d3: the crash course. d3: scratching the surface

D3: The Crash Course

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Post on 14-Dec-2015




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D3: The Crash Course

D3: Scratching the Surface

D3: What you need for the Homework

D3: Only the Beginning

Please do not be afraid to ask questions!

Programming Terminology Directory -- Folder

Variable -- Identifier of an object, a value, or a function

Global Variable – Variable accessable from anywhere in your code

Local Variable – Variable only accessable from the current function

String – A sequence of characters (usually surrounded by “”s or ‘’s)• e.g. “This is a string.”

Int – An integer number (i.e. no decimal places)

Float – A number that can have decimal places

Array [ ] – A list of items• [1,2,3,4]• [{name:‘Alpha’},{name: ‘Bravo’},{name: ‘Charlie’}]

Object { } – A collection of key-value pairs, often representing a distinct entity• [{keyA:’value1’, keyB: 5, keyC: 9.3}]

Function / Method ( ) – A series of steps to perform a task• (often converting input to output)

Parameter – Input for a function

Workspace Setup

Website Directory Structure

Javascript 101-2

SVG Basics

D3.js Crash Course

The Applications I Recommend

Text Editor: Sublime Text 2

Browser: Chrome

Super-Basic Webserver: Python

Opening the project in Sublime Text

Accessing the Chrome inspector and console

Starting a SimpleHTTPServer

Opening a project in Sublime Text


File Open on Mac

File Open Folder on PC

Select the coffee-vis folder

Click Open

Website Directory Structure

coffee-vis/• index.html

coffee-vis/lib/• d3.v3.js

coffee-vis/js/• coffee.js



Chrome Inspector and Console

Open the webpage

Right-click on anything

Click inspect this element

Click on the >= button at the very bottom to open the console as well• (2nd from the left)

Starting a Local Webserver

Unzip the file into your home directory• (the folder named after your username)

Open either a Terminal (Mac) or Command Prompt (Windows)

Type cd coffee-vis and press enter

Type python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 and press enter

Go to your browser and go to http://localhost:8000

How many of you have experience with Javascript?

Javascript 101

All variables are global unless declared using var• x = 300 (global) vs. var x = 300 (local)

Semicolons are completely optional

“text” is the same as ‘text’

object.key is the same as object[‘key’]

print to the console using console.log( )

Javascript 102: Functional Programming

Javascript is a functional language

Functions are themselves objects!

Functions can be stored as variables

Functions can be passed as parameters

D3 uses these abilities extensively!

Array.map( )

Used for applying a function to each element of an array

The function provided takes one parameter (d):• d: a/each data point


Array.map( )

var x = [{val:1},{val:2},{val:3},{val:4}]

var a = x.map(function(d){return d.val;


a : [1,2,3,4]

Method Chaining

Programming paradigm where each method returns the object that it was called on

Simply put:group.attr(“x”,5).attr(“y”,5)

is the same asgroup.attr(“x”,5)group.attr(“y”,5)


How many of you have experience with SVG?

How many have experience with 2D computer graphics (such as Java





SVG Basics




<text> (after I’ve talked about D3)

<svg> elements

Overarching canvas

(optional) Attributes:• width• Height

Create with• d3.select(“#vis”).append(“svg:svg”)• (we already did this for you)

<rect> elements

Attributes:• width• height• x : (relative to the LEFT of the

container)• y : (relative to the TOP of the container)

Create with• .append(“svg:rect”)






But what if we want to move all the rectangles just a smidge?

<g> elements

Generic container (Group) element

Attributes• transform

Create with:• var group = vis.append(“svg:g”)

Add things to the group with:• group.append(“svg:circle”)• group.append(“svg:rect”)• group.append(“svg:text”)

Transform Property

“transform”, “translate(x,y)”





D3 Grand Reductionist Statements

Loading Data

Enter-Update-Exit Paradigm




Extra Credit: Nesting

Where to go from here


A really powerful for-loop with a ton of helper functions.


Declarative, domain-specific specification language for visualization.

Translation:• Describe the template for what you

want• Let D3 draw it for you

Loading Data

d3.csv(fileloc,callback)• (There are others, but this is what

you need for the HW)

fileloc: file location• (“data/CoffeeData.csv”)

callback: function(rawdata){ }

rawdata from a CSV filename school age

Adam GT 18

Barbara Emory 22

Calvin GSU 30

[ { ‘name’: ‘Adam’, ‘school’: ‘GT’, ‘age’: ‘18’ }, { ‘name’: ‘Barbara’, ‘school’: ‘Emory’, ‘age’: ’22’ }, { ‘name’: ‘Calvin’, ‘school’: ‘GSU’, ‘age’: ‘30’ }]

Problemrawdata: [ { ‘name’: ‘Adam’, ‘school’: ‘GT’, ‘age’: ‘18’ }, { ‘name’: ‘Barbara’, ‘school’: ‘Emory’, ‘age’: ’22’ }, { ‘name’: ‘Calvin’, ‘school’: ‘GSU’, ‘age’: ‘30’ }]

Ages are Strings, not ints.

