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  • 8/4/2019 D0207124


    Abnormal wound healing: keloids

    David T. Robles, MD, PhD, Daniel Berg, MD*

    Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, University of Washington Medical Center,

    PO Box 356524, Seattle, WA 98105-6920, USA

    Abstract Wound healing is a complex and carefully regulated physiologic response to a traumatic injury.Deregulation of this coordinated process can lead to exuberant scar formation as seen in keloids and

    hypertrophic scars. Despite their common occurrence, keloids remain one of the most challenging

    dermatologic conditions to successfully treat and may have significant psychosocial impact for the

    patient. In this review, we discuss the clinical features, genetics, epidemiology, and treatment of keloids.

    D 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    The formation of a scar can be thought of as a process

    that has evolved over millions of years for the purpose of

    restoring functionality, not esthetic quality. In some indi-viduals, an aberrant healing process results in excessive scar

    formation that may extend well beyond the original

    boundaries of the wound, resulting in a significant and

    troubling cosmetic defect. These lesions may be symptom-

    atic with pruritis, pain, and loss of function and may carry a

    significant psychosocial burden. The focus of this review

    with regard to abnormal wound healing is the pathogenesis

    of keloid formation. Many treatment modalities have been

    described; some, as discussed here, have shown some

    promise when used in combination with other treatments.

    Keloids: clinical features

    The term keloid was originally described in the 1800s as

    bcheloid,Q which is derived from the Greek root bchele,Q

    which means bcrab claw.Q1 A keloid is a benign hyper-

    proliferative growth of dense fibrous tissue developing from

    an abnormal healing response to a cutaneous injury. By

    definition and in distinction from a hypertrophic scar, keloids

    extend beyond the borders of the original wound invading

    normal skin. They appear as firm nodules, are often pruriticand painful, and generally do not regress spontaneously.

    Unlike hypertrophic scars, which typically reach a certain

    size and subsequently stabilize or regress, keloids may

    continue to grow with time. In a study of 28 patients, Lee

    et al2 reported that 86% of patients experienced keloid-

    associated pruritis and 46% experienced pain, with the itch

    occurring predominantly at the edge and the pain occurring

    mostly at the center of the keloid. Some keloids and

    hypertrophic scars have a pink or red appearance with

    notable telangiectasias. Often, the erythematous feature of

    these lesions is the cause of significant cosmetic concern.

    For unclear reasons, keloids occur on the chest,shoulders, upper back, back of the neck, and earlobes more

    frequently.3 Massive keloids have been described secondary

    to severe burn trauma,4 and in one case, a 1.8-kg keloid was

    removed from the arm at the site of vaccination.5 Some

    authors believe that keloids occur primarily in areas of high

    skin tension,1 but exceptions to this rule suggest this may be

    an oversimplification. Keloids appear rarely on the palms6

    or soles,7,8 areas where we would expect significant skin

    0738-081X/$ see front matterD 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 206 598 2112; fax: +1 206 598 2112.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Berg).

    Clinics in Dermatology (2007) 25, 2632

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    tension. In addition, one of the most commonly affected

    sites, the earlobe,9 is under minimal tension. Keloids have

    been reported on the genitals, and in one case, a large keloid

    extended from the labius majora to the mons pubis

    secondary to trauma during childhood, a site unlikely to

    be under significant tension.10-12 At least 70 cases of corneal

    keloids after corneal trauma have been reported.13


    The pathogenesis of keloid formation is poorly understood,

    but keloids generally occur after injury or inflammation of the

    skin in predisposed individuals. Commonly reported causes of

    keloids include acne, folliculitis, chicken pox, and vaccina-

    tions in addition to more obvious trauma (such as, earlobe

    piercing, lacerations, or surgical wounds). Keloids may

    develop as early as 1 to 3 months after trauma or inflammation,

    but some may occur up to 1 year after the inciting event.1

    Keloids generally do notoccurwith small needle sticks such as

    local anesthetic injection unless they provoke inflammation(eg, vaccination sites). In one study, approximately 10% of

    Taiwanese teenagers who received BCG vaccination were

    reported to have a keloid at the injection site.14 Occasionally,

    patients may report the spontaneous development of a keloid,

    but because keloids represent the end product of aberrant

    wound healing, this likely represents a lack of recall or trivial

    trauma that was unnoticed by the patient.

