d17 vega using sqltrace

Using SQLTRACE to Optimize and Test your Systems Hyun-Ju Vega IBM Wednesday, April 29, 2009 • 03:30 p.m. – 04:30 p.m. Session: D17

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Using SQLTRACE to Optimize and Test your Systems

Hyun-Ju VegaIBM

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 • 03:30 p.m. – 04:30 p.m.

Session: D17

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Overview• What is SQLTRACE ?

Feature description Ways to view info

• onstat –g his• sysmaster tables• OAT

• What can I do with SQLTRACE ? Query Drill-down Transaction information

• Saving SQLTRACE info• Latest SQLTRACE features in 11.50.UC3

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What is SQLTRACE?• SQLTRACE is a new feature in IDS 11 that allows you to

collect SQL statement history information, including statistics and resource usage at the statement level.

• Each trace information includes Optimizer statistics (like SET Explain and EXPLAIN_STAT)

• Iterator database and table names are available in MED mode Buffer and read/write statistics (like in onstat –p) SQL info like onstat –g sql (database name, session id, database

isolation level, statement host variables)• Host variables are only available in HIGH mode

Procedure stacks are available in HIGH mode

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SQLTRACE level=high,ntraces=4000,size=2,mode=global

SQLTRACE level=(low|med|high),ntraces=<#>,size=<# (# is in kbytes)>,mode=(global|user)

• Use SQL Admin API

> execute function sysadmin:task("set sql tracing on", 4000, "2k", "high", "global");

(expression) Global Tracing ON Number of Traces 4000 Trace Size 2048 Mode High

> execute function sysadmin:task("set sql tracing off");

(expression) SQL tracing off.

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Memory Usage• SQLTRACE level=high,ntraces=4000,size=2,mode=global

Each trace buffer size has been set to ~ 2 kbytes (~ 2048 bytes).

Memory allocated for SQLTRACE is 2048 * 4000 = 7.8 Mb

Statement text, table names, database name, or iterator information may be truncated if the SQL statement is too large to fit in the trace buffer.

** Data only exists in memory !

Trace buffer 4000

Trace buffer 3Trace buffer 2Trace buffer 1

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Global and User Modes• Global Mode

Traces all sql statements By default, tracing of dbcron sessions are turned off (11.50.xC3) To trace dbcron sessions, use SQLTRACE in user mode and turn on

tracing for dbcron sessions

• User ModeScenario: You want to trace a single session. Turn on SQLTRACE in USER mode, then execute function sysamin:task for the session you are interested in.

> execute function sysadmin:task(“set sql tracing on”, 4000, “2k”, “high”, “user”);

> execute function sysadmin:task("set sql user tracing on ", 16);

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Can check sysmaster:sysscblst

#define SCB_SQLTRACE_ON 0x00010000L /* SQLTRACING on */

#define SCB_SQLTRACE_OFF 0x00020000L /* SQLTRACING off */

> select sid, hex(flags) from sysmaster:sysscblst ;

sid (expression)

20 0x0000000119 0x0000000318 0x0002000317 0x0002000316 0x000200033 0x000000012 0x00000001

Sessions 16, 17, and 18 are dbcron sessions – by default, SQLTRACE is turned off. If the OFF flag is not set, then tracing for the session depends on the SQLTRACE mode, and in user mode, the options set for that mode.

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My Favorite Way to Trace

1. Select specific databases to trace – for example, prod_db2. Select specific users to trace – for example, prod_user3. Turn on SQLTRACE in user mode

execute function sysadmin:task("set sql tracing database add", “prod_db");

execute function sysadmin:task("set sql tracing user add", “prod_user");

execute function sysadmin:task("set sql tracing on", 4000, "2k", "high", "user");

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Additional Usage TipsScenario: You want to turn on SQLTRACE in global mode, but, you would like to turn off SQLTRACE for currently running informix sessions:

> execute function > sysadmin:task(“set sql tracing on”, 4000, “2k”, “high”, “global”);

> select sysadmin:task("set sql user tracing off ", sid) from > sysmaster:syssessions where username = "informix";

Scenario: You have SQLTRACE turned on in global mode -- you want to start a session, but you do not want that session traced. Once you connect, you can execute this statement to turn off SQL tracing just for this session:

