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International Videopoetry Festival «CYCLOP»


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International Videopoetry Festival «CYCLOP» - 2012

International Videopoetry Festival «CYCLOP» — festival, held in 2011 to identify and celebrate the best works of authors in the genre of videopoetry.

Videopoetry Prize «CYCLOP» created to draw attention to the Videopoetry as a phenomenon and a separate art form. The award was established with a view to promotion and popularization of Videopoetry.

Videopoetry Prize «CYCLOP» is international. The competition presented works of Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian videopoetryartists living in Ukraine and abroad.

The main criteria for evaluation of the works is their artistic value, creativity, social and humanitarian approach, the skillful use of artistic means.

Everyone can take part in the Competition.Regardless of age, residence and training.

The contest is held to:

• promote culture and in particular poetry;• promote poetry and related, areas of synthetic art.• draw attention to the work of contemporary artists (whose works were to be removed videos) and familiarization with the best of its designs;• promote videopoetry as in art;• selecte and promote the best of the existing videopoetry samples.

• Festival Site • The provisions. RU• The provisions. UA

• The award ceremony • Short List 2011

Group on VkontakteGroup on FacebookE-mail: [email protected]

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Participation in the competition:

1. In video should be used only modern poetry (texts of modern Ukrainian, Belarusian or Russian authors);2. The duration of the work shall not exceed 7 minutes;3. Work can be performed in any techniques using any necessary equipment (video, animation, flash, videokolazh). 4. work does not include appeals to racial, religious and other hatred.

Application deadline.

Considers only the applications sent from 1 September to 1 October 2012. Work on competition may submit only person that has a direct copyright on it (the director, author or co-author of text).

From one author accepted to two works.

Application form (marked “Videopoetry Award") shall be filled at [email protected]

The works are estimated by Panel of judges (jury), which includes well-known poets, experts of videopoetry, directing and music video making.

The winner is awarded. It gets the appropriate certificate, statuette winner of the competition with logos and other souvenirs (T-shirt, badge, etc.).

His work will be demonstrated in International Videopoetry Festivals, in Videopoetry projects, in presentations at National Poetry Festivals and on the portal “”

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Founder and Partner of the Festival

Founder of the Festival - an international literary portal "Litfest" and creative initiative group “Poet-Ry."

Author and coordinator – Polina Horodisska.Press Secretary - Andrew Szymanowski, Sergei Barankin.Project Manager - Svetlana Varlamova.

Partners: Festival-restaurant “Divan", Ukrainian Open Competition films/ television works "Master Gascoigne," Festival videopoetry “Esli“, Poetry Festival "Yohanesfest“, Literary Club "Aval“, Portal "”.

Media Sponsors:, "LitAktsent“, site "Bukvoid“, “Ukrainian literary newspaper”, magazine "Ukrainian Culture“, portal "Opportunities in Ukraine”,Litklub "Marusya“, site “Big Idea“, Book Portal “Druge chytacha", Information Agency "Nation“, site "Literary Forum“, public podcasting studio "Young radio“, cultural portal “Syto“, Portal “Platforma“, portal “Book Space”, site “Tysk svitla” (Light pressure) and others.

Jury “CYCLOP-2011”

1.Dmytro Lazutkin (Ukrainian poet, journalist).Лазуткін_Дмитро_Михайлович2. Irina Shuvalova (Ukrainian poet, translator).Шувалова_Ірина3. Katerina Babkina (writer, author of the projectБабкіна_Катерина_Богданівна4. Eugene Timokhin (music video director).

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People's Choice Award.

Title: "Pray for Japan!". (Молитесь За Японию!)Poetry: Mara. Video: Paul Bondarenko, Victoria Velichko.City: Lutsk

Third place.

Title: “Something” (Щось)Text: Sudova Mariana.Video: Basil Mizyuk.City: Ternopil

Second place.

Title: “The Parable hauler” (Притча Далекобійників)Text: Irina Zahladko.Video: Oksana Bula.City: Lviv

First place.

Title: “Antiquity” (Старина)Directed by: Svetlana Reynish.Text: Alexander Vasin.City: Kyiv

Winners of the festival «CYCLOP-2011»

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E-mail: [email protected] Site: Youtube:

The page on Wikipedia:

Terms of competition (ua)| Terms of competition (ru)Group on Vkontakte | Group on Facebook

Articles about the contest

1. Winners of the 1st International Videopoetry Festival “CYCLOP” -2011.2. Entries short-list of the Videopoetry Festival “CYCLOP”-2011.3. Writers held a contest videopoeziyi “CYCLOP”.4. November 20: the awards ceremony at the Videopoetry Festival “CYCLOP”-2011.5. Closing date for Ukrainian Videopoetry Festival “CYCLOP” - 2011.6. Ukrainian Videopoetry Festival “CYCLOP” - 2011.

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