    Fibroblasts derived from keloids overproduce type I

    procollagen, express higher levels of vascular endothelial

    growth factor (VEGF), transforming growth factor-(TGF-)

    b1/b2, platelet derived growth factor-(PDGF-)a receptors,

    and have reduced growth factor requirements in vitro.15

    Ladin et al reported that keloidal fibroblasts have lower rates

    of apoptosis, and others have demonstrated a down-regula-

    tion of apoptosis-related genes.16,17 Cultured keloidal fibro-

    blasts have been found to have increased production of

    collagen and matrix metalloproteinases compared with

    normal dermal fibroblasts.18 The proliferation rate of keloid

    fibroblasts is increased compared with hypertrophic scars.19

    A built-in negative feedback mechanism, as yet not well

    understood, prevents an excessive buildup of fibroblasts in

    normal scars. Bronson et al20 reported that fibroblasts derived

    from mature scars were able to suppress the in vitro

    proliferation of fibroblasts in normal wound healing. As

    such, it seems quite plausible that aberrant healing of woundsin hypertrophic scars and keloids is secondary to an inability

    to activate or respond to the negative feedback mechanism in

    place to suppress fibroblast activity. In this setting, fibroblasts

    would essentially be allowed to brun-amok,Q resulting in

    raised, enlarged, and cosmetically significant scars.


    Epidemiologic data on hypertrophic and keloidal scars

    are limited but suggest differences among racial groups with

    higher rates of keloids in blacks, Hispanics, and Asians.

    Overall, the risk of developing keloids is approximately 15

    times higher in dark-skinned individuals compared with

    whites.1 The incidence of keloids in blacks and Hispanics

    varies from 4.5% to 16%, with higher incidences during

    puberty and pregnancy.21 A slight female predominance is

    noted for keloids, but this appears to reflect the increase in

    earlobe piercing among this group.



    The etiology of keloids likely involves genetic and

    environmental factors. Although many cases occur sporad-

    ically, a positive family history is not uncommon. There are

    no clearly defined genetic loci conferring risk for keloids.

    Bayat et al23 described an aggressive keloid variant in 3

    families of African ethnic origin resulting in severe scarring.

    Marneros et al24 described the pedigree analysis of 14

    families with multiple affected members and suggested an

    autosomal dominant with incomplete penetrance inheritancepattern based on their data. Despite significant limitations to

    their study (small number of pedigrees, use of multiple

    ethnicities, and elimination of certain members from

    analysis), their data are still informative in demonstrating

    that multiple families may have keloidssuggesting the

    existence of at least some form of genetic susceptibility.

    Corroborating common clinical experience, their data

    demonstrated wide clinical variance of keloid development

    within families, with some family members having larger,

    whereas others having smaller keloids. Two rare syndromes

    have been associated with keloid formation, namely,

    Rubinstein-Taybi (OMIM 180849) and Goeminne syn-drome (OMIM 3134300).

    To date, no susceptibility genes for keloid formation have

    been identified. The examination of TGF-b1, b2, b3, and

    TGF-b receptor polymorphisms has not yielded any

    statistically significant associations with keloids in case

    control studies.25-28 Difficulty in identifying bkeloid genesQ

    among patients with keloids may reflect genetic heteroge-

    neity, whereby different genes contribute to keloid forma-

    tion in different families. As with many genetic diseases,

    even inheritance of the same disease genes can be associated

    with a variable phenotype, either because of differential

    expression of alleles, genomic imprinting, methylation

    effects, or even stochastic processes. cDNA microarray

    analysis evaluating the differential gene expression among

    keloids and normal scars or even normal skin may shed light

    on the genetic control of these lesions.29


    Histologically, keloids are characterized by increased

    collagen and glycosaminoglycan content.30 There are

    whorls of thickened hyalinized collagen bundles that are

    Abnormal wound healing: keloids 27

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    classically described as keloidal collagen.14 This irregular

    orientation of collagen is distinct from normal tissue where

    collagen bundles are in parallel to the epidermis. In an

    attempt to distinguish the pathology of keloids from

    hypertrophic scars, Lee et al14 analyzed 40 keloid specimens

    from 29 patients and 10 hypertrophic scars from 9 patients.

