cyberbullying w fakebook

Cyberbullying How can YOU avoid cyber bullying on social networks? See what happens when Pikachu sets up his Facebook page.

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Post on 17-May-2015




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CyberbullyingHow can YOU avoid cyber

bullying on social networks? See what

happens when Pikachu sets up his Facebook page.

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This is Pikachu. He is just another underage kid with a Fakebook. While you are

watching this PowerPoint, you should keep in mind that what happened to him could

happen to you, too.

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Richu’s single harmless comment

to cheer on his friends (other electric types)

started all of the bullying. It was

misinterpreted by others (who

thought they were being insulted).

They started negative comments in their attempt to

express their anger, as most bullies do.

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Pikachu does another harmless thing, asking a question, and the bullies start to get meaner as

they get madder. This anger could have been caused by many things, such as jealousy or stress.

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The victims tried to stand up to the bullies multiple times, but each time the bullies found some way

to counteract their statements.

The bullies were blind to the fact that all of what the victims were saying

could happen at any time and that they could get in

big trouble for cyberbullying.

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Saving the evidence was a great idea so that now the victims have proof of the cyberbullying. The victims’ replies started to convince the

cyberbullies that bullying is wrong and that they should stop doing it.

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The victims pointed out why they felt it was wrong, and the bullies started to back

down and stop cyberbullying them.

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The bullies realized what they had gotten themselves into once their anger started to fade. They apologized for being mean and decided that

they would never cyberbully anyone again.

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Review : What We Learned

• Cyberbullying can happen to anyone, even you.• Misinterpreted comments can be very bad.• Cyberbullies often respond to others in anger.• Anger can be caused by many things, including jealousy and

stress.• Cyberbullying can get you in huge trouble.• If you are being cyberbullied, save the evidence so that you

have proof of the bullying.• Standing up to a bully can get rid of their confidence and

make them stop. If you can’t handle the situation on your own, you should get a trusted adult to help.

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Remember, we’re out to stop bullying!