> execute function sysadmin:task("set sql user tracing off");

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How many Trace Buffers do I need?• Depends on how many statements your system is

generating (if you are tracing globally)

• Depends on how often you want to collect the SQLTRACE info to save to permanent storage

• To view how quickly your trace buffers are filling Can monitor “sqlseen” value in sysmaster:syssqltrace_info table Can check max(sql_id) in sysmaster:syssqltrace table

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select * from syssqltrace_info;

flags 5649 hex is 1611ntraces 4000tracesize 2024duration 778sqlseen 1785starttime 1233479590memoryused 8209744

flags 5649ntraces 4000tracesize 1.98 KBduration 778sqlseen 1786starttime 2009-02-01 01:13:10sqlpersec 2.29562mem 7.83 MBstarttrace 2009-02-01 01:13:10

SELECT flags, ntraces, format_units(tracesize/1024,'kb') as tracesize,duration , sqlseen, dbinfo('UTC_TO_DATETIME',starttime) as starttime,CASE WHEN sqlseen >= ntracesTHEN TRUNC(ntraces/decode(duration,0,1,duration),5)ELSE TRUNC(sqlseen/decode(duration,0,1,duration),5)END as sqlpersec,format_units(memoryused,'b') as mem,(CURRENT - duration UNITS second)::DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND as starttraceFROM syssqltrace_info WHERE ntraces > 0 ;

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sysmaster:syssqltrace_info flags

#define STMT_TRACING_ON 0x0001#define STMT_TRACING_OFF 0x0002#define STMT_TRACING_SUSPEND 0x0004

#define STMT_GLOBAL_TRACING 0x0010#define STMT_USER_TRACING 0x0020

#define STMT_TRC_MASK 0x7F00#define STMT_TRC_DBSNAME 0x0100#define STMT_TRC_STATEMENT 0x0200#define STMT_TRC_RSAM_STATS 0x0400#define STMT_TRC_PROCEDURES 0x0800#define STMT_TRC_ITERATORS 0x1000#define STMT_TRC_HOST_VARS 0x2000#define STMT_TRC_TABNAMES 0x4000




LEVEL Attributes

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Difference between Low, Med, High• LOW

Statement text section Iterator/Explain section Statement Info section Statement Statistics section

• MED Everything in LOW + database name in the statement text section + table names in the iterator/explain section + procedure stacks

• HIGH Everything in MED + host variables

Plus slight additional performance costs for MED and HIGH.

Performance impact for tracing host variables info is higher on 11.10 than on 11.50.

Overall, SQLTRACE LOW adds less than 2% to performance (vs no SQLTRACE).

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Statement # 18: @ 115c1818

Database: 0x10016AStatement text:select tabid from systables where tabid = ?


ID Left Right Est Cost Est Rows Num Rows Partnum Type1 0 0 1 1 1 1048938 Index Scan

Statement information:Sess_id User_id Stmt Type Finish Time Run Time TX Stamp PDQ27 200 SELECT 19:10:09 0.0027 2e50c 0

Statement Statistics:Page Buffer Read Buffer Page Buffer WriteRead Read % Cache IDX Read Write Write % Cache0 4 100.00 0 0 0 0.00

Lock Lock LK Wait Log Num Disk MemoryRequests Waits Time (S) Space Sorts Sorts Sorts4 0 0.0000 0.000 B 0 0 0

Total Total Avg Max Avg I/O Wait Avg RowsExecutions Time (S) Time (S) Time (S) IO Wait Time (S) Per Sec1 0.0033 0.0033 0.0027 0.000000 0.000000 372.6609

Estimated Estimated Actual SQL ISAM Isolation SQLCost Rows Rows Error Error Level Memory1 1 1 0 0 LC 10368

Example onstat –g his output: LOW

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Statement # 18: @ 115c1818

Database: db_logStatement text:select tabid from systables where tabid = ?