    In their analysis, they reported that keloidal collagen was

    rarely seen in hypertrophic scars. Because keloidal collagenis not always seen in keloids, they found that the following

    features favored keloid rather than hypertrophic scar: the

    absence of prominent vertically oriented blood vessels, the

    presence of a tongue-like advancing edge underneath

    normal-appearing epidermis and papillary dermis, a hori-

    zontal fibrous band in the upper reticular dermis, and a

    prominent fascia-like band.14 They also found thata-smooth

    muscle antigen (SMA) expression was not able to distinguish

    between hypertrophic scar and keloid.

    Management of keloids

    Numerous therapies for keloids have been described with

    varying degrees of clinical and scientific support for their

    efficacy. The most commonly used treatments with possibly

    the most evidence of efficacy include intralesional steroid

    injection, surgical excision, cryotherapy, laser removal,

    radiotherapy, and silicon gel sheeting. Less commonly used

    treatments, but with some evidence of efficacy and possible

    promise, include topical imiquimod and antimetabolites

    (including 5-fluorouracil [5-FU] and bleomycin). Other

    modalities have been mentioned as possible treatments,

    and these include pressure therapy, retinoids, calcium

    channel blockers, mitomycin C,


    and antihistamines.Interferon injections have shown some promise in some

    older studies (reviewed in Mustoe et al33), but a recent study

    showed minimal efficacy of interferon alpha-2b.34

    Intralesional steroid injection

    Because of its ease of use, high degree of tolerability, and

    effectiveness in reducing symptoms, intralesional steroid

    injections are one of the most common modes of therapy for

    keloids. Triamcinolone acetonide or Kenalog (Bristol-Myers

    Squibb, Princeton, NJ) is commonly used at a concentration

    of 10 to 40 mg/mL, depending on the size of the lesion.

    Most of the data evaluating intralesional steroid injections

    come from studies done 3 to 4 decades ago,35-38 with most

    studies reporting less than a 50% recurrence rate.39

    Concentration of Kenalog is necessarily higher for keloids

    than other injections. In our practice, we start at 40 mg/mL.

    Multiple injections every 4 to 6 weeks may be required.

    Intralesional steroid injections may help flatten, soften, and

    decrease symptoms of keloids, but it rarely results in

    complete and long-term resolution. There are well-known

    complications of intralesional steroid use, which include the

    development of telangiectasias, skin atrophy, and hypo- or

    hyperpigmentation. The injections can be quite painful, and

    for larger lesions, pretreatment with eutectic mixture of local

    anesthetics (EMLA) or the addition of lidocaine may help

    alleviate injection-associated pain.22 Triamcinolone aceto-

    nide is reported to inhibit human fibroblast growth in

    vitro.40 This negative effect on fibroblast mitogenesis, as

    well as collagen synthesis, may be a reflection of the

    reported decrease in TGF-b1 production and increase in

    beta-fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) production in fibro- blasts treated with triamcinolone acetonide.41 Because of

    pain of injection and concern about repeated injection of

    large doses of corticosteroids, intralesional injection is

    difficult to use for very large or multiple keloids.