We can fix that:

for(var d: rawdata){

d = rawdata[d]d.age =



The most critical facet of how D3 works

If you learn nothing else today, learn the mantra!

“Enter-Update-Exit” “Enter-Update-Exit”


Pattern:• Select a “group” of “elements”• Assign data to the group• Create new elements for data points

that don’t have them yet• Set the attributes of the elements

based on the data• Remove elements that don’t have

data anymore

Hardest part of D3 to wrap your head around:

You can select groups of elements that DON’T EXIST YET

E-U-E Pattern Template

var group = vis.selectAll(“rect”) //or vis.selectAll(“text”)

.data(rawdata) //rawdata must be an array!

group.enter( ).append(“svg:rect”) //ENTER!

.attr( )

.attr( )

group //UPDATE!

.attr( )

.attr( )

group.exit( ).remove( ) //EXIT!

.enter( ) and .exit( )

.enter( )• New data points

.exit( )• Old data points

.enter( ) and .exit( )

.data( [1,2,3,4] )

.data ( [1,2,3,4,5,6] )

.data ( [1,2,3] ) //4,5,6

E-U-E Pattern Template

var group = vis.selectAll(“rect”) //or vis.selectAll(“text”)

.data(rawdata) //rawdata must be an array!

group.enter( ).append(“svg:rect”) //ENTER!

.attr( )

.attr( )

group //UPDATE!

.attr( )

.attr( )

group.exit( ).remove( ) //EXIT!

.attr( )

The Attribute Method

Sets attributes such as x, y, width, height, and fill

The technical details:• rect.attr(“x”, 5)• <rect x=“5”></rect>

.attr( ) and Functional Programming

[ {size: 10}, {size: 8}, {size: 12.2} ]

.attr(“height”, function(d,i){ return d.size })• d: the data point

.attr(“x”, function(d,i){ return i*5; })• i: the index of the data point

<rect height=“10” x=“5”></rect><rect height=“8” x=“10”></rect><rect height=“12.2” x=“15”></rect>

<text> elements

<text> elements I’m going to apologize in advance

here for the lousy job the w3c did with the <text> definition.

You’re going to have to just either memorize these things or keep referring back to http://www.w3c.org/TR/SVG/text.html (first Google hit for “svg text”) like I do.

<text> elements

Extra Method in D3• .text(“Your Text Goes Here”)

Attributes• x• y

Styles• text-anchor: start, middle, end• dominant-baseline: [nothing],

hanging, middle

text-anchor style

This is my line of text.start endmiddle

Where is (0,0)?

dominant-baseline style

This is my line of text.hanging



Where is (0,0)?

<text> example


.text(function(d){return d.name})

.attr(“x”, function(d,i){return i*5})

.attr(“y”, function(d,i){return height;})


.style(“text-anchor”, “middle”)

.attr(“x”, 5) is boring

.attr(“x”, function(d,i){ return i*5; }) only works for fixed values

What about values actually based on the DATA?



D3 has many types of scales

I am only going to cover two:• Linear Scales• Categorical (color) Scales

Linear Scales

var xscale = d3.scale.linear( )• .domain( [min, max] )• .range( [minOut, maxOut] )

group.attr(“x”, function(d,i){• return xscale(d.size);})

y = mx+b

Min and Max

But how do you figure out the min and max for the domain?


A really powerful for-loop with a ton of helper functions.

Min and Max

d3.min( [ ] ) number

d3.max( [ ] ) number

d3.extent( [ ] ) [number,number]

Min and Max

d3.min( [ ] ) number

d3.max( [ ] ) number

d3.extent( [ ] ) [number,number]

Hint: All can be combined with• .map( function(d){ } ), which returns

an [ ]

Linear Scales

You can even keep the same scale, and just update the domain and/or range as necessary

Note: This will not update the graphics all on its own

So what about those colors in the HW?

Nominal Scales

D3 has built-in color scales!• (And they’re easy!)

var colorscale = d3.category10( )

Also available are:• category20( )• category20b( )• category20c( )• and more!

Nominal Scales

[ {type:‘Bird’},{type:‘Rodent’},{type:‘Bird’} ]

var colorscale = d3.category10( )

.attr(“fill”,function(d,i){• return colorscale(d.type)}

• <rect fill=“blue”></rect>• <rect fill=“orange”></rect>• <rect fill=“blue”></rect>


D3 also has visual helper-functions

such as super-easy numerical axes!

Axes (not ax-es) yaxisglyph = chart.append(“g”)

yaxis = d3.svg.axis( ).scale( yscale ) //must be a numerical scale.orient( ‘left’ ) //or ‘right’ or ‘top’ or ‘bottom’.ticks( 6 ) //number of ticks, default is 10


Extra Credit

The method you need is d3.nest( )

Neither Ramik nor I will not explain it to you beyond that. It’s Extra Credit.

Where to get help and/or learn more… http://d3js.org/

• Tons of examples and basics.

https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/API-Reference• D3 documentation. Extremely well done.

https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Tutorials• List of seemingly ALL the tutorials online

The Google/StackOverflow combo• (my personal favorite)

Chad and Ramik• (not John on this one)