds, In Gold & Silver

embracing many New and Novel Designs in Rumnn, Engraved,' (Enameled, and Plain consisting, in part, of Sets, '"'

Lace Lockets, Chains, Sleevennd Links, Ear.Rings, Scarf Pins

and Rings, Charms, ,Studs, Rings, &c., &c.

IHainond, and in vnriciy.Gold and Watclics, "Waltham and makcii.

t3JCnll and Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to.

Belting,Helvetia Laces,


Hemp with or without India

Babbit Metal,Barbed

Mining Steels,

Cane Knives, with or without hooks,


Steel Rails,Sugar


For sale by

II. Co.Oct.

fromIsland, A.

will under full of

CilAB. J.

forllcwaro imita-



iranbEBa 'Lir.-.- y


selected stock Includes



A persons havinglllltlllflt AV'ntni-l!i.l- n

Works, Nuuiinu


Minister Interior.



X'eavl Stone Uoods grvalSilver other












s. ,'.ri8ij'--

Page 4: DAILY BULLETIN - eVols at University of Hawaii at …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/6836/1/1882112001.pdf · DAILY-BULLETIN yM t; ... caso of a certain "Welshman who

'U 5 !


a fc,t




mirw.!Ba-..- ii '.l.j .:1U.T

?3PBf$&Fnrzr' ,16,111" I.J1I" IW

rT "C-Tfr- r ",Vf'?rr't 1 1ftVtr ir


Established I860.


Importing and Manufacturing Stationers.PUBLISHERS,

Printers and Book-Binder- s,

Nos. 19 and 21 Merchant stroot,

The Oldest, Largest, and CheapestStationery Establishment in this Kingdom.

Keep constantly on hand a large assortment ofDlniil: Hook-- , of nil dcuiiillonst;

Foolscap, Legal iinil Hill Cap,' Journal nnd Trial Halanro Pnpci,

Linen Paper and En elopes, all slcs;

Writing and Copying Inks, in quarts, pints and cones.

Mucilage in nil especially adapted to this climate;i Draw lug Piper and Pencils

Tracing Paper and Cloth.Transit Hooks, Field and Level Hooks, nihplcd for llic use

. of Surveyors and LnglnccrsjMemorandum and Pao Hook",

Sllcr and Pcrfoiated Card Hoaid,Slapping Tn-js- , Shipping Ucceipl Hooks and Pads,

Note, Ci n ft, and Itctclpl Hooks,

llli'd numerous other articles in our line to be found in a iccllhcpl stoih

BUSIC!Wo have made such nirangeincnlM with our Music Agents, as will cnnlilcus

hereafter to keep on hand u full assortment, and aKo to rcccl e the latest pieces asthey are published. Any special order will receive our best and prompt



and Manufactur-

ing Jeweler,

Foil SUcct, ; : Honolulu.

Hon. -



Nos. 113 nnd 115

Splendid New Stock of Solid

Elcijant Gold and

Slh cr.riated "Ware, &c, &c.

fyt 11 "fnlleK'l--

MONDAY, NOV. 20, 1882.

Just before a western-Houn- d trainleft the Union depot yesterdaymorning, a mnsher with his littlegrip-sac- k slid around to a womanstanding near the tickct-ollie- e, andremarked:

"Excuse me, but enn I be of anyassistance in purchasing yourticket?"

"No bir?" wns the short reply."Beg paulon, but 1 shall bo glad

to .sec that your trunk is properlycheeked," he continued.

"It has been checked, sir.""Yes ahem you go west, I ?"

"I do.""Going as far as Chicago?""Yes sir.""Ah yes to Chicago. I also take

the tiain for Chicago. 1kg yourpardon, but didn't 1 meet you inBuffalo hist fall?"

"No, bill" '

"Ah! Then it .was in Syracuse?""No, sMr!"

"No? I wondor where I have beenyou befoio?"

"You baw mo enter the depotabout live minutes ago with myhusband, I presume?"

"Your husband?""Yes, sir, and if you'll only stand

around hero three minutes longeryou'll mako the fifth fellow of yourkindthat ho has turned over' to thocoroner this month."

Some mashers would have madea run for it, but this didn't. liewent qff on the gallop and as ho

' wanted to go light, ho left his gi ipsack and a ton of brush behind mm.

Detroit Frcp Press,

BS-W- opon fiont shirts, ntClias. J. Fishol'a Leading MillineryHouse.. .., . .

Arrival of the Second Lot




BAILEY & Go'sG-re- 10 Cent Store.