    Surgical excision

    Surgical excision of keloids in most of the cases is not

    curative. Recurrence rates after excision range between 45%

    and 100%.33 Given this high recurrence rate, surgical

    excision without adjuvant therapy should be considered

    with caution. Excision often results in a longer scar than the

    original keloid, and recurrence in this new area of traumacan lead to a larger keloid.42 Adjuvant therapies to consider

    include many of the alternative monotherapies available,

    such as postexcisional steroid injections. Small uncontrolled

    studies suggest that topical imiquimod treatment may help

    to reduce the recurrence rate, but these data are limited.43

    Because some investigators suggest that excessive wound

    tension may be associated with keloid formation, it is

    advisable to ensure wound edge closure under minimal

    tension. Care should be taken to follow relaxed skin tension

    lines with aseptic technique and to obtain maximal wound

    eversion.44 It is prudent to avoid unnecessary or elective

    cosmetic procedures on patients with a history of keloid or

    hypertrophic scar formation.45


    Cryotherapy for keloids has been used for decades, and

    smaller lesions are most responsive to this form of therapy.

    Patients may have considerable pain with this mode of

    treatment and may not come back for additional treatments

    secondary to pain and prolonged healing.22 Multiple treat-

    ments may be necessary, and hypopigmentation in darker-

    skinned patients is a potential concern.46 In one in vitro

    model, cryotherapy was found to modify collagen synthesis

    and keloidal fibroblast differentiation toward a normal

    phenotype.47 Lahiri et al48 favor a combination of steroidinjection followed by cryotherapy and then by steroid

    injection, suggesting that the edema after thawing facilitates

    further steroid injection.


    In vitro analysis of radiation treatment on keloid

    fibroblasts demonstrated an increase in apoptosis of these

    cells.49 A number of studies in the literature using postexci-

    sional radiotherapy with long-term follow-up have been

    described.50-53 Unfortunately, there is no standardized

    D.T. Robles, D. Berg28

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    radiotherapy dose, energy, or timing, making comparisons

    between studies difficult. Nonetheless, radiotherapy has

    demonstrated effectiveness in preventing keloid recurrence,

    and the techniques used include superficial x-rays, electron

    beam, and low- or high-dose-rate brachytherapy.53 Adjuvant

    radiotherapy administered immediately after surgical exci-

    sion is one of the most effective treatments available with

    efficacy rates ranging from 65% to 99%.


    The recurrencerate of keloids drops to less than 20% for radiotherapy used

    after surgical excision.52 In a retrospective analysis with up

    to 5-year outcome data, single-fraction radiotherapy within

    24 hours of extralesional excision was evaluated in 80

    keloids from 80 patients.50 At 5 years posttreatment, 20

    (25%) of 80 were lost to follow-up, but of the 60 patients

    analyzed, 79% and 86% of earlobe and chest keloids,

    respectively, did not recur. Side-effects were transient

    erythema and hyperpigmentation. In a separate retrospective

    study of 147 keloids treated with 15-Gy electron beam

    irradiation and followed for more than 18 months, the

    overall recurrence rate was 32.7%.51

    Ionizing therapy does carry some risks of carcinogenesis;

    thus, it is important to warn patients that although low, the

    risk of malignancy is theoretically possible. There are only a

    few cases in the literature discussing a potential association

    of malignancy with radiotherapy of keloids. Botwood et al55

    described a case of bilateral breast cancer in a patient treated

    30 years earlier for chest wall keloids. It is unclear whether

    this malignancy was associated directly with the radiation

    therapy, and it should be noted that breast cancer is not an

    uncommon malignancy in women.56 A case of thyroid

    carcinoma occurring 8 years after the treatment of a chin

    keloid in an 11-year-old child was reported,57 but some

    questions regarding causation were raised in a separatereport.55 Although the risks of carcinogenesis are not well