SELECT using table [ systables ]


ID Left Right Est Cost Est Rows Num Rows Partnum Type1 0 0 1 1 1 1048938 Index Scan

Statement information:Sess_id User_id Stmt Type Finish Time Run Time TX Stamp PDQ27 200 SELECT 19:10:09 0.0031 2e50c 0

Statement Statistics:Page Buffer Read Buffer Page Buffer WriteRead Read % Cache IDX Read Write Write % Cache0 4 100.00 0 0 0 0.00

Lock Lock LK Wait Log Num Disk MemoryRequests Waits Time (S) Space Sorts Sorts Sorts4 0 0.0000 0.000 B 0 0 0

Total Total Avg Max Avg I/O Wait Avg RowsExecutions Time (S) Time (S) Time (S) IO Wait Time (S) Per Sec1 0.0037 0.0037 0.0031 0.000000 0.000000 325.4637

Estimated Estimated Actual SQL ISAM Isolation SQLCost Rows Rows Error Error Level Memory1 1 1 0 0 LC 10368

Example output: MED

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Statement # 18: @ 115c1818

Database: db_logStatement text:select tabid from systables where tabid = ?

SELECT using table [ systables ]


ID Left Right Est Cost Est Rows Num Rows Partnum Type1 0 0 1 1 1 1048938 Index Scan

Host Variables==============0 integer 10

Statement information:Sess_id User_id Stmt Type Finish Time Run Time TX Stamp PDQ27 200 SELECT 19:10:09 0.0034 2e50c 0

Statement Statistics:Page Buffer Read Buffer Page Buffer WriteRead Read % Cache IDX Read Write Write % Cache0 4 100.00 0 0 0 0.00

Lock Lock LK Wait Log Num Disk MemoryRequests Waits Time (S) Space Sorts Sorts Sorts4 0 0.0000 0.000 B 0 0 0


Example output: HIGH

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Ways to view SQLTRACE info• onstat –g his

Dumps out all trace buffers that have data• sysmaster tables

On 11.10, host variables info are not available through the sysmaster tables Schema for the sysmaster tables are in $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sysmaster.sql Use sql_id column to tie syssqltrace, syssqltrace_iter, syssqltrace_hvar info


sysmaster tables in 11.10 :




sysmaster tables in 11.50 :





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OAT• Statement Types

Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Execute, …

• Statements that are part of the same transaction (transaction summary) session_id, tx_stamp (sql_sid, sql_begintxtime)

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OAT• Can use OAT to Enable/Disable/Modify SQLTRACE options

Turns off, then turns on SQLTRACE.

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What can I do with the info?• Query Drill-down

Find out which queries are running slow Compare results with different settings or from different systems Keep SQL performance history

• Transaction information Can use session id and TX stamp to group statements into

transactions Begin, Commit, or Rollback are not traced See what the application is doing

• When using an Insert cursor or Load Statement Will only see a trace of a single insert statement and no host

variable info Number of rows inserted (sql_actualrows in syssqltrace table) will

always show 1

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Query Drill-down and External DirectivesStatement text:select c.city, c.state, o.ship_date from customer c, orders o where

c.customer_num = o.customer_num and c.state = ?

Iterator/Explain================ID Left Right Est Cost Est Rows Num Rows Partnum Type2 0 0 3 3 2 2097264 Seq Scan3 0 0 1 23 1 2097266 Index Scan1 2 3 6 2 1 0 Nested Join...

Total Total Avg Max Avg I/O Wait Avg RowsExecutions Time (S) Time (S) Time (S) IO Wait Time (S) Per Sec1 0.0050 0.0050 0.0038 0.000000 0.000000 264.0452

Estimated Estimated Actual SQL ISAM Isolation SQLCost Rows Rows Error Error Level Memory6 2 1 0 0 CR 19152



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Query Drill-down (cont’d)Statement text:select c.city, c.state, o.ship_date from customer c, orders o where

c.customer_num = o.customer_num and c.state = ?

Iterator/Explain================ID Left Right Est Cost Est Rows Num Rows Partnum Type2 0 0 3 3 16384 2097264 Seq Scan3 0 0 1 23 1 2097266 Index Scan1 2 3 6 2 1 0 Nested Join...

Total Total Avg Max Avg I/O Wait Avg RowsExecutions Time (S) Time (S) Time (S) IO Wait Time (S) Per Sec1 6.8766 6.8766 4.5851 0.000000 0.000000 0.2181

Estimated Estimated Actual SQL ISAM Isolation SQLCost Rows Rows Error Error Level Memory6 2 1 0 0 CR 19152



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Query Drill-down (cont’d)

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Query Drill-down (cont’d)

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Query Drill-down (cont’d)

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Query Drill-down (cont’d)

Seq Scan is on the customertable – rows processed is 16384.