Immense stock ofHOUSE-KEEPIN- I


Consisting of moio than

iys,ooo AKrX1ICJL.13H

is u.pecUd on or about ho 20th lust.

1JAILEY ii CO.''8J7Ui.f.i4iv lO'JFurUt.



Gold and Plated Jewelry,

Silver Watches.

' 180

DIAS & GONSALESNo. 07 Hotel Stitot.


Woi k Hocs and Tables,Parlor Tables, AVriting Desks.

Paper Knives), Iliilcie, ,

Glove, Handkerchief, & Jewelry Hoes,Hair Chains, Necklaces,

Hiacclcts, Eai.iings,Hroochts, &c., iS.c.

Wicker Baskets and Mats,"Willow Chairs,

Embroideiy and Crochet "Work,

All the above will he found In greatvariety, nnd excellent quality,

together with all tho '

usual stock of a

Dry Goods Establishment.A tall w ill ic pay you hnndtioinclv for

tho tumble. 21Uly


jSlfijbegs to notify to tho public of Hono

lulu nnd tuncllcrs tnnnd fiomall foreign poits.that

Ho has Purchasedthe Business and Stock in trade of the

Honolulu I M Francisco Express &

Transfw Company,

And Hint ho pioposcs to cany on thebusiness in good stjlo; In fact

everything will ho done

"Up to the Handlel"

All persons requiring furniture, hag.case or gnodi of any description shifted, tiniihfcired or shipped will find it totheir advantage to apply to him at hisofllec, King street,

Telephone No. 130,as low rates as possible. 187

rOll.SALi:, a No. 3

Warehouse Feed MillGilml ftom r to 10 tons per day.

AImi. pulleys, belts, etc., nil In uoodoiderj ean bo inn by steam or horsepower, just the tutlde for a plantation,


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, llran, Uailcyj Whole and

Giound, IMixed Feed, etc.AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST

CD LAWK Co., 8i Tint t.

Importers nnd Dealers In

IIous6 Furnishing Goods, Paints, Oils, Vaniishcs, &c.

Have made large additions to their stock of goods ,. -

To which they invito the attention of bitjois.

j :iiurtVi.sw ,tsTrh3 'jfira m.fn riiLUMm-"- . . saan ii.f?--- iviai?n .'. Ktei wm

'QtSliLMl3mkim fffTwraMrf vlMHlHfWPw'


E R R Y kW l?z&MRnw r iJi.iiiaaiwiJi'RQS. us

JLtr..'if: MiHGWiiiA.TTTd

Kerosene Oil,

Foilfiimlly u-- tho high. fPS"est test oil in tho l it-- .iui

mnikct. a Vjk$J&ity

A full line of Tinware, andCall and examine ojm' stoclc.

ADDITIONS to ourfoimcrGltlLVT c Sue?, KalaKaua, aud Cityof Sjdncy, of

Ship Chandlery & Ship Stores:Coidagc hemp Manila, cotton duck,rin camno, ll.i call twine, beeswax,llloek", oars 8 to 2-- ft; shackles,Hides of o.ikum, hooks nnd thimbles,Club blocks, snatch blocks, row-lock-

Iron stiap blocks, nnM bead, shices,Jletalinc and patent bushings,Stockholm tar, pitch, coal tar, tar oil,Uilght and bhicKMiinishus, wire rigging!Marline, seizing houillne, latlin,Spunyain, caulking iron1, copper tacks,Iron tack", connecting links,Mnrlin tpikc, caulking mallets,JInst hoops, Jui ml tpikes, pitch mops,Tar brushes, 4c.Paints nnd Paiut Oil, a full assoitment

of nil kinds nnd colon.;Pacific Hubbcr Paint, a new lot, includ- -

all the nrlou colom;Brusltc Paint, lainMi, pencil, wliltc-was-

pabte, artist, shoe, bciub, andsash a good nsiortnicnt of each;

Acs nnd hatchets, wood and shingling;Ship lanterns and side-light- s tho Regu-

lation article.

Groceries and Provisions.A full assortment of flue giocerics, in.

eluding bonio choice varieties vofcanned godds:

Table pic fruits, jmus nnd jellies, a newarticle, put up by a new linn, andw c can highly recommend them asbeing something ic.illy nice;

A new lot of Teas, including borne supe-rior Japan nrletiesj

Sugni ltetlncd and raw;Hams, bacon, lard, smoked beef, in tins,

new article;Curl led fowl, curried oysters,Plum pudding, kits snhiiniijljollfc,' 'Kits niackciel, kits tongues nndVounds,Codllsdi, cheese, Ovford s.utsagy, in tins;llaisins, in M, and yx boxes;Haisins, in tins; cun.ints in 1 & 71b tinsPickles, in 1 gal., J gal.,1 (its, & r gal kgsCoin staich, tapioca, vermicelli,Mucnroni, driid apples, piuncs, plums,

peaches nnd penis.FLOUll AND mtEAD.