    understood, some investigators recommend radiotherapy

    only in patients aged 21 years or older and in those who

    have failed previous excisional treatments.50


    A variety of lasers have been used for the treatment of

    keloids, but all with limited effectiveness. Carbon dioxide

    and argon lasers are not frequently used because recurrence

    rates from this therapy alone are greater than 90%.42 The most

    encouraging results have been obtained with the 585-nm

    pulsed dye laser. Nonoverlapping laser pulses at fluencies

    ranging from 6.0 to 7.5 J/cm2 (7-mm spot) or from 4.5 to 5.5

    J/cm2 (10-mm spot) are recommended.58 Multiple treatments

    (N2) may achieve better scar resolution.59 Combining pulsed

    dye laser treatment with intralesional steroid may actually

    make the scars more soft and edematous, facilitating the

    penetration of the steroid.60 Kuo et al61 reported that flash-

    lamp pulsed dye laser may actually induce keloid regression

    by suppressing keloid fibroblast proliferation and induction

    of apoptosis. These investigators also showed that pulsed

    dye laser therapy was associated with down-regulation of

    TGF-b1 expression and up-regulation of matrix metal-

    loproteinase 13 (MMP-13) activity.62 Kumar et al63 studied

    the effect of Nd:YAG laser irradiation on 17 patients with

    keloids and reported full flattening in 60% at 3 months, with

    complete resolution of the remaining patients achieved by

    intralesional triamcinolone injection. At 18 months to 5 years

    follow-up, 82% were keloid-free.

    Silicone gel sheeting

    Silicone gel dressings are effective when used after

    surgical excision for preventing the recurrence of hypertro-

    phic scars and keloids in 70% to 80% of cases.64 The gel

    sheets have been reported to soften scars and decrease scar

    size, erythema, and symptoms, including pain and itching.65

    Based on current data, an international expert panel recom-

    mended silicone gel sheet therapy as a first-line prophylaxis

    beginning soon after surgical excision and continuing for at

    least 1 month.33 The silicone gel sheeting shouldbe applied as

    soon as reepithelialization is achieved, and the sheet should be

    worn at least 12 hours per day.1

    This requirement can makepatient compliance an issue. The sheets may be washed and

    reapplied, with each sheet lasting approximately 10 to 12

    days.66 A comparison of silicone versus nonsilicone gel

    sheets in 26 patients with 41 hypertrophic scars or keloids

    revealed that nonsilicone gel sheets were just as effective in

    reducing scar size, induration, and symptoms.65 This suggests

    that the occlusive nature of gel sheets, which is believed to

    function in increasing the hydration of the scars, and not the

    silicone itself, provides some benefit.

    Imiquimod treatment

    Imiquimod is anb

    immune response modifierQ

    known toup-regulate proinflammatory cytokines, including TNF-a,

    when applied topically. Because TNF-a reduces fibroblast-

    mediated collagen production, Berman and Kaufman43 and

    Berman and Villa67 studied the effect of imiquimod 5% after

    surgical excision of keloids. In 12 patients, after surgical

    excision, imiquimod 5% cream was applied nightly for

    8 weeks to the suture line and surrounding area. Side-effects

    included itching, burning, pain, and blisters. Follow-up was

    limited to 24 weeks, but in this time, no recurrence was seen.

    In a separate, small, and uncontrolled study, also limited to

    24 weeks follow-up, postsurgical imiquimod therapy of

    8 earlobe keloids resulted in 25% recurrence.68 In that study,

    4 additional patients underwent bilateral paired comparisons,

    and 2 of these patients (50%) remained recurrence-free in the

    imiquimod-treated areas, and those with recurrences were

    treated with intralesional steroid. Because keloids may recur

    with a median of more than 12 months after treatment, some

    investigators have suggested that follow-up for any keloid

    intervention should extend to at least 1 year,69 and others

    have recommend follow-up for at least 2 to 3 years.56 The

    uncontrolled and small sample sizes, as well as short follow-

    up in existing studies, mean that imiquimod remains having

    uncertain benefit for keloids at this time.

    Abnormal wound healing: keloids 29

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    5-Fluorouracil is a pyrimidine analog that is used as an

    antimetabolite in cancer chemotherapy. 5-Fluorouracil is

    converted intracellularly to its active substrate, which inhibits

    DNA synthesis by competing with uracil incorporation.70

    Keloid fibroblasts show increased proliferation and thus are a

    target for 5-FU suppression when applied topically.71Nanda

    and Reddy72 studied 28 patients with one or more keloids of

    6- to 15-year duration. Each patient was treated weekly with

    5-FU (50 mg/mL) for 12 weeks, and response to therapy up to

    24 weeks was evaluated on the basis of patient satisfaction,

    photographic record, and an independent clinical observer.