Index Scan is on the orderstable – rows processed is 23.

What is this telling you ?

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Query Drill-down: Add External Directive

Until you can run update statistics, you decide to use external directives to improve query performance.

** Check that the directive has been added to stores_demo: sysdirectives .

Adding and applying directives here is same executing following in stores_demo:save external directives {+FULL(orders), INDEX(customer 100_1)} active for select c.city, c.state, o.ship_date from customer c, orders o where c.customer_num =o.customer_num and c.state = ?;

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Query Drill-down (cont’d)

Response time is much better after the external directive has been applied.

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Query Drill-down (cont’d)

After the External Directive:

Seq Scan is now on the orders table – rows processed is 23.

Index Scan is now on the customer table.

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Query Drill-down (final onstat –g his)Statement text:select c.city, c.state, o.ship_date from customer c, orders o where

c.customer_num = o.customer_num and c.state = ?

Iterator/Explain================ID Left Right Est Cost Est Rows Num Rows Partnum Type2 0 0 2 23 23 2097266 Seq Scan3 0 0 1 3 1 2097264 Index Scan1 2 3 9 2 1 0 Nested Join...

Total Total Avg Max Avg I/O Wait Avg RowsExecutions Time (S) Time (S) Time (S) IO Wait Time (S) Per Sec1 0.0119 0.0119 0.0084 0.000000 0.000000 118.7306

Estimated Estimated Actual SQL ISAM Isolation SQLCost Rows Rows Error Error Level Memory9 2 1 0 0 CR 20328



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Query Drill-down (final OAT View)

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• EXT_DIRECTIVES 0 Disabled 1 Enabled if the IFX_EXTDIRECTIVES environment variable is set. 2 Enabled even if the IFX_EXTDIRECTIVES environment is not set.

• Can also use “SET ENVIRONMENT EXTDIRECTIVES” in a session with options ‘0’ or ‘OFF’ set environment extdirectives ‘0’ ‘1’ or ‘ON’ set environment extdirectives ‘1’ DEFAULT set environment extdirectives default

No quotes!

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Checking sysdirectives

dbaccess stores_demo –

> select * from sysdirectives;

id 2queryselect c.city, c.state, o.ship_date from customer c, orders o where c.customer_num = o.customer_num and c.state = ?directiveFULL(orders), INDEX(customer 100_1)directivecode <BYTE value>active 1hashcode -1903458431

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Query Drill-down and DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEM

• Using SQLTRACE info to help determine a setting for DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEM

• Example of command to change DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEM value dynamically

onmode -wm DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEM=1024

select * from sysmaster:sysconfig where cf_name = "DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEM";

cf_id 251cf_name DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEMcf_flags 0cf_original 128cf_effective 1024cf_default 128

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Improving Create Index Time

Drill-down to Check Create Index Performance

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Query Drill-down Example 2

128, default





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sql_id 3: 128 (3.17 response time)

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sqlid 5: 2048 (2.30 response)

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sqlid 7: 4096 (1.93 response)

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sqlid 9: 8192 (1.89 response)

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Transactions• In a single session, ran 3 transactions• Info from “onstat –g his” output

TX Stamp: 10bcd4aStatement #: 1Statement #: 0

select col1 from tab1 where col2=?insert into tab1 values (0,100, ?)

TX Stamp: 10bcd51Statement #: 2 select col2 from tab1 where col3 matches ?TX Stamp: 10bcd53Statement #: 3 delete from tab1 where col2 = ?

** Transaction was rolled back, but you cannot tell from the SQLTRACE info.

Which one of these statements ran first in the transaction?

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Transactions (syssqltrace table)• Transactions can only be grouped within a session• Within a session, statements that belong to the same

transaction have the same sql_begintxtimeselect a.sql_id, a.sql_statement, b.sql_hvar_datafrom sysmaster:syssqltrace a, sysmaster:syssqltrace_hvar bwhere a.sql_begintxtime = 17554506 and a.sql_sid = 47 and a.sql_id = b.sql_idorder by sql_id desc;

sql_id 1sql_statement select col1 from tab1 where col2=?sql_hvar_data 10

sql_id 0sql_statement insert into tab1 values (0,100, ?)sql_hvar_data smile

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Transactions (OAT View)


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Quiz• TRUE or FALSE?

