cyber monday: 2012 review


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Information about the origin of 'Cyber Monday', this year's results, trends and examples of what retailers did.


Page 1: Cyber Monday: 2012 Review


Page 2: Cyber Monday: 2012 Review


Page 3: Cyber Monday: 2012 Review

Cyber MondayThe term ‘Cyber Monday’ was coined by in 2005 to refer to the significant jump in e-commerce spending that occurred following the Thanksgiving holiday weekend as consumers got back to sitting in front of computer screens at work.

At the time and for several years afterward, Cyber Monday was often misconstrued as the heaviest online spending day of the year, when in fact it barely cracked the top ten days of the season.

However, with the passage of time, the day grew in importance as a result of an increasing number of retailers offering very attractive deals on the day and extensive digital media coverage making sure that consumers were aware of them. 

As a result, Cyber Monday has assumed the mantle of top online spending day for the past two years.

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Page 5: Cyber Monday: 2012 Review

2011 2012 Percent Change

November 1-26 $14,114 $16,378 16%

Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22) $479 $633 32%

Black Friday (Nov.23) $816 $1,042 28%

Cyber Monday (Nov. 26) $1,251 $1,465 17%

SOURCE: comScore

Consumer Spending

US Retail Spending (Millions $US)

• Cyber Monday spending soured to $1.46 Billion in 2012, ranking as the heaviest US online spending day in history.

• Cyber Monday saw Digital Content & Subscriptions continue to set the pace among product categories with a year-over-year growth rate of 28 percent.

• Nearly half of dollars spent online at U.S. websites originated from work computers (47.1 percent), down slightly from last year.

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Category Insights

Department stores continued to offer compelling deals and promotions that drove sales to grow by 43.1 percent over Cyber Monday 2011.

Health and Beauty sales increased 25.1 percent year over year with consumers once again choosing to pamper themselves this holiday.

Home goods maintained its momentum this year, reporting a 26.8 percent increase in sales from Cyber Monday 2011.

Apparel sales were also strong this holiday with Black Friday numbers showing an increase of 25.3 percent over 2011.

SOURCE: IBM Holiday Benchmark

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Retail PropertyRetail Property

1 Amazon

2 Walmart

3 Best Buy

4 Target

5 Apple

SOURCE: comScore

Most Visited Online Retailers

Category Y/Y % Chg

Digital Content & Subscriptions* 28%

Toys 24%

Consumer Packaged Goods 22%

Video Game Consoles & Accessories 18%

Consumer Electronics 17%

Top Performing Categories

* Corresponding days based on corresponding shopping days (November 3 thru November 25, 2011)

* Digital content & subscriptions includes digital books, audio and video content.

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Page 9: Cyber Monday: 2012 Review

Mobile Shopping: On Cyber Monday more than 18 percent of consumers used a mobile device to visit a retailer's site, an increase of more than 70 percent over 2011. Mobile sales reached close to 13 percent, an increase of more than 96 percent over 2011.

The iPad Factor: The iPad continued to generate more traffic than any other tablet or smartphone, driving more than 7 percent of online shopping. This was followed by iPhone at 6.9 percent and Android 4.5 percent. The iPad also continued to dominate tablet traffic reaching a holiday high of 90.5 percent. Amazon Kindle leapt into second at 2.6 percent followed by the Samsung Galaxy at 2 percent and the Barnes and Noble Nook at 0.6 percent.

Multiscreen Shopping: Consumers shopped in store, online and on mobile devices simultaneously to get the best bargains. Overall 58.1 percent of consumers used smartphones compared to 41.9 percent who used tablets to surf for bargains on Cyber Monday. SOURCE: IBM Holiday Benchmark

Multi-Channel Holiday Shopping

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The Savvy shopper: While consumers continued to spend more, they once again shopped with greater frequency to take advantage of retailer deals as well as free shipping. This led to a drop in average order value by 6.6 percent to $185.12. However, the average number of items per order increased 14.1 percent to 8.34 compared to Black Friday.

Peak Shopping Periods: Consumers flocked online, with shopping momentum hitting its highest peak at 11:25am EST. As in 2011, consumer shopping also maintained strong momentum after commuting hours on both the east and west coast.

Social Sales: Shoppers referred from Social Networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube generated 0.41 percent of all online sales on Cyber Monday, a decrease of more than 26 percent from 2011. However, Cyber Monday saw 20% more social referrals than Black Friday.

SOURCE: IBM Holiday Benchmark

Consumer Insights

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