Golden Gate ctra family, Dldoiado,Golden City, Ginham, oat and coin mealMedium bread, aborted crackers,Ginger sii'ins, tally, saloon pilot bread,Soda bNcuits, i lee and collec,Whalo and spcun oil,Sperm candles, 4s aud Os.

Alltof thetaoovc if ill be sold at the. i Best Market Jla'tesf"- - '

Buyers arc most lcspeclfully Invited tocall and examine our stock.

193 BOLLES & CO.

THE OLD OORISFERrstablLlicd, 1S38.

ILviiT Uitos., : : Piopiiclors.

MEALSSen cd up in llist-elas- s stj lu nt nil houis


Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Alaj son. hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&e, &e. Also,

leeel Xiiiils!IF YOU WANT



C.VI.L at tiii:

Beaver Refreshment RoomFinest Bi amis of Tobacco,

Cigaru, Cigai cites, etc,

Alvnyp In stocK

Ice cold Sodavwiler and Ginger Ale.

II. J. NOLTE, . '

209 tf Fiopilctor.

So fuvornlily known thrpughojit theHawaiian Tblnnds. Sold by itjl

fepeefclilGalels:'1'No.13 I,iliUa,Bt., Honolulu 71


Hardware, Agricultural Implements,


DiiTeieii"fcil DPvilleyflgOir?L-'V- . --Tsri' T- -i

'Asssssm-Ji - i tjfflmsisfect, wi


maikct, numerous mention.(177) DILLINGHAM & CO., Street.




new this too

-- OF-


Bruce C,utV) right. W.'

Of All a full

52 BSPScnd orders

Laige for

Mylcs ofHarioun,


No cities, to to

-- or-





Union Feed Company--


Largest and

EIA,. GRAINdescription, andguninntces to keep supply

constantly on band.



Subscription DepartmentWE aro prepaied to reecho fuithcr orders for nny Paper or Magazine publish

ed in Califoinin, tho LaMcin Stales, Canndn, and JV,ll,c. P'ent time we receive ly every oer one nnd Hfty

diileient Papers and Magazines, published in the English, French, andScnndlnnunn Languages,

As our suhsciiption list is large, Ap nro enabled to furnish the Papers' andMagazine nt a low late nf Subscription. 182

V Contiaetor $$&and nulldci'.'Hpi

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, lJspla-n.ul-

Manufaetiues .ill kludu of Mouldings,lhaeketri, AVlndow Fi ames, Winds

Sasheb. Doois, mill all kinds of Wood-uoi!:fluh- h.

Tinning, Seiollaiul HandSawing. All Kinds of Sawing and Plan-in-

Moitieliigand Tenautlng.OidciHpiomptly attended to and woik

guaranteed. Uideis from the otherls-laud- ti

solicited 21



At 13 per Coul.

Ajiply to

A. F. Cooke,21S 8m Foot of Ifiiunnu Btrcct.


j.t 10 a OordiApply to

S. M. CAltTEU,1U7 P. M. S. S. Wharf.

Just Received,I'er bktuu lhireka, a full llno'of, ,

BYCICLE 8HIRTSmerino and cotton.


Pajama Suits,. Etc. ,

01 A, W. IttehaWlsyu Si co.



lnoices aloupon f.iuinblu teinis.

New Plows, ""Culthatora,




Europe.mall hundred




S.Luce. A. W. Lush.


THE--', .1

i XI ll "Jjt 4Best Stock;

t mk tit



A. W. BUSH, Fort St., Honolulu'.' i

rEpr5r5q $ l I



Clnuulolievs,l'cmlnnts, and

Stand Lnmng,A splendid nnd varied assortment '

Just Opened I

SAMUEL NOTT,,E2T Fort Street. "ah fa fa

230 ly



For sale at ,

25 A. W. HiciunDSoK'9

i4..3LikI .1 :M..,.A JedbrijMiadi&SMkv J.!:!'' Li& - jJi. . ffcaaitfcfciii . .-v .,? ..n.xn.t.iin,. jt..

r 41


' m



? vr

