cyprus educational system


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Page 1: Cyprus Educational System


Page 2: Cyprus Educational System


*The development of free and democratic citizens, who contribute to the promotion of cooperation, mutual understanding, respect, and love among individuals and people for the prevalence of freedom, justice and peace.

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*Centralized under the authority of the Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC).

*MOEC is responsible for the administration of education, the enforcement of the education laws and the preparation for educational bills.

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*1-year pre-primary education is compulsory for children between 4 years and 8 months to 5 years and 8 months.

*It’s part of basic education.

*1-year pre-primary education for children 3 to 4 years and 8 months may enroll in public or community kindergartens, where there are sufficient vacant places.

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*Day nurseries (private) for children aged less than 3 years.

*Public or community kindergartens are under the MOEC registration.

*Private nurseries are under the authority of the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance.

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*6-year programme (grades 1 to 6) for children aged from 6 years old to 5 years and 8 months old


*Pupils mainly attend public primary schools and some attend private schools

*Public schools are free of charge

*No final examinations at the end of primary education

*Leaving certificate at the end of 6 years.

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*Public or private high schools*Public: 6-year programme divided into two 3-year cycles (lower secondary - gymnasium and upper secondary - lyceum).*Private: 7-year programme.*Gymnasium is the last stage of compulsory education.*Lyceum or technical school (3 years).*A school-leaving certificate (Apolyterion), granting access to tertiary and higher education. *Teachers of secondary education have subject specializations.

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*Higher education institutions: public and private universities

*Access to public higher education (Greece and Cyprus) is subject to the results of the Pancyprian pre - entrance examinations.

*Undergraduate programmes are offered in a variety of fields (4-year programmes) leading to the award of a bachelor’s degree.

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Page 12: Cyprus Educational System

*Teachers of primary schools have to be university graduates *They are appointed by the Education Service Committee.*They are included in the official register (waiting list of the Education Service Committee) for appointment.*An appointment comes according to his/her order on the waiting list.*Newly-appointed teachers are on probation (2 first years) and then they become permanent public education servants. *A teacher is evaluated on the 12th and 13th year of service and then every 2 years.

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*In-service training for upgrading the skills of teachers.

*Pedagogical Institute has become the official provider of in-service teacher training.

*They teach every subject. Some teachers are specialized in some subjects but this is not obligatory.

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SUBJECTSSUBJECTS AA BB CC DD EE StStLanguage and CivilizationLanguage and Civilization 1010 1010 88 88 77 77

MathematicsMathematics 55 55 55 55 55 55

HistoryHistory 22 22 22 22

ReligionReligion 22 22 22 22 22 22

Getting to know the worldGetting to know the world 22 22 22 22 22 22

Natural Sciences and TechnologyNatural Sciences and Technology 22 22 22 22

Natural SciencesNatural Sciences 22 22

ArtArt 22 22 22 22 22 22

MusicMusic 22 22 22 22 22 22

Physical Education Physical Education 22 22 22 22 22 22

EnglishEnglish 11 11 22 22 22 22

Design and Technology / Life Design and Technology / Life

EducationEducation22 22

Life Ed./ Environmental EducationLife Ed./ Environmental Education 22 22 22 22

Environmental EducationEnvironmental Education 11 11

Consolidation – DigestionConsolidation – Digestion 55 55 44 44 44 44

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*Primary school teachers work from 7:30 a.m. to 1:05 p.m.

*They attend staff meeting once a week.

*Weekly load: 29 periods for teacher with 1-14 years of service

27 periods for those with 15-20 years of service

25 periods for those with more than 21 years of service or over 50 years old.

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A school day’s program

time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

7:45 – 8:25 40’ t. period 40’ t. period 40’ t. period 40’ t. period 40’ t. period

8:25 – 9:05 40’ t. period 40’ t. period 40’ t. period 40’ t. period 40’ t. period

9:05 – 9:25 BREAK 20’

9:25 – 10:05 40’ t. period 40’ t. period 40’ t. period 40’ t. period 40’ t. period

10:05 – 10:45 40’ t. period 40’ t. period 40’ t. period 40’ t. period 40’ t. period

10:45 – 11:00 BREAK 15’

11:00 – 11:40 40’ t. period 40’ t. period 40’ t. period 40’ t. period 40’ t. period

11:40 – 12:20 40’ t. period 40’ t. period 40’ t. period 40’ t. period 40’ t. period

12:20 – 12:30 BREAK 10’

12:30 – 13:05 35’ t. period 35’ t. period 35’ t. period 35’ t. period 35’ t. period

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*Deputy Headmaster


*Special education teacher

*Speech therapist

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Every school has a parents associationCooperates with the school teachers

It aims To help the schools’ workTo improve the learning, living, health, security conditions of pupils at school