    Symptoms of pain and pruritis resolved in most of the patients

    (22/28), and a significant decrease in size was noted in more

    than 70% of patients. The side-effects were pain at the

    injection site (100%), ulceration (21.4%), and burning

    sensation (7.1%).72 Gupta and Kalra73 studied 5-FU in 24

    Indian patients and reported that approximately half of

    patients had more than 50% flattening. Interestingly, onlyone of their patients had ulceration, but 100% had hyperpig-

    mentation. In another study of 20 patients receiving weekly

    intralesional injections of 5-FU (50 ng/mL), 85% showed

    greater than 50% improvement at 12 months follow-up.74 In

    that study, 100% of patients experienced pain and hyperpig-

    mentation, and 6 of 20 experienced tissue sloughing. A

    disadvantage of 5-FU treatment is the requirement for close

    blood count monitoring because systemic 5-FU has been

    associated with anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.

    Treatment should be avoided in pregnant and lactating

    women and in patients with bone marrow suppression or

    severe concurrent infections.70


    Espana et al75 applied bleomycin at a concentration of

    1.5 IU/mL to keloids and hypertrophic scars in 13 patients with

    a multiple-puncture method. These investigators reported

    greater than 75% flattening of the scars in all cases, with

    2 patients with recurrence at 10 and 12 months after the last

    infiltration. In a separate preliminary study of 14 patients,

    Saray and Gulec76 evaluated the efficacy and safety of

    intralesional jet injection of bleomycin as therapy for resistant

    keloids and hypertrophic scars. A total of 2 to 6 treatment

    sessions were required to achieve flattening, and no re-

    currences were noted with a mean follow-up duration of19 months. This form of therapyneeds additional investigation.

    Combination therapy

    Because of the lack of definitive monotherapy for

    keloids, combination therapy may provide advantages by

    acting on different pathogenic factors. The role of adjuvant

    therapy after surgery has been noted above. Lahiri et al48

    described the use of intralesional triamcinolone acetonide

    followed by cryotherapy in the treatment of keloids. A

    separate group reported that the combination of cryotherapy

    and corticosteroid injections improved symptoms of keloids

    and had a greater reduction of keloid thickness compared

    with either therapy alone.77 Akoz et al21 recommend the

    combination of surgical excision followed with triamcino-

    lone acetonide injection, silicone gel sheeting, and pressure

    for the treatment of earlobe keloids.


    Prevention of keloid formation is a key factor to consider

    in keloid management. The clinician should be aware of risk

    factors associated with keloid development, which include

    previous keloids, family history of keloids, tension at site of

    trauma, and dark skin.22 Some clinicians feel that one of the

    greatest risk factors for keloid development is a wound

    closed by secondary intention in a susceptible host. Patients

    with a previous keloid or other risk factors should avoid

    body piercing and elective cosmetic procedures. In a recent

    randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of paper

    tape on preventing hypertrophic scar formation after

    cesarean delivery, at 12 weeks, 41% of the control group

    (who received no postoperative intervention) developed

    hypertrophic scars compared with none in the treatment

    group (who applied paper tape to their scars for 12 weeks). 78

    In the treatment group, after removal of the tape, one patient

    developed a hypertrophic scar and 4 developed stretched

    scars. Although the authors concluded that prevention of

    hypertrophic scarring was mediated by its ability to

    eliminate scar tension, other factors such as occlusion and

    hydration cannot be dismissed.


    bNormalQ wound healing is a complex coordinated

    process that has evolved to restore tissue integrity.

    Abnormal wound healing may lead to excessive scar

    formation, which has both functional and psychosocial

    implications. Elucidation of the molecular pathways lead-

    ing to excessive scar formation will undoubtedly open up a

    host of opportunities for therapeutic intervention. Over the

    last decade, the introduction of recombinant growth factors

    like epidermal growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor,

    and platelet-derived growth factor has brought great

    optimism to promote normal wound healing. Prevention

    is paramount, and combination therapy will likely prove to

    be most effective over any single modality in the treatment

    of keloids.


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