Statements in different sessions that have the same sql_begintxtime are part of the same transaction.

• TRUE or FALSE? Transaction stamp in OAT and TX Stamp in onstat –g his

output are the same.

• TRUE or FALSE? sql_begintxtime and transaction stamp in OAT are the same.

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One Transaction View

This transaction has statement numbers 0 and 1.

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Different Transaction View

This transaction has statement number 2.

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onstat –g his viewStatement # 1: @ 10d06b828Database: testdbStatement text:select col1 from tab1 where col2=?

SELECT using tables [ tab1 ]


ID Left Right Est Cost Est Rows Num Rows Partnum Type1 0 0 2 3 1 1049476 Seq Scan

Host Variables==============0 integer 10

Statement information:Sess_id User_id Stmt Type Finish Time Run Time TX Stamp PDQ47 37108 SELECT 21:37:31 0.0430 10bdc4a 0

Statement Statistics:Page Buffer Read Buffer Page Buffer WriteRead Read % Cache IDX Read Write Write % Cache3 7 57.14 0 0 2 100.00

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onstat –g his viewStatement # 0: @ 10d06b028

Database: testdbStatement text:insert into tab1 values (0,100, ?)

INSERT using tables [ tab1 ]


ID Left Right Est Cost Est Rows Num Rows Partnum Type1 0 0 1 1 1 1049476 Insert

Host Variables==============0 char smile

Statement information:Sess_id User_id Stmt Type Finish Time Run Time TX Stamp PDQ47 37108 INSERT 21:37:31 0.0005 10bdc4a 0

Statement Statistics:Page Buffer Read Buffer Page Buffer WriteRead Read % Cache IDX Read Write Write % Cache1 3 66.67 0 0 2 100.00

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Procedure Stack Example• Session executing a stored procedure with a host variable.• onstat -g his output shows which statements are being traced from inside

a procedure – statements have the label “Procedure Call Stack:”instead of “Statement Text:”

• syssqltrace output does not have the “Procedure Call Stack” information

create procedure check_order(p_order_num int)define p_ship_date like orders.ship_date;select ship_date into p_ship_date from orders where order_num = p_order_num;if p_ship_date is null then

execute procedure notify_shipping(p_order_num); -- notify_shipping inserts into table need_ship_date-- table need_ship_date has an insert trigger which updates table orders-- table orders has an update trigger which calls procedure log_updates-- log_updates updates a column in need_ship_date table

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Procedure Trace from onstat –g hissql_id 6 Statement Text: execute procedure check_order(?)

sql_id 5 Procedure Call Stack: testdb:check_order()

sql_id 4 Procedure Call Stack:testdb:notify_shipping()

<-- testdb:check_order()

INSERT using table [ need_ship_date ]sql_id 3 Procedure Call Stack:

testdb:notify_shipping()<-- testdb:check_order()

UPDATE using tables [ orders ]

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Procedure Trace from onstat –g hissql_id 2 Procedure Call Stack:

testdb:notify_shipping()<-- testdb:check_order()

sql_id 1 Procedure Call Stack:testdb:log_updates()

<-- testdb:notify_shipping()<-- testdb:check_order()

UPDATE using table [ need_ship_date ]sql_id 0 Procedure Call Stack:


SELECT using tables [ orders ]

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syssqltrace (No Procedure Call Stack Label)

sql_id 6sql_statement execute procedure check_order(?)sql_stmtname EXEC PROCEDUREsql_tablelist None

sql_id 5sql_statement testdb:check_order()sql_stmtname EXEC PROCEDUREsql_tablelist None

sql_id 4sql_statement testdb:notify_shipping()

<-- testdb:check_order()sql_stmtname INSERTsql_tablelist need_ship_date

> select sql_id, sql_statement, sql_stmtname, sql_tablelist from sysmaster:syssqltracewhere sql_begintxtime = 17555740and sql_sid = 93;

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syssqltrace (cont’d)

sql_id 3sql_statement testdb:notify_shipping()

<-- testdb:check_order()sql_stmtname UPDATEsql_tablelist orders

sql_id 2sql_statement testdb:notify_shipping()

<-- testdb:check_order()sql_stmtname EXEC PROCEDUREsql_tablelist None

sql_id 1sql_statement testdb:log_updates()

<-- testdb:notify_shipping()<-- testdb:check_order()

sql_stmtname UPDATEsql_tablelist need_ship_date

sql_id 0sql_statement testdb:check_order()sql_stmtname SELECTsql_tablelist orders

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OAT (No Procedure Call Stack Label)

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OAT Transaction SQL List

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Saving SQLTRACE info• onstat –g his

Can only grab snapshots of the trace buffers Always dumps all the trace buffers

• sysmaster tables Write your own SQL to select from syssqltrace* tables into your own

permanent tables

• Using Dbcron and sysmaster tables Write an SPL to be executed by Dbcron

• Use the new OAT feature that will allows you to save sysmaster:syssqltrace* tables info into permanent tables

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OAT automatically creates a task

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How OAT Saves SQLTRACE Info• When you first hit the “Switch to Saved Data” button

OAT creates the following tables in sysadmin database• mon_syssqltrace, mon_syssqltrace_iter, mon_syssqltrace_hvar,• mon_syssqltrace_info

OAT creates an SPL procedure called sql_showsnap in sysadmin

OAT inserts a task into sysadmin’s ph_task table to schedule the execution of sql_showsnap (by default, runs every 15 minutes between 6 am and 6 pm)

• select * from ph_task where tk_name = “Save SQL Trace”;

• sql_showsnap procedure selects new traces in SQL buffer and inserts into mon_syssqltrace* tables

• Use “dbschema -d sysadmin -f sql_showsnap” to view the text of the sql_showsnap procedure

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• The task_id and the seq_id are inserted by the DB Scheduler from the tk_id and tk_sequence from the ph_task table

• The values also correspond to the run_task_id and run_task_seq in the ph_run table

• sql_showsnap returns the number of rows inserted into mon_syssqltrace table (stored in run_retcode column of ph_run table)

• Data in mon_syssqltrace* tables are deleted after 1 day (specified by tk_delete interval value in ph_task table)

CREATE FUNCTIONsql_showsnap(task_id INTEGER, seq_id INTEGER)


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View Save Trace Runs

select * from ph_run where run_task_id = ( select tk_id from ph_task where tk_name = “Save SQL Trace” )

order by run_task_seq ;

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Toggle Between Saved and Live Data

Can view SQLTRACE information collected previously.

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OAT Displaying Saved Data

Previously collected SQLTRACE info being shown from the data saved by “Save SQL Trace” task.

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New options in 11.50.xC3• SQLTRACE SUSPEND and RESUME• SQLTRACE off (by default) for Dbcron threads

Execute sysadmin:task (...)

(“Set SQL Tracing INFO”)(“Set SQL Tracing RESIZE”, number, “size”, “mode”)(“Set SQL Tracing RESUME”)(“Set SQL Tracing SESSION”)(“Set SQL Tracing SUSPEND”)

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New options in 11.50.xC3• SQLTRACE database level filter• SQLTRACE user name filter

Execute sysadmin:task (...)(“Set SQL Tracing database ADD”, “database_name”)(“Set SQL Tracing database REMOVE”, “database_name”)(“Set SQL Tracing database LIST”)(“Set SQL Tracing database CLEAR”)

Execute sysadmin:task (...)(“Set SQL Tracing user ADD”, “user_name”)(“Set SQL Tracing user REMOVE”, “user_name”)(“Set SQL Tracing user LIST”)

** (“Set SQL Tracing user CLEAR”)Be careful ! Clears the default option NOT to trace dbcron sessions.

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My Favorite Way to Trace

execute function sysadmin:task(“set sql tracing database CLEAR”); execute function sysadmin:task(“set sql tracing database ADD”, “prod_db”); execute function sysadmin:task(“set sql tracing user ADD”, “prod_user”);execute function sysadmin:task(“set sql tracing database LIST”);execute function sysadmin:task(“set sql tracing user LIST”);execute function sysadmin:task(“set sql tracing on”, 4000, “2k”, “high”, “user”);



execute function sysadmin:task(“set sql tracing off”);

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Hyun-Ju VegaIBM

[email protected]

Session: D17Using SQLTRACE to Optimize and Test your Systems